AF-V - 45065, . •. � � � �- � � � /o. D o F���, 6- ' � � -� � APF'L,ZCATI0;1 TO THE BOARD 0�+ AP�EAI,S AAY+T� CI'P�l CGt1NCIL FOR SPECIAL USE PFR2fiiT, VARIAPIC� IP�1 c2EQUY�i,'MEh"TS OP' CERTAYN . ORDZ�IANCES 0� Ti�: CI1`'1 OF I�ftIAiE'Y � (Applicant to coa�lete iCem� 1, 2, 3) 1. Nam.� an� A�dz•sse of Ar��licunt ��! de%��� QiS�, - y�j�/�' D �.l �e.t ��,., !3� -- . � .D � � � ��'�lzA-'� — 2. Le$al Description of PropBrty �slso geaeral locaticn, suzh r�s;"no�c�:- eest corner of 6�►tFi Av�nun end 5th 5treet'° ar 6�•15 �ifth Stregt") � �Z , �l . - -- - - — - _..�..�..—�...�... _ �. I��c�ibe the vrsriancs requeated. (At#scl� P1at ar SvYV�sy �f �o*ttty _ showing location oi prnposed buil�i.r.�, et�., st8o ad,joining �ro�ttiea a�nd at�r�axship v3thin 200' of eaid psopert;►. ) � � �L�`_�-�L l9 �7z_� '�/.� , (i•�.3 _ �111i � _ � � � L .�; �iA � �� e 17 y �, �,.,�:.�._,�, '�` � / �,,� •f ' �. � �. A ,U____ � J �/� ('� S � , 1 � _ i� v � 4. C�nta by sdmini�trative official denytn� oriIIineZ requeat for busldfn; F�it or oth�r p�rmit. (To be cc:,�plete8 b�J a��ain'_atrarfv� o7E�Fici�1. Appx'op�i�[e ordti>��nc.ee and aectioa of QY�L[l.si1C�'o t<� i,� eice�,) 0 .. f i � t � • � ' , : �, i �� ..__.�.._. ...y.. ." .. � \d ��� . 0 _ 2 . S. Uotics of Hearing appe datea : /t (muat be at leset once attachad), in Official Newspaper aa the follo�+ing meetin� -- copq of nocice to 6. Soard M�mbsre aot i f ied of aeet ing by_ •(�_� ���� / g�� (�.ist Memmers, Date No�ified, and "Yes" or "lld' or p�ans to att� huriog) , a ' �. N_ ame at $laa to Attend c�--i_�- `1��ti � � � � _ * Ck N-�.� 7 c��1 � (�'.�[�" - �-� � - � � , .�. � �. Vr � � � l,ua�� �.�..' ���-' Paason oskiag appest sad tba ollowtag pro�Yty e�sts �svi�ag propetty �rithin 20�?' noti�t�d : p� ._ / Jd : , e � �� ,,_� � i S , --- � � �� / ���, . ' _• • t� I ! Date ���_ �_� _:r � _ � � ' . •,_ , � / ,,i , � � . �! �� / .�. Ay !leans Potified by os�_ (�qit ial�_ rn� m. �l . .,. .._........_.._ 8. ibs �ollaring Doard Plemb�rs and interasted partiu �at� �ssa�st at the p�arins: EOA�D I��SR3 Z�2�-�.i - �iSa ' , ,. 5/ a.�Q.�► i �. i�c� u��.(� ��..i� � s2s o a.� � � � �. ..����. ..�_ � • m r,J � ��(.i�� (Yu.�.Q.;e,� — `�,�e c� � . �. r�'. � �� , .. C����.�n� i�U `�c-c.� eP I��<. i . ♦ i � - 3 - OTfiiER PARTIES • NAME ADDRESS 9. Opinione and recommendativne by BOARD OP APPEALS: r`°i. . •, .� ie., _ . � . n �l � 10. For Above Reco�endations A ag 1nst.Recoc�nendationa , . ,11.•�►ction by City Council and Dgte; l�� � /�7L l �� �%2 ' , � , OFFICIAL NOTIC� CITY OF FRIDLEX PUBLIC ��ARIN� BEFORE THE BOARD OF APPEALS ;'�; TO WHO�I IT MAY CONCERN : , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Appeals of the City of Fxidl�y will meet in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 7:30 P.I�i. on TuesdAty, ApYi1 11, 1972 to consider the following matter: A request for variancea of: Section 45.053, 48, 4, Fridley City Code, to reduce the aide yard requirement for an attached garage from 5 feet to 3 feet, and, Section''�+5.053, 4B, to reduce , the afde yard requirement for living area from . 10 feet to 3 feet, to allaw Che conatructioa of a dwelling with an attached garage on Lot 5, Block 2, Elwells Riverside Heights Plat 2, the same being 7521 Alden Way N.E., Fridley, Minneaota. (Request by Mr. Arthur Silseth, 400 Rice Creek Boulevard N.E., Fridley, Minnesota.) Anyone who desires to be heard with reference to the abov e matt�� �►ay bs heard at this me�ting. . .