Inspections Address Card - 8322LOCATION LOT 5 Psrmit No. 12,956 7989 28,981 14,885 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 5628 - 6th 5treet N.E. OWNER mrothy Seip ; BLOCK 2 ADD. x' 1 ' Add '' M h ' 11 Conaiructioa Dat� Electrical Permit 12/20/78 Plumbing Permit 6/12/79 Building Permit(Reroof) 3/5/99 Heating Permit 11/28/Ol ami ton s ition to ec anicsvi e Contracior Cosi F'iaal Wire Rite Electric $ Bob's Circle Plumbing Town & Country Roofin American Burner Servi e 18.50 4/6/79 13.00 6/6/79 40.25 3/30/99 30.00 12/4/O1 E-RH50,528-6/7/78 B-RH50, 526-6/7/78 �-RH50,�529-6/7/78 B#53,063-12/14/78 E#53,922-4/6/79 E-RH#53,988-4/19/79 ?#55, 056-6/6/79 B#55, 434-7/3/79 C#68, 776-1'2/28/82 B��133,988-3/25/99 B4�134,096-3/30/99 H��146,893-12/4/O1