VAR-1970�� �� APPLICATION TO THE BOARD OF APPF.A�S �,r1D CI�t' � CY� FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT, VARIANCE IIJ REQtIY�I�S OF CERTAIIQ ORDINANCES OF THE CI'1'Y OF FI�tiIDLEY (Applicant to complete items 1, 20 3) i. Nam� and Addrese of Appifcant ��,,,� ,� L� �, � � /`,� �� _ .�� � ��' f/��i�� C�i�%.0 L� - % .��/��/�,.,� 2. I,e�al Description of Prope�ty (also �eneral locatioxb, �uch ��oA1north-� east corner of 64th Aveaue snd Sth Street" os 6415 &°ifth Sereet'°) / ` /_ --� /� 6�� 4 _ _ ���/� c� � /� � � �i' o'-�.�afi.%S ( _ ivo� �/�eiC%� � ���.�'' �.� .f . _�G � ��= /O.r//. �O �c��ire ehe �rari�nce requeeted. f�tgac4� ���� �� �anr�e��� �" ��y����� �howin� 1�c�tion of Proposed b�i�d�n�, ���, e���� ��1������� ;�,� ����°��,�� �� owex�rahip within 200' of eaid propest�a) _ �`.��d��, i �� � �° ��=c ���.t� �.S'`Q�S'.� �i� � �-,D � �� �i�e �� � � � "� �,� c�� ��crr.� �-� . � , � �� i 4. C nt� by ad�iaaistrative official d�nyi�g or��%��� ;��q�e�e go� basi�dino pe��� or other permit. (To be co�pleted by ad��n����°���w� ��g�����o Appropriate ordinances and aectffocr ofE ordinanc�� �o b� �����;� � r � � • �� � � s � � � ,� .; � w � t � � �� �i � � ' U r � . `. � � � . �. � • v ' . 0 � 7 . ` _. .. . - � . � s. � y'� � � � � '� � . � � � � i � :. � �� . : H � _, . � � � 4 + � , • ` � J \Y .� ♦ �. ` � ..t — m 2 - 10a��f�� �� ��si�a� d��e►a 8 Q�am�R a �t ��s�s ����c�+�� � e in Official IQewa��a�� � t�e �'ol��a�� �e�s�d �ie��r� ���if�e� �f ��faa� by � / �p q�%� �i[�tt ��a�raa ��e A���if��d� �sa� AB���°0 � ° �d�'� ��1 � �� ����a�� ���'��) , a ' :� f, �+�-: �.�tl �,L�_ �1 � 1 I u; ��� i, 1��� -� �+ � �- . A � � R� n:�� r� 1� ���� �� ������ �� .. __._. � � ,� , � � 1 � • � � j� � P _ -- - _ _ ._.. __------ -- . -- - - _ _ - - --- I � � ��� � -. ,` ` � t i ���� ��.It�� �a��e�� ���d � 1fi�t�i� ��s na���.���da ">F ,�c� ;-. �1�� ���l���a� �r��a��g� ���a� Ra��as� �s��rtq ��� ���._�_.�_.:�_�''--'�- �_ ., i I��; , j_- _ _ __ __ _, : ._._ . � ::1. 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(Request by Mr. Donald J. Dibos, 361 Bellaire Way N.E., Fridleq, Minaesota.) Anqone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this meeting. DONALD MITTELSTADT CHAIRMAN BOARD OF APPEALS o�acaaz r�cE CITY OF FRI�.EiC PUBLIC ��1G BEP'OYtE T� BOARD OF APPEAI.S 1'0 W�M IT iSAY CONCERN: N01ZCE IS HEREBY GIVEN TBAT the Board of Appeals of the City of Fridley will meet ia the Council Chambes of the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Wedaeaday, March 25, 1970 to coneider the follawing matters • A sequest for a variance of Sectioa 45.053, 4B, to reduce the required side ya�d �etback requirement froffi 10 feet to the exiatiag 8.67 feet•to convert an exisiciag attached garage into living area on Lot 6, Block 3, Peareaa's Craigway Estatee 2ad �dditioa, the ea�me being 361 Bellaire Way N.E., Fridley, Mitmesota. (Request by Mr. �nald J. Dibos, 361 B�llaire Way N.E., Fridley, Y�'iiam�eota.) Aayone desiriug to be heard with refer�mce to the above matter may be hesrd at thia meetiag. D(DNALD MITPELSTADT �HAIRMAN BOARiD OF I4PPEAIS . � 6 � MIN[TTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEAI,S I�ETING OF MABCH 25 1970 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mittelstadt at 7:30 P.M. ME�ERS PRESLNT: Mittelstadt, Ahonen, Ha�rie, Minish, 0'Bannon oTH�iS PRESENT; Clareace Belisle-Building Inspector A1 Bagstad-Building Official The ffiinutes of !larch 11, 1970 were corrected on pa�e 5 to read: Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, Minish, Harris and Mittelatadt voting aye, Ahonen abataining, the motion carried. PZOTION by Minish to approve the minutea of the March 11, 1970 meeting as a�m►ended. Seconded by Harris. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unaniaaous ly . Cta�irman Mittalstadt read the City Council Mi,rnitea of March 16, 1970 that concemed the Board of Appeal� items of the March 11, 1970 meeting. 1. A �eQUEST FOR 2. ,w s� a7L' �\a7i - - j1� GE ONT� EXiS�rrNr �L �r rrra�rr ON �T 6��a p�ARSnN � S CRAI(�JAY ESTATES 2ND ADDITION TAE S BEI 61 BELLA WAY N.E. F DL 1�TESOTA• UEST BY I�IIt. DONAI.D J DIBOS 361 BELLAIYtE WAY N E FRIDLL�Y M[I1�TESOTA. Mr. Doaiald J. Dibos waa preeent to preaent the request. A eurveq of the lat, dated March 11, 1970, showing the existiag dwelling and the propoaed addition was shown to the Board. Mr. Diboa explained that the exiating garage will be turned iato living area with part of it being storege space. The proposed garage will be built ia front of the exiating garage and will be 20 feet by 24 feet. Mr. Dibos preseated a letter to the Board, which wae si�ned by the property- ow��a to the West of Mr. Dibos�lot, Mr. Carl Brittoa, stating he did not object to the propoeed construction. 1�TION by 0°Banaion to receive the letter signed by Mr. Brittoa. Seconded by Iiarris. Upon a voice vote, there bein� no nays, the motion carried un�nimou�ly. � @�airmaa Mittelatadt added for a mattex of record that the property owner of tlhe lot to the Eaat of Mr. Dibos, was noti£ied of the public hearing and apparently hae no objection to the construction. � 0 � The Minutes of the Eoard of Appeals I�Ieetin� of P��ch 25, 1970 Pat�e 2 A aketch of the propoaed work wa� sh�wn to the Board. Mx. Dibos etated that this is the ox�ly direction he c�n go to expand hi� ho� as the iaaam� is a two story walk out in the baelc and there ia a steep slope to the land which preventa building without fill being brought in. There would be no posaible way of adding on to either side of the house•as the sideyarda are at the mini�um require�es�t now. M�TION by Mini�h to close the two public heariaags on 361 Bellaire Way N.E. Seconded by Ahonen. ilpon a voice vote, there beix� no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MOTYON by Minish to reco�nd to ti�e City Council approval of the two requesta for the following reaaonse 1. �'tae front yasd setback reque�t of 20 feet would be farther back than the aetback on the structuxe to tlae West, 351 Bell�ire Way N.E., so it will not e�ceate any traffic hazard as far as visibility is coxaceraedo 2. It is � hardship in tiae fact that there is no room to the East to add onto the hou�e, and the �lope to tlze North prevent� buildin4g without a.iot of ex��ase. 3. The requested sideyard setback is �rely to confo� to what is already there. The existing strcbcture will not have to be mo�red in any way. Seconded by 0'Banaion. Upon a voice vote, ghexe bein� no nays, the motion carried unaaimou�ly. 3. A REQ�TIEST F0� V ES OF SECTIOPT 45.053, �, T9 RED4TCE THE MINII�_M_ REAR OF TgE FROIdT Mr. Orrin Lavelace sad Mr. George Wells were present to present the reque�ta. Mr. George Wells, 6553 Oakley Drive N.E., is the owner of the property and Mr. Lovelace is the proposed lsuyer. • A drawiug of the North 100 feet of I�ot 8C ataci the two adjoin�g lota, Lot 8A and the South � of Lot 8C, wae shown to �iie Boa�d. This drawimmg showed ttie position of the existin� homes on Lot 8A and the South �e of Lot 8C, and also the proposed dwelling. Pirr. Wells explaiaed his home, on the North side of the North � of Lot 8C, is aetback approxi�oately 100 feet f�oan the street �nd the house to the South of the North 100' of Lot 8C ia setback only 36 £eet. The average setback of the two would be 67� feet. 1 g'lae Mi�ute� �f t�e Boasd of App��ls i� of A?