01/03/1994 - 31293Tx� MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETiNG OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JANUARY 3,_ 19 9 4 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:38 p.�. by Mayor Nee. PLEDG� OF ALLEGiANCE: Mayar Nee led the Cauncil and audience in the Pledga of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL• MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Nee, Councilwoman Jorgen�on, Councilman Billings and Councalman Schneider None Mayor Nee s�ated that he is having diff�culty with his throat, and he would turn over the meeting to Mayor Pra T�m 5chneider to conduct this evening. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: COCTNCIL MEETING, bEC�M�ER 13, 1993: MOTTON by Councilwoman J�rgenson to approve the minutes as presen�edo Secanded by Cauncilman Billings. Upon a vcaice vote� all voting aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schneider declared the ma�ion carried unanimously. ADOPTIDN OF AGENDA: Mr. Burns, s�pport o� perma.t tQ �ndustries. City Manager, asked that a resol�ztion be added in an applicatian for a Minnesota lawful gambling premise the Worid Assaciat�on o� the Alcaholic Beverage MoTION by Counca.�.woman Jorgenson to adopt �.he agenda with the above addition. �econded by Caunc.ilman Billings. IIpon a voice vote, a1.1 vating aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schneider declared the mo�ion carried unanimou�ly. OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: P[JBLTC NUTSANC� �N RICE CREEK RbAD: Ms. Dolo�es Kastensen, 1541 Rice Creek Road, stated that she has contacted City staff regard�ng junk veh�.c�es ai 1530 Rice Creek Road. She stated �hat there are trucks parked on this property which are �sual�y filled with trash or dirt, and they are in view af her pic�ure windaw. Ms. Kas�ensen stated that �he owner of FRIDLEY C�TY COUNCIL MEETING OF J.ANUARY 3 1994 PAGE 2 these vehicles runs the trucks whzch create fumes that pollute the inside of her home. She felt tha� there should be an ordinance �o prevant this unsightly p�Iluted condition in a residential area. She submitted pictures and a petition to have these vehic�es removed. MOTION by Cauncilwoman Jargenson to receive PetitiQn No. 1-�994. Seconded by Counc�lman Billings. Upan a voic� vote, all vating aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schneider deciared the matian carried unanimouslyo Ms . Kastensen stated that this issue would be going to cour't on January 7e She stated that she does not believe a p�rson's occupation should devalue another homeowner's propertye Ms. Dacy, Community Development Director, stated that Steve Barg, Cade Enfoxcement Officer, has contacted ather cita.es and the League of Minne�ota Cities to develop a list af what ather surrau�ding communi��.es are doing to prohibit large commercial vehicles on icSiu'�uii�i.iai p�'E3���'L�7. �i�� S�ctlL.�[� L�la4 �I3� C1�125 O� �aon Rapids, Blaine, and Columbia Height� have a variety of restrictians and other communities do nnt have any restric�ions. Ms. Kastensen,stated that she also did some research, and there are some ordinances pertaining to this particular issue. Ms. Dacy stated that she would welco�e any information which Ms. Kastensen has rec�ived. Mayor Pro Tem Schn�ider asked th� City Attorney if there are any prob��ms in limi�ing commercial vehicles on residential property. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, felt be legitimate, and he felt such court if it i.s praperly written. tha� soma farm of restric�ion may an ardir�ance would be upheld �n Mayor Pro Te�r► Schneider thanked Ms. Kastensen far har camments. He s�.ated that the City wauld be working on �his issue. INTERFERENCE �N NEIGHBORHOOD BY RADIO OPERATOR: Mr. George Paquin, 636� Quincy Street, stated that the property awner at 6330 Quincy Street has a CB tower and another huge ant�nna on his hame. He stated that eveary evening this pxoperty owner gets on the radio and interferes with the tel�phones, computers, and el.ectranic �oys in neighboring