P - 80582REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION F Minnesota Boartl ot Electncity � �-$$Q-$ j 3 �. 1821 University Avenue Suita 5428, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 (651) 642�0800 TTYlMRS 1-800-627-3529 www. electricity. sta[e. mn. us � Itlen�ify the woB cmered by Uis request THAN 50 I I�I II I�I IIII I IIIII IIII��III I�I " 1 3 8 0 3 1 3 5" ONE 8 TWO FAMILY DWE Irklutles ihe Service andlor ,� ��sr EACH UNIT rotal fee is 29056 _, Z FOR OFFlCE USE ONLY 10,�� OC ��56 II certi(y that I am the L%4 LICENSED COMRACTOR ❑ COMPANY ❑ OWNER and hereby request inspecAOn of the electrical work at I Job Atltlress (Streeq Boz, or RoNe NoJ City Zip Cotle License OF COPY �