07/28/1997 - 00001672� THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL OF JiTLY 28. 1997 The Regular Meetmg of the Fndley City Council was called to order by Mayor Jorgenson at 738pm PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Jorgenson led the Crty Counc�l and the aud�ence m the Pledge of Allegtance ROLL CALL: Members Present Mayor Jorgenson, Councilman Barnette, Councilman Bill�ngs, and Councilwoman Bolkcom Members Absent Councilman Schneider PROCLAMATION: Mayor 7orgenson read and issued a proclamation proclaimmg Sunday, August 17, 1997 Blue and White Sunday She called upon all c�t�zens of Fridley to acknowledge the outstanding performance of all Blue and Whrte personnel as recommended by Woodcrest BapUSt Church A � representative from the Woodcrest Baptist Church was presented with a plaque by Mayor Jorgenson APPROVAL OF MINUTES: COUNCIL MEETING. NLY 14, 1997: MOTION by Councilwoman Bolkcom to approve the m�nutes as presented Seconded by Councilman Barnette Upon a voice vote, all votmg aye, Mayor 7orgenson declared the mot�on carned unammously APPROVAL OF PROP09ED CONSENT AGENDA: OLD BUSINES5: 1. RECEIVE TAE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 4, 1997 (TABLED NNE 23, 1997): RECEIVED THE MINUTE5 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 4, 1997. � FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 28, 1997 PAGE 2 � NEW BUSINES5: 2. RECEIVE TAE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 18, 1997 (TABLED JUNE 23, t997): RECEIVED THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 18, 1997. 3. SPECIAL USE PERMIT REOUEST, SP #97-05, BY KARL FOSTER, TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OVER 240 SOUARE FEET. GENERALLY LOCATED AT G654 EAST RIVER ROAD N.E. (WARD 3); Mr Burns, City Manager reported on the request by Karl Foster for a 24' X 24' garage The garage zs to be combmed with a 14' x 30' l�vmg space additton as an attachment to a 24' x 36' exisYmg dwelhng bailt m 1996 The adddional structure can be budt withm IoY coverage reqmrements Planrung Comrrussion unammously approved the request at the�r 7uly 16 meetmg, wrth three stipulat�ons (1) arcluYectural companb�Lty, (2) the structure shall not be used for a home occupation, and (3) hard surfaced driveways shall be constructed for both garages by July 31, 1998 Staff recommends Council's approval � GRANTED SPECL<1L USE PERMIT REQUEST, 5P #97-05, WITFI THREE 5TIPULAITONS: (1) THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED GARAGES AND DWELLING SHALL BE AItCffiTECTURALLY COMPATLBLE; (2) THE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE SAALL NOT BE USED FOR A HOME OCCUPATION; AND (3) HARD SURFACED DRIVEWAYS TO TIIE PROPOSED AND EXISTING GARAGES SFIALL BE CONSTRUCTED BY JULY 31, 1998. 4. VARIANCE REOUEST, VAR #97-10, BY KARL FOSTER, TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 10 FEET TO 6 FEET, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRIICTION OF A 14 FOOT x 30 FOOT ADDITION, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 6654 EAST RIVER ROAD N.E. (WARD 31: Mr Burns, City Manager, presented the request by Karl Foster for a reduction of reqwred side yard from 10 feet to 6 feet, as a variance is needed for the expansion of an ex�stmg non-confornung home built m 1928 The owner asked for the vanance m order to qualify for the "This Old House" tax deferment program The variance will enable the petit�oner to build the addit�on described m the prev�ous item The Appeals Commission approved the request by a two to one vote vv�th one strpulat�on 5taff recommends CounciPs approval � FR7DLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 28, 1997 PAGE 3 , GRANTED VARIANCE REQUEST, VAR #47-10, WITH ONE STIPULATION: IF THE PETITIONER CANNOT USE THE EXISTING FOUNDATION, THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE BROUGHT INTO CONFORMANCE WITH THE 10 FOOT SETBACK REQUII2EMENT. