P - 79116(�(� REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION 1—� 11='L.J — 513 � Minnesota Board of E{ectricity - �'?� 1821 University Avenue Suite S-128, SaiM Paul, Minnesota 55104 �.;�('/�`-'�� (651)642-0800 TTY/MRS 1-800�27-3529 www.electriciry.state.mn.us ❑ AD ITION ❑ REPAIR Describe -using the back of the white copy if necessary - the work covered by this request: � S� C�.�"��Y',�1 c� � c' �� i' —���-� I Above 2O0 Ampere �$10 ALARM, COMMUNICATION, REMOTE CONTROI CIRCUITS, CIRCUITS OF LESS THAN 50 VOLTS Exh Svstem Dev�ce w Aooaratus � 8.50 3to12 ll;l6'3 IIIII IIIII ��I�I II�I� IIIII IIIII IIIII I�III �III II�I� 17005L33 Tratfic Signal Standard Suoolemental Fee � S over Includes the Service and/or Power Supply up to 500 Amperes, All Cirouits and Two Inspection Trips Each Dwelling Unit �$BO Additanal Ins tion Tri $20 Inves' ativeFee Reins tion Fee $20 TOTAL fEE �(J (minimum total fee is $20) .res��Faemsv�cra+use r I hereby certify that I' d the elec6'ical installa6on described I�erein on the da�es sf�ed: .? ,1� ,%�/� n , . - /1 %�y_ � � ;; v�£.-_�. �`� �...� � � � ����" , � '� 12 � v� •"+""` "i1e� Rough-in Inspedion ReQuired4 Yes Hb MsPeodon Other Than Rough-In: �Ready Pbw WNI Cell �/— `�— Yw must c�l the inspec[or when ragdyl pate ReadY I certify ihat I am the �QCENSED CONTRACTOR ❑ COAiIPANY ❑ OWNER and hereby ►equest inspection of the electrica� wak at: