12/05/1995 - 4887� OFFICIAL CITY COO�TTCIL AGl3NDA SPBCIAL COUNCIL l[ERTIMG DBCBM88R 5, 1995 � FRIDLEY SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF t � oF DECEMBER 5,1995 FRIDLEY The City of Fridley will not discriminate against or harass anyone in the admission or access to, or treatment, or employment in its services, programs, or activiries because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation or status with regard to public assistance. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals widi disabilities to participate in any of Fridley's services, programs, and activities. Hearing impaired persons who need an interpreter or other persons with disabilities who require auxiliary aids should contact Roberta Collins at 572-3500 at least one week in advance. (1"TD/572-3534) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ADOPTION OF AGENDA: OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: (Consideration of Items not on Agenda -15 Minutes) PUBLIC HEARING: Adoption of the 1996 City of Fridley Budget; and, To Levy a Tax Which Appears to be in Excess of 16 Mills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.01 - 1.05 I FRIDLEY SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 5, 1995 Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: Resolution Approving the Final Agreement Between the City of Fridley, Ramsey County, and the Rice Creek Watershed District Resolving the Litigation Over the Locke Lake Improvement Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.01 - 2.14 ADJOURN: TO: WILLIAM W. BURNS, CITY MANAGER ��� FROM: RICHARD D. PRIBYL, FINANCE DIRECTOR PAUL S. HANSEN, STAFF ACCOUNTANT SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 1996 BUDGET AND 16 MILLS LEVY DA'TE: November 14, 1995 Attached is a eopy of the 1996 Truth in Talcation Budget Public Hcaring Notice whicb appeared in the Fridley Focus on November 30, 1995. This information is required by the Department of Revenue and fulfills the requirements as set out in the Truth and Taxatian Legislation. I have also provided a copy of the Public Hearing Notice required by the charter when levying a tax in excess of 16 mills. ' These public hearing notificadons serve to iill two requirements f�r the City oi Fridley; (1) to fulfill the Truth and Taxation . requirement, and (2) levy what appears to be a tax levy in excess of 16 mills. As you recall, past legislation caused a shift in Loca1 Govemmental Aids away from the cities and towards the school districts. This action caused the City to hold an additional Public Hearing for levying a tax which appears to be in excess of 16 -mills. Due to formula change from mill levy to tax capacity rates it has been unpossible to convert one to the other. So this pul�lic hearing notice satisfies the charter requirement that we hold a public hearing when we feel that we are levying in excess of 16 mills. This Public Hearing will differ from the usual public hearings we have, in that this hearing will have two topics; (1). the Public Hearing on the City of Fridley Budget, and (2) the Public Hearing to levy a tax which appears to be in excess of 16 mills. You miglit recall that the reasoning for this is that the main topic of the December Sth and December llth Council Meetings is for consideration and approval of the. budget. Prior to adjournment of the hearing the city must announce, the date, time and place for the adoption hearing which will be December llth if a continuation hearing is not necessary. RDP/ph Attachment 1.01 Notice Of �_ � � Pro osed���Pro ert �Taxes � p p y . The Fridley city council will hold a public