02/09/2009 - 29223CITY COUNCIL MEETING
FEBRUARY 9, 2009
The City Council meeting for the City of Fridley was called to order by Mayor Lund at 7:30 p.m.
Councilmember-at-Large Barnette
Councilmember Saefke
Councilmember Varichak
Councilmember Bolkcom
OTHERS PRESENT: William Burns, City Manager
Fritz Knaak, City Attorney
Scott Hickok, Community Development Director
James Kosluchar, Public Works Director
City Council Meeting of January 26, 2009
William Burns, City Manager, asked that this matter be tabled to the February 23, 2009, City
Council meeting.
1. Second Reading of an Ordinance to Amend the City Code of the City of Fridley,
Minnesota, by Making a Change in Zoning Districts (Rezoning Request, ZOA #05-
03, by JLT East River Road, LLC, Generally Located at 5601 East River Road)
(Ward 3) (Tabled January 26, 2009).
William Burns, City Manager, stated at the January 26 meeting this item was tabled in order to
give the City Attorney time to assess what impact the terms of the Metropolitan Council's Tax
Base Revitalization Grant that had been given to JLT in 2006 may have on the City's ability to
allow a modified site plan.
Dr. Burns stated City Attorney Fritz Knaak and Jay Lindgren of Dorsey & Whitney, Attorney
for JLT, concur that there is no City liability created by the City's rezoning, based on a modified
site plan. The Metropolitan Council staff indicated that the grant was "closed out" in 2008.
Although there is no reason to expect a Metropolitan Council "claw back" on the $168,000
Metropolitan Council grant, JLT has indicated a willingness to accept an llth stipulation in
which they agree to indemnify the City for any liability that might have been created by
changing the original site plan. Staff recommends Council's approval of the second reading of
the ordinance.
2. Resolution Approving Agreement with the State of Minnesota Department of
Transportation for Replacement of the Existing Traffic Control Signal at Trunk
Highway 65 and Moore Lake Drive (Ward 2) (Tabled January 5, 2009).
William Burns, City Manager, stated resolution approves an agreement between the City and
MnDOT for replacement of the traffic signal equipment at Highway 65 and Moore Lake Drive.
MnDOT would like to replace the 34-year old signal this year. The agreement defines the shared
maintenance and capital cost responsibilities between the City and MnDOT. Capital costs will
be shared on a 50/50 basis. Major maintenance is the responsibility of MnDOT. Minor
maintenance, including lamp replacement and energy costs, is the responsibility of the City.
Dr. Burns stated Council had expressed concern that the new signal be built to accommodate
requirements associated with the future widening of the Moore Lake causeway on Highway 65.
Although MnDOT says it will not accommodate these requirements, they will provide a letter
indicating the City is not responsible for cost sharing in the relocation and restructuring of the
signal that may be needed for the future causeway widening project.
Dr. Burns stated staff recommends Council's approval of the MnDOT agreement.
3. Resolution Requesting Municipal State Aid System Construction Funds for
Construction of a Traffic Control Signal System at Trunk Highway 65 and Moore
Lake Drive (Ward 2).
William Burns, City Manager, stated this is a resolution requesting Municipal State Aid System
(MSAS) Funds for the City's share of the Highway 65/Moore Lake Drive signal replacement.
Staff recommends Council's approval.
4. Receive the Minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting of January 21, 2009.
5. Extension of Special Use Permit, SP #08-06, by Joe Papa, on Behalf of Hitching Post
Motorsports, to Allow a Repair Garage (Service Use) for the Motorcycles and
Recreational Vehicles that are Sold as Part of the Business, Generally Located at
7651 Highway 65 N.E. (Ward 2).
William Burns, City Manager, stated the petitioner, Joe Papa, has requested an e�tension of the
special use permit to allow him time to work out issues with a vendor and work out economic
issues that have kept him from constructing screening of an outdoor storage area required as a
condition for the permit.
Dr. Burns stated staff recommends granting the petitioner a six-month e�tension until July 1,
2009, to comply with conditions required for the issuance of his special use permit.
6. Resolution Ordering Improvement, Approval of Plans, and Ordering Advertisement
for Bids: Sanitary Sewer Lining Project No. 383.
William Burns, City Manager, stated this resolution approves plans and authorizes staff to seek
bids for the 2009 sewer lining project. The 2009 Capital Improvements budget includes
$180,000 for the sewer lining projects. Staff recommends Council's approval.
7. Resolution Ordering Advertisement Bids: 2009 Miscellaneous Concrete Repair
Project No. 384.
William Burns, City Manager, stated this resolution authorizes advertisement for bids for the
2009 miscellaneous concrete repair project. This project allows the City to do remedial
sidewalk, pavement and curb repair and replacement. This work is often required because of
utility repairs, deterioration, or driveway entrance improvements made by property owners. The
City has budgeted $45,000 for this work in 2009. Staff recommends Council's approval.
8. Resolution Authorizing Changes in Appropriations for the 2008 Budget for
November through December, 2008.
William Burns, City Manager, stated these are changes that arise as a result of unforeseen
expenditures, donations, other revenues, and reclassification of accounts. In November and
December, those changes include $68,796 in General Fund and $3,000 in Springbrook nature
Center revenues and expenditures. All of the expenditure changes re covered by unexpected
donations or revenues from external sources. Staff recommends Council's approval.
9. Claims (140442-140626).
10. Licenses.
Councilmember Barnette asked that Item Nos. 2 and 3 be removed.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked that Item Nos. 1, 4, 5, and 8 be removed.
MOTION by Councilmember Barnette to approve the consent agenda with the removal of Item
Nos. 1-5 and 8. Seconded by Councilmember Saefke.
MOTION by Councilmember Bolkcom to approve the agenda with the addition of Item Nos.
1-5 and 8. Seconded by Councilmember Saefke.
1. Second Reading of an Ordinance to Amend the City Code of the City of Fridley,
Minnesota, by Making a Change in Zoning Districts (Rezoning Request, ZOA #05-
03, by JLT East River Road, LLC, Generally Located at 5601 East River Road)
(Ward 3) (Tabled January 26, 2009).
Councilmember Bolkcom asked what the following sentence from the third paragraph of his
letter meant: "Moreover, it does appear that the representations of the City would require it to
rezone the site as it had originally agreed to do."
Fritz Knaak, City Attorney, replied in the original proposed agreement, part of what the City
was actually required to do as part of development agreement was to approve the rezoning based
on the plan that was there. The fact that the City would not do so does not necessarily impose
any liabilities; however, it does create an argument the City had an obligation that it did not
fulfill at that time. By taking this action now, that argument is basically eliminated. The idea
was this was supposed to happen within a timeframe some time ago and it did not. An argument
could be made that the City had some commitment as part of this whole process to engage in this
rezoning at an earlier time. Of course it is discretionary. There is nothing that really requires it
do that, but that argument is out there. By engaging in this action, that argument goes away.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated the reason the second reading of the rezoning did not happen
was because the City was were waiting for a plan. We gave many e�tensions beyond the time
originally set up.
Attorney Knaak replied that is all very true. He did not say the City had no defenses. The City
has very good defenses. Nonetheless, the initial commitment was to have this matter rezoned
some time ago regardless of whether JLT was in large measure responsible for that.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated part of the other reason she tabled this was to make sure we
had all the right dates. She asked whether they are comfortable with the dates in Stipulation Nos.
2 and 7.
Scott Hickok, Community Development Director, said they were.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated she knows that it took a long time and the discussion at the last
meeting was a lengthy one, but they now have before them some good stipulations. It has also
been reviewed by our attorney and another attorney, and we are comfortable with what is
happening with respect to the Met Council. This is a unique property because even though the
Comprehensive Plan for 2030 has been approved by the City Council, it has not yet been
approved by all the agencies. She hopes this project goes forward. It is a very large property
that we felt should become a commercial property vs. industrial property because of its
uniqueness in both size and where it is located. She understands that because of economic issues
and other things, this could go on for some time, but they would probably hold the petitioner to a
stronger deadline.
MOTION by Councilmember Bolkcom to waive the reading and adopt Ordinance No. 1256 on
second reading with the following eleven stipulations and order publication.
1. Petitioner shall comply with the State of Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 for
environmental impact review.
2. Easement agreement between 7LT and US Corrugated to be filed allowing full access and
57th Avenue improvements to be made according to plan submitted and dated 11-26-2008
3. Petitioner shall submit user-specific site plans, including appropriate drainage and
landscaping details, prior to issuance of building permit for individual buildings.
4. Implementation of a traffic management plan, including any required infrastructure
enhancements, approved by the City for the corresponding site plan once specific users
are known.
