01/07/1991 - 5089� �nor FRIDLEY CITY COIINCIL MEETING �DL� ATTENDENCE SHEET � Monday, January 7, 1991 7:30 P.M. PLEASE PRINT NAME, ADDRESS AND ITEM NUMBER YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PRINT NAME (CLEARLY) ADDRESS ITEM NUMBER - p �75 e►M e r ra ce 1— ( IJ �a d����w a. '�-� z T� ��v� �-- c�e, 1- I�t ttra-►�� ��.REmG�Z. ILqc7 �3�0 ��� NL 3- 3Z � �s o Gr �-��F � �.-o � r�h/ �� c� ��--r Cl�,,/s'� �f �^c�.-�.T.t.�.�c.E� � 7 � � �'����1 -i���� � U S .D � ri� FAIDLBY CZTY COII'iCIL ItBETilT3 Ot J71�TQil�tY 7, i991 Baq� Z . . : � _ � : _ Second Readinq of an Ordinance Recodifying the Fridley City Code, Chapter 30, Entitled "Charitable Gambling," by Renaming the Chapter "Lawful Gambling" and Amendinq Section 30.03 and Section 30.04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2C Special Use Permit, SP �90-08, by John Babinski, to Allow Exterior Storage of Materials on Lots 1 through 20, Central Avenue, Addition, Generally Located at 1290 - 73rd Avenue N.E. (Denied 12/17/90) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3Z ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFIC$ TO EL$CTED OFFICIALB! Councilmember Steven E. Billinqs, Ward I Councilmember Edward J. Fitzpatrick, Ward III NBW BIISIN8882 Resolution Approving Registered Land Survey, P.S. #90-06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4B Resolution in Support of an Application for a Minnesota � Lawful Gambling Premise Permit to the Lions Club of Fridley for George's Lounge & Restaurant, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5D FRIDLEY CITY COIINCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 7, 1991 Paqe 3 NEW BIISINESS (CONTINUED): Resolution in Support of an - Application for a Minnesota Lawful Gambling Premise Permit to the Lions Club of Fridley for Maple Lanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6C Resolution in Support of a Minnesota Lawful Gambling Application for Exemption from Lawful Gambling License to the Fridley Chamber of Commerce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7B Approval of Agreements for Referendum Returns to Independent School District Nos . 11, 13 , 14 , and 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 8FF Approval of Public School Inspection Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 9D � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 7, 1991 Paqe 4 NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED): Receive Bids and Award Contract to Purchase One (1) Six-Wheel - Drive Slope Mower/Tractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 10A Motion to Approve the Advertisement for Bids for One Trailer-Mounted Robotic Sewer Rodder Machine Identified in the 1991 Sanitary Sewer Capital Outlay Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 11A Motion to Approve the Advertisement for Bids for Well Nos. l, 4, and 9 Identified in the 1991 Water Capital Outlay Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 12D Resolution Imposing Load Limits on Public Streets and Highways in the City of Fridley, Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 13D FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANOARY 7, 1991 Paqe 5 NEW BIISINESS (CONTINUED): City Council Appointments to Different Agencies; and, List of Commission Members Whose Terms Expire April 1, 1991, and June 9, 1991 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - 14B Resolution Designating Director and Alternate Director to the Suburban Rate Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Resolution Designating an Official � Newspaper for the Year 1991 . . . . . .�. . . . . . . . . 16 - 16A Resolution Designating Official Depositories and Safe Deposit Access for the City of Fridley . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 17B Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Splitting of Special Assessments on: Lot 2, Block 1, Northco Business Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 - 18C FRiDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETiNG OF JANUARY 7, 1991 Paqe 6 NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED): Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Splitting/Combination of Special Assessments on: Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 2, Northco Business Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 - 19B Informal Status Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Claims. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 ADJOIIRN: �HE KINIIT$8 OF THE jtSaQL�R 1LE$TI�a OF TH8 FRIDLEY CITY COIINCIL OF DBCB�i88R 17. 1990 The Reqular IKeeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledqe of Alleqiance to the Flaq. � ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nee, Councilwoman Jorqenson, Gouncilman Schneider, Councilman Fitzpatrick and Councilman Billinqs MEMBERS ABSENT: None �iPPROVAL OF MINUTES: ��������iC}� ��'�����5�)��'I�� MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. �DOPTION OF AGENDA: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorqenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: There was no business. OLD BUSINESS: response from the audience under this item of 1. �'IRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, CHAPTER 30. ENTITLED "CHARITABLE GAMBLING," BY RENAMING �HE CHAPTER ^LAWFUL GAMBLING" AND AMENDING SECTION 30.03 AN� SECTION 30.04 (TABLED 1O115/90): Mr. Hill, Public Safety Director, stated that the Council had previously discussed this item at their October 15, 1990 Council �eeting. He stated, at that time, two service orqanizations requested additional time to study the impact of thie ordinance and confer with their membership. He stated that this has been accomplished, and he has met with officials of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreiqn Wars on this issue. �xIDLBY CITY COIINCIL ILEBTZ�Q OF DECEMB$R 17. 1990 p�Q$ 2 Mr. Hill stated that there was basic agreement with this ordinance. He stated that in reqard to the f�ve gercent net profit contributions to the City fund, the orqanizations felt they would prefer to review requests for fundinq directly. He etated that he is, therefore, recommending eliminating the requirement to contribute five percent of the net profits to the City of Fridley. He etated that another area of concern was that organizations may be coming into the City to commercially operate gambling halls and a provision was requested limiting this possibility and is included in the amendments. Mr. Hill stated that, in summary, the ordinance amendment expands the provisions to all forms of lawful gambling rather than just pull-tabs; expands local authority to all licensed orqanizations conducting lawful gamblinq in the City rather than just to retail intoxicating liquor establishments; changes the requirement to contribute ten percent of the net profits within the City of Fridley to fifty percent within the Fridley trade area; eliminates most local qame operation regulations; eliminates employee compensation restrictions; increases allowable rent from $100 per week to $600 per month; applies the three percent local gambling tax equally to all organizations, requires return of unused tax, and exempts tax to holders of exemption certificates; and limits bingo halls and lawful gambling organizations to four days a week and twelve bingo occasions in a week on the premises. At least fifteen bingo games must be held at each occasion, and a bingo occasion must continue for at least 1- 1 1/2 hours but not more than four consecutive hours. He stated that in checking with organizations in the City with bingo licenses, they have no problem with this and would not exceed that limit. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 2. APPOINTMENT TO THE APPEALS COMMISSION (TABLED 12,[,1O190)• MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to table this item. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS• 3. RESOLUTION NO. 108-1990 SUPPORTING THE ADOPTION OF AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE PLACING A MORATORIUM ON THE SITING OF SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES PROHIBITING THEiR LOCATION WITHIN CERTAIN SPECIFIED DISTANCES FROM RESIDENTIAL AREAS SCHOOLS CHURCHES. PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS: Mr. Hill, Public Safety Director, stated that the City is in the process of changing the zoninq ordinance relating to sexually � �� �i, �. . � • � . �- • � � : oriented busineBSes. He stated that ba'sed on information he received last week from the law enforcement community, he understands there is an adult book Btore seekinq to locate in southern Anoka County, either in Columbia Heiqhts or Fridley. He stated that it disturbs him that should they come into the City, prior to the City passinq the zoning ordfnance. It would set the City back in the regulation of these type of businesses. Mr. Hill stated that since the City has spent a qreat deal of time and effort to address this issue, he felt it was appropriate to pass an emerqency ordinance to attempt to control the location of this type of business to those areas recommended in the proposed zoning ordinance. He stated that this zoning ordinance would be reviewed by the Planninq Commission at a public hearing on January 9, 1991. Councilman Billings asked if it was permissible to have an emerqency ordinance that prohibits the location of such a business anywhere in the City until the Council develops a zoninq ordinance. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, etated that he understands it is not permissible. He stated that the City of Ramsey attempted to adopt such an ordinance, it was brouqht to court and the judge ruled it was in violation of the first amendment regarding freedom of speech and placed a restraininq order on the ordinance. He stated that the City of Ramsey then adopted an amended ordinance that allowed the adult book stores within certain specified areas of their community, and Judqe Murphy felt this did meet the court requirements as far as first amendment restrictions. Councilman Billinqs asked if the emerqency ordinance is adopted, if the permanent ordinance would have to be identical or if it could be more restrictive. Mr. Herrick stated that the permanent ordinance the Council adopts would not have to be identical to the emergency ordinance, it could be more or less restrictive, but would have to meet the court standards. Councilman Schneider asked about the ramifications of an emergency ordinance, as opposed to a regular ordinance, and if there are any leqal liabilities. Mr. Herrick stated that if the Council chooses to adopt the emergency ordinance, it becomes effective immediately upon the Council's action, rather than having two readings and effective 15 days after publication. He stated that someone may arque it was not an emergency and, therefore, it is not valid, but he felt this could be defended. He stated that, in any event, the Council could place this ordinance in effect now in case the establishment referred to by Mr. Hill does want to locate in Fridley. He stated that if the ordinance is challenged it may have to be defended; ��IDL$Y CITY COII�TCIL l[BBTIYG Oa D$CElLBBR 17. 1990 P�Q$ 4 however, if the ordinance is not paseed, a business could move in and it would be qrandfathered. Councilwoman Jorgenson asked how long the emerqency ordinance would be valid. lrtr. Herrick stated that it would be in effect for 180 days. Councilwoman Jorgenson asked if the emerqency ordinance could be extended beyond the 180 days. Mr. Herrick stated that the restriction is qoverned by the State Planning Act which contains moratorium lanquaqe, but he believed there is a provision for an extensfon if good cause is shown. He stated that it is hoped this would not have to be done. Mr. Herrick etated that there are two agenda items that relate to the emergency ordinance. He stated that one is a resolution supporting the adoption of the emergency ordinance and the other is the emergency ordinance itself. He stated that the resolution sets forth in summary the findings of those reports that have been distributed to the Council. He stated the reason for adoption of the resolution is that the Supreme Court has indicated that the Council, as a leqislative body, can rely on studies done by other cities and organizations. He stated that the study by the Attorney General's Office, the cities of St. Paul, Indianapolis, and Phoenix, and the findings made in these studies are applicable to the City of Fridley. Mr. Herrick stated that, mainly, the findings deal with associated crime in the areas surroundinq sexually oriented businesses and the loss of market value of properties that are in the vicinity of these operations. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 108-1990. Seconded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 4. ORDINANCE NO 963 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE PLACING A MORATORIUM QN THE SITING OF SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES PROHIBITING THEIR LOCATION WITHIN CERTAIN SPECIFIED DISTANCES FROM RESIDENTIAL AREAS SCHOOLS CHURCHES PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS: Mr. Hill, Public Safety Director, stated that this emergency ordinance places a moratorium on the siting of sexually oriented businesses and prohibits their locations in certain areas. He stated that Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the ordinance covers the purpose and intent, authority, and definitions. He stated that Section 4 refers to the distances sexually oriented businesses must be located from residential zoning districts, churches, schools, parks, or from other such businesses. Mr. Herrick stated that under Section 5, there is a place for the date of the public hearinq before the Planninq Commission, which � • �l 11: : c • � : �I: • � c : is January 9, 1991, and it sr.ould be inserted. He stated that under Section 4, line 5, after the trord Npark", there is additional lanquaqe contained in the permanent ordinance and it should be included in this emerqency ordinance. He Btated that the lanquaqe to be added after the word "park" is as follows: "that is adjacent to residential property." He stated that there is some obliqation by the City to provide adequate sites for this type of business. He Btated a general rule�adopted is that five percent is adequate and in order to meet this requirement, the distances from parks was modified to have this apply to those parks that were only adjacent to residential properties. He stated that the effect would be to allow these businesses in commercial establishments on East River Road south of the freeway which is not adjacent to any residential areas. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 963. Seconded by Councilman Billinqs. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to amend Section 4, line 5, of the above ordinance by adding the followinq words after the word "park": "that is adjacent to residential property." Seconded by Councilwoman Jorqenson. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Billinqs to amend Section 5 of the above ordinance by adding January 9, 1991 as the date for the public hearinq before the Planninq Commission. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Kayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that he assumes this ordinance would be published in its entirety. Mr. Herrick stated that he would recommend it be published in its entirety as it will better inform the community. Councilman Schneider asked if the ordinance would be published in the Star Tribune as well as the us. Mr. Herrick stated that emerqency ordinances do not require publishing, but it is staff's recommendation that it be published. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAI�N ON THE MAIN MOTION FOR ADOPTION OF THE EMERGENCY ORDINANCE, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilwoman Jorqenson to publish this ordinance in the Star Tribune as well as the Focus. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. � •�1. �:: c • �: ,�: •, .. -- — --- — =��1-�. Councilman Billinqs asked if anyone knew ordinance. He felt that any publication requlations of the State statute. Mr. Herrick stated that he does not have the ordinance Bhould be published in the like it publiehed in the local paper. the cost to publish this is above and beyond the a stronq feelinq whether Star Tribune, but would MOTION by Councilman Billinqs to amend the above motion to publish thfs ordinance in its entirety in the Focus and publish the ordinance in summary in the 8tar Tribune, with the notation that copies are available. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorqehson. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, l�iayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 5. �tESOLUTION NO. 109-Z990 APPROVING AND AUTiiORIZING SIGNING AN AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING WORKING CONDITIONS WAGES AND HOURS OF POLICE OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR �iE YEAR 1991 • Mr. Hunt, Assistant to the City 1Kanager, stated that he would recommend the Council enter into this agreement which establishes working conditions, waqes, and hours for police officers for 1992. He stated that the wage increase was four percent, the same as other City employees. MOTION by Councilman Billinqs to adopt Resolution No. 109-1990. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilwoman Jorgenson commended Bill Hunt for keeping increases in this department the same as for other City employees. Mr. Hunt stated that both Jim Hill and John Flora deserve a lot of credit in laying the qroundwork for their respective departments. 6. RFSOLUTION NO. 110-1990 AUTHORIZING S GNING AN AGR�EMENT FOR C�RTAIN EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY NTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL NO 49 AFL-CZO (PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE) FOR 1991• Mr. Hunt, Assistant to the City Manaqer, stated that the wage increase for these employees was four percent and recommended the Council enter into this agreement. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 110-1990. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Nee stated that he also wished to thank Bill for his good work in negotiating these contracts. ?RIDLEY CITY COII�iCIL x8$TIxG O� DBCSlIB$R 17. 1990 __ __ P�G$ 7 7. RpF.C`T�T� USE PERMIT SP �90-08. BY JOHN �BINSKI, TO ALL�W FXT RTOR STORAGE OF MATERIALS 4N LOTS 1 THROUGH 20, CENTRAL AV�NUE ADDITION GENERALLY LOCATED AT 1290 - 73RD AVENUE N.E. jTABLED 12/10L,90) : Ms. McPherson, Planninq AssiBtant, stated that the petitioner was requested to be present at the meeting but is not here this eveninq. � � MOTION by Councilman Schneider to table this item until the petitioner contacts the City. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorqenson. Councilman Billings stated that there are some time limits regardinq special use permits, and he believes these limits require the Council to take action, unless something is received in writing from the petitioner. He stated that with this in mind, it may be best for the Council to take action on the Bpecial use permit. Councilman Schneider withdrew his motion, with permission of his seconder, Councilwoman Jorgenson. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to deny special use permit, SP �90-08. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Councilwoman Jorgenson asked if the petitioner was given permission to park vehicles on Old Central Avenue. Ms. McPherson stated that the City has not qiven permission, but the special use permit would have allowed up to two vehicles to be parked in the parkinq lot in front of this establishment. Councilwoman Jorqenson etated that vehicles were parked in the street, and the snow plows had to go around them. Mr. Herrick asked the impetus for this special use permit and, if it is denied, would it have an adverse effect on the Department of Community Development attempting to clean up the area. Ms. McPherson stated that the impetus has been through the Code Enforcement Officer who is enforcing the zoning code regarding the outside storage of materials. She stated that outside storage is allowed in this district with a special use permit, and this property does not have a Bpecial use permit. She stated that the petitioner was notified he would have to remove the materials stored outside or file for a special use permit. Ms. McPherson stated that if the special use permit is denied, the petitioner would be notified to remove all vehicles from the rear of the property. She stated that as part of this special use permit request, the Planninq Commission had recommended two stipulations regarding installation of a ecreening fence and some ?AIDLEY CITY COIINCIL lLBBTI�a OB DBCB�1LHBx 17. 1990 P�GB 8 plant materials. She stated that these items have been completed by the petitioner. . Councilman Billinqs stated that he really is not comfortable with the motion for denial. He stated that the City Code does provide that certain uses are permitted, with a epecial uBe permit. He stated that it is up to the Council to qive reasons why this should be denied if it is not�in the best interests of the citizens' health, safety, or welfare. He stated that it appears it may be in the City's best interest to approve this speaial use permit with the stipulations recommended by the Planninq Commission, and have this property cleaned up. Councilman Schneider stated that there is a record over the past ten yeare where the City has tried to have the property cleaned up. Councilwoman Jorgenson felt that this establishment is jeopardizing the health, safety, and welfare of the community as the snow plows could not qet around the vehicles parked in the street. She thought that perhaps license numbers should be obtained on those vehicles. Councilman Schneider stated that this area has some particular problems, and the petitioner has had two opportunities to appear before the Council. UPON A ROLL CALL VOTE TAI�N ON THE ABOVE MOTION, Councilwoman Jorgenson, Councilman Schneider, Mayor Nee, Councilman Fitzpatrick, and Councilman Billings all voted in favor of the motion, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Billinqs stated that he would encouraqe the City staff to proceed with extreme vigor in remedying any code violations that exist on this property. 8. RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE CATV ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15. 1990: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of the CATV Advisory Commission Meeting of November 15, 1990. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 9. NUISANCE ABATEMENT AT 1571 - 75TH AVENUE N.E.• Mr. Burns, City Manaqer, stated that there is a vacant house at this address with broken windows and doors that are open. He stated that the property is qoing through foreclosure, and all parties who may have an interest were notified regarding abatement of this nuisance. �RIDI.$Y CITY COONCIL lL8$TZ�O O! D8CE�8$R 17. 1990 P�a$ 9 Mr. Burns atated that two quotes were received for abatinq the nuiBance, and it ie recommended that the Council authorize abatement of the nuisance and execute a purchase order to Brickner Builders, who submitted the lot�rest quote, for $250.00 to cover the cost of the abatement. He recommended that the costB of this abatement, $250.00 plus the handlinq charge or a total of $312.50, be assessed aqainst the property. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to authorize the abatement of thie nuisance by Brickner Builders at 1571 - 75th Avenue at a cost of $250.00 and that the total cost of $312.50 ($250.00 plus 25 percent handlinq charqes) be assessed aqainst this property. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorqenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 10. 1�PPROVAL OF CONTAINER DISTRIBUTION CONTRACT WITH SUPER CYCLE. INC•: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that it is recommended the City enter into a contract with Super Cycle for the distribution of 7,661 sets of recycling containers. He stated that two quotes were received to provide this service; one was from Independent Delivery Service for $9,729.83, and the other one was from Super Cycle for $6,790.00. He stated that Super Cycle submitted the lowest quote and would complete the distribution in three to ten days with distribution staqed from the City qaraqe. Mr. Burns stated that staff also considered havinq a community service qroup provide the distribution. He stated that it was concluded, however, that the project is probably too large for a service qroup as it would require several trucks that are radio equipped, a special routing system, and a weekday delivery. Mr. Burns stated that the bins would be delivered at the curb and placed in such a way so they would not blow away. He stated that all single family residences and multiple units up to four would receive the containers. He stated that they would be delivered durinq the week and in dayliqht hours. Mr. Burns stated that he knows the Council has been concerned about the publicity on the recycling containers. He outlined the publicity planned such as articles in the Focus, the newsletter, a brochure to be distrusted with the containers, planning a meeting with the block captains for January 8, and a letter explaining the need for recyclinq. He stated that there will also be a separate handout for those who have complaint�. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into this agreement with Super Cycle for distribution of the recycling containers in the amount of $6,790.00. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. lRIDLEY CITY CODNCIL 1LE8TI�G O! DBCBJLB$R 17. 1990 P�aE 11 12. RESOLUTION NO. 111-1990 IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION FOR A MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING PREMISE PERMZT TO THE SHADDRICR LEBEAU AMERICAN LEGION #303: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 111-1990. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the notion carried unanimously. Mr. Herrick, City �ittorney, asked if the addresses of the establishments are specified in the licenses. Mr. Pribyl stated that the addresses were included in the licenses. UPON A VOICE VOTE TAI�N ON THE 1►BOVE IrIOTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 13. RESOLUTION NO. 112-1990 IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION FOR A LAWFUL GAMBLING EXEMPTION FOR TOTINO-GRACE HIGH SCHOOL: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 112-1990. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorqenson. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 14. RESOLUTION NO. 113-1990 AUTHORIZING CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS �'O��I�i� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND. GENERAL CAPITAI, IMPROVEMENTS DIVISION, TO THE MUNICIPAL CENTER REMODELING FUND: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. 1i3-1990. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Schneider asked the status of the lawsuit against the initial program manaqement firm. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, etated that he recently discussed this issue with the City Manaqer, Mr. Burns. He stated that he will submit a memo to the Council reqardinq this matter at the first meetinq in January. He stated that he felt there were problems with the lawsuit, but if the Council wished to proceed it ahould be done rather promptly. He stated that he checked with the State to see if this corporation had dissolved and, as of several weeks ago, they had not. He stated it is doubtful that there are any corporate assets. 