P - 40019Frorn: 7634775611 Paqe: 1/8 Date: 8/18/2011 11:57:11 AM
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S'�'ATt. LI4.f;NS1� # �,- ..__..�" ----�-
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QUES'iY!)NNAI�E �'1'�i9 �A/ ,��t9 ---
1'lease answer t17e r�uc;stians betow.
�. Are alt thi existing ro4fing materiafs beir�g r��noved tr� the structural deck?
I�,Y�s CI I�Io
2, a)1�Iow rri�ny sy. f�. is ihe existing roof'?%a`�:b) How mai3y sq. ft. are being replaced? /���_--,—
3. What ty�� of'roofing systern cE�rrently exrsts? Cl Ruill-u `��
4. Wl�at typc ofroo�n�; syste�n is proposed? O�34�iii-u p�Mernbrane C] Othzr _._.N– ----
S. Will thc new roofin$ ma��ria ls re duce c�r increasc: t�lae cw�rre i dead 1� Ott�er �` _.�..___�,.__..____�
❑ lncrr�ase Cl Red�ice oad.
f�{No chan�e
G. ]f 1Qadrn� is tc� be incre�sed, has a str�ct�ral en�in�er i�een hired ta review ali allowa6l� loadsl
❑ Yes CI N� If yes, attac:h an Engir�e.er's re��ort.
7. Are 1ny nc�w drainage d�viccs b�in�; added or attc�reci as p�rt of the re-root`? p Yes �No
K. i'et Jntern�tianal Iiurldin� Code Table 15�5.) what class designation is the new roof system7
� A ❑ �3 �]' Non-classified
9. Whal over�lE R-value wi2t the new r�ofpraduce? __�_.�
10. �er tuternatidnal �uitding Code Sections 2603,4, ?6U3.4.1 artd 2603,4 wsi ill a thermai l�Arricr be .
rc;quired as part of t}�e re.roof�ng project? CI Yes �S( Na
11, Wi�1 any etectrieal, plumbing, gas or mechanical ite��ns c�n the cxistin� roof nced ta diseonnected 1��t�
rt;coilrtccted �s. parl �fthe re-roof? O Yes �SI I`Jo
l2. �Are any c(cctric�l, �!'urrtbing, �as or mechanical ilcr��s being reptaced in conjunction with thc
re-roal��' p Yes �No
From: 7634775611 Pa�e: 2!8 Date: 8/18/2011 11:57:12 AM
..,,., .,, �.... ,,.., .. ..., ..�, .,,..,�,.��., ,.,,..ti�.... .,,., . „�, ,..,, �,,,, � � ,.,,...
REr�tJru�� .____._.
'i`w� copies ofeae�t ofthe Co�iowing iteins n�asi be su6rr�itted with the app[icQti�n.
1. l�ull writlen scapc of the ��•oject submiCl�d �'
LO flWtl�l�, ��/��Y C)ocuinentaii�n fr�m Minnesota
2. S'hop clrawin�s/seetic�n view of new instat[ation $. t'.opy af manufacturc�s i�r�sta�lation
3, A lislin� (nnme) of eaeh sp�ci�c manufaeturer's instruc�i�ns:
}�r�c�r�cts being insralted. 9. Pre�vidc desigti detail to meet the
' The fl�me sprcad clocumcntation far any foa�n rec�uirements of Sec. IS�4.4 oFthc 20Ufi
prod��cts being instatled. I.13.C. ANS(/SPRIE ES-1.
5. 'i't�e thickness of al! praduccs being installcd. I0, i'rovide rnanuf�eture and detai! of edge
b, The �re testecl ass�:mbl!y number designatian. sucurement per Sec. 1504.5, 2�061.�3.G.
(Uf,, �actory Mutual, 1CC}, ANSI/SPR( ES-t.
