P - 35815Build��t� Inspectivn� 7�3�572-3�04 bnTC b —`�1— �r i r; ������c�5s � 'i'F{1S Ak'F'LI(:ANf t5; BiTILL1IN� R�SIDENTIAL ��'����ATI�I►1V �iT� C1F FRII�LEY YUUIt C�MAIL ADUkF.iSS ` ---- - '1 �4 � l A�I.E, ST� � - S"S' _.._.—� �13Z � UWNER �CONTR.4CTOR � Permit No.: r�.�G��v�a �y; W u�'�. r��t�f�'�: ��� 0 � 20 P'fitUFI:RTY4WNEI�/ �.�,n�_'�� .._Q.�2fSi__ '1�,NAlVT _ ....... ...............�._�— P,DD1iESS _rTLI � �—'rl.�� i_A� I.� �T . C'I"1'Y�2 �(�'�/ --. -- STA� �!Y C�'�'�i 2 PHONE: ^ " I COl'VTRACTpR SUFIMITA COPY OF YOUR. STATE LICENSE V4ITH A�'PLICATION _._---- - 1'ROPERTY TYPE F�,RM��r �x�� N�►�re:, -.K..IZI=� —1n/� STATC LiC:GNSG # �� �D�SS:--!-� �-1 8 .. ...� PHO�r, b�l - .'78b - Q $1N[}�,Fs FAMILY/NEW CC b rwo rntvtt�Yirr�w �.oN� ❑ Hn�kMKt��i� r��rv�sH Q L)H[:IC. �V�I F1�f "� 12 P2 ��, j�,1�1 � . _... _._...... ,. (�.,� L. HXN DATE ._ .... .,. ... , . .. ..�..._...,__ •J I.�r..�� ��• CI'fY.�(�o ��},�(S STATF�j1�,j�'��� A ��/i� � _ .. �ESC.ftIBE W��K F3FlNCi �ION.F:_I.,1�_�?R- SIZE UF 1MPR�JVEMENT s�unitcs „TM_ CS 1'[tUPUSBD StZE; FRn[�9GD HCi(3I-1T: ,51iRiL�lsi ❑ Vinyl Ci Aiu�niman ❑ 01her rax hsl -iBG� - � �.00r• o srorrru CJ N(.�L1SR & CiARAC[i fJ A'1"I'AC:H�D UAKA.CiE ❑ T1�TAC7I�D UAItAdG �lSs�fkit ❑ Trim O rasc;n }:�1�'�13'� fN h7(1$1'�NCi t)YBN1NCi5 �.IYes ONo LOCATION OF WINDDWS OA FOR 1VEW OPCNINQ3-DLSCRIDL• SIZCi t.)4� c)Pt3NINCi C>HANCiN.5 tR� Wl AL,� Fk;�S A,RE BASE� ON VALUATI(lN, INCLUDING '�H� C'O�T O� (U5lNG THE 1997 U,B.0 F�E SCHEUULI;) TtDTq,I.,iVBYA�,UATI�riT� '7_ gt�'f). °O r�r',�rPSnrr„ Perir►it Tee Pletl Rbvit�w Fit� Sarcharge Suu�ch�tge L.icense Surcharge SAC ChArge Curb Cut Escrow Etosi�rt G<mt�l Park Fee Sewer Main Cti�rge � ----- � �� s � � S � $ -- --- -- � Ft. AASEMHNT R�MCIUEL 1NG S UHMf f• i. Gxistin�, Ploar Plan 2. NrnpixaGd flnur piAn 3. List of structural me�nbers tu be �r�l PORN�W CONSTi�IlCTIU1J 1NCLUDINCi C1yC:KS, �A!?.�?,LTJ.S?�V��.a� �'�j�S,'•HF4 SU$sSiT: 1. Site pinn/Survey showing thc cxisting atructnras nnc! prupusad pru,jec� 2, rwa scrs of oonstrnction plans 3. Encr�;y �Alnulutinns AIY� MAT�R�A1.S: ______.._.._� 5e:e 8ack Pa�e fvr Fee Schedule 65% of 13uitdin� perinit ! ee A01 times the tot�l jab valuation .00OS x Permit Valuation Minimum $.50 $5.04 (State Licensed Residential [;antrt�vtur�t) $155D per SAC Unit (Ptans to MWCC for detienninatIon) R+�i��=N fitx$2l=$ $�50 Conservation Pla�i��teview Fee Determin�d by �ngineotting �1�;reement necessary { ) Non Necessary ( ) • Mxke Checkx n�tvable to: Citv ��iFridlev Attwn '1'HIS IS Ah APPLIC'ATIUN AOR A PERMTf•NOT VALID UNTIL PR()(:�9SF..p 1 hurc�by �p�ly fc�r � buile�tn�; permit ftnd I acknowledge that the information abuve is wmpl�tc anci accurate; tbat tiie work wIll be in eonfocm�nec� with cho urdin�tncos �pd Ct�de;s �f the City of Fridley and with the Micv�esota Construccion Cod�s; thal t und�rstand this is not a perrnit but only an application for a permit and wark is nnt to stti�t wikl�out a pes7�iit; that the work will be in �ceordflnce with tho flpprc�vad pl�n in tlie case of a11 work yvhich reqc�i�s re�view and appmva! of plans. SI(3NATIJRG c?f' APPLICANT,.,'����,��•�/J� . ,�A[t1NT NANIC_M�� (, - v r �DATT g�['"I � �•9 AUG/03/2011/WED 11:53 WCEC FAX No,763 425 5312 � P.002 A Q�y U Pa� Eti s965 � oR�W � YEfUMNENTLY oate �$ DI��QI Proposal submitted to _ _ Address City, State, and Zip Code WoAc �v�/��'�/� d::::.':�;':r"� � WAT�RPROOFING � �MN