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 55-1997 APPROVING A SUBDIViSION. LOT SPL1T, L.S. #97-01 TO SPLIT 20 FEET FROM THE ADJACENT PROPERTY AT G70 DOVER STREET N.E. AND ADD IT TO 7965 RIVERVIEW TERRACE N.E. (L.S. #97-01, BY MONTE AND MICHELLE MAHER) iWARD 3) Mr Burns, Crty Manager, reported on the request by Monte Maher aslang that a 20 foot by 50 foot parcel of land be spl�t from property located at 670 Dover Street and added to petitioner's proper[y at 7965 Riverview Terrace By th�s action, the petrtioner will expand his side yard from 11 feet to 31 feet, and presumably wdl enable the construction of a future deck Wlule the lot spht does reduce the s�ze of an already non-conformmg lot from 8,600 square feet to 7,6�0 square feet, it �s staf�'s opmion that the reduct�on does not adversely �mpact the useable area of 670 Dover Street The request was approved unarumously by the Plamm�g Commission at lhe�r July 16 meetmg Staff recommends Council's approval ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 55-1997. � 6. RE50LUTION NO. 56-1997 APPROVING MN/DOT AGREEMENT N0.76204 WTTH THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT QF TRANSPORTATION FOR IMPROVING THE I-694 N.E. NORTHEAST RAMP. AND, RECEIVE BIDS FOR THE IMPROVENTENT OF INTERSTATE IiIGF[WAY I-694 N.E. RAMP TO TRUNK HIGHWAY 47 (UNIVER5ITY AVENUE), PROJECT NO. ST. 1997-3 (WARD 11: The Crty has prepared plans and specificat�ons for the ramp upgrade Council author�zed sohc�tation of bids for the pro�ect, and staff opened bids on 7uly 18, 1997 The low b�d was submitted by Forest Lake Construction at $453,496 O1 In addd�on to receivmg and awardmg the bid, Council �s bemg asked to approve an agreement with MnDOT Th�s agreement establ�shes that the Crty admm�sters the pro�ect while the State provides funds and mspects the pro�ect Staff recommends that Council approve the agreement with MnDOT, receive the bids, and award the contract for the co�struction of the I-694/TH47 ramp �mprovements to Forest Lake Constructton for $453,496 O1 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 56-1997. RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING B1DS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF INTER5TATE HIGAWAY I-694 N.E. RAMP TO TRUNK HIGHWAY 47 (UNIVERSITY AVENUE), PROJECT NO. ST. 1997-3: � FOREST LAKE CONSTRUCTION, $453,496.01; AND THOMAS & SONS CONSTRUCTION, $457,050.35. AWARDED TiIE CONTRACT TO THE LOW BIDDER, FOREST LAKE CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $453,496.01, FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF J[7LY 28, 1997 PAGE 4 � 7. RESOLUTTON IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION FOR A MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING PREM7SE PERMiT TO CL1MB THEATRE COMPANY LMAPLE LANES, 6310 HIGHWAY 65 N.E.) (WARD 2): CLIIv1B Theatre Company would replace Touno-Grace H�gh School as the holder of the lawful gamblmg prenuse perrrut for Maple Lanes CLIMB is a nonprofit theater company that provides mstruction to elementary and secondary school audiences Top�cs mclude v�olence prevention, substance abuse and add�ction, se�al harassment, and conservat�on (recyclmg) They are located m St Paul, and have done work in the Fr�dley, Anoka- Hennepm, Sprmg Lake Park and Brooklyn Center School Districts This fall, they are doing a five-day workshop on acceptance at Woodcrest Elementary They expect to benefit Fridley residents by providing theu chddren with effective programmmg Totmo- Grace High 5chool agreed to leave Maple Lanes after their lease ended, and they have no ob�echons to another charitable organization domg busmess there Staff recommends CounciPs approval ADOPTED RESOLUT70N NO. 57-1997. S. CLAIMS: AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF CLAIM NOS. 75555 - 75829. � 9. LICENSES: APPROVED THE LICENSES AS SUBMTTTED AND AS ON FILE IN THE LICENSE CLERK'S OFFICE. 10. ESTIMATES: APPROVED THE ESTIMATES AS FOLLOWS: Richmar Construction, Inc 7776 Alden Way, N E Fndley, MN 55432 Water Treatment Plant No 3 Pro�ect No 293 Est�mate No 11 � ------- ---------------------- $ 25,043 66 FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL NTEETING OF JUI.Y 28. 