AF - 35689� i� � Caty of Fridley, Mi.nn. BUILDING PERMIT Date: _ Oct . 15, 1968 � Owner: --+� o��.��5L�31.� Pn Builder _, ame �.,, Ad&� 5835 Central Ave. N. E. Ad� Same � ��� � N� 9986 LOCATION OF BUILDING No. 5 835� s�t � Central Ave . N. E.� �„ p� of Lot � 30 __ gl� 4 Addition or Sub-Division ....._... Parkview Ad�n.. Corner Lot — Inside Lot ....� Setback _._._.._ Sideyard �W� ���� — � Founda.tion IIevation DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING To be Used as: Addn , t o Gar .�t 2 2' �p� 10' Height ._._ Sq. F� 2 2 � C,u, Ft, 15 40 Front Depth I�eight —.. Sq. F't Cu. F't Type of Construction Frame ��, �_.__�..450.00 __ To be Completed In consideration oP the issuance to me of a p x7nit to ��the buil�ing dp crlbed abo've pagree to do th� proposed work in accordance wlth the descri tion ab e se �¢i :�ii com liance with a'll rovisiona of ordinances of the dty of Frfdley. �' y� In consfderatfon oP the payment of a fee of $ 5. 00� � pe�qt is hereby granted to J ohn �. Swans on to conatruct the building or addition as described above. Thispe rmit is gra.nted upon the expresa condition that theperson to whom it ia granted aad his agents, employees and worl�sen, in all work. dane in, around and upon said building, or any part thereof, sl�all conform in all respects to the ordinanceg oi FridleY� Minnesota regarding location, construction, alteration, maintenance, repair aud moving of bufldin�s �� dty limits and thia permit may be revoited at any time upon violation of aay of the proviaiona of ea�d B�ilain8' Inapector �� NOTICE: '�his penek do� no� eever ths eoastrucHoe, Mshllaffoe ier vrUtee. P�+�B, 6+� 11e+�e, ssw�r er wafsr. B� wn �o a� tha Buildhre Imp�eto� far a�psraM parmlls fo� �has ihms. ,, APPZICATION FOR BUIT�DINC PIl�MIT � �• : � • � � '•H ' 1�� J 1% / X i l 1'JI' 1 _.___._ __.__.. __. _ � ��� ,i��"'- // � � ' 11' `i l I�C�ATgON OF BUII�UIl�T� NO o � S'17RE�+ " � [rt�U i' � � LOT � �D BLOCK � .A�]DITION OR SUBDIVISION ��i.a.-�.> COR��'Eft LOT I�TSIDE y0T '�` SEI'BACK SII)�;YgRD SEWER ELEVATIOTT TOP OF �'OCTII\TG Applic�.n,t atitach to thi.s io�. T�po �e�tificates o�" Su�vey of° Lot a:c�d propo�ed build�.�..g lo�atio�°� ol.�a�n, orb -ch�s� Ce�tiia.cates o �ESCRI�T101V 0�' BIIIIsDZ1VG To Be ��ed Ass CC' d�-r.�w,�. Fron+, Z� �ppth -��� Height � �quare �°eet Cubic Fe�t Front De�th Height Squ�,re �eet LZO Cubic Feet (.�� o Type of Construction E�timated Cost �..�D "—� To Be Completed }%l%.a.e.� ( �j � yn The undereig:n.ed hexeby ma,k�� application for a permit for the taork he�ein specifi�d9 a.gY^ee�ag to do all work i.n etrict accord.�,.n.ce with the City of Fridley Ordinances a..nd ru.lix�.g� o� the Department oi Build�gs, and her°eby decla,�e� that alI the facta atad repr�eser�tatiox�.s stated in this applicat° n a e t�ue �.�.d co�reeto D �v � - ATE % �o ��GNATU�R.E � �� (Sche�.ule of �'ee Co�ts cazs be fourid o t e Reve�se Sideo ) ��� '��S �� �. ` � r � � _ " s � < B�IIaDING PERMIT �"EE SCHED�I,E SECTION 2o The Inspector of Building� shall, before issu�.ng permits for the e�ection oi any building o� �txu.ctux°�9 or ior any addition to any existit�g �t�u.cture or bui�.�.ing9 or �or a.ny �,lter�.tion or repairs to any exi�ti.ng buildi.rig or st�uctu��9 upon application. therefos�:, �equzre the pa,yment by the �.gaplic�aa.t io?^ such permit oi fee� to the affioura.t he�ea.n below �et io�th and in the ma.,�ner herei�a provided to�wit: Un.iform Buildit7.g Code a Type � 9 2 9&¢-$1 0 75 for each one thou�a.n.d cubic feet, or iraction thereoi9 in such cubical c:onte:rzt�o Type 3& 5- $1 0 50 for each one thousara.d eubic i°eet o For the purpose oi comgut�.ng fees for building permits9 the cubical contents of any build�.ng or addition to a u.niform height throughout by multiplying the ground area covered from a point s�x (6� inches below the floor line of the basement or the ceilar to the average height of the upper surface or to the average height oi the roof �uriace of the main ga.ble of a pitched. roof o For repa.irs or alterations to an existi..ng �t�uctu�e, the fee �hall be at the rate oi $3e00 per each f"ive hund.red dollars ($500000� or fraction thereof in the co�t of all ��oposed worka In no cas� shall the ��e �ha�ged ior any permit as set ?orth �.�. Section 2 be le�s than, $5a00o NSSSD Connection Charges ba�ed ot�. location - A:�ea 1 ox 20 �"1 r . `� ^ :� .. _ 0 —��'�— ��" j r1 a r u,�' t? `�-- " .'. � -� -�=iz _z�i__ "Fl iit _��.. ���_3.,:;�3S ' v �r 4 � 11 � � ._._. � _._.,_-__..._._.�...�__, ��s... ta --.�._� - � - .� _.__. 