AF-SP - 46996^
�NOKt1 COUNTY TASK F�I2CL' I�OR BAT'�CERLD WOi�'[t�N: Per Section 205.051, 3, F,
��� to allow a d.welling located on Lots 18, 19, 20 and 21, Block 3,
Oak Grove Addition to F ridley Park, to be used as a facility for
battered women and children.
I�SOTIO�I by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to open the public hearing on
SP �k80-02 by the Anoka County Task Force for Battered Women. Upon a voice
vote, al1 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the public hearin� open at
7:4G' p.m.
Mr. �ioardman stated that this request comes before the Planning Commission under
a use permit. Under State Law, all cities must allow group homes
within residential areas if they meet certain requirements. One of these
r.equirements is that there be no more than six unrelated adults or persons
within that unit over ancl above the staff. As he understood it, the program
wi11 a11ow for living space for six women and their children. Beclause of this
si.tuation, that would not fall within the state r.equirements of having six
unrelated persons and requires a special use permit. He stated the City,of
Fridley has no probleu;s with this request.
N1s. Carol Erickson, 9950 Bluebird St., Coon Rapids, stated she was the Chair-
person of the Task k'orce f.or Battered Women. She stated the Anoka County 'task
Force foz• Battered tdoine� is a non-profit organization and has been for the
past three years. The general membership votes on a Board of Directors.
The Board conszsts of lay people from the community. The Board of Directors
app�ints pcople to their Advisory Board. The Advisory Board represents people
fram various service systems in the communiry. They have a commi>sioner, a
poli_cenzan, a chaplain, a counselor, and a doctor to give advice to the Baard
as far as how services are to be provided. Since the �eginning three years
ago, the5� have had two main goals:
l. To make the public and people in heiping professions aware-that
��omen in our community and .Anoka County are living in fear and
physically abuseci on a daily basis. The Task Force wanted people
to begin to be sensitive to this issue and to begin to seek alter-
natives for the battered woman.
2. To provide a shelter which is one of the best immediate alternatives
for the battere�l woman. Through the ciata they have collecCed,
they have found there are.more than 15 women a month in Anoka
County who need a place to stay. A shelter provides them with
temporary relief from physical abuse, it provides them freedom
trom Che fear of being abused, so they have time to think about
what they want to do for themselves and their children. The
shelter has been the ultimate goal..
Ms. Erickson stated that last spring, the Minnesota State Legislature allocated
money fo� two additional shelters in Region 11. They applied for one o£ those
graxzts and. received it. The money is to Ue used for a facility plus hiring
PI AI3NI.NG CC�r'�'fISSTUN M�Z'I::�I1G, �5t1RC1; 19, 1.9�30 PAG� 3
staff. The staff has now been hired. The staff wtll be at Lhe shelter 24 hrs.
a day, 7 days a week. '�he staff consists of peopie who have had experience
iiz working i.n other ahelters, oaho have worlced in the human service area, and
are wom�n �vho have been abused.
Ms. Erickson stated they have worked long and hard to find a facility that
wc�uld meet thei.r needs, The faci]_ity they found in Fridley meets those needs,
and they are here to ask for the special use permit in order to use that facility.
Ms. Erickson stated before ar_swering any questions, she would like to show a
seven-minute slide presen�ation. It is the story of a woman who was in a shelter
and t�lls about her experience. Ms. Erickson stated it would give the Planning
Commission members a feel of what actually happens in a shelter.
Ms, Frickson stated that �•�hen they submitted the grant, they received more than
?_0 letters of support from various people in Anoka County--the different police
depa�:tments, sheiiff's depaxtment, county conunissicners, councils, haspitals,
and doctors--all supporting what they were doing and the fact that a shelter
was needed in Anoka Coun.ty.
Ms. Gabel stated the building proposed ior the sYrelter was a large facility.
How many children did they think they could house in addit�_on to the six women?