_._..__ __.._._...�. _.—__._�_..._ �__.__—. . _ .. -- ____ '
PIt�J�C:'�., �F:'CAI1�S �..._..__
�st�mtttc�cl Cc�in�letion ciate: �
t?cscri��tion qf wc�rk: �' �,%�����__-.._. w._.._ �'sti��i�ted v�tltrat'ron: �_ ��Q g dd� E' d
' -�._ __--- ' w._�__.--
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1S iS AN APPLICAT'!L?N F(.�R A pEftl41� ���Np� y� A�,��
I herebY �F�P�Y fc�r �, cc��nrnereiaf re-rr�af permdt and i ack�owl��� t1»� the infor�nation aboye �s coniple#o and accur�tc; tl�at
the work will l�c in cQnfc�rmancc with the ordi��ances awd cc�des csf the City af Fridley anci' v�ith the Itqin���sota Constructian
Coc�es; that I understand tl�is is n�t n permit but vr�ly and �pptict�t�oi1 for n permit �nd work is not to starl without a pet�nit;
that tt�c war�, wii! bc in a�eordance wi the appraveci ptan in tli� casc of alt wark which reyuires teview anc3 appmvat aY
SiGNA7'UR17 Ol� APi'i,l NA�.A-i.DL,L�.l+�lN✓1�AT� � I �%
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Ai'PROV�,�i 8Y � . _ _ __
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Permit Fcc �... ..—...
rii'o Surcharge
Tot�t Uac
ar�raction, t�� and
�+�cEinn to'an�i inctu
t�r fracUan fa end s
�,UUU or EracKi�n io
� U`i •� See abovr, far 1'ee Schc:duJe
.001 times ihe total,job valualian
� �_ •U005 x Per�ii Va[uat�on Minam�m $,gD
$��_ Maka checics �,nyAb)e to; City oL�ridley Attarh
Frarn: 7634775611 Paqe: 3/8 Date: 8/18/2011 11:57:12 AM
�IVL iV I�V11 11lV 11' lV 111� ! 1i11L:]1VLUlr V441Nf13V �1V11 331�� 11V� IVVl11VV31
woHx c��rK Z�z4o
'WUItK 1'l� B;ka P�;RFORMED AT:
1'xnc Crest Apartments
445� 5th St. NF;
T'rydicy, MN �5421
Mark Vclander
(7b3) 23A-3660
� 1 V V
WQ1tK TO �3F P.�'.[t�'Oi�MF.n: Re-roof ihe entire Apt. bui�d. raof, 1b,2&2 squar� fec.t ofroof
surface as follaws:
IZen�ov� the sl�ect rneta! fascia fronY the w�zils and rtxof perimctcr and dis�ose of it.
't'ear ofifand hatil avvay ���s�ir��, roo�dc�wn to deck and disp�s� afit.
I�zspect t�� structural rovfdeck. �tep�sr Qr re�lace any ciama�+�d ar��s and report back to ihe �►fCce p�r
sq�t�r� foot.
Instt�li isQCy�nurate insu,tation ta atiaii� a tc�ta� system R-Value of 23.
Ir,sulatio�n will be mechar�icaily fasten�cl €� th� cieck. ��asteners will be coated with �t�tc-af-tixe-��
polymer �nd witl b� futly en�a�+�d into the ra�o€deck in the pattem recaminended by tl�e r�fanuf�tciurer.
1iY�ta11 Gen���e�€ 60 mil �PL1M synthetic rubFier rooftn�mbrt�ne system,
Membraij� wil! be futly adh�red to the ins�l�t�t�ii as per manufacturers' sp�cifications.
��`�a�h a!! protrus}ons, curbs, perirneters, �tc., �zsi�1�; inarlufacturers r�commended d�t�.ils.
Tn�ct uli perim�t�r wood bia�king that tI» n�Qf wilI be fastened tc�. Re-faste�t Ehis E�locki�ag ta th�
structurc 2' on eenter wifh #l4 screws.
tJ�� reini'arced, non-��n��ratin� �rimeter ierx�aination.
Z�l�sh all plumbing sl��:ks with pre-rno�d�cd` rubb�r pipe boats. �oots will be sealed to the �i�s wi�h
�n�stic and stainless steel c�amps.
.Tnst�a:lf new �re-finisheci cant fascia met�1 at thc perirneter, Meta� flashing wil! t�e eustom t`arr�c�ted
cxclusivcly Cor yaiu��ab fram 24 gauge steet �ncT instailed us�ng a conceAled i��per strip.
lte�lacc the existin,� s�;uppers with new gr�-rnisheci �t�e! seuppers.
�'CUS� �X.tSIJri� t�OWriS�OtltS.
(',lcAn uJ� alE c�ebris relat��i iu akr vvark �n the rac►fat�c� oii fh� exteriQr grout2cfis on a cia4ly hasis.
C'.a(1 ih� city af �cidley f�r a�nal i�ispectian.
�a�� a� `� a a aa� � a.,� From:y7634775611���M Paq�e: 4/8 Date:�8/18l2011 11:57:13 AM
. ., � . . ... , .., � , ..., � ,.,, . � � ..., . .
., .,.
