AF-R - 37052✓ � ���r�� , _..,�. '`` .� �April 23, 1982 � i CITY OF FRIDLEY 8031 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55C32 D1r. Herbert W. Bacon 6525 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 TELEPHONE ( 612)571•3450 Re: Repair & Maintenance of the Rental Property Located at 6537 Central Avenue N.E., Fridley, MN Dear Mr. Bacon: It was confirmed by an on-site inspection on April 23, 1982 that the above listed rental property was being maintained in violation of Chapter 220, Residential biaintenance Code, of the Fridley City Code. The inspection on the above date found the following list of def.iciencies which must be corrected. Any repairs or improvements must be completed in a workmanship like manner. It is the City's hope that similar or �ther deficiencies that were not noted will be corrected as needed. 1. Provide and maintain an approved handrail for the basement steps and � the top half o£ the stairs leading to th e second story. � -�� � 2. Provide and maintain a smoke detector, to be installed according to the manufacturer's specifications, i.mmediately adjacent to the bedrooms on the first and second £loors. Any questions as to type a.nd location should be directed to the City Fire Departrnent. - - �-� ''' 3. Enclosed you wi11 find a copy of the energy retrofitting requirements that were adopted by the Fridley City Council in March, 1982. Pleaae note that the ordinance requires that all exterior windows, doors; rim joists, joints and utility openings be effectively caulked and weather- stripped to seal off drafts and reduce energy losses, Although these are manditory requirements, it is the City's hope that each property owner will realize that the money and energy savings and the increased comfort to the occupant, would more than compensate for th? cost of doing a permanent quality job of sealing up these openings. A reinspection will be conducted on or about May 24, 1982 to determine compliance. We are confident in your cooperation on these matters and if any questions or problems arise, please feel free to call on me at 571-3450. Mr. Herbert W, Bacon April 23, 1982 Re: 6537 Central Avenue N.E. Page 2 Failure to abate these violations may result in this matter being turned over tA the City Prosecutor for his legal consideration. Sincerely, �;�� ,�� STEVEN J. OLSON, R.S. Environmental Officer SJO/mh Ei7C: 2 .� � �ATE: OWNEP.: CITY OF FRIOLEY, SUBJECT RESIDENTIAL RIIVTAL PROPERTY 643'1 UNIVERSITV AVE. NE. Fq1OLEY, MN. 6543E (6'12157'1-3OSO �$PECTI�N REPORT page Iti:CRE55: M OF L'NITS: RPSI�ENT MA:iAGeR: AD�RE55: TELEPHONE N0. CIRCLED ITE[�15 ARE AD�RE55: TELEFNONG I10. of APT. k ING DIAINTENANC£ CODE, AND 1. Driveway/Parking iot - Q)not hardsurfaced Q)insufficient (3)no stziping (4)chuck holes (5)surface 6reaks (6)littered (7)junk vehicles 2. Refuse Area -(1)area littered (2)rodents; CONTAINEFS: (3)not rovered (4)not screened (5)inadequate 3. La�dscapinq -(1)not maintained (2)dead vegetation (3)cut grass (4)cut weeds 4. Door=, Nindows, Screens -(1)louse-fitting (2)holes (3)not caulked or weatherstripped (4)painted suzfaces need mai�tenar.ce (5)broken glass (6)locks don't work 5. Walls/Fnundation -(1)holes (2)cracks or openings (3)noC weatherprocf; POOR REPAIR: (9)paint (5)brick 6. Fnof -(1)leaks (2)trim needs maintenance (3)downspouts misdirected; MISSItJG: (9)shingles (5)soffit or roof vents 7. General -(1)r.o address #'s (2)fire lanes unmark�d; uTEPS: (3)unsafe (4)no handrail; ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: (5)not mainiained (6)incorrect locaticr. INTERIOR CO.MMIX9 ARPAS 8. i.icense -(1)not posted (2)no resident manager 9. SGiir.ray(s) -(1)littered (2)obstcucted (3)har�drail missing/loose (4iliqhting inadequate; TREADS/RISE1t5: (5)loose (G)broken (')imsafe; FIREWORS: (8)not self-closing (9)yropped open (10)unapproved construction 10. Hallwa+�s - Q)lighting