�rch 25, 1970 Pa�e 3 Mr. T�lella was asked about the lot split he wa� ��an�ed on the North 100' of Lot 8C. Mr. Weli� explained that he had a�ked for 12 f�et to be eplit from the Nortli 100' of Lot 8C9 to act as a buffer or fencing area between hia propertg a,nd the propexty in question, in �xe event �omeone w�xld build:t�a it. Z°his lot split wa� �g�t�d l�st f�ll. Yie e�cplain�d further that the North 100 feet of Lot 8B is now landlociced and unbuildable and he pla�e to leav� ft t�at wag► for a playground. In the ev�nt tlze las�d raas eold, the road would be constructed oa the Eaet aide of tlie landlocic�d propesty and it would not e£fect t�ae North 100 feet of Lot 8C. M�°°l.ZZON 'by 0' oa� to clo�e the p�blic hearing o Seconcled by P�dinish. IJpon � voice vote� �ere beiaa� a�o iaays, the motion ca�ied una�imou�lye r10TI0N by 0'�anxao� to rec s�d to tiag City Couxacil approval of the requeat for the following r�asona; 1. `L`he land ha� already been split, lay pr�riou� Council action, and it is �posaible to build � dwelli� on the land by taking �he �n setback, a,xad �ti11 c� close to the rear yard reqaxir�mente 2. The requested �etback fa equ�l to the �etb�cic of �he house on the South. Secox�ded by Harris. Upon � voice eote, there bein g no xiays, the motion carried una�imously> 4• A REQUEST FOR �. V�I.�ATCE 0�' S�TION 45 0529 19 �EY CI7'1' CODE, TO INCREASE THE MA�CII�i I�IG�iT OF A RADIO .�N°��NA F��q 20 F� A�VE Ix�E'r.i.4t'u; �r�nF Tn sn Mr. Willi�m Haan waa. p�e�eaat to present the reque�t. Mx. Ham preeented a petitioa to the Board, eigned by five surrounding property owners, which states they have no obje�tion to tlae �nte:nna. MOTION by Ii�rris to receive the petitiaaam Seconded by Minisia. Upon a voice vo��, there b�ing no aaays, the motion c�rried unanimousiy. Mr. Ham brought with him rough sketches of tlze g�neral concept of the antenna and certificates showing his m�mbership in civiii� aad military orgaaizationa connected with amateur radio oper�tors. Iie explaimmed to the Board the materials that will be used to anchor the tower and �lso what the aatenaa is made of. �ie said the antenna wiil lae 50 feet high and will weigh leas than 50 pounds. Mr. Don McC�rty, 144 Longfellow, was present but had no objections to the antenna. �- The Miautee of the Board of A�peale l�eetia� of l�arch 25a, 1970 p�� Mr. Fraak Zimbal, 161 Loagfeliow, etated he objected to the antenna ae �Lbe radio broadcastiag already interfere� with hie televieioa aad radio. Se wae also concerned witli the aatarusa poseibly falliag on�o hie houee in a stroag wind etorm or falliag from beiag ao�rerad wiCh elaet and eaaw. Mr. Ham replied that the ie dosig�ed.�o �athetand an�r aormal weather conditiune and aleo that he had ineura�ce to cover aa�r da�age cause� by.the aaateana ia tha event it would fall dowa. l�ir. �agetad etated he had called a t.v. ehop and they stated ham anteaaae could bother t.v. saceptioa ual�ae a filtratioa element was used. Thie element could elimiaate 80% to 100% of the iatarfereace. Mr. Bagatad also �aid he called the F.C.C. which eaid that normally a ham operator would not cause iaterfereace. Citizen baad radios have caueed t.v. iaterfereace by ovarloadiag ead overflowiag the frequency. They coulda't eay iateraerence would aever happea but aormally there would be no iaterfereace. 1�1r. Miaish aeked Mr. Iiam why he aeeded the nxtra height? Mr. Ham replied that he was a Navy affiliated radio operator that helpe earvice men overeeas talk with their familiee in the �iin Citiee area free of char�e. The higher the tawer the bigger the coatact area would be. Mr. Beliele etated the�t the Citq doee have Nuieance Ordiaaacee that would control aay excesaive iaterferences w ith private televieioas or radioe. Portioae of Chapter 34, Fridley City Code, which covere auieancea were read to the applicant atid the sudience. Mx. Harrie aeked if permits ware iseu�d for radio antexuiae? Mr. Beliele aaewered that they w�r� aot. Mr. Harri� atated that he would like to �ee som�on� fram the City �o out and check to ese that the aateaaa ie put up correctly if the requeet ie approved. MOTTON by HarriB to cloee the public heariag. Secoac�ed by Minieh. Upoa a voice vote, there beiugfao nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Ahoaen eaid he reca�aaended that ir► the ca�e of approval that there be periodic reviewe by the Couacil and autom�tic revoleing of the permit in the caee of a change ia owriership. 