Warr�nt�d �ertFlex roof 5ystems must be assembled using Ge+��as# fasteners of appropriate type and {ength installed
�t the rate specified in the insuiation attanhrnent, �nd ii ap�lieable, the membrane aCtachrnent pdrtion of the tnstallation
Section oF this spec+fication. The appiication rate of fasteners specified in the sections mentiorted above is t�ased on
an ;�ppraved deck providing 30{3 Ib (1 334.47 N) minimum �ullout resistance. For prqjects with decks requiring putlqut
testing, a completed p�illhut test resulk form is reqc��r�ti w;t�r the pfe-�ab St�rvey Form in c�rder to regi�ter the project
wt#f� UenFlex.
TA�I.E 4.'� p
. .;�� . , , .T'�,-
. 't
' ��h.�i�A '� � t S �.
, � : � ..Fas�en��` `�3��'��. � A�+�e
.. :S a-,
GenFast�f2 Fastener • , •:..
� Genrast #14 �asten�r �
GenFas�t#IS(WFi)Fasle�7er 1
GonFast #16 M2x Fasterier �
GeriFasR #12'Preassembl�d
e�r�l�x: ��stec��r Appl�c
.. . t .. •
�'�'.. .'�• �
rdv�d .� ` Insulatfor� �
f9�!"�@$_ AZCfilG}t!1'1�3l1�
� Yc.•�
,5 6 Yes
�o I rdo
F�s4ener & F�late N/A
GenFast #ia Preasseni6ied
Fastener & plate N/A
GenFast CD-10 Concrete
Fastener 1,4,5,6
�enFeSt I ite�beck FaStern
CertiF'asl Purliri Fast�ner
GenFast N'T'[i Fastener
(W/ Of W10 WUP,)
(n�utation Plate Options:
M�rnbra�o gecurement Optlons:
3� GenFast t�'SfBrjrrsulation �late
4) Ge�Fasl 2° S�am Rfa[e
6) GenPast BarArrchor
8) GanFast Lite-peck f.�3ar
10j GenFast 3" Max S+�am f'Eafe
1 ��S���M��� j.` j i
�'� ...... ... . . . � , . . � .
�tie , .
ien� " D�GIt 7ypes�
s: � , , - ,
�..,, Sleel. Waad
Steel, Wbod
St lee , VYoqd, Caixcret�
Steel. Wood
Stee1, Wood, Gor�cret�
m, Cementitious W�od Fi6er
' c� S�l�t Pllfiltl5
"�---"""' ,..r.
Yes GYpsu�n, Cementlllous Wood Fiber
2} GenFast �.ite-Rpck plate
5 GenFast (WH) 2 3/g" Seam Ptate
7 Gen�ast t�olymer Batten 5trip
9 GenFast NT8 Seam Plat�;
i'hfs is only a part�al representation of C3enFlex Rooflng System:a ccrtfes.
Piease cpntact the GenF�ex 7ectrnical pepartment if'ynu have any �pd� related questions regard#ng assembties not refor�nc�l.
����� renflex fasteners are required on ait hril systern 2nd 15 & 2p y�ar w2rranties.
�. GenFlex fasleners sha�� he corrosion resistant eoated aitd eoinpiy with Faclory Mutual Standard 4470.
2. Insul�tion fasteners shap be suita�le for the insulailo�i ii,Ed.
3. Ai! screw lype tastenc�s slaail be a minimwn �ti4 shank ciiameler for membrane securemenl:
4• hto hex head fasteners are permitted for insutation or rtiei�ibr� securement in GenFlex w2rranted systems.
tienFlex Roofing gystems te ��res a puflout test to be conducted by an independer�t egency or� �}ie fofloWing rypes OT decks.
gypsum, cemontitfoua wood �hqr, priented strand baard, lightweight tonCreto, concrete plank, and a�ty cneta� decks tighter than
22 g'�uf�� 4�.�� �+x►?, Ybe results must b,p submftted fo the GenFtex Technical �epaetment prlor to project k�ld Fully adh�ar�d applt.
cetfans on decks providing tess than the required 3pt! tq (1 334.47 Nj af;pulit+ut reslstance may sti�l qualityfar warranty coverage,
pravJdad tho Insul•atian is sscurad !n accardance with the supplsrment:�1 s�curement table on the foitawing �aage and approv�d by
tMe Gon�lex 7echnical Uepartrrrorit.