15. RESOLUTION NO. 114-1990 APPROPRIATING MUNICIPAL STATE-AID FUNDS TO A MUNICIPAL OFF-SYSTEM PROJECT: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to adopt Resolution No. i14-1990. Seconded by Councilman Billinqs. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � y� � 1: : , c • � � �1: - • � c : i � �l � � . � _ . . � ._i_ :_ � � i � _Li � �� � � � � Y � ; � �IYI � � ,� L 7!1 � Y � � 4�_ �� 4� 4� �t� Y_' ; • a�,�� ,y • ; � � • MOTION by Councilman Billinqs to adopt Resolution No. 115-1990. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ; s � • • � • � �� 4s _ �� • • • ' ��_ � � . � . � : �_ � _ � � � • Ys 4�__ � 4� �!� MOTION by Councilman Billinqs to adopt Resolution No. 116-1990. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorqenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 18. R�SOLUTION NO 117-1990 A�'NDING TH CLASSIFICATION AND CQMPENSATION PLAN FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: MoTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to adopt Resolution No. 117-1990. Seconded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, l+�ayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 19. RESOLUTION NO. 118-1990 APPOINTING A RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY IN �FERENCE TO THE MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY: MOTION by Councilman Billinqs to adopt Resolution No. 118-1990. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. � -. �� �Y_• , MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to concur with the following appointment by the City Manager: Startinq Startinq Name Position �alarv Date Barbara Dacy Community $47,073.72 Development per year Director $3,922.81 Exempt per month Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Dec. 18, 1990 �eplaces John (Jock) Robertson Mr. Burns, City Irlanager, etated that he is recommendinq Barbara Dacy be appointed as the new Community Development Director. He stated that he has been very pleased with her performance in her present position as Planninq Coordinator. fi �AIDLEY CITY COD�TCIL l[$STIxO O? D$CB]IBSR 17. 1990 PAQ$ 13 UPON A VOICE VOTE TAI�N ON THE �iBOVE MOTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 21. INFORMAL STATUS REPORTS: Mr. Burns, City Manaqer, Btated that there are no informal status reports . 22. �LAIMS: MOTION by Councilwoman Jorqenson to authorize payment of Claims No. 35385 through 35524. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all votinq aye, lrtayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 23. LICENSES: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the licenses as Bubmitted and as on file in the LicenBe Clerk's Office. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 24. �STIMATES: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the estimates as submitted: HNTB 6700 France Avenue South Minneapolis, 1�1 55435 Inspection of the 1.5 MG Elevated Water Reservoir, Project No. 202 Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,472.76 Bruce A. Liesch Associates, Inc. 13400 - 15th Avenue North Minneapolis, I�T 55441 Water Quality Study Retainer Project No. 214 Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 222.50 Western Waterproofing 2838 Stevens Avenue South Minneapolis, 1�1 55408 Phase II - 3 MG Concrete Reservoir Repair Project No. 200 Estimate No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $56, 637.84 tRIDLEY CITY COIIlTCIL YEETZ�a O! DECB�[BBA 17. 1990 P�aB 14 Seconded by Councilwoman Jorqenson. Upon a vofce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the �otion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: MOTZON by Councilwoman Jorgenson to adjourn the meetinq. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of December 17, 1990 adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully Bubmitted, Carole Haddad William J. Nee Secretary to the City Council Mayor Approved: 1 � _ � I DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Community Development Department Pr�vrruvG Drvisiorr City of Fridley January 3, 1991 ��. William Burns, City Manager�• Barbara Dacy, Community Development Director Michele McPherson, Planning Assistant Public Hearing on Plat Request, P.S. #90-06, Glacier Park Company Attached is the staff report for the above-referenced request. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the request to the City Council. The City Council set January '7, 1991 for the date of the public hearing which fulfills the subdivision ordinance requirement. Staff recommends that the City Council hold the public hearing for the plat request by Glacier Park Company. A resolution approving the plat request will appear later in the agenda. MM/dn M-90-915 _ 1A � STAFF REPORT APPEALS DATE C'�O� PLAMNNG CON�VqSS�ON �ATE ' November 14 , I990 FRlDLEY CITY COUNGL DATE : December 10, 1990 �Hpp MM�dn REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER APPLICANT PROPOSED REQUEST LOCATION SITE DATA � SIZE DENSITY PRESENT ZONING ADJACENT LAND USES 8� ZONING ��$ PARK DEDICATION ANALYSIS FlNANCIAL IMPUCATIONS CONFORMANCE TO COMPREHENSNE PLAN COMPAT�ILITY WRH AD.fACENT USES 8► ZONNG ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATiONS STAFF RECOMMEI�ATION APPEALS RECOMMENDATIO� PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION P.S. ��90-06 Glacier Park Company To divide property in such a manner that the legal descriptions may be recorded. Generally located at the northwest corner of Main Street and I-694. 780,293 square feet M-2, Heavy Industrial-and C-2, General Business M-2, Heavy Industrial to the South, West, and North; C-3, General Shopping to the East. Available to site $.023 per square foot ($17,946.73) Yes Yes Approval with stipulations Approval with stipulations 1B Staff Report P.S. #90-06, Glacier Park Page 2 Request Glacier Park Company, the petitioner, is proposing to create a registered land survey for Lot 2 and a portion of Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 78. The registered land survey will create a single tract that would be a buildable lot while also creating tracts for the Burlington Northern Railroad yards, and a private right-af-way for a private access drive. This request is for the proper�y generally located in the northwest corner of the intersection of Main Street and I-694. Site The praperty is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of wher.e Main Street and I-694 cross each other. The property is zoned C-2, General Business, and M-2, Heavy Industrial. The surrounding properties are zoned M-2, Heavy Industrial to the north, west, and south; while the property to the east is zoned C- 3, General Shopping. The property is currently vacant, and the Minnesata Department of Transportation has used the property to piZe their construction debris from the I-694 reconstruction project. Analvsis The subdivision ordinance would require that all lots within the proposed registered land survey meet the minimum requirements of the zox�ing district. The principal lot, Tract A, created by the registered land survey would meet the minimum 1 1/2 acre area requirement of the M-2, Heavy Industrial District regulations, and would also meet the 150 foot lot width requirement. The registered land survey creates three other tracts in addition to Tract A. Tract B will be reserved for the Burlington Northern rail yards. Tract C could be used by Burlington Northern at some future time for private access to Tract B, but is not a buildable lot. Tract D will be dedicated to the City for right-of-way for Main Street, which would allow a future Anoka County road improvement project. The lot created as Tract A could be further subdivided into lots based on future needs. Attached is a memorandum from the Public Works Department regarding a ditch improvement project along the railroad right-of-way north of 77th Avenue. The Commission may want to consider the Public Works Director's recommendation when considering the plat request. Recommendation and Stipulations The proposed registered land survey creates a tract which meets the minimum requirements of the C-2 and M-2 zoning districts. Staff 1C Staff Report P.S. #90-06, Glacier Park Page 3 recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the registe:red land survey to the City Council with the following stipulations: 1. Clean the parcel of I-694 construction debris and re-establish vegetative cover by June 1, 1991. 2. A park dedication fee of $.023 per square foot shall be paid at the time of construction on Tract A or if Tract A is re- subdivided. 3. Tracts B and C are not buildable lots. 4. Tract D shall be dedicated to the public for street and utility purposes. Planning Commission Action The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the plat request, P.S. #90-06, to the City Council with stipulation #1 amended as follows: 1. Clean all four tracts of I-694 construction debris and re-establish vegetative cover by June 1, 1991. City Council Recommendation Staff xecommends that the City Council concur with the Planning Commission action. ��� PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Fridley City Council at the Fridley Municipal Center, 6431 University Avenue N.E. on Monday, January 7, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Registered Land Survey, P.S. #90-06, by Glacier Park Company, to replat that part of Lots 2 and 3, Auditor's 5ubdivision No. 78, Anoka County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at a concrete monument marking the quarter corner between Sections 22 and 23, Township 30, Range 24; also being the Southeast corner of Lot 3 in said Auditor's Subdivision No. 78; thence due North along the East iine of said Lot 3 a distance of 897.05 feet to a judicial landmark at the Northeast corner of said Lot 3; thence North 88 degrees 51 minutes West along the North line of said Lot 3 a distance of 692.1 feet to a judicial landmark at the Northwest corner of said Lot 3, thence South 4 degrees 18 minutes West along the Westerly iine of said Lot 3 a distance of 894.85 feet to a judicial landmark at the Southwest corner of said Lot 3, thence South 4 degrees 18 minutes West along the Westerly line of Lot 2 in said Auditor's Subdivision No. 78 a distance of 876.47 feet to a. judicial landmark on the Northerly ric�ht-of-way line of State Highway 100; thence South 85 degrees 42 minutes 45 seconds East along said Northerly right-of-way line 236.44 feet to a judicial landmark; thence South 4 degrees 17 minutes 15 seconds West 3.57 feet to a judicial landmark in said Northerly right-of-way line; thence South 85 degrees 22 minutes East along said Northerly right-of-way line 588.65 feet to a judicial landmark at the intersection line of said East line of said Lot 2 and said Northerly right-of-way line; thence North along the East line of said Lot 2 to the point of beginning, excepting therefrom the North 845 feet which lies Easterly of the Westerly 59 feet thereof. Generally located north of I-694 and west of Main Street N.E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Publish: December 26, 1990 January 2, 1991 Any questions related to this item may be referred to the Fridley Community Development Department, 571-3450. Engitieenng s�W�� Water P3rks Strecl5 Maintenance MEMORANDUM TO: Barbara Dacy, Planning Coordinator PW90-442 FROM: Mark A. Winson, Asst. Public Works Director /Yf�y.� DATE: November 9, 1990 SIIHJECT: Stonybrook Diversion Project 1E The C:ity currently has in the 1992 Capital Improvement Plan a projeat to divert storm flows in Stonybrook Creek to the ponds in the Springbrook Nature Center. The proposed plan is to create a ditch along the east right-of-way of the Burlington Northern tracks from 78th Street to the south end of the Nature Center. We have contacted the railroad regarding obtaining an easement over the ea.sterly 40 feet of the railroad right-of-way from 78th Street to the Nature Center. To date, it appears that the Railroad is lookimg favorably at our request and it is hoped that they will grant a request in the near future so that we can proceed with final design and construction of this project. MAW/ts � FRI�I.EY Glacier Park Co. P . S . 4� 90-06 �` _1 ` ' --- � � � =---- �'I ` ' � :�. o � i,fi � �' �--� • % % ' Z �;i �� •• .r ► i F 'IN� / . 1 a� � '� , �,.. : , {• � j _ { � ROBYN3 �RiYEN ` � i � i ; ,_- 1, � q' � �,ti. • •�e. ' I • � I �'��� t �\ ,. STREET �' i� I � i. I : i 1 � r:,NaNOR � �, •.." ' 1 -- � ~l.. .. y p, . 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'W�• � I � �✓ I �• • � r �' � _ ... � 1� ..�� " 1... _ __ � � N • /.i � � _ 3, �� ��, i . . —•7w f" ii� s i� t ' lF t: : � � � I :_�' f, �' i' ���i AUDITORS I � I SUBDIVISION . I.,, ". � . ' IT � ,. i� ,� � r,� , I 1 Y � •r. ', i , ; r. i �,.�. , . . _. I N �, s, �, / / .�� , �� �q r+� / � 2 ; ; :, � ` � .. ' ... Ar' I I ' d' � ,� -,�,ti..� � � � • •'" `� � i `�. _ /f J AC I : /I. if iC f ! .•', %�;a;�;�. tti'� NO. ,� � i $� �� T8 �; ; �: r : • , , �,• • , � � � , , �,''; `f � , � � ,�• 4 I I �� �(#���� � �� J j �� � � ��•�•�'`(� �°^:q; L / ' ``' � ' �+� r �_"` - ;.... ,-��' ��I , �_— _ ••A. . � ` � 1 --- . � «» I u . (�eo) •w'`t ,.�,.1 . / � �' GREAT . � � • ' ounor oo �`'� ; ;� .•- ._ r3+ �" � , • .' �.°' , ��•� � :.` i � -��� N TH N \ . M 1 ' .`�•� �� "' -'1 . � � � �,. ` � h �' Q �• _, � W n, � � � � � � N i: 4.+, �.i / � � - L ,..,' �•.. , 2 � � : ' � F � I • . OCATiON MAP F Nortnwe:t Wrov ot Lot 3� JuElcial LondmcrM Nol Found � Glacier Park Co. P. �90-06 REGISTERED LAND SURVEY �1 . _ ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA ���p,� �- NorfA Llne of Lot 3 � / 692.10 C�rtifioale of TIII� �_ / N88°SI'00"W 66 `-- �� ---6��i.58��-- �� �}��i' ,wdeho�Lo dmork Nof Found 1 � ; �� �� � � 90°- 1 I � � � ��) I �I I 59DO ' ' � � I ' �01 � I �L.. i)��''���;,zo�i, �'•.;�t;si'�?!�-:''a � � � =z;•. �a :: �� : � _ .;., �� _"� . 2 L� ,r^ V Z J � y��� W 2 1 � 0 3 J C `o 'a o � m � o J Q a� ry � � � � � � OPf � � 31; = a� � i �i �= � �. e . sC y i� � � 1 � i I j ' � — _' ^ � v = Q � �o o I � �a � I ' 1 I . n . � � _ �, m � fy. , � - --- -- =W I � � I,$ `'+t;'P Ei r�'i F. N. 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Dacy, Planninq Coordinator, stated that th special use permft ia requesi:ed in order to allow constructio of a second acceseory buildfng csn this property in excess of 24 square feet. She etated that the ]?lanning Commission recommen approval of this special use permit: with the stipulations tha e accessory buildinq shall be architecturally consistent wi the existinq house and the heiqht of the accessory buildinq hall be limited to 14 feet. Councilman Billings consisteni:" . Ms . Dacy �.tated that type of c<�nstruction Councilmari Billi� he Bubmitt:ed was to constnict . very simi]'�ar asked at was meant by "architecturally th intent was to hold the petitioner to the - bmitted in the proposed drawinq. �asked the petitioner, Mr. Boyle, if the drawinq nsistent with the style of buildinq he planned Boyle stated that he would construct something MOTION by �ouncilman Billings to grant special use permit, SP �90- 07, wit ithe following stipulations: (1) the accessory building shall e r�rchitecturally consistent with the existing house; and (2) he h�eight of the accessory building shall be limited to 14 f t. Sec.onded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all oting aye:, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. B. STAE3LISH PUBLIC HEARING FOR JANUARY 7 1991. FOR A REGISTER�D j�,,ND SURVEY P.S #90-06 BY GLACIER PARK COMPANY TO REPLAT �HAT PART OF LOTS 2 AND 3 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 78. ANOKA ,rOUN7'Y MINNESOTA GENERALLY IACATED NORTH OF I-694 AND WEST QF Mp►IN STREET N.E.: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to Bet the public hearinq on this plat for �January 7, 1991. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a�o�tce vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried w►animously. I�IOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to receive the minutes of the Planning 1�ommission Meeting of November 14, 1990. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vcte, all votinq aye, Mayor Nee declax•ed the motion aarried unanimously. ?RIDLEY CIzs COONCIL ![EETINa OF D$CBMHBR 10, 1°90 p�dB A 9. BpECI'�: -'�� ^�°';TT SP !90 08 BY JOHN BABINSKT . TO ALLQW EXTEF;TOR STORAGE OF MATERIAIS ON LOTS 1 THROUGH 20. �N'I'RAT. ��r� snr�Trr+TnN _ P.F.NF.RALLY LOCATED �'t' ��9A 73RD AVENUE -N•E• : Ms. pacy, Planninq Coordinator, stated that since the itioner vas not h�ere this sveninq, �he vould teel aore comlo able with tablinq tr�e item until the next aeetinq on December 17. KOTZON by Councilman Schneider to table thiB item December 17, 1990. Sec:onded by Councilwoman Jorqenson. Upon a, oics vote, all votinq ayN, Idayor Nee declared the motion carri� unanimously. 10. 4. i � �!�`� l��tr. 1►ldrii�h, Fire Chief, stated that thi joint powers aqreement for a pro�>osed traininq facility has bee reviewed and modiffed by Gregq Her��ick of the City Attorney's Of ice and by Charles LeFevre on behalf of the City of Brooklyn C ter. He stated that this aqreement forms the Fire Traininq Ass ciation where six citfes aade up of four fndividual Fire De artments would jointly and collectiv�ely construct, use, and m ntain a fire training facility. Mr. �►ldri.ch stated that this property owned by the City at that init:ial construction co which shall be ehared equa y limfted a,nnual operatinq b dge Mr. l�ldri�ch stated the the Chiefs of the Fire operatinq costs and �acility would be constructed on 348 - 71st Avenue N.E. He stated a are projected to be about $200,000 by the parties. He stated that a t would assess each party S1,500. eement includes a provision that allows artments atrict control over the yearly not antfcipate costs would run out of control. He ctated that Fridley would act as the construction agent because the cility is being constructed in the City. He stated tlzat majo repairs or alternations, reqardless of who proposes them, c not be done without approval of the Councils. Mr. Aldri�ch st ed that he recommends the Council consider enterinq into this jo' t powers agreement for a traininq facility. MOTION b��► ouncilman Fitzpatrick to approve the Fire Training Associati Joint Powers Agreement and authorize the Mayor and City Manaqer. ,o enter into the agreement. Seconded by Councilwoman wc�man Jorgenson thanked Mr. Aldrich for all the work he has is�hed in regard to this traininq facility. She etated that lt it would be a qreat asset to all the local Fire Councilma�n Schneider stated that this was a qood �xample of qovernmerrts workinq toqether. . 1J pLANNIN6 G I�BSZ88ION ![BBTINa. 'iOQEKBER 14, 1990 PAaE 4 Sylvain Hills, generally located at 6261 Rainbow D ve N.E., with the followinq stipulations: 1. The accessory building sh be architecturally consistent with the e' ting house. 2. The height, of e accessory building shall be limited t 4 feet. IIPON l�i VOIC OTE, 11LL VOTINa 71YE, CHAIRPERBON BETZOLD DECLI�IRED E l[OTIO�T C7IRRIBD �iTANIMOIIBLY. Ms. M e�rson stated both the special use permit request and the v'ance �request will go to City Council on December 10, 1990. 2. PUBL:IC HEARING. CONSIDERATION OF A RF'rTem�t�Fn T.AND SURVEY .S. #90-06 BY GLACIER PARK COMPANY: To r�eplat that part of Lots 2 and 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. '78, Anoka County, Minnesota, generally located north of I-694 and west of Main Street N.E. 3. MOTI,ON by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Ms. Savage, to waive the readinq of the public hearinq notice and open the public hearing. � IIPON A VOICB VOTB, i1LL VOTINa l�YE, CHAIRPERSON HETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION Cl1RRI$D AIdD TSE PIIBLIC HEARINa OPEN AT 7:45 P.M. Ms. Dacy stated that since no one was in the audience representing the petitioner, the Commission might want to table this item until later in the meeting. MOTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Ms. Modig, to table P.S. #90-06 by Glacier Park Company until later in the meeting. OPON� !� VOIC$ VOT$, 11LL VOTZNG AYB, CSl�=ItBBRBON BETZOLD DECI�AR$D THE KOTION Cl1RRIBD IINANI1�i0IIBLY. � n 2nNTN(�n 205•03 "DEFINITIONS". AND SEC' DWEI�LING DISTRICT REGULAT OI NS�� Ms. Dacy stated there have been icles in the Fridley Focus about this ordinance a dment, a^� +Qtaff has received this issue. a number of calls Ms. Dacy stated ' ordinance amendment was originally brought to t ommission's attention at their October 24, 1990, me nq at the request of the City Council. The City Covx� is concerned because they have received complaints �- 1K 1L pI,�NNING GD IBBZON l[E$TING. �TOVEMBBR 14. 1990 P�GE 11 Ms. Corine Kirkham stated that Jack's mom lived in their home in the "mother-in-law apartment".for several years. If she had not been related, they would not have allowed anyone else to live in their home. Their adult children have also made use of this apartment. If these people had not been " related, they would not have felt obligated to ehare their living quarters. She did not think they can eay it '� discrimination. If �it is family, you help them o. She Btated renting to related people is very differ from renting to unrelated people. Mr. Saba stated that maybe they need an o'nion from the City Attorney as to whether it would be iscriminatory to require a license for unrelated indivi als only. Ms. Mfodig agreed they need a legal pin�ocedure,she had a real problem with the whole lice ing p Mr. Ftetzold asked if the Comm' sion had any problems with the ��ix recommendations mad y staff. Ms. �herek recommended t t along with item �6, they include a ma�,:imum size of 35� 0 800-900 sq. ft.--something to indic:ate that there i definitely a smaller self-contained unit within a larger ome. Mr» i3etzold stat if there is a hardship by holding to a certziin percent ge, that can be addressed through the variance proc s. He believed they should have a maximum size,, and he would go along with 35�. Ms. I)acy tated that based on the plans she has worked on, she wou feel more comfortable with 40�. Mr. etzold asked staff to get a leqal opinion from the City At �rney on licensing for unrelated individuals versus la�ted individuals and to draft an ordinance for the next Plan�ning Commission meetinq. 4. pUBL:C HEAR NG: NSI ERA ON G S RED SURV p.S. #90-06 nY GLACIER PARK COMP ' To r�eplat that part of Lots 2 and enerallt�l cat ddnorth of No. '78, Anoka County, Minnesota, g Y I-694 and west of Main Street N.E. MpTI�ON by Ms. Sherek, seconded by Ms. Modig, to remove this item from the table. IIPON A VOICB VOTE, l�LL VOTING AYE, CBAIRPERBON BBTZOLD DECLARED T8E MOTION CARRIBD �Nl1NIMOOSLY. 1M Ks. McPherson stated the petitioner is pro�eiprincipal lot, subdi.vide the property into four tracts. Tract: A, will �eet the sinimum lot area and lot tridth requi.rements for a buildable lot. Tract B will be reserved for t:he Burlington Northern rail yards. Tract C could be used by Burlington Northern at some future time for private acces>s to Tzact B, but iB not a buildable lot. Tract D will be d�:dicated tlowha future�l�ir►okahC untyaroad improvementt � whicii would al proj �:ct . - '� Ms. 2�cPherson stated staff is recommendinq the Planning Comm�Lssion recommend approval of the reqietered land survey with the followinq stipulations: 1. Clean the parcel of I-694 construJunenlae1991,and re-establish veqetative cover by 2. A park dedication fee of $.023 per aquare foot shall be paid at the time of construction on Tract A or if Tract !� is resubdivided. 3. Tracts B and C are not buildable lots. 4. Tract D shall be dedicated to the public for street and utility purposes. Ms. ;Sherek stated she would like to see etipulation �1 changed to require all the tracts to be cleaned of construction debris. O]�TION by Ms. Sherek, seconded by Mr. Rondrick, to rpcSmmend to City Council approval of Reqis�e�r=epLa�d�at part of Lots �90-06, by Glacier Park Company, 2 and 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 78, lhr►oka County, Minnesota, qenerallyelfollowinq stiPulationsand west of Main Street N.E., with th 1. All four tracts must be cleaned of I-694 construction debris and vegetative cover re- established by June 1, 1991. Z. A park dedication fee of $.023 per square foot shall be paid at the time of construction on Tract A or if Tract A is resubdivided. 3. Tracts B and C are not buildable lots. 4. Tract D shall be dedicated to the public for �treet ar►d utility purposes. 1 � � +i 1990 PAGE �3 PLANNZIiG COZ�II'II88IOI�i 1[B$TING. 3�0. 5. � 7. IIPON 71 VOICB VOTB, �+L VOTI�ia �YB, C81�iIRp$RBON 8$TZOLD DECL�iRED T8$ I�OTZO�i C1�RRIBD Q�IANIMO�BLY. Ms. McPherson stated this item will qo to City Council on pecember 10, 1990. i /� to ap rove dele ion of �g91 pLANNING COIrII+iISSION NDP� O�I TION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Ms. Modig, the 1991 Planning Commission calendar with the November 27, 1991. QpON ]1 VOICB VOT$, ALL VOTIHa 7►YE � CHAIF DECLI�RED THE MOTION CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY. BETSOLD MINUTES• OT N by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by . Modiq, to receive the October 1, 1990, Parks and Recr tion Commission minutes. IIPON A VOICE VOTE, 11LL VOTING !1 , CBAIRPERSON 8$TZOLD DECLl�RED THE MOTION Cl�RRIBD IMOIISLY. Mr. Kondrick stated he want d to alert the Planning Commission about the Parks and Recreation Commission's concern about the new Ta et Greatland which is proposed for the old YMCA site. The ommission is concerned about the impact on Springbrook ature Center. They need to watch this very carefully make sure the City can restrict the negative impact to e Natur� Center as much as possible, both environmental and visually. Ms. Dacy stated he developer, First Western Development, will be submit ng a rezoning aIndustrial,fto C-2e General property to g from M-2, Heavy Business, to match the remaining part of the property. There will lso be an application to plat the property into four lots one lot for the shopping center, and another lot for the arget Greatland, a loopback parcel, and an outlot for th wetland area they are required to maintain. So, the Commi sion will have a chance to discuss concerns and issues �►he these items come before them. O+�,I TION by Ms. Sherek, seconded by Mr. Dahlberg, to receive the October 4, 1990, Human Resources Commission minutes. 1N �,,� �` � POLICE DEPARTM ENT .� :` �� , City of Fridley �_,.�� � o � Minnesota oATE FROM SUBJECT CTOR. J.P.HI CHlSRITABLE GAMBLING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS MEMORANDUM TO BILL BURN.� �TI X � INFO Enclosed for second reading is an ordinance recodifying the Fridley City Code, Chapter 30, entitled "Charitable Gambling," by renaming the chapter "Lawful Gambling" and amending sections 30.03 and 30.04. The proposed changes have received considerable review by staff and city organizations. Final adjustments have been made and the amendments are ready for second reading and passage. JPH/sa ' 2A GAMBLING ORDINANCE AI+IENDMENTS * Expands provisions to all forms of lawful gambling rather than just pull-tabs. • * Expands local authority to all licensed organizations conducting lawful gambling in the city rather than just to retail intoxicating liquor establishments. * Changes the requirement to contribute 10$ of the net profits within the City of Fridley to 50� within the Fridley trade area. * Eliminates most local game operation regulations. * Eliminates employee compensation restrictions. * Increases allowable rent from $100 per week to $600 per month. * Applies the 3� local gambling tax equally to, all organizations. Requires return of unused tax. Exempts tax to holders of exemption certificates. * Limits Bingo halls and lawful gambling organizations to 4 days a week and 12 Bingo occasions in a week on the premises. 