P - 84355From: 7637551'554 Page: 2/2 Date: 10/23/2012 9:51:45 AM BU11t11I]g ��i ��,E�.�'��,E��. Permit No.:C-UI � U I ill.�' �nspect�o�s RESIDENTIAL APPI.,I�.A.�'�+��T �e�e�"Ed a�Y., � G,.... _ 763-572-3604 �ITY OF FRIDL�Y �'�R��.� � � �� 7�i3-502•4977 FA� ,,.,�,_, .,,.,, . . ��,� un�re-.-1�=.4 '�ITF F1t)1)RFS5 Tti15 APP�1C'AN1' IS: OWPIEW T�NANT SL1BII�IT A C'�PY (3F YOUR STATE LICENSG W!'I'H ,4,PPI�1('ATIpN PERM�'�' TXP� i'YP� OF WORK: YQUR E-MAlL ADDRF5S O UW�ER A�)fIR'F.SS; ' PHUNF: � CUMPAtiY NnME?: ���� E'UNl'AC'i I'FRSUN: _��k��� ., �'rAT� U(:EHSE a � ('ITY S'fAl'L 'Llt' � ��C • L)A 1'L y!� `�t �-� G CITX � ' G' _,___.S'1'A'I'F3lVlllf"L1P�r PHUNE—lf�� ~��_ FAX �__��L_r [,F�l��f �$IN(iLf: FAMIi.Y O TWO FAMILY ❑'TOWNIiUU5F �NFW ❑R$I'LA(`EMESN7• OAI:1'fs1iA'I'IUN/RFM(?UHI. [3ETAIL�D DESCR1PT10N O� WO[tK r FF.F.S ARt! �ASiD Ol� Sf0•0� P$R FtXTU1i$, �XCEPT WiIERE N07'�;D. FIXTl;RES� (INU[(;ATE �'07A4 NUMBF,R OF EAL'H SEtUW) PRqVIp� HE,4T 1,pSy {;At,�'S Pk;R 11�IANUAL J 2006 ASIIRAE HANABOOIC. F:yui{�mc�t lnata��ed M'��C;: _,_,_ MUllLL� SIGFJBrI1 �,,,�_ MI�f: ......_�_ h4{?llL'L: S(GFJaTU M'FG: MUDHI,: � 51't,F:lH'i'lJ �.._._. _.._ A!(' �25.00 . FiiiFF`I.A('� (t:�AS) S 14.0U � �.^.�-- CiAS RAN(iFJt)VF.N Slfl,Up ��� ~A11i 1'0 AIR h',XC:MANG��RSIS F[Et�l'I.AC'G (WUUU) 335.110 NEW (i.4ti GILI1.l. S1U.UU �8<71LER S33.if� '1't�Khinc:L•'szs.�u .,• GAS linii�l' E�I'i'K xlo.ou . (;HIMNEY [,tNElt SIU.W �C;AS DRYER $IU,UU _ I'(.)Ul. I•lL.41'l:R �35.UU __��U(•°C WV�K 5T0-W �4AS PtPING SIO.M� ��VIiN'fll.Al'UIt 3t5.qV Number of fixmres Q$10A0 _ x$10.00 =$ Nurtlber of �xtu�res (�i $15.d0 _ x $15.UU = $ Numbor pf fixCUres (a� $25•00 _ x $25.00 = $ Numbcr of fixtures Q$35.00 � x�35.00 ¢$ State Surcharge = (MINIMUM FEE S35 qkus suXChsxge) Xocal =$�A��� 'f'! ItS 15 �1N APP�ICA'l'ION FQR A P�KMI'I'-NC)'I' vAi,]ll UN'IYI: PROC'EtiSL'U 1 hereby appty for a building permit and [ acknowted�e the iMformarion above is cnmplctc and accurate; that the wark wiil be in confo►m&nce with the ocdinance� end eodc • of the Ci qf Fei Itiy and with thc Minnesota Construc;tivn Godcb; that I und�rstand this is not a permit but only an a{�plication far a pe it an work i• not to start without a permit; that the work wilt bc in aceotdanca witl� the appmved plan in the case of k i rcqu view nd approval of pt�ns, SI(iNA'I'lIItC• OF APVLIf'AN'f �_ PRINT NAML ��,��^?� ,y,�I)A��''Z � �~,.._.., 6431 �EQLIlkED FOR �U1�DING, ELECTRZC `�City o� �ridley � Inspections Department izy Avenue N�, Fridiey, N1N 55432 3604 FAX: 7fi3-502-4977