Ms. Ericksen introduced Ms. Jean Rambow, one of thei.r staff inembers.
r�is. Rambow, 408 - lst 5�.. N.E., Osseo, stated that they have some basic
" statistics ss to tl�e women in their organization they have worked �aith over
the l.ast 20 mon.ths . Out oE the 132 women they workecl with (al.l from Anoka
Cour.ty) , C6% have 1-2 cl.�zld.r�n, 28% have I child, 387o have 2 children,
20�'la have 3 cllildren, 3% }.iave 4 children, 4"/o have 5 c:lzildren, and 2% have 6 chilc:xen.
This would give the Planning Commission membexs an idea of how many children
the taomen had and how many each waman �aould have at the shelter.
Ms. Gabel asked how many fu'11-tin�e staff people would be at the shelter 24 hrs.
a day?
iis. Rambow sta�e�d they have ll. staff people, 9 are full-time and 3 are part-
time, Depending upon the time of day, they will i�ry to have at least two
advocates on duty during the day, 8:00 a.m. - 4:OU �.m. The reason for two
advecates during the day is that often one of the advocates has to provide
transportation for the women. There would often be the occasion wY�en there
would be three staff people d'uring the day, if the chiZd advocate is there at
the same time. They have one physician ��orking entirely with the
cl�ildren, and another half-time physician who will be providing strucrured
programs for the children.
Ms. Erickson stated this would also be supplemented with volunteer help.
Ms. Gabel asked if there was a maximum amount of L-ime a woman could spend in
. .
PLl��ti�1�;IIr'G COi�iI�iISS1C)N P1LI�,TINCi M��RCFI 19, 1980��� PAGT� 4
Ms. Rambow stated they did not set any maximum time. They will provide the
sFrvices �s 1on� as a woman needs it. rrom cont:acting �ther shelters, they
found out that in the State of Minnesota, the average length of stay is ten
Ms. Rambow stated she has been hired as one of the staff coordinators. She
also has er.perienced violerice an her home situation. She explained that an
advocate in a shelter generally provides the woman with some options; it
gives the caoman an opportunity to be away from the violent atmosphere, and to
make some decisions. Many women for vaYious reasons go back to their home.
Other women do not want to go back and that is when the advocate will help them
iind housing. If the woman is going to take 1ega1 steps, the advocate will
help her find a lawyer and will provide transporta�i.on, whatever is necessary.
Ms. Gabel stated that because of the present activity at the facility, there
is playground equipment. Would that playground equipment remain?
Ms. Rambow stated that at this time, they were not sure if: that playground
equipmer�t would remain or not.
Ms. Gabe1 stated that if this was an 18-month grant, was this then an 18-month
lease on the facility? She assumed they would try to keep this an on-going
M,. Rambow stated the reason it was stated that ��ay was because their basic
funding comes from the Department of Corr.ections. She stated they saw no
problen� in this area, because no shelter that has been set up has ever not
received fuuding.
Ms. Gabel stated that �he understood that the shelter is usually kept secret
from the husbands. She was curious as tu how this was done and how they
would handle any problems:
Ms. Rambuw stated their building is secured. In talking with other shelters,
that is not a problem. Obviously, the location is kept as confidential as
possible. Just in the very nature of domestic violence, not many people would
�aant to come into a situation where they ��ere not in control. That violence
is usually in the home where no one kno�as what is happening. She stated that
if the Commission was interested in knowing how many calls th e police have
received to some of the other shelters, Jeff Jaizacek was a member of their
Board of Directors and he could share some of this inf ormation with the
Mr. Janacelc, 1711 - 99th Ave. N.W., Coon Rapids, stated he has been employed
by the Columbia Heights Police Department for over SZ years. Hr: has been
involved with this issue for about two years as a member of the Anoka County
Taslc Force. He is now on the l�oard of Directors and is the liaison person
between the Task Force and the staff and the Iocal pnlice departments. He is
trying ta train with the Iocal police departments so they are more familiar
- I'I�AI���TtdG C0��3ISSIGIQ Mt;I,TTTtiG, ML�RCIi 19, 1.9f30 PAGE S
with the problem and liow L-o handle ttle problem and also so there is a good
relationship between t}ie police departmenLs and thc shelter itself. He stated
they are in dcsperate need of this kind of facility. It is really a problem
in Anoka County and it zs very frustrating for the police to deal with this
issue, particularly when there is no place to take the tiaomen and children when
there is a problem. The existing shelters are fe�r and too far away.
