P - 40002From: unknown Pa�e: 2/5 Date: 9l13/2011 11:53:04 AM ..�r, �� ��„ �, �� �„� P,....�,.,,��� �_,., ,,,.. ,....., .,.� „�, �„�< ., � Ba�tdiu� �n�pecttons Ct�Ii+'IMERCIA►.L RE-�OOF Pecmit No.: Z-�I � I�(� 5 ����s��-3�oa. APP�,ICATI�N ���,,,� �y ���-502-4�77 FAX CI'TY OF FRID�..��' �j � � � _ . �F�?.�TtvF r.n� _an„ r]ate R :,�U �� �....� .�? L � � � DAT� _ ( [ �"�( l � �o� �. �SS v C�,.�-�-� ra�.H-�� . 1NSTALLATION ADDRESS: %.�IC) CO � � J�a � �s PROPERTY QWNER �+iAME: t1U1�ItESS: CITY STATE ZIP p�Q�� C�LL PHQIVE � CONTRACTOR L1YM11L'/�]1]� �V Y�..� � 1 L�"�.�. Q M"��I T��� L�� Y�.J�STATL•��9�! Z� �,.J �/ V 1 PHONE'� �O �,_,-�j'� �� i fd +D� G�LL FAX �f�' � S�% � Q Z� � STAT� LIGEI�SE# FXP. DATE: A1tCi�TECTfENGINE�R N�4:ME. CITY STATE 2IP PHON�: FAX S7A7E LIC�NSE # __ _ EXP bATE QUESTIOPVNAIR� Please ar►sv�+er the questians below. 1. Are alt the exis�ting roofing ma.tcrials bein� renzoved tp the stzuctural deck? !'�Yes ❑ No 2. a) How nrtany sq, ft. is the existutg rovf?�) �,I�w inan.y sq. ft. are bext�g reptaced? � 3. What type of rot�firig system curt'ently exisCs? Built-up �$Memb�rane O�7ther 4. Wixat type of rao�ing system is propose�?`� Built-up �7 Membrat�e L7 ath�r 5. Will the new raofing r�aterials reduce or increase th� crarrent dead load?' � '� It��rease 0 Rednce s�Na c1�a.�ge ' 6, �f toading is to be incre,ased, has a structtars! ��gineer been �ired W revierv all aliowab!le �oads? O Yes �d"No xf yes, r�tta�h an Engirteer's repo�t. 7, Are an� new ci�rainage devices beang �ddec� �r altcred as part of the re-roof`7 Cf Yes � No 8, per Int�rnational Bui2ciing Code Table 15.45_1 what class designation is th� �tew maf system? �idi � B d �OII-C7i3.SS1'F1P� 9. at averall R-value witl the new roof produce7 ��Z .�- 10. �er Internat�onai �uilding Code Sectians 2603.4, 2643.4. X and 2603.4.1.5, will a therrnal barricr be requ�red as p�t of the re-roofit�g prvject? 0 Yes �l.No 11. Will any eleetrical, plumbing, gas or mechani�al it�ms on the existing roof z�eed to disconttected and : �connec�ed as part of the re-roof? O Yes�� No 12. Are any eleccricai plurnbing, gas dr mec�ianical items being replaced in conjunction with the re-rvoi'? O Yes�3o �VIE�t From: unknown Pa�e: 3/5 � � Date: 9/13/2011 11:53:04 AM ,.�r. i1� �vi r � � » ���� �vlr�cv�s.+v ,.��.� ,� �.., �..,� �v�� �� � �GQ V�J.RLe� Two copies af each of the f�ilowing itert�s must be subrnitted with the appliEation. I. FuII writtert seope p�'�e projeet Submitted 7. Any Documentation �rom 1V��nnesota to owner, r�gistered struci�u�al engrineer. 2. Shop dirawi�gsfse�tion view oinew �nstallation 8. Copy of rnanufacture's installation 3. A lisring (name) of e�ch speei�c manufacturer's ins�ruct�ons. products b�ing installed. 9. Provide design detaii to me�t the 4. The #]acne spread d�cunnentatian for any foa�tt� requirements af Sec. 150�.4 af the 2a0b products being ��statied. I.B.C. ANSUSPIttE ES-i. 5. T7�e thickness af a.11 pro�ucts bein�$ instailed. X0. Provifle m�n�fa�ture an� deta;l of�d�e d. The fire tested assernbly nurnbex designatio�. sucurement per Sec. 1504.5, 2006 I.B.C. (UL, Factory Mutuai, ICC}. A,NSI/SFRI �S-1. P.�timated Completivn dete: Dsscription af work: PitU.�CT DETAIiS __ __ �.