AF - 36001�
Section 2. The I�specCOr of 8nildings sha]:1, before isauing any permit for
the erection of enq building or structure, or for any addition tp any exist-
ing building or atruc�ure, or �or any altesationa or repafse to any existing
building or etructure, upoa applicatlon therefor, require the payment by the
epplicant for such permit of feea to the amouat hereia below set forth and
in the manaer herein`pravided to-wit:
_ . _
__' _ __. . _ ,. _ _.
2_1. For any euch permit fo; the erectios► 01 any,fire-proof buiEding� other
_` C�st_a �ataget-�arehouear.fac"�ory os graia alevstot, or for the esectlon oE
any fire-psoof additiou. for similar occupancy, to any exiating buYlding
ahafl be at the rate of $7,.40 for each one thousand cubic feet, or fraction
thereof, in such cubicaY coititesYte.
:. .._.,2ss$.'' P'S`t°`ilay.'�I�tr'}�►.'3tiRl.C�br�*lh+e esK`ction of any fire-proof gaiege� sr8rehouse,.
factory or grain elevator� or for the erection of any fire-proaf addition,
_. fox_...aimila�c,_.xcupaacy, et� eay exidtittg buiIdiag s�all -be at the rete of $1.25
�for each one thousand cuDic feet, clasaified as "fireproof" bq Section ��02 of
� `_ �_���.�L'l�neaRoi�e=`8(lil�tiag:dCode. � " . `
_....�`� .. _ _ t ' �. ' .::. �� '
2_3:k "gor '�ry :4�ici! permit for the` erection of any':nou-fireproof buildlag othes
� than a garage, warehouae. factory or grain elevator, or any non-firegroof
additien, for similar occupaacy, to any exiating bni.ldiag - permit $1.00 for
each one-thousand cubic feet..
2.4. For any such parmit,for the erection of,anq non-fireproof garnge,
__ wax�touee,, f�tactory.-or-gsain elaustos, or for'the erecEion of any non-ftrepcaof
addition, €or-eimiiar xcupancy, to any exiating building or for each such
.,,�hui�,dlt4g. ar addYtiosr + aiaaty -ceats ($0.9d)' Por each one thousand cubic feet
V� or fraeti� thereof, in the cubical contenta thereof with a minimum of $�►.00.
Por the purpose of computiag feea for building,permita, the cubical conteats
of. �2y bnildis�g ae'addition to--a-�miform height throughout by uultiplying the
ground area covered from a point'sia (b) iachee below the floor line of ihe
basemeAt os celler !b''the'hVeraga heigT�t a£ ihe u@per aurface or to the
average haight of the r�of surface of tha maiu gable of a pitched roof.
2_5. For repa3ra or alterations to an existiag stnutuFe, the fee ahail be
at the rate of $3.00 per each Pive Hundred pollara ($500.00) or.frsction
t��r��f'in tke'ciYst bf all prepda8d work.
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2:8, in n� er'ie� ii[te11.'�tie�lae.'chargefl.ior.aay-Y&rmiL-eP eet forth i.n
Section 2 be leaackBan'�4.0[1: `
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