Ms. Hughes as�ced ho�a many calls was typical for a shelter to make to a poliee
department for help.
Mr. J'anacek stated that he tried to check a shelter that appeared to be in
the same type of an area as the one in FridZey, and that was the Robert Lewis
House in Burnsvil.le. This shelter has been operated since August 1979 and,
since then, they have called the police twice and an arrest was not made with
eitkler ca11. In fact, one call was a mistake. In Burnsville, the shelter's
address i.s Iisted on the brochure. One of the advantages to keeping the
shel.ter in Fridley a partial s�cret is that the man who is doing this kind of
violence is not li_kely to have access to the in£ormation. He stated they are
not going to have the shelter's address printed anywhere, and dispatchers will
not �ive the address over the radio. He predicted that Fridley would get
fewer calls than Burnsville.
I�1s . Gabel asked if this shelter wouZd service on.l.;� Anoka County women?
Ms. Ezickson stated they would give priority to A���oka County women, but just
as atl.ler shelters have served women from Anoka County, they �oould also serve
wamen from o�her areas , i�is . Eric.kson stated t:hat besides the she]_ter in
Burnsville, there is one in Ramsey Couni�y and iwo in Hennepin County.
Ms, Gabel stated that from. �he slide pxesentation, she understood that most
of the women do nat have transportation. If a won�an did have a car, would she
he allowed to keep it out of sight in the large garage Iocated on the property?
Ms. Rambow stated that it would not Ue possible. One of the exciting things
about this facility was that the garage is carpete.d and insulated and will. be
used as an area for the children to play. This is unheard of for this kind
of facility. She stated she had talked to the director of the Jay Activity
Center (DAC) ar�.d was informed that wtien the DAC is iz� session, they have
approximately 10-11 cars there at the same time. The shelter wi11 never have
that many cars parked tilere at any given time. Very few women she has worked
with in Anolca County have had Cr.ansportation so that will not be a problem.
Ms. �ricicson stated if a woman did have a car, she would want to hide it
son�ewhere else.
PSs. Gabel asked who took care of the maintenance of the building.
Ms. Ericicson state3 that is being negotiated with the County right now.
Ms . Gabel asked where the funding would come £rrnn after the 18 months .
Ms, �rickson stated the Board members are working on a proposal to be submitted
to foundations throughout t',Ze state and beyond asking for money, as they know
they will need that to continue to support the program. Other shelters use
the State fundii�g as a base anc3 then they are all supplemented by foundations.
Mr. Treuenfels asked what Icind of services are provided at the shelter.
Ms. Rambow stated they help in getting legal assistance for a woman, help her
get assistance from the Welfare Department if she needs it, they help her
establish a home en her own if thaL- is what she decides. The primary thing
is providing a place for the woman and her children to live--providing food,
clothing., everything they need--a safe environm�nt for them ta live to take
time to think about what has happened and what she wants to do.
Mr. Treuenfels stated that if a woman decides to return to her home, do they
do any type of counseling?
Ms. Rambow stated they do not provide counseling within the shelter. It is
not the advocate's role to provide counseling. The provide a network of
counseling services available in the community and the county. An advocate
is, more or less, there to offer support and act as a resource person. An
ad��ocate does not in any way influence the woman, but supports her in any
decisian sh.e makes.
Mr. Treuenfels asked about the group sessions held at the shelter.