� „_ Esdm�ted valuati�• � LJ4°`"t U • �1(� IS FOR A PERMIT-NOT YAL1D UNTX�. PR�ESSEp I�tertby a�pIy fvr a cdn�cia� �.rflof pcn�it and I aclrnaw�dge that the infot'�tion above is eompl�te and accurate; t},at tE�e work wi#1 be in con�"armance with dte ocdinances a�d c�des of the City of �ridley and with the Minnesota Canstru�tion �odes; th�t I tu►derst�nd this is n4t a permit but ant}' m�d gPPlxea4i�n for e permit and wvrk is nat ta start wittic�ut a pe�mit; that the wvrk wilt bo in ac�cardat�ce witE� the appcoved prlsn in the �ase af $Il wark which requires review and apprrnal of plans. d . _ n /I . sic�nTLrRE oF m t0 Permic Pee Fire Surcharge Surcherge Tot�l Dae �., l nn� �t 1 ,.. . Rr,L FEES ARE BASBD ON VALUA'�ION plus ,vuu o� trac�ion, m ans► i�nc1, or frac#ion ta �nd ipcludiag ,004 or f�activn to snd 'mciu �a1, I�OUO or iraeuim ro and ��--- 5ee abc>ve for Fee Schedule - $—r----°��~�--- .�1 times the total job valus�Q�n $ .Q005 x Permit Yakuati� Minimnm �50 s--_ -- � n�[a�e c�eck� payabk to: C�ty oC�ria�ey A�a�h ,.��, �� �„, , � � ,., ,,,, From: unknown `Pa�e: 4/5 Date: 9/13l2011 11:53:05 AM � ��` � ,,.,, , <,,.�„ . ,. , , .,.., .,.., ,. , , , AugU�t 31, 2011 Koly Jorgensen 6431 University Avenue NE Fridley, MN 5543� 763-238-8073 R�: Water St�t�Qn Re-roof ��� �t� C�� �� 1 ,� rr � � � r.� � �� � �'f� Th� undersi�ned propo�es to furnish all I�bor, materials, �r�d equipment �s �toted b�law in a wvrkmanl��Ce mann�r: spECi�icATt�JNS: 4ene�at C_,_, o��c�rrs�� 1. Se# up a# slte. Prote� buitding fl'om d�bri9 a►1d secur� wc�rk �re�. 2, S��re req�€red kx.��lding p�rmiis. demaliti�n 3. Remove i�re �xisfing roaf rnembrane anti insulation �own tt► the structural deck. �4. Haul �way a!I rt�ofing debris and Cle�n site as necessary. Insulat�on _ _� 5. [�staH � b�se lay�r qf (thickness � type� in�ulaticrn tv the d�ck using hot' �sphalt in a soiid, urrifarrn rrt�pping of not �ss than �� pound� p�r sqware. �. instal� � tapered (type) Ynsulation systern in an e�Ffort #o minimize ponding water on the ro0#. 7. tnst�li tspered sump� �t al! �c�of drains to aid dr�ir��ge. t��o��g_ �1 8. Irrst�ll thee� pt�es ai Firesfc�ne felt in hnt asphalt. Int�r�iy ma}�pings ta average 25 pourtds per �quare. FeJt to meet ASTM' D2178 Type !V; fiM apprav�d ant� UL classi�ed. 9. Apply a 6p pound' flQOd cc,�t c�f hot asQhalt and etnkred roofing gr�vef at a fat� Qf 400 pounds per square. 10. Insta�l Firestcrte b�se tiashit�s �t all perimet�r, cu�bs, skylights, �nd hatch detailS !t1 �ccordanc� w�tM manufactur��'� t�comrn�nd�t�vns. 455t11Mlain Str�et NE - Minneapt�lis, MN 55421 (������z-o�6o - ��x ����1��Z.a2�a �+ww.centratroo�ng.com From: unknown Pa�e: 5!5 Date: 9/13l2011 11:53:05 AM ..�r� �., �� � , � � �. � ,,,, � ,.�, � �,,..�„ �_,., „�� ,,..,.� .�.� ,.�. �,.�� � � , Sheet Metal, � '11. RemovQ �xisting coping and saue for reuse. 12. Ir�stall a 2a mil vinyl wafer barri�r undemeath ail p�rimeter sheet metal. V1larranty _ � 13. Fumish a ttt�rw.G#a�urer's #en year gu�r��#ee. 14. Fu�isl� � standard Ceratrat �+aafing Company twv ye�r guarantee� 15. We carry wvrker's cvmp�r�sati�n, lxoperty damage and publa� (iability ir�suran�e. +Cantracfi P�ic+e All o# the abQVe wor�c wlit be pravided for the sum of Eiqht Th�usarrd �ix Hurrcired Nine�► Do�l��. 8.69�.00). _ . llnit I�r'rces 455Q M�in Street NE - Minneapalis, MN a54�i (763�572-fl660 - F�x �753)572-0230 www.centralroofi�g.som