VAR-1972� � . � 6 a/ 9 z t,�' /0. l�Ca �E� APPL2CATIOY TO THE BOARD OP APPHALS AND CI7Y CGVNCIL �\ FOR SYECIAL USE PERMIT� VARIAPICB IW REQUY2Lfi�h'TS OP CERTAIN.pRDIiIAt�CES OP TE� CITY OF I+1dI1ILSY (Appliesnt to eomplete ltem� 1, 2, 3) 1, t7ame and Addrmse of Rpalicant �'tKY �(.c,� �jpu75�\r 7 �3� n/ ].�e � vE -7R�DLE j� 2. Legal Description of Property (aleo genetal lxaticn, sueh a�;"naYSh- eest corner of 64efi Av2nue and 5th Street^ or 6415 YiftA Stsest") r7C� 3 q �a�o ►.� D� � , 3. Dsacribe eha vnrianee rmqueeted. (Att�elf Pist az Svrvrr of �o�aTty - �hosring locetion oi proposed building, ets., sL6o ed�olntag ptapastiea aod wnerehip vithin 200' of said propertp.) � ,. • 4. Coo�enta by adminietraiive officisl denying ozigine2 requea� tor busldfns patmit oz other permit, (?o be ccapleted by a�saire!atrativa oiiiei�l. Appropriate ord�nances ana sectioa of ordinaace, ca ba eited,) � ...._ �._-.. � --_-�-^-------^•—,------ -• - r � � -2- S. motic� of Bariag �Ppe d�N� t (MU t b� at lea�t oaca attac6�d). in Official N�wsp�pes m the followiag 6. ioisd 1(��bsr� aotified of seetiag by_ • � 0; S, /9i� QLi�e Mdrar�, Dete Notifiad, and "ys�" o' N or p��w to stt h�iilOg), a • 7. 0 � t plyt to ,At�assd .�.. /w. ..__ . . �.�_�. _ : .� ,� ,, c'__f ��1_ . i I � aca.i� a_',i.!r�. �-. � •� -i- ,. _� _ a� �. _ , . � � r �� /� 4�,. . I. %� _c r" ' � ._..,_ .� . /i � �.. .: . i� ._r��: ! �_ 1 .� , _ G�__� �. ..��� • . _ fi.i �: • - � .• L.._. --� � � _ : r� . . /._ �_�: Ay lhoa� ]iotlfiad by wc• o:llell trnici.i� � ...L��,� $,z �h .a�. �� --,...�._..... �_ —*—�-,-- �. '1� lollaving Doard M�mb�rs aad fntasut�d partiu ws� qs�sast at ehe Malies: sa�n rm�sas �: r�� �1, I._ . . �_,.._ � . : 1�1_.�i�,A � / . �� uI 4 II .�Tf � : _ /� , � I . i � � ` ; -3- OTHER PARTIES• NAME ADDRESS i � u! ��' �' i/ � • /� / 1 '�-.... . .�• I�. _l � � � ... � . i. � i `s: . _�u � � • �.i ._ ♦ '1_� _ .i� i �" i.. �� A_ . ��.� /i � �� ! / �� • / hil / .�,1 � . 1 1/ 1. i♦ .'�11 � f''1 � 1 i. ��_t,� u �� . ��.� ly, • f � � �. ..,.:i . , �� . r/ �. ,�.., ,. ��.. ` � „ ' .I.� ! .J .� �� :_ ..- � . _ „ , , / . � �. //..� . i � _�� _ �_ � � tl�.Y ' � ._'« . 11.•Action by City Council and Date; A�a ine t• Reco�endat iona _�N�.Lt.0 . � OFFICIAL NOTICE CITSC OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BSFORS 14iE BOARD OF APP&AI.S TO WHUM IT MAY CdNCSRN: NOTICS IS i�REBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Appeale of thQ City of Fridley will meet fn the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 7:30 P,M. on Ttteaday, April 11, 1972 to conaider the following matter: A requeet for a variance of Section 45.053, 4B, 4, Fridley City Code, to reduce tha side yard requirement for an attached garage from 5 faet to 1 foot to allow the conatruction of of an attached garage to be located on Lot 13, Block 1, Meadowmoor Terrace Addition, the same being 7639 Bacoa Drive N.E., Fridley, Minnesota. (Requeat by Mr. Gary Tulkowski, 7639 Bacon Drive N.S,, Fridley, Minneeota.) Anyone who desires to be heard with reference to the above mattez may 6s heazd at thia meeting. A w ROBERT A. MINISH CHAIRMAli BOABD OF APPENLS � of Anril ]�i MUTION by Cra+der to c3�etee the public hearing. 'y � Seconded by Wahlberg. Upo�a unanimauslq. �,: �. Crnwder stated he wae not but he.can uaderetand them wa� voice vote, the� being no nays, the motion carried pleas d with the area between the two skxucturea to ter the family room from tha kitchen. ; I�Ir. Soa�eimer statad he would go a ag with the vaxiance if all the fira reqniremente are maintained. Mr. Rarju atated this typa of ha dahip c ld apply to anybody but the plan ip not objectionable. ' I�TION by Crowder to recommen apprwaL of'the arisnce to the City Council with - the atipulations that: ' 1. The wall fronting the ne bore dwelling confo to All the necessary fise requiremente. 