AF-SOIL - 44095MIDWAY 6-T361 C�G �%aC�Gt PORMERLY OPERATED AS A DEPARTMENT OF TW1N CITY TESTING AND ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC. O F F I C E R 8 CHARLES W. BRITZIUS • Pro:id�nf 2 4 4 0 F R A'N K L 1 N A V E N U E ROBERT F. WITTMAN - Execufive Vice-President NORMAN E. NENtJING - Vic�-Protid�nt S T. P A U L � 4, M I N N. CLINTON R. EUE - Sscrotary 10HN F. GISLASON - 7reasurer �t�g�st 1, 1962 Mi11 Ci�y` Btzild�rs ?32� S�mpho�q I�.nneapaZis 21, Nls.nnesota Attention : I!�r . Trimbl.att G�ntlem�n: ! t i ; ;- r--1 �—; , ; �` � � Res SQi1 laQrings, PropQSed �Iou�es. �'ric9a.��', ��sa�a 4n Ju7.y 30, 1962, we put d�r� thre�a �oi�. �s� borizags tc3 a3.d in �va�.ua.t�,rig �hs so�,1 �dr�dition� �s�r two pr4pc�s�d houses on Ba�hana,�. Str�et Nar�Gheast i.n. F�.dSe�Y, I�1�,zu��t3a�.. The borings �r�re put do�wn a� the �.oc�,tiona3 discu��ed wit�h yo�t �d. au'e a1�e�w�n on tY�e at�a�hed sk��ch. Svrface el.eva�i,c►ns �ere rsferenc�d t� the #�cp af the i�ydxa,nt xh�xe shown, taken as 1��.�' ian a�et�aed eleva�tian). The ].ags o� the bori�gs ax�ci a�hee� giving our methad of soil classifiaation (U. 3. Bureau of SQ��.s� are atta.�hed. The soil wa� v3.su€a.ly a1,as�ifiecl in acaoxdaxic�e Ta3.t,h �he above method. The bc�rings were put dc�wxi unaa��ed, and were cl,eau�ed and advanaed �e3.�h �, 2..j%8 3.nah pipe dril.7.. So3.l sa�tples w�rs talsen wi�h a 2-i.�ah 0. D. spli�.t sa�►pler, and t►�s blp�s per foat iB P F) as gi.ven along th� ri.�b.t side of '�.M�e Za�s wer� xeQOrded or� �hi.s sa�rpl.�r driven by a 14� 3.b. wei,�h�t fa�.ing 3a inches, �he �sans�t,��a� �f tyhe �h+��iva snil �ras rated by the pene�trati.�n of the �ampl.ear. �'he pre�ent surfaei� af the two lo�s ��.c�pes dc� from tha nor�th towards the soatl�. 3�ar°face elevation� a�t tha bar3.n�s vary abQUt 4�' . Tt may b�, �ee� by the la�� vi thm. borin.�� �ha� fi11 w�..� fourzd tc� dep�hs of 9�' and �� at 'bc�t�ing� 1 and 3 re�pecti�],,v. �.'h.e natc�ral. so�.l varies px�imar�,�r fro�t sar�,dy �o l�an clayey �oi�.s w3th the ���pt3.on e�f the loa�, and s3.lty loa.m found �tzs� below th� fi]1 at borings 1 and 3. A dark aolora+d topsoil 1a�er was found just below �he ��,].1 at bor3,�gs ]. �d: 3, but non� w�.s ��ount,�red a� baring 2. The pen�tra�ion resistance of �he sandy and 1.ean clayey �a3,18 3:� moder- ately goc�el.. No ground wa�i,er entet+ed the bc�r3.ngs at the tima thie work wa� done. �Te a�sum� that the ha�e� Sai,Sl have basements at a d�pth of abot�� 6� below st.ree� lervel. At boring� 2 and 3. �he fotzz�da��,ans wia,1 b� r�st,3,�ng c�n the na'�ura1 �c�il which �u7.d be svita.ble far noa�nal �pr�ad ioating fovnd.afi�ions. Sn the area a� bar3.�g �„ a� ssug�es� tha.