Ms. Rambow stated when thc-y refer to group sessions, they are talki.ig about
sup�ort �r.eups, where the women get together, talk about their experiences
an.d offer support to each other. Ms. Rambo�a stated they felt the support.
groups are ve.ry important and it is something they will try to stress. T�ey
also hope that when the women leave the shelter, they will want to continue
to help by volunteer help and helping other women.
M�. Gabel asked if they find that the children of the abused women are
asualZy abused also?
Ms. Kath_y Picotte, 2339 Poppyseed Court, New Brighton, stated she works for
Hennepin County in Domestic Abuse, and she sees about 20 women a week who
come to the County to get an order for protection. Al1 of the children experience
abuse, if not physical abuse, then emotional abuse. They are almost a11
emotionally abused because they see someone they love being beaten�up.
Mr. Harris asked what was the maximum number of people the shelter would have
at one time?
Ms. 12ambow stated she would estimate 20-22 people, including staff.
Mr. Harris asked what special things would be done to the facility as far as
PI,A2;TI��ItdC; i3OT1MZSSION M�ETI1'•T�, I�IARCII 19, 19£30 PAGT 7
Mr. Janacek stated that two panic buttons would be installed inside the
facility. These buttons wot�ld be placed 1-iigh enou�h so children could not
reach them. When a button is hit, it turns on a series of exterior floodlights
and activates a tape dialing system which is hooked up to central communications
in Anoka County, stating there is an unknown emergency at the shelter in Fridley.
The Fridley police would respond ro that call. He stated he did not think it
would ever be necessary because of the physical make-up of the building. He
stated they have discussed mesh screens on the windows but do not feel that is
going to be a problem. If it ever becomes a problem, there are many alternatives,
one would be replacing the glass on the first floor ti�ith Lexan, which is difficult
to break. No security fencing is planned at this time.
Mr. Harri.s asked if they foresaw any impact on the surrounding residents from
this particular type of operation?
Mr. Janacek stated that the only impact would be the fact that the shelter will
be o�en 24 hours a day and the building wi11 be lighted 24 hours a day. The
secuxity lights will be used only in the event of an emergency.
Mr. Langenfeld asked if there was going to be any extensive interior remodeling?
Ms. Rambow stated that extensive remodeling was not necessary. One wall was
going to be added on the lower story. Other than that, the Caunty will be
adding bathing facilities because there are no overnight facilities at this
h1r. Langenfeld asked if there was any plans for expansion of the facility? Did
they foresee a need for expansion?
Ms. Exicicson stated ther.e pr.obably would be the need, but funding has been
very hard to get. She was sure that as time went on,the counties north of
Anoka County will have shelters. At this time, their plans are only to keep
this shelter open and operating.
Mr. Harris asked if there was enough physical facil.ities within the structure
to handle 20-22 people?
Ms. Erickson stated that, yes, there was.
Ms. Hughes aslced how they chose the number of six persuns. Was that number
chosen because that is what the facility wi11 hold or was that numl�er based
on need? tdould it be possible to expand that number to seven, eight, etc.?
Ms. Ericicson stated it was based on bot3l--the need always being greater than
what the facilities provide for. The greatest proUlem was finding a shelter
that �aas bi.g enough.
Ms. Rambow stated the number "six" was arrived at by considering the area
and the number of children they could realistically expect. She stated they
will be subjec� to healtli i.nspection and wi11 he told exactly how many they
can house in a given amount of square footage, so they will be restricted by
that. So, they did not iritend to set the numUer at six and then increase that
number later on.
Mr. Harrzs stated he was concerned about the general health, safety, and
welfare of putting 22 people in a facility. Was there enough room for the
bathing facilities woulcl be installed and how many bathrooms are there
Ms. Rambo�v stated there are four bathrooms--two on each floor, and there is
room for the bathing facilities to be installed.
