02/13/1995 - 000011221 FEBRiTARY 13, 1995 I The Regular Meeting of th� Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:43 p.m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Nee, Councilwoman Jorgenson, Councilman Billings, Councilman Schneider, and Council- woman Bolkcom None COUNCIL MEETING, SANUARY 23 1995° MOTION by Councilman Billings to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. Upon a voice vote, all voting � aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriecl unanimously. APPROVAL OF PROPOSED CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Billings requested that Items 1, 5 and 6 be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda. � Mr. Burns, City Manager, briefly reviewed each consent agenda item. Mayor Nee asked for any comments from the public on the proposed consent agenda, and there was no response. MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to approve the consent agenda items. Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcomo Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. l. SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12 06 OF THE CITY CHARTER DECLARING CERTAIN REAL ESTATE TO BE SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE THEREOF (SOUTI-I 35 FEET OF 5720 POLK STREET N.E.1 {WARD 2)° This item was removed from the consent agenda anci placed on the regular agenda. 2. RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 1. 1995: RECEIVED. �� FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13. 1995 PAGE 2 ESTABLISH A PUBLIC YiEARING FOR FEBRUARY 27 1995 FOR CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION REOUEST SAV #94-04 BY CEANN HALUPTZOK. TO VACATE A SMALL PORTIOI3 OF A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT IN ORDER TO CORRECT A GARAGE ENCROACHMENT GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7580 BRIGADOON PLACE N E (WARD 21• Mr. Burns stated that this request is to vacate a small portion of a drainage and utility easement at 7580 Brigadoon Place. PUBLIC HEARING SET FOR FEBRUARY 27, 1995. SPECIAL USE PERMIT REOUEST SP #94-20 BY JOHN WUCHKO OF MAACO AUTO PAINTING AND BODYWORKS, TO ALLOW QUTDOOR STORAGE OF MATERIALS AND EOUIPMENT GENERALLY LOCATED AT 148 OSBORNE ROAD N.E. {WARD 3 L Mr. Burns stated that this is a request for a special use permit by John Wuchko for the outside storage of materials. He stated that Council approved a special use permit for MAACo on May 15, 1990, and one of the stipulations was that it applied solely to MAACO Auto Painting and Bodyworks and could not be transferred to a future tenarat without approval of the Planning Commission and City Council. He stated that this � Special Use Permit would extend the permit fo the new owner of MAACO with no changes in the original stipulations. APPROVED. APPROVE 1995 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM AND APPLICATION: This item was removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda. 6. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TO LOCKE LAKE DAM RESTORATION PROJECT N0. 211• This item was removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda. 7. RECEIVE BID AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR ASPHALT POTHOLE PATCHER• Mr. Burns stated that the cost of equipment covered in this item, as well as in Items 8 and 9, is about $3,000.00 over budget. However, bids were under budget for the dump truck, so the savings from the truck would cover the overage on these three items. � RECEIVE BID AND AWARD CQNTRACT FOR AN ASPHALT POTHOLE PATCHER TO RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON EQUIPMENT COMPANY FOR $30,472.85. � � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF EESRUARY 13. 1995 PAGE 3 RECEIVE BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR 1 100 GALLON HOT ASPHALT TANK: RECEIVE BIDS AND TANK TO THE LOW FOR $26,232.02. AWARD CONTRACT FOR A 1,100 GALLON HOT ASPHALT BIDDER, RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON EQUIPMENT COMPANY 9. RECEIVE BID AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR CRUM RUBBER MELTING POT: RECEIVE BID AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR A CRUM RUBBER MELTING POT TO SPEC MATERIALS, INC. FOR $16,755.00. 10. RESOLUTION NO 13-1995 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT, APPROVAL OF PLANS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: SANITARY AND STORM SEWER REPAIR PROJECT NO. 277: Mr. Burns stated that this project is to line sanitary and storm sewer lines using a process known as Insituform. He stated that this project covers sanitary sewer piping at Lucia Lane and along 7th Street and storm sewer piping on 75th Avenue and Old Central. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 13-1995. 11. RESOLUTION NO. 14-1995 DEFERRING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PAYMENTS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS: Mr. Burns stated that the CityBS current policy for deferring special assessments for senior citizens is allowed when the annual assessment exceeds two percent of an owner's adjusted gross income. He stated that this resolution revises the policy using one percent, or if the household income is below the Very Low Income threshold as defined by the Federal Income Limits for the Community Development Block Grant programs. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 14-1995. 12. RESOLUTION N0. 15-1995 AUTHORIZING SIGNING AN AGREEMENT FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL NO 49 AFL-CIO (PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCEI FOR 1995: Mr. Burns stated that this resolution covers the labor agree- ment for Publio Works employeese He stated that it provides for a three percent cost of living increase, establishes a Lead Mechanic position and raises the City°s contribution to health insurance by $30.00 per month for dependent coverage and $5.00 per month for single coverage. He stated that there is also a cap on tuition reimbursement at $2,250 per yeare ADOPTED RESOLUTION N0. 15-1995e � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13. 1995 PAGE 4 13 14 15, � 16. 17. 18. � RECEIVE PETITIONS FROM RESIDENTS OF 76TH WAY N.E. FOR (11 A "DEAD END" STREET SIGN AND {2j THE INSTALLATION OF A STREET LIGHT (WARD 31a RECEIVED PETITIONS 1 AND 2. APPOINT MARCY SIBELL TO THE FRIDLEY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION: Mr. Burns stated it is recommended that Marcy Sibell be considered for appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission to replace Mary Jane Schreiner who has resiqned. APPOINTED MARCY SIBELL TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. REAPPOINT MAVIS HAUGE TO THE POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: Mr. Burns considered Commission. REAPPOINTED COMMISSION. CLAIMS: stated it is recommendecl that Mavis Hauge be for reappointment to the Police Civil Service MAVIS HAUGE TO THE POLICE CIVIL SERVICE APPROVED, NUMBERS 60007 THROUGH 60330. LICENSES: APPROVED. ESTIMATES• APPROVED. ADOPTION OF AGENDA; MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt the agenda with the addition of the three consent agenda items. Seconded by Council- woman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: There was no response from the audience under this item of business. �_`__J � 1 � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13, 1995 PAGE 5 PUBLIC HEARING: 19. PUBLIC HEARING ON MODIFYING REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND TO CREATE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT N0. 13 (SOUTHWEST QUADRANT) (WARD 1)• MOTION by Councilman Billings to waive the reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearinge Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 7:52 p.m. Ms. Dacy, Community Development Director, stated that the purpose of this public hearing is to consider expansion of the City's redevelopment project area to include four acres located along Satellite Lane and involving four apartment buildings totaling 76 units. She stated that Council should receive any comments from the public on the creation of the new tax increment financing district for redevelopment in the southwest quadrant of University Avenue and Mississippi Street. Ms. Dacy stated that staff has complied with the State law require- ments of notifying the School District and the County, She stated that the public hearing notice and map have been published. Ms. Dacy stated that a neighborhood meeting was held and was attended by the single family homeowners in �he area and the tenants of the apartment complexese Ms. Dacy stated that the Planing Commission has determined that this redevelopment is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. She stated that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority has evaluated this project and approved a resolution to create a tax increment financing district and to expand the project area. She stated that this redevelopment accomplishes the goal of the Center City Plan and provides a variety of housing styles to encourage people to remain in Fridley. She stated that this the interest is to quality project which creates a sizable market value for the community. Mr. Sim Casserly, Consultant for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, stated that this project has been reviewed for a number of months. He stated that the addition of the four parcels expands the redevelopment project. He stated that the income generated from these four parcels does not raise enough revenue for the total package but assists in reducing some of the losses. He stated that this is a project for which tax increment financing was designed and recommends it. Councilman Billings stated that there are bills before the legis- lature that he understands would severely limit what could be done in tax increment financing districts established after 1990. He asked how these bills would impact this site. FRIDLEY CZTY COIINCIL MEETING OF FEHRUARY 13, 1995 PAGE 6 � Mr. Casserly stated that the changes that could impact the City are conditions imposed on districts which are pre-199Da He stated that the tax increment from those districts is to �ay debt and contracts. He stated that the inten� ss �o severely restrict tax increment from pre-1990 districts. He stated that as a practical matter, the bill probably will not be detrimental to this project. Mr. Casserly stated that the person who introduced the legislation is preparing an amendment so that some of the provisions of the bill will not take effect until the enactment