0 siNCO occASZON At least 15 Bingo games must be held at each occasion and a Bingo occasion must continue for at least 1- 1 1/2 hours but not more than four consecutive hours. � Ci� ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, CBAPTER 30, ENTITLED �'CHARITABLE (3AMBLING��, BY RENAMING THE CBAPTER ��LAWFOL GAMBLING�� AND AI+iENDING SECTION 30.03 AND SECTION 30.04 The Council of the City of Fridley does ordain as follows: The title of this Chapter "Charitable Gambling" is amended as follows: "Lawful Gambling" Section 30.03. REGULATIONS 1. Licensed organizations conducting lawful gambling within the City of Fridley shall expend fifty percent (50�) of its expenditures for lawful purposes conducted or located within the City of Fridley trade area. The Fridley trade area is limited to the City of Fridley and each city contiguous to the City of Fridley. 2. Licensed organizations conducting lawful gambling within the City of Fridley must file a copy of monthly gambling board financial reports to the Fridley City Clerk. 3. Licensed organizations conducting lawful gambling may not conduct pull-tab sale operations in more than two premises in the City. 4. Licensed organizations conducting lawful gambling within the City of Fridley in an establishment licensed under Chapter 603 Entitled "Intoxicating Liquor" of the Fridley City Code shall only sell pull-tabs from a booth used solely by the licensed lawful gambling organization, and pull-tabs shall neither be sold by employees of the liquor establishment or sold from the bar area. 5. Licensed organizations conducting lawful gambling in the City of Fridley shall be responsible for booths and other equipment used in lawful gambling. 6. No bingo hall license holder or lawful gambling license holder shall permit bingo to be conducted on the premises more than 4 days in any week, or permit more than 12 bingo occasions in any week. � 2C Page 2 -- Ordinance No. SECTION 30.04. LOCAL GAMBLING TAX A local gambling tax of three percent (3�) of the gross receipts from lawful gambling, less prizes actually paid by the organization, shall be paid to the City for the purpose of regulating said gambling.� Any tax not utilized in conjunction with regulating said gambling shall be returned to the contributing organizations annually. Organizations operating under a State and City approved lawful gambling exemption certificate are exempt from the local gambling tax. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1990. ATTEST SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK First Reading: December 17, 1990 Second Reading: Publish: WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR i� . �� � � Community Development Department PLAI�VING DIVISION City of Fridley DATE: January 3, 1991 TO: William Burns, City Manager� !{'� ' FROM: Barbara Dacy, Cammunity Development Director Michele McPherson, Planning Assistant SUBJECT: Special Use Permit, SP #90-08, by Babinski Limited At the December 17, 1990 meeting, the City Council unanimously denied the special use permit request, 5P #90-08, by Babinski Limited. Frank Kramer, representing Babinski Limited, has requested that the City Council reconsider its motion to deny the special use permit request. Attached please find the staff report and assorted materials regarding the special use permit request. Mr. Kramer will be at the City Council meeting Monday night. MM/dn M-91-1 � � unroF F��� DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: C0�1/1MUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT M EMO RAN D UM December 6, 1990 �� William Burns, City Manager�� . Barbara Dacy, Planning Coordinator Michele McPherson, Planning Assistant Special Use Permit, SP #90-08, by Babinski Limited Attached is the staff report for the special use permit request, SP #90-08, to allow outside storage of materials and equipment. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the request with the following stipulations: 1. The existing storage area shall be cleaned of materials not directly related to the retail lumber and contracting business and shall be used to store only heavy equipment and materials directly related to the retail lumber and contracting business. Clean up shall be completed by November 15, 1990. 2. Flat bed trailers shall be allowed to be stored outside the storage area in the rear yard at the loading docks. Two vehicles may be parked in the front parking lot for overnight parking, but all other trucks and trailers shall be stored in the rear yard. 3. The existing storage fence shall be re-slatted. 4. The petitioner shall install an eight foot high wood fence and three boulevard trees along the east property lir►e. The fence design shall be approved by staff prior to installation. The boulevard trees shall be a minimum of 2 1/2" caliper. 5. The special use permit shall be reviewed in one year, and annually thereafter. This item was to be presented to the City Council on November 19, 1990. The petitioner requested a postponement until more clean-up could occur. We permitted a delay to this Monday's meeting. We will present a video tape of the results of the petitioner's clean- up effort. The Planning Commission was adamant that the petitioner clean-up the site prior to City Council consideration. 3 i I Babinski SUP December 6, 1990 Page 2 We videotaped the property on December 6, 1990. The fence has been installed and the petitioner has cleaned the yard, but it does not appear that the storage area surrounded by a chain link fence has been cleaned or reslatted as required in stipulation #1. Therefore, the compliance date should be amended to January 1, 1991. Staff recommends the City Council approve the request as recommended by the Planning Commission with the following stipulations: 1. The existing storage area shall be cleaned of materials not directly related to the retail lumber and contracting business and shall be used to store only heavy equipment and materials directly related to the retail lumber and contracting business. Clean up shall be completed by January 1, 1991. 2. Flat bed trailers shall be allowed to be stored outside the storage area in the rear yard at the loading docks. Two vehicles may be parked in the front parking lot for overnight parking, but all other trucks and�trailers shall be stored in the rear yard. 3. The existing storage fence shall be re-slatted. 4. The petitioner shall install three boulevard trees 2 I/2 inches in caliper by July 1, 1991. 5. The special use permit shall be reviewed in one year, and annually thereafter. NIl�I/dn M-90-874 � STAFF REPORT 3C —J APPEALS DATE �'�O� pLqN�NG COM�MSSION DATE: June 20, 1990 ; September 26, 1990; [ZIDLEY CtTY COI�ICiL DATE : 12/ ]0/90 October 24, 1990 �� �/dn REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER APPLICANT PROPOSED REQUEST IOCATION SITE DATA SIZE �ENSITY PRESENT ZONaVG ADJACENT LAND USES $� Z�i� UME$ PARK DEDICATION ANALYSIS FINANCIAL MAPL.ICATIONS CONFORMANCE TO COMPRE�NE PLAN COMPAT�IUTY WITH ADJACENT USES 8� ZONNG ENVIRONMENTAL CON.SIDERATIONS STAFF RECOMMEI�ATION APPEALS RECOMMENDATION PLANNlNG COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION SP 4� 90-08 John Babinski Allow exterior storage oi materials and equipment 1290 - 73rd Avenue N.E. 98,260 square feet M-1, Light Industrial M-1, Light Industrial to South and West; M-2, Heavy Industrial to East; C-1, Local Business to North Approval with stipulations Approval with stipulations � Staff Report SP #90-08, John Babinski Page 2 Request The petitioner, John Babinski, is requesting that a special use permit be issued to allow the exterior storage of equipment and materials, generally located on Lots 1 through 20, Central Avenue Addition, the same being 1290 - 73rd Avenue N.E. The petitioner proposes to construct a screening fence along the Central Avenue boulevard to comply with the screening requirements. Site The site is zoned M-1, Light Industrial, as are the parcels to the south and west. There is M-1 and C-1, Local Business, zoning to the north, and R-3, General Multiple Dwelling, and M-2, Heavy Industrial, zoning to the east. Mr. Babinski's retail lumber and contracting business is located in the concrete building located in the southwest corner of the intersection of 73rd Avenue and Central Avenue. Onan occupies the building south of the petitioner's building and the two share a common drive off of Central Avenue. Analysis Section 205.17.01.C.(11) of the Fridley City Code requires that a special use permit be granted for exterior storage of materials and equipment. The petitioner has an existing storage area of 50 'x 90', for which a special use permit was not granted. Mr. Babinski was first cited in 1980 for lack of appropriate screening of outside storage of materials and equipment as required by code (Section 205.17.07.B.(1)). Recently, Steve Barg, Code Enforcement Officer, has been working with Mr. Babinski to remove the materials that are currently being stored in the front and rear yards of the parcel, or having him apply for a special use permit (please see attached code enforcement letters). As was stated earlier, the petitioner has an existing storage area surrounded by chain link fence with vinyl slats on the east side as screening. The materials currently being stored within this area are listed on Attachment A. An old MTC bus is currently being used within the storage area to store various types of plumbing materials instead of placing these within the warehouse structure. In addition, staff could not determine the direct relationship of some of the materials to the retail lumber business and contracting businesses. To comply with the screening requirements of the zoning code, the petitioner proposes to construct a screening fence along the east property line. The fence would extend east away from the building 3D �� Staff Report SP #90-08, John Babinski Page 3 a short distance into the boulevard and then south along the property line (please see site plan). Staff was contacted by Woody Nelson of Onan Manufacturing regarding the special use permit request. Mr. Nelson inquired as to the status of the storage area; whether or not the petitioner would be in effect expanding this storage area. Mr. Nelson wanted to insure that there was adequate space for their semi-trailer trucks to turn around in order to access the loading docks on the north side of the building. Mr. Nelson indicated that it is extremely difficult for Onan to utilize the loading docks at the west end of the building, as it is difficult for their semi-truck trailers to access these loading docks due to the amount of materials stored by the petitioner. Undate after June 20 1990 PlanninQ Commission Meetincr The Planning Commission tabled action on this item to allow the petitioner time to explore the option of expanding the building. A warehouse expansion was rejected by the petitioner as it was too expensive. The petitioner has indicated that the existing storage area will be cleaned in order to store all the equipment within the storage area. The equipment that does not fit within the storage area will be relocated to another site. The petitioner indicated that this could be completed by November 15, 1990. In addition to the items in the rear yard, there are several items still being stored in the front yard (see Attachment A). The petitioner has moved the school bus to another site. The petitioner indicated that he would like to store the tractor- trailers in the front yard permanently, due to the amount of vandalism they have experienced. The Code prohibits storage of materials and equipment in the front yard, therefore, staff cannot recommend approval of this request. Since the building expansion will not be built, and the storage area will not be expanded, the issue raised by Mr. Nelson of Onan has been resolved. There should not be any conflict with the access points for Onan. Recommendation and Stipulations The special use permit request is consistent with the uses outlined by the M-1 zoning requirements. The proposed fence will allow the petitioner to meet the screening requirements of the zoning code. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the special use permit request, SF #90-08, with 3F Staff Report SP #90-08, John Babinski Page 4 the following stipulations: 1. The existing storage area shall be cleaned of materials not directly related to the retail lumber and contracting business, and shall�be used to store only heavy equipment directly related to the retail lumber and contracting business. Clean up shall be completed by November 15, 1990. 2. Flat bed trailers shall be allowed to be stored outside the storage area in the rear yard at the loading docks. 3. The existing storage fence shall be re-slatted. 4. The petitioner shall install an 8 foot high wood fence and 3 boulevard trees along the east property line. The fence design shall be approved by staff prior to installation. The boulevard trees shall be a minimum of 2 1/2" caliper. Planninq Commission Action The Planning Commission, at their October 24, 1990 meeting, voted unanimously to recommend approval of the special use permit request with the amended stipulations: 1. The existing storage area shall be cleaned of materials not directly related to the retail lumber and contracting business and shall be used to store only heavy equipment and materials directly reZated to the retail lumber and contracting business. Clean up shall be completed by November 15, 1990. 2. Flat bed trailers shall be allowed to be stored outside the storage area in the rear yard at the loading docks. Two vehicles may be parked in the front parking lot for overnight parking, but all other trucks and trailers shall be stored in the rear yard. 3. The existing storage fence shall be re-slatted. 4. The petitioner shall install an eight foot high wood fence and three boulevard trees along the east property line. The fence des�.gn shall be approved by staff prior to installation. The boulevard trees shall be a minimum of 2 1/2" caliper. 5. The special use permit shall be reviewed in one year, and annually thereafter. City Council Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council concur with the Planning 3G Staff Report SP #90-08, John Babinski Page 5 Commission action, except for the second half of stipulation #2, allowing outside storage in the front yard. Staff recommends that the City Council require all vehicles to be parked in the rear yard. 3H Special Use Permit_ApJsl icat ian Reasc�rr far saecial use perrnit Jahr� P�bir�ski is the awner of Babinski, Ltd. Babinski Ltd. is � whc�lesale/retail lurnber ar�d rnillwark supplier� as while as a excavating cor�tractor. As such, Babinski Ltc! receives l��rnber by the truck lc�ad. At tirnes r�at all the l�trnber car� be stor^ed inside the building ar the fer�ced area. Aisn, betweer� excavating JGt?5 r�at a11 the equipmer�t car� be stc�red inside the fenced �rea. Therefare, we are request i rrg a spec i a 1 i+se perrn i t t a st are lurnber, and equiprnent in the rear c�f the bui ldir�g ��.�tsid� ���f t he fenced area. 7c� sh i e 1 d t he eq u i prner�t ar�d .l urnb�r f r�!:�m the public right c�f w�y we are praposing to build a f�»c� ��n the ald Cer�tr�l Aver�ue side af the buildir�g as shc�wr� ��r� the p 1 an. Attachment A Exterior Storaae Items - Babinski Ltd. In fenced storage area: Paint buckets � Plumbing supplies Gas tanks Iron pieces MTC bus - used as warehouse space Heavy equipment Siding and roofing materials Miscellaneous unidentifiable items Outside in rear of building: Three caterpillars Two forklifts Four dropped trailers Five flatbed trailers Two trucks Scraper Dumpster is outside Pallets Miscellaneous shipments Outside in front of building: Motorhome Trailer Three green trucks 31 � �, ~� ;..,� "�i� , , �r.....�:.� ��� - , , � ; f � May 12, 1980 �' �` � �IT�( Q� ��1L�LE�� `4a1 UtQiYERSITY AVEMUE N.E.� FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 66�3Z � � Mr. John Babiriski ` Babinski Limited Lumber 1290 - 73rd Avenue N.E. r Fridley, MN 55432 TELEPNONE ( e12)571-3450 Re: Screenir�g of Outside Stored Materials and Equipment at 1290 - 73rd Avenue ti.E. (SECOND NOTICE) � pear Mr. Babinski: Enclosed p2ease find this department's letter dated April 2, 19Q0 which brought to your attention the need to provide and maiitame ta�cated on screening around the outside store� materials and equ'p the above listed property. As indicated, a reinspection was conducted on May S, 19d0.at which time it was detesmined that r.o effort has been made to corxect this viQlatis�n. Therefore, the City must again require you to either resnove all of t:�e outside stored building supplies from this property or provide and maintain an approved screening f ence to conceal any outside stored materials and equiFaaent or place this material witY:in the confines of a building. A zeinspection will be corrducted on or about May 27. 1980 to determine oompliance. We are confident in your'cooperation and desire to make Fridley a better cc�nunity to live within. If any questions or �:roblems result from this letter, please feel free to contact me at 571-345Q. Failure to abate this violation will rpsult in this matter beinq turned over to the Cit Prosecutor for his le�al consideration. Sincerely, STEV J. OISOIJ, R S. Environmental Officer SJO/�h � IIiC: 1 ' �: Mr. John D. Babinski, 7296 Central Avenue N.E. bir. John D. Babinski, 331 Rice Creek Texrace N.E. � � CITYOF FRlDLEY . FRIDLEI' MU!�ICIPAL CEITER • W31 UNI�'ERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY. MN 55�32 •(612) 571-:�450 • FAX (61'_► 571-1'_87 May 9, 1990 John Babinski Babinski Limited 1290 - 73rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, IrIId 55432 RE: First Notice of Noncompliance at 1290 - 73rd Avenue N.E. Dear Mr. Babinski: The City of Fridley has established a City Code for the purpose of promoting a pleasant and attractive subuzban environment. The ebove referenced business is Iocated in an M-1, Light Industrial, 2oning district. A recent inspection of this property revealed that not all of the requirements pertaining to an M-1 district are presently being met. Listed below are the items which are in noncompliance: 1. Discontinue unscreened storage of all n►aterials and equipment located to the south of the building (City Code copy enclosed). 2. Discontinue storage of trailers and school bus located in parking area north of the building (City Code copy enclosed). Your prompt attention is correcting this situation would greatly assist in helpinq make Fridley a better place to live. An inspection will be conducted on or about May 28, 1990, at which time compliance is expected. Please call me at 572-3595 if you have questions or wish to discuss this further. Thanks for your cooperation! Sincerely, Steven Barq Planning Assistant SB:ls C-90-254 3K - 3L 1rRZDLEX CITY COIINCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 10. 1990 PAGB 8 9. &PEGIAL USE PERMIT. SP �90 08 BY JOHN BABINSKI. TO ALLOW p't'�'ERIOR STORAGE OF MAT�RIAIS ON LOTS 1 THROUGH 2 0. CENT�AL ;�'�Iv^�TE ADDITION GENERALLY LOCATED AT 1290 73RD AVENUE N.E.: l�te. Dacy, Planninq Coordinator, etated that aince the petitfoner was not here this eveninq, she would feel more comfortable with tablinq the item until the next aeetinq on December 17. 1�IOTZON by Councilman Schneider to table this item to December 17, 1990. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorqenson. Upon a voice vote, all votfng aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unnnimously. 10. TRAINING FACILITY: l�r. Aldrich, Fire Chief, stated that this joint powe aqreement for a proposed training facility has been reviewed a modiffed by Greqq Herrick of the City Attorney's Office and by arles LeFevre on behalf of the City of Brooklyn Center. He tated that this aqreement forms the Fire Traininq Association w re six cities made up of four individual Fire Departments ould jointly and collectively construct, use, and maintain a re traininq facility. Mr. Aldrich stated that this facility ould be constructed on property owned by the City at 348 - 7 st Avenue N.E. He etated that initial construction costs are p jected to be about $200,000 which ehall be shared equally by t parties. He stated that a limited annual operatinq budget wo d assess each party $1,500. Mr. Aldrich stated the agreemen includes a provision that allows the Chiefs of the Fire Depart nts strict control over the yearly operatinq costs and does no anticipate costs would run out of control. He stated that idley would act as the construction agent because the facilit is being constructed in the City. He stated that major repa' s or alternations, regardless of who proposes them, cannot b done without approval of the Councils. Mr. Aldrich stated th he recommends the Council consider enterinq into this joint pow s agreement for a traininq facility. MOTION by Counc' man Fitzpatrick to approve the Fire Traininq Association Joi Powers Agreement and authorize the Mayor and City Manaqer to e er into the agreement. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Councilwo an Jorgenson thanked Mr. Aldrich for all the work he has accompl' hed in regard to this training facility. She stated that she f t it would be a great asset to all the local Fire Deva ents. Cou�icilman Schneider stated that this was a qood example of qo�ernments workinq toqether. 3M office makes a final decision on the site expansion She would recommend tabling the request for 90 days. The other Planning Commission members were 'n agreement. OM TION by Ms. Sherek, seconded by M. Saba, to table special use permit request, SP #90-06,. by Rob Bushey for Sears Outlet Store, per Section 205.15.O1.C.(8) the Fridley City Code to allow exterior storage of materi s on Lot 1, Block 1, Shorewood Plaza, generally located at 100 ast Moore Lake Drive N.E., until a final determination is ma by Sears' corporate office, or 90 days, whichever comes s er. IIPON A VOI oOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPER80N BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTI CARRIED IINANIMOOSLY. Mr ushey stated he certainly appreciated the extra time granted the Planning Commission. 3. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT 90- 08 BY JOHN BABINSKI: Per Section 205.17.O1.�C. (11) of the Fridley City Code to allow exterior storage of materials on Lots 1 through 20, Central Avenue Addition, generally located at 1290 - 73rd Avenue N.E. MOTION by Mr. Saba, seconded by Ms. Sherek, to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:05 P.M. Ms. McPherson stated this request is for the exterior storage of equipment and materials at 1290 - 73rd Avenue. The petitioner occupies the yellow building at the intersection of 73rd and Central Avenues. The property is zoned M-1, Light Industrial, and there is additional industrial zoning to the south and west. The petitioner's site shares a common driveway with the Onan building to the south. In order to screen the outside storage, the petitioner is proposing to construct a fence along the public right-of-way on the east side of the property. Ms. McPherson stated that in 1980, the petitioner was cited for lack of appropriate screening of outside of materials and equipment as required by Code. Recently, Steven Barg, the City's Code Enforcement Officer, has been working with Mr. Babinski to either remove the materials that are currently being stored in the front and rear yards of the parcel or apply for a special use permit. Ms. McPherson stated the petitioner does have an existing fenced storage area on the south side of the building. The materials currently being stored within this storage area are listed on Attachment A of the Staff Report. Currently, an old MTC bus is 3N �LANNING COMMISSION l�EETZNG. JIINE 20. 1990 PAGE 7 being used to store various types of plumbinq materials; and, in addition, staff could not determine the direct relation of some materials to the petitioner's lumber contractinq business and excavating business. Ms . McPherson stated there is adequate space on the property to construct a 55 ft. x 100 ft. warehouse additfon which would qive the petitioner an additiona�l 5,500 sq. ft. of warehouse space. In addition to the items within the storage area, there are items that are currently being stored in the front and rear yards. These items are also listed on Attachment A of the Staff Report. Ms . McPherson stated the petitioner is proposing to construct a solid fence along the east property line which would follow the public boulevard. This fence would allow the petitioner to comply with the screening requirement of the zoning code. Ms. McPherson stated staff was contacted by Woody Nelson of Onan Corporation. Mr. Nelson was concerned that the storage area not be expanded any larger than it is as it can be difficult for Onan's trucks to access their loading docks. The loading docks of the two buildings are staggered so that access and truck parking will not interfere with each other. Mr. Nelson was concerned that any further expansion of the storage area could interfere with this type of activity and would limit the access to the western loading dock areas. Ms. McPherson stated the special use permit request is consistent with the uses outlined by the M-1 zoning requirements. The proposed fence would allow the petitioner to meet the screening requirements of the zoning code. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to City Council approval of the special use permit request with the following stipulations: 1. The existing storage area shall be cleaned of materials not directly related to the retail lumber and contracting business and shall be used to store only the following items: a. three caterpillars b. one forklift c. one scraper d. pallets e. one crane 2. Vehicles used on a daily basis shall be allowed to be stored outside the storage area. 30 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JIINE 20. 1990 AGE 8 3. The existing storaqe fence shall be reslatted. 4. The petitioner shall designate parking �paces at the rear of the building for the tractor trailers currently parked in the front yard. 5. The petitioner shall discontinue outside storage of the follow.ing items which are currently stored in the front yard: a. school bus b. motcrhome c. trailer 6. The petitioner shall fnstall an 8 foot high wccd fence and 3 boulevard trees alonq the east property line. the fence design shall be approved by staff prior to installation. The boulevard trees shall be a minimum of 2 1/2 inches caliper. Ms. Dacy stated the petitioner has advised staff that they might want to pursue constructinq additional warehouse space, and the Planning Commission may want to encourage the petitioner to explore that option. Mr. Betzold asked if the petitioner is aware of Onan's concerns. Ms. Dacy stated staff gave a copy of Mr. Nelson's letter to the petitioner. It is staff's understanding that Mr. Nelson is concerned about the expansion of the storage area, and it is staff's intent to limit the storage area to what is existing and not to increase the storage area beyond the existinq fence line. Mr. Saba stated he is concerned about the materials being stored on the property. Have any environmental impact or soil tests been done for this area? Ms. Dacy stated that according to the petitioner, the storage area is blacktopped and nat raw earth. To staff's knowledge, no soil tests have been done in this area, and that is the reason staff is zecommending the area be cleaned up and used only for the equipment needed for the business. Staff has reviewed the stipulations with the petitioner, and he has assured staff tbat he will separate those materials. Mr. Saba stated there is a storm sewer right outside the storage area. Any contaminants will wash down the blacktop right fnto the storm sewer. 