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Hughes, to close the public hearing
for SP ��80-02 by the Anoka County Task Force for Battered Women. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, Chairmar. Harris declared the public hearing closed at
8:45 p.m. ,
M4T10N _b�' Mr. Langeniel.d, secanded Uy i�Is, Gabel, to recommend to City Council
thc approval of a request for a special use permit, SP �k80-02 by the Anoka Coui�ty
Ta�k: Forr_e for Battered j•lomen; i'er Section 205.051, 3, F, to a11ow a dwelling
lo�ated on Lots 18, 19, 20; and 21, 131ock 3, Oak Grove Addition to Fridley Park,
�o he usecl as a facility for battered womcn and childi:en.
?":s. Hughes stated this certainly was a facility thar was needed and, as long
as the f.acility was built for a ki.nd of public use, this was a reasonable
continuing use of_ that facility. 5he was pleased wit.h the reaction f.rom the
GountS� and the Count}� Commissioners .
Ms. Gal�el stated that, a.s a community, they 1-:ad the responsibility to provide
this kind of service.
Mr. Boardman stated that the City has also be�n working with Metropmlitan Council
through trie existing Section 8 program to also provide housing assistance to
the women being housed at the shelter.
Mr. Ha.rris asked how Jim Hill, PuUlic Safety Director, felt about this f.acility.
M�. Boardman stated he felt the Police Department �aas in favar of the facility.
Ms. Erictcson sta�ed they have a letter from Jim Hi11 and a letter from some
ai tr�e policemen showing their support of the facility.
Ms. Gabel asked where people in tiie community could call to donate clothing
and other iterns to the shelter.
Ms. Rambow stated that right now peaple could call eile Anoka Gounty Courthouse
during the day at ��421-4?60, ext. 1681.
. •
PI�.ANNING COT�i1:LSSIOP� r�:ETINC�, r1l�RGlI 19, 1980 PAGE 9
Mr. Treuenfels stated he could not support this request because of its
discriminat-ion against the male population. Tt seemed to be in dire, flagrant
opposition to the ordinance which created the Human Resources Commission.
He would be in favor of it if it wa� a shelter for battered persons.
. .�
Ms . 1�Iu�hes state'ti she did not feel the ordinance was that direct in its
prohi_bit-ions and you can indeed provide facilities for groups that have
to be segregated for very good reasons. She agreed with Mr. Treuenfel.s that
it ought to be battered people, but there are some pxiorities that have to
be set and some reasons why battered women have to be chosen first.
P1s. Gabel stated she did nat see it as discriminatzon, but rather as providing
a need .
Mr. Harris stated that he and Mr_. Treuenfels have been studying the social
ser.vice delivery system in Anoka County. They had an interesting discussion
with Don Wegs�heider of tlie North Suburban Pediatric Clinic in Coon R�.pids
about this ver,y problem, Mr. Harris stated it was his personaL feeling �hat
maybe this is phase one, a rea�edy but not a cure. Perhaps, one should triink
along the lines of correcting the home si.tuation also and the'reasons these
thi_ngs are happeni?zg. Battered women are not the only people being battered
in the county, there are battered women and some battered men. He felt that
at some point in time, perhaps prograrns shoul.d be e�panded ta encompass the
home s�tu�tion.:� to �rovide a cure for the situation.
Ms. Ericicson stated the shel_ter is only a temporary so7.ution and is just one
step in beginnin.g to d.o something. Before ihey can look at a�amiLy system to
see �a�zat is wrong, they first have to stop the abuse, ai�.d one way of d�ing that
is te have i.he �voman it� a safe place. She stated she is a social worlcer for
Anoka County and does family and marriage cotinseling. She wil.l not do marxiage
counseling if abuse is involved, because she cannot work on the relatior.�.ship
until the abuse has stopped. 'i'he shelter is just the beginning and there i�
a lat of work to be done.
Mr. Langenfeld stated that wheii you get involved witl� psycho-social situations,
he thought tkie ultimate goal is to first meet the needs of the initial problem
and then go after the prevention. He fel.t Fridley should be proud to provide
a service for this lcind of tragedy.