homes. He stated that thar� were three direct lightning strikes near this home. Mr. Paquin stated that h� has contacted the FCC and U.S. West. He stated that it seems the FCC canno� do anythinc� about it, and U.S. West ��mits th��.r zn�rolvement ta technical �.ssue�. I�e asked if the City coulci help resolve this problem undex the public nu�sance FRIDLEY CITY COUNCTL MEETTNG OF JANUARY 3, 1994 PAGE 3 ' ardinanc�, as �his as a conditian causing danger or annoyance to the general public. Mayor Pro Tem Schneider stated that equipment u��d by a radio aperatar is checked by FCC eng�neers before it is allowed to be solda He stated that filters �an be purchased that filter out interference, Mr. Paquin stated that U.S. West can haok up a filterang system which would cost abnut $100. Mayor Pro Tem Schneider stated that the question is if this ope�ator 15 operating illegally. He t�lt that tha City does not have the auth�rity �o answer this question. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he has been �old �hat this person is a licensed ham aperator. He stated that he has been in contact with an attarney with the FCC and was advised �hat in problems af interference, th� FCC has exclusive jurisdictian. i'�i:C's iiEY�'iGls 5�ci��� ��ic'ii. i�i Gi3�GkiiFGj wii.�l i.�a� ci�LS�Y��l�y c`i� i.ii� i��d�u� of Minneaata Citi�s, he received the same information. He stated that this �.nformation is alsa substan�ia�ed in Minnesota court cases and, basical.ly, the House Conference Report clarifies that the exclusive jurisdiction over radio frequency interference incidents lies with the FCC. He stated that �uch mattex's shal]. not be regulat�d by local or s�ate law, nor shall radio transmitting apparatus be subject ta locai or state regulation as part of any effort to resalve a radio frequenCy interference. Mro Herrick stated that he has been advised �hrough Mra Barg that the FCC does not have the personnel to enforce their regulations. He got the impression that they did not intend to do much regarding this issue. Mr. Paquin statad that �he fiel.d afficer far the FCC did feel this warrant�d an investigation and would review this case. Mr. Herrick stated that he did not think there was a legal solution to the, problem, ar�d the Ci�y should prabably waa.t to see what type o� action is taken by the FCC after i�.'s invest�gation. Mayor Pro Tem Schneider asked Mr. Paquin if he has contacted the property owner regarding this problem. Mr. Paquin stated tha� he has contacted him, and he denies he is causing any proble�. Mr. Herrick felt that this prol�lem may be one that could be solved through arbitration a.£ all parties were willing to become involved. Mayor Pro Tem Schneider felt that filt�rs could be purchased �or under $20, and tha� may solve the proble�. FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEET�NG OF JANUARY 3 1994 PAGE 4 Mr. Paquin s�at�d that U.S. West fel� it would take more than filters to salve the problem. Councilwoman 3orgenson i�lt that the City should work w�th �he League of Minnesata C�ties to find ou� if simila� complaints have been received and submit them tn Washington. Mr9 Herrick asked how long �his in�erference has been a problem. Mr. Paquin stated that he noticed it �ast spring, and i� has gotten progressively worse. Mr. Herrick siated that, apparently, this person has opearated the ham radio �or twenty years. If there was not a problem before, there must be� same electrical or technica]. changes that have occurreda Mr. Paquin stated that he knaws there has been some changes in antennas, but he did no� know if this was the problem or noto Councilman Billings sia�ed that in this part�.cular case, the FCC is the only agency that has the power to regulate this situation. He stated that the n�xt step may be for Mr. Paquin to contact Senators Wellstone and Durenberger and Representative Grams. Ha stated that City sta�f or Council would be willing to caoperate in any way they can, but he felt the Supreme Court has ruled that the City daes not have any authority in