11/13/1995 - 00001419� THE MINQTES OF THE REGULAR MEETINQ OF THE FRIDLE� CITY COUNCIL OF NOVEMBER 13. 1995 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Cou -f_1 was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in t to the Flag. ROLL CALL• MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: PRESENTATIONS• Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Nee, Councilwoma, Yorgenson, Councilman Billings, Councilman Sc :ider and Councilwe�man Bolkcom None FRIDLEY '49ER DAYS PARADE FIAAT AWARC .�1D NATIONAL NIGH'Q" �:,, _ AWARD: Ms. Julie Swanson, Crime Prevention Special t II, stated tha� ��; block captains received two awards this p� summer, one for d�� ' float in the Fridley '49er Days parade, whx.,, was the kick-of� tl` National Night Out and a national awarc5 For sixth place National Night Out. Ms. Swanson, along with some of �he �Yo � captains, presented these awards to the Caty Council. �he s�a�ecl that it was the creative ideas of the bla�:k captains tnat �arned these awards. Mayor Nee and members of the City Council extended their congratu- lations on receiving these awards. PROCLAMATION• HOME CARE MONTH: NOVEMBER. 1995: Mayor Nee issued a proclamation proclaiming the month of Novemb�:x, 1995 as Home Care Month and presented this proclamation to Mr. bvu Loftus. Mr. Loftus thanked the Mayor and the City Counci_ for this pr•��- clamation and invited them to an open house or� November 30 �.t_ 3931 East River Road to celebrate the recognitiom of �he pec, � that provide home health care. Mayor Nee thanked Mr. Loftr.us and those who provi�e this ser�zc� � � FRIDLSY CITY COiJNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1�, 199� PAGE � APPROVAL OF MINUTES: COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 23. 1995: MOTION by Councilman Sa�neider to approve �i�e minu��s as presented. Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carrie� unanimansly. APPROVAL �F PROPOSED CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Burns, City Manager, �riefly reviewed the items on the consen� agenda. NEW BUSINESS• 1. RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 18. 1995: RECEIVED. 2. RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING �a' NOVEMBER 1, 1995: RECEIVED. ' 3. ESTABLISH A PUBLIC AEARING FOR NOVEMBER 27, '�945 FOR A'�IAC��^ TION REOUEST. SAV #95-04. BY GARY HEDM.��N, TO '4IACATE A UT3LYry'" EASEMENT GENERALLY I.00ATED AT 60 70T�Y WAY N.E. (WARD 3)e Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that t�he purpose of the punY�_.+ hearing is to vacate a ten-foot utility easeaaent to clear �rn� title. He stated that no puhlic utilities are in �his g�c�- tion, and the Planning Commission approved the vacatio. subject to a stipulation that the petitioner dedicate a c�t+� utility easement and commission a survey �o verify locata��n of the new easement. SET THS PIIBLIC HEARING ON VACATION REQIIEST, 33AV #95-04� �'a,.o NOVSMBER 27� 1995. 4. ESTPBLISH A PUBLIC HEARING FOR NOVEMBER 27, 1�95. FOR A VAC�- 3'ION REOUEST, SAV #95-05. BY INDUSTR�AAL EQUITIES, TO VFiCA';'E DRAINAGE AND UTILYTY EASEMENTS ORIGY1�lALLY DEDICATED OI3 T'H� RECORDED PLATS OF NORTHCO $USINESS PARK AND NORTHCO BUSYNFS� PARIi �ND ADDITION. GENERALLY LOCATED P.T THE SOUTHWEST CORN�'cc O�' 73RD AVENUE AND NORTHCO DRIVE (WARD 1): Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that the pur�ase of the pubi�c � hearing is to vacate a 20 foot drainage and �,.�tility eas�n«n�� located near the intersection of 73rd Av�raue and the �aa� University Avenue Service Drive. He stated that the own�b� propose to relocate the easement to allow corastruction of �r� l� � J FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETINd OF NOVEMBER S3 1995 PAG� � 88,000 square foot, multi-tenant industria� building. I�e stated that there is a 24 inch storm sewer in the easemenh_, and it will be volua�tarily relocated according to plans �t,��.�,4. have been approved by the City's engineers. 8ET TH8 PIISLIC HEARENCi ON VACATION REQUEST� �AV �95-05g �.�u= NOVEMBER 27� 1995. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 81-1995 CALLING FOR � PUBL3C HEARING OI� 1'a.� MODIFICATION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN F'OF� REDEVELOPMF:9`i PROJECT NO. 1 AND THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR °�57�..� INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NOS. 1, 2. 3p 6, 7. 9, 10, �"� 12. AND 13 TO REFLECT INCREASED PROJECT COST5 WITHIN REDEaJi-- LOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND THE ESTABLISHMENT �F PROPOSEID 'T��k INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 14 AND TH[E APPROVAY. �N� ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED TAX INCREMENT FINANCITiG PLAN RELATIP�+� THERETO• Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that J"ok�n Allen of Industria� Equities Development Investments is re�uestia�g tax incremeenc assistance from the HRA for soil corr�c�ion and relocation o;c a storm sewer. He stated that this asu.stance is to allow tor a 88, 000 square foot industrial busiuness center to be ccar�-- structed at a cost of $3,500,000. He i�ated that the assi:•- tanCe is requested in the form of a$175,�00 grant anc€ � $175,000 loan. ADOPTED RESOLIITION NO. 81-1995. RESOLUTION NO. 82-1995 APPROVING A Cd�IPREY-IENSIVE PLAN AM�NL�- MENT, CPA #95-02. BY THE CITY OF FRICLEY FOR MINCO PRODUCTS, INC.�TO AMEND THE CURRENT LAND USE Dr:SIGNATION FROM COMMER- CIAL TO INDUSTRIAL, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7321 COMMERCE Y�ANE N.E. (WARD 31• Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that �his resolution approves a comprehensive plan amendment for property at 7321 Commerce Lane N.E. He stated that the amendment will allow a 60pt�d0 square foot addition to Minco Products Plant No. 2. He stated that this amendment would help halance 14.5 acres that *.r�re recently converted from industrial +c� comm�rcial for I�ome Depot. ADOPTED RESOLIITION NO. 82-1995. RESOLUTION NO. 83-1995 APPROVING A v�`BDIVISION, iAT SPLF'� � L.S._ #95-02, BY THE FRIDLEY HOUS'+;� AND REDEVELOPI�IEN�' AUTHORITY. TO SPLIT PROPERTY GENEd1ALLY LOCATED AT 5�� JANESVILLE STREET N.E. (WARD 3l: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that �&�is lot spiit is fo� property at 533 Janesville Street s�h� consists of thr�e � � � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVBMBER 13 1995 PAG� 4 25 foot by 100 foot lots for a tota7L of 9,625 square geeca He stated that this lot split would ��lit oPf a 20 foo� s�y� 50 foot and a 15 foot by 25 foot sec�aent of the property i.}� sale to adjoining land owners at 538 �nd 528 Kimbail Stre��� He stated that there are several advantages to this lot spii�, as it will enlarge �he lots on Kimball Street bringing �en�ea� closer to the City's minimum lot sizea It also correct� a� boundary line problem, clarifies l�yal descriptions, �rmd enhances the appearance of the area. Yie sta�Ced that the re- maining 8,250 square foot lot will be sold for construction of a new home subject to Council's approval of a variance to the lot area. ADOPTED RESOLIITIODi DTO. 83-1995� b7ITFS THE FOLLOT9kAa� STZPIILATIOYIS ATTACHED AS E%SIBIT A: (2� THE �ihTACEN'S PROPELLS"8 OWNERS SHALL COMBINE THL NEW PARCEL� W%TH THEIit EBYS'SgidG PARCELS INTO ONE TA% PARCEL; AND {2) THE &LANNING COMMI3�%a�w' RECOCaNIZ88 THAT THS Y.OT AREA OF 533 SANESVYLY.E STREET �1.&a ll� LESS THAN THS 9�000 SQUARE FEET REQUIRED BY CITY CODS. 8. VARIANCE REOUEST, VAR #95-27, $Y LINDuTROM METRIC. INC., �'ca REDUCE THE SETBACK OF A SIGN FROM �"YiE PROPERTY LINE F'RtidS•S 10 FEET TO 5 FEET TO ALLOW CONSTRUCT%i�y1 OF A 32 54UARE FOO`�' MONUMENT SIGN. GENERALLY LOCATED AT 811�1 ASHTON AVENU� N,�'� (WARD 31• G Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that this variance woulc� reduce the sign setback from ten to five feet and allow con- struction of a 32 square £oot monument sign. He stated the hardship is that the required setback would allow only 2-1/2 feet for storing snow from the parking lot. Ttae proposed siqn location is 15 feet from the street curb and will not intex- fere with snow storage. He stated