Mr. Harris thanlced Ms. Erickson for the presentiation and stated this request
would go to City Council on April 7.
2, VACATIQN �QUEST, S�V ��80-01� BY G. W. PA'!!�YR2r Vacate the South 160'
of that part of a drainage & utilit .ement 10 feet on either side of
the cammon lot line of Lots 5 2, Blocic 2, Paco Industrial Park, so
that the t�uildings locate 7280 Couunerce Circle East and 7281 Commerce
Circle West can be '' ed tage,ther a 60' x 100' Addition.
1111 Council mcmbcrs r•ere 1n a9rcea�ent Nit�
�noti0n Nas mad�_. • .
�and thc follo�ing
I�OT10�� t�y Councllrwn Fit:patri [oncur Nith the draft of thC findin^s
of fact and reyucst it be • cled and returncd to Lhc Council in finished
form for action. Seco �y tounciltra.;.�� t!�ses. Upon a voice vote. all
voting aye, r,�yor ' Cecl��ed tl�e c:ation carried unanir�ously.
+� RECEIVI���� NE PLG.!;'�1t;G CO'"i1SS10t� Ml'�UTES Of Nr.RCN ]9� 7980: ..
' � nT10rt Or P[Ot!EST FOZ SPECIAL u5E Pf.r"iT. SP cR0-02 TO ALLOw
J � COt�SIDCF: . - - - - --
, U41[ U I t:� lU (::. U=! i� i�5 { �.0 I L I l Y f-G:'. E;.'�i � E�'E D r:0�'i'1 !1':D CHi_ LURE'� '
/ AROtJ�, COJ'�T1 T;�St: F0� CE: `��—� �
� l�-
MOTION by Councilnan Schneider to concur with the reco�menCation of tFje
Planning Co.:.ission and qrant Special Use PerRit. SP l.SO-02. Seconded by
Councilwor,;an t'oses. Upon a voice vote, all voiing aye, Mayor Nee declared
the l�otion carricd unanimcusly.
LO'�S1�EP,f�i10'� 0� V�,C�.7i0't P.CQIlE , Sl'�V tF0-0]. TO VNf.A?E PART OF
UTILIIY Ef�SE:" `.1 F�:� E�:'�l:�i'r ^D;T1.•'; TC� Jul�; T:tiO BUlLOI :�,�._ 7230
COQU;:.itCE C1kCl� E;:ST .1�;D �7" l C�';;':�LE C.�CLC kEST, N.W. PASCHF:E:
MOTIOt� Councilv:o^an Mos to set the public hearing on this vacation
request April 2l, 19 . Seconded by Covncilrran Schneider. Upon a
roice vote, all votin ye. Mayor Nee declared the motion carried una�
)t�S1DiRAT i OF
)�;S1t)f.t,hi 1�'+ OF
ITEh? FP.O`t ,�PEALS C(''•"1iSS10t� �'lt�'JTCS OF 1•tAR ll.,_ 19�'�_
CEQJEST f(�:: ti'��'•1:+'.C�S 10 ^n_EC�CE_t_It_I�fU�� F UIkEIS:1�T
� CE';iP ;L l,YC';�JE. GUSTAY�:O'; [i4:OTHERS
Mr. Flora, 1'ublic �:or{.� irector� stated a total of tour riances are
reyuested rlith t�ro apnly� to the c�ecks, and Lhe otl�cr ��o applying to the
distanc� b�:t.:een a bui!din and the curb lir,e. He st cd a setL•ack of 3� �eet
� is required fro:n the propert line for constru:tion f tl�e doct:s and they are
, req�cstir,g a variance of five et. Furt��er. the ode requires ti�e feet
betvreen a building and the curb ine and a tl�re oot variance is requr.sted.
l�ayor t�c� stated a;parently staff h d su99es
Nouldn't be a necd for any variances. but },1i
Mr. Floyd Gustavson stated they have
the vari�nces, the addition r:ould ha
feasible. ,
E�d several altcrnatives so the�e
y kere not acceptable.
thc loading doct:s, and rrithout
srraller which wouldn't be
Councilman Schneider asked if tli had contac d the adjacent property okners. .
