AF-CE - 44806� u � _ C�liOl FRiDLEY CIVIC CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSI7Y AVE. N.E.. FRIOLEY. MINNESOTA 55d32 • PHONE (6121 571-3450 Augtast 16, 19E� N's . Jul i F1 arders 6C�C Eer.ja��.ir. Street N.E. Fridley, r�: 55�32 RE: Junked� Street Inoperable Vehicle Located at 6020 Benja�in Street h.E., Fridley, F?: 5��+3� , I;esr �Ss. Flar.�ers: It wa� ccr;fi��E�� ty ar on-�ite ir.��ectior or� Augu.t 15, 1�E�+ that a body of a Mtite CY:evrolet, r�•ith r.c v:�ible licer.�e plate_, ua� bein� �air.tained on the 2beve li:te� Fro�erty ir G jcrJ;ed, street inc�Erable ecr.�:t:on. Ct:aFter 12.:, cf the FrialFy Cit.y Cc.c�e req�;re:� trst �11 vE•t �cies ir� tr.E C_t}� t�t ctr: �: t'� 1:cEr�EC ar.� ir �;trcc! cFer«,e CGI.Cit:on. kr. alter•r.at.i��e i: tc stci�r s�:e teY'_c_c: �::t.r._r � trilcir� o� �t rr. ��F�rc•vEC lc<<'_:cr�, E•.(,. � I�ccr:�� ;;t�r:�: y�rd. �:t tt::� tic�e, tte City tnust require yoL to recove ar.y jur.ked veY.�cic: fror ti:is F�rcFFr:y. E.r. �1tErr,stive is to brin� tY:e property ir,te coII:plianeF witr: tre Cit�' Ccdes by eitYer disF.layir,@ a currer.t licer.�E cr: a11 veY.icles 2r.d by pLt �'_n� all veY.icles in a street operable cor.ditior, cr by placin�, any jcr.ked veY,icles �;�th�r. tt�e confine� of a buildinE. A reinsFectior Kill be corct:ctFC� or. or aboct Au�,�._ *. 27, 1 �E� to dEtE:'C�r,e COLt11crCE. {"e �1c ccr.ficert ir.� yot:r eccFerati'cn on thi� �atter �r.� if ar�• �uE_`•.;cr� cr prc�tltL: r�c-:t:_t frcn tt:i: letter, Flease fee. frEe tc c�13 r.E �t .71-3�'.C. Sir.cerely , STEVEI: J. OLSOD:, R.S. Ervironmental Officer S3 G/�h n �v �. ° �' '+�1(t� ` fi � ,, 'r � . '� . . . . . «�k': �T '. _ . � � � .z7<°,. . �� � '� 1� �- � �� � . ��`^ o�z��.--� ,f� ( �, , ✓ i �^.J�7!� L I�a/9P09�TANT M�SS�-iGE �o Lr�- �' •. aM. DATE ���• TIME 'P.M. VYFliLE YOU V�JERE �OUT � OF Area Code �. : & Egchange TELEPHONED EASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOD URGENT RETURNED YOOR CALL Message � \C3t�S.� L`.4`�S ,� �, J 1 -72� � �cc N� 1�T � ��t ��a� �.-1 i c�1 (�C�Zd _ :��fi/�lh �,a�.��� ,� Operator sE�� ► � � �'r.� i � � ''"' �.,. _ m ry 0 � , ��Ir`� ��� " s°�`�-�� �°S ., _ . � �ema���- �o�o . _ _. _ _ ��i�� . _ . _ f1YV�+{G� UJ�,.�t�'1�5 - . � : � `7 /'' Z l�� ' . . . 1 ' ; 1 i • � �� �rt�r��� ' �;i • , I • e.- , ..� .- ��a. ��� - I�,f,�n � t��� I, i�� v Sf-• N � v . _. , , � < ,� � �. , , / � � � � i � �i� ��., � �` � •` ' • '..... �'� I � • Lt � i� � _ � , �� � � /i � , ; / � � , / / r �, r__. _. , ,__.. _ ,� -:�-. �: � _.. ,_. _ CITYOF FR[DLEY CIVIC CENTER • 6431 UN[VERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 • PHONE (6l2) 571-3450 March 2, 1988 Todc� Jerdin 6020 Benj amin Street N. E. Fridley, I�AT. 55432 RE: Noncampli.anoe of the Fridley City Code at 6020 Benja�nin Street N. E. Dear Mr. Jerdin: On March 1, 1988, it was oonf iuned by an on-site inspection that the property at 6020 Benjanin Street N. E. does not meet the minimun standards necessary to ma.irYtain a pleasant and prosperous suburban erYViror�¢nent. While major vode requiranents are satisf ied, the following item does not comply with the performance standards of the City Code: 1. Renwe all outside storage frcm rear yard which is visible from public ric�t-of-way. This includes, but is not limited to, two vehicles: one tl� red v�icle, make uzlmown, and one (]Jyellaw Maverick, 2-door. Ari inspection will be conducted on or about March 14, 1988, to determine oomgl ianoe. If you have any questfons or oonoerns, glease feel free to oontact me at the FYidley Civic Ceriter, 571-3450. Sincerely, Lisa C�npbell Code F�f or vement LC/ls C-88-61 i� � i � $ _ f F CITYOF FR[DLEY CIVIC CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. IV.