i�dequate (2)littezed (3)u6structed (4)no exit lights; FIREDOORS; (5)unapproved cor.structian (6)not self-closin9 (7)propped open 11. Wa11=., Floozs, Ceilings -(llnot clean (2)poor zepaiz (3)holes (G)cracks (5)peeling paint (6)stains (7)missing tiles 12. Electrical - LIGNTS OR OLTLETS: (ilinadequate Q1non-working (3)poor repair (4)improperly wired (5)not grounded 13. Fire Frevention -(1)no fire alann system or pull stations for 4 or more units; EXTINGl1ISHERS: (2)missing (3)unapproved type (4)size (5)location (6)no current service date 19. Storaqe Areas -(i)flam�able storage (2)unlocked (3)under stair area unprotected (4)littered (5)not clean INTE4IOA FURNACE/LAUNDRY AREAS 15. Fire Prevestion -(1)flazm2aule storage; E%TINGUISNERS: (2)missing (3)unappzoved type (4)size (5)location (6)no curzent service date; FIREDOORS: (7)not self-closin9 (B)pzopped open (9)unappzoved construction 16. Walls, Floors, Ceiling -(1)not clean (2)pooc repair (3lhole� (4)cracks (5)peelinq paint (6)stains (7)missing tiles 17. Appliances -(1)unapproved gas piping (2)no shut offs (3)flexible connectors (4)TPR valves missin9 (5)no exten=ion tn floor (6)open gas lines; MISSING OR NON-FUNCTIONING: (7)furnace (8)wa[er hea[er (9)vasher(s) (10)dryer(s); FLUE: (11)loose connx tions (12)holes (17)improper pitch (4)no backdzaft diverter (15)no make-up air 18. Pbanbing -(1)no laundry sink (2)leaking hot/cold faucets (3)waste not vented or leaking (4)uncovered floor- dzain (5)leaking water lines (6)no nnnin9 wa[er (7)no hot wates 19. Electrical -(1)inadequa[e service (2;over fusing (3)improper qrounding across water metez (4)non-working liqhts cr outlets (5}inadeGuate wiring or ground (6)temporary viring (7)extension cozds 20. General -(i)insect or zodent in:esr.ation (2)littezed (3)obstructed IINIT INSPECTION: k BLDROOMS 1 2 3 EFF. Missing Number on Door KIYCHEN 21. $�� -(1)no running water (2)yooz repair (3)leakifg hot/cold faucets (4)wastc no[ vented or leaking 22. Walls, Floor, Ceilino -(1)no[ clean (2)poor repair (3)holes (4)cracks (5)peeling paint (6)stains (7)missing tile 23. Electrical - LIGHTS OR OUTLETS: (1)inadequate (2)poor repair (3)non-working (4)improperly wized or qrounded 24. Stnve/REfziqerator -(1)not provided (2)poor repair (3)non-working; GAS CONNECfION: (4)no shut off (5)flexible piping BATHIXJOM 25. Hand Sirik 6 eathinq Facility -(1)not present (2)poor repair (3)leaking hot/cold faucets (4)no runninq water (5)waste not vented or leaking 26. Toil?t -(1)non-f,uictior,ing (2)leaking (3)no running water (4)no anti-siphon ball cock (5)m sea[ 27. Walls, Floor, Ceilirg -(1)not clean (2)pooz tepair (3)holas (4)cracks (5)peeling paint (6)stains (7)missin9 tile 28. Electrical - LIGHTS OR OUTLETS: (1Jinadequate (2)poor repair (3)non-working (4)improperly wired or grounded 29. Genezal -(1)not within the aparbnent (2Jacces& through bedzoom (3)no door (4)no mechanical or natuzal vent BEUkOOMS 30. Walls, Floor Ceilinq -(1)not clean (2)poor repair (3)holes (4)czacks (5)peeling pain[ (67stains (7)missing tile 31. Electrical - LIGHTS OR OUTLETS: (1)inadequate (2)poor repair (3)non-workinq (4)improperly wired or qrounded 32. General -(1)no dooz; ESCAPE WIM`OW: (2)too small (3)too high off floor (4)obstructed LIVING ROOM/HALLY7AY5 33. walls, Floor, Ceilir.q -(1)not clean (2)poor repair (3)holes (4)cracks (5)peelinq paint (6)stains (7)missing tile 34. Electsical - LIGHTS OR OuTLETS: (1)inadequate (2)poor repair (3)non-working (4)improperly wired or grounded 35. Smoke Detector -(1)not provided (2)non-working (3)improper location GENERAL 36. Ibors, Winda+s, Scre=ns -(1)loose-fitting (2)holes (3)not caulked or weatherstripped (4)windows not openable (5)no screens (6)bmxen glass (7)locks don't work 37. Insects/RDdents - (1)easy access (2)harborage (3)food �urces (4)pzesent (5)exterminate 38. Heat -(1)inadequate (68°F, at all times) (2)not provi.ded [ ��.�. w7! \ �