02/22/1988 - 00010913%�'<.Y' G_i `r'41 � TElE NIINUTES OF 'i4� REG[JLAR MEEP7NG OF THE FRSDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUARY 22. 1988 The Regular N�eting of the Fridley City Council was called to orcler at 1:33 p.m. by NS�yor Nee. PLIDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Plc-dge of Allegiance tc, the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEN�ERS PRES'ENT: Mayor Nee, Councilman Bzllings, Councilman Fitz�tricic, Counc:lman Schs�ider and Councilwa*.�i Jorgenson NF��ERS ABSET7T: None APPRQyAL OF MINUTES• �UNCIL MEEPING. FEBRUARY 8, 1988: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the minutes as presentEd. � Secorxied by Counci]inazi Schneicler, Upon a voice �ote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOFPION OF AGIIVDA: I�TION by Councilman Schneider to adopt tl-,e agenda as submitted. Seconde� by Councilwanan Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pdee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FOAUM, VISITORS: QIB S�UT PACK 271: Co�uicilman Billings introduced Lynn Hansen, Scout Leader fer CLib Scout Pack 271, and merabers of his troop. Ee stated the scotits were here this evening to canplete work on their citizenship badges. PRESEDfPATION TO FRIDLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY BY VFV1: Mr. Rudy Nessran, Conmander of the Fridley vEW Post 363, presented a check to the F'riclley Historical Society in the amount oi 513,500 for the Historical Society to provide l�andicap accessibility at Hayes School Anner.. Mr. Jerxy Nanley, Chaiiznan for the Historical Society's Building Funci, received this check and thanked the VFW for their large contribution. F?e ' state� this money would be used for handicapped accessibility at the Historical Society's center. Mr. Nanley statcc the Historical Society has called upon the VF'9T severai times this year and they h�ve prov�_cled the -1- ��'lY4"R'+�'� FRSDLEY QTY Q7[JNCII� N�PING OF FEBR[7ARY 22, 1988 � assistance requeeted. He stated he was psoud to be a�r of such a fine organization as the Fridley VrW. NLayor Aree stated on behalf of the City, he w�ould also like tc ada the City's thanks to the VFW for their support ta the c�ununity. OLD BUSINESS: 1. CONSIDII2ATION OF A CONSTRUCTION MANAGEN4.NT SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR CIVIC (��TPER RENS�DELING: Mr. Robertscm, Cca�u[iunity Develolanent Directar, stated at the last Council meeting, staff rectnunended the construction n�nag�nent approach be used in the ranocleling and ex�nsion of the Civic CenL-er. He statecl a contract was csafted and reviEwed by the City Attorney. He stated as a restilt of this review, a revised contract is submitted, along witri a cover merno, in response to questions raised Yy the Council. Mr. Robertson stated the fee for the Constrnction P�k,n�,ger essentially involves such items as estimating, schedt:ling, prepuration of monthly �yments, coordinate weekly meetings, bid solicitat_ion, rev�Etia and analysis, and administrative coordination of the work_ of contxactors. He stated these ite:�s are covercd in the tern�s and conditions of agrcanent between the anmer and construction manager. He stated for these sei�vices the fee woulcl be � $78,OOD to be g�id in equal �ysents wer a ten month period bec�inning April 1, 1988 through February 1, 1989. He stated thi� fee does not include reimbursable eYpenses wluch are listed as E�chibit A to the agreement. Nir. Robertson stated these expenses normally are f�ve percent of the construction costs ana similar to those expenses paic to � gerer�l contractor for on-site managanent personnel and off-ce e��:enses. Fe stated the estimated construction cost is $2.8 millien clollars, therefore, the reinbursable e�enses wottld be about $140,000, Mr. Robertson stat� of this $140,000, the estimated amount for the construction superintendent is 540,000 and $5Q,000 for office expenses. Ae stated tot�l ccsts shoulcl be