01/25/1988 - 00010941'
25. ]988
The Regular Meeting of the FricIley City ��cil was called to order at 7:43
p. m, t� Mayor Nee.
t�yor Nee led the Cbtmcil and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Fl ag.
NEhBfRS FRESFNT: Mayor Nee, Q�tncilman Billings, Q»cilman
FitzFatrick, mimcilman Schneider and
Cotmcilwanan Jorgenson
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t�DTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the minutes as presented.
Seoonded b� �imcilman FitzFatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
th3yor Nee c�clared the motion carried imanimously.
NDTIDN b� mimcilman Schneider to acbF# the agend� as presented. Seconded
by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
cieclared the motion carried iuianimously.
Mrs. Florenoe 'I�Fsak, 6059 �ntral Avenue, sutmitted a petition b� resic�nts
opposed to imrxwenents on Central Avenue as proposed in a letter dated
Jan�ary 5, 1988 sig�ed b� the Public Works Director.
t�DTION b� Coimcilman Sc3�hneider to reoeive I�tition No. 1-1988, Seoonded t�
Councilman Fitz�trick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nfayor Nee
declared the motion �rried tmanimously.
Mrs. Barb Reiland, 6068 Woody Lane, stated about 908 of the residents
mnoerred about this issue were never mtified initially. She stated the
first Fxoposal c�ave only an overview and had nothing to cb with the proFosed
median. She stated the only time residents Imew a median was proposed was
after t2�e� reoeived the letter in Janiary. D9rs. Reiland stated she would
like to be rotified of any meetings that involve the median and dichi't Imow
of any resident, except Cbimcilwanan Jorgenson, who favored the Farkway.
q�imcil�ran Billings stated the meeting held tr� the City in December was to
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� t�y and get residents along Central Avenue involved in the glanning proQess.
Re stated there were only six or seven residents at this meeting and
" wondered haa residents �n sign a petition in opposition when they cbn't
fmow the gl ans.
Mrs. Reiland stated the residents have seen the letter of Januaty 5 and are
not opposed to the health club, but the Fsrkway. She stated her, driveway
is on �rrtral Avenue and if the median is installed, it would m�n the four
drivers in her hane would not be ahle to go south on �ntral Avenue and have
to cp two or three miles a chy out of their way. She stated to exit her
driveway in the winter would be hazarcbus.
Cbimcilman Billings stated, at this time, there are m final plans and the
Coimcil desires citizen input into the planning process. He felt there
should be another meeting in the future with a broader mailing.
Mrs. TaFsak stated she was told b,� the Public Works Director and Coimcilman
Schneider to sutmit the petition. She stated she personally talked to
everyore who sicgied the petition and these people were never mtified of tl�e
meeti ng.
Coimcilman Schneider stated there were several other meetings, not
specifically desicy�ate8 as cliscussion for �ntral Avenue, that were part of
the heslth club project an8 modification af the intersection. He stated as
� a result of these meetings, certain facts came to light regarding other
impravaner�ts whid� may be needed. He stated the notification did primarily
address the residents on Oerrtral Avenue because the acoess for those living
on Hillcrest Drive and Wooct� Lare ra311y woulc3i't c3�ange.
Mrs. �psak stated if the traffic flow increases, it will affect the access
orito Oentral Avenue.
Cbmcilman Schr�eider stated the whole objective of the plan was to reduce
the traffic flaa on Central Avenue. He felt the propo:�al should te rwiewed
Y� the Sraffic Consultant ana the Public Works Director. He stated if a
plan was ap�aaved, tl�e earliest it could be implemented is three years.
Cb�mcilman Schneider stated it wa:n't the O��mcil's otrjective to undertake
any plans the resic�nts �d not want. He stated the concept was to slaa
cbwn and decrease traffic to make the street �fer,
Mr. Jim McLaughlin, lO5D Gardera Avenue, stated the acoess onto Old Central
fran Gardena Avenue has always been a problem and he would take exception
that only those residents on Old Central would be affected. He felt the
City has a responsibility to intify residents in the area of any proposed
plans for Central Avenue,
mtmcilwcman Jorgenson stated if nothing is done on Central Avenue, the
traffic will still increase. She stated there is traffic from the east
using Rioe CYeeek Road onto Old Central. She stated it is hoped to divert
� the Mec7tronic and Onan traffic west onto Ri� CYeek Road and then to Highway
65 rather than using Old Ceritral.
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, Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, felt there should be another meeting with a
broackr notification to revi�a the pros and rnns. Ae stated the median is
only one of the issues related to imFrovenents on �ntral Avenue. He stated
staff would check when the Traffic Consultant is available, establish a
meeting date and notify e,�eiyone who is interested.
Mrs. Rose Meyerhoff, 1350 Hillcrest Drive, stated she came to the meeting
recprding the median and �w finds there is a health club proposed. She
hoped facts would be reviewed for all the glans in this are3.