2. The family room conta no openings on the wall fr ting the neighbox$ dwelling. Seconded by Son�eimer. pon a voice vote, there heing n aaye, the motion carried ; unaaimoualy. - PDTIUN by Csoader to.receive the correspondence from Spring Lake Park which etatad they had no objections to the variance that wae approved for the sign aX Bob'e Prodnce Hanch. -Seconded by Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, there being no =tays, the motiatt earriad unanimouelp. 2. Mr. Juikowski was preaent to preaent the request. : ; A verification aurvey of the lot and a picture of the lot were shown to ths Board. lix'. Julkawski said he hae 19 feat between his houae and the side lot 11ne �d he would like to build an 18 foot attached garage as he needs a 2 car gaxage, {,jtten t$e houaes were built in this area they poaitioned them sight in Che center o� khe lot so there ie not enough room to build an attached garage without a variance, The back yard slopes down about 3 to 4 feet so i don't want to build � detached garAge as it vould require fill to build tt.' lls. Crowder asked if the driveWay would atill come off�Bacon as it doee now and how fas the adjoining property awners houae is away fmm the property liqe. � . � � �he Minutea Of The Board Of Appeals Meeting_�f Aoril 11, 1972 PaKe 3 „� Mr. Dockter anawered th� drive wi�l rc.,,:in the ta�u. nnd ha added the neighbors houee is 15 feet away from the property line with no windowa on the eide of hie houae. The Board aeked if the aurrounding propertiea had attached or detached garagea. Mr. Belisle ehowed them the serial photo af the area and it ehowed the propertiea have detached garagee except for the corner lot. Mr. Beliele sald they had received a variance for their attached garage. Mr. Harju said the neighbore have apparently filled in the back yaTde in osder to . build detached garagee. He seked Mr. Julkoweki if he had t,he neighbas wxiCe a letCar of "no objection". Mr. Julkowski said he had talked to the neighbor but he didn't get a lettex £FOm him. Mr. SoncIlseimex seked Mx. Beliele if he could gueea aC how mich fill would be neceaeary in order to build a detached garage on thia Lot. Mr. Beliale answerad he couldn't meke a gueae but the garage probably wouldn't have ta be raissd to draia to the atreet ae the're ie a dsainage eaAement al�ng the back property liae. Mre. Walhbesg aeked if Mr. Julkawski had given any thought Co bu11d1ng a detachad garage. Mr. Julko�+ski aald he hsd tliought about it but he didn't want to build a detached garage becauee he would hava to build the back yard up and there would be a�oC of epace waeted for the driveway. Mr. Belisle atated that with a 1 foot aide ysrd, it ie almosk impoaelble ta keap frqm draining on tha adjacent property. Mra. Wahlberg aekad hw �uch of an overhang was on the pseaent houee. Mr. Julkoweki answered about 2 feet. He added these will be no dooT ixom �ha ga.rage to the house. The house has a back door and he will put a baak doox in the garage and have poasibly a cement walk between the two. A�1xI0N by Sondheimer to cloae tL-e public hearing. Saconded by:Harju, Upon a voice vote, there being no naya, the mot,loA carri4d , � unanimouely: `� Mr. Crowdar said he ie not �:rv inced that Ch'�zre ia s hardahip as the pth�as ausrouading garagee have be placed in the 'aack yarde. w� Ms. Harju �ai.d