the 578,000 fee plus the $140,000 for reunhursable ea��nses. Mr. Rd�ertson stated in the construction manayc�.ent apprcach, the Ctty pays oiil.y the expenses incurred and arcy savings are passed or. to the City. He stated with a general contractar, these :avings wrnLld not be realizeci by the City, but by the qeneral contractor, Mayor Nee asked if the other reimbursable e��nses were an estum tE to which P-Tr. R.abertson answered in the afiixmative, Mr. Christenson, Bossardt Christenson Corporation, stated the general e�enses run about five percent of the construction costs. Ne stated_ these costs would be refined so by the tune the ds�naings ese prepared, the exact costs should be known. He stated the reimbursable costs include a construction trailer, tEmporuzy heat and ligl-itir_g, and eff ice ex�nses. Mr. � Christenson stated a detailed irnroice would be submitted every month which would be properly docLmented. -2- � ' �� �i��r'_ 41 FRIDLEY CITY �iJNCIL NNIEEEPIP]G OF FEBAUARY 22, 198$ � Mayor Nee asked if there would be concurrence by the City £or these reimLursable e.cpenses to which Mr. Christenson answered in thE a_ffixmative. Councilman Schneider asked if the architect's fee would be reduced if the construction nianag�nent approach is used, Mr. Christenson stated a meetiny has been sched.uled to review items in the architect's contract that would be done by the construction management firm, if this approach is used, and recluce tlie architect's contract. Councilman Schneider stated the construction management approach �e attractive in the sense that the firm's representativc is on-slte at all times to make sure everything is done according to specifications. He stated on tlie other side, the question is who bears the respcnsibility if scmething is not done correctly. Mr. Christenson stated the project nti�u�ager and superinter.dent coordinate the c��ork of the contractors in the field and shoulc] resolve any difficulties that may arise. Air. Christenson stated their construction rm nagement firm would work with the architect in the design stages and recca�uner.cl clifferent builcling systems that are the most efficient and econanical ior the building. � Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, statec he reviewed the contracts and wrate a mano to the Council. He stated he would like the opportunity to review any revised contract� prior to the tur� they are �ecuted, as he also has some concern about the arbitratien provisions. Councilman Billings aske� what wotil d happen if the project is for a longer �ericd than the ten months arer w�hich the $�8,000 woulc� be distributed. D4r. Christenson stated the $78,000 fee woulcl still be the same even if the project is for a longer periad. Cot;ncilman Billings stated it is proposed to distribute the $78,ODD aver a ten month period, havever, if the City in 60 days deterxr�ines the pr�ject cannot proceed, he asked if the City woulcl owe for two months sen��ce at �7,800 per month and if the $5,000 approved at the last meeting would apply. Mr. Christenson stated Councilman Billings was correct. Councilman Billings stated the parkina ramp is an HRA project and the ranodeling and addition is a City project. He �sked if provysions were made to allocate a portion of the $78,000 fee to the HRA. Mr. Rebertson stat-ed it would be allocated on a percentage basis. Councilman Fsillings stated lus questions have been arscverc-a' and vaould agree with the concept for a construction manager wha i� on the City's team as ccaei�zred to a general contractor who may or may not be on the City's sicae. ' P771IOI�T by Councilman Schneider to authorize the City's entering into this agre�nent with Bossardt Christensen CArpor�tion for constructien r;� nagement services, Seconded by Councilman Billings. Upon a vcice vote, all voting -3- � ' � 2. � �- , . 4.��'6_.��'' _.. • u •r � �� � • �.. . ... aye, Mayor r�e declared the motion carried un�iimously. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO ENVIROIVP�NTAL QUALITY, ENERGY, HUMAN RESOURCES AND CABLE TELEVISION �NII�7ISSIONS: HOMAN RESOIIRCES COAMIISSION: NDTION by Councilwan�n Jorgenson to na[anate N1s. Sue Jackscm for zppoint[nenL to the Hlunan Resources Cai¢nission for the tei�m of F,pril 1, 198E to April 1, 1991. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. There being no further nominations, Mayer Nee cleclared the ncsninations closed. UPON A VOSCE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE MfJTION, all voted aye, P7ayci Nee declared the motion carried uix n.�mously. E1�lER.GY �DMdISSION: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to nominate Mr. Bruce Hanley ior appointment to the Energy Catuaission to the term expiring April 1, 1990. Seconded by Councilman Billings. There being no furthez nominations, Mayor Nee declared the nominat�ons closed. UPON A VO1C� VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE hpTION, all �otEd aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Pitz�trick stated Nl�ynard Nielsen will not know until l�arch 24 if he has a conflict which �y affect his decision ior_ reappolnisnent to the Environmental Quality Commission. He stated he would lik_e for this appointriient to be t�bled until he hears frorn D'ir. Nielsen. NLYPION by Councilman Schneider to t��ble the zppointment to the LYviroranental Quality Ccsr¢nission and the appointments to the C�ble Televis�ion Commission. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all vcting aye, Mayor 1Qee derlared the motion carried t�n�siunously. NEW BUSINESS: �NSIDERATION OF AN EXTENSION TO RECORD LOT SPLIT, L.S. #86-06, BY DONNA LIND: 1�. Robertson, ('.cmmunity Develognent DirecLCr, stated tl-ie petitioner for thi� lot split failecl to record it within six months at the County and has requestecl an extension. He stated staff woulcl concur with the following revised stipulations: (1) neu� structure to meet City Cocle for front yard setl�ack average, 61 feet plus or minus 6 feet; (2) fence and shed to be relocated prior to recording; (3) �rk fee of $750 required witri building pezznit; and (4) lot split to be recorded at the Coiulty within three months (May 22, 1988) of Cou�il approval. C'�C , . � �> � FRIDLEI' CITY �iTNCII, MEETiNG OF FEBR[IARY 22, 1988 ' The petitioner, Ms. Lind, was present at the meeting and was in aareement with these stipulations. MYPION by Councilman Schneider ta ea;tend the tirre to record Lot Split, L.S. #86-06, with the follaaing stipulations: (1) new structure to meet City C'ode for frorxt yard setback average, 61 feet plus or minus 6 feet; (2} fence and shed to be relocated prior to recording; (3) �rk_ fee of $750 required with building pexmit; and (4} lot split to he mcorded at the Count�= witha.n three months by May 22, 1988. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick, iTpon a voice vote, al] voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani.mcusly. 4. RECEIVING Tf� NffNUTES OF TI-IE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF PEBRUARY 10, 1988: A. �NSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #88-02, � ALI�vV A PACI� II�R7[IS'PRSAI� PARK, THE SAME BEING 7178 IIDf1VERSITY AUEN[TE N.E.. BY GREG ASPR(Yi'�I: Mr. RoY�iertson, Community Development Director, stated this special use pezmit is to allocv a billiard ha11 and arca2e with a snack bar in the P.ice Creek Business Center lccated east of Ccnumrce Circle East and south ef 73rd P_venue. He stated this request i� made possible by a recent ord�nance 1 change making it allaaable to have carnnercia] uses in industrial zones. He etated the Rice Creek Business Center was a multi-tenartt buildiru� ccnsisting of a large n�ber of chfferent office, car¢nercial and quasi-ecc�rtnerical uses. Mr. Robertson statecl the billiard hall and arcade would l�e located in t_he e�ctrene northeast corner of the building, He submltted a drawing of this proposed billiard