L�� i� 1 tl,00U fl�' (929.Q3 tr�} �6 U�uC Te.�1 Rga,�trg�g�
50,Up0 ftz - 1QU 000 ftx�(4 645,�15 �z649 290r3b rnxj 2p
Dver 100,p00 ft2 (fl 290.3� rn')
CAUT(DN: Use appropria�te tastener for substrate. 1 per 6,000 flx (48q.52,r�i^)
I=ot current infferrrrnation ana! �ararnationai I�terature ret"or tp: www.genfiex.com
GenFlex FRM fr�-Seam Aftachment Specifrcatian
��w `� y � � � a•,� From:�7634775611 N Paqe: 5!8
1.41 WOQD lVAIl.�RS
Date.a8/18/2011 11:57:13 AM �
V1Joad nailers pravide a termination paint for roof:ng �nsulation as well as a secueement paint to tie #he i•oof systam into
the buildf�g sh�IL Waad nailers are nat covered by th� G�n�'E�ex warranty because they are a produ�t by others and
ca��sidered part of the bui(ding structure. Foilotiving are Cei�F'Iex's requirements for wond naiters:
A. Wdod nailers are requireci at a11 roof edges wh�r� rn�talwork, drip edges, ar gutt�r systenis ar� specF�ied.
The width of the nailer must exceed the width of tP�e ffange oF any metalwork mountedta it �nd be af �qu��
thickness tp the raof insulatitin in tirder to pratect the edge of the insulation and provide � substrake to
which ttte metalwork can be anchored, withou# impeding drainage, U►/ood naEters are also required under
any roaftap c�irbs that are not mounted d�rectly tr� the structur�l d�ck with the same width and thickness
requirements s#ated abave.
�• Wnod Nailers must be #2 Grade qr better fum:b�r. Wood treated with presenratives con#aining creosote,
asphait, pentachlorophenal, copper naphthenate, copper 8-quinolinotate, and alkaline eagper quatenar{es
(I�CQ) h�ve �n adverse ef#�ct on single-ply ruafing frtembranes and are not aeceptable for use in a GenFJex
ro�tinr� system.
C• In alt cases, the wood �t�iler must be anchored #n tne deck in an industry accepted method tc� the designing
arc�itect's speci�cation. As a minimum standarri, the wood nailers must be anchnred sufficientty to resist
20U Ib (889.64 N) of fnrce per linear fopt in any directian with fastener-s spaced not more than 24" (6ag.60 mxn�
apart. Refer to the Perimeter F'lashing por#ian of F�ctory Loss Prevent�on pata 1-4g (.fune 1985j for nai�er
securement recomrnendaflons. Wood n�ifers are not �art ofthe GenFlex roofing system and are not covered
by the GsnFlex warwaf�ty.
2'.Q1 f3�N�RAL
A. The camponents pf the Gen��eX �pp� roofing system are in be products of GenF�ex Roafing SYs�$�� ��
�pproued by GenFJex �oQfing Systems as cQmpatible and accept�ble. Unless specifieaJly i�cluded in the
wat•ra�tty coverage py GenF{ex Roofin� �y5tem�, �.�r+�ducts by others are exctuded irtsrt� coverage:
GenFlex �abric Re�nforced (FRM) EPbM m�mbtane Is �vai�abte in a variety ef inembr�ne thickness and
sheet wicf#h cprr�binatians that are iHustrated in the #abie in Section 2.U2 of the Gen�lex Rt��ing SysEe�ns
Qesign Criterie, Not ait sheet leng#hs s�awn ar� �tq�k items. Gonsuit your �en�"�ex Custc�rr��r Servrce
F�epresentative regarding tead tirne for nonsto�k sheet length / width cqmbinations,
Tl�e f�llowing llst contains the names of other G�nFl�x produc#s anr! a�cessories that rrray b�; requir�d in order
ta cflmplete th� rooflrtg system. With tt�e excepf}vn pf �nrafl�way pads, wh#ch are cansidered maint�nance iierns,
G�r��lex manufa�tured ar supplied rrraterial �$ covered �n the limii�d war.ranty, Pravided a warranty is purci�assd for
the �raje�t.
Nf�7'E: P�aldnged exposure nf adhesives and sealants #o t�mperatures greater than 8U °F (27 °Cj vuitt reduce th�'rr
she!€ life. 5helf iife is it�dieated' on thQ produet labe! or it� the �coduct infc�rmation clata for the particular pr4duct item,
which can ba foun�t at www,genflex.cam.
