AF - 44227���� �� ������� 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY� MIPJNESOTA 55432 TELEPHQNE ( 612)571-3450 1978 H. Sable r Street N.E. N 55432 Re: Code Violati.ons Located at 6561 Arthur Street N.E. Dear Mr. Sable: It was confirmed by a routine environmental inspection on April 18, 1978 that there existed on the above listed property violati.ons of the City Code. Said inspection found a red, 1967 Chevrolet convertible with no license in a junked, street inoperable condition. Also it was determined that varying amounts of tises, vehicle parts, and 2oiscel].aneous other refuse littered the property. Section 123 of the City Code, Junked�Vehicl.es, requires that all vehicles in the City be licensed and in a street operable condition..An alterna.tiv� is to place said vehicles inside a building or remove them to an approved location. Fi�nally, Section 113, Refuse Disposal, requises that all refuse be placed inside an approved container between collection and that it be removed to an approved location, e.g. sanitary landf ill, at least once a we ek. . - Therefore, the City must require you to either place the junked vehicl:e in a street operable condition or'inside a building, or r�nove it froin your property to an approved location. In addition, the City must require you to clean and mainta.in your property f'ree of all the tires, scrap auto parts and miscellaneous refuse found deposited thexe and dispose of same at an approved landfill site. A reinspection will be conducted on or about ten (10) days frcan the date of this letter to dete�ine compl.iance. We axe confident in your cooperation and desire to ma.ke Fridley a better coimmun.ity to live in and if any questions or problems arise, please feel £ree to contact me at 571-3450. Failure to abate the�e violations may result in this matter being turned over to the City Prosecutor for his legal consideration. Sincerely, � STEVEN J. OISON � Envirorunental Of ficer SJO/mh