hall, arcade, and snack Lar. Mr. Robertson stated triere were basically two concerns, one be�_i�g the parking and the other was possible misconduct by �uveniles and adults at such a center. He stated the City has a deve7opment agreement with the aai�er of the building where they would work out ttie parking as space is leased, He stated 35 additional parking s�ces will be provided f or this business bringing the total to 125 required parking spaces to date, He stated these are presently 166 stal]s pr�rided, leavi_ng a balance ef 41 parking sp3ces. Mr. Robertson stated the concern abaut misconduct was rzised by the Pelice Department. He stated it was found billiard halls can be well �nayed such as the one in Coon Rapids, C.R. Billiards, which has not e�erienced any prablans. Councilman Billings stated at the Plannina Cc�nission meeting, he briefly discussed with the avner, Ms. Asproth, his plans for this business. He stated the petztioner is going into this business with the best intentions to make it attractive and not hecane a nuisance or problsn �or the City. He , stated one area where the petitioner had a problen was the stipulation to prwide two adults on staff during evening hours fran 6 p.rt, to closing. -5- �' �UF`;'�.� I�;_ � ��i a� �� ui� �. • �: .�. : , • : :. , Mr. Greg A,proth, the petitioner, stated the problem 1� has w�_th providing two adults during evening hours is he is �ust start�ng a new business and clichz't ]aiaa hocv �ny pers�ns woLtld �tronize his establisYmient. He £elt if the need arises, he would surely provide two adults. Councilman Billings asked Mr. Asproth if it was his inY_entlon to have at least one adult present at all times, NSr. Asproth stated either he or his wife would be there when the busines� is c�pen. He felt Thursday, Friday and Saturday nicjhts would be the buslest. Mr. Asproth stated they hoped to attract people from the U.S, Swim and Fitness Centex, as well as softball plZyers af tcr their games. He state� the lounge contains a seating area with tables and cr�,irs and snack bar and they would se11 such items as popcorn, hot dogs, beverages, etc. Councilman Billings stated he understares the reason for limiting the seatir_g is ta prevent any loitering. He stated Mr. Asprtoh, as he ur,derstands, didn't plan to open this business until April and staif is requesting this special use permit be revi�cved in June. He felt 1t the time of reviEw, if all is proceeding well, the stipulation limiting seating could be r�evaluated, Mr, Asproth stated he �,lunned to have three t-�b1es with eight chairs each and the Planning Conunission recommended the seating be restrictecl to 20, � Councilman Billings stated he felt the peak_ hours �f operation of the billiards is complimentaxy to the hours the other businesess in this building operate, He stated he didn't feel this �titioner shoulcl be penalized by what is happemng with the �rking for the ad�acert bliilding. He stated the �rking isn't adquate for U.S. S�im and r�_tness and they are constantly advertising for new mrnibers. Councilman Billings stated he would be pre�r_ed to gr�nt tYizs s�ecial use peiznit with a change in stipulation No. 6 that the bus�ness wtll provide adequate anult staff at all times with at least two adults on staif from 6 p.m. to closing on Fric7ays and Saturdays. Councilman Schneider stated all parking s�ces are filled at ti.S. Seaim and Fitness and asked if staff was confident tl-ie �:�rkir�q situation can be mar�agen. He felt with this business, it c��ould prcbably add to the parking problan. Mr. Robertson stated it is hzs understar.ding when the parking was considered, the most intensive use was anticipated in the evening houra when other businesses in the building are not open, He stated the crwner of the building aclmcwledges this may be in error and is the reason f or reviewing this permit in June. Councilman Schneider stated if U.S. Svim and Fitness assumes they can use parking which is allocated for this business, there could be a real prciblen. 