� . . ROBERT A. MIN�SH CKAIRMAN BOARD f)F A�'PFAI.S e i i ♦ tes of The Board Of Of Avril Mrs. Walhberg sai� she i.s not ��Pr; '•�'<:l *�.h� o�,�r'.�:��r� as it �.11 be pushing the lot line but then there will be 15 feet between structur Mr. Harju said that with a 1 foot side yard, there virtually no raom �4 ��A walk around the garage without walking on the nei ors ].and. Mr. Julkowski said that with back doors on b h the house and gaxage �hexe wau�.d be no reason to go around the garage on t t side. Mr. Crowder said as it stands now he ould be against the variance bu� he wauld be in favox of allowing the appli t time to try and get the cos� facto7ca involved for an attached garage ersus a detached garage to try and conv��ce k��a that there would be a hardah in having to build a detached garage. 1rtr, �ulko�wski said he co d get the cost factors as his fathex ia a gene��1 contractor. . MOTION by CY type of info a detached g . Seconde y unan usly. 3. �o table this request until the petitioner comes back w�,�.h eotAe n to show that there would be a hardship in having to bui.ld instead of what is proposed. Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, �he nwtion car7�i�d CREEK BOULEVARD N.,E., FRIDLEY, KINNESOTA.) Mr, Silseth was present to present the request. A suxvey ara,d.picture a� �he lofi were shown to the Board. Mx. Silseth explained he has been working with an architect in �indi�� a hott+�� to fit on this vacant lot and the architect suggested ha go be�ox� the Boaxd to see how much of a variance he could get. Mr. Cxowder asked if he meant he has not picked out a house yet but �.f the vaxianee we�e �cppr��ed tlien h�r �:��.lu picic �u� a hous� Co �it the v�xiait�e. � Mr, Silseth answered yes. He added he does own the lot bu� thsy k�av� �np houe�t plan as yet. 1'he lot has plenty of frantage xQOm but then �ha 10� ra�►sxs dawn taward the back so there wi11 be a problem with the side yards. I�e is G7�y�i1� to find out how much of a variance he can get so he wi�l know how bi.� o� a house he can build. Mx. Sondheimer asked if Lot 6, which is vacant at this time, w�.11 be d�velap�d in t�ie neaz future. M�'. Silseth said he didn't knaw but the owner of that lot, 1�Ir, T, �rick�a�# was in the aud�ence. - A � �' � The Minutes Of The Board Of Appeals Meeting Of April 11� 1972 Page 5 The Board asked about the location of the house on Lot 4. Mr. Siiseth said the house on Lot 4 is approxi.�nately 13 feet from t�� lat lins so there would be about 16 feet between structures, The adjaGenC bedro�ms would be along the side of the proposed garage. Mrs. Walhberg asked if there are any bedroom wi�daws alo�g that adjacent wa�l. Mr. Silseth said that there are bedroom windows. Mrs. Walhberg asked how wide of a house could be built withouX a vaxiance. Mr. Belisle said approximately a 60 foot house could be built without variance�. _ Mr. Thure Erickson, owner of Lot 6, said he would like ta vo�ce his objections to this variance. He said he has known Rusty fox 16 yeaxs a�d he v�lues his friendship but he felt in the long run it would be bettex to object �ow. H� said that moving Mr. Silseth's house closer to the lot line wou�d encxOaG� upon h�s vacant lot. The lots are fairly large and if the houses ar� built tp code the lots would continue to stay this way. He plans to sell this 1ot, withi� a year or so, and h� frx* the veo�le �;:��.: �: ;'_. �-;��r? .; like l�avi�lg Mx'. S�lse�,h's house closer to their lot than it was supposed to be. Ae sa�.d if Mr., Silseth'� , variance is granted, he will pxobably have to get a variance on that s�d� o� his lot also when he decides to develope it. Mr. Crowder asked Mr. Silseth if he plans to live in this house when i� �.s bu��t. Mx. Silseth said that he did. Mx. Minish stated he could not see a hardship as this lot could be buil� pn without any variances. He said he would like to see a specific houae plan positianed on this lot before a deciaion was made ori the variance. He said wi.