this matter. Mr. Paquin stated that �n the re�earch h� ha� done he is aware the Caunczl cannot help himo He wanted some avenue ta follow, and Councilman Billings has given ha.m one. He stated that the FCC wants full contro�, and ye� they state they cannot help because they do not have the personnel. He thank�d th� Council fQr their time. OLD BUSTNESS° �.. ORI�INANCE NO. 1022 ESTABLISHING A NEW CHAPTER OF THE CTTY CODE OF THE CZTY OF FRIDLEY CHAPTER 112 ENTITLED "FALSE ALARMS " AND AMENDING CHAPTER �1, ENTITLED 'iGENERAL PROVISIONS AND FEES • f1 _._ Mra 5allman, Publi.c Safety Director, ��a�ed that this ordinance was presented far fzrst reading on Navember 15, 1993. He stated that this ordinance relates to fa�se alarms where persons who have an excess af five fals� alarms per year wou�d be subject to a user fee. He stated that over a twelve month period, the Palice Departm�nt alone had I,300 false alarms. He felt that the ardinance would cut down on false alarms, as the City is spending about $25,p00 a year ta respond to �h�se false alarms. MOTION by Mayor Nee to waive the reading and adopt Ordinance No. 1022 on the secand reading and order publication. S�conded by Councilwaman Jorgenson. Upan a vaica vota, all voting ayc�, Mayor Pro T�m Schneider declared the motion carried unanimously. FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 3 1994 PAG� 5 2. QRDINANCE NO. 1a23 AMENDING CHAPTER 603� "TNTOXICATING LIQUOR," BY AMEND�NG SECTION 603.2�, AND AMEND�NG CHAPTER 11� "GENERAL PROVISIONS AND FEES:" Mro Pribyl, �'inance Director, stated that this ordinance had a �irst �ead�ng an October 18, 19930 2t wou�d eliminate the current dispensing licanse and rep].ace it with a managara.al license. MOTION by Councilman Billings ta waive the reading and adopt Ordinance Noo 1023 an thE seconcl reading and order pub�ication. seconded by Counci�.wo�an Jargenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pr� Tem Schneider dec�.ared the motinn carried unanimausly. 3. ORDINANCE N0. 1024 AMEN�ING CHAPTER 11,� "GENERAL PROVISTONS AND FEES," BY AMENDING SECTION 11.10: Mr. Pribyl, Fznance Director, stated that the chang� in these fees is �o r�cov�r the cost of certair� fee re�a�ed activities. MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to waive the reading and adopt Ordinance No. �024 on the second reading and order publicatian. Seconded by Mayor Nee. MOTION by Counc�lwoman Jorgensar► to amend Cade 113, Sola�d Wast� Programma.ng, by changing the $2.50 figure to $4.0�. Seconded by Counczlman Billings. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schneider dec�ared the motior� carried unanimously. Cauncilman Billings asked abaut the fees far Street Vending and how these are handlaci. Mro Pribyl stated that the fee for both an industrial/cnmmercial and r�sid�ntial license is $�poa The �ee for just an �.ndustrial/comme�cial license is $50 and $70 far �us� a residential license. He stated that by applying for both, it would result �n a lesser feee UPON A VD�CE VOTE TAKEN ON THE MAIN MOTION, all voted aye, and Mayor Pro Te� Schneider declared the motian carried unan�.mously. NEW BUSINESS• 4. RESOLUTIDN NO. 1-1994 IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLiCATION FOR A MTNNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING PREMISE PERMIT T� LIONS CLUB OF FRIDLEY° Mr. Pribyla F1I1311C8 Direc�or, stated that tha Fridl.ey Jaycee's will be discantinuing their ga�bling license for Joe DiMaggia's. Tha L�,ans Club �s vac���.ng th�,�r lawfu,l gamblinc� activa,ties at Maple Lan��, and they wi�h t� c�ntir�u� th�.� �ctiv��.y �� J�e �iM�ggis'�. FRTDLEY CTTY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 3 1994 PAGE 6 MOTION by Counc�Iwoman Jorgenson to adopt R�solution Noo 1-1994. �econded by Mayor Neeo Upon a voice vote, �11 v�ting aye, Maya� Pro Tem Schneider dec�ared the mo�io� carried unanimouslyo 5. RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMZSSION MEETING OF pECEMBER 8, 1993: A� SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQU�ST, SP, #93-3,b,,,..,BY._,.E.R. OWC�ARZAK INVESTMENT,. TO ALLOW __AN INCREASE IN LOT COVERAGE FROM 40._._____P....ERCENT MAXIMUM__TO 43.9 PERCENT. TO ALLOW CONSTRUCT�ON OF A BUILDING EXPANSZON, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7"770 RANCH�.._.........._ Id . E - , . ... ..................