hearing on its budget and on the amount of property taxes it is proposing to collect to pay for the costs of services the city will provide in 1996. Attend the Public Hearing All Fridley residents are invited to attend the public hearing of the city eouneil to express their opinions on the budget�and on the proposed amaunt of property taxes on: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, at 7:30 p.m. Fridley lYiunicipal Center 6431 University Avenue NE Fridley �.OZ 0 ; � PIIBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COIINCIL Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Fridley City Council at the Fridley Municipal Center, 6431 University Avenue N.E., on December 5, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of consideration of the following resolution: A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NECESSITY TO LEVY A TAX WHICH APPEARS TO BE IN EXCESS OF 16 MILL5 AND CERTIFYING TAX LEVY RE�UIREMENTS FOR 1996 TO THE COUNTY OF ANOKA FOR COLLECTION WHEREAS, Chapter Seven, Section 7.02 of the Charter of the City of Fridley, grants the City the power to raise money by taxation pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, said Section 7.02 of the City Charter provides that if the taxes levied against property within the City exceeds l6 mills on each dollar of assessed valuation, that the Council shall adopt a resolution showing the necessity for such tax; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has changed the method of computing taxes from "mill levy" to "tax capacity"; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota transferred state aid dollars from the city to the school districts to reduce school distriet taxes; and WHEREAS, in addition, the State of Minnesota reduced the amount of state aid dollars it had previously distributed to cities; and WHEREAS, the City of Fridley needs to levy taxes whieh appear to be in excess of 16 mills because of the reduction of local government aids by the State of Minnesota. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Fridley pursuant to three (3) weeks published notice and public hearing on the 5th day of December, 1995, shall have the authority to levy a tax which may be in excess of 16 mills; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Fridley certify to the County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, the following tax levy to be levied in 1995 for the year 1996. � 1.03 PIIBLIC BEARiNG BEFORE TH$ CITY COIINCIL (continued) GENERAL FUND General Fund CAPITAL PROJECT FUND Capital Improvement Fund - Parks Division AGENCY FUND Six Cities Watershed Management Organization TOTAL ALL FUNDS $3,821,853 72,689 3,087 $3,897,629 Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. WILLIAM J. NEE MAYOR Any questions related to this item may be referred to the Fridley Finance Department, 571-3450. Hearing impaired persons planning to attend who need an interpreter or other person with disabilities who require auxiliary _aids should contact Roberta Collins at 572-3500 no later than November 22, 1995. 0 1.04 CITY OF FRIDLEY, PUBLIC NOTICE In conformance with Secfion 7.04 of the City Charter, the folbwing ciry Manager's budget for fiscal year 1996 has been submitted to the City Council. The Public .Hearing on the bud9et wil� be he�d on December 5, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. at the Fridley Municipal Center. GENERAL FUND Taxes and Special Assessments: Current Ad Valo�em DelinqueM, Penalties, Forfeited Special AssessmeMs Licenses and Permits: l.icenses Permits I ntergovemmental: Federal State — Homestead and Agriculture Credit