1KOTION by Miniah to reco�ead to the City Council, appraval of the requeet for the followirig reasone, and with th� follpwing stipulatious: 1. The height is aeceasary to carry out hia Navy eo�mitm�t� 2. On the condition that plane eho�wwir� �tre�s, locatioa aacl structural deeiga be eubmitted to the Building Inepectioa Depar4nent for their review aad appraval. - 'The Minutes of the Board of App�ale Minutea of March 25, 1970 Page 5 i 3. The adjacent propertq to the East is zoned M-1 and in M-1 the chaace of a si�nilar aituation arieing ie minimal. 4. With proper superviaion of the stxucture aad proper maintenaace there will be virtually no chance for it to fall onto Mr. Zimbal's propertp. 5. The structure be inspected by the City after it ia erected. 6. There ie a certain amount of control under our Public Nuisance Chapter in the City Code to protect the surrounding aeighbors from excesaive interference. Seconded by Harria. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Minish: I understand thet I will ehortly be taking over as Chairman of the Board of Appeals and I would lilce to s$y that in the last two years or more that I have been asaociated with Don Mittelatadt and Dick Harria that it has been a v��y worthwhile experience for � and that I'm going to mias our associatton on the Board and wish them well. Mr. Mitteletadt: Thank you, we appreciate it. %'ve nevez had a nicer aseociation than I've had oa the Board of �pp�als and ti�e Plaaaing Co�iasion. It's an experience you ehould aot deny you�self if you ever get the chance. Mr. Ahonen; I juat w�nt to inject that the City Council should take heed of the great deal of experience you have had on the Board of Appeals and the Planning Commisaion and I'm sure there are positiona on other co�iasions within the City that could use your experieace and ite been a very enjoyable experience working with you both. ADJOURI�Il�II;NT ; The meeting was adjourned by Ch�ixtuan Mitteletadt at 9:10 P.M. �eapectfully submitted, � v MARY H -� 3ecretary �35-101 �� � � C ia�� � � �i�-i �. � o � ° ( - ! 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(Request by Mr. Donald J. Dibos, 361 Bellaire Way N.E., Fridley, Minnesota.) Aayone deairing to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this meeting. DONALD MITTELSTADT CHAIRMAN BOARD OF APPEALS OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLYC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF APPEALS TO WHOM IT 1�1AY CONCERN : NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVffi�1 THAT the Board of Appeale of the City of Fridley will meet in the Council Chamber of the City Sall at 7:30 p.M. on Wedneaday, March 25, 1970 to coneider the follo�aaing matter; A request for a variance of Sectioa 45.053, 4A, to reduce the front yard setback requirement from 35 feet to 20 feet, to allow the construction of a ga�age onto existing dwelling located on Lot 6, Block 3, Pearson's Craigway Estates 2nd Addition, the eame being 361 Bellaire Way N.E., Fridley, Minnesota. (Request by Mr. Donald J. Dibos, 361 Bellaire Way IJ.E., Fridley, Minnesota.) Anyoae desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this meeting. DONALD MITTELSTADT CBAIRMAN BOARD OF APPEALS o�$cr� r�°ricE CYTY OF FRIB[.EY PiT�LIC HF.