07/13/1988 - 00010688� 1 � � �+� 2�3 THE MLN[fl�S OF THE II��RC�[QCY MEEPING OF Tf� ��F'V CITY COLTNCIL OF JULY 13, 19 88 The Elneryency Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order_ at 6:13 p.m. by Mayor Nee. I�Yi7�ii� MES'�ERS PRESENT: Nayor Nee, Councilman Billings, Councilman Schneider and Councilwanan Sorgensan P+�NIBEPS ABSENT: fbuncilman Fitzpatnck P�yor Nee state� that this meeting is to de�l with 1} the shortage of water in Moore Lake; and 2) higtrway questions. OLD BUSINESS: i�YKibX97i 7 � i� 7� �:�i �5 ; i�7 i r 1:+ �+. `/. �i Y���i! � A Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, opened by cliscussing options for ranedying the Moare Lake water level probleci. The first four options were discardecl: 1} �,eloping a new well to au�nent the lake; 2) ciiverting municipal water into the lake; 3) pumping water from the west basin into the east basin; and 4) folding back the Dartelc m�terial. Mr. Hlora stated that the DNR wlll not issue a pexmit for the pumping actions. He also stated that munici�al water has a large amount oi- phosphorus w�ich accelerates alcrae graath. If th� City piunps City water into Moore Lake, there may not be enough water t� meet the daily demands. Councilman Schneider stated that last year, 5 millien galions plus rain raised the water level 3 inches. Mr. Flora stated that because of evaporatien, it takes about one million gallens a day to keep the Nbore Lake watez level above the Dartelc m�zterial. Councilman Billings asked if the city pLUnped watex into Ps�ore Lake, hara long would the phosphorus stay in the water. He also asked what is the effect of phosphorus. Loren Larscn, E.A. Hickok & Assaciates, stated that the phcsphcrus stays in the water and the sedunent, wluch is then avzilable for the algae to bloom. This may eause odor problans anci unsicrhtliness, The algae wil] talce up the phosphorus, die and then cause an odor. Ni. Larson also stated that the dead algae will stay within the soil resulting in release of more phosphorus. Councilwar�n Jorgenson asked if the filtration plant is pumping in as much phosphorus as l�st year or is scme being filtered out. Mr. Flora stated that the filters are desic�ned for manganese and ircn. -1- 1 FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL F'MF'RC:�'nTCY MEETING OF JULY 13, 1988 �+�i�.� Councilman Schneider asked hav much storm water can the BASFU filtration systen filter. Nir. Larson stated he will need to check that out. He also stateu� that 1/6 of the water in the lake is fran the stoxtn weter in the BASF'U. Co�mcilman Schneider stated that the City's water seans hic�her in phosphorus content than other cities. Councilman Schneic�er asked Mr, F�ora if they could control wells as to what goes into thc Lake. Mr. Flora stated tkiat they cannot segregate the wells that pump in to the luke. Councilman Schneider asked if we could tal;e wells off-line according to ticne. Mr. E'lora responded yes. Mr. Flora statecl that the De�r�nent of Health checks the water every ycar and the City does spot checks evexy three months. He alsc stated that because of the current needs of the citizens and businesses, it is impractical to increase the output en the filtration plant. Councilman Schneider stated that it seems that if people will obey the sprinkling bans, we can get h'bore Lake up to level, but wanted to know how to get that level all at once. � Mr. Flor« �plained the options on the arerl-iead. The first option was to overlay Dartek. The second option was to renove the bad areas of Dartek and replace than. The third option was to cover the Dartek_ with sand to hold dw,m the bubbled material. The fourth optien was to cover with rock. The fifth option was to sprinkle the surface with water frcm the lake itself through ptuRps. The sixth option was to wet the surface of the Dartek. The seventh option was divided into two g3rts. Option 7u was to renave soil by dredging to make the lake deeper and imprwe the east basin. Option 7b was to laaer the lalce hy 1 to 1 1/2 feet and replaee the Darte�c. , Mr. Flora further �cplained a few canbinations of options and then continued with option 8 which was to do nothing and option 9 was to wait. Councilman Schneider stated that the lake is clropping an inch a day. The question is what to do nav, short-term. Mr. Flora stated that 5/8 of the lake was cwered with the Dartek maten_al and was concentrated in three areas. I�yor Nee asked what thE loss would be if people were kept from walking on the shoreline where the Dartek material is. Mr. Flora stated it would be a minimtun loss but the sl-�oreline was continuing to detenorate. Councilwrnan Jergenson asked about the warr�nty cn the Dartek product. Mr. Flora stated he wasr.'t sure about the warranty but he tY�ouc,rht it was �� � � � �3�� `'.5 FRIDLEY CITY C�Oi7NCII, II�RGE[�iCY MEEPING OF JULY 13, 1988 supposed to last 7-10 years. Th�y still h�c1 the perfcrmance bond with the contractor. He further stated that the D�,rtek ntizterial was designed to stay under water. A resident felt that the Dartek wasn't worth the effort, The City is supposed to he restoring Moore Lake, not experimenting. The resiclent aslced why doesn't the City deepen the lake and let it take care cf itself. Another resident asked if the City considered using sandbac�,.. Mr. F7ora stated that the Dartek covers about 12 acres and considerable effort would need to be P3Cj72nded to cover Y�alf the lake with sandb�zgs. The same resiclent stateci that the camrn,.,;ty should be glad to do that. Councilman Schneicler stated that the meeting is to decide what to do nacv about Moore Lake and have the Crnununity infozmed of the City's actions. Mayor Nee stated that the City Council needs to choose an option that would consider the future aE D7oore Lake as well as solving the psesent problen. Co�mcilman Schneider agreed with Nl3yor Nee and stated that the City doesn't knarr factually if the Dartek will help the restoratien of P�ore Lake. Mr. Flora stated that NSayor Nee brought up an option that was not consadered: The City could fence the area to prevent �ople fran walking on the �posed Dartek. Ccuncilwoman Jorgenson stated that if the City spn_nkles or wets the surface, they will still need to fence off the area. Councilman Schneider suggested that the C�_ty should do this along with a publicity cam�ign so the people will knanr about it. Mr. James Hill, Acting City Manager, stated that the City should use a soaking systan because that would reduce the evaporation at a minimum cost to evexyone involved. He further stated that the City should develop pl��ns to guarantee a stable water level for the future. A resident asked if clredging was an optian when the restoration pro�ect started. n4r. Florz stated that the dreaging option was elimir�ated because the ranoved material would have to be hauled to an apprcved ch sposal site. He further stated that Dartek was experimental in this ervironment. He also stated that the water quality has improved on the east sic�e since the prc�ect started. Cotmcilmzn Schneider stated that the efforts also unproved the west basln. Concentration of restoration activities on the east basin woulcl flaw into the west through the culvert and eventually woulcl �mprove the west l�sin. Mr. Larson stated t1�at a11 the data collectc-d f rom the pro�ect is on the -3- {i� :� FRIDLEY CITY OJUNCII, ENIERGE[dCY MEETIIQG OF JULY 13, 198H � USEPA database and available to ariyone. He also stated that there was a prablan monitoring the west basin because it is shallan�. Mx. Larson also stated that the Dartek plastic material is 2 millimeters thick and macle special for lake bottans. On the east coast where this has been applied, it has been successful Dartek cannot handle being d��>. NYYPION by Councilman Schneider to authorize the C�ty staff and L^.fi. Hickolc Associates ta design and construct a sprin}:ling/wetting system to minimize damage to Dartek incluchng fencing amund the area for e�enditures up to $21,000.00. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vcte, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriecl unarumously. Ni�yor Nee stated to salvage the presently damaged Darte]c, Ne �lso stated that the culvert would stay open naN and that it was a mistalce to close it. Councilman Billings asked the City staff to investigate the appropriated monies for arenging that the residents claimed was received years a10 for dredging frcm the construction of Hiatrway 65 and the tornado debris. Councilman Schneider stated he would like a report on the history of Moore Lake regarding the depths of the lake. Nkzyor Nee stated that the staff could provide the neighborhood with an original report on the restoration of Moore Lake. Years ago tre DNR thought our restoration was hopeless and would not financi�lly help or_ the dredgiria � of the lake. The Minnesota Pollution Control "Agency was willing to �artici�te with the federal gwerrunent an provic�ing 75% of the money and 25% local funding in accordance with the Clear Lake Gr�nt propos�ls. The foundation report shw,ed that if the City ctidn't do something, the lake would fill in. The City Council at that time wante� to do sanething to keep this a lake. Mayor Nee also stated that stzff shoulc� contact Mr. Brcxan, forn?er Parks & Recreatien De�rhnent Head regarding the history cf Meore Lake. Councilman Schneider stated that the City should set up another public meeting in the fall to discuss the progress of Nnore Lake. Ms. Savelkoul asked wt�y retaining walls weren't used on the east sicle like on the west side. Councilxnan Schneider stated that the City will Jet the data on DZOOre Lake together for the b400re Lake residents. 