3P ' 1990 pAGE 9 �LANNING COMMISSION MEETZNG. JIINE 20. - Ms. Dacy stated there is also a continuing concern about the property next door and the outside storage for a welding and tank operation. If there is any contamination, it is probably coming from that location. The bottom line is that they all want the petitioner's outside storage area cleaned up. Ms. Sherek asked what the zoning code says about outside storage of materials in M-1 zoning districts. Is. storage limited to equipment and materials related to the particular business, or can anything be stored outside? - Ms. Dacy stated the language for the M-1 zoning district states: �'exterior storage of materials and equipment". In another sectian of the co se mat be stored in the rear yardCif they are sc eened principal Y from the public right-of-way." MOTION by Ms. Sherek, seconded by Mr. Dahlberg, to receive the letter dated June 18, 1990, from Norwood Nelson, Director, Corporate Facilities, onan Corporation, to Donald Betzold. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BET20LD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Frank Kramer stated he is representing John Babinski. He stated Mr. Babinski is willing to clean up the storage area of materials not directly related to the retail lumber and cantracting business. Mr. Betzold asked what can be done about any environmental concerns. Is there any City staff that can look into that? Ms. Dacy stated there is no one on staff qualified to do that. In the past, the City has asked Pollution Control Staff to do an on- site visit, and then have the property owner conduct soil tests and/or samples of runoff as it discharges from the site. Mr . Kramer stateSd�aller btankslly The tla gerv tanks earen owned lby � are tires an Determan Welding located next to their property. Ms. Sherek stated if it is the petitioner's intention to remove at least one old truck body and the MTC bus. Mr. Kramer stated they want to explore the possibility of building additional warehouse space. They are a contracting business that installs sewer and water and they do a lot of earthwork. The MTC bus is used to store fittings for their sewer and water contracting business, and they would like to keep the MTC bus. They are prepared to cover it or camouflage it in some way. 3Q PLANNING COIrU�iI88ION l�tEETZNG. JIINE 20. 1990 PAG� 10 Ms. Sherek stated she is very concerned because she lives in this neighborhood. She asked if it is logically possible to accommodate all the equipment on this site, particular�y in the winter time, without parking some of the vehicles either in front of the building or behind the building? Mr. Kramer stated they do have other storage areas for their heavy equipment. Only about 10� of all their heavy equipment is at this location at any given time. He stated they have removed almost everything from the front parking lot. The reason the xrucks are still parked in front is because there is a severe vandalism problem in this area. When the trucks are parked in back, windows are broken, mirrors torn off, etc. In six months, they had 5 broken windows and one broken mirror. Mr. Betzold stated that because of the vandalism problem, maybe it would be more practical and more feasible to build a storage area. Ms. Sherek stated that a slatted fence around the storage area will not help the vandalism problem; in fact, it will probably make it worse, because the vandals cannot be observed from the street. Mr. Kramer stated they would like to discuss with City staff the possibility of a 5,500 sq. ft. storage addition. The addition would be a pole, metal type storage building. The metal building would be more cost effective, and the side facinq Central Avenue would be all garage doors so they can back in the trucks off their existing driveway. The other two sides would face Determan Welding and Onan's warehouse side. Before they start drawing up plans, they wanted to first get a feeling from staff and the Commission on whether this type of building is feasible. Ms. Dacy stated there is no specific statement in the code that says metal buildings are prohibited. However, it has been the City's consistent policy that additions are to be architecturally compatible with the existing building. Mr. Kramer does raise a good point about the visibility issue and what is surrounding the proposed addition. She stated that, depending upon the type of metal exterior, it is possible that it might not be offensive. MOTION by Ms. Sherek, seconded by Mr. Dahlberg, to close the public hearing. IIPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED !►ND THE PUBLIC BEARING CLOSED AT Ss35 P.M. Mr. Saba stated he would be more in favor of a storage addition than a fenced-in storage area. Ms. Sherek stated she would,on than a fence along C ntral Avenuee it is a more permanent soluti �la! PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JIINE 20. 1990 _ PAGE 11 Ms. Dacy stated staff, along with Darrel Clark, the Chief Building Official, can discuss the storage addition with the petitioner. Mr. Kramer stated he would be willing to table the special use permit request as long as he can clean up the area, but not eliminate everything until they arrive at a more permanent� solution. Ms. Sherek stated her biggest concern is that the petitioner can have the best intentions of resolving the issue by cleaning up the storage area and putting everything in back. By having a fence which might encourage more vandalism, she can see everything coming back out front again, and that is not a solution to this storage problem. She would like to see the petitioner explore the option of a storage addition with staff. MOTION by Mr. Saba, seconded by Ms. Sherek, to table special use permit, SP #90-08, by John Babinski, to give the petitioner and staff an opportunity to discuss the possibility of a storage building addition. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CH!►IRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY. 4. 7V�U7 Di LL11�1'l+L il�VVawi.+ � — –--- --- -� BODYWORKS: Per Section 205.18.O1.C.(12) of the Fridley City Co to allow exterior storage of materials and equipment on ot 2, Block 4, Commerce Park, and that part of Lot 2 lyin in Section 10- 30-24, subject to utility and gas easemen as 5hown on plat and subject to any other easements record, generally located at 100 Osborne Road N.E. MOTION by Mr. Kuechle, seconded by Ms. herek, to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and o n the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIN YE, CIiAIRPERSON SETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE LIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:40 P.M. Ms. McPherson stated th' property is zoned M-2, Heavy Industrial, with adjacent M-2 zo ' g on the north, east, and south sides of the property. There i commercial and residential zoning to the west of the property cross the railroad tracks. Ms. McPhers stated the petitioner is requesting a special use permit in rder to construct a fenced storage area directly outside the ten t stall of this multi-tenant building. The petitioner has a con act with Shorty's Towing, which has a contract with the City of idley, to tow accident vehicles from accident sites to various � CZTY OF lRIDLBY pLl1NNING COl�II+IIBSION �LEBTII�TG, OCTOBER 24, 1990 �►w w�w..�.w. w.w.w..�.�.w.��.�..r..�.��.�.�rwnw.w��►�►�.��►�w.�..rw�w�.,rrr�rw.wwwwwrr.w�.�.www�wr��..r.rw.,r.►w r w. CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Betzold called the October 24, 1990 Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. #20LL CALL • Members Present: Don Betzold, Dave Kondric , Dean Saba, Sue Sherek, Paul Dahlbe , Connie Modig Members Absent: Diane Savage Others Present: Barbara Dacy, P nning Coordinator Michele McPhe on, Planning Assistant Frank Kraem , 1290 - 73rd Avenue N.E> Christine ansen, 230 Rice Creek Boulevard Tay Kers , 8450 Eastwood Road, Mpls. 55112 Roger ene, 870 Pandora Drive N.E. Rob Lange, 189 Logan Parkway N.E. D g Erickson, Fridley Focus r OM TION b�. Sherek, seconded by Ms. Modig, to approve the October 10, 1990 Planning Commission minutes as written. f�A VOICE VOTE, liLL VOTINa AYE, CHAIRPERBON BETZOLD DECLARED MOTION CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY. 1. TABLED: CONSID RATION OF A SPECIA SE RMIT SP 90-08 BY JOHN BABINSKI: Per Section 205.17.O1.C.(11) of the Fridley City Code, to allow exterior storage of materials on Lots 1 through 20, Central Avenue Addition, generally located at 1290 - 73rd Avenue N.E. MOTTON by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Mr. Saba, to remove the item from the table and reopen the public hearing. IIPON A VOICE VOTE, 71LL VOTINQ 71Y8, CSAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED T8E MOTION CARRIED ABTD THE PIIHLIC HEARING REOPENED AT �:37 P.M. Ms. McPherson stated this item was first presented to the Planning Commission on June 20, 1990. At that time, the petitioner was requesting a special use permit to allow exterior storage of 3S # 3T �L�1�TNINa COl"II"II88ION 1[EETING. OC'�'088R Z4. 1990 p��E � materials at the above location. The site is zoned M-1, Light Industrial, as are the parcels to the south and west. There is M- 1 and C-2, Local Business, zoninq to the north, and R-3, General Multiple Dwelling, zoninq and M-2, Heavy Industrial, zoninq to the east. Onan occupies the building south of the petitioner's buildinq and the two share a common drive of Central Avenue. Ms. McPherson stated there is an existinq storage area eurrounded by a chain link fence with vinyl slats on the east side of the property which is used to store a variety of materials including an MTC bus and other types of building materials, lumber, �lumbing equipment, etc. Ms. McPherson stated the petitioner has proposed to construct a screeninq fence alonq the east property line along the riqht-of- way to provide screeninq and to meet the Code requirement. Ms. McPherson stated that on June 20, 1990, the Planning Commission tabled the request to allow the petitioner time to explore a potential warehouse expansion which would allow the petitioner to locate as many materials as possible inside the buildinq instead of outside the building. The petitioner has informed staff that a warehouse expansion is not possible because of the cost involved. In discussions with staff, the petitioner indicated he could clean the existing storage area in order to allow all the equipmenment be moved inside the existinq storage area and that the equip that could not fit within the storaqe area could be moved to another site. The petitioner indicated this could be completed by November 15, 1990. Ms. McPherson stated that in addition to those items that are currently stored in the rear yard, there are still Beveral items that are being stored in the front yard. There are tractor trailers and a mobile home (RV-type vehicle) still being stored in the front yard. The petitioner has requested that he be allowed the tractor trailers to be allowed to be stored in the front yard, due to the vandalism problem. However, 6taff cannot recommend approval of this request. Ms. McPherson stated staff is recommendinq that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of this special use permit as the special use permit is consistent with the use as outlined by the M-1 zoninq requirements, and the proposed fence will allow the petitioner to meet the screeninq requirements of the Zoninq Code. Staff does recommend the following four stipulations: 1. The existinq storage area shall be cleaned of materials not directly related to the retail lumber and contraament business and shall be used to store only heavy eQu�p directly related to the retail lumber and contracting business. Clean-up shall be completed by November 15, 1990. 3U � .1. r � _ . , � _ _ c .��r �• = ' ` 2. Flat bed trailers shall be allowed to be stored outside the storage area in the rear y�rd at the loadinq docks. 3. The existinq storaqe fence shall be reslatted. 4. The petitioner shall install an 8 foot hiqh wood fence and 3 bo�:2evard trees alonq the east property line. The fence desiqn shall be approved by staff prior to installation. The boulevard trees shall be a minimum of 2 1/2" caliper. - Mr. Setzold asked how the clean-up is proceedinq. Mr. Frank Kraemer, representing Mr. Babinski, stated the contracting business is slowinq down now for the season, and they will soon be able to have their employees work on the clean-up. He believed they will be able to make the November 15 deadline. Mr. Kraemer stated that etipulation �1 stated that the existing storage area would be "used to store only b�avy �quipment...." He stated he would like to have the stipulatfon state that the storaqe area would be "used to store only heavy equipment and materials..." Mr. Kraemer stated they are buildinq a storaqe facility in northern Minnesota. All the equipment will be moved to that location by November 15. � Ms. Modig stated that on May 12, 1980, Mr. Babinski was cited for illegal outside storage of materials and equipment. No response was ever made to that, so what assurance does the City have that the site will be cleaned up by November 15, 1990? Mr. Kraemer stated the clean-up process has already started. A lot of the lumber will soon be moved to the job site. They have cleared out and rearranged half the warehouse. They have removed one of the buses and one mobile home. Mr. Kraemer stated they had soil tests taken and because of the environmental problems caused by other businesses in the area, it is almost impossible to obtain a mortqage so any warehouse expansion is just not financially feasible. Ms. Sherek stated that at the June 20 Planning Commission meeting, Mr. Kraemer had stated that the tractor trailers were parked in front because of the severe vandalism problem they have in this area. This special use permit is statinq that these vehicles must be parked in the rear. 3V pl���'�ING COI�II�II68ZOII I�IEBTII�iG. OCT08ER 24. �990 p��$ � Mr. Rraemer stated that in the last two weeks, they have had about $5,000 in damaqe to their vehicles, even while they were parked in f ront . Ks. Sherek stated that parkinq these vehicles in iront of the building is not an allowable situation. If this special uee permit is approved, will the petitiora�r continue to be in violation? Mr. Rraemer stated that they have a lot of aoney invested in these trucks. The vandalism is astronomical. They need to park two vehicles in front, a dump truck and a semi-tractor trailer. The other vehicles will be moved to the rear. Mr. Saba asked what measures the petitioner is taking to reduce the vandalism. Mr. Kraemer stated they have improved the liqhtinq in front and in back of the building. Mr. Betzold stated that if the petitioner continues to park these two vehicles in front of the buildinq, will they be in violation of the Code? Ms. Dacy stated, yes. The Code reads that if there are any trucks or vehicles related to the business, tAey must be stored in the rear yard. That was the basis for staff's recommendation. When they discussed this a few weeks aqo with Mr. Kraemer, staff advised him that if he wanted the stipulation to read otherwise, it was up to the Planninq Commission and City Council to do that. Ms. Sherek stated that if the Planning Commission and Council approve the parkinq of the two vehicles in front, what assurance does the City have that the two vehicles will not turn into 3 vehicles, then 4, etc.? She stated this is what has happened in the past. Mr. Kraemer stated that with the storage facility they are building in northern Minnesota to store all the heavy equipment, that will take care of a lot of the problem, because they now have an alternative. OT ON by Ms. Sherek, seconded by Mr. Saba, to close the public hearinq. IIPON � VOIC$ VOTF, 71LL VOTING 7►YE, CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLI�RED T8E l[OTION Cl�RRZED ]1ND T8E BQBI+ZC HEARZI�IG CLOSED 7►T 7 s35 P.M. Mr. Rondrick stated maybe the Planninq Commission should wait to take action on this special use permit after the petitioner has cleaned up the property. 3W �LANNING CO�IBSION �[EBTZNa. OCTOH$R 24. 1990 PAQE _'� Ms. Sherek suggested the Commission act on the special use permit at this meetinq, but ask that the Council not act on it until November 19, 1990, after the November 15 deadline when the existing storage area is supposed to be cleaned up. Mr. Saba stated that because of the severe vandalism problems the petitioner has had, he thought the Commission should have some consideration for the petitioner and allow the storage of two vehicles in front of the building as requested by the petitioner. OM TION by Ms. Sherek, seconded by Mr. Saba, to recommend to City Council approval of special use permit, SP #90-08, by John Babinski, per Section 205.17.Oi.C.(11) of the Fridley City Code, to allow exterior storage of materials on Lots 1 through 20, Central Avenue Addition, generally located at 1290 - 73rd Avenue N.E., with the following stipulations: 1. The existing storage area shall be cleaned of materials not directly related to the retail lumber and contracting business and shall be used to store only heavy equipment and materials directly related to the retail lumber and contracting business. Clean-up shall be completed by November 15, 1990. 2. Flat bed trailars shall be allowed to be storod outside the storaqe area in tbe rear yard at tbe loadinq docks. Two vehicles may be parked in the front parking lot for overnight parking, but all other trucks and trailers shall be stored in the rear yard. 3. The existing storaqe fence shall be reslatted. 4. The petitioner shall install an 8 foot high wood fence and 3 boulevard trees along the east property line. The fence design shall be approved by staff prior to installation. The boulevard trees shall be a minimum of 2 1/2" caliper. 5. The special use permit shall be reviewed in one year, and annually thereafter. IIFON A VOICE VOTL, 71LL VOTING 11YE, CHl�IRPERSON B$TZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED IINANIMOIISLY. OM TION by Ms. Sherek, seconded by Mr. Saba, to direct staff submit special use permit request, SP #90-08, to the City__Council on November 19, 1990, or later; and that, subsequent to the City Council meeting, staff videotape the site for presentation to the Council. IIPON A VOIC$ VOT$, 7►LL VOTINQ l�YE, CSAZRPER80N BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED IINANIMOOSLY. 32 ,� � 4V�. - -- . 1�F�£.. . . . ' .ai '4•� --=(N, ' „ a • h :, : s. q..� t0 ' t. , ��... • �+.r. � ry �' � � , /�. ..� Z i ) 'wa _ . ; , 1 ( � (M)�':i :>, ••; � ��'s�� Q z..;i' i Q� �� � ' r� %. N ��,rR ' O - � / J Q ; . i oea�� 4 = ; I ).i�ii � � � _ � I I e ~ I : i i a. � I Z � � �ni Z __�- _.., , �� � � — - -- - i-_ � � _� _ • � Y _ , �. . � 2 � :. o � Q. � ,., � H S � 1�. --_; - -- - _�.._. � : , O t .o. .. ..ri ! .e.r. �w�... � � � W � ~ ' , I i ~ _. 2 N � i . _ _ , - � S . -_ �/ � - � � .--F .++� , t— � ._ _—t __'a—'._ 33 SP 4� 90-08 John Babinski S //2 SEC. /2 T 30 � CJT Y OF FR/OL E Y r�s �r i...-.., s.... i r �...r ..�.+ ... yi.►.. 31 34 � 2 42 te�w � SE�. ,�� l_-J l J --- - -( t�rF�r . �� .. , J � ; S � < d - — � H Y t _ � u -- Y - . o - , _ �- i/iA�. _ . � :, � ��-t,` ;. W,� �� �� � 2; ; `• > ' �_ < i J t o�c � - � z � W V • - - - - r - - - � - - -�� -� .. i ._ . _ _ L _- _ — _ i S /M CORMfI� C. /l 14 LOCATION MAP X SP ��90-08 John Babinski ZONING MAP � SP 4�90-08 John Babinski F� SITE PLAN � � _ � I DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Community Development Department G DIVISION City of Fridley January 3, 1991 � /�_. 1� william Burns, City Manager,�l• Barbara Dacy, Community Development Director Michele McPherson, Planning Assistant Resolution Approving Plat Request, P.S. #90- 06, by Glacier Park Company Attached is the resolution approving plat request, #90-06, by Glacier Park Company. The Planning Commission voted unanimously at their November 14, 1990 meeting to recommend approval to the City Council of the plat request with the following stipulations: 1. Clean all four tracts of i-694 construction debris and re- establish vegetative cover by June 1, 1991. 2. A park dedication fee of $.023 per square foot shall be paid at time of construction on Tract A, or when Tract A is subdivided. 3. 4. Tracts B and C are not buildable lots. Tract D shall be dedicated to the public for street and utility purposes. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached resolution. MM/dn M-90-916 RESOLUTION NO. - 1991 A RESOLUTION APPROVING REGISTERED LAND SURVEY, P.S. #90-06 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Registered Land Survey, P.S. #90-06, on November 14, 1990, and recommended approval; and WHEREAS, the City Council also conducted a public hearing on the proposed Registered Land Survey at their January 7, 1990 City Council meeting and approved the Registered Land Survey at their meeting; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Fridley hereby approves the Registered Land Survey, P.S. #90- 06, with the stipulations attached as Exhibit A, and authorizes the Mayor and City Manager to sign the .Registered Land Survey as prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates Inc. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the petitioner is requested to record this Registered Land Survey at Anoka County within six (6) months or said approval with become null and void. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1991. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 4A � Exhibit A Resolution No. - 1991 Page 2 1. Clean all four tracts of I-694 construction debris and re- establish vegetative cover by June 1, 1991. 2. A park dedication fee of $.023 per square foot shall be paid at the time of construction on Tract A or if Tract A is re- subdivided. 3. Tracts B and C are not buildable lots. 4. Tract D shall be dedicated to the public for street and utility purposes. , � 5 CITY OF FRIDLEY K8i�I08ANDIIM l,A. TO: WILLIAM W. BIIRNS, CITY MANA(3ER �. Ar la FROM: RICHARD D. PRIBYL, FINANCB DIRECTOR SIIBJECT: MINNESOTA I�IWFIIL Gl�MBLING PREMISE PERMIT APPLICATIONS FOR T8E LIONS CLIIB OF FRIDLEY (MAPLE LANEB AND aEORGE'B LOIINC;E i� RESTAIIRANT, ZNC.) DATE: DECEMBER 12� 1990 The attached resolutions approve the applications for a Minnesota Lawful Gambling Premise Permit for the Lions Club of Fridley. There are two locations for the Lions Club, the Maple Lanes and George's Lounge and Restaurant, Inc. Minnesota State Statutes requires a resolution approving or denying any type of gambling of permit. RESOL�TION NO. - 1991 RESOLIITION IN BIIPPORT OF ]1N 71PPLICATION FOR A MINNESOTA LAWFIIL GAMBLING PREMIBE P$RMIT TO THE LIONS CLIIB OF FRIDLEY FOR Q$ORC�E'8 LOIINGE i� RESTAIIRANT, INC. WHEREAS, the City of Fridley has been served with a copy of an Application for a Minnesota Lawful Gambling Premise Permit for the Lions Club of Fridley; and WHEREAS, the location of the Premise Permit is for George's Lounge & Restaurant, Inc., 3710 East River Road; and WHEREAS, the City of Fridley has not found any reason to restrict the location for the charitable gambling operation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Cauncil of the City of Fridley approves the Minnesota Lawful Gambling Premise Permit to the Lions Club of Fridley. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1991. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 5A LGZ14 � � �� �� Premise Permit Application • Part 1 �pR 1i0ARD USE OM.Y FEE CiffiCIC II�iiiIALS�_ DA'� 8usirna Addr�ss d O�qs+izaea+ - SeMt ar P. O 0as (Oo not uw �ddr�ss d y�mDi+p e�r�1 . P o Box �28�� �;ti Shr �p Cod� Cour�t�r !ua"�ss pl'°n� "'x"b�r F2•1dlP� Mp �, �K1��7 �e]rn ( ) -- N�ma of d�iof �:�cvdvr oflioK (annot b� Qartibirp msnq�rl TiM� lusu��s phor» nu� Jim G�ldea PresidPnt t F,^��_K�i_��a7 Addr�ss ot ehiN �z�wcv� dlforr - Se�t ar P. O. 9ox � 6701 �verto� Dr. - Gti �. av Cod� Co�tY Fridley Mn. 55432 Anoka CLss ci Premise Permit ❑ Gass A—&rqo. Ftaftws. Paddl�whNb. Tipboards. Pull-tabs � Gass 8— RaM�s. PaddirwhMls. iipb�oards. PuN-tab� ❑ C1ass C — Binpo ony ❑ Ctass 0 — Rafti�s onF�r Th� ebss oI promis� p�m�lt 1Attst b� I�Rected by Cbss of . � orQantsit/on lle�ns�. Bin�o Occasions ' If clasa A os C. !iII 3a da�s �aQ be=lanin` aad eadla� boars �t bla�o occasian� No more tbaa sarea Ma�o oensions ma� be e�aaoct�d b� a� � � pes wee1�. �Y �� � b m m �!► ��t i�e' ��ti��� b�� �► � �t K°'a'' � �oo �_���_ �Li�i Of PlEm�!! Ptlmit • CrilCiC Ofl� � 1�Nw pftmtS� —�t Ifl � O(��f1lZiiiDfl pfMTiiS! �ffi1R flUf�ib�� ` ❑ Ran�wal of �xistirp pramis� pKmR — Fi in � pnrt� p�md rn�mbK ❑ Prwiously �xpr�d pnmis� pKmQ — Fil in � pnmis� p�rma numbK 0 / u.�14 �d,u�e�oca Lm�[ G�b� Pr�m3se Permit Applicition - Part Z NurM d�soblistrn�ru wf�� Qarnbinp wi 0� oondue»d Georac�s Lounae � �t �adr.ss cao not �... vo.e odo. bo� nwnt�rj 5C k f!r p� loeaf�d rritltin aq imies4 � p�s' U^o C�t�r and Counq wha� pamDfinp D�mir�s i� bcrd OR Town�hip �nd Car+ry �� 9��^0 P� 's ioealyd � oubid� of dty inwts Fridle� Anoka N� and Adb�ss d l+pd OwnK of Pnmis�s C+t�► George Nicklow _ oo.� n,. «var,�za�on own m. eularw wn«�. e,. oarn�irq w� a. oonau��.e� QYES � rro Stae� bl��i Aldrich Ave So. �'!n. Lp Cod� NOTE: O►�aniutions may not pap th�msNws tint � tha�r own tM buiid'ap or haw a holdinp aompan�►. A I�ttar must b� sub- mitt�d showin� nnt paym�rtb as z�ro ftom qamb6ns funds f th� or�aniution's hoidinp aompam► owns th� pnmis�s. Tho Mtt�r must b� si9rnd by tlt� chi�t �x�cudv� affiar,) � ' FIMt: If NO, attach the blbwin�: '' • a aopy ot tha k�ase wi�► tsrms tor one year. • a copy of a slcetch oi the fbor plan with dimensions. s�awinp w�d PcRbn is beinp leassd. A lease and sketch are not required for C{ass D appticarrtions• For pambt'u�p with binpo For Samblinp vvn�hout binpo i � . ToRal �usn botape Isas�d _ - - Total square botape leased ���-- Addrass storaq� spacs d Sambh^� �quiprt�nt I►den� C�► 8tau � � . BaNc t�rn. . . .�.� .�.�...�_ ......�. . Fridle7 ?� State Bank 3868qb =.-- � rm �. �...�.,..... - 6315 Uni�ersitv Ave �.E. Fridle� I''�n. 55�}32 Nrrw. adD'�ss. and ItN d pnsons a�u0�aizad b spn dweJcs and mak� drPcsiet ard wid�drswalR �TM �s Tida Mg�nard A A1el �Pr 71��,�y River+viev Terrace Fri Al P� Mn. K,K_JT�2 Ct►++*� M�n. �lilliatr' i�iilliemn 6790 P�A7A ��rvP N E F,+t.��.• M.+� [K1�o� e....�_ n_ � j�an ♦rlon Haur�ert �j�,� � ���� 4T � � F�idla�--K�r� . n. �. ��� 5D xsn�e� � c�� Premise Permit Application - Put 3 Gamblin� Slte Antbosizatioa I h�arby oonsont tM►� loal law �nioro�m�nt off'�. !?