04/18/1988 BOE - 00010803� 00023, TF� NIINUTES OF THE MEETING OF Tf� BOARD OF REVIEW OF APRII� 18, 1988 The City Council met as the Board of Revie�a und Mayor DTee called this meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. D'�ERS PRESEN'I': ISI7� I: 91: :: `I.� Y Mayor Nee, Councilwan�i Jorgenson, CouncilI[Idil Schneider, Councilman Fitzpatrick and Councllman Billings None Mr. I�fidsen, City Assessor, introduced Mr. Gordon Stark_ey and Mi. Al Barck of the Anoka County Assessor's Office, who were present this evening to answer any questions frcm the Council. Mr. Madsen stated, basically, this year residential property was increased approximately three �ercent, haaevEr, there v�ere some styles of property that increased at a different rate than others. He stated on the value of tacvnhousES, sane had no increases due to a soft ic�arket and the v�lue on scme condaniniinns was actually reduced. Mr, Madsen stated on commerci�l and industrial properties, the land value was increased five percent acros� the-board and structures were, basically, left the same. Mr. P7adsen stated the actions of the Boarcl oi Review shoulcl either be to � decrease, increase, or affiizn the value set by the Assessor's Office. FIe stated the only csay to increase the value �s to first notify the owner, if he or she isn't present, so they could m�ke a presentation. RIQ�ARD I�I�RRSS, 6200 RIVERVIEW TII2RACE N.E.: � Mr. NL�dsen, City Assesor, stated several months ago, he and Ns. Narris reviecved the values placed on P�r. Harris' property in the Onaway plzt and Mr. Harris was to bring in his o�rating statenents. Mr. Harris stated he talked with Mr. Nl3dsen in regard to the laxid values and has been gathering infozznation, haaever, the �rticular items for which he was looking were destrcryed in an incident several weeks ago. Mr. Harr�s stated the land values placed on his Onaway property i,ns $1.75 a squt�re foot and for the East Ranch Estates area $1.50 a square foot. He stated he received a report fran Tavle Rea1 Estate Canpaziy which indicates that land values for industrial p�rcels in southern Anoka County ranged from $1.01 tc $1.62 a square foot. Mr. Harris stated he woulcl guess that On�way and East Ranch Estates would be about mid-range. He stated sales for these types of �rcels averaged 84 cents a�;�are foot even though the asking prices were between $1.05 to $1.62 a square foot. N�yor Nee asked hocv many parcels were involved in obtaining this average, Mr. Harris stated he has no idea on the n�iber_ of parcels irnrolved. Mr. Harris stated there is a 48,000 square foot building at 7773-7793 Ranchers Road which is listed for $950,000 or about $19.OD a square foot. He stated his properties for land and builcli na average $21.00 to $22.00 a -1- � 40024 - � :�••� • o- �� � • . � .. square foot, He stated he tmdErstands there have been offers cn this d�,00D square foot building wluch are considerably lower than the asking price. Mr. Harris stated this builcling was ecxnparable to his bw.lchng. He felt the value placed on the building was probably in 1ir�e, haaever, the land costs u��ere a little too high. Mr. N�dsen stated he would like to see the report to deterniine what sales were used as the City's figures shaaed land near the railroad tr�cks solcl for arer a$1.D0 a square foot. Mr. Harris stated he would like to register a protest and would probably appeal to the County. He stated he certainly wished the State government would settle dw�n and decide which clirection they w�ll proceed in regarcl to the t� question, MYPION by Councilman Schneider to register the piotest by Mr. karris and affirm the value placed on Mr. Harris' property by the City Assesscr. Seconded by Councilm�n Billings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor DTee declared the motion carried unanimously. I-IELIN RASHUBA - 6959 HICKORY CIRCLE: Ms. Kashuba stated she reviecved other pro�erties on Hickory Circle and there are only two properties which have a higher value than her property at ' $1D8,700. She stated the property at 6969 Hicl�ory Circle has more square £ootage than her Y�, but is not on the lalce, znd has a value of $89,6D0. She stated the property at 6906 Hickory Drice has about the same squar_e footage, but not a full basESnent and has a value of $84,100. 1 Mr. Nkldsen, City Assessor, asked M;. Kashuba if she purchzsed the home ln April, 1986 for $120,000. She replied yES. He stated the property at 6949 Hickory is similar as it is a split level, the same amount of baths, one less fireplace and slightly less square foatage, and has a value of_ $104,200. Ms. I�ashuba stated she is near the railread tracks arid has trains gaing back and forth all the ti_me, 5he stated she had the City out to see if there was any structural damage to her Yiane. Ms. Kashuba stated hcmes not on the lake 2se assessed laver than those on the lake and the only difference is the lake access, Councilman Fitz�trick stated market values on the lake are higher. He stated it seens if Ms. Kashuba �id $120,000 for the pro�erty in 1°86, the $108,700 value is not out of line. N�yor Nee stated the responsibiLity of the Board of Review is to detexmine if the estimlted markct value is fair. He stated studies are done each year as to estimated market values ��d actual sale prices and it was felt that a 91� range between the value and actual sale pr�ce would be a fair assessment. Ms. Izashuba stated the differenr_e in value from her property and the one -2- �002� . :��•. • �� � • . � .. � across the street is $19,500 ancl didn't believe there should be that much difference because of the lake. Councilman Billings asked for a breakdawn of the v�lue placed on the property located across the street fran Ms. Kashuba. Mr. Madsen stated the hame is valued at $71,100 and the lot at $18,500 �nd on Ms. Kashuba's property the value of the hane is $77,200 ancl the lot $31,500. Mr. Qureshi, City Nk'�na��er, stated additional in£orn�tion can be provided to the property aaner and staff reviecv this property, if the Council wished to tahle to the ne:ct meeting, NYYI'ION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to continue this item to the ne.