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Inspections Address Card - 7773
INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS LOCATION 4815 - 2�'Street N.E. OWNER �y�e�ts�_poto��Q� Scroggins LOT 1s,19 BLOCK 2 ADD. P1 outh Pesmii No. Conairuction Dat� Contrac2or Cost 831 Building Permit(House) 12/3/53 Arvid Carlson $ --_ 4314 Building Permit(Addn.) 10/22/59 Owner 4.00 945 Plturtibing Permit 2/4/60 Minneapolis Gas Co. 24.00 8336 Building Permit(Garage) 8/9/65 Chester Peterson 4.00 5403 Plumbing Permit 8/6/71 Minneapolis Gas Co. 5.00 16,602 uilding Permit(Addn) 5/27/82 Viking Home Improve. 63.13 14,562 Electrical Permit 6/14/82 Hillstrom Electric 16.00 9390 Plumbing Permi t 5/24/85 Minnegasco 10.00 15,904 Electrical Permit 6/4/85 Go Electric 30.00 22,634 Building Permit(Sof/Fas) 6/23/94 Pacesetter Corp 63.00 24,467 Building Permit(Deck) 8/19/96 Richard Scroggins 99.75 31,467 Building Permit(Reroof) 10/10/00 John Pederson Const 83.25 32,360 Building Permit(Windows) 12/17/O1 Strait Edge Co 83.25 Fiaal 8/23/71 7/7/82 15,773 Heating Permit 10/8/03 Sedgwick Htg & AC 30.00 12/2/03 30,521 Elect"rical Permit 10/6/03 Burnsville Htg & AC 20.00 7/23/04 '1 P#17,308-8/23/71 B#67,766-6/1/82 E#67,388-6/3/82 E#65,093-7/7/82 E#78,578-6/11/85 B��119,585-8/22/96 B��147,102-12/18/O1 H4�154,634-12/2/03 E��156,614-7/23/04