that the variance is coi�- sistent with previously granted variances. GRANTSD VARIANCE REQIIEST� VAR $95-27p TO REDUCE THE SETB7IC� OF A SZGN FROM THS PROPERTY LIN$ FRO1+Y 2'EN FEE'd' TO FIVE &'EE� � VARIANCE REOUEST. VAR #95-28, BY MURPHY WAREFiOUSE. TO ALL�sW' A SIGN PAINTED DIRECTLY ON A BUILDING, �ENERALLY �,OCATEID r�'S 4700 MAIN STREET N.E. (WARD 31: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that tY�ls variance would all�w the owner of property at 4700 Main Street to paint a.iaas square foot company logo on a 266,OOU square foot buildinr�o He stated the petitioner felt that � pain�ed sign is mos�� proportionate to the size of the building than a free-stand�nc� sign. He stated that the sign will not be internally illumi- nated and will have less impact on acijacent residential pz�- perty than a free-standing sign. Mr. Burns stated that the Appeals Commission recommended approval with the stipulatio�a that this variance precludes the petitioner �rom instaYlisag a free-standing sign in the future. FRIDLEY CITY COIINCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1�_ 1995 PAG� 5 � GRANT&D VARIANCE REQIIEST� VAR #95-28� TO ALT,OU� A SIGN PAIN`1'ED DIRECTLY ON A SOILDING� WITH THB BTIPU�d,ATEONB THAT (1) APl�itu-- VAL OF THIS VARIANCE PRECLUDES TH& PETITIONER FROM %NSTAi�,�4aG A FREESTANDINCi SIGDi; AND (2) TH$ PETIT%ONER 8H�1LL MA%DTTAI�i �'tlz� SIGN IN ADi ATTRACTIVE MANNER. 10. FxmFNCrnN OF VARIANCE VAR #93-29 B7C STo PHILIP'S LUTHER111� CHURCH TO INCREASE THE SIZE OF AN iNSTITUTYONAL SIGN FROM 32 SOUARE FEET TO 70 S4UARE FEET TO ALLOW TdIE EXISTENCE OF TWO SIGNS ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 6180 HIGHxrd:�k 65 N.E. (WARD 21• Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that in December, 19�;, Council granted a variance that allows an institutional sngr� for purposes of advertising church ses-�ice times. He sta�E� that the church is requesting an extension of the variance �.c December 1, 1997 and staff recommends approval. APPROV&D 8%TENSION OF VARIANCE� VAR �93-29e TO DECEMBER A� 1997. 11. RESOLUTION ELECTING A OUALIFYING CONTR]CA�CT'%'YON 'd'O TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 13: � Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that cities have an optio� of accepting traditional LGA/HACA deductions, or making a"quaAi- fying contribution1° for tax increme�nt ginancing distric+�s certified after June 30, 1994. He sta�ted tY�a� this 01contribu- tion" is an annual event that must equate to 7.5 percent aP the tax increment generated by the dis{�rict. He stated t9aait Tax Increment District No. 13 encompass�� the iEormer apartme��� properties that the HRA aoquired for i'�s souithwest quacYra�n� project. Mr. Burns stated that since the local contribu�ion ($118,785) is less than the traditional LGA/HACA deduction ($344,948), staff is recommending that Council opt to make the "local contribution." He stated that althougln the money w�A3 actually be paid by the HRA from its °°unrestricted revenu�,°" Council is required to select this o�ption before the end �k this year. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED SROM THB CONSEN7P AGENDd► AND PLACEID 61ia' THE REGULAR AGENDA. 12. MpTION TO WAIVE $1.000 SECURITY BOND REQUIREMENT FOR REPP]C1� WORK MADE BY THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIROIIMENTAL SERVI°:�u DIVISION (BETWEEN HICKORY PLACE AND THE%R JUNCTION BOX WEST OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD TR71CKS1 (WARD 31: � Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that t�ze Metropolitan Council is repairing the force main pipes c�ra Hickory Place which normally requires a security bond. �fe stated that this is emergency work, and the contractor is required to haeae 1 � � FRIDLEY CITY CODNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13, 1995 PAG� � security. Staff feels what they �ave is sufficie��� Therefore, it is requested that the security be waived. APPROVSD THS WAIVER OF TH8 $1�000 BECYJRITY BOND F'OR REPAIR WORE BY THS METROPOLITAN COIINCIL �NVIRONMENTAL SERVZCES DIVIBION. 13. APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 TO WASHINGTON STREET WATERMAIN REPAIR PROJECT NO. 272 (WARD 11: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that in repairing the water- main line on Washington Street, there was an inordinate amount of blue clay material. Additional fill material is necessary to rebuild the base for the street, as well as installation of a hydrant. He stated that the amount of the change order is $4,251. APPROVED CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WITH PENDY CONTRACTINGs INC. FOR TH8 1iASHINGTON STREET WATERMAIDi REPAYYt PROJECT NO. 272 IDY '1°HS AMOUNT OF $4,251.00. 14. RE_SOLUTION NO. 85-1995 AUTHORIZING MUN7CCIPAL STATE AID FUN9�5 TO COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY (C.S.A.H.1 EAST RIVER ROAID - HARTMAN CIRCLE TO GLEN CREEK ROAD fS.P. 02-601-36) (S.A.P. �?7-020-13 ADDENDUM NO. 11 (WARD 31: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that in order to ob�ain State Aid reimbursement for the East River Road bike path, the City needs to execute an addendum to the original request. �ie stated that the original request covered that portion of tEae bike path located within the County improvement project from Hartman Circle to Glen Creek Road. Ae stated that this reso- lution requests reimbursement for the bike path from Rice Creek Way to Hartman Circle and from Glen Creek Roaci to Osborne Road. ADOPTED RESOLOTION NO. SS-1995. 15. RESOLUTION NO. 86-1995 IN SUPPORT O&" AN APPLICATION FOI2 A MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING PREMISES PERMIT TO FRIDLEY AMERICAN LEGION POST 303 fWARD 21: ADOPTED RESOLIITION DTO. 86-1995. 16. RECEIVE THE 1996 BUDGET OF THE NORTH METRO CONVENTIOIS �ND VISITORS BUREAU: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that no action is required by Council other than to receive this budget. REC&IVED. � � � FRIDL$Y CITY COIINCIL MEETING OF NOVEMHER 13, 1995 PAGE 7 17. RESOLUTION NO. 87-1995 DESIGNATING TIY�E AND NUMBER OF COUNCiL MEETINGS• Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that ��is resolution desgg- nates the time and number of City Council meetings for 1996 and includes reqular meetings, conference meetings, and budget work session meetings. ADOPTED RE80LIITION NO. 87-19950 18. CLAIMS• AUTHO&IZED BAYMENT OF CLAIDS NOS. 64860 TSROIIGEi 65189. 19. LICENSES: APPROVED THE LICENSEB AS SIISMITTED AND AS ON FILS IN °%'HE LICENBS CLERR�B OFFICE. 20. ESTIMATES• APPROVED THE ESTIMATES AS FOLLOWS: Standard Sidewalk, Inc. 29635 Neal Avenue Lindstrom, MN 55045 Miscellaneous Concrete Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Project No. 279 BINAL EBTIMATB . . . . . . . . . . Newquist & Ekstrum, Chartered 301 Fridley P2aza Office Building 6401 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Services Rendered as City Prosecuting Attorney for the Manth of September, �995 Penn Contracting, Inc. 1697 Peltier Lake Drive Centerville, MN 55058 . $ 4,802.68 $ 12,600.00 Washington Street Watermain Repair Project No. 272 Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 35, 833. 05 Hardrives, Inc. 9724 Tenth Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441 1995 Street Improvement Project No. ST. 1995 - 1& 2 Estimate No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $193,552.29 � FRIDLEY CITY COIINCIL MEBTING OF NOVEMBER 13 1995 PAGE � There were no comments form the audience regarding the proposed consent aqenda items. Councilman Schneider requested that Itenu 11 be placed on �he regular agenda. MOTION by Councilman Billings with the deletion of Item 11. Upon a voice vote, all voting carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: to approve th� consent agenda items, Seconded b� Councilwoman Bolkcom. aye, Mayor Nee declared the mo�ion MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt the agenda with the addi- tion of Item 11 from the consent agenda and the addition of an atem to consider nominees for appointment to th� Rice Creek Watershed District Board of Managers. Seconded by