1 Mr. Et.abertson stated L1. S. Staim and Fitness can only use one -raw of the business center �rking after 5 p.m. � a i,r� r� , , d�.t-'�-�Y F'RiDLE.'Y CITY �f7NCII� MEEPING OF FEBRUARY 22, 1988 � Mr. Asproth stated he has visited other billiard establishments and there were 25 to 35 cars utilizing the g3rking area. He stated he felt if they get the same rnm�bers, there is plenty of �rking for h�.s business, as well as U.S. Swim anci Fitness, Ms. Sarah Harder, Leasing Agent for Rice Creek Eusir!ess Center, stated only a fea of these businesses arP open several nights a week and on wee]cends. She stated even if U.S. SWim and Fitness used 50 to 100 stalls, that would leave approximaely 60 sta],ls for this operztion. She stated it isn't that far to walk fran one enc3 of the building to the other. Ms. �Iarder stated most of Ms, Asproth's business would be in the euening hours when the other tenants are closeci. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated Mx. Asproth's lease should prcd�ably plzce the responsibility on the cwner to prwide adequate �rking. Nkyor Nee stated if people woulcl �rk in the proper places, these wouldn't be any prablesn as �rking is adEx��ate. MYPION by Council�n Billings to grant speci�l use permit, SP #88-02, to allaa a billiard, an arcade and snack bar �t 7178 University Avenue, with the follaaing stipulations: (1) arcade wi11 be limited tc t:l�sce games; (2) limiY_ seatir.g to 20 seats in lounge area: (3) business to close at 1:D0 a.m. exeept on '?'hur:;day, Friday and Saturday wher 2:00 a.m. woulcl be allcwed; (41 � security lights for entire prking lot (approved by st�ff) to be installed prior to opening; (5) business will sign and enforce curfew Eor minors; (6) business will prwide one adult on staff during the c3ay and at least two adults on staff during evening hours fran 6:00 p.m. to closing; �7) business operators ta Fatrol Xarking lot ar.d manage its misuse; (8) tournament andlor league play will not be progr�d di:ring regul�r weelcday busir_ess houis; (9) no alcoholic beverages will be seived or allowed or premiaes; (lOj developnent avner will accept limitations on occu�ncy of remaining vacant sp�ce should �rking shortages result; ann (11) special use perniit to be reviewed by Council on June 20, 198$ or sccner if City deteimines �ere is a marsagc3nent praY,l�n which requires further restricti ons or ranwal. Secondecl by Councilman Fitz�trick. N�TION by Ceuncilman Billings to amend the above motion by changsng stipulation No, 6 as follpws: (6j business will grovi�e adequate adult staff at all times with at least two adults en staff frorn 6:00 p.m. to closing cm Fridays and Saturdays, Secondec: by Councilman Fitzpstrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl�red the motion carried 1 man i mnllSljr. UR�N A VOICE V(7PE TZ�KEN ON TF� N1AIN N�TION, all voted aye, �nd Mayor Pdee declared the motion carried iu�animously. B. Q7NSIDERATION OF A PREI,INIINARY PLP,T P. S. #$7-07 , HEP.Tf�R OAKS, BEING A REPLAT OF L�C7P 16, EXCEFP Tf� EAST 33 f�'EET, AUDITOR' S � SUBDIVISION N0. 92, AN1J OLPPf,OT A, AC1�RN HILLS ADDITION, AND THAT PART OF LCYP 14, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 92, WHICH LIES EPST OF THE WEST 165 FEEP THEREOF, AND L(YP 25 , AUDI'PDR' S SUBDNISION N0. 92 -7 - • u �r � i� � �.. ... 1 EXCEF�I' ' PART OF 150 FEEP INCLUDING A RIGHT OF WAY, AND ALL OR'S S[JBDIVISION NO_ 92. EXCEPP Tf� SOLPI'H : ALL (:FNFr�Ai LY TACATED AT 5980 STINSON BOUL�7ARD N.E. , BY BRICK[VER B[TII,DERS : � ir6t:���a<;; Mr, Rahertson, Ca�nunity Develogr�nt Uirector, stated this pl�t was k,efore the Planning Commission on November 18, 1987 and at this time, the Ccn¢m.ssion directed the petitioner. tc work with thE l�nda,n�ers to the �outh, bfr. Costello and Mr. Ettel, to see if the plat could k�e e�larged to include properties which could conceivably beccme landlocked. Ee stated the petitioner had worked out an agreanent with the Cbstelles by the time of the Plauuii.ng CcR¢nission meeting on Fehruazy 10, 198E, to include the�r two back lots, havever, the petitioner had not been successful in neyotiations with Mr. Ettel. He stated in the course of the meeting, Mr. Brickner stated if the only renairLing issue was the five cents �.�r sauare foot difference, he would be willing to g3y this e�a five cents to NIr. Ettel to ma]ce the plzt 16 lots. Mr. Rnbertson stated the Planning Ca�¢nissior recammended appr�val of this preliminasy pint and the Council is requested to set a public hearir!g f_or March 7, 198&. N�yor Nee asked about the drain� ge, Mr. Ftora, Publi.c Works Director, ' stated the City hasn't received the stoxm water dsainage pl�n. He felt most of the drainage would he taaards Stinson boulevard into the New IIrighton stoxm sewer systan. N� stated the plan has to be preparecl anc� submitted to Fridley. New Brighton and the Rice (Yeek Watexshed District. ' NOTION by Counci].man Schneider to set the public heariny on this preluninaxy plat for Narch 7, 1988. Seconcled k,y Counc-�lwan�n Jcr_c�enson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanunously. C, Q�NSIDERATION OF A VACATION, SAV #87-11, TO VACATE THAT PART OF MCKINLEY SPREEP AS DIDICATED IN Tf� PLAT OF AQ7RN HILLS ADDITION 'IC)GEPHII2 WITH THE NORTHERLY F,XTEDTSION OF SAID MCKINLEY SPREEP TO SC)L7`i'H LINE OF THE PLAT OF I�NIDER OAKS, GIIVERAL�LY IACATED AT 5980 STINSON BOUL�,'VARD N.E., BY BRIQdVER BUILDFIZS: M7PION by Councilman ��chneicler to set the public hearing f or Niarch 7, 1588 on this vacation request. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, NHyor Nee declared tYie motion c�rried tmanunously. D. REVISSV OF PROPOSAL FOR ALIACATION OF 19$8 �M�a]NITY DEVELOPME�TP BLOCK GRANP FUNDS• Mr. Robertson, ('�nununity Develognent Director, stated the Council approvecl a three year plan for CDBG funds and a preliminary budget oi $109,84a covering such itens as the Rivexviecv Heights acquisitlon, ca�ur�rical rehabilitation lcans, himian senrices, and the Anoka County business assisYance network. He stated the amount of these funds Y�s been reduced to $104,658 resulting in the reallocatian of funds and eliminatinc� the knoka County businESs i� , FRIDLEY CITY OdUNCII, MEEPING OF FEBRUARY 22, 1988 assistance network fran any funding. Mr. Rc�iertson pointed eut that the 15 percent allocation for htunan sezvices may, in fact, inerease if some of the other cairtnimities in the County do not ItiYtici�te to the rrximtmi allocated. He al� statec� if the bNR approves an application for acquisition of flood plain properties, the amount reallocate� for the Riverview Ileic�hts allccation could be clecreased and reallocated to h��n senrices. Mayor lvee stated he is not prepared to take any ection as he dves not imderstand the proposal and if a public hearing is required. He felY there were prcbably a lot of interested persons who weren't notifiect. Councilman Billings staked he understoocl i-he City canriot allocate more than 15 percent of these funds for htunan seivices, Ns stated in the past, more than 15 percent was allocated because othez cities didn't spend their portion. Mr. Hunt, Assistant to the City NfznagEr, stateC in the past two years, the City has doubled the alloc�tion fran 15 to 30 pErcent. Councalman Fitzpatrick stated it seems f_undir_g was allocated for three parcels in the Rivervi�a Heights acquisition in the amount of 561,000 and nav there ia allocation for only one �axnel at a h�gher cost ef 566,959. Mayor Nee stated stated he would like further ir�orm�,tion on the commerical ' rehabilitaticm/blighted propert�� acquisition. He also statec? he wanted to m�ke sure proper procedure has been follaaed and interested persons are notified. NDTION by Councilman Schneider to table this item ancl request staff to resubmit in proper order for the next meeting. Seconded by Colincilman Fitz�atr9ck, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive trie minutes of the Yl�nning Commission meeting of February 10, 1988. Seconded by Councilmar Fitzp�trick. Upon a voice vote, a.11 voY_irig aye, Mayor Nee clecl�re� the motion carried unaiiunously. A'IYI'ION by Councilman Fitz�trick to consicler It�n ll on the agenda at this time. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Ltpon a vcice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 11. RESOLUTION N0. 20-1988 FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR HIGHWAYS TO PRESERVE THE EXISTNG ROADWAYS, RECONSTRUGT ROADS AS NECESSARY, AND COMPLETE THE IIV(bNIPLEPE SYSI�NI OF ROAI7WAYS: State Representative, A1ice Johnson, stated this resolution, if adopted, supports additional funding for transportation und the �ansportaton Fir�nce Study C'�csr¢nission's reccnunendations, She stated the bill �ssed throuqh the P�propriations Cct[unittee by a substantial nt�rgin. Ms, Johnson stated it is eYtranely important that evezyone in Anoka County make ]maem the;r desire to receive some of these fund. for use in Anoka County. She st�te�' she �L' ` �rt�h:i � � � 5. r� �..r {, � ,'�,a2 O1 FRIDI,�'Y CITY �[JNCII, MEEPING OF F'EBRUARY 22, i9ss appreciates the resolution stresses the need for the completion of Highway 1Q. MYPION by Councilman Fitz�atrick ta adopt Ftesalution No. 20-1988, Seconded hy Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motlon carried i�nanim011Slj�. RECEIVE Tf� NIINUTES OF TI-IE QiARTER CO�M�ffSSION MEETING OF NOVII�ff3ER 30, 1987: NDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive tYie minutes of the Chaiter Ccz�¢nission meeting of ATcv�[iber 30, 1987. Seconclt.d ]�y Councilnran Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Ddee decl�r_ed the motion carried unanimously. 6. (J�NSIDERATION � PAWIDE NffNNESaI'A DEPARTMENT OF TRANSR�RTATION A PERMANEDiT i7'PIL,ITY EASII�]Q�TP GF.IaF'RAi,i,y �p('.��D ON THE FRONTAGE ROAD IN THE SOUTHEAST QUADRFINP OF T.H. 65 AND I-694: Mr. F],ora, Pu}�lic Works Director, stated in 7981, the Minnesota DeparLment of Transpc,rtation returned frontage rcx�d proFerty along the interstate sytan to the City. H� stated at the time this property was being turnecl wer, another department within MnDOT installed a freeway manag-ement control systen on a portion of the property that was transferred to the City. Ae stated with the upgrading oi I-694, it becarie a�parent that the freeway managanent control equiFxnent was not on state-owned property. Mr. Flora stated Nk�iDOT is requesting a pernianent utility easement to acc�¢ncdate this facility. The Council rai5ed the question on what action Na�DOT c�ras taliing to resolve the noise prc�lan along I-694. Mr. Flora stated he felt D4nDOT'will submit a pl�n for landscaping on the north side of I-694. He 5tated, in addition, they are initiating a change order to modify the tyFe oE cor�crete �vmient that will be used. He stated the concrete is specially treated to lessen the iioise. A4r. Flor�� stated he felt Nfi�DOT woulcl be presenting data sahich vaculcl indicate the noise levels are within the Federal guiclelines. Councilman Schneider stated the De�rartrnent of Transport�tion had st�ted tre �vanent noise was insic,mificant because it is so small compzred with the crverall noise of engines and e�aust systa�s, N�r. Flora stated Hh�IXYI` does want to resolve tl-�e noise issue and �tisfy the residents and Council as long as it doesn't ir_volve a substartial increase in their project costs. N�. Qureshi, City Mu�ac�er, statec this easement is a vexy minor item. He felt D�r�DOT should submit a proposal regardinR the noise problem tc� Council in ample time for the City to respond so their ti_me schedule for construction isn't delayed. I�DTION by Councilwrnian Jorgenson tc grant a permanent utility easement to -10- i)'r�� FRII7L�'Y CITY COiJNCII, MEEPIIVG OF FIDRUARY 22, 1988 , the Niinnesota Degartment of Transportation for