NDTION tr� aoimcil�n Schreider to direct staff to oompile all the necessary
information and c�ta to oonduct a mmprel�ensive meeting Por discussion of
improvenents on �ritral Avenue and the im�act of surrounding develognents.
E7.irther, this meeting to be schedulefi sometime prior to April 15, 1988.
Sewnded b� O�imcilwanan Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
i�yor Nee c�clared the motion carried unanimously.
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ADTION !� Cbimcilman Billings to waive the reading of the public hearing
notioe and open the public hesring. Seoonded lr� Councilman Fitzpatrick.
� Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
iu�animously and the publ ic h�ring opered at 8: ]2 p. m
Mr. Prit�l, FYr�nce Director, stated several months ago, Longview Fibre
mntacted the City rec�rding refinancing of their industrial develognent
re�enue bond. He stated Mr. 0'Dieara, Bond Coimsel, was gesent this evening
to review developnents that have occurred.
Mr. 0'Meara stated in August, 19&3, the GYty issued $3,200,000 in industrial
revenue bon� at the reque� of LonqviEta Fibre Com�ny for acquisition of
s;uipnent installed at their plant at 5851 East River Road. He stated the
6ond was s�ld to (1�e�ical Rank throuc� its San FYancism ��ch. He stated
it was a single bond and had a feature that Longview Fibre wuld give
Chenical Bank ten days notice and pay off the remaining princi�l and
interest on that bond. Mr. 0'Fleara stated the ranaining princig�l is
$2,240,000 whi� is the amoimt of tYie ref�ding issue.
Mr. 0'Meara stated the proposal is to close on this new issue and pay
CY�enical Bank the amoimt due on the bond. He stated the new instrianent
would be a low floater secured by a letter of credit and a very
mst-effective way for soFhisticated borrawers to obtain funds. He stated
this would reduoe the interest mst to the mmFany and, �resunably, if there
was a c�fault b� the mmFany, the creditors would be �aid by a letter of
credit. Mr. O'bieara stated the reason for the public hearing is due to
d�anges in the Federal law, He stated, essentially, what is requested is
1 that the old debt be replaced with a new c�bt,
m�mcilman Billings asked if this was a case where some snall investors
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� thouc�t this would be a long-term tond.
Mr. 0'Npara stated Chenical Bank was the holcYr and this early Fayment was
prwided for in the origir�l issue.
hDTIDN b� Cbtmcilman FYtzFatrick to close the public hearing. Seoonded t�
Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion �rried imanimously and the public hearing closed at
8:17 p.m
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�imciliren FitzFatrick state8 questions he raised at the last meeting have
been answered in the ourrespondenoe received fran staff.
Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the three hanes the Cbw�ty proposed
to purchase will be renwed fran the sites b� July 30, 1988. He stated in
regard to the one additional hane the City proposed be purchased and
renoved, the ��mty has indicated they would be willing to work with the
City on that issue.
� Cbimcilwanan Jorgenson stated her questions have been satisified in the
menorandinn chted Janiary 20, 198B to John Flora from Jon Olson, Assistant
Cbimty Ehgineer.
Mr. Flora stated in this transfer, the City should waive the right to
appraisal and compensation and request the County retucn any excess
ric�t-of-way, in the event the CYty �uld want to use it for landscaping.
1�DTION tr� Cbtmcilman F7tzFatrick to authorize the Nhyor and City Manager to
execUte the easement and ric�t-of-way transfers to the County for �rcels
identified as No. 17 and No. 21 and waive the right to appraisal and
compensation. Semnded b,� Coimcilwanan Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, NHyor Nee declared the motion �rried unanimously.
Mr. Alc�ich� Fire Chief, stated it is requested the Council approve the
plans for a�tellite fire station and authorize ack�ertisement for bids. He
stated this �tellite station �ould improve the level of service to the
east quadrant oi the City. He stated the estimated cost for this fire
station is abovt $200,000. Mr. Aldrid� stated there is 350 s3uare feet of
additional space included in this facility for reoord retention
' Mr. Aldric3i stated it is suggested two bays be constructed even though
present glans call for only one major piece of equignent. He stated the
other tay would prwide additional storage s�ce for equignent which is
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needed at various times of the year, He stated there is a also a
multipurpose rocm whidi would include four sleeping stations. He stated
these sleeping stations fold into the wall when not in use so the room is
imobstructed and wuld be used for training. Mr. Aldrich stated some
Fassive solar would t�e used as well as extensive betming to take advantage
of both ha�ting and cooling.
m�cilman Schneic�r asked the height of this building and the proposed
exterior fini�. Mr. Aldrich stated it is 24 feet wtuch is the :�me height
as the hane immediately to the north. He stated the exterior would be
turni�ed block to make it as maintenance-free as possible. He stated a
fiberglass shingle, as fotnd on an ordirnry residential structure, would be
used for the roof.