1997 PAGE 5 � Hardnves, Inc 14475 Quiram Dnve Rogers, MN 553374 Central Avenue Bikeway/Walkway Pro�ect No ST 1994 - 9 Estimate No 3 $ 16,207 95 S M Hentges & Sons, Inc 650 Quaker Avenue P O Box 69 Jordan, NIN 55352 Misc Concrete Curb & Gutter & S�dewalk Pro�ectNo 305 Estunate No 2 $ 10,958 25 No persons m the audience spoke regardmg the proposed consent agenda items MOTION by Councilman Bamette, to approve the wnsent agenda �tems Seconded by Councilman Billings Upon a voice vote, all votmg aye, Mayor Jorgenson declared the motron � camed unammously ADOPTION OF AGENDA: MOTION by Councdman Bil6ngs to adopt the agenda as subrrutted Seconded by Councilwoman Bolkcom Upon a voice vote, all voring aye, Mayor Jorgenson declared the motion carned unammously OPEN FORUM. VISITORS: Anoka Countv Sherift; Larry Podanv Shenff Podany addressed Council by prov�dmg a review of the Anoka County Sher�ff's Department and rts support role for area crties Serv�ces include a cnme lab currently available 16 hours a day The cnme lab responded 49 times m the Fridley area last year and 20 t�mes to date m 1997 The Multi-Agency Drug Taskforce has se�zed cash, weapons and vehicles m 36 cases this year The Anoka County Detention Facilrties processes about 10,000 people a year, mc]udmg 800 persons from the Fridley Police Department last year Anoka County Invest�gators paR�cipated m 130 cases m Fridley last yeaz and 47 cases so far m 1997 The Special Weapons Team responded to a Fndley call last year to assist the police m o6tammg a suspect, however the suspect committed suicide The Drug Enforcement Council works wrth trammg and central � records to share mfarmation Other programs provided by the 5henf�s Department mclude a seruor program called, "Are You Ok�" C A T (Catch Auto Th�eves) and the water safety program which mcluded the construction of boathouses on the Mississ�ppi River and Lake FWDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 28. 1997 PAGE G � George The Shenff's Department has received a grant for an Auto Theft Taskforce, to share mformation with area enforcement organ�zat�ons to reduce auto theft Copies of the County newsletter and Sher�ff's Report are available for further mformation Counc�lman Bdlmgs asked if an analys�s been done on user seroices by area/revenue Shenff Podany reported that the County �s tn the process of conductmg this analys�s to evaluate if revenue and services are equally d�stnbuted Councilman Barnette mquued about the cost of the proposed commumcaUon system Shenff Podany explamed that the State is loolcmg at utilizmg a S00 NII1Z communicaUon system for counties and crties to �om mto at a total cost of $11 milhon Anoka County will address th�s issue dunng the next e�ghteen months The Central Record System Grant will provide a service for all crties to access the databases of Anoka County, thus savmg time and providmg necessary reports for the courts Jerrv Johnson, 1298 52nd Avenue; Mike Teske, 1280 52nd Avenue Mr 7ohnson addressed Council about the contmumg storm sewer runoff problem Six years ago the area had a problem m wh�ch a new overflow system was mstalled The underground storm sewers meet m the 7ohnson and Teske backyards Mr Johnson reported that the last work completed appears to need some type of modificat�on, as the result of the recent ram storms as � water was holdmg m the�r yards (wa�st deep) It appears that there are a few solutions to address the problem, and the gentlemen wanted to make sure that the problem �s addressed m a timely manner Councilman Billings reported that Council is lookmg at altemat�ves, such as )ackmg a piece of pipe through the berm located at Bill Levy's propeRy as well as cost factors The last t�me this issue was addressed, the City thought rt had solved the problem However, the July storms are not usual and there have been some torrent�al ram The City vv�ll contmue to look at the problem, however, we may not be able to do enough to guarantee that th�s problem could be completely eltrrunated Maegie Nelson, 6090 Woodv Lane Ms Nelson addressed Council on July 14th regardmg