2. C�NSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING Tf� MNIX7P PLP,NS Mr. Flora introduced Mr. Joel Katz, MnDOT District 5, to �nswer any questions frcm the City Council regarding the I-654 project. Councilman Schneider asked Ms. Katz hoc�r far,tiliar he was with other � Fridley/Nfr�DOT pro�ects. Mr. Flora stated the City has two pro�ects in which there are problems wzth � (��i; 2 i �TT�T�F'�' CITY fS1CTNCII. II��RGINCY N�PING OF JULY 13, 1988 � MnDC7P: The Rice Creek Road pro�ect and the internally i1lLUninatecl street name signs with Street 7mprov�nent project St. 19&E - 1& 2. Ceuncilman Schneider asked why there are prcblans, The m�:n problan is that it seans that NhiDdP holds up apprwal and they oppose tt�e City of Friclley projects. What the City wants and neec?s is better cooperation and ca[¢nunication with MnDOT. N�. Flora stated that the present project ST. 1988 - 1& 2 has been revised by taking out the interior 111LUninated street name signs, yet leavmg the conduits and wire in for the future while the City continues c�iscussion with MnDOT. Councilman Schneicler asked Mr. I�atz what the prcbl�n was with the interior illtnninated street name signs. N�. Katz explained that MnDOT irn�estigated the use in other stltes and discussed the use with manufacturers, The central office dicln't like the inforniation received. In California, the signs were being remaved and replaced with standard metal signs. In California, the signs hacl wind damage, they were vandalized, and it took a lot oi tune for any repairs to be done and psrts to be delivered. He alsc stated that NnDCYP has considered the loss of power and what would happen. N1r, Katz stated that in cold weather there is recluced output and that interior ill uninated street name signs would have flourescent tubes that wculd burn out and become almost � invisible. Councilman Schneider stated that the City woulcl be maintain�ng these. Ns. Flora stated that these itans have been discussed before with MnDOT. Califernia had their aan specifications and the manufacturer produced according to those. Other states used the manufacturers' specificat�ons. He further �tated that MnDOT is working with 3M to reflectorize the interior illinninated street name signs. MnDCYP is e�er�menting with an I-94 davntaan St. Paul approach with outsicle fiber optics. Mr, Katz stated that Mr. Flora has done considerable research and has praTided inforxnation for all their concerns but the department still feels it is not in a position to authorize on the trun}: higYrway systan. The City ma�r want to experiment on their aan higYiway system and MnDOT would then reviESV the results. Cow7cilwanan Jorgenson stated that because of accidents due to construction on I-694 the City asked MnDOT for a s�eed zone siyn but PsDOT dic7n't feel a need for one to be posted. MnDCYi"s I-694 project had a speed zone siJn a little way dan�n the road. Councilwat�n Jory�nson askecl if it was possible to improve c�ununication and work with MnDC7T on tl-�ese problens. Councilman Billings was concerned about the sound la�rrier and trees planted on the I-694 project and wanted to ]mav hanr thc prog-ress was. Councilman ' Billings pointed out thnt MnDCYP seans to expect the City to see thEir point of viESV but not Au�DOT to see the City' s. He al so brought up the fact oi speeders throughout the community of Fridley on Highways 65 and 4%. He -5- � L_J � FRIDLEY CITY COLINCIL II�IIQCY N�PING OF JULY 13, 1988 wondered why no one was controlling the trofflc speeds. � �., 23 Mr. Katz stated that it is the City's responsibility to enforce the speed limits. Councilman Schneider mentioned there is a new camera made in �i,rope that photographs speeders. Mr. Hill stated that though it is a good concept, in this state arrests cannot be made without a witness. Mr. Hill stated that he has two pecple researching this idea. Mr. Hi11 stzted that because of the detour stzrting on Pnnday, July 18 at I- 694, and with Fast River F�oad being closed l�y the County, it is surpriszng that the state patrol G7Cll1Ci say there will_ be only veiy severe traffic delays when NmDpT will be detouring 80,000 people through Fridlcy. He alse stated that there isn't enough rarn to even plaice traffic control officers. Mr. Hill is concerned about the fise and anergency vehicles getting through. Mr. Hatz stated that this is similar to their I-394 construction