AF-V - 35556s �y, i9 �o APPLZCATYOV TO T1�iiE BOARD Oi+ APPFA�S AN� CFZ"5l CGV1�G7.L FOR SPECIAL t1SE P�:Rt�tT, VARYAAIC� IY3 RF:QUY�tEMEhaS OF CERTAI�T . ORD]CTiANCES OF Ti3� CIT'Y' OP' P9iI�7LE'Y (Applicant to coa�lete item� l, 2� 3) 1. N� and Ac'dr��� of An�Iicant Z- l�0 �G�.1rS° �lol i�'S°'_ L,��, c�� G%� � . . - -- - s^G���r3g� 2. Legsl Description of Prop�rty (niso �en�ral locaticn, such n�;"no�t�:- eaet corner of 6�►tFi Av�nu� end 5tr 5tre�t'0 or 6/i15 �'ifth StY�gt"� 'Z � S' (3��,�.� 1� �, li � ,�' � w.�_..�.-- -- - - - - w . � ' �.. �� , 3. ti��c�ribe the vnrianc� r�queated. fAtlreei� piet o� S�ts�v�sr r�f �a�ttt� - �he�ring location oL prnpo�ed buil�l.c�, et�.� aa6o ed�oinie�g pto�ttie�e ��i o:anarehip within 200' of ea3d prop�rtv.� -,....___ -....�____.s_�.._.. 4. C�nt� by �dcnicai�trative official denyia� o�i�3iae! request !or buSldfns ��it or oth�r p�rmit. (To be ca�plete�l b;� a�dair�l�rraCfv� oi�ici�l. App�°apz�ic�te orch�a�ncee and aection of osdin.�a�c�� t�� b� eitcd,) `, :o-:: . - - -- -� -2- S. �otic• og 8eari�g a pemred in Officisl pewepa�,r on �he follm+ing datu Y (must ba at least once !0 days before meeting -• copy of notice to be attachad�e i. mosrd Ma�are aotified of ineeting by • /, �� . �'a.�t I��erea �te ATo�ified, and "Hes10 s"� or p��'to stt•n !�a'�.ng� , e • 7. � � . /, i "'� , �1 % • � � . , �. �� ,ul � � � . _� _ / Plsea t� �►ttead � i � .,��--�--e-e� ��,�,c�,►�� � ��a�, ��.,� .� � ��� � �.� �� ��r�.c�� O �� M �, � �aa'.on �a11ci�� appcal and tha followLasg prs�est�r o�a�ts I.�avl. � property e�i.11�ia 20Q ° �i�iod ; g� � .�L J _9_ iiI iil . .I.. ✓, �iI[ I I /. �I /� � �� . .�j �L c� _ � �� J� ., . �<� 1� � . � � � , � � ( / � L� �� , ! � 1`A� i / � �. 1 _ , ��./ - !_ _' , , ' � � ' � '�l�l_ - ,�_�-� _ ��! I /' / !G `� � is I ti� ,� i_l i� I.L � •(� .� i � r � "y ��� � I � , � ; e � / ��_i �y lleaum $o#lfied by oa� l+l�w_ il ,_ (�piti,�li u�f � ///a �F ` ( / ��� �/IL��L. !` � � � � ��L �' d• �a loll�dng Board Msmbsrs and inter�ated �artiu eNS� p�sm���t �t the �a=inga BOA�D Zffi�BRS - � � �.�.. .� ...�...� �_..._�� � � � �._,�._. 3 . 6 • r R • � 0 e . 3 — OZiiER PARTIES s �� ADDItES S a 9� �i�i� �nd rec�endati�a by BOAiiD OF APPL�,I,S: �1�t5 .l � ,�1, l R,eb ,Q e.,�,��,� ' s 10. For Above Itec�endations A�aiast•Recoa�nendation� (—� '��b �� �rr 99Y1� �-1'l.�l'--dL� ��e�_ I�JLA-�� . (��.�,�� , ... f����.� . il.•�1�etion by City Cvuncil and Date; � . 0 . 1. 1� P'IIIVU�S (iF THE BQAR:D OF AP�EALS MEETING OF JULY 14, 1970 T'�►� meetin� was called to order by Chairman Minish at 7:40 P.M. M�TNBERS ]PRESENT: Miniah, Ahonen, Dri�ana, 0'Bannon MEL+�ERS ABSENT : Sondheimer OTI�RS P�ESENT: A1 Bag�tad-Building Officia� 1'�TION by 0'Bannon to approve the minutea of the June 23, 1970 meeting a� w�itt�m. Seconded by Dri$ans. Upon a voice vote, there beix� no A8y8' the motion ���r�.