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Inspection Card - 595
INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS �.00ATION so Alaen Circle N.E. OWNER �es€-�Ie�l�'a#s�- Latour LOT 6 BLOCH 1 �D' Henriksen Addition P�rrnii Na 13,543 6778 8489 11,561 6762 6969 9332 20,139 21,805 11,229 12,426 25,091 28,378 28,021 Coadruetloa Building Permit(H&G) Plnmbing Permit Nater & Sewer Permit 3lectrical Permit Heating PeYmit ieating Peri[ut Heating PeYmit Electrical Permlt iuilding Permit(Reroofi Plumbing Permzt Heating Permit Building Permit(Deck) Burlding Permit(Reroof) Electrlcal Permit 80 Z�lden Ci;cl� N.E� Dat� 5/27/76 6/17/76 i/14/76 S/26/76 9/14/76 5/24/77 8/4/86 7/-2 3 /91 4/"L2/93 10/27/94 9/12/96 5/23/97 10/22/98 5/22/00 Conir¢clor � Cosi F,�•� Leif Henriksen Bldr. �orcoran Plumbing Corcoran Plumbing Rey`s Electric Building Services, In 4 Sea.sons Sheet Metal �eo. Sedgwick Heating Phri£tway Electric Etichard Hastings Cont Tim's Quality Plbg Fireplace Showroom Dimension Bldrs Inc [ion Miller Const.Inc. South Side Electric $ 42.28 23.00 30.00 30.00 33.00 17.00 10•00 15.00 31.00 15 00 25.00 56.75 56.75 20.00 5/2/77 10/28/76 10/15/76 4/20/77 3/31/78 4/10/92 11/14/94 9/16/96 5/10/97 6/8/OD B#39,953-5/17/76 G#140,026-6/8/00 P#39,828-6/17/76 B#39,266-7/29/76 E#40,808-5/18J76 s#40,637-8/19(76 P#40,638-8/19/76 S#40,811-8/23/76 E#41,577-10/15/76 � P#41,763-10/25f76 P�41,810-10/28/76 B#42,456-12/20/76 H#43,900-4/20177 B#44,008-5/2/77 H#48,053-3/31/78 E#1G2,673-4%1Of92 P-0k112,109-11/4J94 P11112,141-11/14/94 H11114,034-3/9/95 H�I120,538-9/13/96 Hdi120,549-9/16/96 B�i123,296-5/27/97 B$122,902-6J1Dj97 B4I131,783-1O1�9198