Contraator Lic. #�20638376 8C 448 Lilac Street • Lino Lakes, Cell ;;�:;� � �'� ;-�e ':r : :�Tx �'; - ^�:. . .': : .. . . .. �;��? www.r�te ;got I�ab b' � and Zip Code ; Fax 7�t3 �a5 53/a I Emall Addross 786-0555 This proposal (Contract) entails the following activities to be performed by Rit�•Way Waterproofing: To irotatl an underground drain system below the basement floor fevel ea indkated on tlie deta8ed drawirq. A perforated bur inch plastic pipe shell be installed in a trench and wifl ba ancased hy a minlmum pf Mro k�ches ot aushed rock. 8bck w�t �rudla+ shall have each caviry and aeam dr�led as near the foundation level es teaeiWe o� the lower courae of blocks. A one half inch plaatio drain pipe or t/2" drain bonrd shell be Installed onlu� eech of tha dfilled oavltles md aeame ao tl�at any water wdl be Mained iMO She plasC�e pipa line. The plestic line ahaq tertninate in e sump end a pump wiA ba installed to remwe the accumulated water. The trench shall 1� cgmented tp lhe Ipv91 pl thg b869meM floor. We wlp be leaving a vapor gap batMreen Ma floa and the wall to eateh any molstun and oondaneatia� from tha wel(s. Th9 owner b reaponsibb fot the remwai of appliarroee, tumiture, cerpetlng and clearing Ma exopvatipn �a bpforo we arrive to atatt tha �0. 1t they are not romoved end it becomes netessary tor RitaWay parsonnel to remwe them, we wiW not be rosponsible for nny roauNing dametge3. Rke-W8y WBterpro0fing vv�li rat bo ra:poncibla ta �ob duSt or th9 rs8toranOn Of tlle, pai�t, or carpet abng the area af excavation. Upon final payment, Rite-Way Waterproofing witl iaaue a flfetime guarantee vh�ere our drein tile haa been instNled. The guarant68 OoBS not cOver opnden38ttOn Or tlflmpnE86 on wally or f rS• TM pump exlt Ilne arc eovsred by a sepante 1 year manufaeturs►'s wartanly. �' �, NORTH WALL oZg Ff. POUREDYVALLS ,V� SUMP• EG E �UM .1/3 HP 1/2 HP SOUTH WALL FT. CERAMIC TILE/LINOLIUM/W000/CARPET/I� CEIUN GHT EAST WALL Ff. �I�QID�/FUR STRIP/2X' '�F'�DX NONE HZO PROOF: EG ESSMfW "�" WEST WALL Fl: �SH�PANELING Y� VAPOR GAP,�'++'!IL" TRUNK LINE __��FT. BLOCK WALLS (�COREj _� POLY DRAIN ' T071►L �. O FIREPI.ACE: D GUARANTEEb ❑ NO7 GUARAN7EED ❑ IF HEARTH REMOVED Addftions Ri�,�,ll va UoeS._.SNot �over �Homeowner to supply 1 t 0 electrical outlet ior pump (10 amp) �PanelinQ and/or sheet rock walls may have to be cut off at the bottom ' din ra in �_ w�� y�Nail heads may pop or corner seams may separate on 2x4 ` 1� sneet rocked waus. ► �Painted walis may become nicked or stained � �' Tile fn eucavation area wifl be lost � Fioor may have to be beveled � "� Carpeting to he removedJreplaced by homeowner $� � ,/��Baseboards to be remQved/replaced by homeowner � .��Bathroom fixtures ( g� s)f ower, vanity, etc) to be removed/ �� replaced by homeowner �e °'� ��/ i Qther items to be moved by homeowner�<6or ,��yev, I_, _ 1__ �,i e� u+t�i 5�' „�i- - ! _ - _ _ .� .�.� !o�{ �� -- -- -_ Zoellero Hiph Water Lavel Alarm Add: S___�� pty;�— i�S U 7oe11erm Battery 8ack-up 5ystem Add� � Qty:_,,,,�.� y�5 Q i _ . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . --� ---••--- �- ------�-� --------•- -..�_ _._.._...-- -��--- •- -•--�--.....�..,-- ---�'-- •- Thi� bld i� bassd o� vieusl oxtomwl �hspoodon only ano awume� uro vw�cva�au wuqr����.. �� w�o o.�............ ..._ ._ ..._... ._ ,._.._. o.