storm sewer problems m her yard She was there again to request a status report Mr Flora, Pubhc Works D�rector, reported that the problem �s being �nvestigated One solution that may work is to lay a second storm water Lne prior to repainng the retammg wall The mformat�on wdl be presented to Councd m the next few weeks Mr Burns, Crty Manager said that quotes will be obtamed and spendmg �ssues will be discussed � FRIDLEY CI'CY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 28, 1997 PAGE 7 , Karl Foster, 8161 East River Road Mr Foster addressed Council about his umque mail box located on East River Road He has been mformed by Anoka County to remove the Model T madbox Therefore, Mr Foster is requestmg mput from the City Council, as he mtends to relocate the Model T further back m his yard and put a mannequm mside �t to serve as a tnbute to the postal service Councilman Bilhngs stated that the �ssue could be mterpreted as outdoor storage, and therefore, it �s not prolubited Secondly, this m�ght be a tribute to the U S Postal Service, but, at the same t�me, the reason for the ordmances are to try to mamtam a pleasant atmosphere m the city Other residents may not appreciate the tnbute Mayor 7orgenson suggested that Mr Foster contact Mr F3ickok for additional mformat�on regardmg ordmances 11. VARIANCE REOUEST BY JOHN AND JOETTE ZEMBAL, TO REDUCE TAE SETBACK OF AN ATTACFIED GARAGE FROM 4 FEET TO 3 FEET, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 7 FOOT X 38 FOOT ADDITfON TO AN EXISTING SINGLE CAR GARAGE, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 6821 5EVENTH STREET N.E. (WARD 1): Mr I�ckok, Plamm�g Coordmator, presented the vanance request of John and Joette Zembal requestmg a vanance be granted to reduce the s�de yard setback of an attached garage from 4 feet � to 3 feet ff the variance is granted the petittoners propose to construct a 7 foot by 38 foot addihon to the�r exishng smgle car garage The property is located on Seventh Street north of Miss�ssippi Street which �s zoned R-1, Smgle Fa�tuly Residential A smgle famdy dwellmg was constructed m 1957 w�th a smgle attached garage The code sectton would typ�cally allow Yhe expanston of both garages to wrthm 4 feet of the common lot lme (8 foot total separation) If variances to both properties were granted, the separation could be reduced to 6 feet (3 foot setbacks) creatmg a"tunnel" between structures The Appeals Commission action mcluded comments from two res�dents who were opposed and two residents who were m favor The Appeals Commission voted unammously to approve the request wrth two st�pulations (that the addition comply with umform buddmg and fire codes requirements and that the addrtion be architecturally compat�ble wrth the ex�stmg dwellmg ) Staff recommended that Counctl concur wtth the Appeals Commiss�on Councilman Barnette mqu�red about the nature of the neighbors' ob�ections Mr Hickok reported that the ne�ghbors were concerned that the smgle family character may not be mamtamed due to the lack of open space between the umts, therefore, the neighborhood would take on a different feel Councilman Billxngs requested clanFication that this variance �s a request for one foot � Councilman Bdlmgs reported that he drove by the property in takmg mto considerat�on the ob�ect�ons by the neighbor who is one block away from the said property and the mamtenance of the surroundmg properties, he recommended approvmg the variance request FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF �T[TLY 28. 