P - 75781REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION I 1� 9 51 "� 16 �� Minnesota Board of Elecficity , 1821 University Avenue Suite S-128, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 (651) 642-0800 T'fY/MRS 1-800-627-3529 www.electricity.state.mt�.us Descn'be sing the k the white copy'rf ne�s.sary - cwered by ' ra�uest: GENERAL FEES Outdoor Lig ting Standard @$1 SERVICES / POWER SUPPLIES Traflic Signal Standard $5 0 to 400 Amoere C�D $25 Su lemerdal Fee @$20 )MMUNICATION, REMOTE CONTROL CIRCURS OF LESS THAN 50 VOLTS ivstem Device or Aonaratus C� $.50 OTHER ADDITIONAL FEES Lighdng Retrofit @ $.25 per Fature Center Pivot Irriqatlon Boom C�D $40 5 edal Ir�s ectlon a$.31 er Mile THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERE I IUI II I� � III II III (I II� II II� II III II (II �� I� ],9511658 Transformers u to 10 KVA $10 Transformers over 70 KVA $ 20 Transformer / Pouaer Su tor S' ns / Outline Li ' $5 ONE 8 TWO FAMILY DVdELLINGS, EACH UNIT Includes the Service andlor Power Suppiy up to 500 Amperes, All Ciresiits aMd Two Inspection Trips Each Dwe�ing Unft (a� $80 Additiorral Ins ection Tri s@$20 Investi ative Fee Reins �edion Fee a $20 TOTALFEE (minimum total fee is $20) h�laue8on ez. 7�.e�f ��aaarroo�n �re ECTED IF NOT COMPLETED WITHIN 12 MONTHS Fr1R OF�ICE USE ONLY �� 6-�� �� ������ �' Rough-in Inspeetlon R uiredl ❑Y� ❑No Ins eq pedion Otlter Than Rough-In: Ready Now � Wf0 Cap ����� You must ca0 the ins�r when readyl Da�e Ready: I certify that l am the LICENSED CONTRACTOR ❑ COMPANY ❑ OWNER and hereby request inspection of the electrical wrork at Job Sfte Street Addr�s 6 ��� � � � 1��� �l1� s �.���� ��C� �C• numor¢ea stgna�iitracror or Oxmer Pe ing Installatlon) �/ ��� RdSTRUCT10N8 ON CK OF YELLOY� 60ARn nF FI Ff`. ��T�aav r.nw �/ °° /�� ) �se Number Master Electridan or PrnwE � Uce�s N�m�ber ��L Please Provide Two (2) Phorte Numbets Inclt ��3a ��F