AF - 44161�. � v�u�e o� �aiey, �. �. � BUILDING PERMIT N� 917 �ce of INSPEL�'OR OF BIIILDINGS � ��������� Owner ���', �, e`'�'. �� ��•�-�`�"'�� ..� ��°' F '� `�'�g_ � e� ° �,+^ �„y .; Architect Fridley, Minn., �� ' : �;�`°�" � _-��'-' , 18 '�"�.,z,= �f Builder �,, I�OCATION OF�BU�DING No. .�,��,�"i Street � �� `� �°"� � ��'�� i �`� , Part of I.�t . �v,.� '�� � � � Lot__ �_ Block Addition or Sub-Diviaion �-��" DESCR,IPTiON OF BUII.,DING a� �r'' ,,�� Front �"" Depth ��' Height Stortea �".o... Manner oP Construction �` f^'�°`�°`°�� '� r ..� k *�'�;'� .�'�:`� '� ��� Estimated Coat To be used ae u �� ° To be complet "T� �.� " � ,�'�-& ,. � ;�.����� "y „�>.�,�' � ..* ,�,�.P'?..`�..���_a�" . �� ���..��._ ,� :. Permit is herebq gra.nted to' �.��?� '�p M� tp �'� ���- � :�,� � � °'�..���'a:` -t,� ` °`�� �<+w_ the buiiding '`� �'-=- descrlbed in the above statement. Thfe permit is granted upon the esprese condition that the person to whom it fe granted, and his agents, employees and worl�en, in all the work done 4n, around and upon said building, or any part thereof, ehall conPorm in all respecta to the ordi- nancea of Fridley, Minn., regarding the construction, alter�tion, maintenance, repair and moving of buildfnge within the city limite, and thie permit may ba revoked at anq time upon vlolal3on of any of the provisione oP said ordinancea �-�. :e+a�..-�� ����c- :_��•.�z„� TnareCtor of B11i1d1IIgs. AGI�EEM�TT AND SWORN STATEMENT In considera.tion of the issue and delivery to me by the Inspector of Buildinga of Fridley of the above permit, I hereby agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the description above set forth and according to the provisions of the ordinances of Friclley, and, being first duly sworn, I hereby state and say that the facts stated by me and conta,ined in the above permit axe true as therein stated. , d ���i. �z C� �� �.�� '���. Subscribed and sworn to before me at Fridl�y, Minnesota, th;R ��� �-� da,y of ��� � � � A.D. 18 ���� � . � s ,� � '�: ``��,�, .,� _ y. 3 _ �. ,_ �� _ ^ -..� ,_� ,� � �� i �' � City of Fridley SUBJECT o R � � 2 6 AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS g U I L D I N G P E R M I T � � ' REC . � � � i v______ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. r � � PFiOTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. �/1� f}/ i , (/ l� i ' � ���; � CITY HALL FRIDLEY 55432 NUMBER REV. DATE �/ PAGE OF APPROVEO BY �"""�� �� 612-571-3450 910-F15 �� / / JOB ADDRESS �37 �,�� S't. N.E. 1 LEGAL LOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTACHED DESCR. 39 Aud Sub #92 SHEET 2 PROPERTYOWNER MAILADDRESS ZIP PHONE John Habermaier 5837 Arthur St. N.E. Fridle 55432 571-2881 3 CONTRACTOR MAIIADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSENO. Owner 4 ARCHITECTORDESIGNER MAILADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSENO. 5 ENGINEER MAILADDFiESS ZIP PHONE LICENSENO. 8 USE OF BUILDING � RLS1C�Pri't12� ], 7 CLASS OF WORK C� NEW O ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ REMOVE 8 DESCRIBE WOHK Reroof 8 CHANGE QF USE FROM TO STIPULATIONS Roof can he second but not third. SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. F1C12:CCJ].dSS THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION ZONING SQ. FT. CU. FT. AUTHORI2ED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OH IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT R�- ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO. DWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION STALLS GARAGES AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVEFNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT y�F)OO.00 yS. rjO DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE pERM1T FEE SAC CHARGE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- STRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. �`�.'rJ.00 PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL FEE $15.50 IGNATUREOFCO 7R C OR RAUTHORI2EDAGENT 1 ATEI WHEN PRO ERL V IDAT THIS IS VOUR PERMIT ' ,�� � ��'a�; e�� � ;�-A � � GNATU OF NER�IF OWNER BUILDEPI IDA EI BLDG INSP npTE CITY Ot' F(tIOLCY APPLIGATIQI FOIt RCSIDL"rJTIP.