P - 79125'7 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION 1��( O�- 2 01 �4 Minnesota Board of Electricity - 1821 University Avenue Suite S-128, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 � (651) 642-0800 T'fY/MRS 1-800-627-3529 www.electricity.state.mn.us INII lf III IIIII llf ll lllll 118111111 lllll n� l 17012014 �_�� rwugnan mspecnon fteiWve07 LJ Yes You must caU the tnspeqor when ready! I certify Ihat I am the >,�..� ��j� °�o �S� ���; bv � O w� cau � ; oo �- o Irupedion Otl�er Than Roughdn: Da� Reativ: ' and hereby request e�.spection of the electrical worlt at: