AF - 45059.�,q�.�. . . _ _ . , _ .. , ,g.,,,. _ . F;ASF.�fEA�`I' llESCRII�TION �NswiELo��ria�v R�vi,sEo LO'f 6 , 13LOCK 'l FOK 33 ,,m.. : . _ . �_ CITY OF FRIDLEY ELWELL'S RIVERSIDE HEIGFITS PLAT 2 , FtR. THURE Fi. ERI�KSUN . �� 75U1 ALDEN WAY, :..E. �;1..NEAP�LIS� .;I.:tit:SOTA 55432 ��/.S�C�.Co�?�✓V � � rao9 � �`� �� y �''.,�. .� i� �� ' � 83.3 \ � \ � _ s�. ¢ /l� DEN /��! 1' + � Y � fc.S �ron /�'bA- �,� �,� /,.y ou. i/ z7 � � ,, � DESCRIP'TION: 'ihat part of Lot o, i�lock 1, :.lwe] i's t2i�•crside Heij���ts Plat 1, CiCy of Fridley� :�i�.nesota, i;��iz:g �=asr.eri; ot L�;t f�-llowing ciescri.bed line; beginnin�; at a poln[ on tt�e S�utii line oi <ina l i. � i tce[ wes, �? tiie Soutitieast cc,rn�r of said Lot b; Ci►ence nnrth�asterly 1�+3,tj� fert, more or !ess, �_o a pc�iilt op tne �Torth Itne of and 10.(��� feet wE+st of c��e tiurtncast �c�rner of said i.ot f,, an�i tnere ter�inating. I hereby cert ify that tiiis surve�� was made uiider �n} direct supervision a►id ti�ac I am a duly authorized Kegistered Land Surveyur unuer t+�e Iaws r�f tne Scate uf iiinnegota. llate�: September ZS,� ' �?�. l��ai� L�c� Ao,r Oc�: 3 it �z ✓/ • ��%�G ,� ,,�,.lam S. L�,ve, r:.L._. :•lii�n. keg. �u. ;787 i i