Co�ncilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor �ee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: REPORT FROM DEAN SABA ON FRIDLEY PRIDE CITY-WIDE CLEANUP WEEK: � Mr. Dean Saba submitted a report from the �ridley Pride City-Wide Committee dated November 13, 1995, which �ontained costs for the cleanup and volumes of materials collected. He stated that 30,000 cubic yards of tree brush and branches were collected; 1,200 major appliances were removed; 14,880 pounds of useable furniture was collected; 15 junk vehicles were removedp and over 265 tons of general refuse was removed. He stated tha� at the Columbia Arena drop-off site the following items were collected: 2,089 tires; 1,909 fluorescent lamps; 2,000 gallons of used oil; 1,036 of used oil filters; 457 batteries; 92 tons of concrete and asphalt; and 37 tons of scrap metal, Mr. Saba stated that the report summarizes the services conducted by the contractors, volunteers, and the Committee. He stated t�at it was the support of Council that made this event a reality, and he extended his thanks and appreciation for everything Council did to make this event such a success. PUBLIC HEARINGS• 21. PUBLIC HEARING ON MODIFICATION OF CHAPTER 216 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, ENTITLED "STORM WATER DRAIY�F,GE UTILITY:" MOTION by Councilman Billings to waive th� reading of the public � hearing notice and open the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing opened at 8:05 p.m. � FRIDL$Y CITY COIINCIL MEETINQ OF NOVBMHER 13 1995 PAGE 9 Mr. Pribyl, Finance Director, stated that �his pu�lic hearing is to modify Chapter 216 of the City Code that deals with the rate setting process. He stated that this is a simp3e change wlaich relates to how the storm water drainage rate is set. He stated that the code currently requires that this rate "shall be $5.25 per quarter per REF acre." The change that is recommended is that �he storm water drainage rate "shall be set by Council resolution." No persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed modification. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearirag. Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and �he public hearing closed at 8:07 p.m. 22. PUBLIC HEARING ON ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. ST. 1992 - 2(CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 23, 19951: Mayor Nee re-opened this public hearing on the assessmen� gor Street Improvement Project No. ST. 1992-2. Mr. Pribyl, Finance Director, stated that �he assessment roll that was presented at the last Council meeting on Octobes 23 had a draft � page that contained an incorrect assessment rate of $9.50 per foot. He stated that the assessment booklet has been corrected, and the three properties at 1040, 1050, and 1060 Hathaway Lane will be assessed at $7.70 a foot and not $9.50 a foot. He stated that this assessment would be spread over a ten-year period at an interest rate of 6-1/2 percent. Councilman Schneider stated that the issue at the last meeting was that the property owners were not to be ch�rged more than $8.00 a foot. No persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed assessment for Street Improvement Project No. ST. 199�-2. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:10 p.m. OLD BUSINESS• 23. RESOLUTION NO. 88-1995 CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. ST. 1992-2 (TABLED OCTOBER 23. 19959e � Mayor Nee removed this item from the tableo MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 88-1995. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all vo�ing aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ' � ' FRIDLEY CITY COIINCIL MEETINa OF NOVEMHER 13 1995 PAGS 10 NEW BUSINESS• 24. SIX MONTH REVIEW OF SHARX CLUB INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICEk�3� (WARD 3)• Mr. Pribyl, Finance Director, stated that on April 24, 1995p Council established a six-month review of this liquor license ko�e Sharx Club. He stated that there were some stipulations placecY e�n this liquor license, and Sharx has provided stafg with the S3'�Y forms indicating the percentage of food sales in relation to licguor sales. Ae stated that from August to October, there was a signi�b° cant increase in food sales in relation to liquor sales and pr�-� sented a chart showing these figures. He stated that the target is for forty percent food sales and sixty percent liquor, and the figures are going in that direction. Mr. Pribyl stated that the Public Safety Directox has indica�ed that Sharx has been handling security problems well. Councilman Schneider stated that the food was very good at Sha�ac and asked Mr. DeFoe if his food sales were iracreasing. Mr. DeFoe, owner of Sharx Club, stated that food sales have be�n increasing every day. Mr. Pribyl stated that Mr. DeFoe is using some very creative tec�a- niques to increase food sales. Councilwoman Jorgenson stated that Sharx fax lunch menus to busi- nesses in their area to help increase their food sales. She stated that Mr. DeFoe did wonders with the establishment, and she said that the food is very good. MOTION by Councilwoman Bolkcom to receive �he xeports from staff on Sharx Club in regard to the ratio of foc�d to liquor sales �rad the report from the Public Safety Director �ated November 6, 1995, Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 25. APPROV� A WATER CONSERVATION AND EMERGENCY PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND AU�'HORZZE STAFF TO SUBMIT IT TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL: Mr. Hickok, Planning Coordinator, stated tP�at this plan has been prepared to fulfill State mandates requiring public water suppliers to adopt plans to promote the efficient use of water. He stated that the drought conditions of 1987-89 prompted the State Legisla- ture to require the development of conservation plans for alloca- tion of water if similar conditions occur in the future. Mr. Hickok stated that the plan consists of four basic parts: �1) inventory of the City's existing system; (2) proposed water conser- � � LJ BRIDLEY CITY COIINCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13. 1995 PAGE il vation pla�; (3) proposed water emergency pYan; and (4) implemen�a- tion strateqies. Mr. Hickok stated it is recommended that Council refer this plan to the Metropolitan Council for their reviewe Councilman Schneider stated that the City ���nt about $16,000 for this plan, and he questioned if anything w�� gained. Mr. Hickok stated that he felt the plan was �� educational tool for the community in water conservation. He ��ated �hat it outlines the City's wells, the water production proc�ss, and establishes a plan for water conservation and emergencies. He stated that �rie formulation of the plan drew together staff inembers and set up a stronq internal communication link for emergencies. Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated tha� the plan outlined priorities in handling an emergency. Councilman Schneider stated that he felt the plan and he appreciates staff's compilation of t�e plan. he did question if this was a good use of public communities had to spend funds to compile tfie plan, need to be spent by the Metropolitan Council to have the plans. was well done, He stated that funds, as many and funds will someone review Mayor Nee asked if alternate days for sprinkling result in a 2-1/2 percent reduction in water consumption. Ms. Dacy, Community Development Director, stated that the 2-1/2 percent figure is related to all conservation methods, assuming everyone in the City conserved water, and it does not directly relate to the alternate sprinkling days. MOTION by Councilman Billings to approve �he Public Water Supply Emergency and Conservation Plan and authorize submission to �.he Metropolitan Council. Seconded by Counci�woman Jorgenson. �Jpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee dec�ared the motion carried unanimously. 