5. All pertinent plats shall be applied for prior to issuance of building permit for buildings in
that portion of the development.
6. Developer to building in pedestrian access opportunities to serve the development. These
pedestrian plans shall be approved with each set of building plans, prior to issuance of
building permit for each building on site.
7. Architectural criteria submitted, prepared by: Kathy Anderson, Architectural Consortium,
dated 1-21-2009, shall be filed with the County and used as covenants for each future
building's design.
8. All Fire Department and Engineering Department concerns listed above shall be
addressed prior to issuance of building permits for building on this site.
9. Costs of any additional signal or infrastructure improvements deemed necessary to serve
commercial development on this site; by Anoka County, shall be borne by the developer.
10. The developer or successors shall agree to bringing back the project for further review
and re-approval, if the project substantially changes from the plan approved (Substantial
to be defined as a change in the number of buildings, change in types of uses, or a
modification to an individual building that adds or subtracts 20% or more to the
building's floor area.).
11. The petitioner has agreed to indemnify the City of Fridley from any and all Metropolitan
Council action, defense costs related to, or financial impacts that may be imposed as a result
of the modification of the original site plan; that was included in the Metropolitan Council
Grant Application Number: SG2006-75.
Seconded by Councilmember Saefke.
5. Extension of Special Use Permit, SP #08-06, by Joe Papa, on Behalf of Hitching Post
Motorsports, to Allow a Repair Garage (Service Use) for the Motorcycles and
Recreational Vehicles that are Sold as Part of the Business, Generally Located at
7651 Highway 65 N.E. (Ward 2).
Councilmember Varichak asked if there were any problems other than the storage units.
Scott Hickok, Community Development Director, replied, they have been a good business. It
was the storage area and screening that is the outdoor issue.
Councilmember Varichak asked if they were setting a precedence granting an additional
e�tension. She asked if they were going to send a letter strongly urging that they get it
completed in six months.
Mr. Hickok said they will be sending a letter. He said they would not be setting a precedence.
Each case has its own merits and its own unique history that needs to be considered. Winter
weather is one of those things. They would almost prefer that there be warmer weather for what
they need to do.
Councilmember Varichak asked if they have had any other e�tensions.
Mr. Hickok said no, he believed this was the end of the first term.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated her only concern was it goes until July. She would like to see
it done before then.
Joe Papa, General Manager of the Hitching Post, stated he had a couple of vendors lined up who
have filed bankruptcy. He is currently working with his fourth or fifth different vendor. The
other problem is economics. July is their selling season. Not a lot of motorcycles are being sold
Mayor Lund asked if he felt confident that he could have the scope of the work done.
Mr. Papa said he felt confident before, but he did not foresee his vendors going out of business.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated she understands the economic times with the vendors, but she
wants to put Mr. Papa on notice.
Mr. Papa said he is well aware of it.
MOTION by Councilmember Varichak to grant a six-month e�tension of Special Use Permit,
SP #08-06, by Joe Papa, on behalf of Hitching Post Motorsports. Seconded by Councilmember
No members from the audience spoke.
11. Special Use Permit Request, SP #09-01, by Glenn Nelson on Behalf of Samir
Awaijane of 7570, Inc., for Automobile Repair Uses Generally Located at 7570
Highway 65 N.E. (Ward 2).
Scott Hickok, Community Development Director, said that the petitioner, Glenn Nelson and
property owner, Samir Awaijane, have applied for a new special use permit for auto repair at
7570 Highway 65. Special Use Permit, SP #89-08, for auto repair was revoked in November
2008 for non-compliance of stipulations. The petitioner has applied for a new special use permit
to allow auto repair at this location. The Planning Commission is recommending approval. Staff
had initially recommended denial, but is now recommending approval due to changes at the
property since the time of application and the presentation made at the Planning Commission
Mr. Hickok stated the property is zoned M-1, light industrial. The smaller building was built in
1955. This building appears to have been destroyed in the 1965 tornados. A new building was
constructed in 1965. The rear second building was constructed in 1967. The rear building was
added on to in 1994 and they obtained a variance after building began.
Mr. Hickok stated the site has two warehouse buildings retrofitted for multiple tenants. The
back building has a paint booth and has now been vacated by Blue Diamond Auto. The front
building currently occupies Grand Central Auto Repair and Ronson Door Sales, Inc. Both of
these businesses are staying and there will be an additional two empty tenant spaces as Rhino
Auto is leaving.
Mr. Hickok stated the site plan revealed that neither building meets the 50' side yard setback
from residential on the south side. The rear building does not meet rear yard setback and is set
right up to the property line. Clear Channel has an easement across the front of the lot for access
to their billboard. There is a fenced in e�erior vehicle parts storage area in the rear of the site,
but there is no apparent record of an special use permit allowing e�terior storage. In addition,
this auto parts storage area is creating unsafe traffic flow on the site. The rear storage area is
where customer vehicles being serviced need to be stored.
Mr. Hickok stated the site currently contains 31 parking spaces. The petitioner's interior space
calculations show a need for 36 parking spaces which creates a deficit of five spaces. Once the
outside storage of the vehicle parts area and interior fence is removed, there will be room to add
at least five parking spaces in the rear of the site.
Mr. Hickok stated no new buildings or additions are proposed, so no additional landscaping is
required. No impervious surface is being added, so no storm water treatment is required. Staff
recommended denial of SP #09-01 at the public hearing because the owner and tenants had a
history of noncompliance. At the public hearing, the Petitioner convinced the Planning
Commission and staff that he was making changes. The Planning Commission recommended
approval of Special Use Permit, SP #09-01, with 17 stipulations. Stipulations 16 and 17 were
added at the public hearing. Staff concurs with the additional stipulations. The 6-month review
option is a feature to ensure prompt compliance.
Mr. Hickok stated petitioner is removing the outside storage and cleaning interior spaces to be
rented for office use. The Clear Channel easement has been provided and does not inhibit
parking. Petitioner is willing to meet the 30-day deadline on other stipulations.
Mr. Hickok stated Glenn Nelson is the manager of this site. He was hired by the owner of this
property to take care of the issues on the site. There was a concern because the owner of the
property now resides in Florida. If Council chooses to grant the special use permit, the following
stipulations are recommended:
1. Hours of operation shall be limited to Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and
Saturday and Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
2. The petitioner shall maintain any necessary Federal, State, and County hazardous
waste permits.
3. No outdoor storage of materials shall exist on the site.
4. Existing racking and structure on the south side of the rear building must be
removed within 30 days of issuance of SUP.
5. No sales of vehicles are allowed from this location.
6. Existing interior site fencing around previous outside storage area and on south
side of front building must be removed within 30 days of issuance of SUP. Fence
on southern and western boundary to remain to screen business from adjoining
residential property.
7. Area between front building and south property line fence needs to be landscaped
with vegetation and maintained. Fence at southeast corner of building to be
8. All customer vehicles awaiting repairs need to be stored in the rear yard of the
9. Petitioner must submit a revised site plan reflecting the addition of at least five
more parking spaces in the rear of the building.
10. All parking stalls must be striped and vehicles to be kept in defined stalls only.
11. Frontage road cannot be used for parking related to this business.
12. All buildings shall be compliant with all applicable Fire and Building Codes
within 30 days of issuance of SUP, including verification that spray booth and
sprinkler systems are functioning as designed.
13. Provide ventilation calculations for all tenant spaces in both buildings.
14. All structural lintels over garage door openings on front building shall be replaced
upon plan completion by a structural engineer and necessary permits issued
within 30 days of issuance of SUP.
15. A revised sign plan, which incorporates both buildings and the existing free-
standing sign shall be submitted for City Council approval within 30 days of
issuance of SUP. The revised sign plan needs to include a requirement that each
tenant leasing space within either of the buildings on site needs to display e�terior
building signage identifying the business to the public.
16. The petitioner will provide the City verification that Clear Channel's easement
shown on 7/12/07 survey does not prohibit parking or access
17. This Special Use Permit will be brought back to the Fridley City Council for
review six months after issuance to ensure continued compliance, and City staff
shall be given the opportunity to review any new leases before new tenants lease
available space.
Councilmember Varichak asked how long Rhino would remain on the site.
Mr. Hickok replied it is his understanding the business has been served notice, and they have a
short term to relocate.
Glenn Nelson, 7570, Inc., stated he wanted Rhino gone at the end of January. There were some
legal processes and they were not able to facilitate that. They are looking at a February 28 exit
Councilmember Varichak asked Mr. Nelson if they will have any problems with the 17
Mr. Nelson replied the only problem right now is with the metal racks. They are frozen into the
ground. It may take him until the end of February.
Councilmember Saefke stated as far as the parking is concerned, Mr. Hickok stated there would
be no more storm water remediation done. He asked if it was paved in the back.
