Inspection Card - 537INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS LOCATION ABL� 3TkEET 6ly33 OR'NER Melvir_ �l. Gunderson LOT 25 BLOCH ? ADD. Moore Lake High3ands Permit No. 646 2oD8 5143 7005 4625 6621 17,131 21,762 29,774 ,�'� a� Coastruclioa Building Permit(Garage) Add. to house Water Permit Building Permit, Addn. Electrical Permit Heating Permit Electrical Permit Building Permrt(Sash/Tr Building Permit(Reroof) w7 DaYe 7/25/62 5/1/64 10/7/64 4/28/76 9/2/87 n) 3/18/93 6/25/99 Contracior M. A. Gunderson Owner Menz Plumbing Co. Melvzn Gunderson, pwner Melvin Gundexson Royalton Heating Co. Williams Electric Twin City Storm Sash Richard Hastings CosY 2,00 �;b.0o $10.00 $4.00 $3,00 13.D0 49.50 54.00 83 25 Fiaal 10/9/64 4/6/77 8/25/99 3�43,929-4/6/77 E#87,807-9/4/87 B#136,379-8/25/99