� [3U1LDli�G PLRirITS (Nch�, Alter.�tions, Additions, or Repairs) Ot�NER: ��/p�� r'.� , f� 11DJRESS : _ r5 � 3 °� �. r i�� � >^ � �� TEL A0: _ � % % � � ��� Effective Aug. 1, 1981 't3UI LDER : � �' ��/1oiPdl nonRCSS: S ��o' TEL ItO: Construction Location • STJtITT NO: STItEF.T. S/��%` /� � �/.�G 1O� i,o� : � � si.ocx: �niTio:a: l.� �%� � cs� � Sv Corner Lot: Insicic Lot: _ SetbacY.: Sideyards: Ap�licznt attach to tl�is form two Certificates of SLrvey of lot and p�oposed building location drawn on certificates to scale. DESCRIPTIO�� OF COr�jSTF:�JCTIOr� ��'�d� Front: Depth: Heiqht: Squarc r'eet: Clibic Fcet: . Front: Depth: Heiglit: Square Fe�t: Nbic Teet: � ���/(G��� . /q 00 Rype of Cor,.truction: , ���sivl���' Estimated Cost: $�(l�. 4b Be Oor.�pleted: �� fj3 Alt. A Alt. 8 Proposed Driveway iiidth If New Openinq Is Desired: � $ . S�E p,EVF,R;I; SIDL OF SiIEET Ziie undersianed hereb�► mal;c� applictticn for a pernit fcr the �:vrk he=ein spc�cified, agreeing to do .all �.ork ir� strict accordance M�ith the Cit}� of Tridley Otdii�ances aiid ruling� of tlie DeparUne��L of I3uilclings, and hereby declares that all the facts and represcz�Ztions stated in this application re true and cor e t. �� - , � D.�T�: � 0 � SIGNATiII.�.: � Stii�ulations : ,�t �-�. � l� �f = � � G� �— /S-, S U �, ' . d 0 , - y�� - - ' _ Tbe Chief Buildir�g OPficial ahall, bePore issuing permits for the erection oP any building or structure� or for any addition to aay existiag building or atructure or for any alteration or repairs to any existiag building or �structure, upon application therefore, require the payment by the applicaat Por such permit of fees to the amount herein belrn+ set forth and in tbe manner herein provided to-xit: a�.00 to �500.00 =501 to �2�000.00 a2,00, to �25,000 Fees �10.00 (Minimum �15.00) a10.00 Por the first �500 plus �1.50 for each additional a100 or fraetion thereof� to and including �2,000 �32•50 Por the Pirst �2,000 plus #6.00 - for each additional �1,000 or fraction thereo�, to and including �25�000 a25,001 to �50,000 �170.50 for the Pirst �25,000 plus ��►.50 for each additional �1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including �50,000 �50.001 to a100,000 �283.00 Por the Pirst �50, 000 plus �3.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including �100,000 �100,001 and up aq33•00 for the firat a100,000 plus �2.50 for eaeh additional a1,000 or o fraction thereof Plan Cheek: 25 percent of building permit fee. DriveWay Depression Eserotr: Concrete eurb streets oaly. Alternate "A": Removal and replacement oP eurb and gutter oaly - DriveWay width plus 6 feet times �13.50 Alternate "B": Removal and replacement of curb and gutter and install a 3 foot Wide approach With 6 iaeh depth - DriveWay width plus 6 feet times �15.75 .� � �.: ., Permits Por constructioa vill be issued a minimum of 24 hours from the time of application to allo� for proper revieW oP the proposed strueture aad of the eonstruction site. S Certificate of Survey oP the lot� ahoWing the location of the toundation onee it has been eonstructed will be requfred before Droceedina vith the framiag. � . _ ., --� sue�ecT P NO. City of Fridley 2 9 6 0 AT TFIE TOP OF TNE TWINS g U I L D I N G P E R M I T r ; � RECEIPT NO. � ; v ����� COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT DIV. r � � PqOTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. � °� � � 1 . � � � �"'1 � CITY NALL FRIDLE� SSI32 NUMBER REV DATE PAGE OF APPROYEO BY �""�' �'' blZ-571-3a50 e�aFis 6/3/99 / / lOB ADDRESS 5837 Arthur Street NE t LEGAI, LOT N0. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTACFIED oescp. 39 Par. 5809 Aud. Sub. 92 SNEET 2 PROPERTY OWNER MAII ADDRES$ ZIP PMONE Ton & Janice Kahlhamer 3 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS 21P PHONE IICENSE NO Renewal b Andersen 350 73rd 4 ARCHITECT OR OESIGNER MAIL AOOpESS 21P PMONE LICENSE N0. 