Mr. Hickok replied, yes, it is. Even under that storage area where the fence will be removed. It
is paved almost to the property line.
Councilmember Saefke stated he read the Planning Commission meeting minutes and was quite
impressed. It seems to him that Mr. Nelson is doing a very good job on the property.
Mr. Nelson said they are going to be a good citizen.
Councilmember Bolkcom said with respect to Stipulation No. 14, what is a lintel?
Mr. Hickok replied it is over a door opening. For example, in the Council chambers behind you
(pointed to feature) there is a piece of stone all the way across the opening. That is the lintel that
is actually supporting the weight above it. In this case those needed help. They are structurally
inept and need to be replaced.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated they need to be replaced and there has to be a structural
engineer that brings the plan forward.
Mr. Hickok replied, that is correct.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated her understanding is the petition was made by Mr. Nelson.
She asked if it was actually signed by the owner.
Mr. Hickok said it was signed by the owner. Mr. Nelson indicated that the owner would not be
involved in the discussions on this matter. Part of the agreement between the owner and the
manager is the manager will do all of the management of the site. The owner is not going to be
Councilmember Bolkcom stated if the special use permit is passed tonight, the owner would
also get a copy of this along with all the stipulations. That way he could not come back at some
point in time and say, for example, that he did not know about Stipulation No. 14.
Mr. Hickok replied, yes.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked what happens if Mr. Nelson leaves.
Mr. Hickok said this is a special use permit. If they find in six months that it is not performing,
it could go away, or any month after that.
MOTION by Councilmember Varichak to approve Special Use Permit Request, SP #09-01, by
Glenn Nelson on Behalf of Samir Awaijane of 7570, Inc., with the following seventeen
1. Hours of operation shall be limited to Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and
Saturday and Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
2. The petitioner shall maintain any necessary Federal, State, and County hazardous waste
3. No outdoor storage of materials shall exist on the site.
4. Existing racking and structure on the south side of the rear building must be removed
within 30 days of issuance of SUP.
5. No sales of vehicles are allowed from this location.
Existing interior site fencing around previous outside storage area and on south side of
front building must be removed within 30 days of issuance of SUP. Fence on southern
and western boundary to remain to screen business from adjoining residential property.
Area between front building and south property line fence needs to be landscaped with
vegetation and maintained. Fence at southeast corner of building to be removed.
All customer vehicles awaiting repairs need to be stored in the rear yard of the site.
Petitioner must submit a revised site plan reflecting the addition of at least five more
parking spaces in the rear of the building.
All parking stalls must be striped and vehicles to be kept in defined stalls only.
Frontage road cannot be used for parking related to this business.
All buildings shall be compliant with all applicable Fire and Building Codes within 30
days of issuance of SUP, including verification that spray booth and sprinkler systems are
functioning as designed.
13. Provide ventilation calculations for all tenant spaces in both buildings.
14. All structural lintels over garage door openings on front building shall be replaced upon
plan completion by a structural engineer and necessary permits issued within 30 days of
issuance of SUP.
15. A revised sign plan, which incorporates both buildings and the existing free-standing sign
shall be submitted for City Council approval within 30 days of issuance of SUP. The
revised sign plan needs to include a requirement that each tenant leasing space within
either of the buildings on site needs to display exterior building signage identifying the
business to the public.
16. The petitioner will provide the City verification that Clear Channel's easement shown on
7/12/07 survey does not prohibit parking or access
17. This Special Use Permit will be brought back to the Fridley City Council for review six
months after issuance to ensure continued compliance, and City staff shall be given the
opportunity to review any new leases before new tenants lease available space.
Seconded by Councilmember Barnette.
12. Preliminary Plat Request, PS #09-01, by Select Senior Living, to Replat 5 Lots to
Allow for the Construction of a Senior Living Project, which will Consist of
Independent Living Units, Memory Care Units, and Assisted Living Units,
Generally Located at 1314 and 1340 Mississippi Street, and 6461, 6441 and 6421
Central Avenue N.E. (Ward 2).
13. Master Plan Amendment, MP #0901, by Select Senior Living, to Allow for the
Construction of a Senior Living Project, which will Consist of Independent Living
Units, Memory Care Units, and Assisted Living Units, Generally Located at 1314
and 1340 Mississippi Street, and 6461, 6441 and 6421 Central Avenue N.E.
(Ward 2).
Scott Hickok, Community Development Director, stated he would like to present Items 12 and
13 together. Petitioner is requesting a plat to create two new parcels to construct a senior
housing building. A master plan amendment was also requested. When any property is rezoned
to S-2, it is required it be accompanied by a site plan that will ultimately be the master plan for
the site. Since the proposed project is different than what was originally approved with the
rezoning of this property, a master plan amendment is now required. The petitioner is proposing
to construct a three-story, 141-unit building with 60 independent living units, 27 memory care
units, and 64 assisted living units. All the units will be between 470 and 1,003 square feet. They
are "for rent" units, not "for sale" units. The developer will include 84 underground heated
garage parking stalls and 32 surface parking stalls as well. The building will have a hipped roof
and will be brick veneer. It will have two colors of lap siding on the e�terior, and some units
will have balconies. The architecture is very attractive.
Mr. Hickok stated by designing the building to be located as close to what the City Code would
allow if this was an R-3 site to the west property line, the petitioner is proposing to keep as many
of the existing mature trees as possible.
Mr. Hickok stated the Petitioner plans to install a 6-foot privacy fence along the south and east
sides of the property. The site will be landscaped with new deciduous, coniferous, and
ornamental trees along with shrubs, perennials, and annual plantings to provide a welcoming
entrance to the development.
Mr. Hickok stated Petitioner is seeking to replat five lots to create two lots. The reason is that
some of the property is torrens and some is abstract. Anoka County does not allow the
combination of these different types of land without first getting Registration of Land Titles by
District Court Order, which can be a very lengthy process. Instead the developer is choosing to
create 21ots, which will be required to be combined to allow for the development to occur.
Mr. Hickok stated rezoning a property to S-2 Redevelopment District allows for some degree of
flexibility when designing a redevelopment project; however, City staff has asked the Petitioner
to design their project to try and meet the rezoning classifications most similar to its intended use
which would be R-3, Multi-Family Residential. The R-3, Multi-Family, code states the average
lot area required per dwelling is 2,500 square feet for the units on the first three stories with an
additional 950 square feet per unit from the fourth through si�th stories. The S-2 district
classification will allow the proposed land-to-unit ratio without a variance.
Mr. Hickok stated there will be a stipulation with the recommendation on this project that
requires that the building continue to be used with the resident population ratios as proposed. If
not, they will need to purchase additional land, and a master plan amendment would be required
prior to resident ratio modification. The reason for that is if they should reduce the number of
memory care or assisted living and increase the amount of independent living units, that would
mean more cars and we would ask them to go with more of an independent living ratio instead of
this lower number of stalls allowed because of it being memory care and assisted living.
Mr. Hickok stated the proposed project is in compliance with lot coverage, parking, height, and
all setback requirements except the rear yard setback So, even though it is an S-2, it is designed
really like an R-3 project. The R-3 code does require a 25-foot rear yard setback, and the
proposed building is setback at 23 feet 2 inches. The rear yard in this case is the one that is
furthest from Mississippi. It is not the one that is to the east but the one to the south that backs
up to the properties. There are single-family residential homes on 64th Avenue.
Mr. Hickok stated Anoka County is requiring that additional right-of-way be dedicated along
both Old Central and Mississippi Street. As a result, the rear yard falls short of ineeting the 25-
foot requirement by 2 feet 10 inches. Flexibility though is allowed in the S-2 District, and the
diminished setback can be recognized under the City's master plan amendment approval and no
variance would be required. They have been very good about keeping this an R-3 development
basically with the exception of that setback.
Mr. Hickok stated Petitioner is also requesting a master plan amendment to the original master
plan approved as part of the 2005 rezoning for this site. The original rezoning and master plan
were approved to allow the construction of a mixed-use building with 10,492 square feet of retail
on the lower level and then a 70-unit owner occupied condominium project above. Despite the
fact that the preliminary plat rezoning and the master plan were all approved for this site, the
project never came to fruition because the final plat was never submitted for approval. If the
master plan amendment being discussed is approved by the City Council, it should be noted that
any major modifications to this site plan would again require that it come back before the City
Council for review and approval.