�t the f aunda�.ior�s be ta�c�n; down thro�g� th� �'3.11 and tvpsAil. wh�.ch w�x�e fbund fi.t� a � ' � � AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE �CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF TM! CLIENT.� � Page 2 Prc�pased �c�uu��s, Fr3.d3.e�, Minnee�c�t,a depth af about 12' . Th� st�,ff a1,a,y 1�►am �pu��d at a depth c�f �,�' a�, 't�,.� �,4�a"��:� ��d b� sua.tabl� fbr narma.l. ho�m ,�aur�datiQn�. ��a�,u�e o�' �� 4ans�.d��rab� �1e�►t� Q� ��l a� boring 1, a4r�iderat�:�n rsoti�d, b� g�v�exi tc� �he �ss �+f ��,Ax� a�u1 �r'� b�a�.' Fm� _ :ir�di.�r3.dua1 fc�otings p],aeed t�n �,e ���.�� cl� 1Qam, � s�t8��o�t a �.� �.� ��' � '� �a� gau�ts per sqraaax�� fvo�. �.� lc+aci�.�tg Wot�.d. havs a t�.�or�t,�.aa�, �'a�t,o� Qf +�s�ei�r. �f a� least � a.�a3.�s� an a��ua,7. sb�ea:r ��.l�re an�d ��o'�d. not rq�.'� 3� d�'��►�'�3. ` �et�.ement. i'1�� ex3.st3ng fill and tapas+a3.1. appeax, st��,t.a�.b�e � 1ea�.� ir� placse ben�►th �h� �.c�r s],�b.- Abnut 5t396 of t,he �cil �aum�ple� �r3.a.l be h�ald a� thi.s c�t�3.co �`cr a pe►a�3.od' o� ��at�s �d w3.11 thsn be di.�Caxded �1,.es$ � a��s mc+�i�'�.ad �cr ho�.d i�h�� f�r a�.c+�r psr�+�d q��' '��a►. 3'he r��ommendat3,.ar�s and%or sug��e'�3i.ons �onta.�ed 3'za� '� reA�r� are� �c�ar �P:1�i.�a ba�e�d an data which are a�stu�d tA be rop�a��anta��vs o� the ��.ts ��p�.pred,; 'k�r�� beca� 'h,ho aa°ea `of the baririgs 3,n rela�3.c�n te� thm e�t3�.r� ar�a 3.� we�' s�a.I.�:, a� fc�r ot��ir �e��c, . we do not �arrax�t Qa�sii.t3,.on$ beSow ��ua depth� c►f o�wr bc►rin�s, az� '�at �he ��ra�tra Te►�. ix°om aur borings are neoe�sar3.�,y� �p�,aal ot' the e�nti�C �ite. Vex'y'. �xv1.Y Yc��ars, _ �ou, ��Ax��zar� ea�r� �s.if�a A. w�., p. �. �TAw: cr enc�. caa a Marion Aill� Develop�uan�t ��mPat�►' , � � � ' �06 OI� TEST BORINRiS so1L �XPLQRATION �iPANY _ ' PROJECT: P�4POS� �II�S �� BUCH�TAN �Tf� N+(�iTi�A�T, P"RT�?�Y, b�N�3t�A LABORATORY NQ,: �q�� V@RTICAL SCIALB: �,p a�}� BORING NO.� aQRINp NO. 2 fYR/Aqi q.[V. WR►A�'R ;Id1/. D�PTi�I B P F DtPTM t � 1� F �t �� 8 Bx�c�mx� sa�* lwa� (��.�t� �,th � a,�.tt9.e �ra�l aAd sc» 1ami.nat�.Qns uf ��d. 11 Fil]., m4s�.7.y� browrs �et a 13.tte7.e dark gra�.sh brc�wr� sa�d�* loa�� c�.�q' at�d cl�y laa� �.t.h a 1i��3.e �,rave�l �' ' llark gray3.sh hrarn Ic>am 11�t. tmoi.at) 12„ �iltv 3.aam B�c3wn �1ay 1�a� ist�,f� tA v�ry s�tiff) w3�h a 13.�,�1.e grav�l � b] Note �1 z i�ois�} w3.�h. a 13.ttle grav�l �tc�te : No wafi,�r in bar�g �ien c�hecked i�neci�3�.�e�,Y a3tsr com�plet3.on c►r wiie�n reahe�k�. 5 hour� �.8.'{.�r. � ' • 8 6 � 5 E�3 1� 12 26 �� ?�' 11 �3.�ht br<r�n f�e :a�cl (�o�.�a�#) wi�h, a. 1i'�tle grav�►1 t��, NQt¢ �1.: {�ft� �i�th a 1i��1.s �ra'�'e� , l� � : �1� �ater �.n bor3�g � al�s�ked �d.,�.at�l�' affi.er complet�.om. . 