of the legislation. He stated that the issues raised concerning abuses are not the kind of issues in Fridley. He stated that all of Fridley's projects are hard-core redevelopment projects that recZuire assistance. He stated that there should be a way for cities that are involved in redevelopment to proceed without the limitations o� this bille Councilman Billings asked if it would have a negative impact on the ten acre site if the bill is adopted in its current state. Mr. Casserly stated that if the bill is approved as it is now written, it would not allow �he City to use any increment at all. He stated that this is not what the author of the bill is suggesting. � Councilman Schneider asked the timetable for this project if the tax increment financing district is established. Mr. Don Jensen, representing Rottlund Homes, stated that the pre- liminary plat process would take a�out four months and final drawings about two months. Anticipated completion for review is late September. He stated that this would a13ow for the asphalt to be placed by the middle of November and building construction started. He stated that it is hoped that the units can be marketed next spring. Councilman Schneider stated that Rottlund Homes has a major de- velopment in New Brighton. He questioned if there would be enough resources to adhere to this schedule. Mr. Jensen stated that Rottlund Homes has had anywhere from twelve to eighteen projects at one time and has the capital in hand to continue that pace. He stated that when a project is in a good location the units sell well. He was confident that this Frid]_ey Zocation will do very well. No persons in the audience spoke regarding modification of the redevelopment plan to create Tax Increment Financing District No. 13. � MOTION by Councilman Billings to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:08 p.m. � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13. 1995 PAGE 7 OLD BUSINESS• 19. ORDINANCE NO. 1045 UNDER SECTION 12.06 OF THE CITY CHARTER DECLARING CERTAIN REAL ESTATE TO BE SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE THEREOF (SOUTH 35 FEET OF 5720 POLK STREET N.E.� �WARD 2)0 MoTION by ordinance Seconded 1 Councilman and Mayor voted agai by a 4 to Councilman Schneider to waive tfie reading and adopt Ip. 1045 on the second reading and order publication. Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a roll call vote, Slchneider, Councilwoman Jorgenson, Councilwoman Bolkcom, �ge voted in favor of the motion. Councilman Billings i$t the motion. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried llvoteo NEW BUSINESS: 20. RESOLUTION NO. 16-1995 APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE PROPOSED MODIFICATION$ TO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1. TIF DISTRICTS NOS. 1 THROUGH 12. AND THE CREATION OF TIF DISTRICT NO 13• Ms. Dacy, Community Development Director, stated that this resolu- tion officially establishes Tax Increment Financing District No. 13 and expands the district. She stated that given the lack of any � testimony to the contrary, it would be in order for the Council to adopt this resolution. MOTION by Councilman Billings to adopt Resolution No. 16-1995. Seconded by Councilman Schneidero Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carriecl unanimously, 21. RECEIVE AN ITEM FROM THE APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 31, 1995: A. VARIANCE REOUEST. VAR #95-01 BY EOUITY DEVELOPERS INC TO REDUCE THE REOUIRED LOT AREA FROM 32 670 SOUARE FEET TO 23 000 SQUARE FEET, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 970 OSBORNE ROAD N E {WARD 21: Mr. Hickok, Planning Coordinator, stated that this is a request for a variance to reduce the lot size at 970 Osborne Road. He stated that this is an industrial site that contains 23,000 square feet, and for a parcel recorded prior to Sanuary 1, 1983, the code requires a minimum lot area of 32,67o square feet. He stated that this parcel is between two existing facilities and is comprised of three parcels: A, B, and C. He stated that Parcels A, B, and C could act as one industrial development site. � Mr. Hickok stated that the Appeals Commission recommended approval of this variance, as it was within previousYy granted requests, � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEHRUARY 13, 1995 PAGE 8 Mr. Hickok stated that drawings have been submitted of the building, but they were very preliminary. He added that staff requested they submit a plan if this variance is approved. Councilman Billings asked the legal description of Parcel A and if it was a portion of another lot or platted by itself. Mr. Hickok stated that over time, it has been "shaved" and this lot created. He stated that in the event property owners on either side wished to acquire the parcel, it could be split. Ms. Dacy stated that RMS was looking at ex�anding, but they cannot record if they retain ownership on that parcel. Councilman Billings stated that this is a situation where if the variance is not granted, the lot is too small to construct anything on it. He stated that it is a variance not created by the land but a hardship created by RMS. He stated that it would be diffi- cult for him to support a variance that does not meet the test of the State Statute. Mayor Nee asked if the situation was created by RMS. Councilman Billings stated that it would appear the parcel was created by splitting off portions of other lots which created this situation. Ms. Dacy stated that to the best of her knowledge, she believed this was a separate parcel and was part of a platted lot. She recommended that the item be tabled to allow for further research. Councilman Schneider asked how Parcel C was created. Ms. Dacy stated that the gaps in the overlaps are not unusual in that area, and it is something that could be resolved through a combination. Councilman Schneider stated that he could find no hardship stated for this variance. MOTION by Councilman Billings to table this item. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimouslye 22. APPROVE PROPOSAL BY SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON. INC. (SEH1 TO ASSIST IN THE PREPARATION OF THE FRIDLEY COMMiINITY WATER SUPPLY. EMERGENCY AND CONSERVATION PLAN: � Mr. Hickok, Planning Coordinator, stated that this is a proposal for services by Short Elliott Hendrickson (SEH) to assist staff with the preparation of a water conservation and emergency preparedness plan. He stated that the Department of Natural � � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBR�ARY 130 1995 PAGE 9 Resources (DNR) requires all communities with municipal water supplies to submit a plan to the Metropolitan Council and Legislature by January 1, 1996. He stated fhat the cost for this water conservation plan would be $5,250.00. Mr. Hickok stated that if the Council approves this proposal, SEH would provided a complete draft of the plan within thirty days. He stated that �he plan itself is rather complex, as it involves water conservation, a review of the inventory of the City, and what could be done for conservation and utilization of watera He stated that the Environmental Quality and Energy Commission and Planning Commission would also review the plan. Mr. Hickok stated it is hoped that the City Council and Metropolitan Council would approve the plan by the end of September. Mr. Hickok stated that SEH has an excellent project team. He reviewed the qualifications of those persons who would be involved with this plan. He stated staff recommends that council approve the contract with SEH not to exceed $5,250 with modification of the payment schedule that sixty percent of the cost would be paid at the time the draft is completed, and forty percent would be paid at the time the final plan is completed. Councilman Schneider asked if the plan was unique for Fridley or if it is basically the same as other neighboring communities. Mr. Hickok stated that each City does have their unique elements. He stated that there would be coordination required to pull the data together into a presentable format. He stated 113 cities will be submitting their plans, but only three cities have their plans completed. Mayor Nee stated that he did not mean to criticize the proposal, but he questioned why the City is completing such a plan. Ms. Dacy replied that it is mandated by the State, but funds are not provided. Mayor Nee stated that he did not see the benefit to the taxpayers of Fridley. He stated that it is another mandated issue that the City has to complete with no funds provided. Ms. Dacy stated that the plan would determine the conservation policy of the City. Councilman Schneider suggested that the City submit information that is available and not to spend more than twenty hours of staff time to assemble a plan to submit it to the State. Ms. Dacy stated that part of the reason for this legislation was the droughts that occurred in the 1980's. She said that the State wants to know how the City would approach a drought situation as � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13, 1995 PAGE 10 well as conservation in the future. She stated that staff is trying to meet the intent of the law as efficiently as possible. She stated that if the City ever requests a new well, this plan will have to be in place and the requirements met. Mayor Nee stated that the Governor and the legislature is dis- cussing the reduction of State Aid, yet there are more mandates. Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that the outline of the consultant is very good and follows the requirements established by the DNR and mandates of the State. Councilman Schneider felt that a record should be kept of the staff time and expenses so that if the City is asked by the League of Minnesota Cities how much the City is spending on unfunded mandates, these figures would be available. Councilwoman Jorgenson felt that the Legislature should probably be notified that the City has more critical issues to address and fund, such as the water quality, than just complying with these mandates. MOTION by Councilwoman Sorgenson to approve the proposal by Short Elliott Hendrickson to assist in the preparation of the Fridley � community water supply, emergency and conservation plan at a cost not to exceed $5,250.00, with sixty percent to be paid at comple- tion of the draft and forty percent to be paid at completion of the final plan. Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. Upon a voice vote, Councilwoman Jorgenson, Councilwoman Bolkcom, Councilman Billings, and Mayor Nee voted in favor of the motiona Councilman Schneider voted against the motion. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried by a 4 to 1 vote. � 23. RESOLUTION NO. 17-1995 DESIGNATING MINIMUM FUND BALANCES FOR THE GENERAL FUND, SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS AND THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND: Mr. Pribyl, Finance Director, stated that this resolution would amend the resolution passed in 1991 that sets minimum fund balance standards. He stated that this resolution would increase the amounts of some of those designations in the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, and the Capital Improvement Fund. MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to adopt Resolution No. 17-1995. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 24. APPROVE PROPOSAL FROM MAIER STEWART & ASSOCIATES (MSA) CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR WATER TREATMENT STUDY: Mr. Wilczek, Assistant Public Works Director, stated that based on the Council's comments at the January 23, 1995 Council meeting, Tom FRIDLEY C2TY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13. 1995 PAGE 11 � Roushar from MSA has submitted a proposal to evaluate feasible methods of increasing the filtered water supply in Fridleye He stated that Well Nos. 2, 4, 5, 10, and 11 are filtered, as well as Well Nos. 6, 7, 8, and 9. He stated �hat Well Nos, 6, 7, 8, and 9 have reduced capacity because of the TCE issue. He stated that Well Nos. 1, 12, and 13 are unfiltered and We31 No. 3 is currently not being used. Mr. Wilczek stated that one of the possible alternatives to increase the filtered water supply is the rehabilitation of Well No. 3. He stated that it currently pumps sand and has a natural gas engine that is outdated. He stated that MSA would review alternative development methods, evaluate pumping systems, piping modifications, and prepare preliminary cost estimates. Mr. Wilczek stated that another alternative is the construction of iron and manganese removal plants at Well Nos. 1, 12, and 13. He stated that it would not be feasible to interconnect the wells and build one plant. He stated that MSA would review land avail- ability, conduct process design, prepare preliminary plant designs and layouts, and pre-liminary construction costs, as well as operation and maintenance costs. Mr. Wilczek stated that a third option is a trichlorethylene (TCE) � removal facility for Well Nos. 6, 7, 8, and 9. He stated that these wells are filtered through filters 1 through 5, but the filters are not used to full capacity due to the necessity of blending these wells. He stated that the development of these three wells would increase the Cityos total capacity to produce filtered water from 5,000 to 10,000 gpm. He stated that MSA would evaluate alternative locations, conduct process design, and complete preliminary designs and layouts, as well as prepare preliminary construction costs and operation and maintenance costs. He stated that MSA would submit a final report summarizing the construction, operation, and maintenance costs, determine the effectiveness of all three alternatives, and the impact on water rates. He stated that the cost of the study would be $14,800 and would be completed eight weeks after notice to proceed. He stated that Tom Roushar would be the Project Engineer, and there would be sub-consultants for the electrical, heating and ventilation, and architect, Councilman Schneider stated that Councilman Billings raised a valid issue about some parts of the City not receiving filtered water. Councilwoman Jorgenson stated that one of her questions was the cost to filter the wells, and two wells in particular were ' discussed regarding iron and manganese content. She stated that she has no problem in reviewing and evaluating the entire water supply. She felt that the Council may be forced to proceed with some TCE cleanup for the affected wells. FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13, 1995 PAGE 12 � Mr. Burns, City Manger, stated that this study could be used to outline priorities as part of the capital improvements revision. Councilwoman Jorgenson stated that with the Clean Drinking Water Act, the City could outline the problems and possibly obtain Federal funding, if it was available. Councilman Schneider stated that he does not have a problem with the study, but he would like a cost figure on how much the City spent on consultants for water, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, drainage, etc. over the last several yearsa Mr. Burns stated tfiat the studies are not shelved and� for the most part, are implemented. � Councilman Schneider stated that money has been spent improving the water system, and there are still complaintso He stated that the City received an award for the TCAAP project, and there are com- plaints on the water the City is receiving. He felt that sometimes studies result in additional work for the consultants to implement these studies, and it may become a game where profit is the motive. Mr. Burns felt that the consultants who conducted and implemented studies for the City had a lot of integrity. He stated that one � area of benefit was in lower fire insurance rates because of the City�s