�d a�a�nimously. �li�tf�a Mira�.s�i read a letter from the City Attoxn�y, which was in responae to t1h� a��que�t by Acting Chainoan Ahonen at the June 23, 1970 meetin�, that �1���.fi�� wh�t con��itu��s a majority vote in order to act on requeots p����r���d �o t�e �os�d, �sc�xp� f�o�a s�Yt� le�tt�x writ�en by the City Attorixey aad ilated July 2, 1970s °t,� q�o� �ould coaaiat of a majori.ty of the Board or° three �septbere, Asetnning � enajo�°ity o� Che �oasd ia presemt then two o� the thsee eaembers preeeat �������u�e� � majority o� that Boa�d �t tha� partieular meeting aad ca� ��lid�y ��� buainesa befoxe it." a��TA�d �y �hoaen to rec�sive the letter from the City Attoraey. S�GOa�sled by 0°Ban�nor�. Upon a voice vote, there bs�ing no nay�, ths motio� ���x�ed ur�ania�oualy. P�c. Jamss �aker wae present to present the requeats. �1r. Ba%ez explained ttaere is approxi�ately a 5 foot incline from the stree� to �he hau�e �aich h� wouid be digging out for the garag�. He ie prapoeiug �o build an addition over the entire top of the garage which wouid be uesd a�s a fantily roam. Mz. B+�ker stated hia neighbor to L�e Weet, M�. 3ylveetes, w�� �xanted gexmi�aion i�a 1964 to build the aam�a type of ggrage.3 feet �raai th+e lot 1iae. Mu, 0'��aoa aeked Mr. Baker if he wae living at hie preeent lacatian at ttie t� o� Ms. Sylveeter'� reetue�t and if he had given his appraval for the ��ri�ae�. �..�aker �newer�d yee ta both questions. 1 Mar. Baker presented a Letter ircna Mr. Sylvester which stated he appxoved aF 1�is'. Saker's xequest. 1�TION by Drigana to receive the letter written by Mr. Sylvester. Se�conded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vofie, there being no nays, the motion cartied unanimoualy. M7r. 8at�x �as aeked i£ he had considered building a detached garage,since the di�t�uc� betweeA hie proposed garage and the adjacent garage would be oalq 6 feet. Mx. $a�1CC�� aanawer�d that to build a detached garage would mean cuttiing d� �� �.fae t�r�ee. He explained that they do hav� two cere eo they need the double �ara$e� �nd that the pseeent houae has 3 bedreome �d th�y have 3 g�rle arnd 1 buy �o they could us��=tti� extra room. - �• �Q�gP� Mel�.n, 541.�53� Aveaue, atated he was in favor of the variamce a� it ����d l���p �. Bakex get ia and ou� of his driveway. 1"�TIO�T by Ahonen to close the public hearing. Secouded by 0°13aru�oa. Upo� a voice vote, there beiug ne n�ys, t�e �otiou cai��i.ed �n�uaia�ously. 1't�e�e wa� $�discussian on building oaly parti$11y over the gar8�8 �o k�,�p �� livin� a�ea 10 fee� fram the property line. � Mr. B�ticer explaiaed tha� to build oniy partially over the garage would i,m�olve+ PuE�i�ng a cs�ent roqf on the garage instead of a wood roaf which Would rua infio mar� taon�y, bu� he would agree to limiting �he addition to 14 feet to atay 1Q fc�et irom the line. 1�UTTON by Dr3gan$ to xecoamend to the City Council, den�l of the v8riaace of Sectioa �+5.OS3, 4�, and to reco�end approval of the variance of Sectioa 45.053, 48, 8ubpaxagraph 3. The reason for the denial is that the area between the two s�xtic�uzes would be only 6 feet and the etructures would be too. �,�� `_��, Sylvee�es evex decided to build on top of his pre�ent gara$e. The rea+�oa+s for the approval are: 1. The hsrdehip ie the need for a garage. 2. The gzade af the preeeat drivgway makes it difficult to get in aad out of the drivewaq, e•epeciallq in the wiater aeason. 