-- ERS ROAD Ms. Dacy stated that this �s a requesi for a special use permit to a��ow an �nc�ease in �ot coverage fr�m 40 percent ta 49.9 percent for expansian of a builda.ng at 7770 Ranchers Road. She stated tha� the expans�.an is needed to allow for additional equipment f�r ELD Engineering. she stated that the original request included two expansian areas; on� lacated in the r►ortheast corner of the bui��iiriy , ar��i ti�e othe-r 14�a�ad i� �.n� ne���Yiw�s� �d�n�� ai zne building. Ms. Dacjr stated that staff mc�t with the petitioner and his architect to discuss a revised site plan. She stated that the areas nf expansion did not change, but the petitianer agreed to remove an existing hard surface area adjac�nt to the praposed northwest addition. By doing so, i�. eliminated the need for the varianceso She sta�ed that the revised plan increases the amount af gre�n space and resolves previo�s concerns of staff. Ms. Dacy stated that a drainage plar� has been reviewed by the �nginee�ing Departm�:nt. It was determined that the drainage on-site was adequate, and the petitioner would nat need to provide any further �.nforma�ion regarding st�rm water drainage. Sh� stated that staff concurs with the Planning Commission recommendation for approval of this special. use permit. Mr. Owczarzak, the awner of ELO Engineering� stated that his business has been in Fridley since 1977, and he is trying to stay comp�titive by automating the company. He sta�ed that they will be spending around $2 mill.ion in.new equipment wh�ch takes up xnore room and gives �he� l�ss st�rage space. He stated that this new equipment wi11 make them more competi�ive and let ihem stay in business. Mayor Nee stated that he has been impressed with ELO Enginec�ring's c�n�i.nu.ing g�owth over th� years, and he wanted to make sure if at any time in the future Mr. Owczarzak is interested in a new building, he hopes he will qive the City a CY1�i1C[: to discuss these plans. FRIDLEY CITY COUNCI� MEETiNG OF JANUARY 3, 1994 PAGE 7 Councilman Bill�ngs stated that there was a similar request before the Council in 1988, which did not meet the test for a variance, and the City reviewed the code to allow this �ot coverage through th� special use perm�t process, rather �han the variance procedure. MOTION by Councilman Bill�ngs to grant Special Use Permit Request, SP �93-16. secanded by Councilwoman Jargenson. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting ay�, Mayor Pra Tem Schneider declared the motion car�ied unanimouslyo B a ESTABLISH A PUBI�I_C__ HEAR�NG FOR �'EBRUARY _ 7, 199_� , FQR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 205 OF___THE__FRIDLEY _ CITY CODE, ENTITLED "ZONING," AND CHAPTER 21�� ENTITLED "SUBDTVISION�!! TO AMEND TH� PUBLIC HEARING NOTIFIGATION RAD�US: MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to set the public h�aring on this proposed ordinance amendment far February 7, 1994. Seconded by Cauncilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, al� voting aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schneid�r declared the motion carried u�animously. MOTION by Councilw�man Jorgenson ta receive ihe �ninutes af the Plannang Comm�ssian Meeting of December 8, 1993. Secand�d by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schneider declared the motion carried unanimousl.y. 6. ESTABLISH A PUBLiC HEARING FOR JANUARY 18, �994, TO CONSIflER THE 1994 CDBG PROGRAM ALLDCATI�N: MOTION by Councilman Billings to set the public hearing regarding �he CDBG allocation �or January �S, 1.994. Seconded by Cauncilwoman Jorgenson. Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schneider declared the motian carried unanimausly. 