Mr. Hickok stated the 2020 Comprehensive Plan was developed with resident input taken from
several meetings held between 1998 and 2000. The rezoning was approved for the DeMello
project because it was within the City's vision laid out in the Comprehensive Plan. The
proposed senior project meets several of the objectives residents of Fridley identified in the
visioning sessions for the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. One of the goals identified through those
meetings and a telephone survey was to "Maintain Fridley as a desirable place to live." Ways to
accomplish that goal are to provide more housing diversity and to make Fridley a place where
the aged can stay. Only about 8 percent of Fridley's housing is of the townhome or
condominium structure type, yet 23 percent of Fridley's residents are over 55 or were in 2000.
To accommodate Fridley's senior citizens' desires to live in a maintenance-free housing
situation, more types of senior housing need to be constructed. The Comprehensive Plan does
show the area of Old Central between Mississippi and Rice Creek Road as an area for
redevelopment. The Economic and Redevelopment Plan in the 2030 Comprehensive Plan states
that the City should continue to pursue a variety of housing types in this area.
Mr. Hickok stated Petitioner hired Maxfield Research to complete a Preliminary Demand
Estimate for Senior Housing in Fridley; and the analysis takes into account the demand for
independent living, assisted living, and memory care. They have calculated demographics,
economics, and other competitive factors that would impact the current demand in the
marketplace. They feel very comfortable with the project that they have. The market area in
which Maxfield analyzed also included Columbia Heights, Spring Lake Park, and Hilltop. The
analysis indicates that there is a demand in the Fridley area for 200 units of this nature.
Mr. Hickok stated the City's 2030 Comprehensive Plan indicates that in 2005 the portion of Old
Central adjacent to the proposed project carried 8,900 vehicles per day. At this traffic level, it is
carrying almost the exact amount of traffic the roadway was designed and constructed to carry
and to function at a level of Service D. The 2030 Comprehensive Plan anticipates that Old
Central will be carrying over 10,000 vehicles per day by the year 2030. At 10,000 vehicles per
day, Old Central will be at its capacity. As a result, Anoka County is requiring additional right-
of-way with this plat to ensure that the additional land needed is available to eventually expand
the roadway.
Mr. Hickok stated Petitioner had Foltz, Freeman, Erickson, Inc., perform a traffic analysis on
the proposed use, using methods and rates published in the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7`h
Edition (ITE) which is the industry standard. They used the assisted living land use category in
the ITE manual to determine that the proposed senior project would generate a total of 433 trips
per day if all 158 beds within the complex were occupied. Independent living land use would
generate a total of 340 trips per day if all 158 beds were occupied. The consultants used the
number for the Assisted Living use to provide the worst-case scenario for traffic at this facility
because it generates more traffic than an Independent Living land use. This can be attributed to
the fact that an assisted living facility requires the need for more employees. Also, it should be
noted that according to the ITE manual, studies have shown that less than 5 percent of the
residents in an assisted living facility own vehicles. If they do, they rarely drive them.
Employees, visitors, and delivery trucks make most of the trips to this facility. A delivery
vehicle coming and going is "two trips." The ITE manual also points out that the peak hour
generator typically does not coincide with the "peak hour" of the adjacent street traffic for an
assisted living facility. This is primarily related to the shifts of employees beginning at 7:00
a.m., 3:00 p.m., and 11:00 p.m. The typical peak hours on most roadways are between 6:00 to
7:00 a.m. and 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. according to traffic analysis standards.
Mr. Hickok stated Petitioner hired Graham Environmental Services Inc. (GES) to complete a
Wetland Evaluation Report for this project and, based on their findings, no wetlands exist on this
site. The petitioner has submitted the proposed project to the Rice Creek Watershed for the
necessary approvals and that review is underway. Once the Rice Creek Watershed folks have
reviewed the plan and approved, the City's Engineering staff will further review this project.
Mr. Hickok said Petitioner has stated that storm water management for this site will be handled
in an underground drainage system. The cost of those underground drainage systems are very
high, but it allows them to put it underground and keep more landscape on the surface and keep
more open space. By having this alternate design they can work around the trees on the site.
Mr. Hickok stated Petitioner held a neighborhood meeting on January 12, and about 20 to 25
people attended. Specific information about that meeting would be best provided by the
petitioner. The Planning Commission held a public hearing for these items on January 21. After
receiving public comment and having a short discussion, the Planning Commission unanimously
recommended approval with twenty-two stipulations. Staff recommends concurrence with the
Planning Commission's recommendation.
Commissioner Varichak asked if Petitioner had any problems with the 22 stipulations.
Mr. Larson replied, no.
Commissioner Varichak asked whether he has the proper financing for doing this project.
Mr. Larson said he had partners. He does not have financing, but feels very comfortable that
they will be able to get the financing. In today's economy, the banking industry changes daily,
so it is always a challenge. They are closing on a site in Mounds View the last week of February
which is a$12 million site, and their ne�t one will be this one.
Councilmember Saefke asked for an explanation on the difference between Torrens and
abstract properties.
Mr. Hickok said abstract property is probably the most common property. Torrens property
goes back to a formal but court-ordered way of describing land. Because it comes by virtue of
court order, it takes actually a court order to change that back There is a formal process and by
order of the court then they could have that description changed and an abstract designation put
on the property. We experienced that on the southwest quadrant. We went through a process
whereby the developer had some abstract and torrens property. In that case they felt more
comfortable going and asking the court to change it. We have other situations out there where
there is development and there is a mixed of torrens and abstract where the County is okay with
it being a tax parcel but they will not blend the lot lines. They need to keep that distinct unless
the court otherwise orders. He asked Attorney Knaak if he had anything to add.
Fritz Knaak, City Attorney, said Minnesota has two different systems for recording land. One
is the normal abstract systems where it is described in metes and bounds, or if you have a plat
that has been platted you can just sell it based on those descriptions. Minnesota also has a
system called the "torrens" system where you basically start a legal proceeding. The purpose is
to make your title good through a declaration of the court. You then get a Torrens Certificate or
an Owner's Certificate. It is considered a far more secure way of owning property. To do
anything, whether you put a mortgage on it or anything like that, you actually have to have it
specifically recorded on the certificate and there is a formal process you follow. The two
systems are parallel. A torrens property can be right ne�t to an abstract parcel. The hope was
that the whole state would eventually go torrens and it has not happened.
Councilmember Saefke said he noticed in the Planning Commission that Petitioner intends to
save as many mature trees as possible. He asked what percentage of trees could be saved. He
said he also noticed Mr. Larson has a 90 square foot tree spade.
Mr. Larson replied he is one of the few developers who actually likes trees. They do have a tree
spade. Their intentions are to use that as much as they can. On the landscape plan they have
indicated a lot of trees on the backside. Depending on what kind of tree it is and how it looks,
they may take it down. Their intention is to put up some more trees to buffer the side yard.
Councilmember Saefke stated he also noticed Mr. Larson had some discussion with one of the
neighbors about fencing, and he seemed very amenable to working with the neighbors on the
kind of fencing that they want. One proposal is a six-foot high wooden fence.
Mr. Larson stated at the neighborhood meeting he did talk to a gentleman who he thinks has the
adjacent property on the backside. He asked him what type of fence he wanted. At that point he
did not have one. If he wants the PVC-type fence that is maintenance free, they would be happy
to do or even if he wants a cedar fence. They are very open to that and can coordinate that
through staff. They want to be good neighbors. On the design of the building, they also kept the
balconies off the back of the building so they are not looking down on top of the neighbors in
their backyards. The balconies are on the front and on the Mississippi Street side.
Councilmember Saefke asked Mr. Larson if this building is going to be comparable to the
Norwood Square building.
Mr. Hickok replied, comparable in terms of age-restricted, that it has a hip roof on it and it has
some brick on it. He said he though it was more comparable to the Noah's Ark building and the
Banfill building.
Councilmember Saefke asked whether the front of the building will be facing Old Central.
Mr. Larson replied, correct.
Councilmember Saefke asked if that is where the entrance would be.
Mr. Larson replied, correct.
Councilmember Saefke asked if there would be a right turn lane into the development.
Mr. Hickok replied there is no plan because of the volume of traffic for one, to put a turn lane
into their front drive. One of the things that did evolve through their discussions with the County
was that they limited access to Old Central to one access point. That is taken at the point back
where the DeMello project had its access point with the idea that once development happens
across the street, they will be looking across at access points, and it would line up the way we
would want it to. If the roadway is widened, there may be a different design.
Councilmember Saefke stated there has been some criticism about the size of the units. He said
his house is only 938 square feet and two kids and two adults have lived there for almost 40
years just fine. A facility that is very necessary. He does believe that our community is getting
older and there is a need for this type of housing. Some of the concerns of the neighbors have
been taken care of and he thinks Mr. Larson is very willing to work with them. He thinks it is
good project.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked if there were any concerns related to the Rice Creek Watershed
James Kosluchar, Public Works Director, said they looked at the grading plan which does not
seem to be a problem. He does not know the particulars on the underground storage system.