A. EPaM Ftashing
B. 5eam 'Cr�pe
C. Co�sr lapa
D. Peel & Stick F_p�M �I�sh#ng
�, Re�n[orc��1 P�riir�e#er Strip
F: F�eel � �{yck f��*S
t�a. EP�M Pi�a BpOt
h'. �'� � Stick �PC1M Pipe Boot
I. P�el' & Stipk EPL�M Gorner
�1. f�eet & Sfic�C �Pt}M 7 Joint Gover
IC. Ffexguard Peei & StiGs Waflcway Pad
{457,3�1 mFtt) bf 2�
3" (78.�4 rntttj or i
5" 127.(1Q mm or
7" �177.8�i mm c�r
6" 152,44 mm x ^�
6" 1�2.4� mm wii
7" 25.40 rrrn� to 6
1" 15.40 rrtm� t4 6
9" 228.6Q mrr� dia
8" �203.2p mrn� x 1
30 (76?.00 mm) x
12" (304.$Q mmj, 78"
�vidg x 1QQ' i3Q.AF� m) �aer roR
�vide x 100' (30+�8 rr�j p�r roE!
�) wicie x 1Ui3' (30.48 rn) per rolt
f wlde x 1 d0' (30A8 mj per rdt!
,�. .��
�s�.48 rn} �er roll
mm) ! 10 �a box
mm)110 per box
?� per box
)0 mrn� / 25per box
,Ob r�mj x �If6" (7,gq �p�)
1� For currenE Enfarrnation ar�d prom�tic�n�! fit�rat�re refi�r t�: wvuw:�err�ex.corn
G�n�lex FRM In-SBam Att�+�hment Sj�Cif�cati4ti
<<�� y� `�� � y�� y y ` From:�7634775611 ��N Pa�e: 6f8 Date.a8l18/2011 11:57:13 AM y � yy
t.. peimer
M. F�Ot1dl/1�/aGil7r351VL'
N, �POM W�ter Bas�d 8ondi�ig Adhesive
O, G-40p Seam Adh�sive
P, GJeaner
Q, Scrub Pad & Hartdl�
R. EP�M Edge CaUlk
Gen�ASt F`astener
GenFast ir�,ulation Pl�te
Gerifast Seam Plate
GenF'2st BarAnch�r
GenFast Polymer Batfen Strip
GenFast Lite-Deck Bar
Genf-ast Preassembled 1=astener & Ptate
Low Rise Insut�tion f1rlhesiye
one Step insulatio�ti Adhesiue
AN Pur�ose Water �ased Borrdir�g qdhesive
Pnurable Sealer (A $ 8�
Water Stap
ierrninatifln Ca�ilk
(3enFast'Cerrnina#ion Bar
GenFa�t 1 1/4" �inc Masanry AnChar
Ace Cc��ting
F'olyest�r Felt UndeHayment
151f to
(28.78 m/L based an 3" (76.20 m��i� searn tape nr
{i4.09 m/L� for 5" (i27.00 ntm} cover tape
�cording�y for other praducts.)
'1.47 m2/I._1
based an 3° t7g:2p m�ri) �earn i��e
.20 mm x 127.Op rrrm) / 30 pads 8 4 handle� per carton
!f (4.5� m to 6.iC1 m7 Per tube / 10 per cartoii
150, ISp-Fiber, Nailboard, Wopd Fiber
#12, #14, #15 (WH), #16 Max, Cp-1p, Purlin, Lite-Qeck, NTR
I quantity per ctn varies
3', tite-Deck, NT8
2u, {WH) 2 3/8", 3" Max., NTB / 1,OOA pEr cto
1 x�Q' {2�,40 mm x 3.Q5 m) / 5p p�r �{n
1° x 250' (25.40 mm x 76,20 m)
1° x 10' (25.40 mm x 3.d5 m) / SpO� (1,�.40 m) per tube
#12, #15! 250 pcs,per ctn
50i) to 600 ft2 per 3 gal pait {q6.45 t4 55.74 ma per 11,3� L paii)
20Q to 60D ftz per q pk ctn o� 1.58 qt cartridges}
(18,58 to 55.74 rn 2per 4 pk cartnn of i50q mL car#ridg�s�
120 ft2/ga! (2.95 m/L) / 5 gallon (18.92 L) p�iP
1 ftz/ga! (0.02 m2/L} at 2" (5p,g0 mm} thick
45 �f {q•57 m) p�r tube 125 per ctn
7.5 If (4.57 m) per;ube / 25 per c�r�
i.25" x 10' (31,75 mm x 3.05 mj I50 per ctn
1 9/4" (31.75 mm) f 9000 per ctn
� oo �c�i�ei �z.as m2i�.} �� gai�on {� a.sz i� pa;�
4oz(113.40g}/12'x 100'(3.66mx30.�18m)
PAFt"� 3 — (NSTAL.LA�"I�N
A. �'he buitdrng �yyn�� p� o���r's re{�resentafrve is r�sponsible for prouiding and determining #hat the substrate
is suitable to receive the GenF'!ex EPDM roc�fing system. The GenFlex authorized contrac#or should not
Pt'oceed unt'rt any �nd at! defects h�ve beer� cc►rr�c#ed. If possible, begin roof PnstalCaf'ron at the hig�� paM� Q�
the rot�f, ar�d work toward the towes# point.