7. RECEIVE BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FdR 64TH AVENUE STORM SEWER PROJECT NO. 260• Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated that fifteen bids were rec�ived for this project, and the �.ow bidder was Bonine Excavating, Inca at $�11,611.82. He stated that the amount to be fund�d by the Ci�y would be $108,230.82, and there are sufficient funds in the storm sewer fund to cover �his cost. MOTION by Counci.lwoman Jdrgenson to receive the fallowing bids for the 64th Av�nue Storm Sewer Project Noe 260: Bidder Tota1 Bid Bonin� Excavating, Inc. 12669 Meadowvale Road Elk Riv�r, MN 55330 $11I,5�1.82 FRIDLEY___CITY_COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 3, 1994 PAGE 8 G.L. Contract�ng, Inc. 4300 Wi�1ow Drive Medina, MN 55340 Glenn Rehb�in Excavating, Tnco 865� Naples Street N.Ee Blaine, MN 5�449-6724 Minger Canstruction Lametti & Sons, Tnc. P. O. Box 375 Huga, MN 55038 Sunram Construction 7575 Troy Lane Maple Grove, MN 5531� Park C�nstruction i��^v �eeu� Stt��� N.E. Minneapalis, MN 55432 Penn Contracting, Inc. �697 Peltier Lake Drive Centervil�e, MN 55038 C.W. Hnu�e, Inc. 1300 W. Co�nty Road � Shoreview, MN 55126 Dave Perkins Contracting 15775 Juniper Ridge Drive Anoka, MN 55303 Thomas & Sons Construction, Inc. 13925 Northdale Blvd. Rogers, MN 55374-0303 Northdale Constructian 14450 Northdale Blvd. Rogers, MN 55374 Ford Canstruc�ion, �nc. P. 0. Box 667 Excelsior� MN 55331 Juiian Mo Johnson Construc�ion, Tnc. 10610 N.E. Nassau Street Blaine, MN 55449 Carl Bolander & Snns, Tnc. 251 starkey Street St. Paul, MN 55�07 $�13,071.44 $117,345.20 $11$,198.10 $122,249.50 $I23,654.$0 $129,218.00 $134,738.25 $137,567.20 $138,�46000 $143,226.68 $159,�67.60 $198,078.OQ $199,90I.50 $228,790.34 FRI�LEY CITY COUNCIL ME��ING OF JANUARY 3 1994 PAGE 9 S�conded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vate, all vating aye, Mayor Pro Tam Schneider declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgensan to award the contract for Project No. 260 to the low bidder, Bonine Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $111,611.82a Secanded by Mayar Nee. Councilman Billings stated that �he $108,230.82, �he C�ty°s partion far this project, would come from the storin water fund. He asked the original amoun� anticipatad to be used from those funds for this project. Mra Flora stated that the estimate was around $60,000. Cou�cilman Billings stated that even after revising the specifications, the pr�ject is still at 180 p�rcent over what was estimated the project would cost the City. n m., t. ' a a .�..1.. .. �- �.»... �.1.. ' a ., � ._ a..3.. i�d�ui. �iG lciri Si.iiilEiu�i StatB�.c �.lia� iLUTii Utxc V.i�u�Ci I.CL�C� ail{.i"' �il� history of �his area, there was a signi�icant problem. He sta�ed that he shared Councilman Billings concern. It is over the arnount targeted for �.his project, and sa�e other prajects may have to be de�erred. He stated that a large poriion of the expense is removal of the street sweepings the City p�aced on the lots alang Rice Creek R�ad. Mr. F1ora sta�ted that th� cost to establish the wetlands along Rice Creek Raad is a��ttle over $29,00�, and the $19,000 for design and engineering casts were noi addressed in �he ariginal estimate. l�ay�r Prn Tem Schneider stated that if $29,000 was el�.minated, �he cost ta the City for ihe proaect would be about $80,000. Cduncilwoman Jorgenson stated that the ground water 1eve1 was higher than anticipated, and the cost for the piping was higher. Mayor Pro �em Schneider stated that the City plans to assess each owner $1,000 fo� this improvement, and 41 parcels of properiy are involveds Mayor Nee statad that at �ne time, the City had collected $8oq per lat �ar storm water improvements, and then '�hese mon�es were refunded. Mr. Flora stated that he understands that five properties had funds placed in escrowd and those monies were returned. He stated that thzs would be a new assessment to all the propertz.es �.n the area, as they have not paid an ass�ssment for storm water. Mr. Herr�.ck, City Attorney, stated that the �und� pla�ed in e�crow ware returned