Rice Creek has a fairly elaborate set of rules and instructions that professionals will follow in a
design for a building like this.
Councilmember Bolkcom said but we do not see it at this point because they have only looked
at the grading. They do not really look at any of the other issues until after the Rice Creek
Watershed District gives their approval.
Mr. Kosluchar agreed.
Councilmember Bolkcom said she wanted to go on record that she thinks they either need to
have the maintenance free fence or a wooden fence. She does not think a chain link provides
enough privacy.
Mr. Larson said their intention is to do either wood or maintenance free. Not a chain link.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked about variances.
Mr. Hickok stated a 7-foot fence is allowed in the residential district and is very typical.
Mr. Larson stated he is okay with a 7-foot fence if that is what the neighbors and the City want.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked, as far as variances, if this was not an S-2, the only variance
they are looking at is 2 feet 10 inches.
Mr. Hickok replied, yes. If we were talking about "for sale" condominiums, we would be
talking about 2,500 square feet of land per unit. But we are not. We are talking about an
assisted living memory care facility where the units are small and that, too, is recognized through
the S-2. It is not that pure formula of one unit per 2,500 square feet that you would find if this
were "for sale" condominiums or something else.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked but it is not decreasing in any way the green space or any of
our requirements. The only real variance here is because of it being an S-2. They are not
requesting to have any less green space.
Mr. Hickok said we made a te�t amendment to the City Code, to recognize that certain types of
senior living would have less demand for parking. There is no commercial included like the
previous project, so the parking requirements are reduced. There will be a lot more green space
on this site.
Mr. Larson stated with respect to the 2 feet, it is just a stairway that is coming out of the
building that is encroaching.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked about the traffic generated at the site.
Mr. Hickok replied the ITE Manual for owner-occupied units has a number of 7 trips per day if
he is not mistaken and, at 7 trips per day, they would be looking at over 900 trips for this
development. In the presentation, he believed they said the numbers were 480 or 344, depending
on whether they used all independent living or a mix with memory care. The trips generally are
from staff, deliveries and visiting family members, not from the residents.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated from her experience with assisted living and memory care,
there are staff there but it not an incredible increase of staff.
Mr. Larson replied, you will see 1 per 15. Staff park inside and underneath.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked about the shifts--staff working between 7 and 3 and 11 o'clock
at night. She said she thought the peak morning hours would be 7 to 8 o'clock She asked if
there would be any problems.
Mr. Hickok stated the distinction is if there are any residents with cars there who drive, they are
not going out at those peak hours.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated they are talking about probably half the traffic than the
previous development.
Mr. Hickok said he thinks maybe more like an eighth, because the previous project was for an
owner-occupied unit for what they call "active adults" starting at age 55.
Mr. Larson stated their average age is 80 years old. They are there because they need to be
Councilmember Bolkcom stated staff said Stipulation No. 20 says if there was a major
modification in the plan that they would have to come back before Council.
Mr. Hickok said they have much more protection with the S-2 because you do not make a
modification to the footprint of the building without coming back before Council. If you are
going to change the master plan it is going to come back to the Council.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated she went on-line and looked at other facilities with assisted
living and memory care. She looked at the sizes because someone made the comment that these
were small. They are not. They are about the same size you would see at other places. Our
community needs this. Rental property does not concern her. She knows there was also some
question about Section 8, and this is not something that would be in this facility other than the
Anoka County vouchers. It is a wonderful opportunity for people in our own community. She
understands the petitioner is going to be working with the neighborhood. Keeping the big trees
is huge. Also, there is the underground water storage and they do not have to deal with a
ponding issue. It looks like a quality project.
Councilmember Barnette said if the plan ever needs to be modified or anything, it has to come
back before the City, correct?
Mr. Larson replied, correct.
Councilmember Barnette asked Mr. Larson, using his facility in Coon Rapids, could he give
them a rough percentage of couples vs. singles residing there.
Mr. Larson said he believes they have two couples in the building. It is just opening now. By
the end of February they should have about 40 residents in it out of the 90-unit building.
Councilmember Barnette asked if there is an association agreement and if they have a say in
how the association is run.
Mr. Larson said there is no. However, they do have monthly meetings with their residents and
get their input on food and activities. They have a full-time activities director. They have full-
time nursing and full-time chefs. There is a lot of common space, so when people start talking
about room sizes, they are basically sleeping in their rooms. They have the ability to have a one-
bedroom plus den if they can afford it, or they can have an efficiency if that fits their budget.
Councilmember Barnette asked about the memory units. He asked if the County would get
involved if there was a need for placement of a person under 55 in a memory unit and if they
would be required by law to provide a unit.
Mr. Larson replied, if a doctor or nurse assessment says there is a 45-year old person who needs
to have memory care, they will look at that, although they are not advertising for that. There
may be laws about that, and they do have to obey them.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated there is some question about actually increasing the kitchen to
have congregate dining and that other seniors could go there and eat. She asked if it would
generate an additiona1340 trips if all 158 beds were occupied.
Mr. Larson stated budgets are getting tightened up, and Meals on Wheels and all the other
programs are starting to disappear. They would like to be able to market to some of those people
who are 72, 73, or 74 years old who have a friend here and want to come and have lunch with
their friend. They are designing and making the dining hall a little bit bigger to invite those
people to come and have dinner or lunch. It would be surprising if they had 20 people a day
e�ra stop in and have lunch. They are going to open it up to seniors so they can get a feel for the
Councilmember Bolkcom said that was her only concern. She knows that at the Fridley
Community Center a fair amount of seniors from other communities come to the lunches. She
was wondering about the increased traffic, but he is saying it would be big enough to
accommodate no more than about 20 to 25 people.
Mr. Larson replied, somewhere in that range. He does not know the exact number but they are
making it a little bit bigger. There is also a little cafe out front that seats 10 to 12 people so that
could be another area a group could sit and visit and have lunch together at a cheap price--$3, $4,
or $5 a meal. It is just something they want to offer seniors.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked if the trips would generate additional traffic.
Mr. Hickok said those are blended into the visitation trips already.
Councilmember Bolkcom said there was a public hearing on this matter before the Planning
Mr. Hickok said the two items before them require a public hearing before the Planning
Mayor Lund said he would like to give the people present in the audience an opportunity to give
them new information. They have the minutes from the Planning Commission. There was also a
neighborhood meeting held as well.
Pam Reynolds, 1241 Norton, stated one of the things she is wondering about is the replat to two
lots. In 2005, Mr. DeMello sought to replat the multiple lots to one lot. This was granted by
Council. Now the developer is seeking to make two lots because of land recording issues. Her
research took her to the Anoka County property tax records where it showed the property on
Mississippi is abstract and the other one was changed to abstract on February 3 and was
previously Torrens to January 30, 2009. With respect to the properties on Old Central, it shows
one changed to abstract on February 3, 2009, that was previously Torrens through January 30,
2009. Strangely enough, 6441 and 6461 did not appear on any property records at the County or
at the City self zoning. She asked how much of the original plan remains in tact. Does the
County still recommend the 64th Avenue access. There was really no discussion about what the
landscaping will be. There was no discussion regarding the alley easement that people in the
neighborhood had a concern with previously. She said the storm water issues seem to have
disappeared. In 2005 there was concern by Jon Haukaas that there was a problem there. Nancy
Jorgensen said there was a problem there. A document from the Rice Creek Watershed said
there was really no way to tell what the impact would be until the project was built. She is not
sure how much of a difference putting the water underground is going to make. They did find
there was a problem with the underground parking and that is why they built it at grade and
bermed it. In 2005 and in Planning Commission meetings, Stacy Stromberg said that R-3 was
the closest. The DeMello project pretty much had to meet those R-3 requirements, and she
believes our zoning code language in 2005 said it needs to meet the closest. Now the Planning
staff is saying that the S-2 has some special leeway. Our City Code S-2 does absolutely nothing
to describe what the lot lines are and what the usages are. It refers you back to City Code for an
"S" District which tells you nothing.
Ms. Reynolds stated this proposed project is 142,847 square feet with a proposed footprint of
47,508 square feet, giving it a 33.26 percent lot coverage. In an R-3 it would be a max of 30
even with underground parking. The DeMello project was 26.67 percent, and that was one of the
11 reasons given for denying that project was the amount of lot coverage. The R-3 requirement
is what was used on the old one, and she does not understand how a master plan amendment
changes what code requirement they have.