3.0� SUBS'TR�►T� PR�pA�tA'ftON
A. Jn a r�roo�ng appiicatior�, the buifdr�g ovim�r or cywner's representa#iv� is responsibt� for making;sure that
ali wet insuiation and/�r w�et 5u�stra#e h s bee� removed anci replaced. The best diagnostic technique to
det�rmine this is to t�ke a serfes of roof core cc,ts and ana(yze #h�m €or moisture cc�ntent �nd degr�dat�c�n,
�"w� ather techniaues are currently �vailable and rnake this determ�r�ation by Gndir�ct means: nucl�ar
moisture detectipn attd infrared thermography. T'hess techniques prQyidQ m���ur�ents af fact�rs th�t can
be assaciated w�th the presence af mo�sture.
�. Apo�i#ive slope is recammended to pravide adeq�aate d�a�nage. The Nationa! Rofl�ng ConiractorsAsso�iat'rc�n
Manual recomm�rtds that #here should be no portding waEer on the raofrng sys#em forty-e#ght {4f�} ho�rs
after if has st€�pped raining. posiiive drainage is a design feature gnd should be addressed in the �lanning
S�a9� n� {�►� pralect. Under no circumstances is Genrlex Ro�fing Systems responsible for panding water as
�en�lex is not party ta #h� strwctural design of Che building.
C• ACt� �XiS#tCl� Spfic�yBCI-IFI-p�a�e urethane foam rac�fs MllS7 be removed down to the struekural deck priar to
the install�tion of d GenFtex rqaiing system.
L�. Sw�ep the area: oF rc�of' be�ng covered to remov� any loflse dirf and de�ris.
For cui�rent inforrt�atian and �ramati�naf Iit�rature refer tu; ww�r;genflex.c�,m
Ge�Flex �'RM !n-Sear� Att�chment Specificatian ��'
From: 7634775611 Paq�e: 7/8 Date: 8/18/2011 11:57:14 AM
t�V�V 1V LV11 �l�V ♦ L' �L l�l� ! 1l111�1V4Ln VVIIN!!LV l 1V11 l l�l� liVl I VV 1I I�VVS 1 � 1 V 1
A. Identify tl�e area of roof being addressed in t�e work�ay, and lay out insulattan wifh edges resti►�g �n the
upper deck flute for metal decks snd fiat on supporting sub�trate ior other types of decks.
B• St�gg�r all insulafion joints the rnaximum amount possible and lay Qut with a!I joints tightly butt�d. Any gaps
greater than 7f4" (6,3 , mm� wide must be fii(ed vvitM �77atching insulation materia�,
�. When installing insuia#ion greater than 2 1/2" {63,60 mm) thick, use mu(t+ple layers to maximize insulation
therna�l effrciency.
�• ��}��i ►���n9 �n�tt+ple l�yers of insul�tion on a�r�oject, instaN each subsequent I�yer with the long ax�s
rt�nning perp�ndicul�r to the layer beiow it anc� with �(I joints stag�ered and ti�htly b�tted.
�. Fit Fnsuiati�n tigh#)y to roof penetratians, wood nail�;rs, fransitianal walis �nd parap�ts, with any gaps greater
than 114" (8.35 mm) fi1)ed with like material prior tr� membrane �pplication.
R. In�ulatian e#tachment d�#ined below is based pn 300 !b ('I 334.47' ►V) purfc�ut resistance qr gr�ater,
Nd7E: tn the event the insu{atitin is installed over an air barrier, the insulation securemen# must be in
aacardance with fiM E-�0 criteria for Gen�lex fu�iy adhered r�of systems.
