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Encr�;y Culculutirn�s OIi FOR NEW OPGNTNQS-D�SCRIBL SiZ1: QF' c)YkNIN(i (:'HANC;N5 Rc TYPE OF WINUQW TO BF iNSTq1,1„�() NUMBER UF WINDOWS �AT�L Fk�FS A,R� BASE� UN VALUATION, INCLUDING �`H� C"U�T O�` LAB(�R AIYp MA.T�R�A�i..5: (USING THE ]997 LT,$,[; F�F SCHEUULI;) T�TA,G,TQ� VA�,iJA�'l'IUN $ �� C�C�:UPAIYCY TX�k: Perinit ree $ , Z� Sc:c� 8ack Pa�e f`or Fee Scf�edule ^�" Plan Rvvic�w $�� ��� 65"/U of Duilc�ins perinit i=es �'it� Surclrtarge $ ,001 times the totAl job v�lu�tion SUrch�t�e $ I .00OS x Pe�mit Valuatiou Minimum $.50 License Surcl�arge � _'j $S.DO {State Licensed ltesidencial C:onir�tcte�ryj SAC Charge �__ $155D per SAC Unit (Plans to MWCC for det�ermination) Curb CutEscrow �• •- - � R+4 (fi ttx $21 -$_. Ern9iorl Gcyntrol � $450 Conservatio�i Pla�i C�eview Park Fea $ Pee determin�d hy �ngincoring Sewer Main �F��rge $ _ ��;r�ement nacessary ( ) Nan Necessary ( ) Totul Duc $ �(j'��� MNk� cNec:kti p�tyy�jyi� to; Gitv nf �'ridlev Attach Stinulatinna 'I HIS IS AI� APf?LIC'AT1UN AOR A PERMIT•NC7T VALID [JNT[L PR()(; .F.SSI=17 1 h�rc�by ttpply fvP a buile�i»� pertnit and I acknawledge that the infarmation abuvc is cpmplutc arad accurate; tbat tl�e worlc wil! he in conform�no� with tha ordia:�n4oy �pd codes oti t�e City vf Fridley and with the Micuiesot� Gonstruocion Cudus; tht�t I undsrstand this is not a perrnit but only an Application for a permit ttnd wnrk is nat t� st�tM wiklaout a permit; that the work will ba in Aceordance wilh tho �pprovnd pi�z in the case of ail wvrk which reyuires rev'ew and approvai of plans, SIGNATtJR�(iC'APPLICANT„l,l���� ,,,_i'RIIVTNAMC M�� j���DATC g�Z��L, � ����Up Since ]965 �•li� � �� � � � ��L�1T$2�� .� ,�,� wEraAs�n�+rs ��/i�t/ �;:. �.�s�#��� ,. , '���..- PEaMA� ��� WATERPROOFING � �� Date MN Contractor Lic. #20638376 BC www.rite-waywaterproofing.com ' ` """ 'g—`��—�� 448 lilac Street • Lino Lakes, Minnesota 55014 •(651) 786-0550 • Fax (651) 786-0555 Proposal s� Address � City, State, Home %�o • Work Celi Fax Job Name Address City, State, and Zip Code Home(Work Email Address Ce11 This proposal (Co�tract) entails the following activities to be pertormed by Rite-Way Waterproofing: To install an underground drain system bel0w the basement floor level as indicated on the detailed drawing. A perforated four inch plastic pipe shall be installed in a trench and wifl be encased by a minimum ot two inches of crushed rock. Block wall construction shall have each cavity and seam drilled as near the foundation level as feasible on the lower course of blocks. A one half inch plastic drain pipe or 1/2" drain board shall be installed onfin each of the drilled cavities and seams so that any water will be drained into the piastic pipe line. The plastic line shall terminate in a sump and a pump will be installed to remove the accumulated water. The trench shall be cemented to the level of the basement floor. We wiil be Ieaving a vapor gap between the floar and the wail to catch any moisture and condensation irom the walis. The owner is responsible for the removal of appliances, fumiture, carpeting and clearing the excavation area before we arrive to start the job. If they are not removed and it becomes necessary for Rite-Way personnel to remove them, we will not be responsible for any resulting damages. Rite-Way Waterproofing will not be responsible for job dust or the restoration of tile, paint, or carpet along the area of excavation. Upon final payment, Rite-Way Waterproofing will issue a lifetime guarantee where our drain tile has been installed. The guarantee does not cover condensation or dampness on walls or iloors. The pump and exit line are covered by a separate 1 year manufacturer's warranty. NORTH WALL 3i' FT. POURED WALLS SUMP� DEEP P£M� j 3 NP 1J2 HP SOUTH WALL �3 FT. CERAMIC TILE/LINOLlUMlWOODlCARPET/NONE CEILING HEI6HT �-u1t _ EAST WALL �FT. FRAMING/FUR STRIP/2X2/2X4/NONE H20 PROOF: EGRESS/WW —' WEST WALL FT. SHEETROCK/PANELING VAPOR GAP � TRUNK LINE FT. BLOCK WALLS (2 CORE/3 CORE) POLY DRAIN '� TOTAL _�.