1� L . �s- - ' "� � � J � ��/�,9 _� io -- �3 � f> <�3 • .`/�ttN " 1�' Se,1.� /-� IJ50 r.j _ . _ 5&35 CEn�rR��. l�,�E ---- ._____ --. - h.Z. � . �- O-- - Q C� � �f `$- � .i P7 _ YY1 �� �� �i ! - ,.s�' _.. -._ . .. .. _ _ .. _.... _ . . . . ___ �1.<71�7!i.)y <^a..t- ��; C°G�llc`F2E_ Y't`__ . � ,+t �t ii, (J r�° � . i-' i.� .' p'. � _ '. _ '_ ' . L • '� � y`%._.__ �tcl..r Tr rc; y . .. . .- . _'._ . _ ._ . .._. _ ... _ .$/ � -. _ .. . . ' 'Sl� ff � CS�,..,� !�' .a ! Rt `9"� � x.___ t c�v �- t r r� !� _-- � t ,(. �'--. = S S?_ : sra __ _.'- i T� r- �''_..___ ._._ _^_._ . -- -- - — ---P..�,-___,._. _.. _ .. �'4 z°; r"f � �+_�,. �i✓ CGMr'!ri z�.-�_�_`���_.._.._ .. -� ----r� a. . . -- � . _. . .- .- . - -_.,F ____. ..... __ __.�.� ivn_.�. %�.,r.rr�ci _�=j--°______._.___._...._..___ -- � _ - --� . - - - -- __ .- - -- -?;� �� r�- � ; ,! � t.. r ,; ,� ; :.,_, ,.., r . �: . ,s �, ;;�:;:, ��ti _ � v4 CtTYOF FRIDLEY FRIDLEY MUNICIPAL CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MN 55432 •(612) 571-3450 • FAX (612) 571-1?87 August 9, 1990 Richard and LoRaye Hedlund 5835 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, I�I 55432 RE: Property at 5835 Central Avenue N.E. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hedlund: On July l, 1990, the City of Fridley began a new program called Systematic Code Enforcement. This program is designed to provide fair and equitable code enforcement, improve the City's appearance, and maintain property values by creating a more attractive suburban environment. Under this program, all properties in the City will be inspected approximately once each year to ensure that they are in compliance with the Fridley City Code. A recent inspection of your property revealed that not all Code requirements are presently being met. Listed below are item(s) which do not comply with the Code: 1. Discontinue outside storage of tree chunks, wood, and brush located in front yard. (Fridley Zoning Code does permit storage of stacked firewood in the side or rear yard.) Your prompt attention in correcting this problem would help us in our effort to improve the City. A reinspection will be conducted on or about August 23, 1990, at which time compliance is anticipated. Please call me at 572-3595 if you have questions or wish to discuss this further. Thanks for your cooperation! Sincerely, Steven Barg Code Enforcement Officer SB:ls C-90-590 _ Cj��F FRtDLEY FRfDLEY MUNICIPAL CENTEK •(�31 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, M�ti Si=�32 •(6121571-3450 • FAX (612) 571-1287 August 31, 1994 Richard and Loraye Hedlund 5835 Central Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 RE: Property at 5835 Central Ave. N.E. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hedlund: Recently, it has come to my attention that two trees located along the east side of your property have large branches which appear to be dying. Although this situation does not constitute a code violation, it could pose a potential safety hazard and liability to you. i would request that you look into this matter further, and consider taking whatever action may be appropriate to adequately protect your property and those properties adjacent to your residence. Fee free to call me at 572-3595 if you have questions, or wish to discuss this further. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Steven Barg Code Enforcement Officer SB:da C-94-436 JVOJCV� c�ty of Fridley A7 THE TOP OF THE TWINS � U I L D 1 N G P E R M I T ;, ,� ; �V _ COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT DIV. r � � PROTEC7IVE INSPECTION SEC. . _ . � �"'1 � CITY NALL FRIOLE� 33�32 NUMBER nEv ������ � ,�� 612-571-3450 910-F15 �oe nooRess 5835 Central Avenue NE 1 LEGAL LOT NO. 9LOCK TRACT OR ADDITION OESCR. 3Q 4 Parkview Manor 2 PROPERTY OWNER MAIL ADDRES$ Richard Hedlund 5835 Central Avenue NE 3 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS Same 4 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS 5 ENGINEER MA1L ADDRESS 8 USE Of BUILDING Residential 7 CIASS OF WORK 10/16/00 ZIP IIP PAGE Oi � � PERMI 3i4�7 CEIPT N ���� �PPROYED BY SEE ATTACNED SIiEET PHONE 571-7664 PF10NE LICENSE NO PMONE UCENSE NO PHONE LICENSE NO 0 NEW O ADDITION O ALTERATION �] REPAIR O MOVE D REMOVE 8 OESCRIBE WORK Reroof House & Gara.ge (26 Sq) Tear—off 8 CHANCiE Of USE FROM TO STIPULATIONS � Underlayment must comply with the State Building Code. SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, NEATING, � TrC vr wns�. VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERM17 BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CpNSTRUCTION 