'1. A�I insulation must be mechanically attached to fhe approved structural deck us+n� Gen�fex #asten�r5
of r�pprc�priate type and 1er►gt#� and insulatipn p}ates installed at the rate of ane fastener and p�ate per
6•5 ftz (0.60 m2} or 5 fastener assemblias ��r 4' x 8' (1.22 m x 2,44 m� board for 22 ga (0.76 mm)
st�el decks and siructural concrete. 4ther dr:cks require puilout test�ng and may require addition�l
s�curement. Fasten atl insu�ation per detail E-7'1,D3 qr E-71.p5.
(GenFiex L,mnr f�ise Insulaticrn Adhesive and GenFtex C7ne Step Insulation Adhesiv�)
IYOTE: lnsulation a�#�esive is permitied anly or� appliea#io�s where the acceptabEe roofi decfc has nat been
a�tered wit{� coakPngs, seaiants, ar addl#ives fhat rrtay affect the bor�d betwegn the aeceptable substrate and
insuEakion: Refer to the appro�riate produet data sheet (GenFrex i,aW �ise tnsulation �4dhesive or Gen�feX
bne Step Insulakion Adhesive) to c�etermine if the s#ruc#ural deck to which the insulation is being bonded is
approved, or if special r�quirements apply. Both ��n�rex I_ow t2ise �r�suiation Adhesive and GenFlex dne
St�p Insulation Adhesiva may aaso be used between layers af acceptable ins�Iation.
1. Sweep �nd f or power-blaw the substraie clean of ar�y dust, dirt, and laose debris and make sure eny
mois#ure is allvwed to dry prior to insulakinn a}�pfication. L7epending on the construction si#e, this step
may have� t� be repeated periodicaliy thraughrrut tl�e workday due to blowing dirt and ciebrFS. pp �lpr
Gen�lex Law REse Insu�atidri Adhes�ve (moisture c�Cing)
��. Using an insttlafion adhesiue applic�tion cert, app�y the �enFlex low Rise Insulafion Atfhesive to tha
substrate at ihe caverage rate of 5Q0 to 6U0 ft� (A�6;45 to 55.74 mz} a# installed insulation per 3 gal
�'�1 •3G !.} p�i! af adh�sive. Refer ta the GenFlex Low Rise insulation Adhesive Product pata �lieet for
add�tional infarrnation. The insr�latien sho��ld be laid in a fresh bead af adhesive before the bead(s)
begins to skin.
3a. Any unused insu�atiQn adhesive may be poured frc�m tf:e applieator cart back Ento an ad#tesive can �r�d
kightly resea�e� for lat�r r�se,
GenFlex Or�e Step tnsuiafion Adhesiw+� (chemical curing)
2b. Using ane at the four (7ne Step lnsu��tion Adh�sfve Applicatar mod�ls, apply the GenFlex One Step
fnsulation Adhesive tc� the substrat+� �t the coverage rate of 2pp to 6�D ft� af' coverage per 4�k ctn of
1.58 qt cartr'idges (18.58 to 55.74 rn2 p�r 4 pk c�rtan af' 1500 m[, c�rtridges). Coverage �ate wiil dep�nd
on sp�cing of insulation atlhesive beads. �2efer to the GenFlex One Step lnsulation Adt�esive i�roduct
�ata Sheet far additional infcsrmation. The insuta�ion sf�ould be faid in a fresh bead of adhe�ive nefare
tlie b��d{s} begins to sk�n.
3b. Any unused insulation �dhesive may be used at a later time by simply rep�acing the cartricige mixing
app�icator nozz{e.
�`z �or current inf�rm�ion and promationa! litera#ure r�efer to, www.gen�ex.r,om
GenFl�x FRM 1n-Seem Attachment Specife�tion
From: 7634775611 Pa�e: 8/8 Date. 8f18/2011 11:57:14 AM
,..,.. .., � ... . ..... . . ... �.., � ......�,,..�., ,....,ti �..., . . ,��, ..,,� , ,,., . , � ,.... .
. __ _ � .: . ...... . ...__. _ ...-- •�--�•-.. . ....
(T7r:au nu:,�
-� t i�. 3 912" (ae.�u mm) ,
I` �1 � a�,�.,3R,,
j = �a ' .,�...aag"`"�, _._ ._ _. .
. �,.
_. ..
�.. �.� �..�. �.. i. �i�� � 1� i I�j..� )
-... _.. `` /..... _ � l, t ..\` �r ... _. �. ./ ....: .
.... � .. .i 1 ...J '.
� . _.
7' 0" (2.13 m� System L.aynut Pattern
(For use with 7.5'{2.29 m) membrane ��anels,)
�� ��
.._. _...__.�... .._.. .. _.