Cbimcilman Schneider asked if the building would look like a commercial
facil ity.
Mr. Aldric� state8 there are three roof lines which give the appearance of a
residential structure and the only item which would detract from a
residential agpearanoe would k�e the two large c�rage d�ors wlu� are 12 feet
mincilman Sd�neider asked if the tuilding met all the settack cequirenents.
Mr. Aldrich stated the building itself ineets all the oode requirsnents,
hawever, the parking lot setback is only 14 feet, and 20 feet is the
Coimcilman Sc3ineider asked if there is any way to locate the builcling on the
lot in order to meet all the mde requirenents. He stated he was ooncerned
the City follav the sme rules and everyone else.
Mr. Alchid� stated an atta�pt was made to meet all the settack ra�uirenents,
but because of some soil problens, it is felt this would be the best
location and more green area would he prwided.
Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated there are m setback r�uirenerrts ovtlired
in the oode as the building is for pablic use. He stated if it is the
O»cil's oesire to meet all setk�ack ra-�uirenents, the driveway would have
to be ci�anged.
Mr, Herrick, City Attorney, felt the aetbacks from the street should be
mnsidered and haa this building would line up witl� the oo�nercial building
to the south.
Mr. Qureshi stated the existing commercial building on the �rner of Rice
Creek Road and Cer�t.ral Avenue has an 85 foot set6ack and this facility would
have a 61 foot setback. He stated the ma¢nerical building has 15 feet of
green area and the fire station would have 14 feet. 8e stated the sideyard
setback for this fire station would be 41 feet frcm resic�noes to the north.
I�h. Aldridt stated this stellite would protably respond to less than 408 of
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� the rims mac� b� the Fire L�Fartment. He stated last ya�r the total n�nnber
of rins was 648 or almost two ruis a chy so the resFonse from this station
would be less than one r�n per c�y.
Cb�mcilman Schneider asked how many people would be at this facility. He
pointed ovt there is Farking for five vd�icles and wondered if there would
be more vehicles at sume times. ,
Mr. Aldrich stated he cannot foresee any instance where the nianber of
vehicles would exceed the Farking.
I�DTTDN � Cb�mcilman Sci�reider to acbpt Res�lution No. 13-198B. Semnded t�
Cbimcilwanan Jorgenson.
Co�ncilman Billings asked what fimding would be used for this fire station.
Mr. Qureshi stated fart of the fimding would be fran �Fdtal imprwsnents.
Cb�cilman Billings stated the estimated oost is $203,000 and wondered if it
was aonsistent with the figures c�scussed last fall. Mr. Qiseshi stated the
aost is slic�tly hic�er than originally anticiFsted. He stated it is hoped
now is a good time to bid in order to receive a more favorable hid.
Mr. Aldrich stated when this issue was discusse8, he recalled the figure of
atout $55 a s7iare foot for oonstruction and the arci�itect estimates $62 a
' square foot. He stated the landscaping will be d�ne in-house and the
blacktopping would he added to the street oontract in order to obtain a more
favorable rxioe. Mr. Alchich stated the record retention area is also an
added iten.
Co�mcilman Billings stated he wanted to make sure the figures aren't
oonsiderably hi�er ti�an planr�ed.
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�is iten is to be aonsi�red later in the agenc�.
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I�yor Nee stated he wished to reappoint Duane Prairie to the Housing &
Redevelopnent Authority and r�uested o�ncurrence b,r the O�imcil.
NDTION Ys� Q�imcilman Sci�neic�r to mncur with N�yor Nee's r�-appointment of
Duane Prairie to the Housing 6 Redevelognent Authority. Seconded by
Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion wrried unanimously.
NDTION by Councilman FitzFetrick to reappoint I�vid Randrick and M, ry
, Schreiner to the F6rks & Recreation Commission. Seconded 1� Councilman
Schrreider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, NHyor Nee c�clared the motion
�rried unanimously.
i�DTION b� Cb�mcilman FitzFstrick to re�ppoirrt Alex Barna and Jerry,Sherek to
the Appeals Q��nission. Secnnded by Coimcilman Schneider. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee c�clared the motion carried imanimously.
fYDTION ty Councilman Fitzpatrick to reappoint Richard Svanda to the
Envirormental QLality mn�nission. Seoonded b� Cb�mcilman Sdineider. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
ADTION b� Cb�mcil�ran Schreic�r to appoint Steven Stark, 6655 Fridle� Street,
to the va�ncy on the F.Yivirormental Qiality �mnission for the term expiring
April 1, 1989. Seoonded b� Cbtmcilman FYtz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, NHyor Nee declared the motion cerried imanimo�ly.