Ms. Reynolds stated Ms. Stromberg noted that the proposal meets several of the goals in the
Comprehensive Plan. However, the one thing she failed to mention is that the citizen survey
identified single-level senior housing as the desire of 67 percent of those polled. Assisted living
and those things came in there, too. She went back and looked at the paperwork from the
DeMello project. Some of the concerns are still very valid. One of those was the height of the
proposed structure on the parcel in the development would significantly block sunlight and
impede the view of adjoining residential development more than what they currently enjoy. All
of a sudden a different developer, and the size of the building becomes okay. She still has a
concern using that piece of property for such a huge building. She wonders what the impact is
and what the possibilities will be for developing the other side of the street. She thinks there are
some issues with the zoning.
Ms. Reynolds stated is also concerned with the number of projects the Petitioner has going on.
They have projects in Coon Rapids, Mounds View, and it is her understanding there is one in
Stillwater. She is also concerned about the cost.
Mr. Hickok said this developer is not getting benefits the other developer did not. The height of
the building, for example, is precisely the same as the DeMello Project.
Mayor Lund asked what the mid-roof height was.
Mr. Hickok replied, 35 feet at mid span.
Mr. Hickok stated the point in coming back for a master plan amendment is that the original
plan did not stay in tact. There is a new footprint, and there is a new project here. Also, they
may recall along the right-of-way side of the road, in the northwest corner of the site, the
DeMello Project had a deficiency that had to be recognized by the S-2 District. This 2-foot 10-
inch variance is much less than the deficiency that revealed itself through the DeMello Project.
Mr. Hickok stated regarding an easement that land locks the land, that does go back to a time
when there was a discussion about a property on 64th that has a right-of-way that runs along the
east side of that property and then dead-ends at their back property line. There was some
discussion during the DeMello project about access. This project does not go down to 64tn
Avenue, so it cannot even be considered here. With respect to the alley behind the building, the
developer has not sought to do anything different other than develop the land they own here. An
alley has not been an issue.
Mr. Hickok said storm water issues go to the Rice Creek Watershed District and only after they
have been thoroughly reviewed do they go to our engineers.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked if it was less of an issue because of the underground parking.
Mr. Hickok stated it is less of an issue. Anytime you limit the hard surface on a site, you are
eliminating some of the runoff. With respect to the landscaping and what will be required, there
was no relaxation of the landscaping requirements for this developer. There is a relationship
between the size of the building and/or the size of the lot and the number of trees that are
planted. That is what is used by staff to calculate whether the project meets the requirements or
Mr. Hickok said the S-2 District is predicated on the master plan. Council has the ability to
approve a project based on its master plan. We ask the developer to match the R-3 as close as
they can. Staff tries to alleviate any problems by asking the developer to do this. It is not a
requirement or law. We are doing that to help make the project blend in the area and make it as
close to the R-3 District as possible. It is based on a master plan, and Council, in its discretion,
can approve a plan that is very, very different than the R-3. With respect to lot coverage, there is
some benefit to parking underneath the building, and it is an incentive for developers because
they can do a bigger footprint if they put the parking underneath the building. It does limit the
surface parking outside and goes a long way to maximizing the green space and the overall
aesthetics of the development.
Mr. Hickok stated regarding blocking access to light, in the R-1 District, they can go that high.
Someone can build a house that is multi-stories high and have the same issue. If you saw a
shadow study on this site, the argument about the shadow would go away pretty quick.
Mr. Hickok said this developer is not being given any breaks.
Mayor Lund stated regarding the DeMello project being under the 30 percent and this one at 33
percent, even though the parking may be less, diminishing the need for some storm water
storage, the footprint is larger. Is it correct this is exceeding it by a little over 3 percent?
Mr. Hickok stated there is a 10 percent benefit basically for a building. This really gives you
the benefit or the incentive to put the parking under the building, and then you can go the fu1130
percent with the footprint of the building. With the S-2 master plan, they have some discretion.
They are not held to an R-3 standard. Staff asked the developer to get things down to an R-3
standard if they could.
William Burns, City Manager, asked Mr. Hickok to address Ms. Reynolds' concerns regarding
the two lots that do not appear to be on any property records.
Mr. Hickok said he believes it needs to be investigated further. With respect to property
changing from Torrens to abstract, he would go back to the original developer on this project
who probably did not understand that and came in believing that they could file a plat as one lot
but understanding that they would have to have a court ruling on that piece of property before it
could all become abstract. This developer determined what is Torrens or abstract. A preliminary
plat has been reviewed by the County surveyor. What they are saying is you have an abstract
piece here and you have to reconcile those. You do not have to change it to abstract and have the
entire lot that way, but you do have to recognize that they cannot be joined and made one lot.
Mr. Larson stated he has a site plan that is basically the same thing the Council has as a
landscape plan, except the landscape plan will identify the species of trees.
Mayor Lund asked if the plan showed every tree that will be on the site.
Mr. Larson replied yes.
Mayor Lund said either by saving a tree or planting a tree.
Mr. Larson replied correct.
Mr. Hickok stated up to a certain percentage, for every existing tree that they save, they can take
away trees that they would otherwise be required to plant. That is only a certain percentage of
the overall trees that they are required to plant there. They get a certain benefit that really
behooves them to keep as many of those trees as they can. They get a 2 to 1 ratio if it is over a
certain size.
Mr. Larson said the previous project was a"for sale" project. He is going to own this project
and put his name on it, so he wants a lot of trees. He wants the people who live there to have
trees. He wants it to be beautiful.
Mayor Lund stated but the neighbors recognize that it takes a long time for them to benefit from
those trees when you have a 35-foot tree at the midspan.
Mr. Larson said that is why they are trying to save as many as they can.
Ms. Reynolds stated at no time did she indicate that she felt this developer was getting
something special. She was merely interested in why Mr. DeMello was required to maintain an
R-3 standard, and this project does not. She said if it was originally platted as one lot, why is it
necessary to do it as two, unless Mr. DeMello did not file the final plat.
Mayor Lund stated that is correct. Mr. DeMello never filed it.
Ms. Reynolds stated her biggest concern with S-2 is exactly the fact that there is nothing in
writing that says what can go there, what it has to look like, what the perimeters are. So there are
guidelines that say he would have to reflect the closest thing to it.
Susan Okeson, 1423 — 64th Avenue NE, said she attended the Planning Commission meeting
and the meeting at the Community Center. At the time of the Planning Commission meeting, the
stipulations talked about properties on 64th Avenue. Mr. Hickok indicated that it was a mistake.
She asked if the original stipulations had been corrected.
Mr. Hickok replied, yes.
Ms. Okeson stated all she can say is the landscaping and maintain as much of the woods on the
property as possible is very important to the neighborhood. She asked what happens if a tree
dies after it is planted.
Mr. Hickok said once a landscape plan is approved, it is required. It does not matter if it is
within the first year or 14 years down the road. When the tree dies it needs to be replaced. If
they were counting on an existing tree for their count, if the roots get damaged, etc., and the tree
dies, remembering that the ratio then is 2 trees to 1, they will come back with two trees for one of
those mature ones as a replacement.
Mayor Lund stated regarding a living fence, there has been discussion here about no chain link
fence, and that it needs to be either the maintenance free (PVC over lumber) or just a lumber
privacy type fence. He heard the applicant clearly state that he is amenable to what the
neighborhood would want. He thought there should be some kind of consensus.
He is sure that staff would take that very kindly as to if we can get to some consensus. If one
resident says I want the PVC and the other one says something else, there we are. If there is
some consensus he does not see there is an issue. With respect to the living fence, he
understands that to mean some type of vine or another plant growing on the fence.
Mr. Hickok stated in the landscape portion of our City Code and the different chapters, it does
mention using a fence or using live plant material.
Mayor Lund stated one or the other but not both.
Mr. Hickok replied it could be both. In the conte�t that it was being discussed at the Planning
Commission, he thought it was about planting something that gets better looking all the time. It
is a much better alternative than something that needs maintenance.
Councilmember Bolkcom said we have to be careful that we are not putting in green things that
are also going to need to be replaced and trimmed.
Andrea Olson, 1385 — 64th Avenue NE, said they have gone through all these different sessions
over the years. They are still very disappointed that the S-2 zoning made it through and that they
are going to have this gargantuan building in their back yard. Everything else has been decided.
The landscaping is the last thing they can affect. She would like to see something a little more
concrete to the landscape plan to make her feel more comfortable. It is not about saying, okay,
you have to do this and this. She is wondering about a solid fence and landscaping. While she
thinks that a six-foot fence would provide a lot of privacy, it only provides that privacy if you are
within six feet of the property so it does not do a lot for privacy of her backyard. She wondered
how that is going to inhibit the growth of the plantings and such that he is required to put in. She
is wondering if there is something that could be done outside of even that property line that could
work as far as providing more privacy. Better green space.