1997 PAGE 8 ' MOTION, by Councilman BS1Lngs to approve Vaz�ance Request, VAR #97-11, wtth the follow�ng st�pulat�ons (1) the addrt�on shall comply wrth the Umform Buildmg and F�re Codes for fire protection requirements, and (2} the add�tron shall be azchrtecturally compat�ble with the existmg dwelhng Seconded by Councilman Barnette Upon a voice vote, all votmg aye, Mayor Jorgenson declared the motion carned unazumously 12. RESOLUTTON AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR TAE LiVABLE COMMUNTTIES DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM; AYDE PARK/5TTH AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (WARDS 1 AND 3): Barbara Dacy, Commumty Development Director, reported on the resolution authorizmg apphcarion for the Livable Communrt�es Demonstrat�on Program The MetropoLtan Lrvable Communrt�es Act provides funds for creative and innovatrve models of compact and effic�ent development Over the last several months Councd has discussed the improvement of 57th Avenue m the Hyde Park neighborhood This �s a good example of mixed land uses wrth commercial, mdustnal and mixed densit�es all m one area Umversity Avenue is an ex�stmg transrt corndor w�th a bus stop at 57th Avenue and Umversity Avenue The MCTO is explonng a Park and Ride location near Holiday Plus The 57th Avenue reconstruction will address safety and gateway issues The purpose of the applicat�on is to obtain grant funds to '9mk" all the p�eces together, for decorative street lights and addmg landscapmg as a visual ]mk A sidewalk along 57th Avenue and noRh on Third Street will provide a pedestnan ]mk Bus stop area � improvements to the shelters and landscapmg wdl provide a transit hnk The people hnk wdl mcorporate ne�ghborhood designed banners The total requested funds �s $252,000 for a grant award Ttus would save property owners and the IIRA $172,Q00 for street hghts and landscapmg $80,000 would be added for bikeway/walkway, transit and banner improvements If this �s not successful, it would not include the bikeway/walkway, trans�t or banner lmprovements The apphcat�on deadhne is August 8, 1997 Staff recommends that Councd approve the resolutton Councilwoman Bolkcom asked if it would bmd Councd if they approved th�s resolution Ms Dacy stated that the resolut�on only authonzes staff to proceed wrth the grant apphcaUon Councilman Bilhngs mquired as to what the procedure is for a Park and Ride s�te Ms Dacy reported that any MCTO plans would need to be approved by Council Neighborhood input would be requested, and an evaluation would be processed Councilman Billmgs suggested that a letter be sent to MCTO along with a copy to Fndley's Metropolitan Council representat�ve mformmg them that the Fndley Crty Council would Lke to be mcluded on any long-range plans for a Park and R�de srte Ms Dacy clanfied that the MCTO proposal was �nitiated by that agency It was mcluded as an mformation piece to notify the area of the park and nde srte act�vity It appears that Fndley lacks t}us facilrty Counctlwoman Bolkcom mqmred about Route 24 She said that her mam concern m locatmg a � Park and Itide srte near Hol�day Plus is that of bnngmg add�tional traffic to an already busy area Ms Dacy reported that Route 24 is the bus route gomg downtown FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 28. 1997 PAGE 9 � MOTION by Councilwoman Bolkcom to adopt the resolutton authonzmg apphcation for the Livable Communrt�es Demonstrat�on Program, Hyde Park/57th Avenue Improvement Pro�ects (Wards 1 and 3) Addit�onally, Councilwoman Bolkcom recommended that a letter be sent to the MCTO concerning Park and Ride s�te plamung Seconded by Councilman Billings Upon a vo�ce vote, all votmg aye, Mayor Jorgenson declared the motion carried unammously 13. RESOLUTION AUTFIORIZING INCLUSTON OF STREET LIGHT5 IN THE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR TRUNK AiGHWAY 65/LAKE POINTE DRIVE/CENTRAL AVENUE (WARDS 1 AND 2): Ms Dacy reported on the proposal to mstall 25, 4Q foot tall, 400 watt lugh pressure sodium lights from East Moore Lake Drtve to I-694 Interchange along Highway 65 approx�mately 150 feet apart The lustory on this request �s that the hghts were mcluded m the 1987 approval of mtersecUon �mprovement plans A 40 foot sharp angled pole wdh shoe box fixture was approved The proposed street hghts are commonly referred to as "Shepard's Hook" design The light fixture has flat glass, pomted down, with the pole pamted black or bronze The Lghts mstalled will add an amemty to an area to identify Fndley wlule decorating the highway to �mprove the City's iraage It will