- 44499Quit Cl�im Deed. lndivtdualto Corporation. Form No. ZS��. Siiller-Davis Co., Atianeapolia, Miaa. _. __ _ Minnaota Uaiform.CocveyancinQ Blsaks (19�1). _ __ _ _ __ ,3���08 �. j�g ��cnture. .�r� t� .................�l.s�t.........�� of............��..�'6�...�.................., 19...b.8.., betwoen.... W I L L.I.AN1... J. �.... DAL E.,....hu s..1.?.�1�4� .......................... ..................I.��....DA� �.,.... w i f e............................................... � of thc Caunty of.........�I1�.�S.� ........................................................and Sta.te of............M.�.A�7t�.S.Q.t�a,................................................, part..7..eS. of the �'irst pa.rt, and ...................CI.T.Y....O.E..:.F.RI.DLE.Y........................................................................................................ i� ��Ai G.�.p.a.J� ..............................................................................:.........................................................................................................................................., a aorpora,ti,on under the lawa of the State of..........M.l.I1.Y��.S.A.t.� ......................................., Dccrty of t1u aecond part, �lhit�i�el�j, Ticat tfce said part...�L.�.S of tlae first part, in consi,deration of the aum of .i�.n �.... an d... N A./..l �.D .................( $.1... A.O..� ........ an d....a th,e. r.....u.a l.u,e.s.... x.e �.e iv.e d.....................................DOLLRRS, to.......j?.�.x�.�.�.5 ............................in h,and paid by t1r.� said party of tTr�e seco�td pari, tiu reoeipt wiiereof is hereby aeknowledged, do............ hereby (#rant, Bargcein, Quitelaim, and Conve� unto tl� acaic� pcerty of the second part, ita successors and assi�nns, Forever, all the traot...... or paroel..S. of ldnd Lying ax,d btins i�e. tice County of .............AI1Qk,a......................................................and State of .�liinneaot,a, deacribed aa folloiaa, to-wit: Street and utility easements described as follows: PARCEL #1 That part of Lot 3, Block 1, Hayes River Lots described as follows, towit: Beginning at a point 30 feet south of the north li,ne of said Lot 3, thence south parallel with said east line, a distance of 10 feet; thence northwesterly to a point 30 feet south of said north line, said point also being 10 �eet west of the point of beginning; thence east to the point of beginning. PARCEL #2 A11 that part of Lot 3, Block 1, Hayes River Lots described as follows: The south 30 feet of the north 60 feet, except the east 322 feet of Lot 3, Block 1, Hayes River Lots. All lying in the north half (N1/2) o£ Section 22, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. -�- � � / NrJ�e, �ee� 1ct.}-` �eQur re�d o � ; �-. �__ . , , . __ . .. .-- - - ( '�o �abe anb to �oiD lile �feame� To�etTcer wit,h atl th,c heredita�rcents aiul appurtenances tlure- rcnto belon�iny or in anJwise appeJ•tainin�, to tice sai-cl pa7•t� of the seconcl part, its szacCessors and assi6ns, � Forever. � _ _ _ _� _____ I �n 'QGe�timottp ��jET¢Ot, The said part..3.esof the �rst part h.a.Ve.... h,ereunto set..... th�.]'l.x........ .... lt-t�tul�i:: tlte r��:U �cntl �/e�r �rRi aboz�e:crittcrc. Ir� p�•csenc� of , • •� ,�% .......... .���� ......... .. ......... ._.......... ....... . ...... ; , ' ` .... ... ..... .... .... . . ......,�...�,1(./ .�................ '� �%� , �� .............� � � � '�.....�....... .........N ............................... ........... � .............�/�;%7.1��:...�i� ��E�....................................................... � a���; ������ �ar�1�� �