he agreed that there ia a problem in that khe housea aTe aeAASrsd oa the lote and in thie caee there will be 15 feet between etructuree. He Pelt that there are 3 alternatives that could be followed: build a sit�gle cax �+�sa$e, 6uild a detachad garage or buy part of the neighbore property, •J ``; � 3. The Minutes of The Board Of Avpeals MeetinA Of April 11 1972 Pa�e 4 Mrs. Walhberg said she is not hapo; ,.t? *.he overh.sng as it will be pushing the lot line but then there will be 15 feet between structurea. Mr. Haxju said that with a 1 foot aide yard, there is virtually no roow to eveA walk around the garage without walking on the neighbors laxtd, Mr. Julkowski said that with back doora on both the house and gasage thers wauld be no �eaeon to go around the garage on that aide. Mr. Crowder said as it atands now he would be againet the variance buk he would be in favor of allowing the applicant time to txy and get Che coek factoze imolved for an attached garage veraus a detached garage to try a�nd comrince Itim that there would be a hardahip in having to build a detached garage. Mr: 7ulkowaki said he could get the cost factora as hie faChes ia a genei$1 coqtractor. � � � � MpTION:by Crowder to table thie request until the petitioner comee back wi,Ch aop�e type of infoxsoation to ahow that there would be a hardship in having to bu11d a detached garage instead of what ia propoaed. Secondad by Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, thexe being no uays, the moCion oax7cied unanimously. Mr, Silseth was preaent to wara ahawn to the Board. Mr. S1laeth explained he has b to fit on this vacant lot and to eee how much of a variance ' Mr. Crowder aeked if he meant he vaxiance were approved then t4e w Mr. Silaeth anewared yee. He plan ae yet. The lot hae plz tatard the back so there will to find out how much of a va}' houee he csn build. f Mr. Sondheimer asked if in tke nesr future. Ms, &ilaeth said he wab in the sudience. the requeat� A survey and picture pf Che 3oC working with an archltect Ln finding a hou�e e architect suggeated he go beEoxe the Boaxd could get. s,not picked out a house yet but if th� u pick out a house to fit the vazianca. [ed e does own the lot but XheY hdve no houefl of f ontage xqom but then the lot t$pess da[t� a pro lam with the aide yarda. Ke is Ciy�.A$ e he c gat ao he will lcnow how big of a 6, which is 't know but the at this time, w111 be dgvelap�d that lot, Mr. T. Ericksop, i ' , � �� �t�ll. .71R COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 17, 1972 PAGE 11 . ■ -� • IOTION by Co cilman Braider to concur with the eoard in appmval of the requeat �.!`oZ in additio by Donlyn ManuEacturing Corp., subject to the Building andards' atipulatione: conded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vote all ayea, Jlapor-Liebl t7ec1 ad the motion carried unani.mously. � N.E.. FRIDLEY 2828 '17re 1�dainistrative Assis t reported that this sequeat require .na Gotuicil ,i�vtioa at this time ae the lans have to go before the Planni, Cot�aaiseioa €ar their review ar}ci recoamenda on before ca�mi.nq befoze Counc�ji: . . � . . . . . i i � !D'PIO�1 by Councilman Mittels t to receiva the u s�of tha 8uilding SkandAZdA - 7�sign lbntrol Dleeting of Apzil , 1972. Se y'COUncilman SYeider. STJ�cin A Vo1ce trote. all ayes. Mayor Liebl declared T},�on carried unanimPUS1y, REdIVING � MINUTES OF Tf� BOAR! APP ��BETING OF APRIL 11. 