Aid Local Govemment Aid All Other Charges for Services HRA Water Fund Sewer Fund Storm Water Fund Liquor Fund Cable N Fund Construction Funds Fines and Forfeits Interest on Investrnerrts Miscellaneous Revenues Other Financing Sources: Sales of General Faed Assets Closed Debt Service Fund Liquor Fund TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES �u�d Balance: General Fund Reserve TOTAL GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Cable N Fund Grant Management Fund Salid Waste AbatemeM Fund Housing Revitalization Fund Fund Balance TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital Improvement Fund Taxes - CurreM /� Valorem IMerest on Irnes�►�ec�ts Donations State Aid Constn�ction Fund Balance ESIIMATED RE1/ENUE $3,703,641 75,344 2,530 152,122 382.827 4,116 1,024,834 1,625.082 473,847 271,632 237,G09 148,575 143,154 79,575 56,850 21.653 55,640 203.5T3 425,OOQ 84.211 13,456 134.843 75,000 9.395.114 395�367 59.790.481 $101.389 208,674 228.029 250.000 25 865 t819.957 $85,550 271.036 10,000 650.000 320.154 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS t1.336,740 AGENCY FUND Six Cities Watershed Fund Taxes — Current Ad Valorem TOTAL AGENCY FUNO TOTAL WIWAM W. BURNS. ClTY MANAGER 33.911 59.911 311.945.089 Legislative: C�ty Council Planning Commissions Other Commissions City AAanagemerrt: General Managemerrt Petso��el Le9a� Fnance: Elections AacouMing Assessing MIS City Clerk/Reoords Pol"�ce: PoGce Civil Defense Fire: Flre ReMal Housing Inspections Public Works: C'nric Cerrter Eng'ir�eering Ughting Park Mairitenance Street Mairrtenance Recreation: Recteation Naturalist Community Developmerrt: Building InsPection P(anning Resesve: Emergency NondepartrtleMsl: General Capital Improvement St�eets Capital lmp�ovement parlcs Capital Improvement APPROPRIATIONS $95,183 3,518 6,961 276,2� 87,839 252,700 23,216 543,006 117.203 159,140 109,523 3,173,037 9,850 703,707 93,917 189,961 437.538 192,900 652.096 1,121,417 569,519 210,229 222,646 334,206 100.000 104.939 59.790.481 $117.100 208,674 238.183 250.000 5813.957 $63,000 941,640 332,100 51.336.740 $3,911 53.911 511.945.089 1.05 - ROf�ERT A. GUZY BERNARD E. STEFFEN RICHARD A. MERRILL UARRELL A. JENSEN JEFFAEY S. JOHNSON RUSSELL li. CROWDER JON P. ERICKSON LAWRENCE R. JOHNSON DAVID A. COSSI THOMASI'.MALONE MICHAEL E HURLEY VIRG[LC. HERRICK HERMAN L. TALLE � \ .� `��� l` l' �� ` � Barna, Guzy & Steifen, Ltd. A7"TORNEYS AT LAW 400 Northtown Financial Plaza 200 Coon Rapids Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55433-5894 (612)780-8500 TO: FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL FROM: SCOTT LEPAK FAX (612) 780-1777 DATE: NOVEMBER 30, 1995 RE: FINAL AGREEMENT ON LOCKE LAKE LITIGATION CHARLES M. SEYKORA WILLIAM M. HANSEN DANIEL D. GANTER, JR. BEVERLY K. DODGE CRAIG M. AYERS GREGG V. HERRICK JAMES D. HOEFT JOAN M. QUADE SCOTT M. LEPAK ELIZABETH A. SCHADING W ILLIAM F. HUEFNER JONA?HAN K. REPPE ROBERT C. HYNES 1935-1993 On November 8, 1995, representatives from the City of Fridley, Ramsey County and the Rice Creek Watershed District met in a second mediation session to discuss possible settlement of the pending litigation surrounding the Locke Lake improvement project. Public Works Director John Flora and I attended the mediation on behalf of the City of Fridley. At the mediation session, the matter was tentatively settled. This tentative settlement was previously presented to the City Council and was approved at that time. The tentative settlement was also subsequently approved by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. The representatives from the Rice Creek watershed