�h a specif�c house plan maybe a vaxiance would be necessary but thea i.t mi�ht not. Mx. Harju said he didn't like the idea of having the living area tha� clp�e to the lot line. Mx. Sondheimex said the applicant should make templates o� the house and gaxage and move them around on a larger scale survey to find a moxe suitable locat�.on. Mr, Silseth said they had done that but on 3 feet they only gained 4 i.nches. Mr. Erickson said he had talked to Mr. Sjodin, owner of Lot 4, and h� had bee� cortcerned about the variance but he works nights so it would be hard f�� hi.m ta aome to the meeting. M��. Wahlberg said she would like to see mQra specifics befor� the vaxiailce is acted on. Mc�`TION by Wahlberg �o table this request until the applican� x�turns w�th �arQ irt}�Q�.matian. �^y . Seconded by Harju. Upon a voi�ce vote, there being no �ays, the motianc�trx'ied �nani.mous ly . r � � � ., �� ., � TO WIiOM IT MAY CONCERN : � � � � OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Appeals of the City of Fridley will zneet in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, September 12, 1972 to consider the follawing matter: A request for a variance of Section 45.053, 4B, Fridley City Code, to reduce the side yard . requirement from 10 feet to 7 feet to allow thc construction of a dwelling to be located on Lot 5, Block 2, Elwell's Riverside Heights Plat 2, the same being 7521 Alden Way N.E., Fridley, Minnesota. (Request by Mr. Arthur Silseth, 40Q Rice Creek Boulevard, Fridley, Mir.nesota.) Anyone who desires to be heard with reference to the above inatter may be heard at this meeting. � , I � �a . , . . �� �� �c1 � 1� ,� ��' � �� .� 3 ROBERT A. MINISH CHAIRMAN BOARD OF APPEALS , 1� � S � �� � � � . - � . � • LUT SURV�Y �2'TY OF FRIDLEY LUT �, BLUCK 2 /ELWF.LLS RIVERSZD� FI6IGHTS PLAT 2, SURV�Y FOK � ARTEtL`4t SILSETH �. � ���� �� . � .� �t�1ry - ��P � , ' -� � � _y� ; ,, . �� ���i ��. , �-�.-.�-� ,r , �. �,r � .� -�' �, . i� . �.�-� :� y k .1t' , \ � - � i t ;t, . . �, �_ . ,� � � , � � ,�� � . _ c � �� r: �-�„ . .- , `, �.�� �, � + � , � 3�i _ -;;. : 3, � , _ ,�r � , � � � � 3� � /,Y` , � � � '� ,p / � , , . , � ,t / , ` 1-fJY' � � ;CV�:,, ��� � 1 r�'�' , � � NR r-RtGKSi N's _ ° � 1""'��P`� �� �:-,�� .� i - � � -� lC 35F F�it��i' 1�� � ? - � I t liESCRIPTIU:1: Lot �, tiioci: 2 r:2weils Ri�•ezsi�ie iiei�;hts Plat 2, City� of Frzdley, Section i0, Tc�.�nship 3�, Fanv,e 24. ' . , I hereby certify that this survey wae �sade under my direct supervision and that Y am s duly anthozized �egistered Land Svrveyo= ut�der Che 1aWS oi the State of Minneaots. Viliiam S. Loye, x.L.S. Minn. Reg. No. 6781 . � 4 �� d C 1 � . � 45 � � �� � �: i �s� `�� � � a4 ' 1 s � � V` � ,{;rpe _ � ! �4�1 �(M"�•:a J ,.- �� �U.. � -' � � <I � ' � TrJ� � . � � �. �' '�- , � +0.i - � i _ -=.: }f� -'� j .- i �`+_.:1. � �..-- .. -'Y= `` _ f� .. - . i...�A: a.:- _ - . ".:°�"i..__�- ..-:�4 �. ' � �'_.� �.a . .. .. �� � I, ���� CiLi (� �J! f � !(.� ' %;�--- ?�.�sl �f��-,�, �v��