•--°--. ... dro oase oI structunl v�rfanaa, pks Wsyle irof napor+alb/e for reaulNnp QemeBea, md rsaenrea fhe rlphf � wlthdrew or renegoWts fh�a rgnomonf. q bId /s �wt n�neaatlarod, and R/toway has sant a enw to the %ob but It cannot be dw�e at the orlglnal oontraot pMce due to vaAanees. t Z09G o/ fhe oAgfnal b/d wUl ba onred by 8ra hemoowner. Examplw of vafancn; bloek cavitles fi��ed wkh oemer� rro foundaQoh under atruduro: floati�g �lab floor; tloer dspth exaoptlenally thln or thiek; ebstructlo�s embeddsd In conerato (low such aa heat duots, water and sewer pipea, elactrical oonduit, hot watx plpK, re�nfor�ng rods, Iron dopoalts and excasstve ssnd IrAlkrstlon, a�., whioh would InteAere witA tho installation. TI» ownar(s) aeknowbdgei tfat Ww w�re k+formed ot my/our right to ea�ce� d+�s a9►sement aa roqufrod by law and that Ywe hava been fumishad a{pf �n oxaot eopy bt this co�hac!• You, tho buyw, may eaneel thla purehaso ai any tlme prlor to mldnight of the third busfness dsy atter the date of purohase. Ownef �graes thet in went of wu�ooUadon Myo�d throe busl�ess days ot thls eonvad date, owner shali pay o� demand, twenlY-five (25Ye) pxcent of the contraot p+ice as ite' sNpulatW dam�os 1or tha 6roaeh• � CONTRLAC'1'OR PRE-� �� N�� (a) "A PERSQIO OR COMPANY SUPPLYING I.ABOR OR MATERIAIS FOR THIS IMPROVEMEN7 TO YOUR PROPERTY MAY FILE A LIEN A4AIN8T YOUR PROPERTY �R TNAT PER80N OR COMPANY 18 NOT PRIP P0:17'NE COIYTRIBUI IONS• (b) UNDER 11dNNESOTA LAW, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PAY PERSONS WHO SUPPLIEd LABOR OR MATERIALS FOR 7NI8 IYPRO��ENT DIRECTLV AND DBDUCT THIS AMOUPR FROM OUR CONTRACT PRICE, OR WRHHOLD THE AMOUNT DUE THEM FliOM US UNTIL 1Z0 DAVS AFTER COI+IPLETION OF TME IMPROV81dIENT UNLESS WH GIVE YOU A LIEN WAIVER SIGNED BY PERSONS WHO SUpPLIEO ANY LABOfi OR MATERIAL ROR TME IMPROVEMEN7 AND WXO OAVE YOU TIMELY N0T10E." ��&e hereby to furnish aterial and labor complete, i accord n� with the above speafications tor the sum o� r�1JV �Ci Iti � � Dollars ($)�S� • a,y ahw•gon «dovlacion from aowa spedncanona MrvoWirg exhs aosts Dollars (S) win bs mropned oMy upon wrinon o�ders, sqnea br corvorate otficer or (Optfo�&I Items) Sub-7ota1('�) aaks o�t. and wiN bacomo an e�Rra d�mpe over and �ove the estineie. nr Job aates ca+tU+pent upon a�nkea� aoaee�ts or dNa�a beymd wr ��j _o�� Down Payment ($) �- �� aontrol. Ownnr to carry 1'ue. �mado, and otl+x heceese�Y Mwrerwe. ��--..�� �� /- kaf a� calc�rn depoaits and exeessive aandlaoN i�iltralion dw to 681d�IC0 (s��1�- orecKed walls not coveted in �ueranfoe. Rue.Way w� not be responsiwe ror tne presenee ot or demage oawao PAYMEMI" TO BE UPOPI JOB COMPLETION. qr arry mold, mitdew, tunpi, bacterfa, yeast. « their apwas, aoent w OWNER/A(3ENT TO PAY FOREMAN UPON J08 byproducts. rnis excwaon shap appiyto removinp� c�eening �+p. treatin9. COMPLETION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. dato�Q(ying, neutralisinp, temedi8ting, or diepoeing of any iuch �� ������ ��r ��� sub6Cina a�d ie aWp�iceWe wheU+er �h9 gubei9�ce wa� prose�t pdor co or wbsoquant � me vwrk pe�om�oe W ana-way. Represeniatives signatu comp�u�r emabyoee aro oo�xed M�n�^en's C«naeneatbn �ns�xa�• �voa: n,is propoad may w us wlthbi 3o ds . ��� ,p� ��cgl — The above prices, speciflcation� and condiUons ar tisfa and an hareby accepted. Rits-Way Waterproofing is authorized to parform�ork as spedfl . Payment as outlined abova $'l ,ZO 1( 57ivi�`�' � � �eb oF Job on or about Owner's signatur@ �� $ � t