District who were present at the mediation, including three of the board members and their attorneys, have also indicated that they will approve the tentative settlement. Following the ratification of the tentative agreement by the three parties, the attorneys have been working on the language of the final settlement agreement and joint powers agreement. That language has now been finalized. The language is attached for your review. The substantive provisions are as follows: � Fridley will make a monetary contribution of $54,000.00 and will remove $52,000.00 worth of material from Locke Lake to reduce the costs to be allocated to Ramsey County. As a result of Fridley's contributions outlined above, Ramsey County shall contribute $282,734 as its share of the cost of the Locke Lake Improvement project. Fridley will provide, at its cost, any maintenance required for the non-sediment basin portion of the Locke Lake Project. The Watershed District will provide, at its cost, the maintenance required for the sediment basin portion of the Locke Lake Project. An Equal Opportunity Empioyer ��O � Ramsey County has already given its attorney authority to execute these documents. Following execution by the City of Fridley, the documents will be submitted to the Watershed District for the appropriate signatures. A motion authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to sign these documents is attached to this memorandum for your review and approval. fridley\lockelak\setmemo 113095s1 2 2.�2 RESOLUTION NO. - 1995 RESOLIITION APPROVING THE FINAL AGREEMLNT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, RAMSEY COUNTY AND THE RICE CREER WATERSHED DISTRICT RESOLVING THE LITIGATION OVER THE LOCKE IAKE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, representatives of the City of Fridley, Ramsey County and the Rice Creek Watershed District have reached a tentative settlement of the pendin,g litigation, Ramsey County district court file no. C9-93-9419; and, WHEREAS, the tentative settlement was previously submitted to the Fridley City Council and was approved; and, WHEREAS, the tentative settlement has now been reduced to final written form; and, WHEREAS, the attached documents entitled Settlement Agreement and Release� Joint Powers Agreement between the Rice Creek Watershed District and the City of Fridley, and the Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice represent the entire settlement between the parties " NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council approves the final agreement and that the Mayor and any other appropriate elected or appointed officials are suthorized and directed to execute originals of the attached documents. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS DAY OF . 1995. ATTEST: WILLIAM A. CHAMPA - CITY CLERK 2.03 WILLIAM J. NEE - MAYOR 6126999845 Mju TEL N0.6126999845 Dec 01,95 10�28 P.02 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND R�I,�A$E Thiss Settlemen� � 1995 {RCWD),.the City of (Ram�ey County?. Agreement ahd Release (Aqreement) is mede between �e �iae Crae►k wa�er�h�d Dlstrict Fridley (Fridley) and the County oP Ramsey WHEREAS, RCWD on �uly 14, 1993 �.s�u�d Findinqs Cf Fac�, Canalusione and Ordsr to implement the I�ke I,nke Improveme�� project upon c�rtain condi.tian� a�t farth in the Conclusians and Orde�� j �nd . WHEtt1.A$, On AuguE�t 13, 1993 Ramsey County ap�e aled in Rame6�y Caunty Distriat Court the RCWD's July 14, �993 Find�nge o� FaC�, Conc�us�,ons a�d order, on �h� folZowinq q�ptu�de: RCWD�a iailure to �allow prvper procadurea in the adop�ivn Q� the w��ex�had management plan ame.ndment