5 ENGINEER MAIL AODFiESS ZIP PHONE IICENSE NO 8 USE OF BUILDING Residential 7 CLASS OF WOpK ❑ NEW O ADDITION O ALTERATION 7e7C REPAIR O MOVE O REMOVE 8 DESCRIBE WORK 3 window inserts; 1 full frame windo 9 CNANGE OF USE FROM TO STIPULATIONS Install smoke detectors to meet theState Building Code - in each sleeping room and on each leve1� of the house. SEPARA7E PERMITS ARE RE�UIREO FOfi EIECTRICAI, PLUMBING. HEATIN(3, TVPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCV GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OF CONSTRUCTION 20NING SO. fT CU FT AUTHOfi1ZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 80 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTIpN OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERI00 OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED NO DWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING I NEFiEBY CEFTIFY TNAT 1 MAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO TNIS APPLICATION STALLS GARAGES AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. A�L PROVISIONS OF �AWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING TNIS TYPE OF WORK WILI BE COMPLIEO WITM WMETMER SPECIFIED NEREIN Oft NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT $4607 �Z. 3O DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTMORITY TO VIOIATE OR CANCEL TNE pERMIT FEE SAC CHARGE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR IOCAL LAW REGUTATING CON- STRUCTION OR TNE PERfORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION �ZZZ , Z'�J Fi re SC �4. CO PLAN CHECK FEE 70T EE Licen $5. $ 3.15 $�GNGTUAE O� CON •NACTOA Op AUTMOp�2ED 4GENT 104TEi N PRO ALIOAT TMIS IS /y/�� UA P R � /is / I (�/ S�GNSTUAE O� OWNEA i�� OWNEp BU�LDEf1� iDAfE� G�NSP q�tE �r�p�id Plan Check $ Estimated Cost $ Receipt # Effecti� 1/1/99 CITY OF FRIDLEY ���� G� I R-3, COMIV�RCIAL & IlVDUSTRIAL � �`� BIJILDING PERMIT APPLICATION � . ��. Cbnstruction Address 5��� � �-k�,�( �rc.e�c �. �c:dl-e.�, �-m11� �S �13 a zoning , T�al ownex &�adress�U,-,., � 5 c`n; c�. �a�\ �� �so,�� �..o bo�� Tel# Co 1 a•S� I•�J/(o C C��1Z'RACIOR & piDDRFS.S �.e,r� �c d � � �Q t SaY, 3 So • �?�� d V��a.A . bt� . � . ; �rc ��.1� �, , mvo Tel# SOa - �l i i 7 Arrh i t2Ct REg .$# F`n�i nrnPr �_# BUII.DING CONSTRUCTION TYPE OF Ti�RK Il New Ll Additiari �. Alteration -Describe ?� - l�J',��1.0 � T�S�.c'� . '�'�- �,�1 �irc.r,,t--e, c,� ;� l , oFC. �: Length wiath xeight sq. Ft. WHSE AREA: Length wi�th Height Sq. Ft. OT� AREA: TpT�-�h Width Height Sq. Ft. APPLICANT Tel # �^ �� Date � ' aC0 • R '� � vAr.uaTTON sq. r't. x$ cost/sq. Ft. = valuation S ) -�� �. Ft. x $ Cost/Sq. Ft. = valuation $ ) _ $ �f, [pD�l °•� , Sq. Ft. x$ Cost/Sq. Ft. = 37aluation $ ) T�L VALUE Building IIse C�nstruction T�pe OccupancY Group pi r Conditioning L7 Yes L] No Fire Protection Provided Ll Yes [l No Perfo�ance Bond Ama�t $ See Reverse for Sc,he�d.ule Received [] Yes' [] No Permit Fee $ ��l a s See Fee Schedule arx Revers� Side pl� � $ In E�ccess of Prepaid Amount - See Reverse Side Fire surc��ge $ y�°�' .00l x Pexmit valuation (1/loth o) State Suzcharge $ o� �% $.50/$1,000 Ualuation (See Sched. for >$1 Million) ��5e $ J% $1050 per SAC Unit (Plans to NdnTCC for deterntination) Erosion Control $ $450.00 Consezvatian Plan Review P3Y'}C FE@ �` F� D@tPxTt1l11E'Cl BjT F�m nanri n' Spec. Assessments $ �nt Necessary ❑ Not Necessa�ry [] ��Y �a� $ feet x $13.50/foot z� $ /� 3° ��S ��.�,�.��� /� ATTACH STIPULATIONS OUI�� ha�/�E / ��L �L�"�i�z�- ��.i� c�.�! /�G� .��1��.1 o� T�� .%��=.CGi.�� ���c , �3/v, 5'l �� /��7 Gl. � c'. $1 to 500 501 to 2,000 2,Q01 to 25,OD0 25,001 to 50,000 50,001 to 100,000 100,(}O1 to 500,000 500,001 to 1,000,000 1,000,001 and up $1 to 2,000 2,001 to 25,Q� 25,001 to SO,Q00 50,�1 to 1�,Q00 100,Q01 to 356,000 Over $356,000 BUII.DING PERMI� �'EE SCHEDULE � � � 1- $21 (iVtinimum Fee is $21 plus surcharge) $21 for lst $500 plus $2.75 for each addn'1 $100 or fraction, to and including $2,000 $62. 25 for 1 st $2, 000 plus $12. 