�t meeting of the Board of Review on Nay 2, 1988. Seconded by Councilmar Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried tmanimOUSly. NtP.RY �ONEY, 5407 CQ�I'RAL� AVIIWE N.E.: PQr. Madsen, City Assessor, stated Ms. Cooney had registered a protest regarding the value placed on her property which is tl-�e site oi the Naegele billboard in front of b�nard's on Central Avenue. Ms. Cooney was not present at this meeting. � Councilman Billings stated in reviewing the in� ormation presented by the Assessor's Office, it appears the value should probably be increased, but th�.s cannot be done without notifying the property aaner. He felt perhaps the Council could reviecv the matter at the n�x_t n�ting on May 2. Mr. N�dsen stated staff could send Ms. Cooney a letter wit-h the inf ormation prwided to the Council and mention there is rhe �ssibility the value may be increased. NDTION by Councilman Billings to table this item to May 2, 1988 an� direct the Assessor to notify the property owner that they intend to raise the estimated market value oE this property. Seconded by Councilman Schnetder. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee decl�red the motion carried unasu mously. n- • �•�• �� �« Mr. Zeddies, representing Ms. Crabtree, stated the value placecl or Ms. Crabtree's property was e�austively reviecved last year. He sta_ted there was only one property on the river of any ccan�rable size that was assessed at a higher value than this property at 7100 RtivenriESV Terrace. Mr. Zeddies stated the value aP $119,000 last year was appeale{1 to the Cbunty Board and the value was reduced to $111,500. He felt the value of $120,100 was excessive and since the residential value of Fridl�y property was raised � about three percent, he felt the same shoulcl apply in this case. I�. Zeddies stated if a value of $12D,100 is placed on the property, it is -3- 0002� . :.�•.. �� � . •. � an$8,600 increase wer the value of $111,500 established l�st year. He statec� three percent of the present value of the property would only be $3,300. He stated he didn't ]mav the basis Eor thzs increase in value and thought the matter was settled last year. Mr. I�dser, City Assessor, stated the figure of $120,100 presented for this year's assessnent was actually frcm the County F,ssessor's Office. He stated th�.s was generated by the results of the study of the property last year �nd differences were found in khe way the input was done. He stated if this firn,re would have been the City's, the value cvould be about $3,D00 hic�her. Mr. N�tdsen stated the reca�unendation of the County Assessor's Office was t� sustain the City's value. He stated in lic�ht of thts, he would like to see the evidence presented to indicate the City's value was incorrect. He stated he didn't have a co�ry of the testimony and didn't know what facts were brought out to disapprove last year's value, Mr. Madsen stated it should be made clear that there is nothing binding by the County Board's action last year for future City assessments. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to decrezse the value placed on tliis property at 7100 Riverview �rrace frcm $120,100 to $114,800 which reflects about a three percent increase wer the $i11,500 figure from last year. Seconded by Councilwanan Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, zll voting aye, Nkiyor Nee declared the motion carried unanunously. ' JON DAHL, - 1065 63RD AUENCTE N.E.: Mr. DaYil stated he is requesting a$2,D00 decrease in the value placed on his hane. H� stated last year he went through all the procedures at the local level and at the County and wasn't ir:foimed there was another hearing so the value wasn't reduced. He stated hc- wanted the interrogatories answered and this infozznation was not furnishecl to Yum. Councilman Billings stated at last year's County Board of F�;rn,alization, one of the menbers indicated to NIr. Dahl that he thouaht the value should be reduced and Mr. Dalil. could have construecl that some positive action woulcl take place. He stated when the Board rev�_ewed the property, it was �n unanimous vote to sustain the Assesssor's appraisal. He stated the procedure at the County is to receive all information at the first meeting, all the i��iUers go out and review the property, and then come back f or a second meeting, Councilman Billings stated in the comparable grid submitted by the Assessor's Office, all have a 1988 market v�lue locver than thls property. Mr. Ni�dsen stated the reason is because it was felt these properties were inferior either in regard to qu�-il.ity, location, ancl amount of traffic. Scme of the properties used in canparison were 215 and 218 57th Plzce, 5310 %th Street, and 7501 University Auenue. Nir, Dahl stated his property seens to have a hilher value thar comparable , properties. He stated there is a boarded up gas station ad�acent to his hcme, the intersection i� prabably one of thE most busiest, �nd closing oi the ra�d has caused more traffic. � U002� . :.••� . . �� � . • � � M3yor Nee stated Mr. Dahl went through the entire process last year, but he may pursue this procedure again if he wishes to dp so. MYPION by Councilman Schneider to affixm the Assesscr's value of $63,100 placed on this property at 1065 63rd Averue N. �. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, al] voting aye, N�yor Nee declared the motion carried nnanimOUSly. AA70URN[�NP: NDTION by Councilr�n Schneider to continue this meeting of Lhe Board of Reviecv to May 2, 1988. Seconded ]ay Councilaan Billings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the moLion carried unanimously and this meeting of the Board of Reviecv of April 18, 1988 ad�ourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ��� // '/ ➢ j9 �4,.�r L.�., �rK�sz-,L._ � ��C� Carole Haddad William J. Nee� Secretaiy to the City Coimcil Mayor Apprwed: � �