relat�nq to the Lock� lake C�tpit�l Improvement Project= �ailuxe to �ddress comments submitted into the publia hearing reaard by the Metropolitan Council and the Minnesota Department af Nat�txal Re�cauroe�; and fai.l�urs to determ�.rte t�n equitabie method of �unQ�.ng af th� LaCke Laike Capital xm�rov�ment PXo j ect ; r�►nd �HEREAS, Fridley intervened as a pArty to the �appeal= a�d WHEREAF� �ha partia� h�va been invoived in litigetion ar, thi� m���er Bince Auduat i3, 199�t end WH��AS, th� parti�� �gr�� it is no� in thair mutual b�st interes�s ta ee��le the litigation reqarding this� pro�ec� ar�d $ppeai pendi�g in 1ta►ms�y Caunty Df�triCt Cou1^t� Ffie No. C9-93-- �4t9� and N'Qi�, THEREFORE, i� f s agread betweer� the pa�fiie8 s 1. In consideratian for the paymerits, perPox�m�tnce� �nd promises set farth bel.ow, Ram�ey Caunty shall dismiss wi�h prnjud�ea �h� �ppe�l vP tha RCi�D's Ju1y �4, 1993 F�.ndinga �t �Aat, Conciusions and orQe�r pending in Ram�ey County distr�ct Caurt, �'ile No. c�-9�-4a14. Aii partiss will execute a stipuiation af Diami�eal with Prejudice in the io�rm Attached a� Exhibit A. i 2• �17.� pa�ties t�gree th�i�, except as pravided in this Agreement, the Lovke Lake Improvemant Pro�eat shall be implement�d on tha �ame �ermg and canditiona cantained in �he i�ewp�� �u�y �4, �.��3 i�inding� o� Faat, canolusiana �nd arder. The RGWp �rid Fr�dley will uge trieir begr ���a��,s to award contracte tar ths project k�y th�+ �8►1� o� ]�951�. 3. In partiai con�ideratian of namgey countiy aqreeing to - dismiss its app�al and the RCWb aqreei.ng to praceed with the pra j ect set farth in its �u�y l4, �ss3 F3ndinga of I�etc�t, 2.04 61�b�yy�45 Mju TEL N0.6126999845 Dec 01,95 10�29 P.03 Conclus�ons and Oraer, Fridley shaii oontr�bu�s the amouat a� $54,000.00 tv reduce th� cost to be dllocated ta Ra��ey County �e autlined �n pareqraph id af the RCWD�s July 14, 1993 Conalusion� and Order. Fridley shall pay the $5,4,000.00 to RCWD an or belare �he date an wh�Ch Rems�y C�unty eubmit� i.tg payment �o the RCw� ior Rame�ey County�a �hare of the praject oast as outiined in �his Ag�eemer►t . 4. In parti�l aons��deratian vf Ramsey County Aqr�ginq to df�migs i�s� t�ppsal And the ItCWD aqree�nq ta pro�eed �itb the projeat sa� �orth in �ta July 14, 7.493 Findinqs af Fatst. conclueiong �►nd Order, Fridley ghell contxibuta le�bor and material� to remove material fram Laake r,ake, in acaordan�e with the pls�ns and gpecitiaations far the r.ocke �ke Improvement Frajeot, in tha amount of at least $52,OOO.00 ta r�du�e tihe approx�.mate cos� ta be al�ocated ta xAmsey County ae outli.ned in paragraph 10 af the RCWD�s July 34, 3.993 Coilclus�ons e►nd Order. The Yalve of the latbor and materia].s provided by �'ridley sha�.l be memsured by �pplying th� aame ur►it coste a►� �hose coa�ained in �he successful b:�dder's aoritarnat far the Lo�ke Lalte Impravement Pxoject. Far �xample, in the event �h�,t the �u�c�s�ful biddar �or the sedim�ant removal portian aP �he Locke Lake 7[�oaaprovemen� projeat indicates in i.�� bid that it will charqe $1.40 per C11i?SG foot ta xemove sediment from Looke Lake, Fridley will aqr�� �o remove at l��s� tifty-twc� thausand (52, 004j Ct�bic fsst of scediynent ($�2, �00 divided by $1.00 p�er cubic faot) • Fridle�y may da�erynine where thir mA��rial atill be xemoved �rom Lacke r.ake provided that the removal is consistent with ths plans ane� epeciticatian� ��r the LocKe Lax� imprave��nt Prajeot, and i� appraved by Che RCWD Enqineer. Fridley ahall �l�o hatre �he righ� �a reaeil or atherwise re�ue� the ma�erid� it removee �rom the projeat site. 5. As a resuit oP FrfdXey's contributions as outlin� in p�ragraph� 3 a►nd � nbov�, Ramsey County ahal� aontribu�e $2$2,?34.00 ns its �h�re o� the cost ot the Locke ?.