water storage capacity. Councilman Schneider stated that he would be interested in deter- mining the benefits to the public from the consultant studies. He stated that a lot of money has been spent for the water system. Mr. Burns stated that the biggest problem is the TCE content in four wells which has created a new dependence on filtered water. He stated that there was a temporary impact from the New Brighton water, but he did not expect it to be a permanent situation. He stated that �he water system is immensely stronger than it was seven or eight years ago, and the City still has one of the lowest water rates in the metropolitan area. Councilman Billings stated that the water system from 1969 until recently was badly neglected. He stated that as a result of the last Council meeting, he received numerous phone calls from resi- dents who received inferior quality water. He stated that resi- dents from Melody Manor receive a choice of water that is high in manganese or TCEs. He stated that residents from the Commons Park area want an explanation why they have TCE in the water. He felt that the Council discussions have made the residents aware that the City has been derelict in not providing quality water. They are � demanding the same water quality on a uniform basis throughout the City or else an explanation why they pay the same as those receiving quality water. He felt that something had to be done to provide equal water quality throughout the City. FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETYNG OF FEBRUARY 13, 1995 PAGE 13 � Councilman Billings asked if this s�udy provides the most reason- able way for alternatives to insure equal water guality for all residents. Mr. Wilczek stated that the study evaluates how the City can maximize the use of the City's filtered water to obtain the best, not necessarily equal, quality for residentse MOTION by Councilman Schneider to approve the proposal from Maier Stewart and Associates, Consulting Engineers, for a water treatment study in an amount not to exceed $14,800.00. Seconded by Council- woman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 5. APPROVE 1995 COMMLJNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM AND APPLICATION• Ms. Dacy, Community Development Director, stated that at the public hearing in January on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, the proposal was that a majority of these funds would go to the housing rehabilitation program. She stated that also involved was the reallocation of funds from 1993. She stated that staff received a letter from Commissioner McCarron, and which indicated that the County believes the City passed the deadline in acting on � reallocation of these funds. She stated that the City disputes that allegation and will be attending a meeting later this month _ on the issue. Ms. Dacy requested that Council consider approval of the 1995 CDBG funds by allocating $124,210 for housing rehabilitation, $1,D00 for the County administrative fee, and $30,OOQ to the public service pool. She stated that the issue on reallocation of the 1993 CDBG funds would be brought to the Council at a later date, after a recommendation from the Human Resources Commission. Councilman Billings questioned if the issue with the County would be resolved by the next Council meeting. Ms. Dacy stated that the committee meeting with the County is next week. The County Board would decide on February 28, 1995, which is the day after Council's next meeting. MOTION by Councilman Billings to approve the allocation of the 1995 Community Development Block Grant funds as follows: $124,210 for housing rehabilitation; $1,000 for the County's administrative fee; and $30,000 for the public service pool. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' 6. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TO LOCKE LAKE DAM RESTORATION, PROJECT NO. 211° Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that thgs change order involves chain link fence modifications and the extension of the safety � � platform over the debris +��� PAGE 19 projecte rack for the Locice Lake dam restoration MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to authorize Chan e with Lunda Construction for the Locke Lake Dam No. 211 in the 5 Order No. 2 amount pf $13�8Z3.39. Restoration Project Schneider. Upon a voice vote, CouncilwomaneJorgenson Schneider, Councilman Billin s �y Councilman motion. Councilwoman Bolkcom absta ned�f om voti a ' Councilman Mayor Nee declared the in favor of the motion carried by a 4 to lg otethe motion. z5• INFORMAL STATUS REPORTS: Mr. Burns, City Manager, introduced and welcomed the new Assistant Public Works Director, Mr. Jon Wilczek. Mr. Burns stated that after this Council meeting, the Council would informally discuss the Lake Pointe proposal and the construction of a pipe and overflow for the 1.5 million gallon water tank. ADJOU- MOTION by Councilwoman Jorgenson to adjourn the meetin by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote Nee declared the motion carried unanimousl g° Seconded of the . all voting aye, Mayor Fridley City Council of Februar y and the Regular Meeting 9'Z� p°m• Y 13� 1995 adjourned at Respectfully submitted, Carole Haddad Secretary to the City Council B^lilliam J. Nee Mayor