Mr. Gust4vson stated Lhe pro� ly oti�rncrs to ihe uth are a��rare of their
plans, but they ha�en't talk �:ith anyone in the ailcr court. He stated
notices �:ere sent of the p lic heari��g and no one h d voiced any opposition. Sch�eider stateC he didn't have a problem �ii h the dock o� the
South side, bui had soT,e ueStions on the one Wh1Ch t10U� be located near
the trailcr park.
lir. Qurest�i, City na,er, sug�ested if thcre were questions o be resolved,
perhaps this ite, coulC be brougi�L back next week with further infonnation.
( � MOT10'i b•, Cou i1Tan Schneider to ta!�le tF�is ite� for onc rreeY. a direct
I I the stai� t t��•iny I�ac�• further inforration. Seconded by Council, n
l Qarne:te, pon a voicc votc. all voLing aye. F:ayor hre declared t motion
earried �anir.wusiy.
l�OT10 hy Councilr�an Sct�neid^r to receive the minutes of the Pianning
Cor. ssion F1�eting of t•tarch 19, 19:,0. Seconded by Courcilnan Barnette.
U n a voice ��ote. all �•oting �ye. t�ayor I:ee declared the motion carried
un nir�i:sly�.
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TELEPNONE ( 612)571-3450
Apri] 11, 19$0�
CITY COU(�GII: �� � � G2���
4 ; Carol Erickson
��� .. Anoka County Task Force for Battered 4lomen
P.Q. Box 131
Rnoka, Mn 55303
Dear Ms. Erickson:
pn Apri 1 7, 1980 , th�: �'ri dl ey Ci ty 4ounci ;
offi ci ��.11y a�pra�f�d yc;�;;� r��c;uest fcr $�S-a2 to al l ow dwel 1 i ng to be
tti�i th i:t;e sti �-u � a �i ons '� ; s�: cd i�ei ���r. use3��or ��attereecT women an c il dren.
��2aS@ T'�Vi�tr ii1�' Ct•:�tn� 5�'l�U'�c'�14t1S, S'lCj1'3 i.i�e statemen� bela��►, dt���'
returrt on� co�y ;.o �;.t��� Ci t,y� �� Fr�i ��� k�.
Ii� ,yoc► have �:��� c�.�estscn< <��l!*ar�ciing t!�e �unve action, pleas� cail
thA G;:����t�'.�n�ity �L����c►�:��i:?r :�f�f i�-� at 571-3�`:��1
JL�31de �
J�� ){.��C�tZ��i .ri.
cc: Pam Palmer
Sincfarc-.:y, .
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C.OtiC�1t t,i j•t►, u:;'t:7 G;1 �t� �';t?ii .
From the desk of
UAIt: August 25, 1981
Citizen Group Complaining About Activiti
Around Alexandra House
�ori t IN
See the attached letter I have wr�•tten to Ralph McGinley outlining the citizen's
complaints. Please review and take appropriate action. If any additional observance
by the Police Department will be helpful, please see that it is done.
Thank you for your assistance. •
Enclosures '
CC: John Flora �/
TELEPHONE (612)571•3450
August 26, 1981
L. McGinley
ty Gourt House
nesota 55303
......,,_.,__ Citizen Group Complaining About Activities Around Alexandra House
Dear Mr. McGinley:
The attached list of citizens appeared before the City Council at their
conference meeting of August 24, 1981. They complained about undesirable
activities around the Alexandra I�use.