� bo�rd or agants d tM boud. ar tl» oommissionu ad ravo�u� or pubiic sat�ty� or aq�nts ot tM commissionKa. ma�! �nt� th� pnmis�s io �doro� 1h� law. Haai ;tecordi Iatormatloa Th� board is auttwrard to insp�ct th� bank �oords d tM �ambF�p �000unt wh�n�v�r r�wY b fuN�i rpuK�marttt d wtr�tt qamb�in� rul�s and law. 1 dodar� th�: i havr nad tha appliration and aq information wbmitbd to th� board; M inlottstation is hw� aocurrta atd oofr�: Ap othK r'�4urc� irtfotmation Ass bMn tulhl dfsdos�; ( am th� chiof �x�cutiw off'� d tM orqan¢ation; I sssurt� fup nsponsbiGty tor ttw fair and Iswfui Qarnbiinq ard n�l�a d tM boatd and asr�w. � 1'ic�ns�d, b abid� b�r thos� laws and rulas. irx�rq art�rt�nb �o tMm; A m�mbKSt►ip Cist al ttw o�ganaation ws'0 bs ava�labb within sw� days adtA� k is �qu�stad by tM board; -�^r cha^9�.s in appiication ir�tonnaoon w� b� submitt�d b 1M board and bcal qov�nt wilAin 10 days d th� dtiarqr and � A t�rmi�ation ptan w� b� submitt�d �o tM board wRhin ts dsys d tM t�rmi�ation d al prwnis� p�m�as. Failun �o p�ovid� nquit�d informaRion or povidir�pq faiN inlormation �naf► �� in fi� d�nisl or tw�cation d tf+� Uo�rts�. 1. TM city •must aqn i ttw Qarnd'mp pnmis�s i� locat�d w�i� dtp irn�s. 2 Th� oounry "AND bwnshiP" muat sip� il tM 9an+bGrq P►�mis�s is bqt� wRhin � township. 3. Tha loe:i qav�n+m�rtit (c�y or oa+r+tY? +� P� a�otudoe► �p�afir�tb �PP�^S ��^r'^9 �� �PP�bOn. 4. A coq d th� raolutlon approvinp th� app�atan must b� Mach�d b tM appfication. S. Appl'ications which an d�ni�d b�►1M loai Qovwnin0 bodY si�oi+ld not b� wbmRt�O to 1M Gsmblirrq Contro{ Oivisior�. Townshlp: B�r sipeasun b�low. t!►� t�mship aderawl�d0as that th� o�anaatbn i� appyinp for a pnmi�s p�m�it within bw�shp iimits. . �►' � �+^h" • _ _,_ _ Townshtp•• o��°""�' �"' FridleJ �a � o�rsm 1� a�ndrio: Q o�osr:z�e �� � Uni"°°�P°r"'° R�Nr to t!» kutruWons 1or tla lrqutn0 stbehtn�s Y�ii 1D: D� ��q � C�rp Cor�a+ai �s+o�+ Rosawood Plaza South. 3od Floor 17t 1 W. Cowny Road 9 qoswiM�. YN SSt 13 R880LIITZON NO. - 1991 RESOLIITION IN BIIPPORT OF 71N APPLICATION FOR A I+IINNESOTA LAWFIIL GAMBLING PREMISE PERMIT TO T8E LIONB CLOB OF FRIDLEY FOR THE I�IAPLE L1�iI�TEB WHEREAS, the City of Fridley has been served with a copy of an Application for a Minnesota Lawful Gambling Premise Permit for the Lions Club of Fridley; and WHEREAS, the location for the Premise Permit is the Maple Lanes, 6310 Highway No. 65; and WHEREAS, the City of Fridley has not found any reason to restrict the location for the charitable gambling operation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Fridley approves the Minnesota Lawful Gambling Premise Permit to the Lions Club of Fridley. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1991. WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERK 0 _ •� %a � � LGZi� � �ltn�sots La�t Go�bHnO Premise Pera:it Applicatioa - Psrt 1 POIt SOARD USE QM.Y FEE --- �� II�ii'iALS: D�ATE �p�e�s Addrsss d O�s�+ - SaMt ar P. O lMoc l0o a�t wr �d�s �1 q�nbfi+p a�1 . p o Y �o+... a+�. �e.► Gq � $ � � Fri Al A Mn 55it3? Anoks < � t�anN ot d�iN ��o�ics�dw dlioK (earn+ot b� Q��q �uae�p�r1 11M Ywa+�ss PNa� n�"�O�r 3im Golcien Preaident �61� -�71-?F.9? Addr�ss ot d+i�l tsa+dN dfk�r • Stwt at P. O. 8oc - . 6701 Overton Dr. Gh � �P Cod� CoueKp Fridley �n. 55432 �neka Class ot Premise Permt! ❑ Ctass A— 8irpo. Ralil�s. PaddlawhMb. Tipboa�. PuFubs � Ctass B— Ratf�s. Padd�wh«d, Tipboanda,'+i�ab� ❑ Gass C — Binpo onh► O a�o— �«�► _ . - Th� class o! praMs� p�rmR �13t b1 IIfJ�Ct� �Y � � � N� pr�t/Ort �aAS�. � �� �II ia �ajs a�Q be�laatas �ad �iO( �o�s �[ tiia�o oceissans: �� Ro more t�,aa se�a� bia jo oeeaslon� ma� bt aoadscted b! as P� �r ���t � _ • � �� �es ori► �t /� � �� ������ • �'��� ��� �����i ��/ �� �������� ���� i � i-�+Y��� ��� �--r��� � Statas Ot Pltmi�e ?esmlt • d1�cJt O�c � - �� - - [� N�r pnmiw — Fit in 0� o�ardx�tfon p�ni� Pwmit � – ❑ F�wr� af �oci�np Pnmis� P�nR — Fi in � P�� P�rrnit mxrtb�r ❑ P�wioush �acp��d P�ia pwndt—Fi1 in �Pr�nbs P�mit n�mb� � . : LGZ14 �pm i,�j %Q�siiRO Prem�3se P�rmit Application • Part 2 wm. d.asai�e+.nt wN�. a�b�na .�il e. oondu��a ar..� ne�.ss cao na �.. s poa aaa. e� n�.�tt r�+. pr.++i.. looara �in a�r f�s9 L� Y« u e• s Uo�d pl Ta�nnl+q �ed C� �� Q�� 0�� 's to�eal�d i aieid� d i�er i�st Gq and County �rf+N'� ��p P�� , - N�n+� �e+d AdaMS d L�qd Orw+R of r+wiirs � Fridle� Recreation � Service Co. b3i0 �= oo.s �h. orqan'aaoon ow� �+. buidr�q w1w� M oarn0in9.i d aon�+ol�d� �� �r 6� Fridl�v Hn. � m � NOTE Or�a^iz�io� msf' ^ot P�f� �m�� nwK f tlt�r own tfw bwsidMq or haw t AoldWWq a�ps^Y. A Mt�r must b� wb- mithd showaq �+^t P�f�rtNr+ts as z�ro irom Qarr+birq funds r th� orpanizatia+'s holdinp oompan�► owns tM pnmia�s. Th� I�tta mt+st b� �qrnd b�► tM ehid ��ac.vW� d�o�t.) R�nt: I( NO, attaCtt ttw tolb�wins: � . • a oopy of the Is�ase w�h tem�s tor on� yeu. ,� po�ion is bein� leased. � a copy d a sketd� of the rioor ptan wRh dimensions. stawitq A leas� and aketch ars not requir�d for Class D appicantans. Fo� qarnbtuq wi� binqo For Qatriblinq r�hout bir�o = Total sQw� footaqe ieasad : 1+33.33 �eassd ?6. �r, Total squar� loota�e llddr�ss d stotaq � � �4 � � �P � . �s[ ntn. Fridlev State Bank __ �Q��1:11 - cae. al�posio� ard �e0�a�+�a� �,�+. �... r�a' . Gam. N!An , Q � �. , . W ill iam W il 18rns f�7Q(1 P A 9 A C»nvp N E� j''':3';�.�.� �rT�" g°�'� •,,,r s at�� iKflCl Ar �n Haunr�rt �[7)� an��n ���3�o�-.'J4 . • t,aaii .-y,�.�.�ki„_ . r�..._.. . --. . .,�r�a:; . _ -��s!!!Qs3- , -- ,*. �s::. +. � - ,�:. L � _ . �,,,4�' • : - .J�-+C���':- �.. . • , � r � ~�'f ,�.,, _ � .{.:•�e%��.... ��� Prem3se Permit A,p�p�ic,ation - Part 3 c�mb�a� slu e�thos�a�a 1 Maepp oo^sa�t th� loeal law �+itoram�rt oMia�s. th� bo�rd a p�+RS d t!w board. a tM oannw�ionK d nwr� at p�D�ie sat�t�r, or ap�r+es d tM may �r 1M P� b� da irw. Daa� �e�ord� IafosmttLo�a Th. board is au�horard m insv�d tM b�nic �.oard� d th. qr�binp a000un! �+�►« n.as�ry b tu� »quv�m�+ts ct cuernt �atnbip n*t �nd law. � - - - 1 d�dan Uat: � hav. n.d d�i. app+ie�lion ane aM Mo�m,�ia+ wba�e a ew e� A1 ir�fomu�ion is trw. toc�u� and a�ompi�p; . . N oth� �Quirrd irdom+atlo^ hss bMn fuy d�� 1 am tM chi�l �oc�aAiv� dficK d 1M oiqanaa�oe� . euNs d tM eond and aprN. � i�w�d. 1 aaun+� fur rpponsibi'Btyh lor eM hr and Irwlul qN+ib�+Q and ;:; ,• b abid� by fhos� hws snd ruws. i�dudin0 � b �r. •• �- � � � . - • . . A m� bt d tM arqanaaion wi b� ar��bis wMhin a�wn �►s dl�r t!s tvqwit�d by � bor°� . •' '�+f� ��^0« h�PP���^ in(ormaliDn wi b� �ubA�1t�0 b� bord and boi pav�nun�eK wihin 10 ;� '�. � d���� � d� wn�ion d �M Pr�eniN P�n�s. .�� A t�mw+ation ptan wi b� subn� q 11w eo�nd wM�in tf d�►s ,. �. Fai+n b qor+d� ��d inform�:b^ � P�wi�q faw i�loma�o�+ aa�► � b tM d�i�l or ewoe�lbn d�M io�r�s�. . -. .�. . . t. TM �r •must aiqn i tl+� 9an+dla+9 OnmisM i� foeand wiNin dtY imits. 2 TM counqr "AND bwnstip" mwt sqn i tM psmbirq Pr�n+isM i loeat�d Mri�hin a�owmhip. . 3. TM local �ov�rnm�nt (d!p � oountp� mvu Pw a rssolu�on tip�ly appo�irq a d�M� ��°^' 4. A coq d tM n�oketion approvitq ffN appfieation nMak D� altsCt�d 1D tM appl'�on- S. Applieationa whidt an d�d b�l tM bcal �ttinp eody d+ould not b� wbnWtt�d to 1M Gan�blinp Co�ltoi OiiririoR. Townahtp: Bp siqnatun bNow. fM �►ro1+iP adceawNdpM tl�t =» °�"aa�°" i� �pPh►� tor a p�mi� P�r� wif�in . 1Dwnship limb. � -�•. _ _T�Ip" � �°r�~ Anoka a Ca+nry t�nw � � � P�eson �w�rq U Os� Fi�w��d �M � '.""" " rN /�� a �t� — '�� t' �- C _ L-c ,\ - 4�Q � ,a'/ � `OIIr1Ml� Q �� ❑ � � �� •s+�-` ^- '�,`��i� - af Qriq ,.-- .. ,�;;;,. `.' �- •� ; R�tK to tb� Inrltt+otlo�ts /or tb� ep�+1t�0 �Oa� - - � . . : �a,�` �r► . • S . _�,,,� , � � . . � ��_�'"�'�'"r`- .' . i�osrwood P�aa So�th. 3ed Fbat "� . __�:'+�' Y"`°'.; . � . 1711 W. Cotxtt�► Road 8 } � ; -, < - • • � ��".' RDtNiN. bM! 53113 _ ` _ ''=��eti: . � ' r� , .. _ .. 7 CITY OF FRIDLEY iIEMOAliNDOM �'� TO: 1IILL2AM W. 8IIRN8, CITY MANAGER �• FROM: RICBARD D. PRIBYL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SIIBJECT: MINNESOTA LAWF�L GAMBLING l�PPLICATION FOR E%EMPTION FROM LAWFIIL GAMBLING TO THE FRIDLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DATE: DECEMBER 12, 1990 The attached resolution approves the application for a Minnesota Lawful Gambling Application for Exemption from Lawful Gambling License to the Fridley Chamber of Commerce. The Fridley Chamber of Commerce will be holding a Scholarships and special Chamber Projects Raffle on February 1, 1991. Minnesota State Statutes requires a resolution approving or denying any type of gambling of permit. R$SOLIITION IdO. — 1990 RESOLIITION IN BIIPPORT OF !1 MINNESOTA LAWFUI+ GAMBLING ]►pPLICATION FOR BBEMPTION FROM LAWFIIL GAMBLZNG LICBNSE TO T8E FRILDEY CBAMBER OF COlrII+IERCE WHEREAS, the City of Fridley has been served with a copy of a Minnesota Lawful Gambling Application for Exemption from Lawful Gambling License to the Fridley Chan►ber of Commerce; and WHEREAS, the City of Fridley has not found any reason to restrict the location for the charitable gambling operation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Fridley approves the Minnesota Lawiul Gambling Application for Exemption from Lawful Gambling License to the Fridley Chamber of Commerce for a Scholarships and Special Chamber Projects Raffle on February 1, 1991. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1990. 'WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA — CITY CLERK 7A I I � CG220 l[innesota Lmvjul Gambting �r pHic� Ua� Only '"�'�'�°� Application for Egemption from 7 g Lawful Gambling License Fiq in the unsheded por6ona d tl�is applicaoan br exemp6on and aend i► in at Mat I5 d�ya be/ore 1^�ur yamdin� adiviry lo► p�ocessin�• Name and Address of Organization Orpanizacon Name eurronvDnvious Iiunse number axronUprovious axempt rwmber �r' ,� (�� �_r- ,..C� (� --__��..� v�m�m%.l-►�I .Xewnva ot�ar of � Organization a �.o ka � .. . _, c'—� i _ Number d years in axistence � Number oi active members (must be age 18 and older) / g� Chedc the box babw which indicates your rype oi organization ❑ Fratemal O Religious ❑ Veterans �Other non-profit Attach proo/ of nonprofit status which shows that ynur organization has been nonpiofrt for the most recent thrN y�an O IRS designation �Incorporaded with Secretary of State O Aifiliate of parent nonprofit organization (charter) Gambiina Site Name ot site whe�e activity will C Street pity cr Township State Zip code County MN �� oa�cs, or a«��� Fe b� o, c�� , I�L — a� Bingo � RaHles � Paddlewheels ❑ Tipboards O Pull-tabs D How will protit be used: � � I dedare al! inlortna0on s mitted i is hue, t�curate, and oomplete , Local Government Acknowtedgement 1 have teceived a copy of this application. This application will be reviewed by the Gambling Control �ivision and will bec�me ei(ective 30 days hom the da�e of reoeipt by the aty or county, u�less the local yovemmentpasses a resolution m specificaly prohibit the activity. A c�PY of that resdu0on must be rece�ved by the Gambl�np Control Division wiThin 30 daYs of the date f�led in bebw. �ities oi the first dass ha�re 60 days in which �o disallow the acdvity. City or County Townshlp City or ooun Townchip nan'ie n h�ro n{ /i1A9MRe A�D�1�bAll vy�1�:%i� V� �n ���•�-•i °YY^��� � Date reoerved I Title _ 1 � _ '1 1 � Qi� �„r„_.o.. U (/ IIAat� to: ,'�'a.,_� �',,,.,,on.+..ae papanment ot Gaming - Gambling CoMrol Oivision � �0 �'�' Mail Statan 3315 me -w� e cw+r St. Paul, MN 55146-3315 CITY OF FRIDLEY M E M O R A N D O M TO: WILLIAM W. BURNB, CITY MANAGER � !�'� . FROM: RICHARD D. PRIBYL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SIIBJECT: MODIFIED AGRI:EMENTB FOR RFFERENDIIM RETIIRNS DATE: JANUARY 3, 1990 Attached you will find the modified agreements that should be presented to the Council at the meeting of January 7, 1990. As you will recall when the original agreements were provided to the HRA for their approval at the December meeting, they approved the agreement with a cap placed on the amount. The HRA felt that they should not be returning more than $200,000.00, and the amount should be prorated based on the total dollars that potentially could be returned. Attached you will find a worksheet that was used to determine the amounts payable to each school district. Jim O'meara has modified the last paragraph of the agreement to restrict the amount payable to each district based on the proration of the $200,000.00. The agreement also comments on the amounts that are required by law to return to the school districts. School District 14 is the only district that has a mandatory return, the amount is $1,866. This amount will be in addition to the voluntary return provided by the agreement. The last paragraph states that the amount payable under the agreement are for taxes payable in 1991 and any further returns are based on a review of all circumstances surrounding tax increment. � CA�CUL�TIO�J FOR F'RDRATED REFE�ENUUM RETURNS ESTIMpTED 1991 RETURN LESS: M�NVITORY LEVY FETU�N TDTAL DESCRETIG�ARY PEF;CEtVTA��E TO TOT�L : ' #11 #1� #14 #ib TOT�L -------- -------- --------- -------- --------- t14,6��5 �41,251 �164,536 �4@,359 ��68,9�c_� �1,966 �1,866 -------- -------- --------- -------- --------- �14,805 �42,251 �1��,670 �48,�59 ��67,084 -------- -------- --------- -------- --------- b. c7��'l. 1�. C�t�'l. 61. C►4% 18. �i0'/. 1u4. O�% -------- -------- --------- -------- --------- MAXIMLti RETURI�S �1�,C�Jt� :€�,��,��iaC� �1��,��i�U ��b,Ot�U ��C�e_�,t�t�Q ADD: MF3NB I TQRY LEVY FiETURhI � 1, 866 $1 , S66 -------- -------- --------- -------- --------- �1: ,GUU �:=C�,�7��i� �12=1,866 ���b,i�i�i� ��U1,66b B I FF �REfuCE F�C M TOTA� �2 , Bt�S � 1 1,�51 �4� �, 67U � 1 �, L 59 �67 , t'84 This Aqreement is by and between the City School District No. 11, 9705 AGREEMENT dated as of January 2, 1991, is of Fridley, Minnesota, and Independent and �rovides as follows: 1. Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following terms have the followinq meanings, respectively: "Citv" means the City of Fridley, Minnesota. " i�RP," means the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Fridley, Minnesota. "Proiect" means Redevelopment Project No. 1 established and operated by the HRA pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047. "1985 Revenue Bonds" means the HRA's $4,070,000 Tax Increment Revenue Bonds of 1985, dated May 1, 1985. � "Limited Revenue Note" means the HRA's $5,603,755.80 Limited Revenue Capital Appreciation Tax Increment Note, dated December 20, 1985. "1985 G.O. Bonds" means the City's $11,550,000 Variable Rate Demand General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1985, dated December 30, 1985. "1986 G.O. Bonds" means the City's $10,045,000 General Obligation Tax Zncrement Refunding Bonds, Series 1986, dated as of August 1, 1986. "1990 G.O. Bonds" means the City's $9,485,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Refunding Bonds of 1990, dated March 1, 1990. "Tax Increment Obliqations" means the 1985 Revenue Bonds, the Limited Revenue Note, the 1985 G.O. Bonds, the 1986 G.O. Bonds, the 1990 G.O. Bonds, and any other contractual obligations of the HRA or the City which were entered into prior to the date of this : : C•l�J Agreement and which commit the use of any tax increments from the TIF Districts for specified purposes, projects, or parties. "Tax Increment Act" means Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.179. "�IF Districts" means Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 1 through 10 within the Project. The attached Exhibit A contains certification dates and other information on the TIF Districts. "School District" means Independent School District No. 11, the Anoka School District. "�ubdivision" means Minnesota Statutes Second 1989 Supplement, Section 469.177, Subdivision 10, as amended by Laws of Minnesota 1990, Chapter 604, Article 7, Section 24 (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B). 2. Recitals. (a) In certain cases, the Subdivision either requires or allows by agreement certain tax increments attributable to school district referendum tax levies to be paid to school districts. (b) A portion of�TIF District No. 3 is located within the boundaries of the School District. (c) None of the property within TIF District Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 is located within the boundaries of the School District. (d) It is the purpose of this Agreement to provide for payment of certain tax increments to the School District pursuant to and in accordance with the provision of the Subdivision. (e) Nothing in this Agreement is intended to violate the covenants and agreements heretofore made respectinq the application of 9705 2 : � tax increments from the TIF Districts pursuant to the Tax Increment Obligations. 3. Representations of the Citv. (a) The Tax Increment Obligations were issued to finance various activities of the HRA within the Project. (b) The 1985 Revenue Bonds are not general obliqations of the City or the HRA. Tax increments from TIF District Nos. 1 through 5 are pledged to the payment of the 1985 Revenue Bonds, and there are no other sources of funds pledged to the payment thereof. The final scheduled principal maturity of the 1985 Revenue Bonds is February 1, 1999. (c) The Limited general obligation of is payable solely from for such purposes from Revenue Note is not a the City or the HRA and , tax increments pledged , TIF District No. 6. (d) The 1985 G.O. Bonds were payable from tax increments derived from TIF District Nos. 1 through 6, and the final scheduled principal maturity of those Bonds was February 1, 2000. However, on February 1, 1990, the City discharged the 1985 G.O. Bonds by paying all then outstanding principal thereof and interest thereon. (e) The 1986 G.O. Bonds are payable from tax increments derived from TIF District Nos. 1 through 6, and the final scheduled principal maturity of those Bonds is February 1, 2000. However, the City has advance refunded the 1986 G.O. Bonds via the issuance of the 1990 G.O. Bonds, and the City expects pursuant to said refunding that all of the principal of and interest on the 1986 G.O. Bonds will have been paid on or before February 1, 1994. (f) The 1990 G.O. tax increments derived 1, 2, 3, and 6, principal maturity 2009. Bonds are payable from from TIF District Nos. e final scheduled Bonds is August 1, and th of those (g) Portions of the principal of the 1985 Revenue Bonds, the Limited Revenue Note, 9705 3 9705 the 1985 G.O. Bonds, and the 1986 G.O. Bonds, and the 1990 G.O. Bonds were outstanding on May 1, 1988, and/or are outstanding on the date of this Agreement. 4. Representatior�s of the School District. (a) On October 5, 1982, the electorate of the School District approved a continuous 6.0 mill levy first effective for the 1982 payable 1983 property taxes. This levy is hereinafter referred to as the "1982 Levy". (b) On October 6, 1987, the electorate of the School District approved a 6.0 mill continuous levy first effective for the 1987 payable 1988 property taxes. This levy is hereinafter referred to as the "1987 Levy". (c) According to the Minnesota Department of Education, for purposes of the above-mentioned referendum levies the tax capacity rate equivalent of 6 mills is .06999697. 5. a ent of Tax ncrements to School Di tr'ct. The City and the School District hereby agree that, except as otherwise provided pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Agreement, tax increments shall be paid to the School District by the HRA as and to the extent received by the HRA, with respect to the tax increments relating to the 1990 payable 1991 property taxes, as follows: TIF District No. 3. Pursuant to clause b(2) of the Subdivision, the tax increment from TIF District No. 3 which is attributable to the 1982 Levy and the 1987 Levy shall be paid to the School District. 6. �,urther Aareements. Nothing in this Agreement is intended or shall be applied in such a manner as to violate the obligations and covenants made by the City or the HRA in connection with the Tax Increment Obligations, and to the extent but only to the extent that the application of the terms of this Agreement would give rise to a violation of said obligations and covenants, including without limitation, the default in the timely and full payment of the Tax Increment Obligations, the applicable tax increments shall be applied instead in the manner, but only to the extent necessary, to avoid such default or other violation of said covenants or obligations. Nothing in this Agreement shall restrict the 4 � L']J City or the HRA in the exercise of the powers which they may have relating to the Project or the TIF Districts. In addition, the City and the School District agree (1) that the total amount payable to the School District pursuant to paraqraph 5 shall be limited to $12.,000 and (2) that the provisions of paragraph 5 providing for payment of tax increment to the School District shall be limited to and shall apply only to such tax increment attributable to the 1990 payable 1991 real estate property taxes, and at the conclusion of said period, the City and the School District agree to review the circumstances and to attempt to negotiate in good faith such further agreement or agreements as may be permitted by law and which are acceptable to both the City and School District with respect to discretionary payments of such applicable tax increment to the School District. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the School District have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA Mayor City Manager INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 11 School Board Chair Superintendent 9705 5 EXHIBIT A Schedule of Tax Increment Financinq Districts Within Housing and Redevelopment Project No. 1 of the Fridley HRA TIF District 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9T05 Name Center City Moore Lake North Area Johnson Printing/ Skywood Mall Paschke Lake Pointe Winf ield Shorewood Onan/Old Central Northco Phase ZII Certif ication Date 5/11/79 7/31/81 5/19/82 1/20/84 3/15/84 12/24/85 10/22/86 10/24/86 9/7/89 4/10/90 Independent School District No. 14 13/14 11/16 13/14 16 13 16 14 16 16 8G 8H EXHIBIT B Sec. 24. �i-^escta Stat�:es Secc-d ±e;g e�r:?e-.e-t, sec;:c� :E3.?77, s���ivisic � 10, :s a-.e^ced :o �ead. 5:=�. 1J. (?�yu-\i ^0 SC-C�C�L ?C� i:::;_TK�L':�4 L=L'� j(E :`e -:c•�is:c-s c: ;�?s sLbdivisic� t:??Y ;o tax .-c:e-.e:t f?�a'csr.g c:s::ic:s z-d p:o;ec.s .`c: �aic'� ce:.ificat:c� �•as re;_ested . �e?c:e !!ay 1, 15E8, t`tt a:e ?cca:ed i� a sc.`.ocl o:str:ct :� _;::ci t`e •:c:e:s 1:aLe a:: rcved -ev tax ca: acity zates cr t� ' l.:C:Qt58 :1 �EX CZ�ECl�f :L�lS 2��lI t}:8 �EX 1^CStS�l.^.v fi::L7'SCl.'.9 ' distr?ct -�s certified_ (S) (1) if tJ:ere aze ^o c�tstz-di::g bc^�s ca :!ay 1, 19E8► to -'�ica ir.c:e-.e;.t f.cz tLe cistr?ct is ?le��ed, cr t?} if t::e se?=:e-c�� ?s ar::cced af:er '!ay 1,' 15E8, a-d t.`.ere a:e 'o bor.�s ` c::tsta-ci-g at t}e ti�e .`e :efere-c::� is h;p:c�ed, t`at ::ere is��ed }e:c:e uay 1. 1988, e:-{9j--c_•'•'�_�e:e:e-en-.-_-e:e_�:-g � :�e-t _ �:r-.a:e-wa�- :ered-n':er-�?�e-...o=�-:eee-=-_»ne ' .. sz-c--•c_ ._ ee-:e-es-;o-w�ie::-=.•.e:e-.ea�-�:e--t�e-d:st:�c--_�-pieeged:--=c e=a=ae'{=7-b:-f?}-a�r=:eaT �}Q aut:�crity .:�ust a::;.Lall� pay to t::e sc~ool cistrict aa a�cu.^.t cf i-cre �ent e�cal to t?:e . ir.cres.e.^.t t�:at is attributable to t'.:e i;,crease i� ti:e taz � ca:acity ra�e u^Cer the zeferer.cL:a. � (2Z if clause t39-cY�_:ee !1) dces r�ot aealy, Lpoa apflroval � by a-.ajority vote of the Scv�rni::g body of the r,�unicipality a.^.d ; tte sc':ool bcard, t}:e autherity -ust pay to the screol district z� a-e::�t of i-cr'e.��er.t ecLal to t}:e ircre�.e�t t`at is att:'sbLtable to tJ:e ir,czease i� t!:e `.ax caeacity rate c.Zer t.`.e refe:er.cu�. . (c The arounts of t::ese ir.cre-:ents nay be expended and � -ust be treated by t}:e school district in the same ^+anner as prcvieed for t!:e revenLes �eri•:ed fro:� the re:erer.��:n levy appcc�•ed by t�e voters. The prcvisiens of this subdivision acp�y to pro�ects for vhic'� certificatfon �as requested befoce. c�, t-d aftec ::;:g::st 1, 19�9. R AGREEMENT This Agreement is dated as of January 2, 1991, is by and between the City of Fridley, Minnesota, and Independent School District No. 13, and provides as follows: 1. Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings, respectively: "Citv" means the City of Fridley, Minnesota. "HRA�� means the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Fridley, Minnesota. "Proiect" means Redevelopment Project No. 1 established and operated by the HRA pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047. "1985 Revenue Bonds" means the HRA's $4,070,000 Tax Increment Revenue Bonds of 1985, dated May 1, 1985. "Limited Revenue Note" means the HRA's $5,603,755.80 Limited Revenue Capital Appreciation Tax Increment Note, dated December 20, 1985. "1985 G.O. Bonds" means the City's $11,550,000 Variable Rate Demand General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1985, dated December 30, 1985. "1986 G.O. Bonds" means the City's $10,045,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, Series 1986, dated as of August 1, 1986. "1990 G.O. Bonds" means the City's $9,485,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Refunding Bonds of 1990, dated March 1, 1990. "Tax Increment Obliaations" means the 1985 Revenue Bonds, the Limited Revenue Note, the 1985 G.O. Bonds, the 1986 G.O. Bonds, the 9708 81 � 9708 1990 G.O. Bonds, and any other contractual obligations of the HRA or the City which were entered into prior to the date of this Agreement and which commit the use of any tax increments from the TIF Districts for specified purposes, projects, or parties. "Tax Increment Act" means Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.179. "TIF Districts" means Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 1 through 10 within the Project. The attached Exhibit A contains certification dates and other information on the TIF Districts. "School District" means Independent School District No. 13, the Columbia Heights School District. "Subdivision" means Minnesota Statutes Second 1989 Supplement, Section 469.177, Subdivision 10, as amended by Laws of Minnesota 1990, Chapter 604, Article 7, Section 24 (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B). 2. Recitals. (a) In certain cases, the Subdivision either requires or allows by agreement certain tax increments attributable to school district referendum tax levies to be paid to school districts. (b) TIF District No. 6 is located entirely within the boundaries of the School District, and a portion of TIF District Nos. 2 and 4 are located within the boundaries of the School District. (c) None of the property within TIF District Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 is located within the boundaries of the School District. (d� It is the purpose of this Agreement to provide for payment of certain tax increments to the School District pursuant to 2 � � � 9708 � and in accordance with the provision of the Subdivision. (e) Nothing in this Agreement is intended to violate the covenants and agreements heretofore made respecting the application of tax increments from the TIF Districts pursuant to the Tax Increment Obligations. 3. Re�resentations of the Citv. (a) The Tax Increment Obligations were issued to finance various activities of the HRA within the Project. (b) The 1985 Revenue Bonds are not general obligations of the City or the HRA. Tax increments from TIF District Nos. 1 through 5 are pledged to the payment of the 1985 Revenue Bonds, and there are no other sources of funds pledged to the payment thereof. The final scheduled principal maturity of the 1985 Revenue Bonds is February l, 1999. (c) The Limited Revenue Note is not a general obligation of the City or the HRA and is payable solely from tax increments pledged for such purposes from TIF District No. 6. (d) The 1985 G.O. Bonds were payable from tax increments derived from TIF District Nos. 1 through 6, and the final scheduled principal maturity of those Bonds was February 1, 2000. However, on February 1, 1990, the City discharqed the 1985 G.O. Bonds by paying all then outstanding principal thereof and interest thereon. (e) The 1986 G.O. Bonds are payable from tax increments derived from TIF District Nos. 1 through 6, and the final scheduled principal maturity of those Bonds is February 1, 2000. However, the City has advance refunded the 1986 G.O. Bonds via the issuance of the 1990 G.O. Bonds, and the City expects pursuant to said refundinq that all of the principal of 3 �� [.