AF-AG - 43477'��i%�- airr.zY tau�i OOST SAARL �C1tEEl�1P? � �,-:� +��. Ys. tbe underai�ea� residina at �l•/-� ��: bAQ�w%TOi�_- I�t%Ql�1: �i✓ '�� . (AOdrsaa� ;,= .w. Ln7r $ $la�.�' / t3/e�+,eR�.� �'S?ws� �' ` — . _ , :Y � (Leaal Deacri ap�s� to participate in a cost • r o� ,a�reese Opsration of a street lisht at ° . -� for Lb� lo�t�llation and --- ------- , fie underatand tDat t�e decision a• to vQen tht li�ht is to pe Snstalled �e at the sole cllacretioA ot tbe Citr. I� additloA the City vill bave Qesretioa as to vhen tbe li�rit is removed. / Ve agree t0 p�y our percentaae of .�.,� of tDe total coat incurr�d er City for the in�tallation and oper�tion of t�i• lisht ��ch y�ar. Me a�ree to sAare any costs incurred Op tQe reao�al or rtpair of thia li�t. will aol� the alao Ye agree th�t thia cost vill se paid to Lhe Cit� py �usust 1 of �scb �ear or tA� cost vill pe automaticall� aaa�a to our pro�rt� asaeasment py OctoDer 1 at each �ea� tor tAe life of tbi� lisht. � This agreement �ill ooatinue as lona as tbe lisht la •t tbi• loc�tion. Ve aaree that tDis agree�ent ia pinains upop our beir�, •uae�ssora. tri:�aferees or asaians ia ioterest. '�►�+� 4r��.:,n�nt iR ��e� tt�ia dav of ��1ii L_, /�� between tbe City of fridle�► �n� �rhti_�4�i_ iaE�_. of,�.� �.�•4�Qac� al� Frid:ey� Minne�ota. , � . ner Sisnature � Br_ �. Ovner Signature State of Hinnesota) ��,;, ) as Count� of �oica ) �n this a4'•�day o �� before �e� a/lotary PuDlic vithin �nd for tbe County of aad tbe 3taye of Ninneaota, peraorullr appeared Tr�,T �Q� •�a `��� M. AAI�-RS�.�N , bus�and ana vife, to �e knovn LO bt tne same peraoa� OescriDeO in and vho eYecuted tbs foreaoi�a inatrument� and acirn a+ledged tDat t�ey tsecuted the aame as tbeir tree act and deed. Thia instr�ment vas dratted p�: Cit� lridley 6A3t IIniversit� A�eAUe Fridle�. Kioaesots 55�32 3/S/t2/10 , . . t bl c — � NANCY J. AHLC}UIST ; aorw�r �ueuc — wra�sor� � � fkNNEYiN COUPITt 1 � N!y com+rss+o� sapi►e JuM Z7.19a6 dK/SY �i�i� t�0_ y R7L � 143�14 ...-J _. ���=�;�'�� Office o�f f��GlSTRAR, OF TITLES BTATE OF MIN�;[::cYfA ' GOUNTY Ur ANUh"A 1 hereby cert��y tha+ the within instriunent M,Q -f lod ui ot�ice on the ____ day o( �Ut 1 91�� 1: 5 n�t�k P_ � A. D. 19 _,. at -- Q. __Ted_,��_Omdahl---R�"�'ar of T�c(e, sy .,Ieaa-�eve�_ _ _ _ _ .-- -- --- - ---- p`p 7V REUt5iKAF OP 7�'j�.E� �.� �--'�""�'�_...."�'.o � �/)',.� ���`�-�"�� � • �i� � ' �����.3-� ���