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 • PHONE (6l2) 571-3450 March 2, 1988 Todc3 Jerdin 6020 Berijanin Street N. E. Fridl , I�AI. 55 2 �� '������� . \.. -° I � RE: of the Fridley City Code at __ ,. �- Dear Mr. Jerdin: � ��=2c� ��"/y� . ', �'�s, it was o�nf irn�ed by an on-site inspection that the property at 6020 Benjani.n Street N. E. does not meet the minimun standards necessary to ma.intain a gleasant and prosperous suburban eriviron¢nent. While major oode requirenents are satisf ied, the following item does not comply with the performance standarcls of the City Code; L Ranwe all outside storage frcm rear yard which is visible from public riqht-of-way. This includes, but is not limited to, two vehicles: one ,,., t]1 red vehicle, make tnlmown, and one (vyellaa Maverick, 2-door. ,.z a:: An inspection will be conducted on or about ,��' �, '��, to determine o�mgl ianoe. /D ����� � If you have any questions or o�noerns, glease feel free to wntact me at the Fridley Civic Center, 571-3450. Sincerely, � 3 ���� Lisa campbell Code �nf or vement LC/ls C-88-61 � � ; ,, � � , ' 1 � , r!/ , , / � � � � ,� � , � �� -, / : /� � ��/ ���� � �� � '�/ � � �- / � i �-%' � ,�, . ,�� �� . , . '�:..�,. ._. .! .ti ��� i � �. , �� , _ �� �.�° Marc% I5, �'7`6'6 �a0Z0 BZn oi✓lih �am �CYntQn�Pi � Ff��tlLf.� II:OdG.m. �' , � _ CI�iYOF FRIDLEY CIVIC CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 • PHONE (612) 571-3450 April 6, 1986 Todd Jerdin 6020 Benjamin Street N. E. �Yidley, NAl 55432 RE: Seoond rotioe of Nonoompl ianoe of the Fridley City Code at 6020 Benj amin Strc�t N. E. Dear r1r. Jerdin: On March 15, 1988, a secand inspection of your property at 6020 Benjamin Street N. E. revealed that it still does not comply with the performance standards established within the City Code. �e following items sti.11 do rot c�xnply with the City Code : L Ranove all outside storage frcm rear yard which is visible fram public ric�t-of -way. 2Yiis incl udes, but is not 1 imited to, two veh icl es : one (la red vehicle, make un�own, �d one (v yellaw Maverick, 2-door. 2. Bring fen�e irno oanplianoe with Fridley City Code. �e fence sectim of the Code, Sect i m 213, is encl osed t or your inst r uct ion. Regardless of extenuating ciramstances, this situation must be corrected prcinptly to mairitain a pleasant and healthy erivirorment. A third inspection will be a�nducted on or about April 18, 1988, at which time it is expected that this item will be in compliance. If corrective action cannot be completed by this time, please submit a schedule indicating when this deficiency will be corrected. If you have not contacted me before the inspection date or abated the problen then I will submit all records reaarding this matter to the City Go�mcil who can apprave legal actiai. If you have any questiazs cnnoerning this matter please contact me at the Fridley Civic Center, 571-3450. �ank you for your prcmpt attention to this matter. Sinoerely, Lisa Can:pbell Cocie Enf or vesnent LC/ls C,66-107