� �+ and interest on the 1986 G.O. Bonds will have been paid on or before February 1, 1994. (f) The 1990 G.O. Bonds are payable from tax increments derived from TIF District Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 6, and the final scheduled principal maturity of those Bonds is Auqust 1, 2009. (g) Portions of the principal of the 1985 Revenue Bonds, the Limited Revenue Note, the 1985 G.O. Bonds, and the 1986 G.O. Bonds, and the 1990 G.O. Bonds were outstanding on May 1, 1988, and/or are outstanding on the date of this Agreement. 4. Representations of the School District. (a) On October 5, 1981, the electorate of the School District approved a 5.0 mill continuous levy first effective for the 1981 payable 1982 property taxes. This levy is hereinafter referred to as the "1981 Levy". (b) On September 23, 1986, the electorate of the School District approved a 7.0 mill continuous levy first effective for the 1986 payable 1987 property taxes. This levy is hereinafter referred to as the "1986 Levy". (c) According to the Minnesota Department of Education, for purposes of the above-mentioned referendum levies the tax capacity rate equivalents of 5 mills and 7 mills are .06162496 and .07875910, respectively. (d) On November 6, 1990, the electorate of the School District approved a.08 tax capacity rate levy authorized for 7 years and first effective for the 1990 payable 1991 property taxes. This levy is hereinafter referred to as the "1990 Levy". 5. Pavment of Tax Increments to School District. The City and the School District hereby agree that, except as otherwise provided pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Agreement, tax increments shall be paid to the School District by the HRA 9708 4 '�1J1J as and to the extent received by the HRA, with respect to the tax increments relatinq to the 1990 payable 1991 property taxes, as follows: . (a) TIF District No. 6. Since the 1981 Levy was approved before the date of certification of TIF District No. 6, the Subdivision does not apply to that Levy with respect to this District, and no tax increments attributable to said Levy from this District are payable to the School District. Pursuant to clause b(2) of the Subdivision, the tax increment from TIF District No. 6 which is attributable to the 1986 Levy and the 1990 Levy shall be paid to the School District. (b) TIF District No. 4. Since the 1981 Levy was approved prior to the date of certification of TIF District No. 4, the Subdivision does not apply to that Levy with respect to this District. Pursuant to clause b(2) of the Subdivision, the tax increment from TIF District No. 4 which is attributable to the 1986 Levy and the 1990 Levy shall be paid to the School District. (c) TIF District No. 2. Pursuant to clause b(2) of the Subdivision, the tax increment from TIF District No. 2 which is attributable to the 1981 Levy, the 1986 Levy, and the 1990 Levy shall be paid to the School District. 6. Further Aqreements. Nothinq in this Agreement is intended or shall be applied in such a manner as to violate the obligations and covenants made by the City or the HRA in connection with the Tax Increment Obligations, and to the extent but only to the extent that the application of the terms of this Agreement would give rise to a violation of said obligations and covenants, including without limitation, the default in the timely and full payment of the Tax Increment Obligations, the applicable tax increments shall be applied instead in the manner, but only to the extent necessary, to avoid such default or other violation of said covenants or obligations. Nothing in this Agreement shall restrict the City or the HRA in the exercise of the powers which they may have relating to the Project or the TIF Districts. 9708 5 In addition, the City and the School District agree (1) that the total amount payable to the School District pursuant to paragraph 5 shall be limited to $30,000 and (2) that the provisions of paragraph 5 providing for payment of tax increment to the School District shall be limited to and shall apply only to such tax increment attributable to the 1990 payable 1991 real estate property taxes, and at the conclusion of said period, the City and the School District agree to review the circumstances and to attempt to negotiate in good faith such further agreement or agreements as may be permitted by law and which are acceptable to both the City and School District with respect to discretionary payments of such applicable tax increment to the School District. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the School District have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. 9T08 CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA Mayor City Manager INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 13 School Board Chair Superintendent 6 � EXHIBIT A Schedule of Tax Increment Financinq Districts Within Housing and Redevelopment Project No. 1 of the Fridley HRA TIF District 1 � 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9708 � . Name Center City Moore Lake North Area Johnson Printing/ Skywood Mall Paschke Lake Pointe Winf ield Shorewood Onan/Old Central Northco Phase III Certif ication Date 5/ll/79 7/31/81 5/19/82 1/20/84 3/15/84 12/24/85 10/22/86 10/24/86 9/7/89 4/10/90 Independent School District No. 14 13/14 11/16 23/14 16 13 16 14 16 16 : • : ' EXHIBIT B Sec. �t. yi--e�c;a S:at�:es Secc-d :989 5��?'-e-.e-t, =ec:'_c� ::?.2i7, s�bdivis:c� I0, �s �-.e^ced :o :ead: 5:��. a�. (iAY�:\: �0 SC: C�C2 iCi �_: _�c��uH Lc'v: J( a :~e zcvis:c-s c_ t'�:s scbciv'_sica a:;?Y to tax .�c:e-,e-t fi-a-cir.g a:s:::cts ar.d r.o;ects :cr ::'�ic:� ce::i=icat:c� �:as rec�ested . �e_'c:e �ay ?, 1�E8, t`:at a:e !cca:ed ?� a sc.`.ocl dis:r'_c: =� �hic'� t.`.e �:c:ers have a.?resed -ev tax ca.acity :ates cr aa ir.crease ia tax ca:acity :a:es after t*e taz i�cre�e^t :ir.a^ci-g �istr:ct �as certified. (b) (1) if t}:ere are ::o o::tstn�di::g bc.^.CS c� !!ay 1, 19E3, to �'�'ci i-crezer.t fzca t::e dis:ric: is �le��ed, or {2} if t':e refese-ci:� ?s apgrcved af:er :!ay l,' 1�E8, a-d t.*.ere a:e r.o bc::�s : cets;a-di-y- at tl:e ti �e .he refeze-cL:s is Lv�.CVQa� t~at ::ere iss�ed '�e:c:e Hay 1, 19E8, e:-t3j-=r- "'�-=e�e:e-dn.:.-:-e:ee::r.g :=�-.nx-ca_aci:7-:a:e-Kas-e-::ered-a'_��:-t�e--.cat-eece-:-j-�=e o:-__r.ds-to-x::ie�-_-eee-.e-:-�:e.:.-��e-d=st::c:-?�-pzedqed:--=c e:_e�e-{'sj-e:-{:�-ai:_:ear t}e 2L�`crity rust a^nually gay to t::e �c'.-oo1 district aa a:aou^t of ir.cre��ent e�Lal to tFe i�crerent t;:at is attributable to t'.:e inczease in the tax � CL�LCity rate under the zeferer.�;:m. (� lf CILL'4e ���-Gry'�-=�� (1) G�CBS 'Ot tDDlj►� 1:p0� dDDtOVdl by a,��ajority vote of tre gc�erni-q bcdy of tt:e ��unici�ality a::d tre sc'.:ool bcard, t1:e authority -ust :ay to the scheol district a� z-.eL�t of i-:cr'e.��er.t eeLal to t}:e ir.c:e:r,ent t::at is att:ibutable to the inczease i1 t::e :ax czpacity rate L:�er t.`.e refe:e-cu�. ' . (c The a^ounts of these ir.cre:nents may be expended and Tust be treated by the school district in the same manner as prcvi�ed for the revenues �erived fro:n t}:e referer.dem lev}i approved by the voters. T':e provisions of this subdivision apQly to pro;ects for Which certification Was requested before, o�, a-3 after :+L��st 1, 1979. This Agreement by and between the School District No. 9707 AGREEMENT is dated as of January 2, 1991, is City of Fridley, Minnesota, and Independent 14, and provides as follows: 1. Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the follawing terms have the following meanings, respectively: "Citv" means the City of Fridley, Minnesota. "HRA" means the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Fridley, Minnesota. "Pro1ect" means Housinq and Redevelopment Project No. 1 established and operated by the HRA pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047. "�985 Revenue Bonds" means the HRA's $4,070,000 Tax Increment Revenue Bonds of 1985, dated May 1, 1985. ' "Limited Revenue Note" means the HRA's $5,603,755.80 Limited Revenue Capital Appreciation Tax Increment Note, dated December 20, 1985. "1985 G.O. Bonds" means the City's $11,550,000 Variable Rate Demand General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1985, dated December 30, 1985. "�986 G.O. Bonds" means the City's $10,045,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, Series 1986, dated as of August 1, 1986. "1990 G.O. Bonds" means the City's $9,485,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Refunding Bonds of 1990, dated March 1, 1990. "Tax Increment Obliaations" means the 1985 Revenue Bonds, the Limited Revenue Note, the 1985 G.O. Bonds, the 1986 G.O. Bonds, the : ! 1990 G.O. Bonds, and any other contractual obligations of the HRA or the City which were entered into prior to the date of this Agreement and which commit the use of any tax increments from the TIF Districts for specified purposes, projects, or parties. "Tax Increment Act" means Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.179. "TIF Districts" means Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 1 through 10 within the Project. The attached Exhibit A contains certification dates and other information on the TIF Districts. "School District" means Independent School District No. 14, the Fridley School District. "Subdivision" means Minnesota Statutes Second 1989 Supplement, Section 469.177, Subdivision 10, as amended by Laws of Minnesota 1990, Chapter 604, Article 7, Section 24 (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B). 2. Recitals. (a) In certain cases, the Subdivision either requires or allows by agreement certain tax increments attributable to school district referendum tax levies �to be paid to school districts. (b) TIF District Nos. 1 and 8 are located entirely within the boundaries of the School District, and a portion of TIF District Nos. 2 and 4 are located within the boundaries of the School District. (c) None of the property within TIF District Nos. 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10 is located within the boundaries of the School District. (d) It is the purpose of this Aqreement to provide for payment of certain tax increments to the School District pursuant to 9707 � � and in accordance with the provision of the Subdivision. (e) Nothing in this Agreement is intended to violate the covenants and agreements heretofore made respecting the application of tax increments from the TIF Districts pursuant to the Tax Increment Obligations. 3. Representations of the Citv. (a) The Tax Increment Obligations were issued to finance various activities of the HRA within the Project. (b) The 1985 Revenue Bonds are not general obligations of the City or the HRA. Tax increments from TIF District Nos. 1 through 5 are pledged to the payment of the 1985 Revenue Bonds, and there are no other sources of funds pledged to the payment thereof. The final scheduled principal maturity of the 1985 Revenue Bonds is February 1, 1999. (c) The Limited Revenue Note is not a general obligation of the City or the HRA and is payable solely from tax increments pledged for such purposes from TIF District No. 6. (d) The 1985 G.O. Bonds were payable from tax increments derived from TIF District Nos. 1 through 6, and the final scheduled principal maturity of those Bonds was February 1, 2000. However, on February 1, 1990, the City discharged the 1985 G.O. Bonds by paying all then outstandinq principal thereof and interest thereon. (e) The 1986 G.O. Bonds are payable from tax increments derived from TIF District Nos. 1 through 6, and the final scheduled principal maturity of those Bonds is February 1, 2000. However, the City has advance refunded the 1986 G.O. Bonds via the issuance of the 1990 G.O. Bonds, a�nd the City expects pursuant to said refunding that all of the principal of 9707 3 8T and interest on the 1986 G.O. Bonds will have been paid on or before February 1, 1994. (f) The 1990 G.O. Bonds are payable from tax increments derived from TIF District Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 6, and the final scheduled principal maturity of those Bonds is August 1, 2009. (g) Portions of the principal of the 1985 Revenue Bonds, the Limited Revenue Note, the 1985 G.O. Bonds, and the 1986 G.O. Bonds, and the 1990 G.O. Bonds were outstanding on May 1, 1988, and/or are outstanding on the date of this Agreement. 4. Re resentations of the School District. (a) On September 23, 1986, the electorate of the School District approved a 2.0 mill continuous levy first effective for the 1986 payable 1987 property taxes. This levy is hereinafter referred to as the "1986 Levy". (b) On September 29, 1987, the electorate of the School District approved (i) a 7.0 mill continuous levy first effective for the 1987 payable 1988 property taxes and (ii) a continuous additional 6.5 mill levy first effective for the 1988 payable 1989 property taxes. These levies are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "1987 Levies". (c) According to the Minnesota Department of Education, for purposes of the above-mentioned referendum levies the tax capacity rate equivalents of 2 mills and 13.5 mills are .02261395 and .15264411, respectively. 5. Payment of Tax Increments to School District. The City and the School District hereby agree that, except as otherwise provided pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Agreement, tax increments shall be paid to the School District by the HRA as and to the extent received by the HRA, with respect to the tax increments relating to the 1990 payable 1991 property taxes, as follows: 9707 4 9707 I (a) TIF District No. 8. Since the 1987 Levies were approved after the date of certification of TIF District No. 8, and since on May 1, 1988, there were no bonds outstanding to which increment from TIF District No. 8 was pledged, the tax increments from TIF District No. 8 which are attributable to the 1987 Levies are automatically payable and shall be paid to the School District pursuant to clause b(1) of the Subdivision. Since the 1986 Levy was approved prior to the date of certification of TIF District No. 8, the Subdivision does not apply to that Levy with respect to this District, and no tax increments attributable to said Levy from this District are payable to the School District. (b) TIF District No. 4. Pursuant to clause b(2) of the Subdivision, the tax increment from TIF District No. 4 which is attributable to the 1986 Levy and the 1987 Levies shall be paid to the School District. (c) TIF District No. �. Pursuant to clause b(2) of the Subdivision, the tax increment from TIF District No. 2 which is attributable to the 1986 Levy and the 1987 Levies shall be paid to the School District. (d) TIF District No. 1. Pursuant to clause b(2) of the Subdivision, the tax increment from TIF District No. 1 which is attributable to the 1986 Levy and the 1987 Levies shall be paid to the School District. 6. Further Agreements. Nothing in this Aqreement is intended or shall be applied in such a manner as to violate the obligations and covenants made by the City or the HRA in connection with the Tax Increment Obliqations, and to the extent but only to the extent that the application of the terms of this Agreement would give rise to a violation of said obligations and covenants, including without limitation, the default in the timely and full payment of the Tax Increment Obligations, the applicable tax increments shall be applied instead in the manner, but only to the extent necessary, to avoid such default or other violation of said covenants or obligations. Nothing in this Agreement shall restrict the City or the HRA in the exercise of the powers which they may have relating to the Project or the TIF Districts. 5 : � In addition, the City and the School District agree (1) that the total of the amounts to be paid to the School District pursuant to (b), (c), and (d) of paragraph 5 shall be limited to $122,000 and (2) tha"t, except in each case described in paragraph 5 of this Agreement where payment of tax increment to the School District is mandatory pursuant to clause b(1) of the Subdivision, all other provisions of said paragraph 5 providing for payment of tax increment to the School District shall be limited to and shall apply only to such tax increment attributable to the 1990 payable 1991 real estate property taxes, and at the conclusion of said period, the City and the School District agree to review the circumstances and to attempt to negotiate in good faith such further agreement or agreements as may be permitted by law and which are acceptable to both the City and School District with respect to discretionary payments of such applicable tax increment to the School District. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the School District have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA Mayor City Manager INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 14 School Board Chair Superintendent 9707 6 EXHIBIT A Schedule of Tax Increment Financing Districts Within Housing and Redevelopment Project No. 1 of the Fridley HRA TIF District 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9707 ame Center City Moore Lake North Area Johnson Printinq/ Skywood Mall Paschke Lake Pointe Winf ield Shorewood Onan/Old Central Northco Phase III Certif ication Date 5/11/79 7/31/81 5/19/82 1/20/84 3/15/84 12/24/85 10/22/86 10/24/86 9/7/89 4/10/90 Independent School �istrict No. 14 13/14 11/16 13/14 16 13 16 14 16 16 �� EXHIBIT B Sec. 2C. !!ir.r.escta Stat�:es Secc-d '_cog c�r��t-.E-t, :ect:c� :63.1i7, s_�div:s?o� 10, is a-.e-ced :o :eac: S_Dd. _�. (?;,Y!'.=\i :0 SC-C�C•L :C� u--~c':�uH L:�::' J(z -•`•' :C�:S_G'S C° :^.5 SL'ti^C1V15_C:'1 E::? f:O tEX .'C:E'•2'�`. ::'d'C1"y^ C_S:C:C:S e.'.d �:O�EC�S iCC �:�=Ci1 CEZ:_==C2t:C:1 �'c5 :EC�EStEa , �eic:e v� f t� �eEg, Li:2t L'2 ?CCEiEd :C1 d SC.`.CC� C.S�:�C� l:l :;12C;'1 :'8 ':C:E:S }:'�-':2 EL�ZC':Ed 'EH LLX C2_LC1L'f ZL�ES CL 2:1 - . i;.crease 2:1 �dX CL_dGltf :2:�5 L.tEr tt2 �LX :^CSE��EL� �1::�^C1'CJ district �as cez:ified_ - lbl ll) :: t}:e:e are_ r.o` o::tsta-ci-g bc.^.�s c� :'.ay ?, 1eEa� . to �5ici i,-.c:E'.E;:t f:ca t.`.e d:stz?ct is �lecced, or ;?T if t`:e :efe:e'c:.•� :s a:_rcced zf.er ,v,af 1,•'�eEg, z-d t':ere �:e -o bc.^.cs ti c::ts,a-ci-g at t::e t: �e .::e :e:e:e-c:::a is ap. zcved, t;:at -ere iss�ed }e;c:e :'.�y 1, 1988, e:-{3�----`-'�e-:e:e:e-e�...-.�c:es:-'9 -±Le- ^�t- -t-====° }'�-._X-GL_I.CtL7-:L:C-�t�O-L��:CCGL�_SF�Ct ...� 'GG�.. CL-_...'.GYtC�w.'.SG.:-t�G'��.t� �-=-C�-.�G-C_�t� �C���Y� =GGGGC7--'_ � cc..=:e'fc7-o:-f2�-•�:?=e=; t.':e aut'�crity ��LSt a^n�a11Y :aY to t!:e scLool dis.rict az a�cu,t of i-cr��e:�t eeLal to t�e � . i::cre-.er.t t`�t is attributable to t!:e i;,crease i� the tax � ' �ca�acity rate La�er the re;.erer.d��. �-�_:e� (1) dces -ct zflPly� L'LC1 2LDIC�a1 (2Z If claLSe f?j- r_- � by a r„ajcrity vote oE the ycverni^q bocy of tl:e r,�u:�ici:zlity a::d ' tre sc':eol bcard, t!:e aut!:ority -LSt Yzy to the scheol distr?ct z� a-c::,t of i-cr'e-er.t ecual to t}e ir.cze-,e�t t::at is att::butab?e to :he ir.crezse i� t'.:e tax capacity rate ;.-cer t'.:e refe:e-cu�. (c Ti:e ar..ounts of these ir.cre:^ents may be expen�ed and must be treated by the school distzict in t!:e same �a:�"er as prcvi2ed for t!:e reve^��es cerived frc:� t1:e referer.d::� levy appro�•ed by t;:e voters. T!:e provisions of this sLbdivisicn apply to projects for vhich certif?cation was requested before, c�, ar.d after ALC::st 1,�19i9• � �•� This Agreement is by and between the City School District No. 16, 9706 AGREEMENT dated as of January 2, 1991, is of Fridley, Minnesota, and Independent and provides as follows: 1. Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings, respectively: "City" means the City of Fridley, Minnesota. ��FiRA�� means the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Fridley, Minnesota. "Proj ect" means Redevelopment Project No. 1 established and operated by the HRA pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047. "i985 Revenue Bonds" means the HRA's $4,070,000 Tax Increment Revenue Bonds of 1985, dated May 1, 1985. "Limi�ed Revenue Note" means the HRA's $5,603,755.80 . Limited Revenue Capital Appreciation Tax Increment Note, dated December 20, 1985. "1985 G.O. onds" means the City's $11,550,000 Variable Rate Demand General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1985, dated December 30, 1985. "1986 G.O. Bonds" means the City's $10,045,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Refunding Bonds, Series 1986, dated as of August 1, 1986. "1990 G.O. Bonds" means the City's $9,485,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Refunding Bonds of 1990, dated March 1, 1990. "Tax Increment Obliaations" means the 1985 Revenue Bonds, the Limited Revenue Note, the 1985 G.O. Bonds, the 1986 G.O. Bonds, the � C�L 1990 G.O. Bonds, and any other contractual obliqations of the HRA or the City which wer� entered into prior to the date of this Aqreement and which commit the use of any tax increments from the TIF Districts for specified purposes, projects, or parties. "Tax Increment Act" means Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.179. "TIF Districts" means Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 1 through 10 within the Project. The attached Euhibit A contains certification dates and other information on the TIF Districts. "School District" means Independent School District No. 16, the Sprinq Lake Park School District. "Subdivision" means Minnesota Statutes Second 1989 Supplement, Section 469.177, Subdivision 10, as amended by Laws of Minnesota 1990, Chapter 604, Article 7, Section 24 (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B). 2. Recitals. (a) In certain cases, the Subdivision either requires or allows by agreement certain tax increments attributable to school district referendum tax levies to be paid to school districts. (b) TIF District Nos. 5, 7, 9, and 10 are located entirely within the boundaries of the School District, and a portion of TIF District No. 3 is located within the boundaries of the School District. (c) None of the property within TIF District Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 is located within the boundaries of the School District. (d) It is the purpose of this Agreement to provide for payment of certain tax increments to the School District pursuant to 9706 2 9706 and in accordance with the provision of the Subdivision. (e) Nothing in this Agreement is intended to violate the covenants and agreements heretofore made respecting the application of tax increments from the TIF Districts pursuant to the Tax Increment Obligations. 3. Representations of the Citv. (a) The Tax Increment Obligations were issued to finance various activities of the HRA within the Project. (b) The 1985 Revenue Bonds are not general obligations of the City or the HRA. Tax increments from TIF District Nos. 1 through 5 are pledged to the payment of the 1985 Revenue Bonds, and there are no other sources of funds pledged to the payment thereof. The final scheduled principal maturity of the 1985 Revenue Bonds is February 1, 1999. (c) The Limited Revenue Note is not a general obligation of the City or the HRA and is payable solely from tax increments pledged for such purposes from TIF District No. 6. (d) The 1985 G.O. Bonds were payable from tax increments derived from TIF District Nos. 1 through 6, and the final scheduled principal maturity of those Bonds was February 1, 2000. However, on February 1, 1990, the City discharged the 1985 G.O. Bonds by paying all then outstandinq principal thereof and interest thereon. (e) The 1986 G.O. Bonds are payable from tax increments derived from TIF District Nos. 1 through 6, and the final scheduled principal maturity of those Bonds is February 1, 2000. However, the City has advance refunded the 1986 G.O. Bonds via the issuance of the 1990 G.O. Bonds, and the City expects pursuant to said refunding that all of the principal of 3 � . . ; : : and interest on the 1986 G.O. Bonds will have been paid on or before February 1, 1994. (f) The 1990 G.O. Bonds are payable from tax increments derived from TIF District Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 6, and the final scheduled principal maturity of those Bonds is August 1, 2009. (g) Portions of the principal of the 1985 Revenue Bonds, the Limited Revenue Note, the 1985 G.O. Bonds, and the 1986 G.O. Bonds, and the 1990 G.O. Bonds were outstanding on May 1, 1988, and/or are outstanding on the date of this Agreement. 4. Representations of the School District. (a) On October 8, 1981, the electorate of the School District approved a 5.0 mill continuous levy first effective for the 1981 payable 1982 property taxes. This levy is hereinafter referred to as the "1981 Levy". (b) On February 27, 1986, the electorate of the School District approved a 6.0 mill continuous levy first effective for the 1986 payable 1987 property taxes. This levy is hereinafter referred to as the "1986 Levy". (c) According to the Minnesota Department of Education, for purposes of the above-mentioned referendum levies the tax capacity rate equivalents of 5 mills and 6 mills are .05226653 and .06271984, respectively. 5. Payment of Tax Increments to School District. The City and the School District hereby agree that, except as otherwise provided pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Agreement, tax increments shall be paid to the School District by the HRA as and to the extent received by the HRA, with respect to the tax increments relating to the 1990 payable 1991 property taxes, as follows: (a) TIF District Nos. 9 and 10. Since TIF District Nos. 9 and 10 were requested for certification after May 1, 1988, the Subdivision does not apply to those Districts, 9706 4 8CC and no tax increments attributable to the 1981 Levy or the 1986 Levy from those Districts are payable to the School District. (b) TIF District No. 7. Since the 1981 Levy and the 1986 Levy were approved prior to � the date of certification of TIF District No. 7, the Subdivision does not apply to those Levies with respect to this District, and no tax increments attributable to said Levies from this District are payable to the School District. (c) TIF District No. 5. Since the 1981 Levy was approved prior to the date of cert- ification of TIF District No. 5, the Subdi- vision does not apply to the 1981 Levy, and no tax increments attributable to said Levy from this District are payable to the School District. Pursuant to clause b(2) of the Subdivision, the tax increment from TIF District No. 5 which is attributable to the 1986 Levy shall be paid to the School District. - (d) TTF District No. 3. Since the 1981 Levy was approved prior to the date of certification of TIF District No. 3, the Subdivision does not apply to the 1981 Levy, and no tax increments attributable to said Levy from this District are payable to the School District. Pursuant to clause b(2) of the Subdivision, the tax increment from TIF District No. 3 which is attributable to the 1986 Levy shall be paid to the School District. 