1972t . � OR VRRIANCES OF• SIDE YARD AA70IN � C���7 The Eaqineerinq,As�ista� eaid that the eoard of Ap s considere$ C�ia ilep� tOr Z^ 3 mee�in�, as/i�hey veze waitinq for a zespon e from t�. pockter�e AOlgbbore. ,Air.,x1' s iadicated he has no objectio . she Hcax'd o£ APksalg Ts�n a av ubject to putting in a fire wall an that these be no dc+0=n C:� Mi s o Lhe 1 fzontinq the neighbor'a dwellinq. D L3 as Mr. Dockter iE he understood the stipulatio s AAd ckter seplied yes, he had intended to do those by Councilman Utter to concur in approval of the request id Dockter subject to the Board of Appeals' stipulations. i1AWfl 8=eider. Opoa a voice vote, all ayas, ldayoT Liebl de Oi3 Cd�CZied unanimously. TO ALLOW THE BLOCK 1• ME !.E.. FRIDLEY �RIVE N.E..FR f�:l aad asreed w1tJ1 �inse aayhow. P variancea pY conded by clar c1 Che 'A�fe ntS9�neeriaq Aseiatant repozted t}�at thia item has been tabled by tito 8o�'p, 1 v ;f AB6fIId1R OOfIIiCII. l�ETING OF APBII. 17. 1972 . i� -�'20�7 bY Couacilaan Mfttelstadt to table this item: 5econded by Gttar. Upon a wice wte, all ayea. llayor Liebl declared the mo� , manf�ously. '1!!e 8nginearinq �IPy�aals a1ao. � rePcrted t4at l�l'I�l'1 bY �ouncilman Hittels�to ta Otter• Upon a wica vote, all yes. ! m,..,t.�„yslp. G�'a r� ia carried item vas table8 by the Soe�sd ot this item. Seconded b�• Counailman Liebl declared the motioA oarrled M[7 • . +�,�...vaovrn. lit�; UEST Y . DENNIS OR't'EM 140 RICKARD ROAD N.E. � YRiDLSY, MZNNESOTA)• Tha Sn9tneering Aasistant expl ed that vaat to convert tha existis�a � S�'Ape to liVing ares and build a detached q aqe on the othhes dlde oi Ckia hoRAs �IAd in the back yard. ��+1 bY Ccuncilman idit elatadt to ooACar the approval toz a Var�aRiCp !aS Ms• Dennis Ottem subject to nozmal fire pm tion requi.rement$ belnq folla►ed and that there be win�ws on the east ide of the exist3ny q���ei BsOO�sdod by Couacilman Utte . Upoa a voice vote. a 1 syes. Mayos Liebl deolated the motion carrie unani.mously. lIOTI�N by Ccuacilmau lWOi3Ag o€ April 11, �►Yo9� ldnyor Liebl de� �tstadt to receive the Miaute of khe BoasA �! AppealA . secondea by councilman vtte . Upon a Voioe 9ct�, all d the motion carried unanimousl . '1'#:O Qily Maaager re rted tbat o¢� �� 3, 1972, bids were ened for a#{�eh 9elpCity as`ner cle r and upon his recou�endation the award ma8e ,�o; a �lodol FHX-602YMW h' h velocity sewer pipe cleaner. He said thi rras fi,�e q�p�e�, tt�t he Aelieved e Public Works Depaztment desiaed and the cne px� phiCh the bid specificatio had been vrittan. it has si.nce come to his at ntioA thpt 3t Would be ac3�r tageous for the City to consider placinq a cYiange ardex €iom ti3il� Apde1 tp a el 701. The Model 701 exceeds the original bid sgeci#14dt10t�5. IL ia baeically the same machine, byt fias a number of attactuqents �d teatldse6 that the public Works Department feels woyld be advantaqeous. The qreAteot adViAtag9 that the 701 h�g over t,he 602 is that the 701 ia co�qplately enGipae� � � � April 24, 1972 City of Fridley Board of Appeals �tdley; Minnesota Board Members: I am writing this letter because of my neighbor's request (Gary Julkowski) for variation of the building code to build a garage one foot from my property. I am in fav.or of granting this variation. it doesn't matter if the rain drips off his roof onto my property. I would rather have the garage on the side of my neighbor's house than in hia back y8sd because I believe it would be an eyesore for my family and I. The aindows on that side are high so �e-wili not be able to see the garage. I would not consider setling part of my property because I can use all the property I have. I hope you as Boa d Members will grant this variation becauae the two parties involve re in agreement. � Sincerely, � � � ]/� 1. /1 y:l: y1��jlpY_K 1' y:i: ; 1�. f 1 Ii" _ .!.