1 NDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to reappoint Gerald Welf and Sradley
Sielaff to the Etierc� Commission. Seounded lx Co�cilm3n Schneider. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
hDTION b� W�mcilman Fita�etrick to r�ppoint Johtt Hinsverk to the Police
Cb�ission. Semnded tr3 Co�cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion mrried iu�animously.
I�DTION b� N�mcilman Schneider to table the following appointments: one
a�oir�tment to the Envirormental Quality Q�tmnission; one appointment to the
EYlerc� Canmission; one apFoir�tment to the HtIInan Resources Commission; and
two ap�intrnents to the C�ble Television Cb�nission. Seoonded b� ��mcilman
FitzFatrick. UFnn a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the
motion �rried unaniurrously.
Mr. Rnbertson, O�mm�ity Develognent Director, stated this ordinance is to
� upc�te the City Code to wmply with State statutes. He stated the fee
s�edules are also being changed to be mnsistent with general fee sc�edules
in oommu�ities throuc�out the metropolitan area.
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IrDTION t� Q�imcilman Billings to waive the r�ding and apprwe the ordinance
upon first r�ding. Seoonded t� mtmcilwanan Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, [+�yor Nee c�clared the motion carried imanimously.
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Mr. Fobertson, m�Lmity Develognent Director, stated the petit�oner has
been �nahle to remrd this lat sgl it, whidl the mimcil apprwed in July of
1987, because ti�e present aaner has not vamted the �xoperty. He stated the
petitioner, therefore, is reqaesting an extension of the c3eacllu�e to reoord
this lot split with the Cb�ty.
t�DT7DN b,� Co�mcilsan Billings to extend the deadline for reoording this lot
split, I.S #87-06, to Jtme 30, 1988. Semnded b� Cbimcilman Fitzpatrick.
Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declaced the motion carried
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' Mr. Fobertson, O�nuntmity Ikvelognent Director, stated with the upgrading of
Shorewood Plaza Shopping Cer�ter, the intersection will be redesigned for
more efficient and safer flav of traffic. He stated it is proposed the
entire portion of the aervice road adjacent to the shopping center be
vacated. Mr. Ro6ertson stated the owners would grant an easement for
traffic to be rerouted throuc� the petitioner's Farking lot and enter Rice
Creek Road. He stated g3rt of the vacated property would be used for
�rki�g and part for a c�ainage impoLmd area.
Mr. Robertson stated the Planning Commission reviewed this request and
reco�nended apixwal with four sti�.tzlations which he outlined.
Neyor I3ee asked if the Hic�way Departmertt was going to close the median at
63rd Avenue. Mr. Qureshi, (1ty Nanager, stated the 63rd Avenue crossover
will only be closed onoe the intersection of Rioe (.Yeek Road and Highway 65
is im�rn.�ed.
Nhyor Nee felt that aome of the acoess for this neic�borhood would be shut
off if t2�e vacation were ap�oved. Ae asked if the rew a3sement would be a
Mr. Rotertson stated the easement fran the petitioner would function as a
frontage raad
N�yor Nee stated he dici�'t feel the glan has teen :�tisfactorily worked out
at this point and was oonoerned abovt the residents in this neic�borhood.
Mr. George Apglehaun, ore of the �velopers, stated as far as the design of
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, the roadway, it is the intent to make a drive aisle. He stated there
woulcli't be cur�ng, Gut sic�age prwided at the entranoes for accESS to the
Lift and the City's liqtnr store. He stated he is more than willing to work
with staff in the desic� for this roaci�ay.
Mr. Qureshi stated he would suggest this item be tabled so that staff can
prwide an overall layout of the plan to see how the traffic woul,d flow in
this ara3.
Mr. Herrick, C7ty Attorney, stated the history of ti�e secvioe road should be
checked as to whether it is owned � fee or an easement and if it was
c�dicate8 b� the persons who originally platted the land. He stated if
there is going to be vacation of a public street, there should be
rntification to all affected property aaners.
NDTION b� Cb�mcilman Sdmeic�r to refer this Frop�red vacation to staff for
further investic�tion and a report at the next regular Council meeting.
Seconded k� Cbtmcilwanan Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
I�yor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimously.
hh. Robertson, Community Development Director, stated the Planning
' Con¢nission reviewed this sig� plan. He stated the plan for the shopping
center is to c�nstruct a r�ew metal carop,� wer the sidewalk ares. He stated
the cano�.y, the acoent stri�ng and the stuem sig� L�nd will be consistent,
in both this and the adjacent center, and will be uniform in oolor. He
stated the only deviation of mlor will be for reoo�ized logos for future
or existing terr�nts whid� mic�t be a different color. He stated this is
oonsistent with what has been d�ne in other shopping centers.