50 for each addn' 1$1, 000 or fraction, to and including $25,000 $349.75 for lst $25,000 plus $9.00 for each addn'1 $1,000 or fraction, to and including $SO,Q00 _. . . . $574.75 for lst $50,000 �lus .$6.25 for each addn'1 $1,Q00 or fraction, to and including $100,000 $887.25 for lst $100,000 plus $5.00 for each addn'1 $1,000 or fraction, to and including $5�,000 $2887.25 for the lst $5(H?,000 plus $4.25 for each addn'1 $1,000 or fraction, to and including $1,OOO,Q00 $5012.25 for the lst $1,000,000 plus $2.75 for each addn'1 $1,000 or fraction PatEPAID PLAN CHECK FEE SCHEDULE $29.25 $29.25 for lst $2,000 plus $5.85 for each addn'1$1,004 or fraction, to and including $25,000 $163.80 for lst $25,000 pllu.s $4.225 for each addn'1$1,000 or fraction, to and including $50,000 - $269.43 for 1 st $50, 000 pIlus $2. 925 for each addn' 1$1, 000 or fraetion, to and including $100,000 . - � $415.68 for lst $100,000 plus $2.275 for each addn'1$1,0� or fraction, to and including $356,(}00 : . $1,000 (Balance due with issuance of building permit) PERFORMANCE BOND POLICIES When a building permit is issued for a commercial, industrial or a multiple dwelling residential project whicl�requues outside improvements,a Performance Bond or a Letter of Credit shall be submitted to the City. Tlie bond will� cover all outside improvements, including but not limited to landscaping, irrigation, curbing, blacktopping, sereening fences, lighting, water & sanitary sevver services, and st�orm drainage systems. Calculation of bond amounts will be determined by the building permit values. The bond amount will be 3% of the building permit value up to a 2 million dollar project or a$60,000 bond. Actual amounts will he rounded to the nearest $100. The City reserves the right to require greater or lesser bond amounts based on unusual circumstances. Projects with no outside impro�►e�ents, generally will not require a bond. Bonds must remain open until the project is fully completed. Reproducible "as-built" drawings of all exterior underground utilities must be submitted to the City Engineering Dept before the project is considered complete and the bond released. All bonds will be held over one winter and through the next growing season to insure the survival of all landscape installations. The City will then inspect these properties in August of the year following the initial planting. Bonds may then be released in October of that year if all improvements are satisfactorily completed. sue�etr PE City of Fridley 2 9 8 5 8 AT TME TOP OF TNE TW�NS g � I L D I N G P E R M I T r ' ` RECEIPT � � �✓� � `y _ ��� COMMUNITY DE�ELOPMENT DIV. r � � PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. i � � � � r�"1 � CITY NALL FRIDLE� SS13i NUMBEh NEV DATE PAGE OF APPROVED B� �----� • •', 612-571-3450 s�aF�S 7/12/99 / / JOB ADDRESS 5837 Arthur Street NE t LEGAL �OT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR AOOITION SEE ATTACNED oesca. 39 Parcel 580 Aud. Sub 2 SFIEET 2 PiiOPERTY OWNER MAIL AOORFS$ ZIP PMONE Ton Kahlhamer 3 CONTRACTOR MAIL AODRESS ZIP PNONE IICENSE NO Knutson Roofin & Sidin 93 - 4 ARCMITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PMONE LICENSE NO. 5 ENGINEER MAII ADDfiESS 21P PMONE LICENSE NO 8 USE OF BUILDING Residential 7 CLASS OF WOFiK O NfW ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION %2( REPAIR O MOVE O REMOVE B DESCRIBE WORK 9 CHANC3E OF USE FROM TO STIPULATIONS Underlayment must comply with the State Building Code. SEPARATE PERMITS ARE FiEOUIRED FOR EIECTfiICAL, PIUMBING, MEATING, TYPE OF CONST pCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITION�NG THIS PERMIT BECOMES NUIL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION ZONING SO. FT CU FT AUTHORI2E� IS NOT COMMENCEO VjIITHIN 80 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION Of1 WORK IS SUSPENDED OF ABANOONED fOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS A7 ANY TIME AF7ER WOqK IS COMMENCED. NO. DWLG. UNITS OPFSTREET PARKING I HEREBY CERTIFV 7NAT I MAVE READ AND EXAMIN�O THIS APPLICAiION STALLS GARAGES AND KNOW TME SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORREC7. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK Wl�l BE COMP�IEO WITM WME7HER SPECIFIED MEREIN Oii NOT. TME GRANTING OF A PERMIT $2098 1 05 DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL TME pERMIT FEE SAC CMARGE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE Oii LOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- STRUCTION OR TME P FORMANCE Of CONSTFUCTION H3. `L�rj PLAN CMECK fEE TOTAL F � �GN4iU OFCON" TOpOAAUTM0�1i2EDOGENI iDai,� EN P OP LIDATE T S IS �OUp PERMIT �� � � S�GNaiUAEOaOWNEA��FOWNEABU�LDEiii 1 ATE� ' B� ��ysp � ��p�E �, . ,� N� [ J ADDN ALTER Effective 5/10/99 [ ] CITY OF FRIDLEY [] SINGLE FAMII.Y AND DUPLEXES R-1 AND R-2 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Construction Address: Legal Description: ��� S i �t Owner Name & Address: Contractor:�� Address: �°� 7 e�,�%�S°, LIVING AREA: GARAGE AREA: DECB AREA: OTI�R: � � �v �— "J� �� � �� � � Tel. # � 7 � `���j � MN LICEN5E # Z �G I Tel. # �/Z �Z3'-g�Z� Attach to this application, a Certificate of Survey of the lot, with the proposed constntction drawn on it to scale. DESCRIPTION OF IlVIPROVEMENT 7t°� ���=� �e � l�� �`�l�c/�������. Length Width Height Sq. Ft. _ Length Width Height Sq. Ft. Width Hgt/Ground Sq. Ft. _ '����°% � G�1'�l��o / � -U l�'' v � Construction Type: i Estimated Cost: $ `� 7�°�.�`� �Q9� Driveway Curb Cut Width Needed: Ft. + 6 Ft = Ft x$ —$ . DATE: 7 � APPLICANT: _ �c�..1� �/t tot�i'? Tel. � �� Z 3 �3° �'Z3 �' � Permit Fee Fire Surcharge State Surcharge SAC Charge License Surcharge Driveway Escrow Erosion Control Pazk Fee Sewer Main Charge TOTAL STIPULATIONS: � �. �.� $ �.lD $ . C�.S $ $ ��� $ $ $ $ /� � CITY USE ONLY Fee Schedule on Reverse Side .001 of Permit Valuation (1/lOth%) $.50/$1,000 Valuation $1050 per 5AC Unit $5.00 (State Licensed Residential Contractors) Alt. "A" or Alt. "B" Above $450.00 Conservation Plan Review Fee Determined by Engineering Agreement Necessary [ ] Not Necessary [ ] BUII�DING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE The Cluef Building Official shall, before issuing permits for the erection of any building or structure, or for any addition to any existing building or structure, or for any alteration or repair to any existing building or structure, upon application therefore, require the payment by the applicant for such permit of fees to the amount herein below set forth and in the manner herein provided to-wit: TOTAL VALUE $1 to $500 $501 to $2,000 $2,001 to $25,000 $25,OOlto $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $100,001 to $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $1,000,�1 and up I���•� $23.50 $23.50 for first $500 plus $3.05 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 $69.25 for first $2,000 plus $14.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,0� $391.25 for first $25,000 plus $10.10 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000 $643.75 for first $50,000 plus $7.00 for each additional $1, 000 or fraction thereof, to and including $100, 000 $993.75 for first $100,000 plus $5.60 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000 $3,233.75 for the first $500,000 plus $4.75 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000 $5,608.75 for the first $1,000,000 plus $3.15 for each addirional $1,000 or fraction thereof DRIVEWAY DEPRESSION ESCROW (Concrete Curb Streets Only) Altemate "A": Removal and replacement of curb and gutter only - Driveway width plus 6 feet times $15.50. Alternate "B": Removal and replacement of curb and gut�er and install a 3 foot wide approach with 6 inch depth - Driveway width plus 6 feet times $23.25. VERIFICATION OF FOUNDATION Permits for construction will be issued a minimum of 24 hours from the time of application to allow for proper review of the proposed structure and of the construction site. A Certificate of Survey of the lot, showing the l�ation of the foundadon once it has it has been constructed will be required before proceeding with the framing.