�:'/Yli, 1� : L' Tha manting va� called to order by Chairman l�mt8 PB838NT: ![iaish. Cs� I�ID�S AESIDIT: Soa�eimer OT�tS PHESffiR: Clasanc� B� Harjus ai�h,tt T•35 P.lt. b � Ia�p�ctor 1�. 8arju �f.atad oa page 4 of il il mi�tea that th� vota fos � aiotion on tha requua�t �hould bt ohan�ed to te he voted againet ehe sotion (Ita` #2). Ghais�an liinUh also aoted ihs r� line on page 3 should be aeendad to read '1is. Julka+aki anaverad" in� of Docktes an�wred. ln'CiON by Harju to appsw� Sacondad by Cro�das. un�aimoutly. April il. 1972 �i�tea a� arndad. a voica vote. there bain� no nqs, the motion earriad 1�. Cas� Julkoa�ki ru psu�ot to psu�nt W srqwtt. CINis�n 141ni�h atatid thL r�quut xu tabl�d at eh� April 11� 1972 apting to allar th� applicant ti� to gat cwt factor� fos buildia� bth a dsuch�d gassp aod an attached iu+te• !h. Julkar�ki said h� had gott�n an a�ti�at� fra� Harri� Coastauction �tnd to build a d�ta�had �asaQa 10 fNC b�hind th� how� 1lqtld CMt �600 oor� tLan a� attachad i��N• ��al,n diff�s�s in ths cw! i� th� �ztsa driv�rq� till and coacs�G bloe�u tht! rould ba a�eq�as� to build b�hind th� Low�. Clrisfrn ]gal�h uic�d hw h� int�nds to fnintain !h� ;ara�� oa !h� �outh �id� ritL oa� T foot to th� la! lin�. 1Q�. Julkor�k! psw�ni�d a l�tt�s frca hl.� n�ifhbos q th� �wtli, l�. Sehout�n. �ieh.�tat�d h� ha� m objaetion to eh� variane� ad lM hu no obj�etion i! tla rain smu o!f tlu sarap and onto hi� Proparty. Mr. Sehout�n vsot� 1N vould s�th�s hava t1a =arag� aetach�d tLaa Sa tha baok �ard. 10lLai D7 Ct'ard�r !o aaa�p! Olu l�tt.�s lsa� Ms. 8ahout�n. S�ooa�d by Wahlb�ss. Upon a vole� rota. th�r� b�in� no nq�. eh� aotian e+r�'i,ad uaanlaou�ly. 1�. Crovd�r a�kad ti6at !� total cost o! th� d�tach�d prqa �rould b�. IZC. Julkav�ki aas��d �4,000.00. H� add�d tlut rould 6e ths eo�t if ha hirad a eontractor to do all oi th� vo=k but hs plm to do �e o! eha in�id� ro:k hir�ll. . , � �� 2. Tha iliautes of the Soard of Avpesls Meetina of April 25 1972 Paae 2 Ms. Crowdes oaid he was thn au that wanted to tabla th� requa�t io find out if thars w� a turdship imrolvad and tlr. Julkov�ki haa brought ta tha figusa� utd they did �hav him that thara vas a diffasence beto�en building an sttach,ed utd � dalaeL�d garsga. He �aid ha Ywid be in favor of the variance but ha thought ths Hoard �hould reguira that appiicaat to get s maintaaance ea���nt ot 2 f.et fram th� aeighbor ju�t ia caaa tha Iand vas ever wld. 3inee the nai�hbos ha� sCatad ha dosen't Lsve any objaction� to the variancs he �hwldn't mind giviu►g an aase�ent for maintaiaing tha garage. Mr. Balisie •utad Che �as��nt would aot bs legal unla�s it ru filad by the " amer of the propertq and racorded with th� County. DIr. Harju �tatad hn vu agaisut this variance. 1!►a raquest i� for s doubla Qaraga that mo�t of the paopl� in thir aru hava built in th�ir back ��rds �md it i� aot a good idea to have a garage thi� cloea to th� lot lina. H� lsli � daCach�d gasaga �vould not ba that ouch �ore exp�n�ive a� you vould ba altalnatiug the firaps+oofing that i� aaaded in an attachad g;sags, L�a. Wahlbarg etaCed rha vould raehar �a� Ch� saraga ia tba pack yazd yut ��nca tta applicant ha� �ham it vould co�t �or� foz the �ztra driva� fiil aqd blooka� Y� would go sia�g with the variance if a�aint�nanc� euamsnt couid be acqul,=ad. 1�DTiON b7 Cso�de= eo sacom�nd to Council approval of tha vasianc� vith thp �tipalationa that: 1. i�an the saque�t oaw� befor� ths Citp Couacil th� paeitionar doa� hava ; 2 foot maintwanc� eus�nt on ths �nalYhpor� psopssty• 2. Tha =araa� hav� guetar� and a dwaspout