�e►ke� Improvenen� Pxo ject contairied in the 1tCWD's Ju3.y 14, 1993 Findingg a! Fact, Caria�uafane �xnd Ordor. Thig �mount w�s abtained by reducinq Ramsey Caunty'� ariginal cos�t aiiocatian o� $388,734.00 aut].�ried in par�graph 10 0� the RCWD�6i Jti7.y 14, 1993 Conalua�ons and Order, by the manetary and �abar and mAt�x�a� aontributians fram Fridley ($5�,000.0o and $52,Od0.Op)- 6. Fridley agree�s to pravidQ at itg coat any mAint�ttana� r�quired �or the non-s�aiment basin partiari of the Lvcke �aka Imp7cov�ment proje�� in accordanCe with the Joint Powers Aqreeiuen� between Rcw� end Fridiey, A oopy of Whiah is at�avhc�d as Exhibit 8. Nothing in thi� Agreement alters the RCWD•s res�pana�.bility �v mt�intain the sediment b��in portien of the Y.acke Lake =mprov�ment Praject a� pravidea in the Jaint pawers A�reement, a�apy of t�►hich is attached aa �xhibit 8. Ramsey County may �n�vXOe the Joint pvwer� pgx�eme�t �a a valid thirci�►pa►rCy riene�iciary gurr�ua��� !.v thi� Agre�m�ne. 2 2.0'"J b 1 �byyyti4� Mju TEL N0.6126999845 Dec 01,95 10�30 P.04 7. Ram�ey county, Frictiey anQ tha RCwD mu�ualiy, tu�ly e►nd farev�r r��ease ar►a ai�oharqe eaah o�rier, eaah perty�s �ucce�sars and assigns, fram�aii claim� and causes af ac�ian, past, present or �uture, ana flemanas� for flameqes, ari�inq lrom �he Looke La1�e Improvemerit rix'a�6Ct o�flered by ChA RCWD �il1 itg July 14, 1993 Fi�dings o� Fact, Conc].usians and Order, s�ecifically inaludfng all Glai�a►� �et forth i� Ramaey Caunty�s Not�ve o� Appenl from the I�CWD's �uly 14, 1993 Findings of Fact, Conciusians and Order, and in�ludf�g, but nat li.mited ta, al�ims far brsaah af wri�t�� o� or�l. aontract, statuto�ry vio1�►tic�ri�, ��riit�l af �u� �rb�a,a� �r afih�r fe�derai, et�te, ar �aca1 �awg, promi�sary egtoppel, negiiq�nce and any ather claima. �. Nothing in this Agr�ement i� inten��d to be an admission of liabiiity by a�n}� of �h� p�►rtiors �hat it h�� v�olatad any t34e�4u4�� t'u7.�� ].uua� v�tliva�iva� �,�i,wfr�n �P uvY�lltit►1i 1laW� +Gi 1]!18 ersqagad 3rt asyy� �►rangdeitsg. � 9. The parties further deolare and represent that na promi�e, inducement ar a�areement other than as expressed in this A�ra�m�n� haa been made to t�ny party and thet th�s Aqre�ment aoa�ain� the en�ire �tgreement between the parties reqarding the Locke Lake zmprav�men� �ro j ect ara�r�a by tir,e �tcwn in it� �ruly 14 ,�.993 Findirig� of Fact, Conalusions and Ord.er and that the term� og the Agreement are cantractual and no� a� mere recitA7.. �o . Th� partie,� deciare been aampletely read end are acGepted gar ti�a pe�rpose of Adjus��men� and eettXement of Improvemant Projec� mnd that ta diaoussa �hi� ma��er tul].y attorney�. that trie terras: af thia Agr��ment have fully undere�toc�d �nd are vo�untarily makinq a full and final comprami�e, ail claims related to the Looke L�ke aii parties hava had the opportunity a»d ta �beir a�'�i.s�action with their �1. Thia Aqre�mant supar�ed�� nli prior agr��mQr�ta and understandinqs betw��n the parties �-elating to th� L��k� L�tk� Improvemen� P�a�ec� anQ i.� may not be cha»ged or terminated orally. Na modif�.aation� termination or attiempt�d waiv�r oF any af the proaf�ian� of thia Agraa�tan� �haYl ba valid t�.�xl�c� in writing siqned by ali parties. �2. Thia Ag��em�nt and any ��ibito may ba aiqnad b�* tha p�brti�a in aauntarp�rt. �3. �h� validity, nn�ora�ebility, C41]At1�L1Gt�.oT� and interpx�t�ti�n af this Agreement ehall be gavernad by th� xawg o� th� S�ate t�� Minneaata. � 2.