0 � 55 L06 OF TE3T BORIMQS sol� �XP�.�oRAT1oN �PANY , - P�OJ�CT: PRpPOrSED FtU�i� �i3 B�'3�AN STR$�'i' �E�,'�AS"1,'y F�D�L'� �SE3'�'A - I.ABORATORY NQ.: J�`�'� VERTICAL SCALB: �p �aa �,f BORING NO.� aC>RING NO.��,... . DEPTi�i su�r�c� R�sv. B r!► 4tl�TH �us��aK s�sv. S P R �t.. 9 .$� i �''3.3.a. � }'�S'�'+}�' �31r'mWT1 Al'�. � dark gra�3.�sh b� ��,q lc�a� and 3.oaa� wit�h a 13.tfia.e gravel 1? �'' - � `. r�m es ra esr � �,q 6t� Br4wr� a1a� 7.oa� (ra�h�r �ti.if fiA �ry s�if�) �.th 1� � 1.�.tt,3.e �ra.vel �1. a fex �.a�tia� @f ��,nci �.� �.8 1� 1.. ' Brr�� i�e aand. ira�3,�t) wi�. a� a.3,�t.1.e $ra.vel a�d ��, a lsnsse c�f sa�dy' l�a�n 1�, � a,� 1�' �o e : �o �:trer in bor� whan ah�ecsksd i�ed�i.a#�3y aS'�r ct�arglet�,o�. � 1 if i • � • � U. S. BURFjAU OF SOII� CLASSIFICATIOPI SYSTEM We use the U. S, Bureau of Soils method of soil classification which is based on the texture of the soil. The texture of a soil is influenced by the amaunt of the various sizes of soil particles in the soil. The soil particles are grouped into three pa.rticle size classifications as followse Particle-Size niameter of U. S. Standard Classification Particles(Millimeters) Sieve Sand 2.0 to Oo05 #10 to #270 Silt 0.05 to 0,005 (Gannot be sepa.rated Clay Smaller than 0.00$ by sieving) Soil is grouped into twelve silt and clay present in the triaxial graph� bas�c classifications according to the percentages of san,d, soil. These classifications are shown by the following 10 CLAY NDY CLAY 0 SILT SANDY CLAY LQAM 2p CLAY LOAM .. SANDY LOAP� 10 � LQAM 0 � 100 90 80 ..�; Sk JD — � SIL' CIAY : SILTY LOAM j' SILT \100� 20 0 This same classification system in tabular iorm is as followso BASIC SOIL CL�SSIFICATION Sand Loamy sand Sandy loam Loam Silty loam Silt Sandy clay loam �lay loam Silty clay loam Clay Sandy clay Silty clay �1ND 90 - 100� 80 - 90 50 .. 80 30 _ 50 0�50 0-20 50 - 80 20_50 0-30 o _ So 50-7� o-zo SILT 0 - 10 0-20 0-50 .30 _ 50 �0 - 80 80 - 100 0-30 zo-5o 50 � 80 0-50 o-zo 50 - 70 CLAY 0 - 1 o_zo o_zo o_zo 0 - 20 0-z0 zo - 30 zo - 30 zo - 30 30 - 100 30 - 50 30 - 50 We classify the sand present in a soil as coarse (��10 - i�20 s�eves), medium (#20 -�4,0 sieves), fine (#40 -#100 sieves), very fine (#100 -#270 sieves), or as well graded. Soils with an appreciable amount of gravel present are classified "with a little gravel" (less than 15�), "with some gravel" (15 to 30;b)� "with gravel" (30 to 5(3�), "and gravel" (over 50�). Material over 3 inches is classified as boulderse Organic soil is'classified as"peat" (over 2�3 organ�material) or "muck" (1/3 to 2��rganic material},• (3-15-6i) y. � .� � � � . . . .