their freeway management control systeici on a gortion of property that was traz�sferred to the Ci ty in 1981, P1�rther, that ir. the cover letter to M_nDOT, they be acivisec of the Council's ongoing concerns about the noise prcl�lc-rns along I-694, Seconded by Councilman Schneider, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Maycr Nee declareci the motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSIDERATION TO ENPER. INPO A JOINP PCJ4VER8 -11f�REII�'NP WITH ANOKA COUNTY FOR Tf� IMPRCTJENIEN`I' OF 515T WAY AND EAST RIVER ROAD: NDTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to authorize tYie Niayor and the City Manager to enter into this Joint Pawers Agreemer.t vaith Anoka Cpunty for the intersection and traffic eignal impraJanent on East R�.ver izoad and 51st Way. Seconded by Councilm3n Schneider. Upon a vcice vote, ali voting aye, Nrayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 8. RESOLUTION N0. 17-1986 ORDERING IMPRCft7II�D7I', APPROVAL OF PLANS ANfl ORDERING ADVERTISENIQ9T FOR BIDS; RENXJ�IAL AND REPLACEN�NT OF MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE CLTAB, Gf77'!'ER & SIDEWALK - 1988: � 9 MYPTON by Councilman Schneicler to adopt Resolution No. 17-1°88. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, �11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declareci the motion carried unanimously. M7TION by Councilman Fitzg�trick to adopt R.esclution No. 1H-1°88. Seconcled by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice trote, �11 voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimnusly. 10. RESOLUTION NO. 19-1988 TO ENTER INTO A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE NIII�IlVESdPA STATE PLAND7IIVG AGENCY: MJTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 19-1a88. Seconded bg Councilm�n Billings, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Nayor Nee decl�ied the motion carried urkviimously. 11. RESOLUTION N0. 20-1985 FOR ADDITIONAL FONDING FOR HIGHWAYS TO PRESERVE THE EXISTING ROADWAYS, RECONSTRUCT ROADS AS NECESSARY, AND CONPLETE THE INrn�T�' SYSTFSi OF ROPS]VVAYS: This itan was consictered earlier in the meeting, 12. C:T,AIMS: MYPION by Councilman Billings to authorize payment of Cl�iims No. 1II852 thxough 191D9. Seconded by Councilwar�i Jorgenson. i7pon a voice vcte, a11 ' voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 13. LICQVSES: -11- r^s ,_ '�+`�,�'�'�� ' � � FRIDLEY QTY QJCTNCIL MEEPTNG OF FEBRUARY 22, 1988 1 MYPION by Councilman Fitz�trick to apgrove tYie licenses as submitted and as on file in the License Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilman Schneicler. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor IQee der_l�red the motion carried unanimously. 14. ESTIMATES: MYPION by Counci]w[man Jorgenson to apprave the estirn�tes as submitted: S]nith, Juster, Feikelna, Malmon & Haskvitz 6401 University Avenue NE Sliite 301 Fridley, MNIDTT 55432 For Sezvices Rendered as City Prosecut-or for the month of Navenber, 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.434.50 C�ion Brothers, Inc. P.O. Eiox 83 RogerS, MN 55374 �rin�rook Nature Center Pond S�pravanent Praj. #173 Estimate No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,77] .50 � Seconded by Councilman Schneic�r. Upon a vcice vete, all voting aye, Mayor DTee declareci the motion carried unanimuusly, MOTION by Councilman Billings to wish Ha�py Birthday to tt-ie Council Secretaiy, Carole Haddad. Seconded lay Counciiman Schneider. Upon a vozce vote, all voting aye, N�iyor Nee declared the motion car_ried unanimousiy, �� • • i i� MOTION by Cpuncilman Fitzpatrick to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl�secl the motion carried unanimously and the Regu]ar D7eeting of tk7e Friciley City Council of Februaiy 22, 1988 adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, � � �u.� ��.� (��,�.��� ��- C�role Haddad Willian J. Dte� Secretasy to the City Cou�il Mayoi AFProved: ' -12-