AF - 35512�
City of Fridley, Minn.
. _ , �,
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N° .697'0
Na �� Str�eet ���/�_... _.. .�._.__ �t o! Lot _.. ..._�..._,�..-�.—���--'-�...._'�._._.._..--
Lot -.-.�.-°--- Block ._.—._._L. ---._ Additlon or Sub-Divi�atFE�;%�CC�-�-�[J ^ A •
co� i.ot ---..� ae r.a . .. _�-�_. ..__._ sPtua�k .3�=___._ siaev�a __._LC1..__� _. _..:.—_._.
Sewer IIevatlon _._...__..—..-----.-.--.----�...._..__..._ Foundation Elevation
v '/�/ �/
. �c _!�? nen+n .�`�`— x�sbc .,�a sn. Fs. �11�S.�i c�. �%a�-�
--. — t---- neprt' ----��/ xe�et,c ._.._ _ sa Fc. _..---...._. ca. r�c. ____._._
7yrye of Conativct[����.t�'��_ Fet Codt fc7�-...'_��To be CanDleted _..:_..—. _. _
_ ..: �,.
BiOCK. _
� In condderation of the 9asuence W me of a permtt to c
the �poce8 work 9n ac�wrdance with the descriPtion abwe
mdinanoes o� tt� db' of 1�Yidley.
In caaieideraUan of the payment oP a fee of
1s Lereby g'anted
agree w au
pmviaions ot
to coostruct the building or additi� as described above. This nermit is granted upari
the ex8r�s oonditlon t6at thepereon to whom it is B+'anted and 6ia sgenta. emPloyees and workmen, in all work
�done in,� around awd upaa seid buildin8, o�' enp Part thereo�fo, �s,hall confrnm in all respecta W the otdimnc�ea of
wlthia the�li�miffi an�tLis PeTav'�t �meY be� � t aru' �a � ���5' of P���s of aeid
ordiunnoee. �,
�. �Y!�/•
1Ms pN�h dea we awr Nr sen�MUMiee. en�hNWan Nr �r61nY.� P�Y. W�D. aw�r a waM. M wn M a»
Ya lolWi�Y �mP��� � � PM� fer fia� ilxn�. � � � � -
:� +-'..: � .'..- ,r s.\a
City of Fridley, Minn.
' ' � �
, �i , � _ ,
. _. ��.,.�, �. , ���
N° .7326
xo. Z.�� s�es .._LdG?d ._ TIO P 4B�J�t�NG�r.ot .—.-- -....--------- .-
�oc ._.___ ._.-- $w�c -.----.�----. aaain� � sun- ao --- . ._. .
. ..
f.Sonmr Lot __'.:' __ 7nside Lot --.--.._._ Setback Sideysrd ..._
Sewer Ekvetlm .�_�._.—._._.__.��...._.__._._ F tlon Elevatlon .�.__._.—..-----.----
�at �. nevm .��-sa�nc ..�_� sa. Ft. �� ca,. s€f,7..��
_.�_� neycn _._ ..a.a. sa. �. _.___.._._ ct�. �. __---
Zyys aZ con.erua .— Esc a��� r.-. To ue caa�nl•tea --•-- .,
In cooddarattam of the iasusnce to me of a permit to c
the DroPoKd wO:k in accordance witlt the dESCiiPtlon abovC
Ca'81tl6IIC�es aR the dty of PY4tIIey.
Ea cmatdoratl� of the PeY�t of a fee of I
P�t ic herebY Branted
l abawe, I agree to do
with e11 provlsions oP
to ConatniM the bull�ng or addlt[aa sa deecribed above. Tlds pertnit ia Sranted upon
the exPnees condittoit tdat t6eper� to whom. it fa granted aad hia sS�t+, � and worl�en� in all work
done in, azamd aIId aP� eeid buildin8. oz' anS' Part thereot, shall Confoam in� pecta W the ordinencee of
PY'1d1eY� �inneeota reg8rdin� locatla4 comstructlao. alterattoo, awntmence. repair and movin6 al` buildinge
wlUda the dty limih a�l thu Permit me�Y 6e revoked at any upm viola oE any of the 8�viaiane o[ seid
aa�dinaaoee. �.� n �
BulldlnB �
1W PNwk dea � aewr � se�eea�.s, i�Md�Ne. hr rMnY. P�w as MMfey, ary« « w�tw. N wn a a�
IM !�y h�pMer [er pprtl� �re6� /er Nw 11«ro. . .
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: �.` -, - z.ucwxx� ar $y�� .
lto. - • Street.. _ _ Part of Lot
Lot��glock Additian or Subdiviaipn
: _..-..—.- -
Cornsr LbL inside�Lot Setback_ ,Sids+Yard,
l6pgli+eeq�t, �itFach! to, this fosm 1tifo-Cesti�ic�es cf ;$ustit+R� ;of Lot and p�agosed build-
fng locstlon'drlvil ai tlsese Ceerti�icatea. _
� , �1,a . ,
T9� be UYld 89 i- . . ..