due ta th� time lapse of when they were collected and FRIDLEY CITY__..COUNCIL_MEETTNG OF JANUARY 3, 1994 PAGE 10 �he start of the improvement. He sta�ed that th�s would not have any effect on tha financing a� this proposed project. Cauncilman Ba.11ings stated that because this proj ect is 180 pe�cent over wha� he thought the City would be spending, he would like mara time to review it. MOTIDN by Councilman Billings to table this item to the next Council mee�ting c�n January 18, 1994. Seconded by Councilwoman Jargenson. Upan a voice vote, al�. vo�ing aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schneider declared the mation carried unanimously. Councilman Bi112ngs stated tha� he believes this is a good project. There is only so much money avai�able, and other pra�ects in the five-year impravement plan possibly could nat be done. He stated that he would like time to furth�r review the effects the cost of this project may have on other projects. 8. RESOLUTION NO. 2-199� QRDERiNG THE ADVERTISEMENT OF BibS FOR THE i3OuKE i�AKE ,'�� REiGNSiFclii.TluN r�Fcc7JEC�T- Ni� . 2 i i: MOTION by Cauncilwoman Jorgenson to adopt Resoltition No. 2�-1994. Seconded by Mayo� Nee. Upon a�roice vote, a13. voting aye, Mayor �ro Tem SchneYder declared �he motion carr�.ed unanimously. 9. RESOLUTTON NO. 3-1994 IMPOSING L�AD LIMITS ON PUBL,IC STREETS ANI� HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY O�' FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA: MOT�oN by Cauncilwoman Jorgenson to adopt Reso�ution No. 3-1994. Secanded by Gauncilman Billingsa Upon a vaice vo�c, all v�ting aye, Mayar P�'a Tem Schneider declared the motion carried unanimouslyo 10, I2ESOLUTI�N NO. 4-1994 AUTHQR�ZING THE TRANSFER QF RES�DUAL CASH AND ZNVESTMENT BALANCES FROM THE GENERAL OBLTGATTON SPECTAL ASSESSMENT BONDS OF 19'72 DEBT SERV�CE FUND TO THE CLOSED DEBT SERVIC� FUND: MOTION by Mayor Nee to adopt Resolution No. 4-1994. Secanded by Councilinan Bi�iir�gs. Upon a voice vate, all. v�ting aye, Mayor Pro Tem schneider declared �he mo�ion carried unanimously. �1. RESOLUTION NO. 5-1994 DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALT�RNATE DIRECTOR TO THE SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY: MOTION by Councilman Billings to adopt Resolution No. 5-1994. Seconded by Counc�lwoman JorgensQn. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pra Tem Schneider declared the motion carried unanimo�sly. FRTDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 3 1994 PAGE li 12. RESOLUTION NO. 6-1994 DESIGNATING OFFIC�AL DEPOSITQRIES AND SAF� DEPOSIT ACCESS FOR THE CITY OF �RIDLEY: MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to adopt Resolution No. 6-1994. Seconded by �ayar Nee. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schneider declared �he motion carried unanimous�y. 13. RESOLUTION DES�GNATING AN OFFIGIAL NEWSPAPER FOR THE YEAR 1994° MOTTON by Mayor Nee to adopt this �esolution designating an official newspaper for the year 1954. S�cond�d by Councilwoman Jorgensan. Mayar Pra Tem Schneider stated that he believed the newspaper as now called Facus News, and nat Fridiey Focus. MOTION by Councilman Billings to table this item to the next Council meeting on January �8, 1994. Seconded by Counci�woman �7v��Ei,Si�ii. up�ii a rT�ii:f? �Ti�4u, cti� vc��.i.iiy ciy�, i��yc�r F�(7 T�fTi Schn�ider declared the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Billings asked staff to investigate and report back ta th� Council if there are other newspapers in the City that qualify and could be u�ed as the City°s official newspapere Ms. Dacy, Community Development D�.rector, stated that ther� may be items �hat need to be publish�d b�fare the next C�uncil meeting. She asked if it was permiss�ble ta publish them in FQCUS News. MOTION by Counc�.lman Billings �o direct staf� to publish any items in Focus News that need �.o be publi.shed, prior to the time �he Council declares an official newspaper for 1994. Seconded by Councilwaman Jorgenson. Upon a�voice vote, all voting ay�, Mayor