AF-V - 44504� 1. � 3. BUILDING STANDARDS - DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOr�SITTEE MEETING MINUTES, JUNE 6, 1967 The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 7:38 P. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Ericksoa, Hauge, Dittes, Tonco, ermann MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Building Inspector CONSIDERATION OF COI�STRUCTION OF AN ICO STEEL BUILDING, 7210 CENTRAL AVENUE NORTHEAST PARTS OF LOT 1 AUDITO S SUBDIVISION r89. O�ti'NER, DETERri��i 6dELDING AND TANI� SERVICE,_4775 - 3RD ET NORTHEAST: Mr. Determan was presen at the meeting, A plot plan was submitted, along with a foundation plan an elevations of tEie building. MOTION by Ditt to approve plans subject to submittal of a revised plot to the building ins ector per the sketch subrnitted this date to this committee. Seconded by Tonco. • The plicant was shown a copy of the NSSSD charges. a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. CONSIDER:ATION OF CONSTRUCTIO�' OF SIX - 12 UNIT APARTi�NT BUILDINGS QN LOTS 3 AND 4, HAYES RIVER LOTS ADDITION (5911 - 21 - 31 - 41 - 51 - 61 ANNA AVENUE NORTHEAST) , REQUEST BY JArfES NELSON C0�1PAI�'Y, 7601 WAYZATA BOUL�'VARD, r1l��i'�v'EAPOLIS MINNESOTA: James Nelson and Bub Minder were present representing the builders and owners. Several alternates for parking 1ot and garages *aere submitted. No plans were submitted for the garages. The roof construction would match that of the apartment building. Garbage and trash would be picked up daily. No incinerators. MOTION by Tonco to recommend approval of proposed apartment complex with parking lot alternate ,�1, subject to the approval of the Board of Appeals with respect to setback of garages, also sub�ject to dedication of Anna Avenue to south property line, and subject to receipt of ;arage plans and screening in of rubbish disposal areas. Seconded by Hauge. L'pon a voice vote,�there being no nays, the motion carried. D' S � TION OF RE UEST FOR A i�10VING PE�'�IIT TO �IO�B A HOUSE ONTO LOT 1 ADD 401 IRONTON �TREET NORTHEAST , I�EQLBST BY 1�R. AND iLR 445 IRONTON 'VORTHEAST: BLOCK I . GEORGE Mr. Froid was present at the meeting. . 11 basement would be put in. The house would be rewired. The house would have to be ht up to code in wiring, plumbing, etc. MOTION by Bierman to defer this item until the aext regular meetinb o that all Board members can see the building and lot. Seconded by Tonco. L'pon a 'ce vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. REG1Jl�lAT: C011;�CII, l�S�'.I!:'t'ING, JUi�I? 1", 1_9G7 PAGI? % � ORllJ?�;/�i�'Cl_`36S -_�i'v �1.��)i�n��l �'O 1����ti]) l'I31�__C_l`l.'Y COl�a;01' 7_Irl__C�.U� Ol? 1'-1?T}�Y:�_ rlT.t'NCSO! �'>_ LY u 1;:J iiC A C l_� "r_. l r'-/�)' -f-�'.C-I� I� LJ: l( �`3 __ 1:-7_�'i'0 R-3 z_ I:;(_l-S----�i'0�150^•: . SC;h�:�GGa.