3ecoaded by Ahoaen. Upon a voice vote, there being no na,ys, the motion c$ruied unaz�iatoue ly . i i s -�a� Minute� of Th� Board of Aapeals Meetiag of .7ul�r 14, 1970 Pa�e 3 3. �. �'• JQ�� �����$, =.epxeaentiag Rodney Billman Incorpora�ed, waa pres�afi to p���t xh� xequast. �� haue� plans fox t,he� present house and plan� for the psopa��d addi�i�x► w��� a�o�m to th� 8oa7cd. Mr. Bogucki explained the work that i� nec�a�a�y �o �'���o��� th+a ex�,sting gara,�e to carry the load of �he additi.oa which i� Go b� eoz���,t�fi�d pn top oi 3,t. He #urther explai��d �hat the vari�c� i� aa�de�d om A��y �k�� Spu�h�a�t coxxte� of thes additio�a ae the lot is an odd ehapad lct. IM�. ����a�k� ���t�d that th� rea�on the own�r, D�. Pau1 Patt��eon, w�mt� ths �dd#.��.o� i� �c� ��locate the l�uadry room fxam the ba��t up to the top ��oor �� h�,+� wi�� ha� � bad back and it ie diffi�ult for her to wa11c down 2 f1�.g�CB �� ���i.��e '�►�+y would a1�o 11ke the additi�n b�cauae they haeo .5 childr�a �d �,��d �ta� �xt�a space. �c. ��� ��k�d i� t�� a�eac 'had acquixed .wsitte�a pexm��efo� f7`�om �%+� +�,� �t���,hbo� �o' �tta� Sauth. �. �a�cki �ta��d thaC Dr. Pattsreon did not waat to a,sk th� nei�hbaz ��z � Ratt�s +�� he felt �t would be putting the nei�hbor in aa awkwasd posit�oa. 1�TTON by p°B�noaa go �lo�se the public hearfng. �ecorided by Ahonen. Upoa a voice vot�, ther� being no naye, th� �tioa cartiad u�s�i�auely. ��'TOiY by �Q�en to �ecoa�nd. to . the City Council, appr4val of the requ��t fax tha fbllowtng xeasons: 1. Tk�ere �.e a hardah3p in the odd ehape of the lot. 2. A9aother hard8h�p beiug Dz. Patterson's wife hae a back condition �hich �ke� �t difficult for her to walk up and dowa staire. �3. '.�hhe�e ie t� �se�t ae�aratioxi between structures ao there is no s�al fixe ha�ard. �� � S�aas�cTed by 0'Baan�,: Upon a voice vote, there beixtg no nays, the �o�ion carried A � a�i�nou� Iy . c • . Th� 1MIi.n �a of The Board of A�al� Me�t �� Jul b A97� Pa e 4 Ms. Caver�c�ton wa� present �o p�esent the requese. Mr, Cov�7cston explained that his house is a 3 bedroam xambler without � diuing �coow. The proposed addition would be used ae a faffiily room and as a diaiug xaom, He e�ated that the exiating garage had to be builfi ia the back ya�d sa ther� wa� not euffici�nt room to erect �t i,n the eide yaxd �ad if �e addition had to be sxtended off from the back of the hou�e the ba+�k y��T would be ru�tned. They are coming foswazd b feet wi.�h the addiGion to pxor�ct ehe doosway at �he front of the houee. Mx. Cov�rstoa had aubmitted with the variaace application, a petitian ia iava� of �e v�xiance which wae signed by all of the property a�mexe with3�a �00 �eet of hie property. He etated he waated Co see how they £elt sboufi Che.v�r�ce be£oxe he� even applied for it. �t wa+e b�rought oufi ia the diecussion tha� the coraer of thie lot was takea awaY in vrder to 1ine� up the intersection of Be�nett Dr�.ve aad Jackson Sxreet. �7e• 4��acr� s�at�d �hat if this laad had aot bes� take�, the�ee would b� �vei�h 1�d to bui7.d th� addition w�thout a vsar�aace. �lDZ°�4�i bgr �i�e�� �a �loae'tti� public hearin�. $���ad�� by �aom�a. Upor� a voice vo�e, �h��e b�i,atg no aay�, th� �Cios� �a��d u�ns�i�p►u� 1y . b�TxO� �r 0'�annc� �o r�couaaend ta the. C�ty Caux�c�.l ap�zc►val o� :�� ��qu�st : �o�' ti�e fol].owia$ �ea�oae: 1. �he�e i.