�,'i �, J� FIREPLACE: � GUARANTEED ❑ NOT GUARANTEED � IF HEARTH REMOVED Additions Rite-Way Does Not Cover �e Homeowner to suppiy 110 electrical outlet for pump (10 amp) Paneling andlor sheet rock walls may have to be cut off at the bottom including framing Nail heads may pop or corner seams may separate on 2x4 sheet rocked walls. Painted walls may become nicked or stained Tile in excavation area will be lost �_Floor may have to be beveled �P�_Carpeting to be removed/replaced hy homeowner � Baseboards to be removed/replaced by homeowner —"' Bathroom fixtures (toilet, shower, vanity, etc) to be removed/ replaced by homeowner Other items to be moved by homeown@r� ��C, i�wlS �S� Tunneled argas NOT Zoeller� High Water level A{arm Add: $ Qty: Zoeller� Battery Back-up System Add: $ Qty: �H' ��"" NORTH 1� �� �� , 13� — --- _ _ --- — i � I��� � f 3r ► d�.�n � i � � ' � �sc � �x�'s � � � � aK � � I � � Ipu�' '�'lru. This bid is based on visual euternal inspection only and asaumes the concsaled components of the atructure adhere to standard 6uilding practice. In the case of structura/ varlances, Rite Way !s not responslble for resu/hng dameges, and reserves the r/ght to w/thdraw or renegotlate thls agreement. If bid Js rtot re-negotfated, and Rlteway has sent a crew to the Jo6 but ft cannot be done at the orlginal contract prfce due fo varfances, � 20% of tHe oNg/nal bfd wlll be owed 6y the homeowner. Examples of varfances; block eavitles filled with cement: no foundation under strueture: floating slab floor; Hoor depth exceptionafly thin or tbick; obstructfons embedded in concrete floor sucb as heat ducts, water'and sewer pipes, electrical conduit, hot water pipes, reinforcing rods, iron deposits and excessive sand Infiltration, ete., which would interfere with the installation. The owner(s) aeknowledges that Uwe were informed of my/our rlgM to cancel this agreement as required by law and that Vwe have been furnished with an exact copy of this contract. You, the buyer, may cancel this purchase at any time prior to midnight of the third business day atter the date of purchase. Owner agrees that tn event of cancellation beyond three businese days of this contract date, owner shall pay on demend, twenty-five (25%) percent of the contract price as its' stipuleted damages for the breach. CONTRACTOR PRE-LIEN NOTIGE (a) "A PERSON OR COMPANY SUPPLYING LABOR OR MATERIALS FOR THIS IMPROVEMEN7 TO YOUR PROPERTY MAY FILE A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY IF THAT PERSON OR COMPANY IS NOT PAID FOR THE CONTRIBUTIONS. (b) UNDER MINNESOTA LAW, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PAY PERSONS WHO SUPPLIED LABOR OR MATERIALS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT DIRECTLY AND DEDUCT THIS AMOUNT FROM OUR CONTRACT PRICE, �R WITHHOlO THE AMOUNT DUE THEM FROM US UNTIL 12� DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF THE IMPROVEMENT UNLESS WE GIVE YOU A LIEN WAIVER SIGNEO BY PERSONS WHO SUPPLIED ANY LABOR OR MATERIAL FOR THE IMPROVEMENT AND WHO GAVE YOU TIMELY NOTICE." �8 r 4e hereby to furni h ma rial and labor co plete, in accordance with the above specifications for the sum of: �� �,I X Y'�l� ��iJP�T-[-t �\)2� Ilars �$) �%75 � Any afteration br deviation from above speci�cations involving extra cost3 will be executed only upon written orders, signed by corporate officer or sales agent, and will become an eMra charge over and above the estimate. All job dates contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond � control. Owner to carry fire, tornado, and other necessary insurance.� Iron and calcium deposits and excessive sand/soil infiltration due to cracked walls not covered in guarantee. Rite-Way will not be responsible for the presence of or damage caused by any mofd, mildew, fungi, bacteria, yeast, or theiT spores, scent or byproducts. This exclusion shall apply to removing, cleaning up, treating, detoxifying, neutrafizing, remediating, or disposing of any such substance and is applicable whether the substance was present prior to or subsequent to the work performed by Rite-Way. Comparry employees are covered by Workme�'s Compensation fnsurance. Doliars ($) , Items) Sub-Total ($) 5���� l ( ' %) Down Payment ($) — �� ^?� " Balance ($) �J'� �yS � � PAYMENT TO BE UPON JOB COMPLETION. OWNER/AGENT TO PAY FOREMAN UPON JOB COMPLETION UNLESS OTHERW S NO ED. 1.5 % Per monih interest ch o�er a unt Representatives signature Note: This proposa/ m be wlthdrawn by ua w/thln 30 days. �tt�p�Y[p¢ D� �xi0�ors� — The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. Rite-Way Waterproofing is authorized to perform work as specified. Payment as outlined above. Job on or -`_..• � � / C� ,—l.F•, � I � �/ � ,. fa� � . , / Owner's C