Mr, I�bertson stated all the 6asic sigis are wnsistent wth the wde with
the exception of the existing p�lon sicyi for which they have applied for a
varianoe. He stated the Planning Commission recommended the sign be
upgra�d and tr� cbing so, it teci�nically dlanges and raises the question if
it can be grandfathered. Mr. Id�bertson stated the question of the variance
on the g�lon sic� is to be oonsic�red b� the Appeals Commission, however,
the Planning Coimnission recoirnnen2ed apprwal of the Cbmprehensive Sign Plan
for tYie t,uildings with several stipulations. He stated staff would suggest
another stipulation be added that rn porta-Iar�l sigis be permitted.
Councilman Schneider asked the petitiotter if the p�lon sign could be
reduoed. Mr. Applebatmi stated because it is necessary to get all the
tenants' r�mes on the sic�, it coulch�'t be much snaller than 224 square
f eet.
Qxmcilman Schneider stated the p�lon sign is tied in with the vacation
be�use where the sign is now located, this property is proposed to be
' vacated. He felt something had to be done to bring the p�lon sign into
wmplianoe with the mde.
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' NDTION b� Q�Lmcilman Schneider to ooncur with the recommendation of the
Planning Commission and approve the oomprehensive sign plan for the
buildings for the Shorewood Plaza Shopging Center, except the p�lon sign,
with the following stipulations: (1) sicg� criteria to be Frwided which is
mnsistent with those sutmitted for t�bore Lake Commons; and (2) all signs
for both existing and proposed centers to be the �me mlor u�less approved
1� tYie c�veloper and the City. Secnnded tr� Cb�mcilwotnan Jorgenson, Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
It was the gereral ooncensus of the m�cil tYiat staff's remmmend�tion on
the porta-Fanel sic�s should te addressed for the entire City and not only
in this Farticular sittation.
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NDTIDN Lx mincilman Schneider to direct staff to stuc7� this wtnle issue and
what options may be available, rather than prohibiting the feeding of the
ducks. Seoonded b� Cotaicilwanan Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, Nhyor Nee �clared the motion carried imanimously.
Nh. Flora, Public Works Di.rector, stated the Legislature is being asked to
� stuc7� this :ame type of Froblen.
NDTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the minutes of the Planning
Conmission meeting of Janiary 6, 198B. Semnded b� Cbimcilman Fitz�atrick.
Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
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NDTION by Councilman Schneider to divide these two issues, one being
oonsic�ration of the varianoe for the front yard settack and the other to
incre�se the square footage of a P31on sign. Seoonded !r� Councilwoman
Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion
�rried unanimo�ly.
Mr. lmbertron, Cbimn�ity Developnent Ilirector, stated the building setback
fran Rioe Creek Road is 75 feet and a minim�un of 80 feet is required tr�
NDTION b� m�mcilman Schnei�r to grant that Fart of variance, VAR #87-38,
� to reduoe the re�uired front yazd settack from 80 feet to 75 feet on the
east mrner of ti�is proposed develognent. Seconded by Councilman
FitzFatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the
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motion carried unani.mously.
M�TION b� Cotmcilman Schneider to direct staff to provide data on other
g,�lon sic�s in the area and sicp�s in similar develognents for a report at
the next regular Cb�mcil meeting. Semnded L� Q�imcilm�n Billings. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
1 • H �y � • _1 : • �y:,�- Yr. . � _ � �.
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1�9TIDN L� Cbtmcilman FYtzFatrick to acbF* Resolution No. 10-1988. Sewnded
� O»cilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
11. RF�r frrTnN Nn_ 11-19RR RF�ARnTtx; PRnvt�SFn i.FC;TSi,ATION CHANGE IN THE
I+h. Aldricii, Fire Q�ief, sul�nitted oopies to the Cotmcil of this proposed
lec�slation recprding the firefighters' pension, He stated in 1987, the
Coincil apFcwed this �me resolution rec�rding the pension diange from the
Defined Berefit to the Llefired Cnntribution tyFe of pension plan. He stated
it was not possible, howeaer, for the Legislature to act on this �rticular
c3�ange and is now slated for the 1988 Legislative session. Mr. Aldrich
stated he felt a current resolution would be more effecitve shaaing the
Cbincil's support of this diange.
[�DTION tx Cb�mcilman Sdireider to acbpt Resolution No. 11-1988. Semnded tx
Covncilman FitzFatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
� _� • � �. . � . � : �.� r.,�! • a• �� .
i' 4_• _ ,YJi�. --
FL3yor Nee stated Anoka Technical Institute serves about 2,000 Fridley
resic�rits a ymr and has ra�ue�.ed the ��mcil's support in their effort to
obtain capital fimds.
NDTION b� Cbtmcilman Sc�hneider to ad�Ft Resolution No. 12-1988. Sewnded by
Cbimcilman Billings. [Jpon a voice vote, all voting aye, N�yor Nee declared
the motion carried unanimotisly.
NHyor Ree ra�uested a oop� of this resolution be forwarc�d to the State and
to Anoka Rleci�nical Institute.
�• � • � � rs3y • •+� • • 5►� • Y1c i
Mr. Fdobertson, Cbmm�ity Developnent IJirector, stated the HRA approved this
change order for additior�l soil tesing an8 site inspection at Lake Fbinte
M�TION by Councilman Schneider to approve Change Order No. 2 with
� 1' .�('�, 2_
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Slibterranean Engimering, Inc, in the amo�mt of $6,D55.99 for services at
the Lake Fbinte site. Seoonded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, I+�yor Nee declared the motion �rried unanimously.
�• �� ' • • M�_}.y �'1� • • ��' :�I� ��' • � U . �
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NDTION b� �imcilman Schneider to apprwe Q�ange Order No. 4 with Minnesota
Valle� Ianclmpe, inc. in the amoimt of $880.00 for LandscaFdng, Irrigation
and Lighting Projec.t �168. Seoonded by Councilman Fitzp�trick. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
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Mr. Flora, Fublic Works Director, stated the property aaner at 632D 7th
Street oonstructed a laver level storage area belav the cgrage and telaa the
r�uired minimtm eleaation allowed due to possible Plooding of the storm
water detemion pond on the a3jaoent property. Mr. F7ora stated the owner
has been advised of tY�e goh3bility of being flooded and an agreenent has
been Frepared to be reoorded with the O�tmty Auditor advising future owners
of the Fxoperty of the potential problen with this storage area.
Mr. Flora stated 3t is requested the O�imcil authorize the e�c.ution of this
agreanent so it can be remrc3ed at the O��a,ty.
Mr. Herrick, (�ty Attorney, stated the agreenent neecls some modification of
the language to make it broader.
FDTIDN L� Coimcilman Billinc� to direct the City Attorney to review this
agreenent for any changes or modifications and authorize the execution of
the ao,reement by the Mayor and City Manager. Seconded by Councilman
EYtz�atrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the
motion carried unanimously.
�� t� � yy � i• � �
NDTION b,� Q��mcilman Billings to ooncur with the follaaing appointment tr�
the City N�anager:
Steven T. D�ane
12809 Wooc'Niew Tana
Burnsville, tT]
Fblioe Offiaer
Fbl ioe L�Ft.
(Fartial ea�mpt)
$10.32 per
($1795 Nb. )
Janiazy 25, S'teFhen
1988 M�.11er
Semnded t� mimcilman Sd�neider. Upon a voioe vote, all vating aye, Nayor
Nee �clared the motion �rried imanimously.
��"V.GV ;�, , „
S �� � 45! !� 1�. ��y • '_il!.�+
' 17. QP,IMS;
FDTION t� Cbimcilman Schneider to authorize Feyment of Qaims No. 18274
through 18616. Seaonded b� Cb�mcilwcman Jorgenson. Upon a voioe vote, all
voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried iu�animously.
i+DTIDN b� Cbtmcilman FYtz�atrick to apprcrve the lioenses as sutrnited and as
on file in the Lioense Qerk's Offioe. Seconded by Coimcilman Schneider.
UFon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
PDTICIN tx (btmcilman FitzFatrick to apFxave the estimates as suLmitted:
Herrick & Newrt�an, P,A.
6401 [fiiversity Avenue N. E,
FYicIlc�, tT] 55432
Fbr Servioes Rendered as (�ty Attorney
for the M�nth of L�arnber, 1987 . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,652.85
� 9nit1�, Juster, F�ikema, Nmlmon & Haskvitz
6401 University Avenue N. E.
FYicIley, NN 55432
For Services Rendered as GYty Proaecutor
for the Nbnth of Septenber, 1987. . . . . . . . . .
for the t�b�th of October, 1987. . . . . . . . . . .
Subterranean Engineering
6875 Higtrway 65, N. E.
FYicIley. NN 55432
E�hgireering Servioes for Lake Fbinte
F'INAL FSTII�TE . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gat�non Brothers
P.O. Box 63
Ibgers, [•'AI 55374
$ 7,925.75
$ 1b,723.80
$ 3,202.59
Sprincj�rook Nature C�nter lbnd Im�wenent Project #173
Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 78,783.50
Shank Mechanical, 7na
3501 - 85th Ave. , bb.
Plinneapolis, iT1 55443
* Corrected from �75,677.22 to correct amount of $3,202.59.