� a hardship ae the laad needed w�s there at the time Mr. Covexa�on utov�d iato the house but the corner wa� taken for the road. 2. T1�� �djaceat naighbore have no objection zo the varianc�. $eao�d�d by Drigans. Upon a voice vote, ther� b�in�g no naye, the �tion ce�z�cied uaanimouely. �aairaiaa Minish reported to the Board the action taken by the Planriin�g Coao�issioa va the two sigas that were before the Board of Apgea].e on Juae 98 �970. AD�T4 T • � The meet�ng wae adjourned by Chaixman Minish at 8045 P.M. Re�pect£u11y submittsd, � P�R7i HIN $ec�r�tary � , U B�AR� �F APPEALS C I 3'Y QF FR IDIE Y .o � 3 �� I re�uest � vrar3�nee fr�m Sec�t3on �5.2$, C�tg Code of Fr3dle�, 1�1nne�ot� 1y63, R�vxs�d 33�c�mber 1q6�., b� wa iv�r of front �e�d re�u�.rement frora 35 �'eet to 3U feet �nd a variance f'rom Seetion �5',3 �i� Sw�4 Pc�.4cs. �'� �}-5s , City Code of Fr�.dle�, �q3,nnogata 1y63, b�r w�iver oi' �ide gard re�wr�mer�t froz�. 172 f eet to 132 Peet on the corner side of Lot 11, B1ock 1, Christ3.e Add3.t�.on, Anok� Countg, Minr���ot�, ��nqe b���g 7ti5 Bennett ?�r3ve North�ast, 1�ridle�, �innesvta, to perm�.t construetion of �n addit3.on to dv��113n, Por eombinat3.on d3n3ng room sa�d famil� room. Ail neighbor� possibly af'�'�c�t�d by the addition have b�en contacted an� h�ve g3.ven th�ir constnt. ��J�`_ ,� f B�'� P�r�J. D3x n, 7?1�. gen�ett Drive. I�. E. ��PO� �� �i'• T��' Ol�n, 6�-15 Jeck�on Str�et N. E. ,b'Ir;l'Arn ei Qlsen, 61.�3� ��ekson Street N. E. ��� d i' � ls��rom (�ame addresg ) . o rt B�r t, 61�.35'J�ckson Strcet 1�. E. (O�ner) �• �x �[olu� �4.56 J�ckson Street I�. �. r�7" ���d~�� . �r. Clellmont 1�3.lel�on, 77� Ber�r�ett Drive �'. E. �-Ei� m ` Re�u��t b� elem Z. Co�ers.ton, 7t�5 Bennett Drive Nor�h.e'a�t, Fridley, �iinnesota. 55I�21. � ���j � � 4 C O BOA�RD OF APPEALS CITY OF FRIDLEY I rec�uest � vs�3.�nce from S�ction 1�.5026, G3.t�r Code of Fridleg, �I3nnesot� 1y63, Rev3.�ed December 196�}., b� �a3.eer oP fron� �srd rer�ui�ement .from 3S feet to 3U fe�et �nc1 � v�ri�nce from Section li.5.2L�., Cit� Goda vP F�idie�, NiS.nne�ot� lyb3, b� �aiver of �3.de �a�d ��uiretn�nt from 172 faet to 132 fcet an the corn�r �ide af Lot 11� B1oc1� 1, Chri�tie Add3tion, �naka Count�r, l�inne�ot�, �am� be3.ng 7t�5 Bennett DrS.ve No�the�st, Fr3.dle�, �Iinne�ots�, to pe�m�t con�tructior� of �n sdditi.on to d�e113.ng Por comb�r��tion dining �oom - and f�mily �oom. Rec�uest b�r C1�rrs Z. �overston, 7t�5 B�r�nett Dr3ve Northee�t, Fr3dle�, �3.nneso�� 55421. N'e�ghbor� po�,�ibl� aPf�eted bg tY�� �dd3.tion have 'been contected and h�ve �iven �heir con��nt. �r. J�me� J. D3.xon, 77� Bennett �Jrive, 1V. E. �Ir. Terr� 01�on, 6l.�15 J�ek�on Street I�. E. Mr. ,�rn3.e Qlsc�n, 6�},31 J�ekson Street AT. �. Mr. Sid A Phil�trom-(same address) Nlr. Robert Barnett, 6�.35 Jaek�on Street N. E. (avvner) �tlr. A�sx �olu�, 61�.56 J€�ckson Street RT. E. 1Vlr. C1ell�sont 1�3kelson, 773 Bennett ��3ve� I�. E. � OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF APPEALS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Appeals of the City of Fridley will meet in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, July 14, 1970 to consider the following matter: A request for variances of Section 45.053, 4A, Fridley City