Fx'ont D.:i �h�„ �ieight
_ Sq. Ft. �+. Ft.
_ Front Dapth ` Height
. ' S.q, Ft. Cu, Ft.
rype of con�e�'uati�i set,smqrea' cost
,,,: ',;,
To be Campbrted
Tha -a�F1$�amtt h�raby h�k�s npplicatiop,'�or a pssm�t. for the �ror$ herein eQecified,
agraaing ta do ail work in strict accordance wiEh'the Cfty of Fridley Ordiasnces and
ruliaga of,the Uepartmeae of Buildin,gs, and,bpxehy:;dec]:arRa that all-tha facts aad
_ . ,..
rqpresenC`�ier�s� "sCafed 3n thia -agpYicatian'st�e �rue �}. coa��cect.
{Sahadule of Fae Coste can be fouad a� the Reverae Side).
�. �
�..,. ,,,,�
• �,,. . � ,rP
BUII�bING PSRt:�'T F88 Sf�tBDU%E .
Section 2. The inepector of gulYdittigs ahall,'ba#ore ipsuiag any permit for
_ the erection of any build�ag qr atructure� or for eny addition to any e::ist-
ing building or atructure, ,o�'fox any elterati�Sns or {apei;a to eny,p�iat3ng
bufldfng or etructure, upoa epplication therefos� require the pasmeil�:�q the
app2lcaut for such pe;miE o,i #eee to the amouut hexein below aet fc�th and
in the maniwr'�liers#�ti ptovided to•wit: � � � � , � � � •;��
_ . __
2_1. For eny suoh permit Por the erection o,f any fire-proof buildiagR other
thea a garage� warehouae, factorq or-8rain elgva�et, or for tht arect4on of'
any fire-proof addition, for elmilas occupancy, to aaq esieting building
ehall be at the rate oE $1.4Q;to� es�t} qpe�bc}uYetl� �ubic feet� p� �et3.oa
thereof. in such aubiaal ctrt�Eeut�': ��°'
,:2`2. : For any-; `vek {►arqit�ti� xhe eraeLiot► of sng-�#re-proof -gaas�e, erarehauae,;
factory or grein elevetor, or fos the erection o! apy fire-ptroof additian,
for aimiLar-_occupaaey, to any exieting bufi8ing-s#ab3 be�af"the-rate of $1.25
for each oae thousend cpbfc leet, clasaifisd aa "ffseproof" by Sectiflp 5G2 of
the Mianespolie'DailBfag.CodQ..- >
B8S ._. _ . . _.
� ,� , " ; k � r» � �.: .,,
2.3. Dor asiy such pes�tC ��`or the erectio� o! ariy,n'on-#ts¢proo�sbal,ld�n� cC�es
than a garage, warehouae� factorp or g;aia elav�tor, or er�y naa-firepres��
addition, for eimilar occapd�fc�ry �=epy existing D�iy�y - percit $1.00 for
each ona thouautd CLb1C fQ�t.
2.4. For any aueh germit for Cha erer_t,�r �: ap. n.on-fih?rr.Ml` g8tS�,8�
varehcwse, factary or graia alevatoz, �n r:�l• c,"?c. E':tr.^CiOiS pf 2T1'j AOlt^�LT�YbO�
addition, -Em -similar oecupancy, to �*,�. ��.::;se;.r.r, b=.;.;.d:::g or for each euah
bylldia8 or additton - ni8�atp ce*�t^ {;.�i a,?i t^� e;.ca o4e thcusaad cubie feet
or fraction thereof. in tbe c�:b3ce1 c:�s. .r::a t;ac�r�ef with a minimun of $4.00.-
_. _
For the purpoae of couputing fees f•or �+,:�.?.ing psrm£�s, the cubieal contents
of nay_baiidiag ot ad8lti� to a uair'ex:a '�ht ti�rau�hout by �uitiplying the .'
grouud area covered from a,poiat rix (6j iachea belr,w the £1,pat.line cf.T.�e
. : � ; ...
basemene or cellar" to the averege �eight of t� �r awr#ace or to the -
average height o£ the reo€ surface of the mniu guula of a pitehed roof.
2�5. Bor zepaira or altarations to ah exiatiag etructura� tha £ee eha12 be
et the rate oP $3.00 per eaCh �'fve lluadred Dollars :($�pA.Opj pr fraciion
thareof'in the oost of all pr'opoaed work. .
2'�,� In no casa'sh+sli CAe'f�e,.ehatrgad,.fvr.a�p7 pas�rit.,p,�t set for6h in
Section 2 bs leas �!l16n $4.iJ0. , : _
� _ �� _ �� �
s_. � � "°�- :�"