Inspections Address Card - 8098LOCATION LOT 6 - Parmii No. 3836 431 333 3 537 3 93 602 10436 13,880 11,919 20,540 19,139 11, 241 21,256 26,352 14,777 29,142 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 6001 - 4th Street N.E. OWNEft Schmidt BLOCK ADD. � _ � „_ � _ - Conatruciion Building Permit(House) Plumbing Permit Water & Sewer Permit Heating Permit Electrical Permit Electrical Permit Electrical Corr. Order Building Permit(Garage) Electrical Permit Building Permit(Addn.) Electrical Permit Heating Permit Electrical Permit Building Permit(Sof/Fas) Heating Permit Electrical Permit Dat� 5/5/59 5/26/59 5/28/59 6/5/59 6/8/ 59 8/19/59 3/24/60 11/19/76 3/29/77 8/28/90 11/5/90 3/15/93 3/18/93 6/25/98 9/25/O1 9/26/O1 cont:a�:or Lal:;�land Builders London Plumbing Co. London Plinnbing Co. The Waterbury Co. 0. B. Thompson Elect Robbinsdale Electric O. B. Z`hompson Elect Robert D. Schmidt Rc�bert D. Schmidt Robert Schmidt Robert Schmidt Maple Grove Htg Brandon Electric Advance Aluminum Sup Maple Grove Htg & AC Brandon Electric $ c�t I F� 18.00 12. 50 30. 00 14.50 13.25 9/7/59 2.00 8/21/59 3.80 6/28/60 23.04 11/14/78 5. 00 11/14/78 180.00 11/26/90 30.00 EXPIRED 30.00 3/26/93 15.00 3/30/93 /+8.50 3/14/03 25.00 3/14/03 20.00 12/5/02 B#26,693-9/13/73 BH��151,549-3/14/03 B#28,524-4/30/74 B#28,366-6/10/74 C#34,371-8/13/75 C#36,345-8/14/75 C#36, 590-11/10/75 C#37,578-3/10/76 C#35,998-5/19/76 B#42,253-12/6/76 E#52,844-11/14/78 B#96,207-5/30/90 B#97,197-9/6/90 B#97,443-10/8/90 B#98,016-10/31/90 E#97,832-11/6/90 B#98,075-11/9/90 B#98,127-11/26/90 E#103,409-5/26/92 E#106,568-3/26/93 E#106,409-3/30/93 H4�106,032-6/29/94 Ei�149,823-12/5/02