pro�ect. He stated that n�iy alternative route prablens did not clevelop but the City of Fridley is different. He stressed that this I-694 pro�ect will only last two weeks. He stated that they are maintaining one lane on the freeway throughout the construction but people will still have to take the designated detaurs. He also stated that people who are familar with this area will take different routes altogether �nd therefore avoid the problem but this idea is not always successful. Mayor Nee stated that he would like to speak wsth Conunissioner Levine regarcang the interior illtmiinated street name signs. Mr. Flora stated that if the Council approves this resolution with the subject of interior illinninated street name si�ns sti11 up for discussion with MnLY)T, that the City can start construction. He also stated that the City cannot �ust go ahead and put in the neVv street name signs because they would be put on NmDCYP property with NlSAS funds. N�yor Nee stated we should go ahead with the basic pl�n. Mayor Nee then asked about noise control. Mr. Jim Tishler, Forester at A4nDOT District 5, stated that in the I-694/Irnsbruck area the project is 99� canpleted. He elso stated that t1L s is on target with the rest of the plan. MnDOT decided that with the present drought, they were not �ering to add another layer of trees at this time. A4r. Flora stated that D�-iDOT has a reviEw ilczvchart regarding state, county, and city projects, priority in that order. He stated that there is a 6 month time fr�ne for cooperative agreanents. Council�n Schneider asked if this was the same with other con¢nun�ties. Mr. Flora responded in the affiiznative. � �it�V Ridl FRIDLEY CITY �DNCII, F�RGIIVCY MEEPING OF JULY 13 , 19 S$ � NS3yor Nee ccanplimented District 5 on the landscaping. Councilman Billings stated that it i� hara to notice the 20 foot trees in the gulley while driving by. He wondered haa neny trees were mc�vecl in. Mr. Tishler stated that there were more than noticable. Councilwanan Sorgenson asked if there was any n_oise reduction because of what has been done with the landscaping. N1r. Jjm Hansen, Ncaise Ar�-�1yst frcm Nk�DOT District 5, stated that they will have io wait until after the project is ccmplete� to test tr�e results. They are still decichng on the surface treatment of the road sui-face, whether it will be astrograss or another material. Councilman Billings stated he was concerne� with enforcing the spee� 1 untts on Fridley highways. Councilman Schneider stated that he would like the State Commissioner to talk to the City Coimcil. P^ayor Nee stated the City Council should go to �e the State C'ce�¢nissioner. Ns. Kata, stated that C�[¢nissioner Levine, MnSXYP, woulc� he glad to talk with the Colmcil. � Mr. Hill stated that he spoke with our city attorney and knocas that the resolution was legally all right as it is. Cotmcilwanan Jorgenson asked if this will be contingent upon the Rice Creelc Road project. Nh. Flora stated MnDOT has fears en the interior illiuninated street name signs issue and that the City should ga through the process of iclentifying and satisfying those fears. If interior ill�unated street name signs work, others cac¢nunities will want them. The City accepts responsibility of maintenance, but MnDCYP fears that other ce�ncnunities won` t do the same. ADTION by Coimcilman Schneider to approve Resolution #56-19II8 en Item 2 in the agenda with the follaving stipulations: 1) That the City receives an apprwed authorization of the Rice Creek Road prcject with the understanrhng that interior illuminated street name silns are still an item ior discussion; 2) That a meeting with �ursssioner Levine be arr�nged wtthir. the next 30 days; ancl 3) That the City cac¢ciend District 5 on their effarts. Seconded by Councilwanan Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting �ye, M�yor Nee declared the motion carried unammously. Councilwanan Jorgenson asked if the City could send a letter to the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul regdreli_ng water conservation. She feels that those cities do not do enough. � Councilman Billings felt it would not be worth the effort and would only have a negative effect. -7 - , � � � ���"J� �0 FRIDLEY CITY �iTNCIL Eh1ERC�iCY MEETING OF JULY 13, 1988 �� • • i i MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson, upon a voice vote, all veting aye, Mayor IlTee declared the motion carried unanimously and the emergency meeting of the Frid].ey City Council of July 13, 1988, ad�ourned at 8:58 p.m. Respectfuly sul�nikted, � �v7 / � �i (/G �� �� Gina Whitehead Acting Secretaxy to the City Council APPrwed : .''.� � � � ���Q- �I� �.,c�C�%,,.. �il iam S. Nee i N7ayor �