,f' 1 S 'a '
V.D�.�� a�� ,,'
L _1
�i��_� ��l4 ���1�. 1_ v!��9. �' :�U!.S+
Estimate No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $176,453.00
�gene A, Hickok & Associates
545 Indian hb�nd
Wayzata, NN 55391
Moore Lake Restoration Fhase II Project #149
F�rtial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,693:96
2400 1§nerican Natioral Bank Building
St. i8u1, M�1 55101-1693
Re�sir af O�imnons Fhrk Filtration Plant Project #164
F�rtial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,450.00
Semnded b� O��mcil�n Billings. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, Mayor
Nee declared the motion �rried imanimously.
A reoess was called b,� Nhyor Nee at 9:55 g, m.
i�yor Nee rewnvened the meeting at 10:06 p.m. All Council members were
•�� � • r � �� « • u��� � ��. . . n �� 1���
Mr. Qureshi, City Mana9er, reviewed the floor plans for the propose6
renodeling of the Civic Center. Ae stated the south entrance would be the
main entranoe le�ding into a reoeption ares. He stated there is a glassed
ar� to the e3st of tl�e entrance oontaining the Cb�cil �an6ers where sp¢oe
is prwided ior a work and media area as well as a meeting rocm. He stated
the ara3 to the west wntains the EYranoe, Assessing and MIS offices. Mr.
Qureshi stated the offices for City Management are located north of the
mtncil Qianbers with a meeting roan and a media work room and production
included in this area.
Mr. Qureshi stated to the west of the City l�nagement area are offices for
the PubliC Works Director, Community Developnent Director and Finance
Director, as well as the 5ection 8 E3ousing Office. He stated ad�acent to
these offioes are additioral offioes fo� staff of the O�nammity Develognent,
FSlgineering and FYnanoe TaeFarbnents.
Mr. Qiseshi stated the sFsoe between the existing City Hall and the Fire
Station is to te used foz an enpla�ee ltnch zocm. Mr, Qureshi stated on the
laaer 1�e1 is arnther public area with adjacEnt meeting roans.
Mr. Qiseshi stated staff wants to make sure the Council is fully aware of
the plans as the� Fsooeed. Ae requested the Dep�rtment Heads oomment on
these plans.
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Mr. Imbert�n, Cbn¢ninity L�velognent Director, stated the Inspection and
Planning area contains a meeting room and also an office for Section 8
Housing. He stated the �imcil (hanbers will be set up with dividers and
large maFs located in one area with tables along the side. He stated some
semi-permanent displays will renain in the O��mcil Chanbers for tse ]x staff
and developers and at the mimcil meetings.
Mr. Robertson stated the Reccsation Depertment will mwe into the northeast
a�rner of the rew h3sement addition adjacent to the lower level Ferking. He
stated there will be a large lobk� area on the laver level and several
meeting roans.
h�. Fobectson stated the Iblioe DeFsrtment offices will be located in the
laver level. He stated there would he a semi-open area where the office
type finctions are located and beyond that point, areas which require more
security are Fxwided.
Mr. Aldrid�, Fire Chief, stated the Fire L�Fartinent is rearranging some of
their offioes in order to cRve better access to the public. He stated the
cnmmmication area will be behind a glassed-in wall facing out onto the
apFaratus floor. He stated the apparatus floor would be recbne so it drains
properly and there would be some changes in the heatir.g system to
inwrporate it into one system. He stated there would be a more
mst-effective ha3ting system in the ap�rat�s roan tr� converting from gas
to radiant h�t.
Mr. Flora, Aiblic Works Director, stated the Engineering and Public Works
Offirns wi11 be located in about the same location as they are now. He
stated sFscE is being prwided for future GIS and CAD systems. He stated
miccofict�e e�uipnertt will be kept in the lobby to assist wntractors and
developers when they need information.
I+h. Prib,�l, Finance Director, stated there is a service counter in the
Finance Deg3rtment so information on assessrt:ents and water and sewer
billings can be �wided to the public. He stated the entire functions of
the EYmnoe DeFartnent will be located on one floor along with a oentral
filing systan.
Mr. Qiseshi stated one important elenent in the whole process has been the
ir.volvenent of not only the c3eg3rtrnent heads, but the staff who will be
utilizing the sFaoe. He stated the thrust of the whole Frooess is to better
serve the piblic. He stated staff feels they have worked out all their
oonoerns and this is a ra3sonable adjustment to obtain an oI#imun plan.
Cbtncil�ran Schneider asked aUout the snoking issue. Mr. Hint, Assistant to
the City Manager, stated the hSinnesota Qean Air Act requires designated
smoking areas. He stated the City has very few snokers and is trying to
work out a plan for a snokrfree tuilding. He stated the City is providing
plans to enplc�ees to quit snoking, tut there may be one area where enoking
is permitted. Mr. H�t stated the iwo scenarios are the building would be
totally �noke-free oc there would be a small area in the City Hall
desicp�ated for snokittg. ,
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, Mr. Qtseshi stated tmder the Wellness Progran enplv�ees are now given five
points, rather than three points, for mt anoking. He stated it is hoped
this will Fcwide some inaentive for snokers to quit.