\S, _INC__ -"- -- -- --- - -- - - Tf0`l'):0;�? by Cou�ic�_7;�.c.n lIa�-�:�is Co adoi,: i)�-di.i>>nc�. ;�36S uf>�n se ��d �`c�,;1i.n ,, wa.:vi.ng ttie readi.i�� �:�d �,��'>1i.sli. Secondc.l hy Counci1.ma:1 , cbl. Ilpoii a x:�11 . � Cr'l1.7 VO�-C � ��ll"�<Il� ill� I�1C�211. � J1� ]'1"].S 3 5�1[:1'.'.C�_SO11� �IiC11Ci:111 Otlll�; �1j�C� j Tlt1�':i � 110I1C' � r;ayor Kirt:liai; declar�cl tlie riotion c�n-i_ed. P.nJJJ.,ti`i':[ 0:; ;`7_.14..19G � 01:�);�R:?.��G � i1Pi:O`1l � i� :�:`l'S �i�?D } ?I`.T, Pl.."�i�;S A�;7 ST'I;('7.I'1; A � �0 �S AND T;S1T��1'li:S 0'�_CC1S7'S�CT''_I:F.OP';_S L�,1�1;'C ItiP1:0�,�_i11 ,_i, T'i::OJI',"l;`i'_ i'1'. 19;�]. �_ __.- - _�T)T�I�LL%i ;i`3)~ ----- - ------- -- --__-_-- TI�e City Enginec�r said tlia� tic had gi.vc� ttie property o�,:,�le�-s the price o� . v111ey gutters a��<� concrete ctlrl� an<1 � tt�r, nr1d that t�e had r.eceived caserier.t.s from tl?e Lun�l>er Yai'd and thc. ,.�> :e�: to tl�e soutii for sauitar.y se;:-cr. The. �__.1 _ Ci.tyEi��i.ucel- said ti�at tlir-� o;,�n� 1-s dv not: ���ant: curbs, anci l�is f.ce].i_r�gs �:e;-e ttl<`lt 1.� f:ilc'j' �dc'.'C' ��011i`� LO :1�.7C` .E' CU-CiiS � t �.1�., 1.11<^.i= l.tlrj� Cl0 ].l: O;.t t10�`ll £i7_C�E:S. COitllC.l�_t�l�i? lj�x]:Yi�S St11Cl f 1?:: l�;Qx.l':'i:1: i.}:��' �; V�)2"t'%.q G�:�1C'1S t1F1C' 1�?:CC�"� i'.I1Hl. Cl'.r't) c �- i. ' ,; ' - � ;' � : �1� �;C�U;...�)_�.tS CC�itC.C=i il. l�.il1C: UC��.�.C'::S � should �o o:; t,.c e ��i� �ce, a.d l� �.�,s ,, ,^ tl�e taater �a ;� ct:au,_.,7c.d n:r4 tnc� s�? �:c-�t , tl�ere �::o,,]_d ?,e an e,_osic,� Z�:-;�bleru, , clIIG SO �t�r, fC'1�, t:�"iC',� S�1.C�Y`l1Cl }?.Fl\iL: �1�i1.}C_'�' f�lJ.:�C'.7"5. �'�OU'i?C].�Li:AII ,�'��U:lUC�_`i0i.i 1:i��GC1 i ,,_ if the gut.te-r sh�uld .�t�n. ir� fr�.�'� oi tt�e .."-.ian.aar.d Stai:ion a1:,o. Cnu,'cilrr�c�n • S�1Ct1Cl?`t S_;i(j I1C CO,Y'iCl T"lOL L1Tl:iE1S ?Il� ':-I�ij' tlICV \?OL11_C� 1'_CCG in� .�(:i:L J� COi1tl11',!Oi:S 1CCC'Su. �,011!]C1_�.1�� .i� .;C?il.l.6 S� 1Cl i.�11_�t i'_l:` �,?}"1pIU ('.Ci�C OI i:!)C'. 7'(l�iCl j.'OLLC! tl:"C��: ltj� . + Ui17.C'SS tI;ul":: ��'c �^.'1 ('-Cl�i: �i:� CL!:Cf) O?' itlt:t:�:"� 8.T1.1 lf t=[t�:�' C�O I���i: \:: tl� Ctll"ii L:i1C)' should h<�ve ,�c�lley guti:ei_ . ri0TI0�? b� Cott,�: i7�u.r:7 Sa:uuel: o>; tc ��lc�pt �:^sa1_u* =o�-, ,r:i.14-�19:�7 ��'it=1� a va17_ey gutter n th� �,�est si.de {or cont�-ol of d?_aina�e. Sec�oi�ded h}� Colinci_].i�:a�z Li.ei>1. Upon vo:Cce vote, t).zere b�lin ; r�o na� s, r`a}�or. i:irkhuni decl� ?-c< tti^ �otion C2?"1"1.C'.Cj� �'�lE'. COii11C.':l� CiIS�Li:;SE'.il Lll�lt i:li�iC �J7_il tl^ F3 S��i11�_t?-CI S�'.C.LIOi) C;i tt:i. east SiCjC� 311C� i:}?