�t�iG BEFORE T� BOARD OF APFEAI.S 1�0 W�M IT i�iY COIJCERN t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Appeals of the City of Fridley will meet ia the Couacil Chamber of the City Hall at 7:30 P.kI. on Wedneaday, March 25, 1970 to coneider thn following matters • A requeet for a variance Of Section 45.053, 4B, to reduce the required side ya�d setback requirement from 10 £eet to the exieting 8.67 feet•to convert an existiag attached garage into living area on Lot 6, Block 3, Pearsoa'a Craigway Es�tes 2nd Addition, the e� being 361 Bellaire Way N.E., Fridley, Minnesota. (Bequest by Mr. �nald J. Dibma, 361 Bellaire Way N.E., Fridley, Mi�eaota.) Anyone desiriag to be heard with reference to the above matter may be hesrd at this meetiag. DONALD MITTELSTADT Ci�AIRMAN BOAR� OF APPEAI.S . � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 6, 1970 PAGE 4 I2. A R�QUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4B, TO REDUCE Tf� REQUZRID � SIDE YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENT FItOM 10 FEET TO THE EXISTING 8.67 FEET TO CONVERT AN EXISTING ATTACHED GAi2AGE INTO LIVING AREA ON LOT 6, BL`OCK 3, PEARSON°S CRAI�WAY ESTATES 2ND ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 361 BELI,AIRE WAY N.E.� FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. DONALD J. DIBOS, 361 BELLAIRE WAY N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA)s The City Engineer said that the Board of Appeals approved of the requests for the variances. The reguest is for a reduction in front yard setback from 35' to 25° and a reduction in side yard from 10' to 8.67'. There were no objections at the Board of Appeals_Meeting from any of the neighbors. MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the variances requested by Mr. Donald Dibos, 361 Bellaire Way N.E. 5econded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all vo_�ing aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. 3. A REQTJEST FOR VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4C, TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM REAR YARD LOT DEPTH REQUIREMENT FROM 25 FEET TO 20 FEET AND SECTION 45.153, 2, TO REDUCE THE AVERAGE OF THE FRONT YARD DEPTH5 OF EXISTING BUILDINGS WITHIN A DISTANCE OF 100 FEET ON BOTH SIDES FROM 67� FEET TO 35 FEET, WHICH TS THE REQUIRED SETBACK IN THIS AREA, ON THE NORTH 100 FEET OF LOT 8C, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION #21, THE SAME BEING 6551 OAKLEY DRIVE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. ORRIN E. LOVELACE, 6558 OAKLEY DRIVE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): The City Engineer explained that there is one house that is set back 111' and another that is set back 36'. According to the Ordinance, this setback should be 67.5° and the petitioner is requesting a 35' setback. There were no objections at the Board of Appeals Meeting. The Board recommended approval. This house faces Oakley Drive. Councilman Liebl asked if this would not result in a land locked parcel, and the City Engineer explained on the screen why this would not be so. MOTION by Councilman Harris to concur with the Board of Appeals and grant approval of the variances requested by Mr. Orrin Lovelace. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carriede 4. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.052, 1, FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF A RADIO AN'I'ENNA FROM 20 FEET ABOVE DWELLING ROOF TO 50 FEET ABOVE DWELLING ROOF TO PERMIT THE ERECTION OF AN AMl1TEUR HAM RADIO ANTENNA ON LOTS 8& 9, BLOCK 5, SPRING BROOK PARK I�IDDITION, THE SAME BEING 159 LONGFELLOW STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REgUEST BY WILLIAM H. HAM, 159 LONGFELLOW STREET N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): � The City Engineer explained that this request is for a radio antenna in excess of City Code on Longfellow Street. The property to the east is in- dustrial and on the west is residential. The man on the east, Mr. Frank Zin�bal,, 161 Longfellow, has voiced an objection as he is afraid that during a storm the tower may fall onto his property. The Board received a petition signed by five neighbors stating that they had no objection. He said that the Board of Appe�ls recommended approval subject to their stipulations. Mr. �ia� �� ��C6e�be� o� a military orc�anization for radio operators. Gv�gi�il.3n�n Liebl as�,ed if Mr. �iam had ins�rance in the event that the tpwer shouiel �capp�.e. M�. °Ham Xeplied that Yze did. Counci].man Liebl stressed �}a� M �, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 6, 1970 PAGE 3 W.R. Starwalt, 1021 Hackmann Circle. Seconded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. The appointments to fill the vacancies of Robert Hynes and Donald Batterson are to be brought back to the April 20, 1970 Agenda. CARL PAULSON COMPLAINT: Mr. Carl Paulson came forwazd and talked to the Council concerning some sections of the Code regarding nuisances, parking cars and trucks on the street and the legality of operating a business from the home in a residential districto He presented a compilation of data concerning past political matters to each Council Member, the City Attorney and some members of the audience. CONSIDERATION OF BARTENDER - 6�TAAITRESS WAGE AND BENEFIT NEGOTIATION RECOM- MENDATIONS: Mayor Kirkham said that he felt that the City Manager's recommendations should be followed. Councilman Liebl asked if all these items have been agreed upon and the City Manager said yes. Councilman Liebl asked the cost of the total package. The City Manager said that he did not have the exact figures, but that it would fall within the 9�� range. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the recommendations of the City Manager and approve �the agreement between the bartenders, waitresses and the City. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARGH 18, 1970: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #70-03, GEORGE NELSON: The north � of Lot 30 and the north � of Lot 31, except the north 125 feet of Auditor's Sub- division #129 to be rezoned from R-1 (single family) to R-3A (apartments and multiple dwellings) The City Engineer said that the Planning Commission had approved of this rezoning request. The Council action would be to set the Public Hearing date. MOTION by Councilman Breider to set the Public Hearing for the George Nelson rezoning request for May 11, 1970. 5econded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of March 18, 1970. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF MARCH 25, 1970: 1. A RE UEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4A, TO REDUCE THE FRONT YARD SETBACK RE UIREMENT FROM 35 FEET TO 20 FEET, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A G�FtAGE ONTO EXISTIIVG DWELLING LOCATED ON LOT 6, BLOCK 3, PEARSON'S CRAIGWAY ESTATES 2ND ADDITION, TIi� SAME BEING 361"BELI�AIRE WAY N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (RE LTEST BY MR. DONALD J. DIBOS, 361 BELLAIi2E WAY NE, FRIDLEY��MINNESOTA): ., .r . C� � �t�" �, . i� 1�1 � r � / ��. � _ i`;I � �\\ �.11 �� ��� � � _� i j � 11 .1 ;� ' � " � - .' � , ' �,. '�'`� ti �.. _ � ��, �' � _ � . � � • -_ - -.r'r ti ` � ...�� �%'T s ,,� a `�-�'- . _. .. � . .._ , y � � + � � 1- � v � � n..� � � - �I � �- - � � � — t �`. ��___ —.; �' �;,�„�—���„�„'...----�� - _ r � � � ;::;� l�,��� �~ -_ F� ► ` ��tA � '�: �� �� _ '�h - i "+ti . 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