P - 42225From: Building Inspections 763-572-3604 763-502-4977 FAX UA7'ti�Lf S1Tt AllUR�S5 TH1S APPLICANT 1S PROPERTY OWNER/ TENANT CONTRACTOR SU BMlT A COPY OF YOURSTATE LICENSE W1TH APPLICATION PERMIT TYPE TYPE O�' WORK: of Fndley lo: y�`Lttti144a1 Nage: y5 uate: 5�5t1uua �:4�:�t rn�i MECHANICAL Permit rto.�°. ; � "., RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIfJN ReceivedrBy: CITY OF FRIDLEY nate��'�: ` YOUR �-MA1L AllUR�,SS � OWN�R NAM �: AUllR�,SS: CITY STAT� 'L1P PHQN�: COMPANY NAMB:_ K�NTAC'f P�RSON: STAT� LICHNSH fl PHON�, ❑ S1NGL� NAMII.Y ❑ TWO KAMILY ❑ N�W ❑ RtiPLACtiM�NT DETAIGED DESCR[PT[ON OF WO�RK O 'fQ WNHOUSt C] ALT�KA7IQN/RtiMQll�L -r STATti 'LlP FEL+B AI�L BASL�D O� 510.00 PLR F1X7'UltE, �LCL�P7' WHL�RL� VOTL�D. FIX'1'UItL��: (1!1111CA'1'L'C07"AL 11UWBElt OF L�ACH BBLOW) Bquinmerrt lrastnlled MNG: MOU�L: ('� y� L�. ��/Ss'C -11 O Sl'LF/B7'U O o c� Mrr,: Mout�: �IA� 13 Lo3Co sur�dru 3 �A/C �25.00 AIIiTQ Allt �?CCHANG�R $IS �13QILtiit $33.OQ CHiMN�Y LIN�)t$10.00 'llUC'f WQRK S IO.QO M}T(i: MnD�L: NiK�PLAC� (GAS} $ I5.00 �FIRBPLAC� {WC1C?D) $35.00 NURNACE $35.(� �C,AS DRY �R $10.00 SI'L1i/13TU GAS ItANt;�/OV�N $10.00 N�W CAS CR1LL $ IQ.00 GAS UN1T HTIt $I0.00 POQL H�AT�R �35.00 V�N'CILATOR �15.00 THIS 15 AN APPLiCAT1QN N!nR A P�KMIT-NOT VALIll UNT1L AROC�SS�ll I hcxcby apply for a buiiding permit and I acknowlc�lgr. thgt thc information abavc ig complctc and accuratc; that thc wark witl bc in conformancc wifh thc ordinanccs and codc±.q of thc City of Fridlcy and with thc Minncsota Construction Codac; that [ undcrstand this i� not a permit but only an application far a permit and work is not to start without a permit; that thc wotk will bc in accordancc ith thc approved plan in thc casc wot hich � uires revicw and approval of plra�ns,._ � SIC,NATUR� OF APPLICANT PR1NT NAME � � UAT� v_ � v City af Fridley Building Inspections Department 6431 University Avenue NE, Fridley, MN 55432 7d3-572-3604 FAX: 753-502-4977 