6. �irther Agreements. Nothing in this Agreement is intended or shall be applied in such a manner as to violate the obligations and covenants made by the City or the HRA in connection with the Tax Increment Obliqations, and to the extent but only to the extent that the application of the terms of this Agreement would qive rise to a violation of said obligations and covenants, including without limitation, the default in the timely and full payment of the Tax Increment obligations, the applicable tax increments shall be applied instead in the manner, but only to the extent necessary, to avoid such default or other violation of said covenants or 9706 5 : � � obligations. Nothing in this Agreement shall restrict the City or the HRA in the exercise of the powers which they may have relating to the Project or the TIF Districts. In addition, the City and the School District agree (1) that the total amount payable to the School District pursuant to paragraph 5 shall be limited to $36,000 and (2) that the provisions of paragraph 5 providing for payment of tax increment to the School District shall be limited to and shall apply only to such tax increment attributable to the 1990 payable 1991 real estate property taxes, and at the conclusion of said period, the City and the School District agree to review the circumstances and to attempt to negotiate in good faith such further agreement or agreements as may be permitted by law and which are acceptable to both the City and School District with respect to discretionary payments of such applicable tax increment to the School District. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the School District have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA Mayor City Manager INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 16 School Board Chair Superintendent 9706 6 EXHIBIT A Schedule of Tax Increment Financinq Districts Within Housing and Redevelopment Project No. 1 of the Fridley HRA TIF District 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9706 Name Center City Moore Lake North Area Johnson Printing/ Skywood Mall Paschke Lake Pointe Winf ield Shorewood Onan/Old Central Northco Phase IZI Certif ication Date 5/11/79 7/31/81 5/19/82 1/20/84 3/15/84 12/24/85 10/22/86 10/24/86 9/7/89 4/10/90 Independent School Qistrict No. 14 13/14 11/16 13/14 16 13 16 14 16 16 �•l'i� 8FF EXHIBIT B Sec. 2C. Hir..*.esc:a Stat-:es Stcc-d 1409 S_r�?e-.t-t, sec:'_c� <E3.1i7, s��divis:c� 10, °_s a-.e-ced :o :e�d: S_:.�. ?�. (iA:K:\i :0 SCaC�CL FC� �::_�-'���H L=`T: j(II 'o.`.e :c�is`_c-s c: :3is scbcivisic� a;:?y :o tax .-c:e-.e-t :'_'a'c='� C:S:L:CLS L.'.d tfOj�CLS :CI +�:C�7 Ct::1=tCLt:C7 ��S :g:-�S�Ed . �e?c:e vay 2, 1568, L`at a:e lcca:�d i� a sc.`.ocl d'ss:r:c: f� _�ic� :=e ti•c:ers have a: �rc�ed -ey tax ca: acity :ates cr t� � � i;.crease i� tax ca.acity :a:es zf.er t�e tax i,crer..e-: :ir.a�ci-g • distr?ct Las certified. � - (bl (1) I� there are. r.o' o::tsta::d:::g bc-:�s c� !!ay 2, 19E8, to ��?ca i;.cze4er.t f:ca t�e distr:ct is ?le�eed, cr {?} if t*e :efr:e-c�� ?s a::rcved af:er :!ay 1,'�1`Eg, a-d t.`.ere a:e -o bo-cs .- cLts:�;:dir.g at .2:e ti-e t::e refere-c_� is a�.:cred, t`at �ere iss�ed '�e:cre �ay l, 19E8 c:-f�i-=`-`-'e-:e:e:e-d�..: _-c:ea�:r.g . t=e-:ax-ea_ac=:Y-:�:e-was-a�=:ered-n_':e:-•..'.e--.e:=-_ece-:-is:=e . c?-:c-d�-to-xL?e�-_-e:e-e-=-f:c.:.-t�e-d=str:c�--�-?=eeeed:--=- G:..�S�-�=7-C:-{?�-• �r_iGST �`.*2 LL'.::OI1 � f .:NS � d::�.�dil j DE f t0 t`e sc.`.00l district aa a-cunt e� ir.cze-e�t e�Lal :o t�e i::cre�e^t t�:at is attributable to t::e i�crease i� t::e tax � capacity rate un�er the referer.c;:^+. (2Z ii clause t?'}-ep�:=e� tl) c�ces r�ct a��ly, cpo� apflroval � by a-ajority vote ot t2:e ycverni-g body of tt;e r�unicigality ar.d � tte sc}ool bcard, t1:e tut.*.ority -ust �ay to the scl:eol district a� a-.eL^t of i*cre�er.t ecLal to t*e ir.c:e7e�: t�at is attributab?e to the ircrease i� t':e :az capacity rate :::Zer t.`.e � cefere-cua. , (c T1:e ar..ounts of these i.^.cre.:+ents nay be expended and ' -ust be treated by the school district in t2:e sa:r.e ^a�r�er as , prcvided for tt:e rever.ues deri�ed frc� t.*.e referer.�c� levy epproved by t1:e voters. T1:e provisions of t!�is subdivision apply to projects for which certiF'_cation �:as requested before, cn, ar.d after ALg;;st 1, 1979. r 0 MEMO TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDIIM �q. +v WILLIAM W. �BIIRNB� CITY MANAGER I�t RICHARD 8. LARSON� DEPIITY FIRB CHIEF a�.� DECEMBER 18, 1990 PIIBLIC BCHOOL FIRE INSPECTIONS 90-12-5 I have attached a letter from the State Fire Marshal's Division concerning public school fire inspections. A survey letter was received inquiring about our willingness to conduct fire inspections of schools in our city. At this time I recommend the City continue doing the fire inspections of all schools in our City limits for the following reasons: 1. Past practices have developed a working relationship with the schools boards, school officials, principals and maintenance personnel. This continuance of working hand in hand will assure tax payers that their schools meet Fire "Life Safety" Codes, thereby increasing our credibility with the public. 2. By doing our own inspections hazardous areas and minor changes in building design or construction are picked up and passed on to firefighting personnel. 3. The State is offering free inspection training regarding public schools. This will keep us updated and uniform with new codes and code variations the State will be adopting. The attached letters and forms are required to be filled out by the City Council and City Attorney. Please keep in mind that this contract can be cancelled by either party with written notice. I feel at this time that it is a win win situation. If I can be of any further assistance in this matter please contact me. RHL/ss Attachment cc: Robert D. Aldrich, Chief s'TATE FIRE MARSMAI DMS10N 265 BIGELOW BUILDING 150 NORTH SYNDICA7E STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 TELEPMONE: �12) 8�3-3080 December 5, 1990 Mr. Richard Larson Deputy Fire Chief Fridley Fire Department 6431 University Ave. NE Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Mr. Richard Larson, f:�'�*a. � STATE OF MINNESOTl4 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Last month, you responded to our survey concerning the public school fue inspection program and indicated that your department was interested in continuing to inspect the schools within your jurisdiction. The purpose of this letter is to bring you up-to-date on the program and to request some information from you. To date we have completed the following activities: 1. Sent out, received back, and compiled the results of the fire department survey. 2. Established a computerized database with names, addresses, and other important information on every public school building in the State of Minnesota. In addition, the database contains information concerning the fire department which serves the particulaz school. 3. Developed policies and procedures for State Fire Marshal Division personnel to follow for sc:l�uol inspections. � 4. Commenced inspections of existing school buildings with the first priority being school districts which have schools built before 1910. At this dme we are working on the following pmjects: 1. Development of an inspection report form to be used by inspection personnel. 2. Development of a computer program to allow for date exchange with the Department of Education (in conjuncdon with item #1 above). 3. Distribution and collection of an inspection agreement with those jurisdictions who desire to condnue their inspection of public schools. AN EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . . t-1 : Page 2 December 5, 1990 4. Development of a training class for those jurisdictions who enter into the inspecdon agreemen� This training will probably be a one day session dealing specifically with school inspections. We hope to be able to deliver this uaining in January or February. In order to continue along with the development of this program, we have enctosed an inspection agreement for you to have signed by the appropriau officials and returned to this office by January 15, 1991. To qualify for the inspection program, we need the following informadon: 1. Copies of any reports of inspections that your department has conducted in the public schools within the past three years. These can be sent either in hard copy (paper) format or by computer on any IBM formatted diskette in standard ASCII format (or in a program which will convert the data into ASCII forn�at). 2. Copy of local ordinance which has adopted the 1988 MN Uniform Fire Code (MUFC). - Upon receipt of the above information and signed agreement, we will review the material and process the agreement. At that time we will set up a schedule for the training program. Once again, thank you for your interest and prompt response. If you have any quesrions or need additional infomiation, please feel free to contact me at (612) 643-3096. Sincerely, q�'� � Y�` 0 Jon R. Nisja Supervisor - School Inspecdon Program JRN:Ime DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY F1RE MARSHAL DIVISION 285 BIGELOW BUII..DING 450 NORTH SYNDICATE STREET ST. PAUL, NIINNESOTA 55104 PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTION AGREEMENT 9C Th:s agreemcnt is made by and between the State of Minncsota, Dcparanent of Public Safety - Fire Marshal Division (State) and Fire Deparunent for the City of , Minnesota (Contractor) address WHEREAS, the State, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes: Act of April 27, 1990, Chapter 562, 1990 Minn. Laws 1633, is empowered to require that the state fire marshal develop a plan to inspect once every three years every public s�hool faciliry used for educational purposes. WHEREAS, the Fire Chief of the above named fire department, dces hereby agree that a representative of the city fire department will conduct all public school fire inspections within their jursidiction. To ensure unifornuty of enforcement throughout the state, these inpsections will be conducted in accordance with standards stated in this contract, and WHEREAS, CONfRACTOR represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth herein, NOW THEREFORE, 1T IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: l. All public school facilities used for educational purposes within jurisdiction will be inspected by contractor at least once every three (3) years. Inspections must begin during the 1990-1991 school year. 2. All public schools within contractor's jurisdiction will be inspected in accordance with the requirements of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code (MUFC) and enforced in accordance with the policies of the State Fire Marshal. 3. Stace Fire Marshal division will pmvide the necessary uaining for city fire department personnel contacting to conduct these inspecdons. 4. Copies of inspection reports will be filed with the local school board and the State Fire Marshal and must be submitted to these authorities within seven days following inspection. 5. All variances to fire code orders must be approved by the State Fire Marshal. 6. Cancellation: This contract may be cancelled by the State, or Contractor at any time, with or withouc cause, upon written notice to the other party. 7. Term or Contract: This contract shall be effective on November 1, 1990, or upon such date as ic is executed by the commissioner of Finance, whichever occurs later, and shall remain in effect until December 31, 1993, or until all obligations set forth in this contract have been sadsfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first. 8. State's Authoriud Agcnt: The Stau's authorized agent for the purposes of administration of this contr{� is Allen Rupp, Assistant Division Director • State Fire Marshal Division. (Such agent shall have fir3'� authority for acceptance of Contractor's services and if such services are accepted as satisfactory). 9. Assignmen� Contractor shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this contract without the prior written consent of the State. 10. Liability. Contractor agrees to indemnify and save and hold the State, its agents and employees harn�less from any and all claims or causes of acdon arising from the performance of this contract by Contractor or Contractor's agents or employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies Contractor may have for the State's failure W fulfill its obligations pu�suant to this contrac� IN WTI'NESS WHERE OF, the parties havc caused this contract to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: CONTRACTOR: ay: Title: Date: By: Tide: Date: STATE AGENCY OR DEPARTMENT: (Authorized Signature) By: Tide: Date: By: Date: By: Date: By: Date: ATTORh'EY GENERAL: COMMISSIONER OF ADMIl�TISTRATION: COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE: (Enc. Ctr. Authoriud Signature) I certify that the signatures for the contractor have lawful authority, by virtue of the city by-laws or a city resolution, to bind the contractor to the tenns of this contract agreemen� Date: By: Attorney for Contractor TOL FROMt DATS: Enyineenny Sewer Watei Parks Streets Maintenancc MEMORANDUM william W. Burns, City v John G. Flora, �ublic January 2, 1991 . Manaqer �� Works Director PW91-1 SDBJECTs Recommendation to Award Contract to Purchase One (1) Six-Wheel Drive Slope Mower/Tractor On Wednesday, January 2, 1991, bids were received and opened for One (ij Six-Wheel Drive Slope Mower/Tractor to be used to cut weeds and grass alonq the storm water ditches and holding ponds. Three (3) equipment dealers received specifications and bid forms to bid the mower/tractor and optional accessory equipment. (See attached bid tabulation form). MacQueen Equipment, Inc. submitted the low base bid for the mower/tractor for $27,575.00 and the enclosed cab (accessory equipment) for $1,550.00 for a total bid of $29,125.00. The 1990 Storm Sewer Capital Outlay budget approved by the City Council, has identified $30,700.00 for a slope mower/tractor. Recommend the City Council receive the bids and award to MacQueen Equipment, Inc. _-= the purchase of a slope mower/tractor ($27,575.00) with the accessory enclosed cab ($1,550.00j for a total bid of $29,125.00. JGF/BN/ts Attachanent l LJ •, � � � � J � a � � � m O F- U � � � O � a. 0 w � � � W 2 � >C � T �� W Z 0 � Q v r r � � � N � Q � Q � Q � W 0 � >::IEC: � �: s �; �� 2 2 � � ;:.; � : � <: 0:::<:;: : `>:::::<'<:.1>:�: $ � g � $ a � c� v ..� m i �: ; Ci:> ;:;:. w $ g g :� g < o ° S :z o� � � � a,,;�; � .- � i-- w C- N; O O G; _i oE o $ o Q W: o .d W � � � � W N N N a 3: o� :� m o a � Q a: o Z V` � � � 'F U � � � � z � W: .. W o O O � ;Q 3 � � o ',Z 0 � N Q '1. M �"� c� m � � IO a; _ Z: �: a $ o 0 a3� � � o m°° � � � W'� C�: N N N Q:: � �: rx3', a I-: � t/�;:: ::: ::`: ;W � � � i y 0! o 0 'd; >�i: � Z Z > m>:<:::>:::< .. c m g ti � m � � > � > � W � Q � � m o 4': Wv� c ;`A� � ca�c°Ng Y I� COY�N z m ��N a �3� �� �� ��a�m � �^ cvj cc�� m m ���,�� W� �� �o ��ui ��ntA�tA YchU� <t�<�� 1 `� IEngineenny Sewer Water Parks Streets Maintenancer MEMORANDUM �" To: William W. Burns, City Manager�• , PW90-469 � FROM: John G. F1ora,fPublic Works Director DATE: December 26, 1990 SIIHJECT: 1991 Sanitary Sewer Capital Outlay - Trailer-Mounted Robotic Sewer Rodder Machine In the 1991 Budget Sanitary Sewer Capital Outlay approved by the City Council, there is $21,000 identified for a Trailer-Mounted Robotic Sewer Rodder Machine to cut roots throughout the sanitary sewer systems in Fridley. The specifications have been prepared and we are now ready to advertise for bids. The bid opening will be January 30, 1991, and the recommendation to award the contract �;js scheduled for the Council meeting on February 11, 1991. The existing Truck Mounted Sewer Rodder Machine Number #664 will be traded in. This machine was purchased in 1975. Recommend the City Council authorize the advertisement for bids for the Trailer-Mounted Robotic Sewer Rodder Machine to be purchased in February, 1991. MOTION: Motion to approve the advertisement for bids for One Trailer-Mounted Robotic Sewer Rodder Machine identified in the 1991 Sanitary Sewer Capital outlay Budget. JGF/BN/ts Attachments 11 . NOTICB TO BIDDSRS ONE (1) TRAILER-MOIINT ROBOTIC SEWER RODDER MACHINE Sealed bids will be received and publicly opened by the City of Fridley, Anoka County, Minnesota, at the office of the Public Works Director, 6431 University Ave., N.E., Fridley, NIIJ, 55432, (Tel. 571-3450), on Wednesday, the 30TH DAY OF JANIIARY, 1991, at 11:00 A.M., for the furnishinq of One (1) Trailer-Mount Robotic Sewer Rodder Machine. All in accordance with specifications prepared by John G. Flora, P.E., Public Works Director, Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Ave., N.E., Fridley, MN, 55432, (Tel. 571-3450). Specifications may be examined at the office of the Public Works Director and copies may be obtained for the Equipment Dealer's individual use by applying to the Public Works Director. Bids must be made on the basis of cash payment for the Trailer- Mount Robotic Sewer Rodder Machine, and accompanied by a cash deposit, certified check (on a responsible bank in the State of Minnesota) or a bidder's bond made payable without condition of the City of Fridley, MN, in an amount of not less than 5 percent (5�) of the total amount of the bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any infonaalities in any bids received without explanation. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days. By order of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota. Dated this 7th day of January, 1991. John G. Flora, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Published: FRIDLEY FOCUS: January 9, 1990 January 16, 1990 January 23, 1990 11A Parks Streefs Maintenancc MEMORANDUM . TO: William W. Burns, City Manager �� PW90-486 FROMs DAT$: SIIBJBCTi John G. F1ora,�Public Works Director January 2, 1991 1991 Water Capital outlay - Repair of Well Nos. 1, 4, and 9 Project No. 215 In the 1991 Water Capital Outlay Budget approved by the City Council, there is $60,000.00 identified for repair of Wells and Pumps No. 1, 4, and 9. The specifications have been prepared and we are now ready to advertise for bids. The bid openinq will be January 31, 1991 and the recommendation to award the contract is scheduled for the Council meetinq on February 11, 1991. It is important to continue the preventive maintenance program on all wells and pumps throughout the water system in order to ensure proper water quantities before the high demand season is upon us. Recommend the City Council authorize the advertisement for bids for the Repair of Well Nos. 1, 4, and 9 Project No. 215 to be accomplished this spring. �-� - MOTION: Motion to approve Nos. 1, 4, and 9 Outlay Budget. JGF/BN/ts Attachments e the advertisement for bids for Well identified in the 1991 Water Capital 12 � 12A NOTI�B TO BIDD$R8 REPAIR AND MAINTBNANCE OF WELL NO. 1 PROJECT �10. 215 Sealed bids will be received and publicly opened by the City oi Fridley, Anoka Countp, Minnesota, at the office of the Public Works Director, 6431 University Ave., N.E., Fridley, Minnesota, 55432, (tel. 571-3450) on Thursdap, the 31st dap of January, 1991, at 11:00 a.m., for the furnishing of work and materials for the REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF WELL NO. 1 PROJECT NO. 215. Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the Public Works Director and copies may be obtained for the contractor's individual use by applying to the Public Works Director, Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Ave., N.E., Fridley, Minnesota, 55432, (tel 571-3450, ext. 550). Bids must be made on the basis of cash payment for work, and accompanied by a cash deposit, certified check (on a responsible bank in the State of Minnesota) or a bidder's bond made payable without condition to the City of Fridley, Minnesota, in an amount of not Iess than five percent (5�j of the total amount of the bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities in any bids received without explanation. All bids must be submitted in sealed enve2opes and plainly marked on the outside with BID OPENIN(3 FOR REPAIR OF WELL NO. 1 PROJECT NO. 215. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days. By order of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota. Dated this 7th day of January, 1991. JOHN G. FLORA, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Published: Fridley Focus Construction Bulletin January 9, 1991 January 11, 1991 , January 16, 1991 January 18, 1991 January 23, 1991 January 25, 1991 liy NOTICB TO BIDDBRB REPAIR AND I�UII�I'PBNAHCB OF IISLL NO. � PROJECT �t0. 215 Sealed bids will be received and publicly opened by the City of Fridlep, Anoka County, Minnesota, at the office of the Public Works Director, 6431 University Ave., N.E., Fridley, Minnesota, 55432, (tel. 571-3450) on Thursdap, the 31st day oi Januarp, 1991, at 11:00 a.m., for the furnishing of work and materials for the REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF WELL NO. 4 PROJECT NO. 215. Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the Public Works Director and copies may be obtained for the contractor's individual use by applyinq to the Public Works Director, Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Ave., N.E., Fridley, Minnesota, 55432, (tel 571-3450, ext. 550). Bids must be made on the basis of cash payment for work, and accompanied by a cash deposit, certified check (on a responsible bank in the State of Minnesota) or a bidder's bond made payable without condition to the City of Fridley, Minnesota, in an amount of not less than five percent (5�) of the total amount of the bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities in any bids received without explanation. All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes and plainlv marked on the outside with BID OPENINO FOR REPAIR OF WELL NO. 4 PROJECT NO. 215. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days. By order of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota. Dated this 7th day of January, 1991. JOHN G. FLORA, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Published: Fridley Focus Construction Bulletin January 9, 1991 January il, 1991 January 16, 1991 January 18, 1991 January 23, 1991 January 25, 1991 12C NOTICB TO BIDDERB R8pl�Iit l�iiD M]�I�1TBiTl�i�iCB OF lIBLL NO. 9 PROJ$CT �TO. Z 15 Sealed bids will be received and publicly opened by the City of Fridlep, Anoka County, Minnesota, at the office of the Public Works Director, 6431 University Ave., N.E., Fridley, Minnesota, 55432, (tel. 571-3450) on Thursdap, th� 31st dap ot January, 1991, at ii:00 a.m., for the furnishing of work and materials for the REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF WELL N0. 9 PROJECT NO. 215. Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the Public Works Director and copies may be obtained for the contractor's individual use by applying to the Public Works Director, Fridley City Hall, 6431 University Ave., N.E., Fridley, Minnesota, 55432, (tel 571-3450, ext. 550). Bids must be made on the basis of cash payment for work, and accompanied by a cash deposit, certified check (on a responsible bank in the State of Minnesota) or a bidder's bond made payable without condition to the City of Fridley, Minnesota, in an amount of not less than five percent (5$) of the total amount of the bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities in any bids received without explanation. All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes and plainlv marked on the outside with HID OPENINa FOR RBPAIR OF WELL NO. 9 PROJECT NO. 215. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days. By order of the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota. Dated this 7th day of January, 1991. JOHN G. FLORA, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Published: Fridley Focus Construction Bulletin January 9, 1991 January il, 1991 January 16, 1991 January 18, 1991 January 23, 1991 January 25, 1991 � � �,�� �� , ��_�� �� `�� � _�. �;� � �r, � � i ,�.�� � ,�. �- � i�(;'/�' ���! ��� ��-, ,�o� �.o -�-+- Englneennq Sewer Water Parks Streets Maintenanc�� MEMORANDUM �•� . TO: William W. Burns, City Manager�' PW90-492 FROM: John G. Flora,rPublic Works Director DATE: December 31, 1990 SIIBJECT: Load Limit Designation Attached is a resolution establishing the spring load limits for the City streets. Annually, we receive Council's approval to publish the load limits. This allows us to place the notice in the newspaper and an appropriate time based upon the spring thaw. Loads limits stay in effect until the County informs us of them raising the limits on the County roads. In order to facilitate the notification process, recommend the City Council approve the attached load limit resolution for 1991. JGF/ts Attachments 13 �:� � � i�80�I�T �U. - 1991 •l;r: • 1 •� � 1' � : � c •'- � � 1 • . ' Il:i = Y'�:�� �� I:� t�:�"I� f. � �:t: N •1' ' �� . 1� ' �:r_ • V Eg IT gEep�p� by t2�e City Camcil of the City of FYidley as follc�rs: A. �hat puYSUarYt to Criapter 503, City Ooc3e of FYidley, Minr�esata� 1978 that axmAencir�g cn tiye 18th day of Marc�i, 1991, ar�d oontinuir�g �uYtil the 20th day of May, 1991, t�les.s sooner t�etmir�atsd or th�ereafter vot'ttirnyed� no vehicle st�all be driven or aperated �z anY stree�t ar' Public hic�way in the City �er jurisdictiaai of the City wi�ere the w�e.ic�t of such vehicle e�ooeeds: 4 'l�i PF•lt !� B. Zl1e above restrictio�► shall riat apply with respect to the follcywirg named st,reets or public highways, t�o-wit: .��� Ashton AveiYUe Ashtoa� Avernie Able StY�eet Alley East of Beec�i StY�t Arthur Street Bak,er Stseet Beec3Z Street Berne R�oad Bridgewater Drive Srookview Drive Carrie Lar�e Cheri Iane �o��¢nexne Circle E�st Ccs�unerce Circle Sauth � Circle West C�e Iane East Danube R�d East M�oore Iake Drive East River Fdd. Serv. Dr. East River Rd. Serv. Dr. E]m Straet Fireside Drive Gardena Avernie Glacier Iane Hillwirrd Road HicacpYy Street Hickory Street Ir�dustrial Bculevard Irydustrial Baitevard Jackson Street Iak�e Pbinte Urive Main Street Main Street Matterhorn Circle N�oa�roe Street �! Y � 52rxi Averw�e 79th Avei�u�e West Moore Iak�e Dr 78th Ave�e Noz'tli Dar�ube i�d 73rd Averwe 77th Averrue Wind�mere Drive �ti Y+e I�rygth Mississippi Strec.�'t Quitx.Y Stre�t 53Yd Ave.r�e 73rd Avernie �uner+oe Cir�le c�o�aaexoe Circle 73rd Avex�ue Matterhorn Drive T.H. #65 51st Way 57th Avet'aae 77th Avea'�e T.H. #65 dentral Avernye Mattsri�orn Driv� Matterh�rn D�i.ve 81st Aver�e 78th Ave�e 53rd Way 51st Way Carrie Iane 7th Street OsboYZ�e R�ci 57th Aver'rue MattexYwrn Drive 63rd Averx�e ive Sot�'t� �1 �. IriduStz'ldl B1Vd. Irontoaz Street Mississippi Street 79th Avenue 400 feet north Osl�orn�e RQad 81st Avenwe East F�d 67th Avenue Jac,J�son Street Fillmore Street � Circle �aa�neroe Circle Wi 73rd Avenue OsUorne Ro�d N. Inn,sbYUCJt Dr. Central Averiwe N. to C�il.-de-Sac N. of 57th Avern�e 79th Av�xn�e C�entral Avernye East City L�im,its St. Nlpritz Drive Central Ave.r�ue 600 feet north 79th Avenue Ashtaa�► Avemie 53rd Way 58th Avein�e west rtioore T akc� 83nd Avern�e 61st Avernae East 67th Avernye S�� Drive 13A Resolution No. - 1991 Page � M:�� Noxth Dat�eube ibo�d North IrnLSbnrJc Drive Osl�orne Way QuirX.Y Str�t Rainer Pass Iiar�hers Road Rioe Cree.k R�d St. Imier Drive St. Moritz Drive Trollhagen Drive Viroa'i F�raad West Darnabe Fi�ad West Moore Lake Drive Wir�de�nere Drive 3rd Str�t 5th Street 7th Street T.H. #47 E. SeYV. Dr. T.H. #47 E. SeYV. D�'. T.H. #47 E. SeYV. Dt. T.H. #47 W. SeYV. Dr. T.H. #47 W. Serv. DY'. 