��i: Cilll) Ci1t-S C811 �)C Cli..tC1'ili'_I.I1CCj Ol tl?c. L�lU1�:il ul1Cl SOU`�11. RU:tLDTi2G_ S'1'�"�D�^.E_I�S _��;,SC:� � CC'T`il'^i� SiJI_:;0'., Tri'li; i;T,l_�_1!;G itl�;UTi:S-.-�ItT?� 6,--�.9C'7, 1. COi�STTiE �11:C0:; Oi? COi;�.��.. ;;'T'TC1, 0' SIX -- 1? L`'I'1' �'i1 Al li E vr(' ;;UT� �)� �'CS 0�? LO��S 3 _� _ � _ -_ - -----__--__ -_ . - _. _. D 4� I1E��'1�S PTVI l' LO� S�'�r? ) I'110 �(.`i91] --21--31-4�1-51-E�7 ���: E� ���� i�Lii i 0 ���'r1 �S! l_ _ - ._._� __ r - T __ , _-.. --�-- - •- RF tl}�51 ���' T4��FS i��� I�SO?-; C0. iP��..�� , 7601 ��,'t��Yl ����1 B�'_TT,i;A� �'l)_, TtI�'`i E1F'01,T S� �iI r� 1��507'�1: --�----------- -_------- -- _ __ - _-_-- - - --- 7'�lE: L'1t�jT I'LI171c7��_'7' TC'.1C� t�?i. l�OLlOil OIr �l�C �L1iiCOP.iilll.ttCC 1"CCOii'.i?1:I1C�1T1� �ll)�7�OV2.�. Of the proposca apartiaent co:r,��lex �ai_t}.i certain st:il�ul� ti.o:�s. Tt�= City Engii.^e. sho�acd plans o� the layc��r a� r'co:;;.,;ended tiy the Sut�co:-�!uiCtee, pointc'� out ttie E.'B.SE'ITI�?lt <':11Ci C11.SCLiSS�C�. i:t:C: S�.i!)�iC�C �I�i1'i2i:CC. Z}iC COLLi::]_�_ 52:iC� i,t �d'.S <1 VCI'�' IliCE.' 100!:i.il� CO^:i�li.?>. cU'_.:iC11.t,'.�i�i 1,��'D1. S�ll(� t:�;c1L ti,l,, lPll.�. �D:. C�L,i �-E. ci;, 2ccCi t O t tl C 31 C� �'� �`l I" CI . T10T.10:v b,� Co.i„c.i1^����n �Iar;�; s to co,,�:•t�r t:�ii=h tt?c T;ui.1 c! i��� St and�.rd.; - Dc:� i �n Ci0_LtY'Ol SL1t�COi!i:`:?l± LC�' <^�1:� �ii�i:l'O��C t}t�- ��10��QSCCl d���11�CCi:'ilt CCi!iiI��1C:}: [•11.�}i t.t1E' �011Oti111� 1"C:iU1YE'li'.�".?�.�,' �?S Stl.11���<`�_f�Cil h)� L'�?C' :��'-��iCOL;��;11�i.CC: 20 c�E�PT'O�!� [i�_i�l parkin� lot altcrnat� 'r1, st�b j��ct to tile al�l:: ���.�.�1 ot tl:c ;',ozrd <�; �.;;,�: ais ti'�l.�.11 resi�C'.C�. t.:�) ��CCI!<C'�: (>r �'.1.('.'. .� ZI.f1r) :+i�� .1'. ��.�. tl� C�'����].C��:��1.(1:1 l�L t.'..7.�'.�'. !�`,.:iil':. t0 SGII��.I; �)r-01?( i��' �.].Zl�� � � prl Sl.il�: �;.�.C�: �l) 1'f�CC 1 i�i C�i °�. �c;('. �)�_(1;!S EitiCl SC,'i-E`t.r �.���c, � t lIl Of Yil,:i):LS}i C�)S��US1�_ R)�i'.£iS. SE'.COI1l�E'Ci �)� CO!!ilC7.�lil:li`- :�liilliC�:�OII. U�JO11 1 VOlCC VOCC � Ctl�'.i�' �JC1P" 11i� Plly ;� T•I�lj'O1' I�1.1'�:}i(,Rl G�tC1�1C�'�l ��1C TifOtJ Ufl C�.l'1').t�C! . 0 �rGUrl�iz co�.rNCIL r��21�c, Ji,TLY 17, 1967 � � f /r � � �l -� ? � s�-�'-'=� j j /<_" � , � ..,/'�-� y? f'„�!.,�,� / l'�AiJ��1 J' j, �(� ..-�`- � BIDS - ST. 1967-10 _ SEAL COAT BIDS OPT'NED NOON, Jt�LY 10, 1967: . Page 8 The Acting City Niana�er explaiiied Lhat these bids �ti*� e for sealcoating and that the lo�o bi_dder h�d been Allied Flacictop mpany. The City Engineer said that this was the contractor who ad done the work last year, and this bid was lo�ver th��n their bid o last year. PLAN I30LDE R Allied Blacktop Co. 2900 14th Avenue So. Minneapolis, Minn. Dunkley Surfacing Co. 3756 Gr.and St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minn. C. S. McCr.ossan, Inc Rt. 2, Box 322 Osseo, Minnesota � BID SECURITY Bid Bond Fidelit & Dep. C . Bi Bond 5% ited Pacific Insurance Co. Bid Bond S% Great American BASE BID $12,375.00 $13,090.OG $14,960.00 COMPLETION DATE August 31, 1967 Sept. 15, 1967 Sept. 15, 1967 MOTION by Counci an Liebl to award the bid to A11ied Blacktop Company, 2900 - 14t.h Ave ue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the amount of $12,375.00 with a comple ion date of August 31, I967. Seconded by Councilman Samuelso::. Upon a voic vote, there being no nays, rlayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. � BOARD OF _<1PPE�'1LS MEr TTl�G MINUlES� JUI.Y 5, 1967; 1. PUBLIC �EAI:ING ON A RECZUEST FOR A VARIANCE FKOi�f SECTIO:I 45.2b, CITY CODE ' OF FRIDLEY, MI.NNESO'1'A 19b3 � REVISED DECEi�IBEP. 31, 1964, BY WAIVER OF FRONT � YARD SETBACK REQUIREMF�r FROM 35 FEET TO 24 FF'F.T IN ORDER TO SCREEN PA1.F'.iNG ARE� FROI1 Ai�?NA AVENUE BY USE OF GARAGES AS SCREEN GJALZ ON LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 2, HAYES RIV�R LOTS2 E1:VOI�A CO�uNTY, NIV\ESO'?'A, SE1ME BEING 5940 - 5990! ANNA AVENUE NORT�IEAST, FRIDLEY, MIN�TESOTA, S'0 PE1Z`�SIT CONSTRUCTION OF r1N 18 UNIT GARAGF . (REQU�ST BX JAi`�S NELSON COMPANY, 7601 WAYZATA BOULEVARD� MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, 55426.) � Councilmazi Harris r.eminded the Council that these plans had been reviewed before they went to the Board of Appeals. MOTIOi�.by Councilr.ian Harris to concur with the Board of Appeals and grant the variance. Seconded by Councilmari Saiauelson. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, i�iayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. MOTION by Councilrnan Samuelson to receive tne remaini.ng minutes of the boa.rd of Appeal_s Meeting o� July 5, 1967. The r_iotion was seconded a,1d � upon a voice vote, there being no nays, i�fayor Rirkham declared the.motion { carried. �------ _ _ . - RLCOi�SIDER9T10Pd OF � REQL�l1ST F�R E1 VA"��� i'CE FROM 5�`G�IOi\� 45.26, CI�l'Y CODE OF FRIDLEY, P�I1N��ESO'�'A 1963�RF`V1=SLD ',:CEDrr�?�I2 31., 1964, BY LdAIVER Oi�' FROidT _ _ ___:_____�__T - - - ��±'t�P Si1�'�'t.�'� �'F:QT R, �i:��i ^� ' r� ��' ?' l�T_'`;`l �i;�',�`T'- T j� •r.�-� T�,,• �I �L i;� �_ ��F:T� � T� r� >_EL � �__�._�._ COi��ST:�Lt�lIO\ 0: A�' A`C'T:ICtILD^G�1ht,C'_ 1'Iifl^Ll��I'�G __.�1 t!>C?�;: C)`� i�T 10, i�I�'�:� b, P.1G�� C�tE;,t: 'iERRACE PL%�T 4^ �L:vOKt; COLi�lY ilLiviiF'SO"t1 St�`Ti ,:�T:I�;G 6i77 - 7'1H STREF�^— ,�.T ____ __ �------__._ ____.�� . NOI:THEAST, I'P.IDLEY, �"�I:iv`LS A. P.I QLTST BY �EI:A; �? G. I\GF�LDSO�., 6?77 - 7TH SThEE_l NOi:TrII;AST, rK1DI�t� ., iil�.`i�,SOIA 55432) , �