Their complaints ranged from cars being parked with people sitting in them
at all hours of the day; people in big cars coming to pick up women from
the house and dropping them off again at or near the house; children from
the Alexandra House harassing the children in the neighborhood; the tenants
of Alexa�dra House knocking on the neighbors doors and asking for cigarettes,
etc; people turning into the driveways of the neighbors; windows being broken
out of the neighbor's homes; and a general complaint about the purported
anonymity of the place not being observed, and the location and telephone
number of the home being easily available.
The City Council asked the citizens whether they have called in some of
these complaints to the Police Department. They indicated they have been
patient and have called infrequently. It seems now they intead to call the
Police Department every time they see something suspicious.
I am providinq you with this material for your review and information and any
appropriate action.
CC; Commissioner Mike 0'Bannon
Cortenissioner A1 Kordiak
Nasim M. Qureshi
City Manager
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Battered Women House
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I visited the subject home on Friday, August 28, 1981, and talked with two
of the advocates and Molly Greenman, the Assistant Director.
The Center personnel are aware of the neighborhood problem and have experienced
considerable fiarassment and notoriety from the neighborhood residents, i.e.
cars physica�ly picked up and moved to the center of the street, signsposted
with the narne and address for people to see along Mississippi Street, and tres-
passers in their fenced-in yard.
They have a sign posted on the bulletin board by the front door informing each
occupant that pickups are only authorized at the Mississippi/Central corner,
and any violations will resuit in expulsion; plus this item is provided in the
i:nstitutional set of rules provided each woman upon arrival.
I was told that the staff and those women that have cars, park them in the drive-
way or�in front of the home. Some women who require transportation are trans-
ported by the workers and enter and leave the cars in the driveway.
'fhey are working on this problem and are attempting to work with the neighbor-
hood, and will attempt anything that witl rectify the problem.
� FR1�1-EY .
DATE Septerr�er 11. 98�
FROM DPW �lohn [; Flnra, P��hlir wnrlrc t1ir�
Alexandra House
� � // � r =
� Today I talked with Ka�hy Ficotte, Chairlady of the Alexandra �House, about
� the street parking in�front of the building, and the neighborhood objection
� to vehicles generated by tf�e house. �he has contacted the principal of Rice
Creek School and obtained approval for the Alexandra House staff to utilize
g the school staff parking area for the Alexandra House staff.
Y Sf�e w%tl be notifying the staff of the house of this new policy and submit
a l�tter to the school and the City confirming this action.
, On the property of the house, there is space for between 4- 6 vehicles to
� park in the driveway. This space should be suf�icient to satisfy the re-
� quirement generated by`the residents and visitors to the house. Hopefully,
x. this ac�ion, coupled with the strong enforcement of the policy on pickups
and dropoffs will eliminate tt�e majority of the concerns addressed by the
� neighborhood. ,
; JGF:ijk �
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September 15, 1981
City of Fridley
6431 University Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota 55432
Attention: Mr. Flora
Dear Mr. Flora:
f �
�r f f,s, �.r.r.,t1-.�,deC.J..-- �,� �.R�
P.O. Box 32142 �;
Fridfey, Minnesota 55432
Business: 571-5908
Crisis: 571-8911
I am writing with reference to our recent telephone conversation
relative to the on-street parking at the Alexandra House. Following
your suggestion, i contacted Mr. Hable at the Rice Creek school to
see if shelter staff could use the school parking lot. It was agreed
that staff could use the lot. I have requested that the shelter
director furnish Mr. Hable with the license plate numbers of all staff
Of course, members of the community who come to the shelter to attend
support groups and visiting professionals will continue to use the
driveway and on-street parking. I have asked the directors to be sure
all such visitors park in front of the shelter and not in front of
neighbor's homes.
Again, thank you for your sugg�stion. As always, the staff and the
board of directors of Alexandra House will cooperate with the City of
Fridley in all matters concerning efficient shelter operation.
Kathleen M. Picotte
cc: Alexandra House Inc.
Mr. Hable
Mr. Hill
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