51st way 53zYi Avern�e 53rci Avern� 57th Avern� 58th Avern�e 61st Avernie 63rd Avernle T.H. #65 E. Serv. Ih'. T.H. #65 W. Sexv. Dr. T.H. #65 W. Serv. Dr. 69th Avern�e 71st AverYUe 72r�d Averaie 73rd Avernte 77th Avern]�e 78th Avernye 79th Avernye 81st Averiwe 83rd Avern�e ��! Y Wes�t Darx�be Iboad Matterho�n D�ive East River I�oad 57th Averrue Glacier Lane 77th Avenu�e Cer�tral Aven�e Berne Rr�ad Z'L011.i�agen D�ive MattQrhorn D�ive Osborne Ro�'�d Nox'th D�ryube F�d T.H. #65 (N.Moore Trollhac�en D�'ive 49th Avei�u�e 61st Aver�e 53rd Aveiaye 53n3 Aver�ue 57th Avetnye 69th Aver�ue 73rd Avet�oue Mississippi Sts�eet E. River Iioad Ma3n Street T.H. #65 T.H. #47 JacJs�sori Street Starlite &lvd. T.H. #47 63rd Ave1'nae Oe-1�orne Road 73rd Averaye C�esYtral Averaie T.H. #47 T.H. #65 �onmeroe Iat�e East River Ibo�d E. Burlingt:on No. E. Burlingt� No. �iickQYy Street Main Stre�t Iake) R/�� R/w �� N. Ir�nsbn�cJ� Drive East City Limits 75th Way C`arrie Iane Sauth City I�iYaits 81st Averale Fast City I�imits Sauth City Ismits South Gity I.iinits St. Imier D�ive Firesi.de D�ive Sc�uth cul�ie-�..,ac T.H. #65 (S.Moore Trolli�agen Drive 53rd Aventye MiSSissippi Street 67th Avenue N. Approac. 500' M; �-�; G-�ippi Street 73rd Avenue 500' N. of 83rd A S. Approoc. 800' Irrdustrial Blvd. T.H. #65 E. Approat. 300' Quux-Y Street West Moore Iake West rtioore Lalse Moazroe Street Soutlz F�nnd Scuth 800' Sa�ut11 �d East City Limits City Garage CentYal Avernie Dentral Aventa�ae Rar�hers Road Maii'► Street T.H. #47 T.H. #47 T.Ii. #47 ar�d the weic�t limit with respect to s�x3z streets ar�d hic�a'ays is: 9 'l�Qd PEtt A7QE I�ke) ve. Drive Drive C. Nvtioe of ti�ese restrictions shall be publisYyed with respec.'t to each of � streets ar�d hic�ys ar�d when so published, the restrictiazs shall be in full foroe ar�d effect; all as provic3ed thereof, under Ctlapter 503, City oode ef �idley, Mf.innesata, 1978. �_CL' Resolutia[i No. - 1991 1 3 C Page �hx�ee D. A vehicle in e}aoess of s� li.mits may be aperated ar driven �ori a street or publistyed hic�way in the City witl�o�t violation of law when the saa� is doa�e und�x S'pecial P�ermit tiye,reof iss��ed in a+000rdanoe with the prwisions of Mir�e^.�ata Statutes Sec. 169.87 whicii are adapt�ed ar�d mad�e a part h,�reof by referex�oe the same as if fully it�oorpo�'ateci 1�erein• E. �at scilool bus operators are giver� speci.al permit to prooeed with noxmal aperation ori their regularly establist�ed routes atxi at regularly established houYS, said permits to be is.�ed by the Public Works Director. :_�:,�� . �• •:�� r:i: w •� �i a�� •,: r:r w •i� • u �:� : �: � •i� Ir� •♦ j�TT7TAM J. 1`ia, 1�RiYC1�t ATPF�'T: SfIIRLEY A. HAAPAIA, CITY Q�FiK T . ..__ �. �� �. ..�. , — 13 D �1'. !� �w ' • �' �1 � i� � �� �I � . .-r4��, — �� mwcii as�wci� ::•,�;�;:;.;;;:; __"� _r �i. � � :$:. �l�1c ii� j,. .. _�. .- �` J __ �_ {- . V� ��� '� ����-_ �� � I.ti�:' � � - � i \\\ If;� � _ - � _ _' 1� • � ��� v \\� •v\e�'�UE�y^ _ _ �� � r � � y � •. � �` : ". � 1 � . � � �i ✓��. � •.`. � -\ �+��- "" � '�` � - _ I �-j � �. �._ '�,�` - ./ ` � • -' _ � � � �. � � , /-'�� I. . �� �;* � - � 'TC, �,. � '-�� T� i;! � • - � � N ...�' ^1� ��' �,T�_ `� � -�t�,!� � ,�, �ti �L ,� . + � E _ 1 ' � i I -- =_ - _ _ :i _ �,_.� w� _ - ►E ,�,�` i I _" � _ � � � ��; - - - - - -- _ _ - 1 . _ �. � �� � � _ _ •:r--.. . � ' � _ � g �� �� �' � k �� � � E �/'_i�J� �';y '� �_ •' • =1�,; _- , � � `_._,. _ � ;,���,_ �T• • �_ s.,;;�:�, t„ � � �`, '�,f;�j::_��' , ; � ; � - •� ,,�'-���., .as-.�,-.:�.. , � � ,.._ � ,� ' ;; : � }i�i �./ � � � ��J / �i 1 ��. ,, `c� g rT./- -�� � I �� �. � I 1 ���_ � _,-r°�► Ij11 \-�iri . _ -� /i _ � �1�1' --�:-� -�--� - - = - - _ ?�.�,1 . '�'�� � _ - ... _ =, � ��.' , ' �.. L"'::1 1 i � �. � e! . r 'Y- '�'� _ - --- -� �",�T .- —_ j ��� r�f''� � 1 ;S� = a. -, .� -LJ .' I � �� � J.:� � � - ; ' � , �M � � i `-� St1E.'etS tl�'�OA � �`�i � �1rt �,\ --:r=_ .:. � � � �� � which v�ehicles J ' ' j � _ .::. ��F;- : ;,,� .;�. : .:' �?� - - '��.-�,-,e �� ,�� with 9 tAns per �' �' ;;� r � �' � 'i ' �- ; � � � axle loads are •dt-' 3-'*i 1 ,� � , .. : ��'[ : �1� - 311QI��. t��;.' - - u � T-r == _ -•_ _ s r,.�� "s � 7� i+% -��-' i_ 1 � i i :.: - .:.- ��' --- • -� - :�tL �, ���.; �i _� � ' ��;.; 1 � ,� � � '�' :� y �. `'.,L' S �~� - - � 1�_ �L'•\� ! � ��i' .�� � j` ' � -- - t _ _ . �\ i _ % +e o � � � -'�-� � �f:�4e� { I�-�-� :r • •� � �� �/ / ' _ �� �•\� !1 �� � r� - .--•� . � �` - -. �:f,� , � ` �i �� -� -- � �P -Tj �:� ', � _ �� . � . � . -��� .r .., -_�y_�L� _ 1` . . 1 1 a �' . 4 s ���. � ��w�+ � � �� � - �� �- �}. _- _ : . -- a_.--� rp. •£. _ _ __ _ ',� ' F � �'� ' �e; e � ' E�i° ° �t s ���' '4�\` -- . 1 � �--� ' T' ' � r'3S•j• � �C'T � _ � � ; =�,` — 6?'1'1' T. : �:. -� ��'- -_ �_� ' _ _ � � ! � �� �r• - =s�ti - esss - s� a -_ ��.:� �Il � _ �. - _ �s -: � = {� ,` i L.Lil �� ��_= r=° s-' : �_� _` s = , ,'�:{,` T' �' - ��• �� _ � r� _ �" _ _ _ . — = �` + � ��: _o s-: - _ ��z�.._.= F �i =' �s � �� � .� � � '� • __ ' s- __ �Z:� _ �S. _- � a \ 4� ? s: 3 �s. c�?v=:-? i. _;,__ �.. . •,^ �. `;1, (. 'Ei,_r: S L� _ �:, _ �: �� ��� P � ....li� i'"� �r•' .. s.t "e ' - • •��-� "'� �� � r' " se � 9 ' � Lj - B � ' � „ . �.�'. ' _....� s�' c gs._.' o � :r ' ' ;�:a;: � '_ z���'' _r E $il--� - ��• �.� �� •'�L� � �t. s �� as, i - _�r�-a s?t� '= cE .,\� 1 [i, � _ �si _ a-s _ ? _' . E i • � � ggr?�. - s.�•' - ::s=' . �s' - i# -_= � _ -' "�'�.�, �ETrs _ �ei _ � . :��� • r'-- � �-t• ' � �:! e ��w _ _ `�"'� j •- _ KREET MAP-CITY Of °- _ : �� p; FRIDLEY s _ � __.. =S. ; _�- _�-�.��-_---- ��=- 1991 CITY COIINCIL 11PPOII�1'PKBNTB 1990 REPREB$l�i'�PiTIVEs ![ayor Pro T�m: Councilman Steven E. Billinqs llnoka Countp Law Bn�orcement Council (i Re�resentative and i Aiternate): Councilman Schneider, Representative Councilwoman Jorqenson, Alternate Buburban Rat• l�uthoritp (1 Member and 1 l�lternate): John Flora, Public Works Director, Repr. Mark Winson, Asst. Pub. Works Dir., Alt. �issociation ot Ketrogolitan l�iunicipalities: � Councilman Fitzpatrick, Delegate Councilwoman Jorgenson, Alternate School District #14 Commuaitp School Advisory Councii: Councilwoman Jorgenson, Representative School District #13 Representativ�: Councilman Billings, Representative Councilwoman Jorgenson, Alternate School District #16 Representatives Councilman Schneider, Representative Leawo of Kinnesota Citi�s: Councilman Fitzpatrick, Representative Councilman Schneider, Alternate . ��� 14 12-31-91 12-31-91 12-31-91 12-31-91 12-31-91 12-31-91 12-31-91 12-31-91 12-31-91 12-31-91 12-31-91 12-31-91 Nortb l[etro Convention ic Tourism Bureau: William Hunt, Asst. to the City Manager 12-31-91 COI�II�iI88I0� R'$RK8 T8liT wILL EYPIRE IN 1991 �OR CITY COIINCIL CON8ID81t�TION 14A �.� Term Present Kembera fros �►��ointee $xpires PLl�1�1I�TINO COMl+II88ION ( Chapter 6) ( 7 Members - 3 Year Term j a$NER�iL Donald Betzold 4-1-91 4-1-94 CHl�iIR vsc$-cs�,i� CH1�iIR David Kondrick PAR1C8 i ItEC . 4-1-91 CSAIR Bradley Sielaff 4-1-91 BNVIRON. QIIliLITY CHAZR Diane Savage 11BPEALB COMM. CHAZR Susan Sherek HIIMAN REB. ]1T Dean Saba LARG$ AT Connie Modig I.AR(�$ CBAIR VICE- CBAIR CSAIR vic$- CHl�IR 4-1-92 4-1-93 4-1-92 4-1-93 4-1-94 4-1-94 APP8AL8 COMMISSION (Chapter 6)(5 Members - 3 Year Term) Diane Savage 4-1-92 Larry Kuechle 4-1-93 Kenneth Vos 4-1-93 Catherine Smith 4-1-91 4-1-94 Vacant 4-1-91 4-1-94 $NVIRONMENTAL QIIALITY l�IdD BNFRQY COMMI88ION (Chapter 6) (7 Members - 3 Year Term) Bradley Sielaff 4-1-91 4-1-94 Paul Dahlberg 4-1-92 Richard Svanda 4-1-91 4-1-94 Dean Saba 4-1-92 Steven A. Start 4-1-92 Susan Price 4-1-93 Bruce Bondow 4-1-92 CBAIR VICE- CHAIR T�� Tei m pr�sent xembera sz�ir•s Av�ointo• $�P;� 4 B HtT�tAN RESOIIRCBB COI�QtI88I0�1 ( Chapter 6) ( 5 Members - 3 Year Term) Susan Sherek 4-1-93 Susan Jackson 4-1-91 4-1-94 LeRoy Oquist 4-1-92 Marija Netz 4-1-92 John P. Velin 4-1-93 pAR1CB l�TD RECR$l�TION COM1�tI88ION (Chapter 6) (5 Members-3 Yr. Term) CHAIR David Kondrick 4-1-91 4-1-94 VIC$- Mary Schreiner 4-1-91 4-1-94 CBAIR John Gargaro 4-1-93 Dick Young 4-1-92 Tim Solberq 4-1-92 80IISINa 1�TD REDBVSLOPMEIdT AIITHORITY (5 Members - 5 Year Term) CHAIR Larry Commers 6-9-94 VICE- Virginia Schnabel 6-9-95 CHAIR John E. Meyer 6-9-91 6-9-96 Walter Rasmussen 6-9-92 Duane Prairie 6-9-93 Cl�BL$ T$LEVIBION COMMI88ION (Sec. 405.28)(5 Members-3 Yr. Term) CHAIR Ralph Stouffer 4-1-93 VICE- Barbara Hughes 4-1-91 4-1-94 CHAIR Duane Peterson 4-1-92 Burt Weaver 4-1-93 Robert Scott 4-1-91 4-1-94 POLIC$ COMMIBSION (Chapter 102)(3 Members - 3 Year Term) CHAIR John R. Hinsverk 4-1-91 4-1-94 Mavis Hauge 4-1-92 Tim Breider 4-1-93 �BBOLOTION �10. _ - 1991 itBBOLIITION DBSIGNl�TIl�ia DIRECTOR 11ND l�LTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SIIBIIRHliN xl1T8 l�iIITHORZTY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fridley, Minnesota as follows: WHEREAS, is hereby designated to serve as a Director of the Suburban Rate Authority, and , Assistant Public Works Director is hereby designated to serve as Alternate Director of the Suburban Rate Authority for the year 1991 and until their successors are appointed. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF JANUARY, 1991. WILLIAM J. NEE, MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA, CITY CLERK 15 RE80LIITION 1d0. _ - 1991 RESOLIITION DEBI�iNATII�iG 71N OFFZCIAL NEWBPAPER FOR THE YBAR 1991 WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Fridley requires in Section 12.01 thereof that the City Council annually designate an official newspaper for the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Fridley Focus Newspaper is designated the official legal newspaper for the City of Fridley for the year 1991 for all publications required to be published therein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Minneapolis Star and Tribune be designated as the City of Fridley's second official newspaper for the year 1991. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DAY OF JANUARY, 1991. WILLIAM J. NEE, MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA, CITY CLERK 16 _ --.�� December 7, 1990 � °` City Cour.cil City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. N.E. ; POST Fridley, MN 55432 � �� .•+w-n�..� Dear Council Members: ,� �;�;:. ° °� � .$: =x Ot �J1S8 �AK� ROAD ��rs. ii�. sse2s 12-536-75� We would appreciate your designation of the Focus to be your official newspaper for the 1991 year. pEC Our company prides itself on home delivery of quality weekly newspapers that are timely and informative. By designating us to publish your public notices, we can best serve the residents of your City. The new rate structure for legals effective January 1, 1991 will be: 1 column width � .62 per line � .34 per line 2 column width $C1.24 per� line � .68 per line - first insertion - subsequent insertions - first insertion - subsequent insertions This new rate represents a 9.6� rate increase and is based on our new column width of 11.5 picas compared to our former width of 9.5 picas. This represents a 21q6 increase in line length and should increase read- ability. We will continue to provide notarized affidavits on each of your publications. All publications should reach this office by Thursday noon preceding our Wednesday publications. In order to expedite our service to you, please direct your publications to the attention of Audrey Broda, Legal Publications, 8801 Bass Lake Road, Minneapolis, MN 55428. For your convenience, our fax number is 537-3367. ��: �x s3 Yle appreciate being considered as the �'��`�'" for the ensuing year and look forward -� = t� �:�:: �` �"`��' �" " beneficial working relationship. � . �. . r � � �����,� �� *`€ �°�� � Sincerely, �:����,,�`. Wa er D. Roac .���. General Manager iL. . -wl� � :2.:'.�SRT�� � � �ge� 16A official newspaper to a mutually 17 CITY OF FRIDI,$Y M$KORl1NDIIM `' I' rN TO: 1/ILLIl�lri 11. BIIRNB, CITY 1rIANAGER �� FROM: RZCBARD D. PRIHYL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SIIBJECT: DEBIGNATING OFFICIAI, DBPOBITORIES DATE: J!lNQARY 3, 1990 Attached you will find a resolution that would appoint Fridley State Bank as the cities official depository for 1991. In reviewing the banking services that we have been provided in the past by Fridley State Bank Z find that we are incurring little cost for the service we are provided. At this time it does not seem to be beneficial to solicite for banking services, since our options are limited within the city. We only have two banking institutions that would qualify, and we currently engage the services of one. The service we receive has been very good, Fridley State Bank has been responsive to our requests for information throughout the years. They have aided us in a number of decision process's over the past years, some of the issues that they have aided us on will come to pass as we acquire new computer equipment. In using the Fridley State Bank we are able to invest idle cash on a daily basis, with minimum cost to the city. We are able to determine daily needs and invest the balance in a daily repurchase agreement with Shearson Lehman Hutton, Inc. If we were to change the provider for the banking services we would need to change the method in which we invest idle funds and the ease in which we can make deposits. 17A �gp�� �. _ - 1991 •�re • � • • s r ,. , .�- - «. . - -.: .,- .:._ �. _.. � :il•�: •M:r_�] ' �:• �:I- N •I- • ��1 : I, Ridzard D. Pri.byl, cb t��+ebl' cert1fY that I aQn Finar►oe D� of the City of Fridley, a ccYp�ratian organized �der the laws of the State of Mi,nneso�ta. I further oertify that at a meeting of said ooxporatioal duly ar�d properly called arxi Ae1d a�'i the 7th day of Jarn1aY'Y, 1991, ti�e follcxaing re�olutioci was gas��ed; that a quonmm was prese�� at said meetin�J; arid that said resoluti� is set forth in the mi�ut�s of ineetin9 a�i has �t beeii rescisyded or modified. IT IS i�EtE6Y ItESOL�JID, that the FYidley State Bank is tyereb"Y d�i9nated as a �itory for the fur�ds of this o�z�ration• IT IS FV17Ii�t i7E'.SOLVID, that �. dn►fts or �er wit2x7rawal orders issued against the fur�d.s of this v�rporation on denosit with said bank shall be signed by tw� of the followit�g: Ric3�azd D. Pribyl, Fir�noe Direc.'to William W. Burns, City Manaqer' David J. DuBord, Assi,stant Finanoe Direct:or and that said bank is her�by fully auth�rized to pay arxi c3�arge to the a000unt of this wYporatioa�► arry c�ec'.ks, drafts� ar o�t2�er withcirawal orders. BE IT FLJKIi�2 RFSOL�IED, that th�e FY'idley State Bank �aordPSed ar�d directed to of the �Yporatior� be and it is herebY �� � t of money drawn in this hanor check.s, drafts or ather orders for the paymen , oorporation's name, i.t�cludis�g tiio�e drawn to the u�dividual order of atzy person or p�xsons whose n�me or names appear there�n as sicp�er or siyn�ers thereof, when be,arirg or pu�ortir�4 to bear th� facsimile signatures of two of the follvwing: Ric��ard D. Pribyl, Finanoe Direc.'tor-'I�easurer William W. Hurns, City Manaqer' David J. DuHord, Assistant Fu��'°e Direc.�tor ar�d the FYic7ley State Bank shall���i�r �, r�l���� whan ooxporation for all such ciiec'.ks, �� �n �Y �ve been or by what means the facsitaile sicp�ature ar signa le �e af f ixed th�ereto, if ax3� facsimile signature , or signatures rese�nb facsimile speccim�ns chily oertified to or filed with the Fridley State Bank by the City Clerk or o�tiier offioer of his oorperaticai. B'E IT FtJ� i�E'.SOLVID, that arYy ar�d all; resolutions heretofore adapt.ed �o of City Oau�cil of the v�Yporatior� azxi oertified to as gcyvernin4 th� �'a thi.s ooxporatio�'s acoount(s) with it, be ar�d ar�e herebY o�irnied in full force ar�d effect, e�ooept as the same may be supPl� �' modified by the foregoing part of this x�esoluticn. P-age 2— Resoluticri No. _- 1991 P� IT FUR��t ItESOLVID, t2�at all transackians, if ariy relatiriq to �iration witiydrawals, re-disoamts ar�d bom�wir�gs by ar� an b�half of this oozpo with said bank prior to the a�o�rticr� of thi.s resolutiaz be, arYi the sa�ne herebY are, in all th.ings ratified, approved ani oonfirnied• B� IT � FtESOLVID, tt�at any bank or savi.rgs arxi loan ioay be u.sed as c3epositAries for ' purposes so 1axJ as ti�e inves�n�-� °�ly with authorized inv�ts as s�t forth in Minneso�ta Statut�es. P� I*I� FUl��t RE50L�IED, that tiye signatures of two of the following named City emplc�,ees are required for witi�dYawal of City invest�nesYt fiuxi.s frc�► savir�gs ar�d loan a.ssociati�s, arr3 for aooes.s to the safety c�osit box: Ric��attl D. Pt'ibyl, Finanoe D' Willi.am W. Burns, City Mat�ager David J. DuHord, Assistar►t Finar�oe Director BE IT FURI3�Z RESOLVED, that any brokera9e fizm my be tised as a dep�sitory for investment putposes so loa�q as the investrnents anQ1Y with the authorized investrnPS�ts as set forth in Misu�'.�ota Statutes . I further oertify that the Oauycil of this coxporatioaz has, ar�d at the time of adaptioaz of said resolutior► had, full pow�r ar�d lawful authority to aclopt the foregoir�g resolutions ard to oocLfer the pow�xs therein granted to the per�'.�ons named who have full power ar�d lawful autilority t� exercise the same • PASSID AND ADOPI� BY � CITY �)NCIL OF � CI'I'Y OF FRIDLEY Z�IIS DAY OF , 1991. � J. NF�E, 1�,YOR A'I'!'FST: SE�L� A. I�PAIA, CI'1'Y CLII2K 17B l C�: CITY OF FRIDLBY M 8 M O R A N D II M MEMO TO: RILLIAM W. BIIRNB� CITY MANAGER, AND �Y' CITY COt1NCIL FROM: RICHARD D. PRIBYL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SIIBJECT: RESOLIITIONS SPLITTING SPECIAL A88ESSMENTB FOR THE JANIIARY 7, 1991 AGENDA DATE: DECEMBER 27� 1990 We are presenting the attached resolutions to the Council to comply with the legal requirements regarding the splitting of special assessments. The properties involved are from the original Northco Business Park Addition. One property is being split into two parcels under a new plat known as Northco Business Park 2nd Addition. This plat, P.S. #90-01, was officially approved by the City Council on February 26, 1990 by Resolution No. 18-1990. Four other properties are being combined and split into two new parcels under a new plat known as Northco Business Park 3rd Addition. This plat, P.S. #90-03, was also officially approved by the City Council on September 17, 1990 by Resolution No. 80-1990. RP/ms : ' REBOLIITION NO. - 1991 A RESOLIITION AIITHORIZINQ AND DIRECTINd THE BPLITTING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTB ON: LOT 2, BLOCR 1, NORTIICO BIISINEBS PARR WHEREAB, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been subdivided. NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED as follows: That the assessments levied against the following described parcel, to-wit: Lot 2, Block 1, Northco Business Park, may and shall be apportioned and divided and replatted as follows: oriqinal Parcel und Oriqinal Amount Lot 2, Block 1 Pin No. 11-30-24-31-0009 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS New Paroels Reg SA (WSM) Paid W#34 (WM� Paid SW#24 (SL) Paid SW#24 (SL) Paid SW#24 (SM) Paid W#34 (WL) Paid W#34 (WL) Paid SS#24 (SS) Paid ST 1968-2A Paid ST 1968-1B (WS Serv)Paid ST 1968-1B (ST) Paid ST 1982-2 (ST) Paid W,S&SS#188 (WSML� $61,082.08 ST 1989-01 (ST) 12,626.04 SEWER MAIN 1,576.96 PARK FEE 7.682.97 $82,968.05 Lot 1, Block 1 Reg SA (WSM) Paid Northco Business Park 2nd Add W�34 (WM) Paid Pin No. 11-30-24-31-0017 SW#24 (SL) Paid SW#24 (SM) Paid W#34 (WL) Paid SS#24 (SS) Paid ST 1968-1B (WS Serv)Paid ST 1968-1B (ST) Paid W,S&SS#188 (WSML) $31,151.86 ST 1989-01 (ST) 6,439.28 SEWER MAIN 804.25 PARK FEE 3,925.00 Continued: Lot 2, Block 1 Reg SA (WSM) Paid Northco Business Park 2nd Add SW#24 (SL) Paid Pin No. 11-30-24-31-0018 SW#24 (SL) Paid SW#24 (SM) Paid W#34 (WM) Paid W#34 (WL) Paid W#34 (WL) Paid � SS#24 (SS) Paid ST 1968-2A (ST) Paid ST 1968-1B (WS Serv)Paid ST 1968-1B (ST) Paid ST 1982-2 (ST) Paid W,S&SS#188 (WSML) $29,930.22 ST 1989-01 (ST) 6,186.76 SEWER MAIN 772.71 PARK FEE _ 3.757.97 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS $ 82,968.05 lCL . PASSED AND ADOPTED BY T8E CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1991 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERR -�- �� -= � NORTHCO BUSINESS PARK ?.ND ADDITION ' y 4• 7 W t� W MW ^1� �' 1 1 �l � �,� �i� �}yl �� � j� j`��j ��� i I � �� i_ �._ v�_/ �t >•:. r-� I�: � r-� i f�: i', `�' �p�_ _ ��� : T�_„! �1 �":, � ^� �� ��..��.����.��° � � � �.-� �. t.' � v �� � v �J i.� �±,pi� � I� N��'YO'S8"E, _ see 06'24 E� 3H.30 -•. �,.__ SS.02 � • • • � N 0•11'41"w �� Y4.3 i so � O �_� t (� 7 I i �. �_..-. r�j oi . ^ M � ��� ;^� 7 �i / � �! .. i, r rZ 3 I a /,�°p Pi n No 11-30-24-3}-001 ° � `� ,�3,�10 s�• � ' : I / A� O . i . /'• .p��i�, ` \.. � 1-� / 60'� � 100 0 t—r�� � ftALE iN 1 INCH � 100 ►ECT ��ry o p�y \ ��b �/ ,__ � _ I � ' / 4 � .� ;� S, ����iJ'j ;_�i •�`� � ���.i� � � . �.`.i =; / Qy • . �• % � '� I,.s` �� �..11 �L':�.. OG y � � r_;:,:,,,�;._..:: : ;, , 1� ;m i•.._ � � r�,� �... - � i I � �0 0� . �j��' io q ; 0 � �1�=� i ,-� � t 1�. ; � a r��. � k:;. ;_, _: �" � Pi n No 11-30-24-31-801 oa+ `-' n" = oo�a _. ---� g� S'.f1. ► AA g � no�Oton � ; - � , ; ^� �tos�3 � ah = � � oo�M -- �`r I �$ ,�g s �J���v b ' 1 3 � � f N s � �ff . „ C. rl i �r t0 � ._ a- -o _. �=- � z' �x...., � a -- � ��-" ••N99•1'�'S6'w 319.00°'' ;� --- s ;•�:r;-i r-;t;: [;t;;�,-;- ' Ci i �-' i—= �-- i_i"� �' n�'i ij-� � i�il���l "� IC`„��'-�`;` � �.. � � ��i.i ���J.i��@....:� -- ;!_; r.; ;, �: �<' � ,-,���. u • O[NOiEi IOVNO �RON YONUM[Ni YNLESf OiN(II�Mt�( fHOr'M, tIK NORfII Lnlf 0� LOt t, M.00K 1, NORTf�CO �UStN[SS MRK �� ASfVM[O TO WV[ A�fM�NO OI t M•Ot'2�'E. � � � I �err0� cerUf� tMl 1 �iN �v��N W e1�ttH lM PNert� AtnlMd e� t�N �bl M�1MC0 �tlSin[Sf �� 1�0 MOITI«. tM� --- .n.e�eet�t�es �� cn. sww�. U�t •It al�unce+ �n canctl� fM.n M tne ol�t �• tMt W �ww.�n►f d• het. tMt ��1 au. �Ilted �� Ut �r�und �� t�Ow. tNt tM wt�IM Mr�/V) IIM� v� tnrKllr 4�IrNtN M tM �I�t W lMt tMr� �rt M�ltlWi � ;_� Mf1r�tN etMr i�M �t tW�. ' : � My �� � � � � [�T .�. l�'W 3V f�M �-� N1�M1�t� 4��ttr�lfM M. M11 s1�f( Of M��p(SOT� -- tau�tr a �trtri� �, rse re.noi.q sV...nrs Clrtl/IC�U Mf .c.�..i.e� a�w. � a�s�G�'al •r�/y��d. �n��r ta..� �. s�.. ••.o�,�•� fet� Mq��lr�tlo� M. M12. ^ � � i� MOIn� �Yl11 . ��. IIIWlftot� /' (�� 11� [M�I�t10n [41re , �, V f�IDI(f, N1��[SOtA ~� n.. .�.. _r �n�nrn nn.qrtc 'Ntt +tn �MIfIM ��a +ee•ev�A �nd ��r.nt.•l L� LM (Ity CowKll ef tA! Clty �f frl�le►. Mbwanu. N 18C RE80LIITION NO. - 1991 A RE80LIITTON AIITHORIZING AND DIRECTING T$E BPLITTINQ/COMBINATION OF SPECIAL A88ESSMENTB ON: LOTB 3, 4, 5, AND 6, BLOCR 2, NORTHCO BIIBINESS PARK WHEREAS, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subsequently been subdivided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That the assessments levied against the following described parcels, to-wit: Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 2, Northco Business Park, may and shall be apportioned and divided and replatted as follows: Oriainal Parcel Fund Oriqinal Amount Lot 3, Block 2 Northco Business Park Pin No. 11-30-24-31-0013 Lot 4, B1oCk 2 Northco Business Park Pin No. 11-30-24-31-0014 Lot 5, BloCk 2 Northco Business Park Pin No. 11-30-24-31-0015 Lot 6, Block 2 Northco Business Park Pin No. 11-30-24-31-0016 TOTAL A88ESSMENTB Reg SA (WSM) W#34 (WM) SW#24 (SM) SS#24 (SS) ST 1968-1B W,S&SS�188 (WSML) ST 1989-01 (ST) SEWER MAIN PARK FEE Reg SA (WSM) W#34 (WM) SW#24 (SM) SS#24 (SS) ST 1968-1B (ST) W,S&SS#188 (WSML) ST 1989-01 (ST) SEWER MAIN PARK FEE Reg SA (WSM) W#34 (WM) SW#24 (SM) ss#24 (ss) W,S&SS#188 (WSML) ST 1989-01 (ST) SEWER MAIN PARK FEE Reg SA (WSM) W#34 (WM) SW#24 (SM) SS#24 (SS) W,S&SS#188 (WSML) ST 1989-01 (ST) SEWER MAIN PARK FEE Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid $ 15,924.97 3,553.43 394.24 2,003.83 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid $ 37,829.36 6,136.28 957.44 4,758.93 Paid Paid Paid Paid $ 15,924.97 4,644.38 394.24 2,003.76 Paid Paid Paid Paid $ 16,019.59 8,346.16 450.56 2,015.63 $121,357.77 19 Continued: New Parcels Lot 1, Block 1 Reg SA (WSM) Northco Business Park 3rd Add W#34 (WM) Pin No. 11-30-24-31-0019 SW#24 (SM) SS#24 (SS) W,S&SS#188 (WSML) ST 1989-01 (ST) � SEWER MAIN PARK FEE Lot 2, Block 1 Reg SA (WSM) Northco Business Park 3rd Add W#34 (WM) Pin No. 1i-30-24-31-0020 SW#24 (SM) ss#24 (ss) ST 1968-1B (ST) W,S&SS#188 (WSML) ST 1989-01 (ST) SEWER MAIN PARK FEE TOTAL ASSESSMENTS Paid Paid Paid Paid $ 37,240.67 12,990.54 978.84 4,666.06 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid $ 48,458.22 9,689.71 1,217.64 6.116.09 $121�357.77 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF , 1991 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR ATTEST: SHIRLEY A. HAAPALA - CITY CLERR 19A NORTHCO BUSINESS PARK 3RD ADDITION ;��'�ti�t"r� a/�i � � � v�_�(', I I �.. �., r�i i���r r—�, ;� ��`���li�,i[=.�..1 I r �•�7� I' �r� i i I� �:�s t:, � �\ . ��� CJ'�� � I /� tSS�'I! �'��i , ..\�.� \ l / . ���,� � � �� /'. �� �� � �' � J� � �_�. . �cc��� %,�� � _ � ��., 7 �. � ,���� � �� r� `� � j ` ; � �� � ,' in No 11-30-24-31-001 : \ � � v � `�,� � � � � � � _ 202,872 S0. FT � � ''' �< � •� , . �—�� �<�\/ `\ �� J /� '�%�I �-�1 J � �� -�� I / ( ; � � � �'' ) �\ �/ i L �►'• �`/ � ��`✓r \` ` .�.,' \ I v� � \ /\ /` \ \J y, � �� �� / /` i'• r \� � � �� . �J \/ ~ � _ �s�� ^� �/l. ; � Cv K `�,. <:, � ` � ' `J ., a ,, �, � : , . �`. �: . - ,� . � '. i �� J 1 ' .�� Pin No 11-30-24-31-0020 . 2 265,918 SQ. FT. N09'IS'SG'W 62411 —_ • a�ote! irtoH ►+o�ni� rn n co r�m+ES�s r�r�ac�' �R =' vx . w' �aow rre seT �ssweo, ro�.av� � anara a ANO M4RKE0 er IICG�SiHAT1011 N4 l6�2 NOV40� E 1 1 1 I~ 1 ' i f f`� \r� �� � ` �� . . ,- � J � � S n l� � N� 1 INCN • 100 iCEi DO 0 �00 sc�u �K � FOR CONCURRENCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL LICENSEB Z JANUARY 7, I991 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Anderson Exteriors 6621 - 157th Avenue NW Ramsey, MN 55303 Cad/Con, Inc. 6401 University Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 Earl Johnson Construction 1935 Sheridan Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 HEATING B & C Heating Inc. 4071 Sunset Drive Spring Park, MN 55384 John A. Dalsin & Son, Inc. 2830 South 20th Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55407 Faircon Service 2668 Patton Road Roseville, MN 55113 Northwestern Service, Inc. 791 Hampden Avenue St. Paul, MN 55114 Kevin Anderson Richard Giddings Earl Johnson Robert Ritchie Robert Dalsin Bob Getterz Frank Oslund DARREL CLARK Chief Bldg Ofcl Same Same CLYDE WILEY Bldg/Mech Insp. Same Same Same �er 2 � FOR CONCIIRRENCE BY THE CITY COIINCIL E8TI1dATES UN pF J71�TQl1RY 7, i 9 91 FRIDL�.Y Herrick & Newman 205 Fridley Plaza Office Building 6401 UniverBity Avenue N.E. Fridley, l�T 55432 Services Rendered as City Attorney for the Month of December, 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,590.70 Newquist & Ekstrum, Chartered 301 Fridley Plaza Office Buildinq 6401 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, 1�1 55432 Services Rendered as City Prosecuting Attorney for the Month of October, 1990 .....$ 9,321.00 Pitt-Des Moines, Inc. 1015 Tuttle Street Des Moines, IA 50309 Construction of the 1.5 MG Elevated Water Reservoir Project No. 201 Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 44, 823. 38 AEC Engineers & Designers 511 - lith Avenue South Minneapolis, 1rIIJ 55415 Phase II - 3 MG Concrete Reservoir Repair Project No. 200 (Inspection Services) Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 138.53 Phase II - 3MG Concrete Reservoir Repair Project No. 200 (Inspection Services) Partial Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 762.80