P - 80586'^ REQUEST FOR �CTRtCAI INSPECTION Minnesota Board of Ele ctly r 1-380-317 �? 1821 University Avenu Suite 5-128, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 (651)642-0800 TTYIMRS 1-800-627-3529 www. electricity. state. mn. us he wark coveretl by �his requesl: ❑ AODITION ❑ REPAIR CIFCUITS OF LESS THAN 5� ONE 8 TWO FAMIIY �WELLINGS, EACH UWT Includes �he Service antl/or Power Suppy up m 500 Amperes, All Cimui�s antl Two Inspection TriOS Each Dwellinp Uni[ �$80 TOTAL FEE wn�r�s�cmAUSewa. Fiu.,� �r�sPev.iwr i-�. _ _ . c.� � ��������������11�������1���� '!V /� FOROFFIC�E�O 7 6 6fl/l Request Da[e: Rou h- ��'sv g in Inspection Requiretl? ❑ Yes ❑ Insppctbp ORier Than Rough-in: py � w��� oei� �ro� YDU must call the inspectm when readyi � NOW �all I. Po 6 _ dt .. D t R tlY. �"""' "'"" °'�"'°r v uCENSED CONiRACTOR ❑ COMPqNY ❑ OWNER and hereby request inspecAon of the electrical work at: Job Adaress (Street, Box, or Route No.) Phone ipany or Owner Pert 7RIAI �ana Company ar Owner OF ANUKA Phone License