also improve drivmg visibility durmg the everung It is most cost effect�ve to mstall the hghts while the mtersection is under construction The cost is $120,00� w�th the C�ty and the I3RA sharmg costs at $60,000 each The Crty wdl be respons�ble for operatmg costs of $6,000 to $8,000 annually The HRA wdl consider a similar resoluhon on August 14, 1997 � meetmg An mformational hearmg was held on 7uly 10, 1997 at the Housmg and Redevelopment Authonty regular meetmg regarding the proposal to mstall 40 foot tall street lights along FLghway 65 Eight persons spoke in opposit�on to the proposal There was no testimony m support of the proposal Councilwoman Bolkcom mquired if the ne�ghborhood was mformed that the resolution would be on the agenda this evemng Ms Dacy reported that the July 28 date was announced at the IIRA meering Mayor Jorgenson mqmred if th�s �s a budgeted item Councdman Bdlmgs repLed negarively He said that rt would have to be budgeted for the1998 budget, therefore, �t requires three votes Councilman Barnette reported that he attended the 7uly lOYh meeYmg and heard Yhe opposrtion of the res�dents Councdman Barnette expressed lus support of the resolut�on m response to the concern for image as a necess�ty to market the Fndley area ln 1965 the area was destroyed Shortly after the tornado Fndley rebuilt very well Durmg the urban renewal term, an attempt was made to rebudd Umversrty Avenue, but it d�d not happen This resolutton is a step m the nght d�rectton to create an �mage Councilwoman Bolkcom agreed wtth Councilman Barnette She also felt that rt�s a very dark � area m need of hghtmg This �s another step m the nght direct�on for creatmg a positive �mage for Fndley FR7DLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF J[JLY 28, 1997 PAGE 10 ' Councilman Bilhngs indicated, m a brief discussion with Councilman Schnetder, that he was not m fauor of lightmg the causeway Councdman Bilhngs said that staff has done a very good �ob m pcesenhng this resolution Perhaps now �s not the nght time to proceed w�th th�s pro�ect smce Council does not have the consensus of the commumty Therefore, Councilman Bilhngs recommended that the issue be set aside to a]ater date � � Mayor Jorgenson reported that Fridley's �mage is a top�c that does need to be addressed However, this is a state lughway, and the $60,000 along wrth the $6,000 to $8,000 annual operat�on costs should come from the state Councflwoman Bolkcom mqu�red if the State of Mmnesota has been contacted regardmg hghting Ms Dacy reported that the State provides I�ghtmg on mterstate tughways only UPON A VOICE VOTE TAKEN ON THE ABOVE MOTION, Councilman Baznette and Councilwoman Bolkcom voted m favor of the motion Mayor Jorgenson and Councilman Bdlmgs voted agamst the motion Mayor Jorgenson declared the motion failed INFORMAL STATUS REPORT5 Mr Burns made note of Federal D�saster Loans that are available for the repa�r of businesses and homes that were damaged by floodmg water Loans are avadable up to $20Q000 to repair homes and up to $40,000 to replace personal property Interest rates vary, startmg as low as 4 percent The SBA is located m St Paul and office hours are 8 30 a m to 5 30 p m The deadlme for appl�cat�on �s September 18, 1997 Mr Burns requested that Counctl meet to discuss Recyclmg Center recommendations, Pomt of Sale, and storm sewer and storm damage clean-up Councilwoman Bolkcom reported that National Night Out is August Sth There are seventy parhes scheduled for Fridley netghborhoods She rerrunded everyone that there �s stdl time to sign up Mayor Jorgenson encouraged all res�dents to parttcipate ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Councilman Billmgs to ad�ourn the meetmg 5econded by Councilwoman Bolkcom Upon a voice vote, all votmg aye, Mayor Jorgenson declared the motion carned unammously and the regular meetmg of the Fridley City Council of 7uly 28, 1997 ad�ourned at 9 15 p m RespectffiIly submitted, ,�%�-�(�-�- �`��-���� Debbie Kidder Secretary to the City Counc�l � � � , � � � ������ ����, ancy J Jorgenson Mayor