Inspections Address Card - 8195LOCATIO LUT 13 Permit Na 3663 3?5 3�0 29� l,yl, 29� 3345 1!ali. 6482 $3b7 8850 15, 650 18,189 26,490 30,879 .�% INSPECTOR OF BUItDINGS N 5TI-� ST:� ��T .'� .`�'j'g'SL/ OWNER �A�S-�t9�G� �.�.�,'--��b���Chase BLOCK b AUD. Bennett Palmer Cans�tructioa D� Contsactor Cost Fiaal Bu.ild,ing house 1�27��G Associated Contractor �20.00 u�a.tin� �'Prm.it � ; � - I�' �5 Cr,r,;tal ?:ea.tin� ��.00 Heatir�� Per�rzt 3�12�59 Nov��kowsLi Plbg. �6.50 Pl�,��rib�.n� I',-,rrnit 3�12�59 Novaket,�ski P1tg. �L1_.00 �Lectrieal Permit 3/12/59 O.B. Thompson $11.05 10/27/59 Plumbin Ro h g u8 Water & Sewer Permit Eleotrical Rough Building Permit, D.Gar Building Permit, SD Heating Permit Electrical Permit Building Permit(Porch) Building Permit(Reroof) Building Permit(Reroof) 1 1 M-12-58 4/3/59 4/29/59 3/l0/59 5/14/63 io%i6%s4 10/15/84 9/ 4/8 5 7/8/98 5/1/00 �Tovakowa�k3 Plbg. Harco Company Metro Bldrs Inc. �laine Htg.,�/C & El. Blaine Htg.,A/C & E1. 'e l le Cons truc tion Viking Home Impr-ove Tom Chase �30.04 $4.00 �10.00 30.00 15. 00 55. 63 74.75 47.90 3/io/59 10/16/84 9/27/85 7/30/98 C#65,274-10/25/82 E#74,679-10/'16/84 B#80,362-9/27/85 B��129,311-7/30/98 E��143,009-3/20/O1 LOCATION LOT 13 PermiY No. 27,945 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 5841 5 Street NE OWNER Chase BLOCK 6 ADD. Bennett Palmer Conatruction DaY� Contrac2or Electrical Permit 4/24/00 Hunt Electric � Page 2 Cos! Final 20.00 3/20/O1