Mayor Lund stated the petitioner has publicly mentioned that he wants to be neighborly and
amenable. He thinks the big issue, the living fence, it is best to have trees that would get higher
over time that would add to the privacy above the six-foot or seven-foot fence line. It is more of
a long-term thing, not something that is going to happen overnight.
Kurt Olson, 1385 — 64th Avenue NE, stated he would like to see a stipulation that says, okay, if
he has to replace two for one, he has a 90-inch tree spade, he brings in two 6-inch diameter 20-
foot tall trees and puts them in. Not a 6 or 7 foot tree that is going to take 15 years to grow to
give his yard the privacy that he has right now. His biggest concern is losing his privacy in his
yard. He wants to make sure that his privacy is respected and the petitioner is absolutely held to
putting in trees that are not twigs and wants the maximum tree that is absolutely possible no
matter what his cost.
Mayor Lund asked what the landscape requirements were.
Mr. Hickok stated they are a minimum 2.5 inch caliper tree at a point measured 6 inches above
grade or a 6-gallon coniferous. He is not a tree expert, but will tell them from experience that
the larger the tree, the greater its vulnerability and possibility of it being lost to disease at that
late transplant stage. A 2.5 inch tree is a pretty good size tree. That is the caliper around the area
6 inches above the ground. However, it is a rather tall tree and is close to 20 feet in height; and
that is what Code requires, nothing less than 2.5 inches. What he heard the developer say is to
the best they can, they would spade in somewhere around 6 inch. Now he would say that is
about the biggest tree you would want to spade in based on the vulnerability they talked about.
Mr. Olson stated but that is the petitioner's problem. He is building the building and he needs to
knock down whatever, and he just cannot believe that he is going to be able to leave all that
many trees over there. The plan looks great, but he just does not see it happening. It is a huge
building for that neighborhood so he would like to see something set in stone holding him
responsible. If he brings in 2 and they both die, then he has to bring in 4. He just keeps going
until we get a bunch of trees that make it no matter what his cost is.
Mr. Larson replied he is okay with bringing in as big of trees that he can. When you starting
getting 6-inch or bigger, the chances of living are a lot tougher. He does not have a problem at
all with replacing trees 2 to 1 or whatever. If two die, he replaces them with two. Otherwise you
would have a forest. Also, the 90-inch spade requires a lot of room. This is a tandem truck. He
is more than happy to put in what he can, what will get in there, but they have to reasonable, too.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked if there were mature trees at the Coon Rapids project.
Mr. Larson replied, yes.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked approximately how many.
Mr. Larson replied he did not know but they are pretty good-sized trees. They have not finished
the landscaping. The back of that project, similar to the back of this project, was heavily
wooded. They want to go in there and clean it out so people can actually enjoy it, too. They are
talking about saving the big trees. Make it look like a park.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated the 2 for 4 does not make sense to her either.
Mayor Lund stated if a mature tree is lost later on that was used as part of the calculation for
what he has to have under the landscaping ordinances, then in that case he is required to put in 2
trees for the 1 lost.
Mr. Hickok suggested the people drive by the Coon Rapids development.
Dan Leverenz, 1340 Mississippi, stated you have to look at the area. There are a lot of dead
trees in there now and the place is a mess. If Mr. Larson is going to do anything, he is going to
put nicer trees there and that is what it needs.
Councilmember Barnette asked the address of the Coon Rapids project was.
Mr. Larson replied, at Hanson Boulevard and Highway 10.
Councilmember Varichak said that project was a renovated project from before. It was not
built from ground level.
Mr. Larson said it was a condo project that they converted to assisted living. One building was
100 percent complete, the other building was just framed. With the economy being the way it
was, it was not going anywhere. They went back to the City and redesigned the project.
Dr. Burns stated Ms. Reynolds voiced a concern about the number of project the Petitioner had.
He thinks the implication is that the Petitioner is overbuilding the market. She felt a concern
about the affordability of the units to Fridley units. While he thinks those are all valid concerns,
are they a legitimate part of this approval process?
Mr. Hickok said the City does ask for a market study. They did one and it was 200 units
relative to Fridley. That recognizes that there are projects going up in Mounds View, New
Brighton, and other places; but it is for Fridley based on what the conditions are right now and
the surrounding development. Regarding the overbuilding, he would see that as a positive thing.
In this market place, if they have a lot of projects going and are successful with them, that says a
lot about the developer.
Mayor Lund stated the discussion was very good and everyone brought up very good concerns
and questions and thinks they were answered adequately or fairly. He knows there is the
diminished privacy issue. It will take time to grow trees and there is no way around it. He does
think there is a need for this and it is supported by the independent study. This may diminish
another project very similar to this. He does disagree that without S-2 those properties could
never be built because of the different zonings. He thinks that we can always legislate and it
changes. He does think that a property owner should have some rights to develop his
property(ies). They are zoned differently. He thinks this kind of cleans it up. It is a big
building. With respect to the ponding issue, the underground tank is a significant improvement.
It creates more green space. He thinks this is a better project all around.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated it is the petitioner's and the property owner's responsibility to
take care of the storm water. There was some mention related to Mr. Haukaas mentioning this
before, but she also heard that there is not a stricter watershed in the metro area than the Rice
Creek Watershed District. It is definitely a difference in the neighborhood. This is a different
petitioner from the one before who had never done any of these projects. This gentleman wants
to be a good neighbor, and we need to hold him to that and we will do that with the landscaping
and the 22 stipulations. The petitioner cannot change this without coming back to Council. This
will keep people in our community. It is going to be a positive thing for our community and
MOTION by Councilmember Varichak to approve Preliminary Plat Request, PS #09-01, by
Select Senior Living, subject to the following 22 stipulations:
1. The property shall be developed in accordance with the architectural site plan A1.1 dated
January 15, 2009.
2. The building elevations shall be constructed in accordance with architectural plan A3.1,
A3.2, and A3.3, titled Elevations, dated 12-19-08.
3. The petitioner shall obtain all necessary permits prior to construction.
4. The petitioner shall meet all Building code, Fire code, and ADA requirements.
5. The buildings at 1314 Mississippi Street and 1340 Mississippi Street shall be removed
prior to issuance of building permit.
6. The petitioner shall receive Rice Creek Watershed District approvals prior to issuance of
a building permit.
7. No signs shall be located within the County right-of-way. Any planting within the right-
of-way shall be approved by the County prior to planting.
8. The petitioner shall obtain a permit from Anoka County for any work done within the
county right-of-way.
9. The petitioner shall identify stormwater management area of site and shall provide
necessary easements.
10. Stormwater management maintenance agreement shall be filed with the City prior to
issuance of building permits.
11. The petitioner shall obtain any required NPDES Permits.
12. City Engineering staff to review and approve grading and drainage plan prior to issuance
of building permits.
13. Landscape plan to be reviewed and approved by City Staff prior to issuance of building
14. Petitioner to pay required Park Dedication Fee of $3,000.00 ($1,500 per lot)
15. The petitioner shall provide the City with a copy of the conditions or restrictions for
residency within the proposed building.
16. The petitioner shall provide proof that any existing wells or individual sewage treatment
systems located on the site are properly capped or removed.
17. Property owner of record at time of building permit application, to pay all water and
sewer connection fees prior to issuance of a building permit.
18. The petitioner shall combine Lot 1 and Lot 2 for tax purposes and to allow the proposed
development to occur over both lots.
19. Screening through the use of a fence or landscaping shall be approved by City staff prior
to installation.
20. If the proposed development is modified to be used for units other than independent
living, assisted living, and memory care units, a master plan amendment will need to be
21. The petitioner shall be responsible for their share of the cost of any traffic improvements
necessary to accommodate the traffic generated by the development including
signalization or other improvements, if determined necessary by Anoka County.
22. A Development Agreement outlining the Developer's obligation to install utilities, etc.,
will be prepared by the City and shall be signed by the Petitioner prior to final plat
Seconded by Councilmember Bolkcom.
MOTION by Councilmember Varichak to approve Master Plan Amendment, MP #09-01, by
Select Senior Living with the following 22 stipulations:
1. The property shall be developed in accordance with the architectural site plan A1.1 dated
January 15, 2009.
2. The building elevations shall be constructed in accordance with architectural plan A3.1,
A3.2, and A3.3, titled Elevations, dated 12-19-08.
3. The petitioner shall obtain all necessary permits prior to construction.
4. The petitioner shall meet all Building code, Fire code, and ADA requirements.
5. The buildings at 1314 Mississippi Street and 1340 Mississippi Street shall be removed
prior to issuance of building permit.
6. The petitioner shall receive Rice Creek Watershed District approvals prior to issuance of
a building permit.