on ih� �outh •ida. 8�condad by ilahlbesg. Upoa a voios vota� Barju voting iyy, tha motion csrsied. Mr. �obare D�Garchus as prawt to prq�nt w�t. How� plan�, sutvoYr aarrey, of adjoiaing 1 and picturaa of ot r�ra �havn to eh� Eoard. Ms. D�t'+ardaar said thi� 'i� a corwr' aad a► odd ihap�d lol. 1ba propopd Aolt�a facu 8ics Cruk Wap rith viav o k� L�ka. g� said ha coald chaage Lh� �utr�oca oi tha hw�e to be oa iiap m�king a� hwn and �ating all thu Coda raquistimnt� but ha fe� ihi� is a niws lookiog howa. He a1�o f�1C it trouid ba a�haos to havo • da of eh� how� face Loci�� Laka. �. Harju uid ha woul prefer td,tw �ore iront yasd and lp� back yaiy� T�p front yasd �aeback d b� incsais�d io 30 f�at and tha back yard s�ducad Co 10 feat. °�, lGr. D�litl� Ch� how• to !ha aor of thi� lot had a raas fard vasiapct bat it do�� t tiu front �ard ntbuk�qf 35 ia�t. Mr, Bali�le �hwad the BpsTd tta ats�al oio_of lhi� asya.: `� �. x. �� 1 �R ODI�CIL 1�'.ETZNG O! MAY 1, 1972 Y11GB 13 1�TION by Councilaw► Utter to ooncur vith the reao�endation o! the Building � Sta�d+rde - Deaiqn Contsol SubcasittM, Seconded by Councilman Mittelatadt. t1po� a vo"Yce vote, all ayes. l�ay�or yiepl dealared the awtion carzied unanimously. \ THE Ttwsa wu no oue preseat to xesent the oosy�anp. uJ'PI037 by Couacilman Brei r to thin item until the May 15, 1972 Council MNti:g. Seoonded bp Co ciJ� t4itt� t. Upan a ycice vote, all ayea, 1�ayos Liebl declared notion caxzin3 ly, lbTI0�1 by Cowicilman ttelatmdt to raoeive the l4lnutu ��'ffie euildinq Standards - Derfgn trol Moetinq of �pril 20. 1992. S�oaad�d by Cauncilman s8teidsr. Upon a ca wt�, all votin9 aYe, 1layos Liebl daclazad the sotion cassied tmanimousL�i. [•? � '!� City 8aqla�er axplaitwd that � 8oard oi �,pp�ais had saoo�ended approval o! this requeat with atipulation�. �'Z�N bp �ounailman MitteLtadt to concnr in the appsrnral o! the raquast !or a variaaoe by.Cary Julkarski subjact to the 8oasd of sppeals� stipulatione. S�aooded by Ootiincilman Utter. L'pon m wice wte. all ayes. Nayur Liebl d�olareQ the motion carried unaai�ously. E. 1!D'P20N by Councilman a �ariancw by Tri-Co a21 voting ays, Mayor F� fi. ooncur 1.'t tAf appzoval of the r�queat foz' a�dsd bp Councilman Utter. U�n a wice voC�� the aotion carrieid unmimously. i�+-.. .,. r:: � f� �� .. •- t ,:�FA... � • .. . A. � � .� F��7 -� I _i � oamed by Ed Chies� 7651 Ces�ral Ava. June 10, 1967 Rose Real Estete '229 Universlty Ave. ,,. E. E'ridley� Mirmecota� 55421 P.e: 7639 Bacon Urive, Lot 13� Bl, 1, F�eadpci�v:oor Terr, wliieh you Gentlemen: hane advertieed for eale, The Citq of Fridley is enPorcing the healtF, laws oP this city and the State of ?"Sruzesota. In this connection� end by complaint� this Board made a surveq of the above property and the {ollos�ing conditions were noted w'.31eh are in need of correction or i±rprover,rent. oLd fisnituresand o�e debris,�eThisti�sen�t�onl� tm�sieht], a$hi but �y serve as an excellant harporage for rodenta and other ver�^in. It is requested that gou make a personal ixtveetigation of the conditions reported and arrenge to have the propertq cleaned and cleared by Jrme 17, 1967. llnless tt;ese conditinns are eorxected bq the above date� t",i� Board wi11 hnve no choice but t� cause seid nuieence to be ebated. FIe hope, however, that such aetion wi1L be uzmecessary and thzt you will voluntariZy complq with the 1aw, . ?,de s'.:a1I be �Lad to discuss ax�q questions or difficult3ea you may have in complqi.ng tn,th t},e minimum health laws. Very truly yotss� Jamea H. Hensley J'r*;/r City o! a�ridleq Board oP Heslth cc: Citq ;•?gr. a .�. � i