AF - 35362ATTENTION OF: .__. ...... . . _.. � To• -- M_r.__��aea _H. Hensley,__Health_Inspeetar ._ 5600_Benton Aqenue South L- _ ,Edixias--�linnesota--55-42A __ _ . _ _J SUBJECT Ko$lth problems oArE_ August 23,.1966 __(l� _Bnclosed is lettar from the Viking Realty to xou which we reeeived _ _._ __... --- _ . ___ . Friday. (Res 7890 Apesc Lane). _ _ --- -- _ _ {2) House at 7639 Arthur Strest Northeast -(Lot 19, Block 2, Sprirbg Lake __P�rk-i�akesi�} a�sa-vacant iot (Lot 20�_B-loc3c 2� spring Lake-Par3c __ __ Lakesidej dabris dumping on this lot. Owner is Milton Ouimette, 3846 - --- — -- - Cantrai Avenue NortT�east. M3nneapolis, e�Iinne�ota b54Zljaame aa 7/ZO memo) ___{3} Debris on_Lota_21, 22,_and 23� Block 8, Donnay's Lakeview Manor Addition._ Owner is Donnay Home Builders, Inc., 5932 8111ot Avenue South, i9pls. 17 __{4}___YOUr__Zettex__to_Marlc_Z, Joaes.,. dated_August 13,_1966_was returned_ta_me _.. today. (Re: 611 Lafayette) I was going to foxward it to Mr. Jonea at ___5506 Lakeview Drive,_Minnespolis, Minnesota - 7.`elephone Na._is 933-1832_._..� He is a contractor and this is his correct address, however, I naw have noticec3 that you will perhaps have to re-send this as the deadline date " was_.yesterday.__Snclosed you will_find said letter. _ __ _ ___ SIGNATURE REPLY: � 1. _ I�TQtetl.._ Tk1.$Iii� j��?Ll. _ 8arl P. Wagner, City lRanager 2,_. CandemnatiQn notice and order_ta alzate-enclas�d. - 3.__ Will _�dd to_ work_ thia_ wgek-end. .. _ 4. Upslated_lettsr snclosed. _ _. _. ___ __ ___ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ . __ _ _ _ _ _._ _ ........ ...... ...._ DATE H-Z6�66 SIGNATURE Jj�j. REPLIER'S COPY-RETAIN FOR YOUR HLES