(b�ncilwanan Jorgenson asked if there were stairs, as well as elcvators, and
if the building would he sFxinkled. i�h. Qiueshi pointed out the location of
the stairs on the floor plan and stated the entire building �rould be
s� inkl ed.
Mr. Qureshi stated decisions would have to be made on the type of
audio-visual e�uignent for the Qo�mcil Q�anbers. He stated it would have to
be determined if there should t�e fi�d cameras and where the screens should
be located.
Mr. Himt stated the oost for the basic auclio-�visusl equignent would te about
$100,000 for two floor cameras, a fi�d camera in the ceiling and tehind the
Cbincil, with rn renote mntrols. He stated if the Council wished to go
with the robotics, the oost would be about $40,000 more, but one le�s camera
would be needed whidi would decre3se the oost about $7,000. Mr. H�mt stated
the robotics would t�e much less obtrusive and may be less intimidating for
the publ ic.
Cbu�cilman Schneider asked if tlre quality of the picture would be better
because tiie cameras woulcit't be mwed. Mr. Hunt stated there wouldn't be
� any differenoe in quality, but you wouldi't have as much flexibility on the
angle to 6e shot.
Mr. Himt stated the seating arranganents for t�e ��mcil and angles of the
scceens still have not k�een determined.
Cb�ncilman Schneider stated if a video system was used, screens could be
located in both corrers s� everything is projected over the cable system,
Mr. Himt stated all the materials would have to te Fre�ared for a video. He
stated that oFtion, at tYiis point, has not been eximined.
N¢. Q�tteshi stated staff wanted to rerrar some of the d�oioes and would like
to Imav if the Coimcil wished to have robotic cameras.
Coimcilman Schneider stated he felt the ro6otic cameras were rnt needed, hut
perhaFs the wiring should be Ixwided in case thc� w�ere to be used at some
time in the future,
Mr. Qiseshi asked if the Cotmcil felt it was important that the seating
arrang�ner�ts for the O��mcil be centered. Mayor Nee stated he felt this
would be the best arrangement.
Mr. Qureshi stated staff can also explore the possibility of tl�e vic3eo
syst�n with two screens.
' Mr. Himt stated there is a special consultant for the audio-visual system
and the lic�ting for the Cb�mcil Q�anbers is t�eing reviewed in order to make
���� i : ;�
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it suitahle for video production.
Q�u�cilman Billings felt one of the things to be accomplished with the
renoc�l ing was to make C5 ty Hall more inv iti ng to the publ ic.
N�. F�bertson stated �rt of this objective can be acaomglished with wlor.
He stated another aonsif�ration is if there should be a railing bQtween the
audienoe and the Q»cil. He stated in St. Louis Fark, the� have elimi.nated
the heavy wood railing and installed a glass slab topped t� a wood rail.
He state8 a railing is not goposed in these glans at this point.
Cb�ncilman Billings stated he wanted to have a very open feeling to let
resic�rrts ]mow the O�imcil wanted then at the meetin�.
Cb�cilman FYtlFatrick stated he cbes not have any better alternatives to
any of the details of the plan Fxesented this evening.
l+�yor Nee stated ore thing he mted was that the City I�&nager and L�Fartment
Heac� chd not have wincbws in their offiaes. Mr. Q�seshi stated the whole
glan reoeived input fran all staff inenbers in attempting to arrive at the
most desirable plan for all wnoerned.
N�yor Nee stated the glan is obviously right for to�y, but questio�d about
the future. Nh. Qiseshi stated the majority of the areas are open with
mw�ble clividers.
Cbuicilman Schneider asked if the li�ting was going to be flexible. Mr.
Rotertson stated, at this time, m detailed decisions have been made.
Q»cilman Schneider stated he wanted to make sure there were public areas
for meetinc� and felt the plan prwic�d these arass.
mmcilwanan Jorgenson noted restroan facilities were being provided on both
levels with handicapped accessibility. She felt the plan was a job
f9TI0N tH Coimcilm3n Sd�neider to apFxwe, in wncept, the floor plan for
the Civic Cerrter tenodeling. Seoonded b� Cbimcilman Fitzpatrick. IIpon a
voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried
FDTION b� Cb�mcilman Fitz�trick to approve the amenc�nent to the architect's
contract for tY�e Civic Center renodeling dated Novenber 25, 1987. Semnded
b� Qnmcilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Neyor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously.
•�• • i
[�DTION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by
Cotmcilman FitzFatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee
declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the
F'ricIle� City Qnmcil of Janisry 25, 1988 adjourned at 11:25 p.m
a rf,.y� ,i
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l�spectfully sutrnitted,
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(�role Hadc�d
Secretary to the City Q»cil
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willian J.