Pro Tem Schnei,de� decl.ared the motion carried unanimouslyo 14e RESOLUTION NOs 7-1994 AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR BOARD OF GOVERNMENT INN4VATiON AND CO�PERATION GRANT• COOPERATTON PLANN�NG GRANT: Mr. Burns, C��y Manager, stat�d that the C�.ty of New Brighton has prepared an appla.cation for a Board of Government Innovation and Cooperation Grant which includes other c�ties. He stated that if received, this grant would provide fund�.ng for a feasibi�ity study to determa.ne the merits of jointly addressing building inspectian. services. M�TION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to adapt Resaiution No. 7-1994. Seconded by Mayor Ne�. Upon a�croice vote, al� voting aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schneider declared the motion carriad unanimously. FRTDLEY CITY COUNCIL M�ETING OF JANUARY 3 1994 PAGE 12 14AA.RESOLUTION N0. 8-1994 IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATIQN FOR A M�NNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING PREMISE PERMIT TO THE WORLb ASSOCIATION OF THE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE INDUSTRI�S: Ms. Reba Whiteoak, represeniing the Warld Associaiion of the Alcoholic Beverage Industries (WAABT), outlined the arganizatia�s to which WAABT contributes. She stated that same of these include Sharing and Caring Hands, SACA, Fridley youth sports, East River Hockey, Scholarships for the high school, Excel Program, '49er Days Cel�bration� F�idley Explorer Scouts, and the American Cancer S�ciety. She stated that in 1993, WAABI gave $51,229 to arganizations. They turned in thair audit to �he City in July and are zn total compliance with what is required. Mayor Nea stated that he wouid like to review contributions given by other organizations that have gambling licenses in �he City. MOTION by Councilwo�an Jorgenson to adopt Resolution No. $-1994. Seconded by Cauncilman Bi�lings. Upon a voice vote� all voting ra�^c s �`�c^a jTC,i s.� v 'i ^�iii Si.�'i73E.i.u@i C.�''cc:.�aT'�tz'' �li� 1 11 17 4 1 17�i C1Y'ti�(i unanimously. 15. 1_9g4 C_ITY COUNCZL APPOINTMENTS TO VARTOUS AGENCTES; AND T T LIST OF COMMISSZON MEMBERS WHOSE TERMS EXPIRE APRIL �. 1994 AND JUNE.,_, 9.,._.. I g 9 4= MOTION by Co�ncilwoman Jorgenson to table this item to the nex� Council meeting an January 18, 1994. Secanded by Councilman 8�.11ings. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Pra Tem Schneider declared the motion carri�d unanimously. 16. INFORMAL STATUS REPORTS: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that there were no �nformal status reports. 17. CLA�MS• MbTiON by Caunciiman Bi�lings to authorize payment of C1aim Nas. 53165 thraugh 53434. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schn�ider declared the �otian carried unanimausly. 18. LICENSES• MoTI�N by Counci�woman Jorgens�n to approve ihe �.icenses as submitted and as on �ile in the License Clerk's Office. Secanded by Councilman Billings. Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schnei.der declared �he motion carried unanim�us�y. FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 3 1994 PAGE 13 19. ESTIMATES• MOTION by Councilman Billings to approve the estimates as submittedo Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd. �00 Northtown Financia� Plaza 200 Coon Rapids Boulevard Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Sta�ement far Services Ftendered as City Attorney for the Month o� November, 3993 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,399.06 Seconded by Council�u,roman Jorgenson. Upon a vaice vote, all vating aye� Mayor Pro Tem Schneider declared thc� motion carried unanimnusly. ADJOURNMENT: MoTTON by Councilwoman Jorgenson to adjaurn the meeting. S�conded by Mayor Nee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Pro Tem Schneider declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council of January 3, 1994 adjourned at 9:06 p.m. RespectfullY subm�.t�ea, �-�_�� � � �--- Carole Haddad Secretary to the City Councii �/ v , ' William . Nee Mayor