20NING AUTHORI2ED IS NOT COMMENCED V�IITHIN 80 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERI00 OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED NO DW4G. UNITS 1 MEREBV CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ ANO �XAMINED THIS APP�ICATION 1 AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORREC7. ALL PROVISIONS Of L,AWS ypLUATION ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TVPE OF WORK WI�� BE COMPLIED @ WITH WHE7HER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. TME GRANTING OF A pERM1T W2,659 DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORI7Y TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL TME pERM17fEE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHEH STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- STRUCTION OR THE PERfORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION �83. ZS S�GN�IA�O�CON:�iCTOpON4UTMQq12EDA T IDA7�� � STALIS r IP OCCUPANCVLOAD CU FT. STREET PARKING IGARAGES ' $1.33 SAC CMARGE F e SC $2.66 T AL FEE $87.24 IA 0 THIS IS YQUR PERMIT z_ //S../�/ _ N� � � Effective 1/1/2000 ADDN [] CITY OF FRIDLEY (763) 572-3604 Bldg Insp ALTER [] SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEXES R-1 AND R-2 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Construction Address: � � �� �h T � j � �, �/� ; Legal Description: Owner Name � Address: �h � Tel.# .�7�-7��r Contractor: MN LICENSE # ' Address: Tel. # Attach to this application, a Certificate of Survey of the lot, with the proposed construction drawn on it to scale. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT LNING AREA: Length Width Height Sq. Ft. GARAGE AREA: Length Width Height Sq. Ft DECK AREA: Length Width Hgt/Ground Sq. Ft. OTHER: _ � r oo(� v�c Se a� r���. S�, .��v �� %�o- l�'F P/ Construction Type: Estimated Cost: $ Driveway Curb Cut Width Needed: Ft. + 6 Ft = Ft x$ - DATE: �� /� �- �o APPLICANT: � L° Tel. # �7 �� � �� � CITY USE ONLY - Call (763) 572-3604 for Permit Fees if mailing in application Permit Fee ,� .��� $ , Fee Schedule on Reverse Side Fire Surcharge $ ��� %.001 of Permit Valuation (1/10th%) State Surcharge $ /� 3 � $.50/$1,000 Valuation SAC Charge License Surcharge Driveway Escrow Erosion Control Park Fee $, $. $1100 per SAC Unit $5.00 (State Licensed Residential Contractors) $ Alt. "A" or Alt. "g" Above $ $450.00 Conservation Plan Review $ Fee Determined by Engineering , Sewer Main Charge $ Agreement Necessary [ J Not Necessary [ j TOTAL STIPULATIONS: $ �?-� � BUII..DING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE The Chief Building Official shall, before issuing permits for the erection of any building or structure, or for any addition to any existing building or structure, or for any alteration or repair to any existing building or siructure, upon application therefore, require the payment by the applicant for such permit of fees to the amount herein below set forth and in the manner herein provided to-wit: TOTAL VALUE $1 to $500 $501 to $2,000 $2,�1 to $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 $50,001 to $100,Q00 $100,�1 to $500,000 $500,001 to $1,OOO,Q00 $1,000,001 and up FEES $23.50 $23.50 for first $500 plus $3.05 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,0� $69.25 for first $2,OOQ plus $14.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $391.25 for first $25,000 plus $10.10 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000 $643.75 for first $50,000 plus $7.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $993.75 for first $100,000 plus $5.60 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000 $3,233.75 for the first $500,000 plus $4.75 for each additional $1, 000 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000 $5,608.75 for the first $1,OOO,Q00 plus $3.15 for each additional $1, 000 or fraction thereof DRIVEWAY DEPRESSION ESCROW (Concrete C�ub Streets Only) Alternate "A": Removal and replacement of curb and gutter only - Driveway width plus 6 feet tunes $15.50. Altemate "B": Removal and replacement of curb and gutter and install a 3 foot wide approach with 6 inch depth - Driveway width plus 6 feet times $23.25. VERIFICATION OF FOUNDATION Pernuts for construction will be issued a minimum of 24 hours from the time �f application to allow for proger review of the proposed structure and of the construction site. A Certificate of Survey of the lot, showing the locadon of the foundation once it has it has been constructed will be required before proceeding with the framing. New Houses Onlv �