�6 bl�byyy�45 Mju . TEL N0.6126999845 Dec 01,95 10�31 P.OS ltaiva•�y CBwtity $ Y It� Chair, Gounty �oa�rd af Commi�aioners And Byr �ta Chiaf �lerk ApprQ•rna aa bo For�n► Ramsey Cauttty Attornay 8 _ � Aao�atant �ounty A�torn4y STA�� OF MINNEBQTA j )SS.t COLTNTX QF RAMSEY ) mha abav� docunaent wae �ubs�cribed and swa�n ro bePore me thi.s d�y of , �995, by � and , , , th� �ht��.r �t1Q Chief Glerk o� the Ram�ey County Bot�xd of Commie�sionera, on behalf of the� Gaunty of Ramaey. 4 2.�7 6126999845 Mju TEL N0.6126999845 Dec 01,95 10:31 P.06 City ot Fridley �y It� Mayor And By Y�a Ci�y Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA� • )SS.t C�UNTY OF ANOKA ) The abave do�ument was aubacribed and sworn ta before m� �his � da►y of , 1995, riy , and , �h� Mayax �nd �ity Ma�na�ger a� �he �ity of Frid1Q�►, a municipal aorpor�tior►, on behalf af the City of Fridl�y. 5 2.�8 b126999845 Mju TEL N0.6126999845 Dec 01,95 10=32 P.07 Ri�e Creek Watershed Diatrict By Preaident of the Rica Creek watergried aistrict B�oard o� M�n�gers STATE Q�F MINNESOTA) �ss.: COUNTY GF ) The �bdv� Qocu�n� we�s subaaribed and saorn ta baPora me tttis day vt , 1995, by , Presidettt of the liiGe Creek Watershed distriat Bosrd of Manaqers, on beh�►if of the Rice creek Wa�erghed �istriot. � 2.09 Mju. TEL N0.612699��45 Dec 01,95 10=32 P.08 �aiNT Powsits AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE R�GE CREEK iQATERBHED DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF F�tIDLEY Thia Joint Powers Aqreement is ma�da , 1995 between the Rice Cre�ek Waterahed Di.gtxict (RCWD) and the Cfty of Frfdley �r�rid].ey� . WHEREAS, �ridley and the RCi�D are governmen��el unite es definad in Mitt»ess��t� statutes section 471.59 (ij (1994) ; and WH�REAB, pur�u+�nt ta Minnesota 8�atutes seation 471.�9(1) t1994) Fridley and the RCWb have the authori�y ta ja�.nt�.y or caoperative3y exerciae any pawer ca�non to the parties; and WH��S, pnrsuant ta M�nnesvta Statutes �eG�a.on 4�ii.�s��xu� (1994� the govern�.nq badies of Fridley and the RCWD may �ntar inta agreements� wi�ri each ather to perfar�n on behalf of the othex' any service or functfon which the governmenta7� unit provfding the ee�rvice or function i� authorizad �o provida far itse�.�; and WHL1tEAg, Fridley end �h� RCWD dee�i�e �o enta� into such a joint exerci.s� af p�w�srs aqreementi and WI�:EREAB, tha RCWD on July 14, 1993 i�gued Findinga vf FaCt, Ganclusiarx� �nd Qrder �o itnplenten� �hn Lo�ke rraka =mpsovomant Project upan cert�.in aonditiona se� farth in th� Ganc�.nsions and Order; and VJHEREAS, on Auqu6tt 13, 1993 RamBey County appe�l�d iri lt�l�ls�y County nistrict court the RCWD�� �uly 14, 1993 FindinqB ot Faat, Conclusiona� and Orderf and WHERE�►s, Fr�dlay in�ervanad a� a party ta the a�ppeal; and WHEREAS� tha pdrties to the appe�l have settled the litiga�tian regarding thie praject and aub�equent appeal as set fa�rth ii1 �he settiemer�t Agreement and Releaget and WHE�tEAS, ar part of the settzement of the litigation, Fridley has� agreed ta be respon�ible for maintenance ot the non-sedimen� basin porti�an of the r�o�ke Lake �mprovemen� Fro��ct. NOW, THEREFORE, it �.� �qr+aad be�twe��►n th� �a�rtie�s 1. Fridley, during �h� lifs o� the Lc►eka I.ake Impravement Praject, shall aaguma the responaibiiity �o parform and pay any �� mafntenance of the non-sediment b�ain portian a� the Laek� L�ke Improvement Project ordered pur�ua�t to the RCWD•s July 14, 1993 2.10 Mju 6126yyy�45 TEL N0.6126999845 Dec 01,95 7�55 P.10 Findinqs of Fact, Canclu�ian� and �rder. For �urpose� af this paragrap�, the term non-s�diment basin �hal� b� d�fined e� �hs pert ion af the Lacke I,ake improvem�nt Pro j eot that does not inciude �he in--lake bagin area�ed by overexa�v�tinq a portion o� the nartheast ha�f of th� basin as deearibed in Findiriqs ot FatQt p�ra�c�xaphg thirty through thirty-faur, o� the RCi+1D' a af Y hich 9i� Findings of �'act, Conaluaiona and Order, a aaFY attached as Exhfbit �. 