26. APPROVE SCHEDULE FOR STONYBROOK CREEK PROJECT: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated thaat a meeting was held with Stonybrook Creek residents where bottn the three-quarter and full length pipe options were explained, He stated that +the concept of installing pipe through the back yards, backfilling the yards, and restoring the ditch was also discussed. He stated that as a result of this meeting, the three-quarter length of the pipe i.e., burying the pipe in the first five lots and keeping an open channel on the remaining three lots, was supported. Mr. Flora stated that two public hearings are necessary, one for the assessment for those properties abutting Stonybrook Creek, �nd FRIDLEY CITY COIINGIL MEETING OF N09EMBER S3. 1995 PAQE �2 � a public hearing for the ad valorem levy to the watershed. �e suggested that November 27, 1995, and December 11, 1995, �e established as the dates for these public hearings. MOTION by Councilwoman Bolkcom to set t�� public hearings gor November 27, 1995 for the assessment and December 11, 1995 for the ad valorem levy for the Stonybrook Creek project. Seconded by Councilman Billings. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 11. RRSnTd7TTON N�_ aa-�995 F.T,FCTING A OUALIFYING CONTRIBUTION TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. Y3: Councilman Schneider asked where the funds would come from for this qualifying local contribution. Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that it would come from unrestric- ted tax revenue inoome fram the Housing an� Redevelopment Authority. Councilman Schneider stated he understands that a qualifying local contribution in lieu of a reduction in LGA/HACA payments would be better. � Mr. Burns stated that a contribution would be much better, as the amount of the 7.5 gercent contrihution until 2012 equals $118,785 versus the LGA/HACA deduction of $344,948. Ae stated that the local governing authority must approve the option, and it must be done on an annual basis. Ms. Dacy, Community Development Director, stated that the City or the HRA can make the payment. In this case, it states that the HRA can provide payment. She stated that this amount can be easily handled in the cash flow, as it is essentiai�}° $5,000 per year. MOTION hy Councilman Schneider to adopt Resolution No. 84-1995. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 26A. CONSIDERATION OF NOMINEES TO THE RICE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRYC'P° BOARD OF MANAGERS• Mayor Nee stated that the names of Scott Lund, Robert Barnette, ar�d Leon Madsen have been submitted for consicleration for appointmen�t to the Rice Creek Watershed District Board of Nlanagers. He stated that these persons can be considered, as we13 as any others that Council may wish. � MOTION by Councilwoman Bolkcom to submit the names of Scott Luno�p Robert Barnette, and Leon Madsen and add the name of John Flora for consideration for appointment ta the Rice Creek Watershed District Board of Managers. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a � � � FRIDLEY CITY COIINCIL MEETINQ OF NODEMBER 33 1995 PAGS �9 voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared ihe motion carraed unanimously. 27. INFORMAL STATUS REPORTS: Mr. Burns, City Manager, stated that he wished to discuss �iae followinq items informally, if time allowse (1) citazen survey; (2) Stonybrook Creek update; (3) Locke Lake update; (4) proposed pawn shop ordinance; (5) combining the Planning and Appeals Commissions; and (6) filtering of Well No. 12. Councilman Billings stated that advised him that the National received was incorrectly stated really fourth place. He stated last year. . � . . the Public Safety Director k�as Night ou� Award that the Cify as being sixth place when it was that FridYey was in sixth place MOTION by Councilman Schneider to adjourn the mee�ing. Seconded by Councilwoman Jorgenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting ayep Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the Regulas Meeting of the Fridley City Council of November 13, 1995 adjourned at 8:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Carole Haddad Secretary to the City Council William J. Nee Mayor