7 . .... . _. _
(17T BO mm) y�
. [ •�--• 3 1l2" (BO.flO �ovtr)
-- f1' 6"42.eom)..._. +
- ""�'"'�'�-�y°'°.�",, _ . :� ,.. .,� - �t,,._.,.�. .�
� �...1. 1 . :.l I �. . !� i � , . T- -�
�\� . 1.. _..� � 1.� �-� . .1.. :!�
\__. / l �I � � 1�....i __... .. -1.. ./_.
9' 6" {2.9tf m} Systiem Layaut Pa�tern
{For use wiU� t0' (3.05 m) nien�brane pai�ets.)
Fiefd Searns wifh AncN�ar Sarand 71 ��
GenFlex Fasteners Spaced In GenF'leac 7" (17 /,g0 nim) Searn TBpfl
AcGO�dance yuith the EP�M ��,, �••� Mated to primed Mert�brane
FRAA 1NAS �ode MatHx In the '''e ,�-`
EPpM Gcde $crction `'�. s� r-.- GenFlex FRM EpDM Membrane
--- - _ _...�.. - ----'.�'�;`'"� "'�`',�.�".� -'' '
.__ . _.' . _.. , � . .. i . 1 . '.n,ru ,`
,_t � ._. ......� _.._. .., .._ .
_... ... '
�_ .�i.. _:�. .i_ ; _ i .1.� �. � i . ��__.. � _ +--_--.1.. .� �...
� Ge+rflex Ins�rhlion
_. _._ ... _._
, .
` . ... . _.
.. _
. .. ._..._..i / � r_. _... _�_...---....
..... �. .. /------ ----- . _ �..... .a \_
Positivn insulation and membrane sheels ta er�a�le se�urer�nE inta the top ilutes orrsiee! deeka, ensure
posltiv� attachment, ar�d redur,e fasiener mavenient. Insulstion shouid be rnstalled with bpard ends resting
4n t�ie #lute tDps.
��n� �y ..
.___..�... _ .,..._...._ ....._._:_: Ctta+dfit�g Sys�� '
F�M System --- . _.... _....:.._. . _._..— _�. _ . _ _...__._ _ _ . ._ . �::
_._...� ... _ ..
. inst�l�#ian �rass S�ct��n aet��l # 71.tf�i i� i1,00� FRM In 5e�m
: _ _ .. .. ._ . :.- --._... _. Ai1�ch�ner�t S s#em�
_. .�. . .... .... ..
_ ....._...
_ . -�---_ . �... __.. .
--- .- . .. _ ._
_ _ ......_.._.__..._..__..._..._ ... . _...._____�._.. _.._,._.._..__, � .....__..._.
j`•� ' 4' (i 2o my , . _..._ _ . . . ._
.. . .. ..__ . . .
._. _.._. ....... _. _ _ , .r
._... _. _. .. _ .. _ .. _ ._. __
� . .-4'(t.z2m)_._._.__._
` _ . _. . . �',
� r
(1.22 mj
8, ._... .... � • _ ,�� s-
` t�3.9.0 mnyj
._. _ _ _ _ _., . _ � 8"�:"� _
��.a3 s��,�,�,,
� _' 24„_�d:
(603 6a a�rn)
y.22 mj
- �
-- ..I
Atvrays slagg�� insulation
joints, regarciiess atpan�t
si2e trsed,
Far use on bu�tdings up to 50` (1�.24 rnj hi�h. lf b�i#ding he(ght
�xce�ls 50' (15.��1 mj, cc�nt�ct the GenFlex T�cMnic�l L�epa�Ement
fpr a�tachmet�t pattern. ��
* .....��..8�
_ . _... . _.. . ., �.SF�_...:�:
71.0� i�o�.so mtn!
.... ._._ ,__.
�._ "...�_._ R4oFing 5ysterns 3,��
. _. �...._.__..._ ._ ___._ ..
• .__.__._ ._.... . ...._. .__.____ _.__..____.._. _._._..
FRM Insula#�on S�a�urem�ent � FFtM ln-Searn.. .. ___.
�Deta3� # i�.p� & 7�.a� �
� _ ...._.._. __..._.__. ,..� _�. ._..._.._�achment S�stems
�_..._.. _..., _._... .
FQr �urren# infarmation artd promotiona! iiierature refer ta: www.g�nflex.carrti
�snF'!ex �'RM Ih�Searn Attac�iment Sp�i#ic�tion