2. Nothinq in this� agreement altars tt�e Rcwa�a respon�3.b%lity to maintain the �ediment basin portfon oP the Lock� Le�ke Improvement Project ordered pursuant to �la RC9�d�s July 14, 1993 F�.ndinqe af Faot, Concl.usions and Order. For puY'pO�es o! �his paragraph, the term eedim��t basin ghall be defin�d.a�c the in-l�ke ba�in oreated by aver�xcavatinq A pvr�ian o� �he� narthsast h�lt ot �he basin a►� desaribad in Findinqe of F�a� paragraphs thirty thraugh thfr�y-fou�, di the RC�b's July 14, 19�3 Finding� a� Fg�. Coriclusions and 4rde►r, a capy of whiCh is attatchad a� Exhibit 1. CITY OF FR�pLEY ax It6 fiTATE aF M�NNE80TA} �ss.. CdUNTY a� �►xo�cp, � ItXCE CREEK WATSRBHED OISTRICT B.y -� Pxesidant af tha Rice Creek Watershed D�.stric� Soard aP M�►nager� The above document w�a eubsaribed and �warn tc� bafor� d81]► Of ��.995 � 1�� r af the Gity aF Fridley, an behalt of the Fri8ley. sT��r$ o� M=rn�t�sarn� �ss.: cavrrrY oF �.�..) me thi6 Gity of The above dooius►ent wAa sub�cxibed and s�warn to befar� me this day t�f _ , , 1995, by , president a� the Rfce Creek Wa�erehed D�stxfct Board of Mar�agera, on beh�tlf af ti�e Rice Cret�k Watershed Dietrict. 2 2.11 6126999845 • Mju TEL N0.6126999845 Dec 01,95 10=34 P.10 Rice Craek watars�had Distriat $x Freaident a� the Rice Creek watiere�ect oiet�ric� Ba�rd o� M�nAqar� �TATE OF MINNEB(1TA) )�$.i COUNTY OF �_j The �bave dacument was �ub�crib�d and gwarn to be�ore me this day of , 1945, by , Presf�dent o� the Rice crQek Waterah�d Di�trict Baard of Managers, on behalf a� the Rics Craek Wat�rsh�d Digtrict. 3 2.12 Mju 6126999845 TEL N0.6126999845 gTATE OF MINNESUTA COUNTY CIF RAMSEY IN THE MATTER QF PROPOi3ED IAC�CE L1#K� �Rd•TEC'� FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA Dec 01,95 10�34 P.11 axs�r�rcm cau��r SECONO JUDYCIAL DIBTRYGT GA�E TYPE! 0`1'IiLR CxV�xi COURT FILE Na. C9-43-9419 8��ki�La1TI4N 4S D28![I88�L �l�� kR�I.TppICH mh� abovo�ontitl�d �etion, h�►ving baan full� campromiQad �r�d ���tled, IT TS STTPULi�TED AND AGRSi;D by the pa�ties throuqh their r�sF�c�iv� coun�al t.ha� the above-entitled aation is dismissed with p�ejuc9iae �rid on �he meri�s, withaut coets to any of the partic�s. IT IS PVRTNSR STIPL77LAT8D AND AGRE�D �ha� a�iy o� t�e parties, withou� na�ice to the othere, may cause judgment a� diemissel w�.th prejudice and on the merit� to be anti�r�d ih thi� mnt�er. aated: 2.13 SMI'1`I�i GENDT�R� $IiYI�LLs fiHL�'F & FORD, P.A. Sy H�►roid N. ShOff #100018 Michelle J. Ulrich �111673 335fl Firat Hnnk Place �o� Secona Avenue south Minne�paX�.s, Mk� 3�48� �6i�) 33a-iaao A�t�C�rneY� tor Riaa G�'��1� i4�terehed p�.etriCt bl�byyyti45 Mju TEL N0.6126999845 Dec 01,95 10�35 P.12 pated: pated: $Ut3AN GAERTNER �SEY GOUNTY ATTO1�td�Y Hy Stephan P. MaLauqh�i.n #255ao2 speaial Asssi��ant County Attorney 560 Governmetlt C�nter W�at 50 West K811agg Baulavard sefnt paul, Mx �5�02 ��ia� a��-3054 Attarney far County af Rume�ey SAR�iA� GUZY & STEFFEN, LTD. Sy Scott M. Lepek �18426� 400 Northtowt� P3.azn 200 COOri R�pidB �OUl�vard Minneapolia, iKN 55433�5g94 (612) 780-8500 A�torneya for Gfty of Fridley 4RDSIt Purauar,b �a ti�►e faraqo�.nq etipulatian, tha �bavo*-oh�i�l�c� actiori ist dismissed with prejudi�a, without costs to any garty, ana judgment sha�ll be en�ered a�cCardingly. Datad: 2 2.14 BY THR C4URT: Jttr.lr�A nf i!� atri ct C�tl�t