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Inspection Card - 1120
INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ���� �eterson ��x�xx����$u�� LOCATION 7995 Broad Avenue OWNER - I.12AIJ--a; .P.�T-ERS.Ei� LOT 19-20-21-22 BLOCK L ABD. Rivexview Heights Per�xuY No. Conetruciion I Dale Conlracfor I CosY ; 5893 2373 2061 2373 I 5193 3307 262Q 2621 3307 I 13009 8277 17,007 20,911 21,575 24,137 y i, z ]-59 Building Permit, House Plumbing Permit Heating Permit Plumbing Rough_ Sewer & Water Permit Electrical Permit PLumbing Permit Plumbing Permit Electrical Rough Building Permrt, Alt. Pltunbing Permit Building Permit(Porch) 13uilding Permit(Garage) Electrical Permit Buildzng Permit(Reroof) 5/11/62 7/16/62 8/14/62 8/7/62 8/14/62 9/10/62 12/19(20 12/21/62 9/11/62 6-9-75 2/21/BO 6/15/83 7/2/91 6/25/93 5/3/96 Ivan D. Peterson Jarnig Plumbing Co.i 3arnig Plumbing Co., Jarnig Plumbing Gopher Electric Co, MinneapoLis Gas CoII IMinneapolis Gas Co Owner Minnegasco IRoma Eastwood James Peterson Fraenkel Electric James Peterson $26.00 $15.50 $13.00 $30.00 $19.25 $2,00 $2.00 $21.00 7. 50 63.13 90.00 15.OQ 74.75 F�nal 1/13/64 7/28/80 6/17/92 6/24/93 -__ _ _�� � P#60,032-7/28/8D S#70,781-6/21/83 s##70,885-7/7/83 a#100,261-7/25/91 B#101,003-9/20/91 B#1D3,6ll-6/17/92 E#106,983-6/24/93 B#118,824-5/3/96 Bl1118,857-5/13/96