7. No signs shall be located within the County right-of-way. Any planting within the right-
of-way shall be approved by the County prior to planting.
8. The petitioner shall obtain a permit from Anoka County for any work done within the
county right-of-way.
9. The petitioner shall identify stormwater management area of site and shall provide
necessary easements.
10. Stormwater management maintenance agreement shall be filed with the City prior to
issuance of building permits.
11. The petitioner shall obtain any required NPDES Permits.
12. City Engineering staff to review and approve grading and drainage plan prior to issuance
of building permits.
13. Landscape plan to be reviewed and approved by City Staff prior to issuance of building
14. Petitioner to pay required Park Dedication Fee of $3,000.00 ($1,500 per lot).
15. The petitioner shall provide the City with a copy of the conditions or restrictions for
residency within the proposed building.
16. The petitioner shall provide proof that any existing wells or individual sewage treatment
systems located on the site are properly capped or removed.
17. Property owner of record at time of building permit application, to pay all water and
sewer connection fees prior to issuance of a building permit.
18. The petitioner shall combine Lot 1 and Lot 2 for tax purposes and to allow the proposed
development to occur over both lots.
19. Screening through the use of a fence or landscaping shall be approved by City staff prior
to installation.
20. If the proposed development is modified to be used for units other than independent
living, assisted living, and memory care units, a master plan amendment will need to be
21. The petitioner shall be responsible for their share of the cost of any traffic improvements
necessary to accommodate the traffic generated by the development including
signalization or other improvements, if determined necessary by Anoka County.
22. A Development Agreement outlining the Developer's obligation to install utilities, etc.,
will be prepared by the City and shall be signed by the Petitioner prior to final plat
Seconded by Councilmember Barnette.
2. Resolution Approving Agreement with the State of Minnesota Department of
Transportation for Replacement of the Existing Traffic Control Signal at Trunk
Highway 65 and Moore Lake Drive (Ward 2) (Tabled January 5, 2009).
Councilmember Barnette asked what would happen if MnDOT did not approve this
appropriation. She asked if the City be responsible.
James Kosluchar, Public Works Director, stated, it is highly unlikely. The State Aid funding
that we are talking about is set aside on behalf of each community from gas tax funds and
managed by the State of Minnesota. That is the only reason for the request.
Councilmember Bolkcom said if the funds do not come through, do we have one more
opportunity to say we are not going to do the project?
William Burns, City Manager, said he thought the deal would be altered by any withholding of
state aid for this project.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked the City Attorney what would happen.
Fritz Knaak, City Attorney, said the resolution indicates a joint activity. He thinks it clear from
the City's position that the expectation is that it is based on State funds. If a fundamental
condition of the agreement fails, in this case the failure of State funds, the City would be able to
back out of the deal.
Councilmember Bolkcom said MnDOT has advised that they prefer not to include this
language in the agreement; however, a written response to our request is expected from MnDOT
that will satisfy this concern. She asked Mr. Kosluchar if he had received a response.
Mr. Kosluchar replied, not yet. He was hoping to have it by the time of the meeting. He does
have a summary of what the letter is going to say.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked who wrote the summary.
Mr. Kosluchar replied the summary is from Mark Lindberg with MnDOT Metro District. He is
the north area engineer.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated she was concerned about the possibility of widening this road.
She would hate to spend that amount of money if the road if they are going to widen the road.
Mr. Kosluchar read what Mr. Lindberg said in his e-mail: "What I can tell you is that it appears
MnDOT would be willing to bear the burden of the sole cost of a new signal system if there were
a MnDOT-initiated project to widen the causeway with a letting prior to July 1, 2020." What he
is saying is if MnDOT initiates the project and, if that is within the ten years, we would not be
asked to contribute.
MOTION by Councilmember Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 2009-10. Seconded by
Councilmember Varichak.
3. Resolution Requesting Municipal State Aid System Construction Funds for
Construction of a Traffic Control Signal System at Trunk Highway 65 and Moore
Lake Drive (Ward 2).
MOTION by Councilmember Barnette to adopt Resolution No. 2009-11. Seconded by
Councilmember Varichak.
4. Receive the Minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting of January 21, 2009.
Councilmember Bolkcom recommended the minutes go back to the Planning Commission and
they look at the minutes. She pointed out a typographical error on Page 7 of the minutes,
paragraph 6, Commissioner Velin stating, "It does not say anything about an existing business,
isn't [tJhe special use permit for a new business? Also, on that same page, Mr. Nelson states
"He is very used to following rules." Finally, on Page 14, the last paragraph, Ms. Stromberg
states "though well-maintained landscape grounds are essential to the project appeal and resident
enjoyment, the size of the lot in this situation can be small because the opportunity for residents
to participate in larger scale outdoor activities on the grounds is much smaller." This does not
make a lot of sense to her.
Mayor Lund stated actually it does. It is saying that because of these types of residents the
scale of outdoor activities is much smaller.
MOTION by Councilmember Bolkcom to approve the minutes with the above corrections.
Seconded by Councilmember Saefke.
8. Resolution Authorizing Changes in Appropriations for the 2008 Budget for
November through December, 2008.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated she understand the $28,474 was paid back to us and was
related to the Republican Convention. She said the Little League fields cost $11,326, but
wondered why we got money back.
William Burns, City Manager, it was from Youth Baseball. It was a park maintenance
Mr. Kosluchar stated there was a capital project at the Little League fields.
MOTION by Councilmember Bolkcom to adopt Resolution No. 2009-14. Seconded by
Councilmember Saefke.
14. Informal Status Reports.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked if the 2008 Code Enforcement Report could be reviewed
Mr. Hickok replied said it was not online. It was put together for Council and for people to pick
up, but it could be put online.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated she thought it was interesting. She thought maybe it could
also be published in the newsletter.
William Burns, City Manager, said there is one in the April issue.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked if someone was going to report on our discussion about the
street rehabilitation proj ect.
James Kosluchar, Public Works Director, said there were some concerns brought forward and
they are working with the owners and/or researching the issues. There was a general discussion
about how Council would handle the schedule for this project and whether we should continue
construction this year, and how the assessments should be handled. It is his understanding that
we are going to continue the project and assess it as we have done in the past. However, there
was some consideration given to the gentleman who discussed double bungalows and his
assessment relative to the other residential and commercial units. The direction that staff is
going to take is we are going to look at an amendment to the policy to include those as 1.5
residential units. Also, they will be doing some notification for the residents probably through a
follow-up mailing or maybe the first project mailing.
Councilmember Bolkcom asked if they had to wait until the first project mailing.
Mr. Kosluchar said they could push it up a little.
Councilmember Bolkcom said there was a fair amount of discussion as to whether it makes
sense to change the policy. One of their concerns was losing almost $8,300 worth of interest.
She said they realize it is a hardship, but they also feel it could be a bigger hardship if the project
is not done this year. Some of the streets are in bad repair.
Mayor Lund stated initially they had talked about possibly deferring the assessment interest for
one year. Upon further reflection, they decided not to. It would have added onto the interest
cost. The other problem is if there is a property that is sold during the delayed assessment, that
may or may not come up in the sale agreement. There may be some problems with the project
MnDOT is doing, but he is in agreement to move forward.
Councilmember Bolkcom stated regarding the commuter rail and some of our rights and ins and
outs of that property, she knows that Mr. Kosluchar or Mr. Hickok are looking at some of the
minutes from the commuter rail meetings we had and some of the concerns from the
neighborhood and some of the recommendations related to traffic in that area. We do not want
to do this project in an area where we change the traffic pattern. We do have some time before
this starts because we are looking at delaying the project because of the University Avenue
project happening first.
William Burns, City Manager, said he received a complaint about train whistles blowing.
Public Safety Director pon Abbott indicated that train whistles have to be sounded while there
are repairs going on in the track right-of-way. They are working there now in anticipation of the
Northstar project. The work should be done soon.
Mr. Kosluchar stated there is a tentative date for a public open house on the Trunk Highway 47
mill and overlay that MnDOT is holding. It will be held at Fridley City Hall in the Council
Chambers on March 4.
Councilmember Barnette asked if the project went from 40th Avenue to Highway 610.
Mr. Kosluchar replied that is right. It is his understanding that MnDOT does notify the adjacent
property owners, particularly businesses.
Scott Hickok, Community Development Director, stated we also have an open house in the
lobby of the Municipal Center for the Northstar project on March 3 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The
groundbreaking will be at 4 p.m. on the site.
Dr. Burns said both of these events are being organized by the Northstar Commuter Rail
Development Authority.
MOTION by Councilmember Barnette, seconded by Varichak, to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted by,
Denise M. Johnson Scott J. Lund
Recording Secretary Mayor