P - 35404From: Giry of Fridley i o: y51��14�y� Nage: :�b uate: 5r5ituua �:4�:�1 rivi B�.ilding MECHANI�AL Permit No.._ Inspections RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIUN Received By: 763-s�2-��0� CITY OF FRIDLEY ��1� 763'S�2-4977 FAX �k+N�CT1V�.2-14-09 UATti �• � I . o�CJ � S1T�, AUUK�SS .�� TH1S APPLICANT 15: OWNERI TENANT CONTRACTOR SUBMIT A COPY OF YOURSTATE LICENSE W1TH APPL(CATION YOUK �,-MAIL AllUk�S5 (��1 ��� � ❑ OWN�R NAM�: 9-.�Ylrt' ' V--rYKl ( -[�)7 ADllK�:SS: ��Y � 1? � �'�'yiU� S �'�(�E C1TY, AHON�.: �� � . � �S . `J`- '�7'S�S A %IU � �cSY� COMPANY NAM�,: CONTAC'f P�RSON: 1408 Northland:Drive Suile 810 STAT�, LIC�NS� 1f (952) 8}EiQ9AT� AllDR�SS: C1TY STAT� "LIP PHQME __ _ _ ---- NAX _ _— PERMIT TYPE �NGL�.I�AMILY ❑ TWO k�AMILY TYPE OF WORK: � N�W �LEPLAC�M�NT DBTAILBD DESCRIPTtON OF ❑'fOWNNOUS� ❑ ALT�IiAT10WRkMODEL FL�LrB AItL BASL�D OV $lU.UO CL�It FiXTURM, SXCL�PT VYHL+RL� VO'L'ED. 1�1X'CURU�S: (IVDICA'PL "C(?'fAL VU:NBL�RON L�ACH BL+LOW) Equiprrnnt installed M►�G: M011�L: SI'L�/BTU MN6: M011�L: SI'LElBTU MNCi: MODtiL: Sl"Ll:/BTU �AtC $25.00 KIKtiPLAC� (CAS} $ I5.00 CAS 1tANG�V �N $10.00 AIRTQ AlR F:.XCHANG�k $15 NiR�PLAC� (WC�D) $35A0 ^N�W CAS CR1LL $10.00 t1niL�R $35.00 NURNAC� $35.00 ^C1AS UNIT HTR $10.00 _CHIMN�Y L1NtiR$i0.00 _GAS DRYtiRa10.00 POOL H�AT�.R$35.00 UUCT WOItK � 10.00 __ CAS PIPING $]0.00 _V�NT1LATbR $I 5.00 � $� � THIS 1S AN APPLICA'fION k�RA PtKM1T-NOT VAL1U UNTIL FRAC�,5StiD [ hcrcby apply for a buildin� permit and I acknowlcd�c that thc information abavc is complcto and accuratc; that thc work will bc in conformanco with thc ordinancefi and cade� of the City of Fridlcy and with the Minnesota Canctruction Cadc�; that I understand thi.5 i� nat a perrnit but aniy an application for a permit and work i� not to start without a permit; fiat thc work will bc in accordancc with thc approved plan in thc casc a woek w' r u rcvicw and approval of plans. SiGNATUIt� Ol� APPL1CANi�t/"�(/t '�'��-.C.J�-� PR1NT NAM ' � i � �c-- �_UA'f� �� � I . ��� t City of Fridley t ob� Building Inspections Dep�rtment �) 33 3� 7� 6431 University Avenue NE, Fridley, MN 55432 763-572-3604 FAX: 763-502-4977