P - 35320Building BUILDING Permit No.: Z� � Inspections RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION Received By: �f� �63-s�2-3604 CITY OF FRIDLEY Date Rec'd: 763-502-4977 FAX EFFECTIVE 1-1-20ll r DATE � '� � � ' �/ YOUR �MAIL ADDRESS // �� �V�- � ��'���"r� > � y�� s�� aDn�ss (� � �� �-en �'/ore. �r� �r��� /�-t ,�J .SS �3�, THIS APPLICANT IS: ❑ OWNER �CONTRACTOR PROPERTY OWNER/ N,�: MGtS�- .��- � r'�, � Q� d gju - TENANT AD�,�ss: � a�S �3�n �tor� �r c�� ii�—��' ce� sTA�M.�P �S 5�3 PHONE: % �0�� 'll � 0 �02 L / T CONTRACTOR xAME: �i� i,tC�. ►''v� /I°�i"Q ��i't c, SUBMIT A COPY OF STATE LICENSE # LEAD CERT NUMBER N�"T —°Z �� 3 T—b YOUR STATE LICENSE AND CERT'�ICATE OF ADDRESS: g�.Z'� Cs�l D� CITY S�'��i LK��TATE p SS � INSURANCE PHONE � iS �/ S� % oZ FAX Lo -3 ` % � PROPERTY TYPE INGLE FAMILY/NEW CONSTRUCTION SIZE ❑ TWO FAMILYlNEW CONSTRUC7'ION STORIES PERMIT TYPE � �DTITON ❑ GARAGF/SHED ❑ WINDOWS ❑ BASEMENT FINISH �FROOF ❑ DRAIN TILE ❑ DECK 0 SIDING ❑ OTHER ❑ SWIMMING POOL TYPE OF WORK: ❑�`IEW HOME CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADDTI'ION � MAINTENANCFJREPAIIt ❑ REMODELING DESCRIBE WORK BEING DONE: 1 P_!L%� 13 �� I�Q —i�0�'� SIZE OF IMPROVEMENT LENGTH Q WIDTH HEIGHT SQ FT 3� ROOFING ❑ HOUSE ONLY BASEr4II+iT RENSODII.ING 3UBMIT> NUMBER OF SQUARES �� �iOUSB 8c GARAGE i: Existing Eloor Plan GARAGES ❑ ATI'ACHED GARAGE 2. Proposed floar plan PROPOSED SIZE: ❑ DE'FACHED GARAGE 3. List of structutal members to be used PROPOSID HIIGHT: SIDING FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING DECKS, ❑ Vinyl p��t ADDITIONS_ & PORCHES SUBMTT: 0 Aluminum [] Trim 1. Site Plan/Survey showing the eacisting structures ❑ Other ❑ Fascia � ProPosed Project. 2. Two �s of construction pl�s WINDOWS 3. Fnetgy Calculations IN EXISTING OPErIINGS OYes ONo LOCAIION OF WINDOWS FOR WINDOWS — PROVIDE U-VALUE AND OR FOR NEW OPENINGS-DESCRIBE S1ZE OF MAN[JFACTURE STICKER ON W[NDOW. OPENING CHANGES & . TYPE OF WINDOW TO BE INSTALLID NUMBER OF WINDOWS ALL FEES ARE BASED UN VALUA'17UN, liV(:LUllllYG "I"tIL�' (:VS"I' UI�' LAIfUK ANU MA"I'L�'KIAL,: (USING THE 1997 U.B.0 FEE SCHEDULE) JOB VALUATION $ / �. /�n/i OCCUPANCY TYPE Permit Fee � Plan Review Fire Swcharge Surcharge License Surcharge SAC Charge Curb Ctit Escrow Erosion Control Park Fee Sewer Main Charge Total Due �� �.'�'/� —� —^� S��j�q`�¢ee Back Page for Fee Schedule $ �_. 65% of Building Pertnit Fee $ .001 times the total job valuation $ � .0005 xPernut Valuation Minimum $5.(ro $ $5.00 (State Licensed Residecrtial Contractors) $ $2230 per SAC Unit (Plans to MWCC for determination) $ ft+6ft= ftx$24=$ $ �--�"" $450 Conservation Plan Review $ ^-"'"'— Fee Determined by Engineering $ Agrcement necessary ( ) Non Necessary ( ) $ n�--r-�" `�`.—r � Make checks navable to: Ciri of Fridlev Attach THIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR A PERNIIT-NOT VALID LJNTIL PROCESSED I hereby apply for a building permit and I acknowledge that the information above is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Fridley and with the Minnesota Construction Codes; that I understand this is not a pernut but only an application for a per 't and work is not to start without a permit on site; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case o�a work hich • qu' review and approval of planjs,� ���c� �a� 3/_ ,�J SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT �4 PRINT NAME /V ` l S DATE �-�1j APPROVAL INSPECTOR SIGNA'I'[IRE PLEASE NOTE: SEPARA REQiJIltED FOR PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL WOitK ___ _