Code, to reduce the front yard setback requirement from 35 feet to 30 feet and Section 45.053, 4B, Subparagraph 4a, to reduce the sideyard requirement on a corner lot from 17.5 feet to 13.5 feet to permit the construction of an addition onto existing house located on Lot 11, Block 1, Christie Addition, the same being 785 Bennett Drive N.E., Fridley, Minnesota. (Request by Mr. Clem Z. Coveraton, 785 Bennett Drive N.E., Fridley, Minnesota.) Aayone desiring to be heard with reference to.the above matter may be heard at this meeting. ROBERT A. MIIVISH CHAIRMAN BOARD OF APPEALS m REGULAR GbUNCIL MEETING O� J�LY Z0, 1970 � PAGE 12 �• A RE UEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION••�1.5.053, 4B, FRIDLEY CITX COD�, TC� RF�DUGE THE SIDE YARD 5ET�ACK FOR A LIV�816. AREA FRfk�t 10� FEET TO 5 FE�T • TO PEFiI�SIT AN ADDITiON ONTO THE TOP OF AN ATTACHEA GARAGE LOCATEA ON � LOT 26 BLOCK 1. iNNSBRUCK 5TH ADDITION, THE SRME BETNG 1517 BERNE ROAD AT.�, .FRIDI3EY, MINNESOT�. -(REQUES� .BY . RODAT�Y. BILI,MI�N TNC. 151 SII+VER �AKE ROAD, NEW BRIGHTQN, MzNNE30TA):9� The C1ty Engineer reported that the Board of Appeals approved the requestr on� o� the reasons being, it is an odd shaped lot. � -- - .DQOTTAN by_ Councivaan .I,iabl . to grant the variance. to Rodney B.i.].lman InC. a� •xequ�sted. �econded by Coun�il.naan Harris�£cx discussi.on. - - - - e - . Cou�o�l.m�n Haxris ask�d what..was the separation betwe,en the homes. A..- rspr�s�r��a�ive of Rodney �i11m+�n Inc. said aboc�� ?5' �0 80` between �he tw4 buildings. ' , _ _ . . _.. � VOT� I�PON THE, .:dQTI4N, .being a voice. ,vote, . al�.- vot3ng aye, Mayor � Kixkham c�eclaxed th� ma�a.on caxried. �� . � � � 3, �,,.. a R�I , � � � . � � TFi� � � ,� � �� � i Fki; DR: FOR V�Id�11NCE� E FRONT YARt) ON A5.053 �18 NT ORT A. �ORAI� 'RiJCTION OF .AN ;:.1; CEiR�STIE ., OF. SECTIOAT �5..053 r. 4A SUF3PARAGRAPI3 . � r .�'4 ' RE LOT FROM 17.5 FEET TO DDITION ONTO EXISTING'. � MYNAIESOTA (itE�UES � .E.. FRIDLEX, MINNE ON., . THE SANiE .�E BX MR._ CI�EM Z. . TA): �'RiDL£Y_ CTTX CQDE F TO 35 .FEE'� TQ 30 .FE�T � �LTCE TiiE STDEYARD L�.5 FEET TO PERMIT �oUSE. JrOCATED QN L4T =785. BENNETT DRTVE N.E. V �, '� MQTTON bX Caunc3.lman Lieb1 to•concur with the variances as requested by ' Mr. Clem �. Coverston. Seconded by Councilu�an Breider. Upon a yoice vo�e, ;; al�. voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. • + . . . . . .. � � � MOTIQN by Goursci�.znan .B�'a�.de�c to .r�.ceive the Minutes of th�. Boaxd oP Appeals ,,$ Meeting oi July�19, 1970. Seconded by Councilman-.Lieb1.� Upan a.voiae � vo�e, all vating aye, Mayor_Ki.zkham_declared the.motion carried, . ��-,-____� , : .. _ : � . : : . R�CESS: . .. � . . . . . ..-r_.�.. . . _ _ . . �� Ma�or.Kirkham declaxed a recess.from lOz�4.P.M, and.convened at 10:2p F.M. RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR.STREET.IMPROVEMENT PRA7ECT ST. 1970-4: (Bids Opened July 20,.1970, 11:OO:A.M.) Bidder __.r_.�-.-- 81ack Top Service Co. 8ox 2654 .� New Bx'iqhton Dun�cley Surfacing Co. 3756 Gxand St. N.E. Miruieapolis, Mi.nn. aid De�sit Maryland Cas. Co. 5� B:B. Capitol ]�nd. Corp: 5� B.B. Base 5id $112,661.A9 $ 98,722.00 Canpletion Date As specified Novembes 15, 1970