P - 42263F rom Building Inspections 763-572-3604 763-502-4977 FAX UAT� ` 7�1� i�l I ( S1T� AllUK�,5S TH15 APPLiCA/dT 15: PROPERTY OWNER/ TENANT CONTRACTOR ot Fridley i o: y�z��� a�y� Nage: 1i5 uate: 5�5r�uva �:�-i :�� rm MECHANICAL permit rro.. � c� u�t� y R.ESIDEI�ITIAL APPLICATIC}N Received By:� CITY OF FRIDLEY pa����d��� �' � �� �rH�cTiv� 2-t9-n4 _ YnUR E-MA1L ADUk�;SS ❑ OWN�R ADllR�5S: C1TY PHON�: CQMPANY NAM �i1''� �.. TAT� 'LlP SUBMIT A COPY OF CANTACT P�ItSON: YOUR �TATE STAT� L1C�NS� # � �'�'C LICENSE WITH AllDk�SS: �� �� ��1� CITY STAT� 'LIP APPLICATIOIV pHON� K X PERMtT TYPE TYPE OF WORK: J�5WGL� KAMILY � TWn NAMILY ❑ NtiW �R�PLAC�M�NT DETAILED DBSCRIPTION OF WORK C] T(7WNHOUSk ❑ ALT�RATION/R�MOU�.L FEL�� AItL� BA$LD OV 510.80 PL�It F1X'fUltL+, LXCL�P7' WHL�RL� VOT�D. F7X'fUtZL$:�L�dICA'f Tp7'AL VU�IBL�K OF L+ACH B L� Equi�nt Inxtalled MFC,: L�no�. _ MOD�L: ��,�pB --d�J'�j S!'L�/t3TU _,vc S2s.00 AIR Tn AlR �XCHANCiE�R $15 t3QiL�lt $35.tH1 CHIMN�Y LIN�It$10.00 �llUCT WnRK � 10.00 MNCi: MOU�L: MHCi: MnDtiL: KIR�PLACti (GAS) $ I5.00 I+IREPLAC� (Wf�U) $35.00 �NU RNAC� �35.00 _,GAS DRY �K $10,00 GAS PtPING $10.00 SI'LE/B'fu Sl'LL'/l3TU CAS 1tANCi�/OV�N $10.00 N�W GA5 C,RiLL $10.40 CiAS UNIT HTR $10.00 PnnL H�AT�,R �35.00 V�NTILATOIL $ I3.00 THlS !S AN APPLIC:AT1bN HQR A F�RM1T-NOT VALIU UNT1L PRQC�SStiU I hcrcby apply for a building permit and [ acknowlcdgc that thc information abovc is complctc and accuratc; that thc wark will bc in conforrnancc with thc ordinanccx and codas of thc City of Fridloy and with thc Minncsata Construction Codc,��; that I undcrstand this L� nat a permit but only an applicat' n for a permit and work is noi to rttart without a permit; that thc work will bc in accordancc with thc appravcd plan in thc casc i or whic rcquires rcvicw and approval of plans. SICNATUR�; QF APPLICANT PR1NT NAM ' UATk� `^' City af Fridley Building Insp�tions Dep�rtment 6431 University Avenue NE, Fridley, MN 55432 7b3-572-3b04 FAX:7b3-502-4477